LSGA Newsletter Lakeland Senior Games Association Fall 2017 There is a lot happening in the coming months. SEPTEMBER 29-30 8 Ball provincials take place in Red Deer. OCTOBER 1 The Awards Banquet will be going on in Viking. OCTOBER 25 A cash Fun Day will be happening in Bonnyville. NOVEMBER 8 The Fun Day that is on the Activity Schedule in Craigend is CANCELLED. DECEMBER 7 Two Hills will be hosting an MPC in Floor Curling. Check out your 2017 Activity Schedule for further information. 2018 ALBERTA 55 PLUS SPRING PROVINCIALS CAMROSE APRIL 13, 14 & 15, 2018 Zone 4 is pleased to announce that Camrose has been chosen to host the 2018 Spring Provincials. The activities will include Cribbage, Con- tract Bridge, Floor Curling, Military Whist, 8 Ball, Snooker, and Crafts. Hot lunches have been arranged at the venues for Saturday and Sunday. Registration will be at the Mirror Lake Centre on Friday from 1 pm to 4 pm. As up-dates are available, they will be posted to the website and sent to area directors. WE’LL SEE YOU IN CAMROSE! 1 ZONE 7 ACTIVITY SCHEDULE 2018 Lakeland Seniors Zone 7 Activity Schedule 2018 Date Activity centre Send entries to January February MPC floor Elk Point Lucille Smith March 14 MPC Tofield Lorraine April 23 Fun Day Kinsella Bob Cormack Enter by Apr.16 Crib, floor curl, mil. Whist 780-336-2641
[email protected] April 20 AGM and Board Mt Vilna May 16 MPC Vilna Susan Nay June MPC Clandonald September 19 Fun day of floor curling, crib and Cold Lake Nancy Donnelly 780 594 2757 military whist October Fun day Bonnyville
[email protected] November Fun Day Craigend Nick Burdek Enter by Nov.