POPE BLESSES U. S. PRIEST'S DEFENSE OF FAITH Tbe Register Has the International Kews Service (Wire and H a il), the N . C. W . C. Kews Service (Including Radios and Cables), Maryknoll Priests Its Own Special Service, Lumen Service ot China, International Illustrated News, and N . C. W . C. Picture Smrvice. Great Apostolate Local Local The New Republic, which Edition Edition used to be inclined to canon­ Make 60 Converts Being Promoted by ize everything Soviet Russia THE did, and is still radical, says that day by day the Russian Each in Far East Fr. Richard Felix purge goes on, and nobody knows how many have been put to death or imprisoned. 12,549 Baptisms Registered; Catholic Popu­ 150,000 Pieces of Literature Distributed; 400 Nearly every person who lation in Five Districts Reaches REGISTER(Name Registered in the U. S. Patent O ffice) Radio Programs Broadcast in ‘‘made the Russian revolution is gone.” The diplomatic corps 56,675 in 1937 America, Australia has lost many of its most VOL. XIV. No. 3 DENVER, COLO., SUNDAY, JAN. 16, 1938 TW O CENTS experienced members and Maryknoll, N. Y.— (Special)— As Maryknoll priests Pilot Grove, .— With 150,000 pieces of Catholic many important posts have each made an average of 60 converts, the Catholic popula­ literature already distributed, with 400 radio programs I>een given to green men. tion in Maryknoll mission fields of the Orient passed the The Mayor^s Chair Is Full loom and his two ^ broadcast over 27 stations in the United States and two : Eight o f the highest leaders 50,000 mark in 1937 for the first time, with 56,675 listed in daughters sit down in Papa’s new office at Boston. Young Mayor stations in Australia, and with the blessing of the Holy o f the army have been “ liqui­ five ecclesiastical divisions. A sixth Maryknoll field, that Tobin, who succeeds Frederick W. Mansfield, is a Catholic. On his Father, the Defenders of the Faith, directed by the Rev. dated.” TTie Presidents or lap are Carol Anne, 3, and Helen Louise, 4. Beside her husband and of Kyoto in Japan, was raised to t| ie rank of a prefecture, children is Mr*. Tobin. Everybody seems happy about the whole Richard Felix, O.S.B., are now organizing their work on a > other chiefs of several “ re- with Msgr. Patrick J. Bryne of Washington, D. (I)., as its thing except Carol Anne, who probably knows that being mayor o f national basis. Most of the Defenders’ -work is aimed at ' publics” have also passed. All head. In the five other fields, Kongmoon, Kaying, Wu- Boston is no soft job. 1counteracting the influence of the rabidly bigoted “ Judge” ; the chief aides o f the Com- chow', Fushun, and Peng Yang, there were 12,549 Bap­ Rutherford, but they also seek to I missar o f Defense are gone; tisms, more than half of which were adult. ' explain the faith to all who mis­ I likewise four out of the five Outstripping all other Mary- cuim TmimiiG understand it. : chief aides o f the Commissar knoll fields in the year was the The Pope’s “ prayerful interest Death of Priest Kaying vicariate, which had 3,216 in the continued success of your f of Foreign Affairs. Among adult Baptisms, more than 100 '.‘''J labors for* truth and justice” is “ Old Bolsheviks” liquidated for each priest. * Colored Priest San Francisco.— Schools do not conveyed to Father Felix in a in recent weeks are men of Counting all hands, there are have a chance in their efforts to letter written by Eugenio Cardinal now some 1,500 priests, brothers, give children the proper kind of Pacelli, Papal Secretary of State. Brings to Light the first importance, some of sisters, and lay helpers engaged education because home disorders Some time ago. Father Felix re­ them Stalin’s oldest and in the missionary apostolate of W p s Against frustrate child-training at its very ceived a letter from Pietro Car­ closest friends. Diplomats re­ Maryknoll. In the five Oriental source, said the Rev. Dr. James T. dinal Fumasoni-Biondi, Prefect of cently slain or imprisoned in­ fields covered in a report given O’Dowd in a radio address on par­ the Sacred Congregation for tbe Apparent Miracle clude the ambassadors to Ger­ by the Field Afar there are 139 ent education. Dr. O’Dowd, assist­ Propagation of the Faith, saying ant superintendent of schools in that the Cardinal was pleased with many and Poland, the nlinis- foreign and 19 native priests, 12 Reds, Fascists brothers, 77 foreign and 30 na­ the Archdiocese of San Francisco, the priest’s work in defending the Toledo, 0.— Death of the Rev. ters to Latvia and Lithuania, tive sisters, 523 catechists, 376 spoke over KYA under the aus­ Church against the attacks of William A. Harks, oldest diocesan and the ambassador to Tur­ teachers, and 283 baptizers. New York.-—Not because they pices of the California Congress Rutherford and his Jehovah’s 'Wit­ priest resident in the Diocase of key, who was formerly am­ Maryknoll’s '83 elementary really believe in Communism, but of Parents and Teachers. nesses. Toledo, has brought to light his af­ Saying that “ the American home bassador to China. schools in the five divisions en­ because they feel that something The Defenders of the Faith fidavit attesting to a purported rolled 8,157 pupils; 93 prayer must be done to change existing holds an unenviable record,” Dr. have for their purpose “ to defend miracle that took place in 1875 The New Republic thinks schools instructed 4,745 children. social injustice, are Negroes drawn O’Dowd declared: “The country is the Church against all who malign as a statue of Our Lady o f Con­ that “ it is impossible for per­ In the United States, 276 young toward Communism, says the Rev. filled with children of broken her, to explain the faith to all solation was being can-ied from sons at this distance from men are being trained for mis­ Dr. Gladstone 0. Wilson, scholarly homes— children who have never who misunderstand it, and to Berwick to Carey, when rain J -experienced a father’s interest nor Russia to say with authority sion work in prep schools and the Colored priest who is secretary bring Catholic truth to the non- is said to have fallen all around major seminary. to the Most' Rev. Thomas A. Em­ a mother’s care. With the home Catholic mind everywhere.” but not on marchers in the what is going on there.” Some idea of the charity done mett, S.J., 'Vicar Apostolic o f Ja­ in such a disorganized condition, procession. The affidavit, wit­ the work of education is frustrated Their plan of action includes by the Maryknollers in the Orient maica. Father Wilson in the cur­ the maintenance of pamphlet nessed by the Rev. William J. is given by the number of con­ rent issue of the Interracial Re­ at its very source. With so many Carroll and notarized by Irene H. Nevertheless, we cannot be American homes either totally or racks in railway stations and other sultations with patients at 43 view issues a warning to all mem­ public places, the mailing of Cath­ Sperry shortly before Father jailed for making a guess. Of medical dispensaries— 201,686. In bers of his race to beware the partially disjointed, the educa­ Harks’ Jeath, reads as follows: tional work of our schools is se­ olic literature to non-Catholics, significance is the Brooklyn 19 orphanages, 239 girls and 66 false promises of both Communism lersonal distribution of Catholic “ I, Rev. William A. Harks, boys were cared for. and Fascism. verely hampered. Tablet’s conjecture that Stalin “ To no greater task, then, can iterature through field workers, do solemnly state that I took part is no longer the friend o f the These figures do not cover the Fascism and Communism, both and the broadcast of electrically in the procession that accompanied stemming from Liberalism, he parent-teacher groups dedicate work of Maryknollers in Hong transcribed radio programs from the transference of the statue of Jews. “ Perhaps before long says, reject the guidance o f the themselves than to that o f con­ Kong, Peking, the Philippines, and as many radio stations as possible Our Lady of Consolation from (Turn to Page 4 — Column 1) the Hawaiian islands. Christian principles of religion, serving the family, of restoring the home to its former strength each week. It is hoped eventually Berwick, O., to Carey, 0., on May but when they fail and chaos en­ to have one or more field workers 24, 1875, and that during the sues, they blame religion and and pristine vigor . . . that we may in every parish to call upon non- course of the procession rain fell Courted Disease for Sake of Patients Christianity for the failure. “It reinstaite the home as the school of Catholics regularly in their homes, Constantly on either side o f the looks to me much like putting schools, as our primary and most important educational agency.” speak to them about matters reli­ marchers and also ahead of. them the proprietor of a restaurant on gious, and leave behind each time and behind them, but that no rain trial for sabotage because, if he free Catholic literature. fell on the procession itself.” had no‘' kept a restaurant, the Heroic Leper Priest “ Results o f this preliminary The procession was arranged by racketeers who bombed his estab­ Priests’ Attention Congressman O’Connell on War Path work have been so gratifying that the late Father Joseph P. Gloden, lishment couldn’t possibly have we are now organizing the work who, while pastor o f St. Nicholas’ dqne their job.” Caused Conversion on a national basis. Lest there be church near Berwick, also had Bom in 19Q6 in Jamaica, British any misunderstanding about the charge of the congregation at Is ‘One in Million’ West Indies, Dr. Wilson was ad­ Solon Hits at Church Of Albert R Fall matter, let it be understood that Carey. Carey is now one o f the mitted to St. George’s Prepara­ the Defenders of the Faith are not mostireqnented places of pilgrim­ Washington.— One in a million Father Peter to talk in. He jumps, tory college Tn 1918 after win­ religious organization in the age in the Middle West. Between El Paso, Tex.— A dispatch sent is the Rev. Peter d’Orgeval-De- and strikes attitudes, and laughs ning a scholarship. He became a canonical sense of the word. No 50,000 and 60,000 persons took out from here tells how Albert B. bouchet, SS.ee., present succes­ loudly and frequently. There is Catholic in 1922 and in 1924 ex­ In special spiritual favors are of­ part in the novena in honor of Fall, former U. S. secretary of sor of the saintly Father Damien nothing grim about Father Peter. pressed a desire to study for the fered to those participating in the Our Lady o f Consolation last as chaplain o f the Kalaupapa “ He lives alone in a cottage be­ priesthood. Ordained in Rome in the interior and U. S. senator, be­ work of the association. August. Kalispell, M ont.— (Special)— [has taken up the cause of Red came a Catholic. Prison, illness, leper colony on the island of Mo­ hind the church. A t night you 1931, he continued his theological Uatholic-m i n d e d men and Father Gloden had the church lokai, says Ernie Pyle in one of can see him flitting alMut the studies and in 1932 received the Congressman Jerry O’Connell, Spain and is said to show too great and trouble followed on the Tea­ women everywhere are invited to pot dome scandal. Fall says that at Carey, formerly St. Edward’s, a series of syndicated articles dark streets of Kalaupapa, cane degree Doctor of Sacred Theology, who received a Catholic education a familiarity with Communistic join the association,” a leaflet rededicated in honor o f Our Lady, magna cum laude, following this the $100,000 paid him in the case written for the Scripps-Haward in one hand, flashlight in the but later entered a marriage that forces to be admired in America, published by the organization says. ' (Turn to Page 2 — Column 1) newspapers. One in a million be­ other. He must carry the cane in 1936 with the doctorate in was a loan, not a bribe. Aged 76, could not be recognized by the has been trying to rebuild political “ broke,” and ill, he is in a govern­ cause he has been completely from habit, for he doesn’t need it canon law, summa cum laude. cured of the leprosy he contracted any more than a flea needs a cane. He speaks six languages fluently. Church, and who in recent months fences in Montana, destroyed as ment hospital, where he has a Jesuit Father Made 1st Permanent Settlement within two years after his arrival He is healthy and extremely ac­ he admits by the exposes that right to be because of service in at Kalaupapa in 1925; one in a tive. He can climb th^ steep pali have appear^ in the Register, the Spanish-American war. Speak' million because he deliberately ex­ trail in 65 minutes, which is only Broadcast by Holy Name Society Eastern Montana Edition, and the ing of his embracement of Catb olicity some months ago when he CHURCH IS ESTABLISHED posed himself to the disease to five minutes Slower than a horse. Register, Western Montana Edi­ le.arn the lepers’ mental slant. tion. T h e picturesquely-named was seriously ill o f pneumonia, the “Ordinarily Father Peter doesn’t dispatch says: “Father Peter is nearly 70,” smoke. But, in my visits, purely MEN OF HIGH MORALITY Flathead Monitor of Kalispell (historic Flathead Indian coun­ says the roving reporter. “ He out of courtesy I assume, he “ It has been a strange conver­ 100 YEARS IN KANSAS try) gave Jerry this illuminating sion to his old neighbors, who smoked cigaret for cigaret with weighs less than 100 pounds. He writeup: lias a steely gray beard, and, when me. And he puffed and waved knew him as the grandson o f one COUNTRY'S GREAT NEED Before an assorted crowd in the o f the founders o f the Disciples he talks, he talks all over. It his arms so furiously he scattered St. Mary’s, Kans.— (Special)— the -Neosho river; a few years takes at least six square feet for ashes all over himself, and I be old Mclntpsh opera house Tuesday of Christ Not so strange has it When the Jesuit Father Hoecken later, Father Joseph Lutz, a secu­ came seriously alarmed about his night (Dec. 28) Congressman been to Mrs. Fall, who explained made the first permanent estab­ lar priest, had done some mis­ New York. — The country’s beard. this attitude were merely passive Jerry O’Connell shouted desper­ simply: lishment o f Catholicism in what sion work among the Kansas Latest Bishops “ Father Peter entered the greatest need is for men of high and negative, the results would not ately for two hours. He lambasted “ ‘Only the Catholic fathers vis is now the state of Kansas among (Turn to Page 2 — Column 6) priesthood when he was 25. In moral standards and irreproach­ be so terrifying, but today there his own (the Catholic) Church, ited him at the hospital. None of the Pottawatomi Indians near the damned capital, boasted, slan- the other preachers came around his youth he wanted to be a mu able public and private conduct, is a concerted, positive, and ener­ present site of Osawatomie 100 sician. He started on the piano at said the Very Rev. T. S. McDer­ (Tum to Page 2 — Column 7) him.’ ” years ago this month, he found Priest Carries 111 getic action against God and reli­ eight. Later, he studied in the mott, O.P., Dominican provincial, that members of the tribe had Academy at Paris. ‘Ah, I love in a nation-wide Holy Name so­ gion. . . . preserved the tradition of Father Boy, 7, to Safety music,’ Father Peter says. ‘I love ciety broadcast over an NBC net­ “ Against such modern errors, License, Not Liberty, Called Aim of Move Jacques Marquette’s visit to their it too much. I gave it up. I could work. Christian civilization, he definitely subversive not only of forefathers on the shores of Lake As Tenement Burns not serve two masters. It had to said, is doomed unless nations and religion, but also of the very basis Michigan more than 150 years be- be either (Jod or music. I gave individuals return to the basic of human society, the Holy Name Tenets of Liberalism L e. The Indian mission among up music.’ But even so, he is principles of justice and charity. confraternity, which has always the Pottawatomies was not the New York.— The Rev. Conrad I. still a fine pianist. You should see Citing the fact that modern wholeheartedly committed itself to first in Kansas, but the Church McCoy, assistant pastor o f St. him at the old upright piano in the “ leaders o f thought” are so illogical positive Catholic Action, presents in the state today can trace its Ann’s church, was calling on a rectory— bent over, intent, fingers as to repudiate the most funda­ the charge of bad logic, historical Condemned by Church development uninterruptedly back sick child in a tenement on the flying, hands crossing, and the mental logical beliefs of mankind, ignorance, and a thorough misun­ to that establishment. lower East Side, when the building (Turn to Page 2 — Column 1) Father McDermott declared: “If derstanding of human society and Fray Juan Padilla, Franciscan was set afire. Warning others of the aspirations of the human Newshawk Killed New York. — License and not chaplain of Coronado’s expedition, the family to leave. Father McCoy 1st Cardinal to Visit City Presides heart” real liberty is the fundamental aim had visited Kansas in 1540-41; wrapped 7-year-old Vincent Ca­ “ The devotion of the Holy Name o f so-called Liberalism, said the in 1822, Father de la Croix had pone, ill of measles, in a blanket evangelized the Great Osages on and fled with him to safety. man to his religion does not mean Rt. Rev. Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen in that he must give to God service Bishop McQuinness Is that his country should have,” the an address over the Catholic Hour provincial said. “ There is po con­ broadcast by the National Council Marguerite Le Hand Given Writeup flict between his duties as a Chris­ of Catholic Men over an NBC net­ tian and those exacted by his coun­ work. Discussing the major reme­ Installed at Raleigh try.” dies proposed for modem social Presidents Secretary ills— Liberalism, Communism, and mmmm' Christianity — Msgr. Sheen said Raleigh, N. Car.— In the pres­ Heart. Bishop McGuinness was Pontiff Resumes that the (Church condemns these ence of- the first Cardinal ever to formerly a priest of Cardinal three principal tenets of Liberal­ Able Catholic Woman visit this city and the greatest Dougherty’s archdiocese. ism: 'The State must not inter­ gathering of Catholic dignitaries In his sermon Bishop McGuin­ Heavy Schedule fere with business. No collective ever assembled in North Carolina, ness spoke highly of the work done bargaining. No interference with Washington.— In its January 8 is the only private office that the Most Rev. Eugene J. McGuin- issue, the Saturday Evening Post opens directly into the famous oval by his predecessor in the see, the Vatican City.— Now in the 59th the absolute right o f property. ness was installed as second Bishop Most Rev. William J. Hafey, new year o f his priesthood and the 81st gave a flattering writeup to the study of the President of the of Raleigh. Dennis Cardinal Coadjutor Bishop o f Scranton, o f his life, Pope Pius XI is refuting For the promoters of Liberal able Catholic woman. Marguerite United States. She has been with Dougherty, Archbishop of Phila­ who celebrated the Solemn Pon press reports that he has suffered ism, he said, “ liberty is not some­ Alice Le Hand, “ personal secre­ Mr. Roosevelt for 17 years and delphia, presided at the ceremony tifical Mass. a serious relapse in health by car­ thing' moral, but rather something tary, buffer, general manager, was nicknamed Missy by the in the Cathedral o f the Sacred Cardinal Dougherty, in a brief rying on a rigorpus schedule of phyweal,” meaning “ the right to fiscal agent, and outspoken friend President’s daughter. do, to think, or to say whatever address, sketched the history of hard work. He is again celebrat­ to Franklin D. Roosevelt.” Hers The Post article is entitled the Diocese o f Raleigh and the ing Mass and th rou ^ the day re­ one pleases without any regard for “ Missy to Do This, F.D.R.,” the society, tradition, objective stand­ labors o f its priests, sisters, and ceiving almost a constant stream notation by which the President Latin Is Taught ards, orliuthority.. . . This, as can laity. A welcome on behalf of the of visitors. One of his important indicates what he wants Miss Le readily be seen, is not liberty, but clergy of Raleigh was delivered by acts recently was his radio broad­ Hand to take care of. Aged 41, By 'Correspondence the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Arthur A. Free­ cast to the First National Eucha' license.” she lives at the 'White House and man, Chancellor o f the diocese. ristic Congress in India. “ We must avoid thinking that eats at the Presidential family New York. — Wilfrid Diamond, Following the installation ceremo­ On one day he said Mass in his a change from the present order table. It is understood that she 501 West 34th street, claims to nies, a luncheon was tendered the private chapel, was visited by his necessarily means the destruction is to be present at all White House be able to teach ecclesiastical Bishop and other visitors. physician, Dr. Amjnta Milani; o f liberty,” said Msgr. Sheen, but social functions she wishes to at­ Latin by correspondence. Begin­ Members of the Hierarchy who gave audiences to Cardinal Pa­ “ in rejecting Communism, too, we tend. She also lived with the ning a year ago, he prepared his attended were Bishops Patrick celli, Papal Secretary of State, and must not fall into the error of Roosevelts at the gubernatorial course for the Society of Ap­ Barry of St Augustine, Edmond to other Vatican officials; granted defending the present order as executive mansion in Albany, proved Workmen, an organization J. Fitzmaurice o f Wilmington, a reception to 350 newlyweds, and right in all respects. . . . N. Y. Other Presidential secre­ The Most Rev. Bartholomew J. of laymen who recite the Divine William J. Hafey, Coadjutor of received 300 members of the Ital “ The liberty which the Church taries get $10,000 a year; she, be­ Eiistece (upper photo), Bishop- Office in Latin. He says the re­ Scranton; Peter L. Ireton, Coad­ ian Catholic Action. defends starts with the spiritual ing a woman, gets $5,000. elect o f Camden, N. J., formerly sults are most gratifying and he jutor o f Richmond; Gerald P. In his radio message to the In­ nature of man, and not with either The Post also mentions two professor at St. Joseph’s semi­ is now prepared to send the course O’Hara of Savannah-Atlanta, Em­ dian Eucharistic Congress he said: the absence of constraint or an other girls, stenographers, who nary, Yonkers, N. Y., and the Most to anybody who wishes it. No fixed met M. Walsh o f Charlecton, John “ Dear people, though far from . Edward J. Neil, Catholic war identity with the will of the die take the President’s dictation. Rev. Francis R. Cotton, Bishop- charge is made, but students are M. McNamara, Auxiliary of Balti­ you, I possess a special affection correspondent with the Franco tator. Liberty based- on the fact They are Grace and Paula Tully. elect of Owensboro, Ky., formerly expected to make a donation to­ more, and William D. O’Brien, for the very large land o f India in forces in the Spanish civil war, that man has a soul is today a de­ Grace, who, Mrs. Roosevelt has Chancellor of the Diocese of Louis­ wards mailing, mimeog;raphing, Auxiliary of Chicago. 'The Rt. which you are assembleJ* for your died o f injuries received when the serted shrine, but the Church de declared, is the “ best stenographer. ville, whose consecrations will take etc. No previous knowledge of Rev. Vincent Taylor, O.S.B., Ab­ First National Eucharistic Con' car in which he was riding behind dares that only when men return I ever saw,” used to be a secretary place soon for their newly-created Latin is necessary and no books bot o f Belmont abbey, also was gress. the lines was hit by a shell. Neil's to its homage will political and to Cardinal Hayes, declares the fees. are required. There are 34 lessons. present (Turn to Pages — Column S) family lives at Methuen, Mass. economic peace return.” Marguarit* Le Hand Post. PAGE TWO THE REGISTER Sunday, January 16, 1938

Before and After « Heroic Leper Priest Holy Fatler 1$ what serving on the highest judicial tribunal o f the nation did to Ciiiircli in Kansas 0*Connell Hits Church retiring Justice George Sutherland. At left, when he was named to the court in 1922, the justice appears a stalwart man ready to tackle a tough Job. At the right, he is a 76-year-old graybeard who shows Is *One in Million* Resuming Heavy plainly the effects of his job, whidi ended on Jan. 18. Is Established In Political Buildup (Continued From Page One) the war he had what he calls, (Continued From Page One) the press, more government spend-' «ld piano shaking from the clas- in his cute English, his ‘nervous dered his colleagues, and draped ing. ■ical thundering it gives forth. . . . years’. He was figuratively shot in every ancient vote-catching Making up in emotion what he Work Schedule For FuD Century shibboleth from liberty, democ­ “ Father Peter served as a chap­ to pieces, and went into semi-se­ lacked in logic, he went down the lain throughout the World war. clusion for two years. Then, well racy, freedom, and peace to roster of a few of those who have . He says bullets went through his once more, he decided to apply for Townsend Old Age pensions and pegged him for an unprincipled clothes but never touched him. He transfer to Kalaupapa. f Continuid From Page One) (Continued From Page One) more PWA. politician. All qualified in the “Although separated by an im­ tribe; the Jesuit superior in was gassed many times. After “ ‘What put it into your head Save by broad inference. Repre­ O’Connell classification as drunks, mense expanse of land and sea, we Missouri, Father Van Quicken- to come to Kalaupapa?’ I asked. sentative O’Connell did not deny crooks, or stoolpigeons. “ ‘Ah.’ Father Peter jumped, sat are united through the solicitous borne, had visited the Usages and that his trip to Spain was financed, His one reference to Hungry on the edge of his chair, gesticu­ charity which never fails and Iowa earlier and, in 1836, he es­ as the Catholic Register reported, Horse dam belies his purported lated. ‘Ah, it came to me in one which surpasses any distance. tablished a mission among the by New York Communists. Eva­ interest and familiarity with the Death of Priest sec-OND! In one sec-OND it came “ We are present through oiir dissolute Kickapoos near Fort sively he waved a passport as con­ project. He referred to it as “one to me, like that. Twice in my life legate presiding in our name at Leavenworth. This was abandoned clusive proof that he went as a of the greatest power and irriga­ things have come to me in one your congress. in favor of the mission among the representative of the American tion projects in the country.” The sec-OND. First — to enter the “Also, we are present through Pottawatomies who came to the government. As for the Register, project since its inception a dozen Brings to Light priesthood. Sec-OND, to come to that science which serves the faith. Kansas territory from Indiana in He charged it with being an organ or more years ago has been and Kalaupapa. I do not know why. We are even able to speak so that 1837. o f William Randolph Hearst, From probably will continue to be con­ Just came, like that’. our paternal words, through the Father Hoecken stayed among there he proceeded to lambast his sidered primarily a flood control “ And then, as if in anticipation admirable agency of radio, fly to the Pottawatomies for two weeks Church as an oppressor of the poor project with power and irrigation o f my next question, he said: you as on the wings of charity. in January, 1838, then came back in Spain and, in large part, an Apparent Miracle “ Therefore, our prayers, united in May to remain permanently. distinctly secondary. ‘And I had never read a single agent of reaction in America. book on Father Damien. I had with yours, ascend to God, that That summer he built a church; In broadest terms he damned Announcement of O’Connell’s heard o f him, but never the details the Blessed Sacrament may be the by the next July, he had baptized the rich for being rich and yelled appearance here was made on gov­ ( Continued From Page One) had I read’. basis and source o f your Christian more than 100 adults. In 1839 for higher wages, peace, democ­ ernment postal cards, sent to the Consoler of the Afflicted. The Father Peter was 53 when he life, and that you may have re­ a school was built, to be opened racy, economic boycott of Japan, various recipients postage free at church today is known as the applied for Kalaupapa. He had course to the Blessed Sacrament the follovring year. Two years old age pensions, destruction of government expense. ' Shrine of Our Lady of Consola­ never been out o f France. He knew to obtain life for those who are ill later, the Mesdames of the Sacred Mussolini, more PWA, removal o f tion. From his native Luxem­ neither English nor Hawaiian. and lie in the shadow of death. Heart, among-them Mother Philip- the embargo on arms to Spain, de­ bourg, Father Gloden obtained a Before they would let him come “ We now impart with our whole pine-Rose Duchesne, whose cause struction of Fascism, freedom of . . PRIEST’S STRANGE replica of the statue of the he had to learn both languages heart that Apostolic blessing for beatification is being pressed MIXTURE HELPS HAIR! “ Mother of Jesus, Consoler of the and serve an apprenticeship at the which you, devoted sons, piously at the present time, arrived at Afflicted.” This statue was set up AOaasttPahf»rtyrri«rtri>wnirt’itnmtis«onCCAM leper colony in Tahiti, in the implore from the Holy Father.” the mission. By 1843 schools for Diocese Erects 39 Of THE HAIR if sow beiu n t free to lEsipIptoffem SDff< . temporarily at Berwick. When it South seas. He reached Kalau­ both boys and girls were in It denibee------how------to nee u »etnoge etnose ooeijioinid ooeuioinid (nowi was transferred to the shrine at celled HAIRMORE), gdnd ^ Fsthcr Jsmee Q i l s ^ papa in 1925. operation. Buildings in 2 Years whioh fiew perlect hiir on beod of held stodeDi Bbee Carey, for which it was intended, “Within two years after his ar­ Pope Is Competent The Indians were moved in tiwA mon then 80,000 bottlec bsTC ben sootenfiiDy the remarkable procession took end, sll r ^ t ie e n iig to ebsrity. Write for trn rival, Father Peter had contracted Critic of Art 1848 to a new reservation on the tin to & H. OOmore (bcotfaer of lU iK OfiBonk place. leprosy. . It is ^nerally agreed Kaw river west of where Topeka Brooklyn. — Thirty-nine build­ Father Harks was 83 years old Washington.— Pope Pius XI is a SEA’TTLE. WASH. that he was utterly indifferent to now stands. The priests and sis­ ings, fourteen churches, eight 2810 11TB AVE. NORTH. when he died. He was a brother the usual precautions. I asked critic whose opinions are deeply ters moved to the new location and schools, ten rectories, five con­ of the Rev. John Harks, pastor of Father Peter himself about it. He valued by artists, says John Henry made a permanent establishment vents, and two hospitals, have been St. Louis’ church here, who was gave me the answer: ‘I could not de Rosen, celebrated Polish painter at S t Mary’s. A log Church of erected in the Brooklyn diocese in killed in an accident in 1921. One serve until I had made the sacri­ now visiting the United States. the Immaculate Conception, built two years at a cost of $4,048,- of three sisters surviving Father fice of putting myself in a posi­ Rosen’s work, confined to church at St. Mary’s, became Kansas’ 322.58, the Diocesan Building com­ ►BURNS^ Harks is Mother Mary Evarista, tion to become a leper!’ ITiose decorations, includes two murals first Cathedral, when the Most mission reports. Five churches, Ease the agonizing pain quickly and provinoial of the Sisters of Notre aren’t his exact words, because in the Pope’s private chapel at Cas- Rev. J. B. Miege, S.J., arrived in four rectories, three schools, two reduce soreness by immediate use of Dame, Cleveland. there is no way of putting Father telgandolfo. The murals are com­ the territory as Vicar Apostolic convents, and two additions to ex­ Peter’s machine-gunned, crazy- memorative of the Pontiff’s stay two years later. isting schools will be built in the quilt English down on paper. But in Poland as Papal Nuncio. Admission of Kansas to the immediate future at an estimated Bishop Leads Group what he said, in substance, was Union as a state brought an in­ cost o f $6,454,322.58. that he felt that in order to serve flux of White settlers who frus­ Reslnol At Terelil Surrender God among the lepers he must go trated the work of the Jesuits Bishop C. F. Buddy through the leveling spiritual ex­ among the Indians, but the priests New York.— The United Press perience of attaining that same LATE U. S. NEWS FLASHES turned to work among the Whites, Consecrates Chapel Kidneys Must declares in a Madrid dispatch that ‘other world’ in which the lepers opening St. Mary’s college for San Diego, Calif.— Private con­ when 2,200 exhausted Nationalist live. He has done that, and Directory Supplements Weekly consin and Ray Murphy, former boys in 1869. The college now secration ceremonies here marked survived. Clast Hatred Scored soldiers and civilians surrendered New Orleans.— The first annual national commander of &e Amer­ serves as a Jesuit theologate. the completion of the artistic Clean Out Acids “Father Peter is the fourth and Boston.— Assailing attempts to to the “Loyalist” forces at Teruel official Catholic Directory and cal­ ican Legion. chapel of the Most Rev. Charles F. latest man in the colony’s 70-year sUr up class hatred. Cardinal Your body clesiu out exeeea Acids and Jan. 8, after being besieged and endar, a supplement of Cath­ Buddy, Bishop of San Diego. poisonous wutes in your blood thru t mil­ histo^ to contract leprosy by Church Is Friend o f Science O’Connell, Archbishop of Boston, Spanish Canon Tells chased from building to building olic Action of the South, was addressing 1,800 Holy Name men Bishop Buddy had dedicated the lion tiny delicate Kidney tubes or filters. If and cavern to cavern since Dec. working with the patients. His Indianapolis. — Friendship for chapel and vestments and other functional disorders due to germs in the mailed to subscribers with a recent at the Cathedral of the Holy Of Escape From Reds 21, “the pitiful band was led by condition was noticed immediate­ science has been the traditional equipment had been blessed at”a Kidneys or Bladder make you sulTer from issue of the official organ of the Cross, told them it is their duty Marseille.— Reaching here as a Getting Up Nights, Nevroosnees, Leg the gaunt Bishop of Tereul, in tat­ ly by settlement physicians. It attitude of the Church, the Most public function a day previous. Archdiocese of New Orleans, the as Catholics to pray to Almighty stowaway on a ship from Valencia, Pams, Circles Under Eyes, Diuiness, Back­ tered black robes.” The Bishop showed itself as a dark spot high Rev. Joseph E. Ritter, Bishop of ache, Swollen Joints, Acidity, or Burning Diocese of Lafayette, and the Dio­ Indianapolis,T i s , declared...... in address­ God to liberate civic leaders from Canon Jose Artero has described Passages, don’t rely on ordinary medicines. was accompanied by several priests on his forehead. He was operated cese of Natchez. 'The 100-page on at once, and the spot removed. ing the ninth annual session of the evil counsel. a living nightmare of 15 months Fight such germs with the doctor’s pres- and seminarians. supplement includes a complete clrption Cystex. Cystex starts working in S It was definitely, and without Catholic Round Table of Science Plea Made to Stop Film he spent trying to get out of Red One Cent a Day directory of the Hierarchy, reli­ honrs and must prove entirely satisfactory question, a leprous spot You can held at the Athenaeum. Brooklyn, N. Y.—An appeal to territory to the safety of the Na­ in 1 week end be exactly the medicine you gious orders, parishes, schools, in­ Kennedy’s Name Sent to still see the scar on his high fore­ Press Month Study Outline Issued Frank P. Graves, state commis­ tionalist lines. At various times need or money back is guaranteed Tele­ stitutions, pastors, assistants, and he spent 12 weeks in the cellar of Brings $100 a Month phone your druggist for Cystex (Siss-tex) Senate as Ambassador head. Washington.— Anticipating the sioner of education, by the Brook­ today. ’The guarantee protccta you Copr. chaplains of the three dioceses. a theater, played the part of a Over one J^llllon Dollars in cash bene­ Washingtbn. — Joseph P. Ken­ “ Ten years have passed since observance of February as Cath­ lyn Legion o f Decency has been fits have already been paid to one- 1937 ’The Knox Co. then. And today FatherFa Peter Social School to Run Ten Weeks olic Press month, the January issue made asking the commissioner blind violinist, and worked dis­ cent-a-day policyholders by National nedy, a Catholic and former Protective Insurance Co., the oldest shows no indication o f leprosy Albany, N. Y.— Members o f the o f Catholic Action, official organ again to uphold the motion pic­ guised as a dockhand to keep out chairman of the federal maritime staff that will conduct classes at o f the hands o f the Reds. and largest company of its kind. commission, was named ambassa­ whatever. It is most unusual for of the National Catholic Welfare ture division o f the department Their new policy pays maximum Albany’s School of Social Science LOURDES WATER dor to Great Britain by President the disease to be discovered so Conference, presents a study club of education in refusing to license Principal Sum benefits of $4,000, in­ have been announced, and sessions sponsored by St. Christopher’s inn, creasing to 16,000. Maximum monthly A smsj] quantity of Water from the Roosevelt, subject to confirmation quickly. Father Peter says the outline for next month on “ Today’s for public exhibition a film, en­ will be held on ten successive Sun­ conducted by the Franciscan Friars benefits of $100 are payable up to 24 Grotto, Lourdes, France, will be sent to i'S by the Senate. doctors told him his case was one Apostolate of the Catholic Press.” titled The Birth of a Baby. The months. Large cash sums are paid im­ anyone who requests it. To cover expenses in a million. He is more careful day nights be^nning Jan. 31. Cardinal Lauds Retreats commissioner in a previous rul­ of the Atonement. mediately for fractures, dislocations, of importation, etc., an offering is ex­ :-^ etc. Also liberal benefits are paid for now, and there §eems little likeli­ Classes will consist o f one-hour Philadelphia.— Speaking at his ing supported the motion picture Nan, Once War Nnrse, Dies pected from those who can afford It. Fr. Coughlin Returns to sessions devoted to lectures and any and every accident Same old price Addrcee FATHEK DIRECTOK, Box 6, hood of his contracting leprosy New Yearis day reception, Car- division’s action, on the ground San Francisco.— ^Funeral serv­ —just one cent a day. Age limits for d- Notre Dame, Ind. Radio on 63 Stations again. discussion. ■ ■ "Dougherty, ■ Archbishop ihbidinal of that the film is “ indecent and ices for Sister Dionysia of the policy—men, women and children— “ Conditions have changedge here immoral and would tend to cor­ ages 7 to 80 years. Detroit.— The Rev. Charles E. King Honors Belgian Priest Philadelphia, pointed to the rec­ Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Send No Money Coughlin returned to the radio on enormously since Father Damien’s Rochester,“ che N.------Y.— On - the ■ eve of ord-breaking attendance at lay­ rupt morals.” The Legpon of Heart, who in the Spanish Ameri­ For 10 days’ free inspection of policy, an independent network of 63 day, and the |)riest now does no the 90th anniversary of the found­ men’s week-end retreats at Mal­ Decency says that on “ at least can war was an angel of mercy to simply send name, age, address, bene­ The Sacred Heart Mass actual manual toil among the ing of the French church here three grounds” the picture “ vio­ ficiary’s name and relationship. No ap­ stations Jan. 9. The radio priest vern as a “ silver lining” in a American soldiers at the Presidio, plication to fill out, no medical exam­ League advocated that Americans “cease stricken people. His work is solely named for Our Lady of Victory, world of lawlessness and Com­ lates the motion picture code were held recently. Sister Dion­ ination. After reading policy, which spiritual, fie visits the patients King Leopold III of Bel^um has which is being enforced at Holly­ will be mailed to you, either return it is an Association whose members (living or sniping at our democratic form munism. ysia died while at prayer in the dead) share in a Holy Mass said expressly in their homes, preaches his ser­ honored its pastor, the Rev. Ca­ wood on all films” and that “ it or send $3.65, which pays you up for a of government;” that a policy of Dominican Heads Philosophers chapel o f St. Joseph’s hospital. whole year—365 days. Write National for them daily and for all time. For fur­ “ strong industrial organization” mons, conducts funerals. His days mille A. VanderMeulen, conferring New York.— The Rev. Dr. Ig­ is one of the most objectionable She was born in San Francisco in Protective Insurance Co., 424 Pickwick ther information write to the be adopted by all classes of so­ are busy. He preaches his ser­ upon him the title of Kn^ht of the natius Smith. O.P., dean o f the and repulsive pictures that could 1873 and had spent 46 years of her Bldg., Kansas City, Mo., today while SACRED HEART MISSION HOUSE ciety; that the A. F, of L. and the mons in Hawaiian. I wish I could Order o f the Crown. 'The honor school of philosophy at the Cath­ be distributed for general usage.” life as a religious nursing the sick. offer is still open. Sainte Marie* Jasper Co.* 111. be a Hawaiian long enough to C.I.O. “ terminate” their quarrel, was in recogmition o f the assist­ olic University of America, was Pilgrimage Leader Chozen Philosophy Gronp to Disenss ‘Man’ and that “we stand together at hear one o f them. He .says he ance givdn by Father VanderMeu­ elected president of the American Brooklyn, N. Y.— The Rev. Jos­ thinks the Hawaiians understand San Francisco.— “ Man” will be home free from entanglements len over a quarter of a century to Catholic Philosophical association eph F. Stedman has been named by the general topic of discussion at abroad.” about half of what he says. Belgians in this country. in the closing hours of the asso­ the Most Rev. Thomas E. Molloy, ViiiU Honolulu Regularly the Pacific coast regional confer­ Invest in S. V. D. Annuities - College Chemical Unit Accepted ciation’s 13th annual meeting here. Bishop of Brooklyn, to lead the “ Father Peter has not banished ence of the American Catholic Phil­ New York. — The Nieuwland Chinese Philanthropist Brooklyn diocesan pilgrimage to Income of 5%-7% for Life Free to Fits Sufferers himself to eternal confinement in osophical association to be held Chemical society of Manhattan col­ Remembered the 34th International Eucharistic Seiul for Free Booklet A large sixteen ounce bottle of the remedy Kalaupapa. Frequently he -goes here Jan. 28-29. The Most Rev. lege has been voted to membership Chicag;o.— The Most Rev. Paul Congress to be held at Budapest REV. FATHER MAY which so many state has given relief from the over the pali to leeward Molokai, John J. Mitty, Archbishop of San attacks of fits and convulsions due to EpOepsy Yu-Pln, Vicar Apostolic of Nan­ in May. SOCIETY OF ’ffiE DIVINE WORD ’TECHNY. ILL. and at least once a year he goes as a student afliiliate o f the Ameri­ Francisco, and the Rt. Rev. Msgr. will be sent yon FBEE, upon request. Ko can Chemical society. The campus king, China, was celebrant at a Educators to Meet in Milwaukee Fulton J. Sheen of the Catholic obligations whatever. Just send age and par­ into Honolulu for a week or more. Pontifical High Mass in Holy ticulars to Pr. Fred E. Grant C a , 780 David­ He corresponds with his brothers organization is one of the first six Washington.— A detailed report University of America will be the Name Cathedral for Lo Pa son Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. and sisters in France. college groups so honored. of the proceedings of the 34th an­ speakers .at the closing dinner. Chinese Savant Offered Bonn Post Hong, assassinated Chinese Cath­ nual meeting of the National Cath­ Father Peter,’ I asked, ‘have olic philanthropist. Book Given Praise by Pope you been happy here?’ He wasn’t Chicago.— Word has been re­ olic Educational association held Atchison, Kans.— Why Catholic T H E REGISTER MONEY-BACK Statement Branded False at Louisville, Ky., in Easter week sure. Physically, he loves Ka­ ceived at the national office of the Marriage_is Different, a l»ok Published Every Week by The Catholic Press Society, Inc.' Washing^n. — A statement in laupapa—the scenery, the climate, Catholic University of Peking that o f 1937 is contained in the Bulle­ the Rev. Bernard:d Sause,“ O.S.B., of 934-938 Bannock Street, Denver, Colo. Post Office Box 1497 RHEUMATIC and the people. But those things Prof. Chang Hsin-lang, head of the magazine. Life, that the Pope tin of the association just issued. S t Benedict’s abbey, has won ' pain k il l e r don’t matter. It’s how well a man the department of history at the “ believes the world Is in a strug­ Members of the association will be Papal praise, it was revealed in a President...... Hoet Rev Biihop Urban J. Vehr, D.D., Denvei serves his God. Father Peter has Catholic University o f Peking, has gle between Communism and guests of the Most Rev. Samuel letter from the Papal Secretary of President-Emeritus__ ___Host Kev Bishop J. Henry Tihen, D.O., Wiefaito. Kansas Fascism and he favors Fascism” A. Stritch, Archbishop of Milwau­ Editor-in-chief...... _ _ ._ - ._ l t t . Rev. Hsgr. Matthew Smith, Ph.D_ LL.D.. Jout.D Sufferers of rheumatic pains, neuritis, tried, but he doesn’t know how well been offered the chair of hirtory State, Cardinal Pacelli. Couched Managing Editor...... ______Hubert A. Smith. Jour.D. ■ciatica, lumbago, arthritis, neuralgia, satisfied God is, to put it mun­ at Bonn university, Germany, was branded false in a letter ad­ kee, for their 85th annual meeting in non-technical language, the Associate Editors— Hiliaid F. Everett, Jour.D.; C. J. McNeill, A.B., Jnur.M., etc! Will you make a no-risk test to danely, That’s the reason he Professor“ ■ Chang “ is admittedly dlj dressed to the editors by William to be held in Milwaukee April 20 book treats of Catholic marriage Rev. Walter Canavan, B.J., M .A .; Rev. John Cavanagh, M .A .; Rev. Clarenct G. bring back the joys of the days when F. Montavon, director of the Legal to 22. IssenmaoD, S.T.D., Ph.L. pain did not bother you to interfere can’t say he has been fully happy. the foremost authority on the his­ and its problems, and is designed with your work and make life a mis- ‘Let’s say I have not been un­ tory of relations between his coun­ department, National Catholic Schools Sara Taxpayers for lay reading. It has been enthu­ DIOCESAN EDITIONS CENTRAL CALIFORNIA REGISTER (Fresno) ery? Just send for CLARK'S CAP­ happy,’ he says. try and the WesL Welfare Conference. Mr. Mon­ $ , siastically received in America and SULES today. No narcotics—no dope— 10 000,000 Most Rev. Bishop Philip 0. Scher. D.D., President “ I love Father Peter, as does Church Colleges to Convene tavon quoted from the encyclicals England. Rev. Harry A Clinch, Acting Editor and Manager yet this amazing discovery must do the of Pope Pius XI to show that Boston. — Catholic educational work or no cost. Safer, faster, easier everyone else in Kalaupapa. He Chicago.— The Very Rev. E. V. institutions of the Archdiocese of Onr Ledy Is Patron of State SUPERIOR CALIFORNIA REGISTER (Sacramento) to take and more efficient than any- will undoubtedly spend the rest the Holy Father holds no such Most Rev. Bishop Robert J. Armstrong. D.O., President gf;..- .-;5 Stanford, O.S.A., president of Vil- Boston are saving the taxpayers Rev. Patrick A. McHugh, ST .B ., Editor and Business Hanogtr tliing vou have used before. of his days here. And spend them, belief. New Orleans.— Jan. 16, the Sun­ ii'-S WILL TOU TEST AT OUR RISK? lanova college, will preside at the of the cities and towns located day within the octave of the Feast NEBRASKA REGISTF.R (Grand Island) I am sure— ‘not unhappily’.” Most Rev, Bishop S. V Bona, D.D., President; Rev. Patrick McDold (No. Plattt), Bend no money! When your package annual meeting of the National within the archdiocese close to of Our Lady of Prompt Succor, •^"n:>vg arrives, just deposit $1.00 plus postage Work of Church Ii Dramatic Heads Coaches $10,000,000 a year, says the Rev. Editor: Rev. Thomas J. Murray (Burwell). Business Director with postman. Try two days—then if In a subsequent article, Mr. Conference of Church-Related Col­ patroness o f Louisiana, has been EASTERN MONTANA REGISTER (Great FaUs) . you don’t know relief as you never be­ leges to be held here Jan. 19. The Richard J. Quinlan, diocesan sup­ chosen as “Mary’s day” for the Most Rev. Bishop Edwin V O’Hara, D.D., LL.D., President Pyle told of the work of the other Rev. Eugene Gergen. Editor and Business Manager fore dared hope possible, return re­ Very Rev. Samuel K, Wilson, S.J., ervisor of schools, in the 24th an­ Archdiocese o l New Orleans by maining capsules for your money back. religious at the Kalaupapa colony nual report on parochial schools. WESTERN MONTANA REGISTER (Helena) Don’t put this oft. Send today for president of Loyola university, the Most Rev. Joseph F. Rummel.si. Moat Rev. Bishop Joseph M Gilmore, D.D., President and paid this tribute: The report asserts that the average CLARK’S CAPSULES and know what "The Catholic Church has Chicago, and Dr. E. A. Fitzpatrick Rev. Patrick Casey. M.A., Editor and Business Manager glorious relief from pain they can of Mount Mary college, Milwaukee, par capita cost of educating a Workers* School Opened NEVADA REGISTER (Reno) bring. Write to played such a dramatic part in will also speak. pupil in the public schools or Mas­ Brooklyn.— With 30 labor lead­ Most Rev. Bishop I'homas K. Gorman, D.D., J.C.L., D.Se.Hist., President SAN EX CO. Dept. A2 the history of the Kalaupapa■■ ,1a Rev. John T. Smith. Editor and Busineas Manager sachusetts is $100 a year. There ers and more than 200 union Minneapolis, Minnesota leper settlement that it’s inter­ Cards Carry Radio'Hour Schedule workers enrolled, the first session SOUTHERN NEBRASKA REGISTER (Lincoln) Washington.— A new type of ef­ are 97,466 pupils enrolled in the Most Rev. Louis B Kucera, D D_ President esting to know just what the sis­ of the new Crown Heights School Rev. Maurice Helmann, M.A.. Jour.D., Editor and Business Manager fort for extending interest in the schools of the archdiocese. ters and brothers do here now.” for Catholic Workmen yas held at WEST VIRGINIA REGISTER (Wheeling) Millions Suffer nation-wide Catholic Hour has Archdiocese has 9 New Schools There are two Brothers of the the Brooklyn Preparatory school Host Rev. Bishop John J. Swint, D.D., President Sacred Heart who manage the been undertaken by the Dubuque Chicago.— Six new junior high Rev, Frederick J. Schwertz, M.A., Editor and Business Manager From Nerves under the auspices of the Jesuit PEORIA REGISTER (PeorU, tllinols) Baldwin home for men and four Students’ Catholic Action confer­ schools, which accommodated Famous German Prescription Fathers. Hoet Rev. Bishop J H Schlarman, D.D., Pb.D., J.C.D., President Sisters of St. Francis who direct ence of Dubuque, la. The stu­ nearly 500 additional pupils, were Rer. H. H Rost, A.B., B.J., Editor and Business Manager Gives Quick Relief the Bishop home for women. Of dents, under the guidance of the opened and one new high school K. o f C. Plan Congreaa Tour SANTA FE REGISTER (SanU Fe. New Mexico) 80 years ago in the city of Brllon, them Mr. Pyle writes: Rev. Nicholas A. Steffen of Co­ and tVo grade schools were erected New York.— Announcement has Most Rev. Archbishop Rudolph A. Gerken, D.D., President Germany, a formula was discovered in Chicago in 1936-1937, the an­ Very Rev. Msgr Philip G Mahoney. Editor and Business Manager for the treatment “ Brother Matemus, a German, lumbia college, have had forth­ been made by the New York ALTOONA REGISTER (Altoona. Pa.) of nervousness first came to the settlement i coming programs of the Catholic nual report o f the Rev. D. F. Cun­ Knights of Columbus of a tour to Most Rev Bishop Richard T. Guilfoyle, President The fame of this 1906. Since then he has had at Hour printed on the back of ningham, archdiocesaii superin­ the 34th International Eucharistic Rev. ’Thomas E. Madden Ph.D., S.T.L., Editor and Bueinese Manager new medicine penny postcards and have mailed tendent o f schools, reveals. The TEXAS PANHANDLE REGISTER (Amarillo) signments outside, but has been Congress to be held in Budapest Host Rev Bishop Robert E Lueey. D.D., President spread so rapidly them to hundreds of persons in report shows a total enrollment of May 25-30. The party, will sail that in a few back here several years now. Rev. Thomas J Drury. Editor and Business Manager years It became Brother Vierra, a Portuguese born that area. 195,097 for 1936-1937, a decrease on the Normandie May 18 and fol­ LA CROSSE REGISTER (U Crosse. Wise.) of 1,632 from 1935-1936. A de- lowing the congress will visit im­ Most Rev. Bishop Alexander J HcGavick, D D., President; Most Bay. Bishop known through­ in the islands, is quite young, Regional N.C.E.A. Choisraan William R Griffin, Vice President out Central Eur­ “ Sister Jolenta, in charge o f the Named crease of 2,273 pupils in the grade portant European cities. Thomas D U L in H REGISTER (Duluth, Minn.) ope, In 1886, Fa- home for women, was born near Erie, Pa.— The. Rev.. Robert B. schools was partially offset by an A. Broderick, executive secretary Host Rev Biwop ’Thomas A. Welch President ther Koenig Syracuse, N. Y. Sister Praxedes McDonald, assistant superintend­ increase of 892 in the high school o f the New York K. o f C., is chair­ Rev Joseph Hnghet. Editor and Business Manager brought the for- department. man of the tour committee with THE CATHOLIC TELEGRAPH-REGISTER (Cineinnati) mula to the is from Newark, N. J. She has ent of schools of the Diocese of Most Rev. John T. McNichoiss, O.P.. S.T.M., Archbishop of CincTnneti United States and been in the islands 22 years, but Erie, has been elected chairman of v' Society Honors Archbishop headquarters at the Hotel Capitol. Charles F Williams, K.C.S.G., President of Board it was called not all that time at Kalaupapa. the executive committee of the Detroit—The Most Rev. Ed­ Msgr. Edward A. Freking, S.T.D., Editor ‘ Koenig’s Nervine. TENNESSEE REGISTER (Nashville) Today Koenig’s Both she and Sister Jolenta are Middle States Regional Unit of ward Mooney, Archbishop of De­ Most Rev. Bishop W L. Adrian, D.D., President Nervine Is ac­ trained nurses. Sister Margaret Secondary Schools of the National troit, through his secretary, the Rev. George J. Flanigen'. S.T.D.. Editor and Business Manager claimed every­ Mary is from Pennsylvania. She Catholic Educational association. Rev. John A. Donovan, has con­ INTERMOUNTAIN CA'THOLIC REGISTER (Salt Lake City. UUh) where because of is irath diriitian and boss-cook. veyed to Cyril Clemens, president Most Rev. Duane G. Hunt, D.D.. Bishop of Sait Lake. President its great value In The regional unit embraces the Rev. Robert J. Dwyer. M A.. Editor, Rev Charles E Freegard. Business Managtr relieving nervousness and sleepless, Sister Maryanne, who assists her, states of Pennsylvania, New York, of the International Mark Twain j6’Tm roucH ’BmoMx NORTHWESTERN KANSAS REGISTER (Concordia) ness.nPHS. Vvhy w uy licts*cvvneglect nervousnessm o a v v « n * » c o o when TTIXVAS is Portuguese and was born in the New Jersey, Maryland, and Dela­ society, his thanks for being Most Rev. Francis J. Tief, D.D., President quick relief is possible? Try this cele­ islands.” elected honorary chaplain o f the w m M m w B s m s t Rev. Cornelius J. Brown, Editor and Business Manager brated medicine. It has given relief to ware. ooArs rad* •«»«<>._ - " Tha Denver Catholic Register it also a part of this newspaper system. The writer tells o f touring the society. T14 far prk* of 10. thousands. For nervousness and slesp- Bishop It Wliita House Guest m4 leasness caused by nervousness It Is place with Sister Jolenta and says |f$t{$ii c*m* bi Harry Stuhldreher, head coach St. Peter to Be Radio Subject Price of The Register (dated every Sunday), $1 a year. Canada and South unsurpassed and is entirely free from of her: “ Sister Jolenta has given Washinrton.—^The Most Rev. initaiirty, attfematkatiy... America. $1.60. Foreign, $1.76 In bundle lots, one cent a copy if bonght all habit forming drugs. Get a bottle of James H. Ryan, Bishop o f Omaha, at the University o f Wisconsin and Garrison, N. Y.— The eventful M Not a cvf- regularly for sale or distribution. her life to the Church, and she prieo tat. bvt a bigger, mara Koenig’s Nervine from i'our druggist was a guest at the White house formerly one o f Notre Dame’s fa^ life of St. Peter and the lasting pot^tiC poftowning. cmi^ today. Do not accept a substitute. In­ will go where they tell her to. But effect of his activities will be the I4»taba radia in a batullTuil wa^uif Entered as Second Clets Hatter at Pott Office, Denver, Colorado. sist on Koenig’s Nervine. It is guar­ dinner in honor of Vice President mous “four horsemen,” who was there is nothing of the martyr subject ofiT thet regular Ave Maria is'* “ m . u,i anteed to give relief or your money about her. If she stays at Ka­ Johi) Nance Garner. Others pres­ elected president o f the American Writs for fItES KSD cslzlsa The Register has the largest circulation of any paper In the English language win be refunded. For free sample write hour broadcast Sunday evening, laupapa it will be because she ent included United States Sena­ Football Coaches' association at a mt^iiBwmraiiRTi devoted to religious news. «• Koenig Medicine Co., Dept. R. 26, meeting in New Orleans. Jan. 16. The Ave Maria hour is fispL KK-810. ------1048 N. AVells St., Chicago, IIL prefers it above all places.” tor and Mrs. F. Ryan Duffy o f Wis- Sunday, January 16, 1938 PAGE THREE

**STRANGE BUT TRUE** By M. J, Murray ASK AND LEARN ; THE BOOK ; Feast Begins Ad^rM* P. O. B«s 1497, Dmtmt, Col*. _____ :r e g i s t e r ; In a family, the parents were who are outside the Church good Catholics, but as the ehil- ^rough no fault of their own? A, A A A .a Unlty Octave dren grew up they fell away from They may be saved if they serve the Church. One of the daugh­ God to the best o f their ability THE DISSIDENT EASTERN ters married outside the Church. and live according to their con­ CHURCHES. By Donald Attwa- Anniversary of St. Peter’s Chair Commemo­ She had a child^ whom she wished science. But their salvation will ter. 349 pp. Bmce. $3.50. a priest to baptize, but he refused. be effected, not outside’the Church, Mr. Attwater’s previous volume, rates Vicar of Christ’s Becoming She was very angry, saying that but in the Church, to the soul of The Catholic Eastern Churches, the child was innocent and should which they really belong. In this was favorably received in 1935. Bishop of Rome not be kept from the sacrament. class belong many o f the human It acquainted many with the rich What have you to sa/y in the race. variety o f Catholic life in the East (Tlie Litnrgy^IVeek o f Jan. 16 that no chair of St, Peter was easel and left the reader with a feeling to Jan- 22) venerated then.” of encouragement because of the (By Rev. Clarence G. The earliest liturgical celebra­ In accordance with canons 750 / hOfVe heard that a _ man____ u „ and 751, a child who is not in Church’s unity throughout the ISSENMANN, S.T.D.) tions, on the other hand, point to not..^yiowed to wed* his wife’s sis­ world. The same author's new danger of death can be licitly Sunday, Jan, IS— Second Sunday an indication that the feast was ter tn case of his wife’s death. book. The Dissident Eastern baptized only if there is a guaran­ Why? •ft«r Epiphany <*ami-doub!a). Coia- 8 glorification of St Peter’s of­ tee that he or she will be reared a C hurches, produces a feeling of mamoratlon • ! St. Marcallua, Popa fice. In the Missale Gothicum The impediment of affinity shame and pity because there are and Martyr. Catholic. Obviously the fallen- Monday, Jan. 17— S t. Anthony, and the Bobbio Missal the col­ exists here. Affinity arises from away mother refused to give such still so many “ sheep without a Abbot (doubla). lect b ^ n s : “ 0 God, who on this a valid marriage and exists be- Tuesday, Jan. 18— Faaat of St. a guarantee. The fault, therefore, Me d d beUeF oF Jewe dmcl t^elems if ihe Xetirott shepherd.” It is stailling to real* day didst give Blessed Peter to twen the husband and the blood Pater’s Chair at Rome (greatar lies with her, not with the priest. (Josaphat) W leti outrsUie |erusMcnt wtU be the site or ize that Ihe non-CathoIic Easterns be after Thee the head o f the relatives of his wife and between STAMPS. outnumber the Elastem Catholics doable). Commemorations of St. •Twr iASrju&OMBNr. it« slopes u t lined with grAves Panl, Apostls, and St. Prisca, Virgin Church, etc.” 'T h e presoit Gos­ the wife and the blood relatives of issued J8St, nineteen to one! and Martyr. Beginning of the pel of the Mass relate St. Peter’s Which devotion is the more her husband. Its degrees are oTthofe ^ru(iou« to be ftrti on. jud3tnent Paij; a re CallcdL As the “ Orthodox” are the most octave of prayer for Church unity. Wedneaday, Jan. 19— Sts, Marius, confession of Christ’s Divinity and meritorious, the Stations of the counted by the Church in the same 7 ^ onqmaded. nt fnvpftecu o fJ oel (affohe •M tSSlONARtES*' numerous and important Easterns Our Lord’s declaration in return: Cross or the Rosary? Martha, Audifax, and Abachus, way as consanguinity or blood Iffeolo^ tw s, getienzU if, Isold daineparifCular^xt’MMS itw m e a L C o lle c to rs not in onion with Rome, the Martyrs (sim pis). Commemoration “ I say to thee that thou art Peter The Church has never given any relationship. Affinity invalidates becttM se ik tf utere author devotes the first ten chap­ of St. Canuto IV, King and Martyr. and upon this rock I will build such decision, so far as we know. m arriap to the second degree of ters to their various Patriarchates Thursday, Jan. 20— Sts. Fabian, m ajniv sotodL Pope, and Sebastian, Martyrs My Church . . . and to thee I Both devotions are highly in- the collateral line, inclusively. The H f e s i o r w U s . and Churches. His explanation o f (doubis). will give the keys o f toe king;dom dulgenced. Both are extremely case you speak of would be col­ SPECIMENS ARE the term Orthodox is worth quot­ Friday, Jan. 21— St. Agnes, Virgin o f heaven, etc.” (Matt, xvi, 18, popular. The Rosary is easier to lateral affinity in the first de­ ing: “ It appears that historically and Martyr (double). RARE ANP VALOEP Saturday, Jan. 22— Sts. Vincent 19). say as it can be prayed anywhere. gree. It is possible, however, to jH IG H tV the epithet ^Orthodox’ distin­ and Anastaahis, Martyrs (semi- The formerly much mooted get a dispensation in these cases, guished those Christians who wot) doubla). question whether or not St. Peter Could a man, after his wife dies, provided sufficient reasons are faithful to the council o f Chalce- ever actually reached Rome to marry his step-daughter, i.e., the advanceable. don, but for a long time the terra With the Feast of St Peter’s establish the headouarters of toe dxiughter of that wife? has been confined to those Eastern Chair at Rome on Jan. 18 the Church there is no longer debated, The man is related to his step­ How is the existence of heaven ‘Chalcedonians' who are no longer Church begins eight days of even among non-Catholic histo­ daughter in the first degree of proved? in communion with the Holy See prayer, to end on the Feast of rians. Dr. G.' Edraundson, an affinity, in the direct line. “ The of Rome.” (P. 23) The next Anglican, in his Bampton lec­ 1. By Holy Scripture, which the Conversion o f St. Paul on Jan. impediment of affinity,” says four chapters treat o f the older tures delivered at the 'University speaks again and again of the hap­ 25, that all the living may be but less numerous Nestorian and o f Oxford, England, in 1913 canon 1077, “ invalidates marriage piness of heaven, of the kingdom joined to Christ in the true fold in any degree of the direct line, Monophysite Churches, which trace pointed out how strong is the of heaven, and of life everlasting; on earth under the one supreme their origin to the Christological argument of history for St. Peter’s and in the collateral line to the 2. By the teaching o f the Church, spiritual authority of the Bishop second degree, inclusively.” A f­ heresies o f the fifth century. The presence in Rome. which affirms this truth in all her of Rome. finity is that kind of relation­ autlior is careful to point out that “A tradition,” Dr. Edmundson creeds and in her liturgy; 3. By It would seem odd, indeed, that ship that exists between the hus­ present-day members o f these the Church should begin this oc­ writes, “accepted universally and' reason, which demonstrates the ne­ band and the blood relatives o f his W73C4> Churches have but slight under­ tave of prayer on a feast, whose without a single dissentient voice cessity o f another life, in which THIS wife and between the wife and the standing o f the heresy which orig­ significance was merely to honor associates the foundation and or­ virtue will receive adequate re­ MOPSRN ^ blood relatives o f her husband. inally caused their forebears to a material object, prized for all ganization of the Church of Rome ward; 4, By the unanimous be^ M O N s r ^ c E r t * ! - The blood relatives of a wife be­ separate from Rome. that as a memorial and a relic, with the name of St. Peter, and lief o f men in a future life where­ I S M A O S OP / come related by affinity to her The present condition o f all known as St. Peter’s chair en­ speaks of his active connection in the good will enjoy perfect hap­ M tt4 > S n S L / husband in the same line and these dissident Churches is pitiable closed in the great bronze cas­ with the Church as extending over piness. degree as they stand to the wife indeed. Since the downfall o f ing, fashioned by Bernini, in the a period of some 25 years. their last stronghold, Russian Or­ by blood. Dispensation from such C b M P ten N Q AN sjasr-YMAft, loo apse o f St. Peter’s Basilica. This “ It is needless to multiply refer­ an impediment in the direct line I have often heard of "hair thodoxy, they have been exposed thought is not idle fancy; the ences. In Egypt and in Africa, has rarely been granted, accord­ shirts.’’ Is there really such EiemNTAiZY SCHOOL eexjnss iNTtNo. to the ravages o f Freemasonry and search for the true meaning of in the East and in the West, no ing to Father Ayrhinac’s Mar­ thing? Joanne. /3 - y w aULCathetic Communism. The Church o f Eng­ the feast occupied the attention other place ever disputed with yirl, is nonf at fiandelein. (o IU qC ' land has not been slow to grasp riage Legislation, page 178. A hair shirt is a garment woven o f men learned in ancient history, Rome the honor o f being the see \ ChXoMO. y/M£R£ SHE IS THE ■ the situation and is making every of goat’s or other hair worn next archeology, and similar sciences, of St. Peter; no other place ever Is a peHon who is only sprinkled y o u M o ssr s t u p s h t e y e /z m REGisr§E.\ effort to form an alliance with whether the celebration honored claimed that he died there, or that the_ skin as a mortification. It them. These facts should stir in a Protestant Church validly varies in shape and size from jt t t m this material relic or commemo­ it possessed his tomb. Most sig­ baptized? Catholics to the realization that rated the transfer to Rome nificant of all is the consensus oS chest-protector or a girdle to now if ever is the time to make Baptism by sprinkling, when waistcoat and is of use among of the supreme authority as head the Oriental, non-Greek-speaking strenuous efforts to bring these of the Church conferred upon St. Churches. A close examination o f the proper words are spoken some of the religious of both sexes; straying sheep back into the true during the sprinkling, is valid nor is its use confined to them. Peter and his successors. Armenian and Syriac manuscripts fold. Mr, Attwater’s excellent . . , through several centuries has if the water strikes and flows For Carthusians and Discalced It is not surprising that the Risen Human Body at World’s End to Lack book will furnish tlie necessary in­ supreme authority o f the Church failed to discover a single writer over the skin. It is so difficult Carmelites it is prescribed by rule. spiration, especially the final chap­ who did not accept the Roman to make sure o f the flow when The principle behind such pen­ should be spoken of'as the “ chair.” ter, “ Reunion o f the East.” It Petrine tradition.” sprinkling is used that this Bap­ ances is given by St. Paul, who The phrase survives to this day; should be in the possession o f all The observance of the Feast of tism by aspersion is illicit in the said that he chastised his body and infallible decrees are called the Deformity; Saints of Wondrous Beauty Catholic libraries and study clubs. St. Peter’s Chair at Rome is in Catholic Church (that it, its use brought it into subjection lest, result or the Pope’s teaching or — Edmund J. Stumpf, SJ. line with an ancient custom to is forbidden). It was used, how­ while preaching to others, he him­ speaking ex cathedra, and cathe­ When the human race resumes dened with flesh, they will not re­ dra is the Romans’ term, bor­ commemorate the anniversary of ever, in the ancient Celtic rite. self should become a castaway things came perfect from the hand IN AN ALPINE VALLEY. By sume its entire weight. All that o f God, we must admit that it will rowed from the Greek, for the toe consecration of a Bishop, his A person baptized by sprinkling (I Cor. , 27). flesh at the General Resurrection Isabel C Gorke. 368 pp. Long­ exceeds the proper proportion will be the same in the resurrection. seat, chair, or rostrum occupied installation in his see, his position in a Protestant denomination from the dead, in order that mans. $2.50. would always be conditionally bap­ be deemed superfluous. On the These observations are not to be by a teacher or one speaking with of authority. St. Augustine has iFfcot Unlike the Heraingways and the written of the “birthday (anni­ tized if he were to come into the share have sinners in the “ every one may receive the proper other hand, should the body be restricted to the bodies of the mar­ authority. Another use o f chair spiritual treasures of the Church? Gibbses, Catliolics who intransi- in this same sense is found in versary) of a Bishop,” and St. Catholic Church. things o f the body, according as wasted by disease or old age, or be tyrs, of whom St. Augustine says; gently exrlude the spiritual from They share in all the blessings, he hath done, whether it be good emaciated from any other cause, it reference to “chairs” of learning Leo has three sermons on the ‘As the mutilation which they suf­ their novels, Isabel (Jarke permits except such as require the state of or evil,” (II Cor. v, 10), not only established in universities. “ birthday o f the chair,” i.e., the Why did the Church make it of will be repaired by the Divine fered would prove a deformity, her stories to be colored and domi­ grace and are, therefore, reserved will the body arise, but whatever To speak figuratively o f the installation o f a Bishop. obligation to hear Mass on Sun­ power o f Christ, who will not only they shall rise with all their mem­ nated by her faith. We believe for the just (for instance, indul- supreme authority in the Church Some annual mark to com­ days and holy days of obligation? belongs to the reality o f its nature restore the body to us, but will re­ bers; otherwise those who were be­ tliat her popularity is traceable to ^n ces can be gained only by those as the “ chair” is no more un­ memorate St. Peter’s position as The Church, through this legis­ and adorns and ornaments man pair whatever it shall have lost headed would rise without a head. this element, the strongest which a in the state of grace). Although will be rstored, says the Cate­ through the wretchedness o f this The scars, however, which they re­ familiar than the phrases, “ power Bishop of Rome was only natural lation, has made specific the com­ creative worker in any field can and to be expected. The original they are sinners, yet they are still chism o f the Council of Trent. life (De Civ. Dei, lib. xxii; Ench., ceived shall remain, shining like of the throne,” ‘lieir to the mandment of ,G od: “ Keep holy place under service. This convert Chair feast was kept on Feb. 22. members o f the Church. There­ (See discussion of Art. xi of Apos­ c. 89). Augustine thinks that the the wounds of Christ, with a bril­ throne,” “ prerogative of the the Sabbath day.” , The law of writer views her talents as an in­ An ancient calendar listing the fore, they share in the Communion tle’s Creed for citations used.) text, “ The very hairs o f your head liancy far more resplendent than crown,” and the like in reference God demands that we worship strument to be employed in the liturgical celebrations in Rome for o f Saints, and, through the merits St. Augustine says that there ^re all numbered,” in Luke xii, 7, that of gold and precious stones.’ to the highest civil or political Him on Sunday. The Church service o f her cherished faith. the year 354 gives Feb. 22 as of their brethrenj may receive the will then be no deformity of the indicates that risen man will not (De Civ. Dei, lib. xxii, c .^ 0 ) .” power. More the usual term to­ shows us the chief way in which The locale o f the present story the anniversary of Peter’s Chair grace of conversion. body; if some have been overbur- resume his former hair, but ^idll day, however, for the supreme He wishes to be worshiped, i.e., The will rise with all is in and near the Italy which Miss feast. Later, the present arrange­ have such as will become him. God Papal power is “ Holy See,” which by attendance at Mass. The their members too. 'The greater Garke knows and loves from long ment came into force, whereby will restore man’s hair according means again “ Holy Chair,” com­ legislation is extremely wise, for the number of members, the residence. At Spino, their ances­ the Roman feast was transferred to His wisdom. ing as it does from the Latin we are creatures of habit and, greater will be their suffering. tral home in the Lepontine Alps. sedes, seat. to Jan. 18, and the Feb. 22 date The Catechism o f the Council of Hence it will be a punishment to if we did not have the regular Scripture Describes Agatha and Evelyn Boyd are pre­ Of the chair itself, venerated commemorated /the stay of St. Trent says that the blind, lame, the wicked to be made whole; and habit of attending church we paring to enter the Church, from today in St. Peter’s Basilica.^there Peter at Antioch, under the title would soon fall out of the prac­ paralyzed, and maimed will rise a reward to the just. The bodies which a Calvinist mother has held is no mention before 1217. Ac­ of the Feast o f St. Peter’s Chair tice o f worshiping God. Thus, Torments of Hell with entire and perfect "bodies. o f the wicked, however, will be in­ them. Into this, -home soon in­ cording to Duchesne, authority on at Antioch. expressibly ugly. we would be deprived o f many “ Otherwise the desires o f the soul, trudes a distant cousin, a recreant Christian antiquities, “ Peter Mal- It is only fitting that on the which so strongly incline it to a blessings that we stand in need (One of n New Series on the not be extinguished, and their The bodies of the good and the Catholic, to connive against the lius, writing of the Basilica of feast celebrating the transfer of. union with the body, would be far life and faith o f the invalid boy “Catholio Catechism” of Car­ worm shall never die (Mark ix, bad will be no longer subject to St. Peter (1159-1181), does not of the supreme authority of the from satisfied; but we are con­ Evelyn. On the side o f the angels Church to Rome, prayers not only 46; Apoc. XX, 9, 16; Job x, 21). dissolution after the General Res­ allude to it, and, considering how dinal Gasparri) vinced that in the resurrection in the ensuing struggle a re' the What do you mean by the Hell is rightly depicted as the urrection. There will be no more constantly ho enlarges on the for the preservation, but also for these desires will be fully realized. boy's sister Agatha and Michael Liturgical movement? After the “particular judg­ “land of oblivion” since its death for either. “ Death shall be relics therein, his silence shows the increase of-that unity o f all Besides, the resurrection, like the Craven, tutor to the children. By the Liturgical movement we ment,” the soul, if, owing to mor­ wretched inhabitants remain there, no more.” (Apoc. xxi, 4). “He Christians and people under the tal sin, it is not in the grace o f God, creation, is clearly to be numbered The physical conflict is tense mean that activity in the Church never to behold God or to find any shall cast death down headlong for­ presence o f the powers o f hell is Vicar of Christ should be insti­ among the principal works of God. and vivid but the spiritual battle which seeks to promote intelli­ will be at ohee consigned to the creature who will have compassion ever.” (Isa. XXV, 3.) But the made to seem imminent and real, tuted. Thus, the Church prays As, therefore, at the creation all is paramount. This latter is a gent participation, first, in the punishment of hell, the place which on them. There is no longer for wicked “ shall seek death, and shall threatening the incipient faith in in the words of Christ: “ That theme on which the authoress has sacrifice of the Mass, then in the God has assigned for the just them any advocate or Redeemer; not find it, shall desire to die, and the soul o f a generous but wilful they all may be one, as Thou, become adept through preference boy. It is the ageless campaign o f other offices of the Church (as punishment o f sinners and the their fate is decreed, and their death shall fly from them.” (Apoc. Father, in Me and I in Thee; that President’s Guest and practice, a theme which few Satan against Christ and those who distinguished from popular devo­ state of just condemnation for sentence is never to be reversed. ix, 6.) they also may be one in Us; that writers dare to touch. Here the would dare to follow Him.— R. A. tions), as the principal and ordi­ spirits that are rebellious against The Catholic Church has solemnly The bodies of the saved will be the world may believe that Thou the Almighty. Thus, Satan and G., SJ. hast sent Me” (John xvii, 21). nary way of common prayer of condemned the erroneous opinion ' A ■' X 5«f glorious and of wondrous beauty. the faithful at large. It is based his accomplices were cast into hell of those heretics who have taught The Fathers of the Church men­ Masses Said in 10 on the principle that Christianity for aspiring to be like God. Adam that the pains o f the damned tioned four especial qualities in is essentially the religion of the and his posterity were also doomed would in time have an end; but, the risen bodies o f the blessed, worship of the Lord Jesus to the same fate because of his in so doing, she was merely ad­ basing their doctrine on St. Paul’s Rites on One Day MOVING PICTURES CLASSIFIED Christ; that the Church provides disobedience in eating the forbid­ hering to the teaching of Christ teaching to the Corinthians, St. den fruit; but, through the infinite her services for our use and sanc­ and the Apostles; “Depart from Paul said o f the body, speaking o f Vatican City. — Masses were Followina !■ a Bit of motion pictures reviewed and classifled. bz tha National mercy of God, in sending His Son council of the Lecion of Decency through its New York headquarters: tification ; and that “ the active Me, ye cursed, into everlasting the blessed: "It is sown in corrup­ celebrated in ten rites at a solemn to be our Redeemer, this sentence Class A— Section 1— Unohjectionahle far General Patronafa participation in the most holy fire . . . and they shall go into tion, it shall rise in incorxuption.” observance of the Feast of the was withdrawn, ai)d man was Ail Amtrican Sweethaart Kidnaped in Shanghai Rosalie mysteries and in the public and everlasting punishment” (Matt. (1 Cor. X V .) This incorruption is Epiphany at the Propaganda col­ All Over Town Lancer Spy Rough Riding Rhythm again restored to his heavenly solemn prayer o f the Church is the XXV, 41, 46); “ It is better for thee called impassibility, to distinguish lege. Two members of the Sacred Bad Man at Brimitona Law Man Is Born Rustler’ s Valley primary and indispensable source inheritance'. to enter lame into life everlasting It from the incorruption that at­ Beg, Borrow, or Steal Legion of Missing Men Sergeant Murphy College took part in the observ­ Behind the Meadlinea Life Begins in Gollegc Shadow Strikes, ’Tha of the true Christian spirit” (Pope The life o f every one who dies than, having two feet, to be cast taches to the bodies o f the damned. ance. Pietro Cardinal Fumasoni- Behind the Mike ' Life Begins With Love Shadow, The Pius X ). an enemy of God—tha# is, who into the hell o f unquenchable fire, It makes the body incapable o f Biondi, Prefect of the Sacred Con­ Blossoms on Broadway Life of Emile Zola, Tha She Asked for It The Liturgical movement does dies in mortal sin— is destined to where their worm dieth not, and suffering anything disagreeable, BoothUl Brigads London by Night Singing Outlaw, Tha gregation for the Propagation of Boots of Destiny Love and Hisses Snow White and the Seven not cast any reflection on popular be a life without any gp-ace or joy the fire is not extinguished” (Mark whether it be painful or merely in­ the Faith, was celebrant of a Low Born to the West Manhattan Merry-Go-Round Dwarfs devotions. These devotions are for all eternity; a life full of pains ix, 44, 45); “And the smoke of convenient. Neither cold, heat, nor Mass, and Arthuri Cardinal Kins­ Boss of Lonely Valley Marry the Girl Speed IQ Spare recommended by the Church. It and torments in hell. We look to their torments shall ascend up for any other thing can hurt the body. Boy of the Streets Melody for Two Springtimdin the Rocklee ley, Archbishop of Westminster, Breakfast for Two Michael O’Halioran Stars Over Arisons is desired, however, to make peo­ Christ for some inkling o f the ever and ever” (Apoc. xiv, 11). “ It is sown in dishonor, it shall gave Benediction o f the Blessed Brothers of the West Million Dollar Backet Swing It, Professor ple more appreciative o f the Mass, existence and nature of hell—to The reason that the sufferings rise in glory," says St. Paul (I Sacrament, surrounded by the rep­ Buccaneer, The Mr. Bogge Steps Out Tanan’s Revenge Vespers, Compline, and other fea­ Him who is “ the Way, the Truth, of the damned ere eternal is that Cor. X V ). ‘*He will reform the Californian, The Hr. Dodd Takes the Air Texas Trail resentatives of all the different Can This Be DixteT' Murder on Diamond Row Tex Rides With the Boy tures of the Liturgy. It is better and the Life,” and who warns us: the infinite Majesty o f God de­ body o f our lowness, made like to rites. Checkers Music for Ifadamc Scouts to follow the Mass with a Missal, “ Unless you do penance, you shall mands of His justice a punishment the body o f His glory.” (Phil. Hi.) Low Masses were said in the Crashing Bollywood Mystery of the Hooded There Goes the Groom for instance, than to say private all likewise perish” (Luke xiii, without end; because all who die This quality o f the risen glorified Dangei Patrol Horsemen Thirteenth Man Melchite, Russian, Roumanian, Danger Valley Navy, Blue, and Gold This Way, Pleas# prayers at Mass to some saint, 3). The words of Our Savior with in sin remain eternally impeni­ body 18 called brightness. It is a Ruthenian, Ethiopian, Syrian, Ma- Dangerous Adventure Non-Stop New York Tborongbbreds Don't Cry though the private devotion is reference to those who “perish” tent; because God, in virtue of radiance reflected on the body ronite, and Chaldean rites. A Sol­ Escape hy Night No Time to Harry Thrill of a Lifetime not forbidden. (because they fail to do penance, His sanctity, hates evil no less thai. from the supreme happiness o f the emn Pontifical Mass was sung by Everybody’s Doing It On Again— Off Again Thimder City He loves what is good, and there­ souL The soul is happy in its par- Federal Bulleta Old Wyoming Trail Tovsrich By popular devotions we mean and die in mortal sin) are un­ the Most Rev. Francis Agagianian, Feud of the Trail Outlaws of the Orient Trapped by G-Uea spontanieous pious movements of mistakably clear. He refers to fore punishes vice eternally, just tieipation In the happiness of God; new Armenian Patriarch. Firefly, The Over the Goal Trigger Trio the Christian body toward this hell (their eternal lot) as “ a as He eternally rewards virtue; the body is made happy through First Lady Paradise Isle Two of Ui, ’The and, lastly, because only the ever­ the souL “ The just shall shine as body will be agility. The body will 46 Fathers Partners of the Plains Under Saipictan or that feature of the faith, sanc­ place of torments” (Luke xvi, Frontier Town Patient in Room 18 Valley of Terror tified individual, or historical 28); “an everlasting punishment” lasting pains o f hell are a sufficient the sun, in the kingdom o f their be freed o f the heaviness that now Galloping Dynamita Perfect Specimen, The Venue Hakes Trouble event, approved by authority and (Matt. XXV, 4 6 ); an “ unquench­ mer.ns to deter man, even in secret, Father,” said Christ (Matt, xiii, presses it down, and will move Glamorout Night Prisoner of Zenda Welle Fargo 43). The radiance of the face of with the utmost ease and swift­ Hideout in the Alps Range Defenders Western Gold usually expressed in authorized able fire” (Mark ix, 44): “the ex­ from sin. Hitting a Naw High Riders of the Rookies Wise Girl vernacular formulas and obser­ terior darkness, where there shall The pains o f the damned will Moses, aftor he had talked with ness, wherever it wishes. “ It is Hold ’Em Navy Roll Along Cowboy Wrong Road vances. be weeping and gnashing of not all be equal; yet this will af­ God, making the Jews unable to sown in weakness, it shall rise in Jubilee Romance of the Roeldta Young Dynamita teeth” (Matt, viii, 12). The pains ford no consolation. Each one look on his unveiled countenance, power,” says St. Paul (I Cor. xv). Kathleen You'ra a Sweetheart Why is it necessai-y to belong to which the souls of the damned will have to suffer in proportion was an image o f this brightness. The fourth quality is subtility. Clasa A— Section 2 — UnobJactlonaUa for Adulta Alcatras leland Forty Naughty Girls Prescription for Romance the Church in order to be saved? shell suffer are described in both ti his sins, and in proportion to' The fact that the three Apostles This will put the body under the Beck In Circulation Good Earth, 'The She Harried an Artist Because salvation outside the the Old and the New Testament the ill use he has made o f the who beheld the Transfiguration of dominance of the soul, ever ready Big Town Girl High Flyer She’s No Lady Church is just as impossible as sal­ as: 1. Internal torture and graces bestowed upon him. (“ Unto Christ, when the glory o f His hu­ to follow its wishes. “ It is sown a Bride Wore Red, Tha Hollywood Hotel Spy Ring, The man soul was allowed to flow over Carnival Queen Jury’s Secret. *rhe Swing It Sailor vation without Christ Christ made anguish o f conscience at the whomsoever much is given, of him natural body, it shall arise a spir­ Charlie Chan at Monta Lady Escapes, The Telephone Operator known to \is that there is no sal­ thought of all the evil they have much shall be required” — Luke to the body, and the glorified Elias itual body,” says St Paul (I Cor. Carlo Last Gangster, The That Certain Woman vation outside the Church by these done, and of the many graces they xii, 49). Finally, the eternal pun­ and Moses appeared with Him, xv). City Girl Life and Loves of Topper were not able to look on the scene, Confession •Beethoven True Confeaiion words o f the Gospel: “ If he will have abused (Wisdom, v, 1-15); ishment of the reprobate casts no The risen body, because of these Daughter of Shanghai Living on Love Uncivilised not hear the Church, let him be to 2. Inconsolable regret and misery shadow on the infinite mercy o f but hid their faces, also indicates gifts, will be able to pass through Dr. Syn Man-Proof Walter Wanger’a Tognes thee as the heathen and the publi­ because they have, by their own God and His will that all men how neat the brightness of toe solids, as was proved by the risen Double Wedding Meet Miss Hourt of 1938 fault, forfeited eternal happiness, should be saved, since all those who risen body will be. But, unlike im­ Christ, who could suddenly ap­ Ebb Tide Missing Witness Westland Casa can.” “ He that heareth you, hear- EWetyday’f a Holiday Night Club Scandal What Becomes s t She eth Me; and he that despiseth you and shall never experience the su­ are condemned to eternal hell-fire Cardinal Mundelein, Archbishop passibility, this condition will not pear in the midst of a room, where 52nd Stnet Nothing Sacred Children T despiseth Me.” For whoever wil­ preme joy of the beatific vision will be condemned by their own of Qiicago, photographed as he be the same in alL “ One is the the doors had been shut It can Fight for Your Lady Partners in Crime World’s in Love, T ie Forever Yours fully remains outside the Church, (Luke xiii, 25-28); 3. Perpetual fault. All men may be eternally was about to enter the White glory o f tha sun, another the glory wish to be somewhere, and by that Live. Love, and L ssm happy if they but avail themselves o f the moon, and another the wish go there. It can pass from Class B— Objectionable in Port refusing to profess the faith horror of the dismal company of House Jan. 4, where he was the Flight FYom Glory Juggernaut Portia on Trial taught by the Church, to partake the devils arid of all the damned of the abundant graces God offers luncheon guest o f President Roose­ glory o f the stars, for star differ- planet to planet, from the new Ali Baba Goes to Town Lady Behave I Two Who Dared of her sacraments, and to obey her (M att XXV, 4 1 ); and 4. Sensible them. (“ Before man is life and velt. Both the Cardinal and the eth from star in glory: so also in earth to the place of heaven, mere­ Between Two Women Mannequin W ife, Doctor, and Nurse and . intolerable torments and death; that which he shall choose President recently issued statements the resurrection of the dead," says ly by so desiring. Its beauty will DeviPs Playground Outcaita of Poklr Flat Wine, Women, and Horces laws, though he knows the Church Dreaming U p s Women Men Harry pangs, without any hope of relief shall he given him” — Ecclus. xv, criticizifig monopolies. (Harris & St. Paul (I Cor. xv). be perfect Its happiness will be to be true, there is no salvation. Class C— Condemned How is salvation possible to those or end, because their fire shall 18). Ewing photo.) Another quality of the risen indescribable. Damaged Goode Damaged Lives Pitfalls of Tontk