Maryknoll Priests Make 60 Converts Each in Far East Heroic Leper
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POPE BLESSES U. S. PRIEST'S DEFENSE OF FAITH Tbe Register Has the International Kews Service (Wire and H a il), the N . C. W . C. Kews Service (Including Radios and Cables), Maryknoll Priests Its Own Special Service, Lumen Service ot China, International Illustrated News, and N . C. W . C. Picture Smrvice. Great Apostolate Local Local The New Republic, which Edition Edition used to be inclined to canon Make 60 Converts Being Promoted by ize everything Soviet Russia THE did, and is still radical, says that day by day the Russian Each in Far East Fr. Richard Felix purge goes on, and nobody knows how many have been put to death or imprisoned. 12,549 Baptisms Registered; Catholic Popu 150,000 Pieces of Literature Distributed; 400 Nearly every person who lation in Five Districts Reaches REGISTER(Name Registered in the U. S. Patent O ffice) Radio Programs Broadcast in ‘‘made the Russian revolution is gone.” The diplomatic corps 56,675 in 1937 America, Australia has lost many of its most VOL. XIV. No. 3 DENVER, COLO., SUNDAY, JAN. 16, 1938 TW O CENTS experienced members and Maryknoll, N. Y.— (Special)— As Maryknoll priests Pilot Grove, Mo.— With 150,000 pieces of Catholic many important posts have each made an average of 60 converts, the Catholic popula literature already distributed, with 400 radio programs I>een given to green men. tion in Maryknoll mission fields of the Orient passed the The Mayor^s Chair Is Full loom and his two^ broadcast over 27 stations in the United States and two : Eight o f the highest leaders 50,000 mark in 1937 for the first time, with 56,675 listed in daughters sit down in Papa’s new office at Boston. Young Mayor stations in Australia, and with the blessing of the Holy o f the army have been “ liqui five ecclesiastical divisions. A sixth Maryknoll field, that Tobin, who succeeds Frederick W. Mansfield, is a Catholic. On his Father, the Defenders of the Faith, directed by the Rev. dated.” TTie Presidents or lap are Carol Anne, 3, and Helen Louise, 4. Beside her husband and of Kyoto in Japan, was raised to t| ie rank of a prefecture, children is Mr*. Tobin. Everybody seems happy about the whole Richard Felix, O.S.B., are now organizing their work on a > other chiefs of several “ re- with Msgr. Patrick J. Bryne of Washington, D. (I)., as its thing except Carol Anne, who probably knows that being mayor o f national basis. Most of the Defenders’ -work is aimed at ' publics” have also passed. All head. In the five other fields, Kongmoon, Kaying, Wu- Boston is no soft job. 1counteracting the influence of the rabidly bigoted “ Judge” ; the chief aides o f the Com- chow', Fushun, and Peng Yang, there were 12,549 Bap Rutherford, but they also seek to I missar o f Defense are gone; tisms, more than half of which were adult. ' explain the faith to all who mis I likewise four out of the five Outstripping all other Mary- cuim TmimiiG understand it. : chief aides o f the Commissar knoll fields in the year was the The Pope’s “ prayerful interest Death of Priest Kaying vicariate, which had 3,216 in the continued success of your f of Foreign Affairs. Among adult Baptisms, more than 100 '.‘''J labors for* truth and justice” is “ Old Bolsheviks” liquidated for each priest. * Colored Priest San Francisco.— Schools do not conveyed to Father Felix in a in recent weeks are men of Counting all hands, there are have a chance in their efforts to letter written by Eugenio Cardinal now some 1,500 priests, brothers, give children the proper kind of Pacelli, Papal Secretary of State. Brings to Light the first importance, some of sisters, and lay helpers engaged education because home disorders Some time ago. Father Felix re them Stalin’s oldest and in the missionary apostolate of W p s Against frustrate child-training at its very ceived a letter from Pietro Car closest friends. Diplomats re Maryknoll. In the five Oriental source, said the Rev. Dr. James T. dinal Fumasoni-Biondi, Prefect of cently slain or imprisoned in fields covered in a report given O’Dowd in a radio address on par the Sacred Congregation for tbe Apparent Miracle clude the ambassadors to Ger by the Field Afar there are 139 ent education. Dr. O’Dowd, assist Propagation of the Faith, saying ant superintendent of schools in that the Cardinal was pleased with many and Poland, the nlinis- foreign and 19 native priests, 12 Reds, Fascists brothers, 77 foreign and 30 na the Archdiocese of San Francisco, the priest’s work in defending the Toledo, 0.— Death of the Rev. ters to Latvia and Lithuania, tive sisters, 523 catechists, 376 spoke over KYA under the aus Church against the attacks of William A. Harks, oldest diocesan and the ambassador to Tur teachers, and 283 baptizers. New York.-—Not because they pices of the California Congress Rutherford and his Jehovah’s 'Wit priest resident in the Diocase of key, who was formerly am Maryknoll’s '83 elementary really believe in Communism, but of Parents and Teachers. nesses. Toledo, has brought to light his af Saying that “ the American home bassador to China. schools in the five divisions en because they feel that something The Defenders of the Faith fidavit attesting to a purported rolled 8,157 pupils; 93 prayer must be done to change existing holds an unenviable record,” Dr. have for their purpose “ to defend miracle that took place in 1875 The New Republic thinks schools instructed 4,745 children. social injustice, are Negroes drawn O’Dowd declared: “The country is the Church against all who malign as a statue of Our Lady o f Con that “ it is impossible for per In the United States, 276 young toward Communism, says the Rev. filled with children of broken her, to explain the faith to all solation was being can-ied from sons at this distance from men are being trained for mis Dr. Gladstone 0. Wilson, scholarly homes— children who have never who misunderstand it, and to Berwick to Carey, when rain J -experienced a father’s interest nor Russia to say with authority sion work in prep schools and the Colored priest who is secretary bring Catholic truth to the non- is said to have fallen all around major seminary. to the Most' Rev. Thomas A. Em a mother’s care. With the home Catholic mind everywhere.” but not on marchers in the what is going on there.” Some idea of the charity done mett, S.J., 'Vicar Apostolic o f Ja in such a disorganized condition, procession. The affidavit, wit the work of education is frustrated Their plan of action includes by the Maryknollers in the Orient maica. Father Wilson in the cur the maintenance of pamphlet nessed by the Rev. William J. is given by the number of con rent issue of the Interracial Re at its very source. With so many Carroll and notarized by Irene H. Nevertheless, we cannot be American homes either totally or racks in railway stations and other sultations with patients at 43 view issues a warning to all mem public places, the mailing of Cath Sperry shortly before Father jailed for making a guess. Of medical dispensaries— 201,686. In bers of his race to beware the partially disjointed, the educa Harks’ Jeath, reads as follows: tional work of our schools is se olic literature to non-Catholics, significance is the Brooklyn 19 orphanages, 239 girls and 66 false promises of both Communism lersonal distribution of Catholic “ I, Rev. William A. Harks, boys were cared for. and Fascism. verely hampered. Tablet’s conjecture that Stalin “ To no greater task, then, can iterature through field workers, do solemnly state that I took part is no longer the friend o f the These figures do not cover the Fascism and Communism, both and the broadcast of electrically in the procession that accompanied stemming from Liberalism, he parent-teacher groups dedicate work of Maryknollers in Hong transcribed radio programs from the transference of the statue of Jews. “ Perhaps before long says, reject the guidance o f the themselves than to that o f con Kong, Peking, the Philippines, and as many radio stations as possible Our Lady of Consolation from (Turn to Page 4 — Column 1) the Hawaiian islands. Christian principles of religion, serving the family, of restoring the home to its former strength each week. It is hoped eventually Berwick, O., to Carey, 0., on May but when they fail and chaos en to have one or more field workers 24, 1875, and that during the sues, they blame religion and and pristine vigor . that we may in every parish to call upon non- course of the procession rain fell Courted Disease for Sake of Patients Christianity for the failure. “It reinstaite the home as the school of Catholics regularly in their homes, Constantly on either side o f the looks to me much like putting schools, as our primary and most important educational agency.” speak to them about matters reli marchers and also ahead of. them the proprietor of a restaurant on gious, and leave behind each time and behind them, but that no rain trial for sabotage because, if he free Catholic literature. fell on the procession itself.” had no‘' kept a restaurant, the Heroic Leper Priest “ Results o f this preliminary The procession was arranged by racketeers who bombed his estab Priests’ Attention Congressman O’Connell on War Path work have been so gratifying that the late Father Joseph P.