Role of Point-of-Care Ultrasonography in the Evaluation and Management of Kidney Disease Jorge Lamarche, MD; Alfredo Peguero Rivera, MD; Craig Courville, MD; Mohamed Taha, MD; Marina Antar-Shultz, DO; and Andres Reyes, MD Imaging at the nephrology point of care provides an important and continuously expanding tool to improve diagnostic accuracy in concert with history and physical examination.

he evaluation of acute kidney injury protocols into the modified focused assess- Jorge Lamarche, Alfredo Peguero Rivera, Craig (AKI) often starts with the classic pre- ment with sonography for trauma (FAST) Courville, Mohamed Taha, Trenal, renal, and postrenal causalities, examination in conjunction with limited and Marina Antar-Shultz delineating a practical workable approach and lung sonography (Fig- are Academic Nephrology in its differential diagnosis. Accordingly, the ure 1). The original FAST protocol was devel- Attending Physicians at the James A. Haley Veterans' history, physical examination, urinalysis, oped by the American Institute of Hospital and Assistant Pro- and kidney-bladder sonography are stan- in Medicine and the American College of fessors at the University of dard resources in the initial approach to Emergency Physicians.3 South Florida Department of Nephrology and Hyper- renal disease assessment. Ultrasonography These protocols have allowed the evalu- tension, all in Tampa, Flor- has a well-established role as an important ation of extracellular volume, which is im- ida. At the time the article adjuvant for postrenal diagnosis of renal portant to measure for the diagnosis and was written Andres Reyes failure. Nevertheless, most of the causes of management of renal diseases. For example, was a Medical Fellow at the University of South Florida. AKI are prerenal and renal. the evaluation of lung water by POC ultra- Correspondence: Some etiologies of kidney injury are se- sonography for patients with ESRD is emerg- Jorge Lamarche quelae of systemic diseases in which sonog- ing as a promising tool. In a study of patients ([email protected]) raphy can be diagnostically analogous to the with ESRD undergoing hemodialysis, POC history and physical examination. Further- ultrasonography detected moderate-to-severe more, ultrasonography may be informative lung congestion in 45% of patients, most of in various clinical scenarios, for example, pa- whom (71%) were asymptomatic. Two years tients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) of follow-up of patients was associated with and end-stage renal disease (ESRD). In this 3 to 4 times greater risk of heart attack and narrative review, the contribution of point- death, respectively, compared with individ- of-care (POC) sonography to the evaluation uals without congestion on sonography.4-6 and management of AKI, CKD, and associ- Thus, ultrasound assessment of lung water ated diseases are explored beyond the tra- in patients with ESRD may prove to be an es- ditional sonogram uses for kidney biopsy, sential tool to assure an adequate ultrafiltra- central catheter placement, and/or screening tion and improve patient outcomes. of . Two important elements made possible ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY the incorporation of POC sonography into Prerenal nephrology practice.1,2 First, the development The physical examination provides evaluation of handheld reliable and portable ultrasound of effective arterial circulatory flow (EACF) devices and, second, the derived capacity of and is clinically useful in the evaluation of POC sonography to obtain objective signs prerenal azotemia. The utility is more obvious of physiologic and/or pathophysiologic phe- in the extremes of EACF. However, in the case nomena. The latter clinical application is re- of blood volume losses of > 10% or the physi- alized through the incorporation of POC ologic equivalent, heart rate, blood pressure, DECEMBER 2018 • FEDERAL PRACTITIONER • 27 Kidney Disease Management

FIGURE 1 Acute Kidney Injury Assessment finding is that pulmonary hypertension may induce false-positive results.12,13 Hepatic vein dilation is another sign of HF and/or pulmonary hypertension. Furthermore, so- nographic images of the left ventricle either from the parasternal long axis or subxiphoid approach can identify supranormal left ven- tricular ejection fraction (LVEF) or hyper- dynamic heart as an important clue of the absolute or relative decrease of EACF.14 Con- versely, a decrease in EACF in patients with low LVEF can be assessed qualitatively at the bedside in patients with systolic HF. Support- ing evidence of prerenal azotemia as the re- sult of HF can be suggested by the presence of pleural effusions and bilateral comet/rock- ets tails or B lines in lung sonography.15 The easily recognizable hypoechoic ascitic Abbreviations: AGN, acute glomerulonephritis; AIN, acute interstitial nephritis; AKI, acute fluid in the presence of small, hyperechoic kidney injury; ATN, acute tubular necrosis; GU, genitourinary; IVC, inferior vena cava. gross changes in the echocardiographic tex- ture of liver may indicate a hepatorenal com- skin turgor, urinary output, and capillary re- ponent as the cause of prerenal failure. A fill may be within normal limits. Obvious small increase of > 20% in the diameter of the changes in these parameters during the phys- portal vein with deep inspiration indicates ical examination are considered relatively late portal hypertension, with a sensitivity of 80% manifestations.7-10 Therefore, prerenal fail- and a specificity of 100%.15,16 Other clini- ure is frequently diagnosed retrospectively cal scenarios leading to AKI in association after correction of the EACF through use of with systemic may be identi- crystalloids, blood products, vasopressors, fied quickly with the aid of POC sonography. inotropic agents, discontinuation of antihy- These scenarios include cardiac tampon- pertensive agents, or treatment of its prere- ade, tension , right ventricu- nal causes. Certain sonographic maneuvers, lar dysfunction (as a surrogate of pulmonary performed at the bedside during acute renal embolism), or an acute coronary event.16,17 injury, may be useful in many patients to eval- Alternatively, identifying the presence of se- uate a multitude of prerenal causes of AKI. vere left ventricular hypertrophy through Sonographic inferior vena cava (IVC) lu- POC ultrasonography in a patient with AKI minal diameter and inspiratory collapsibility and normal or low normal blood pressures together serve as a surrogate marker of pre- may alert clinicians to the diagnosis of nor- load venous return and right side heart func- motensive renal failure in individuals with tion. Such imaging results have been shown previously unrecognized severe hyperten- to be more accurate than jugular venous dis- sion. In this clinical context, keeping mean tension on physical examination but only arterial pressures higher than usual with va- modestly helpful as a surrogate for central sopressors may improve renal function while venous pressure (CVP), with more accuracy decreasing dialysis utilization.18-21 in the lower values of the CVP.11 However, Likewise, in clinical scenarios of this procedure can be repeated often after with AKI, POC ultrasonography has proven volume resuscitation to achieve a 1.5- to to be an indispensable tool. For example, 2.5-cm diameter dimension of the IVC and rapid exploration of the biliary tree dem- < 25% inspiratory collapsibility as a goal. onstrating anterior wall thick- An IVC with a diameter > 2.5 cm in the ening, a stone or sludge, common bile duct context of a suspected prerenal AKI is more dilation, or perigallbladder inflammation likely the consequence of (HF) suggests acute cholecystitis and/or cholan- rather than hypovolemia. The caveat to this gitis as the cause. The presence of dyspnea

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in association with hypoten- FIGURE 2 Sonograms of the Inferior Vena Cava Entering the Right sion and unilateral signs of a Atrium During (A) Inspiration and (B) Expiration (arrows) higher proportion of comet A B tails and/or a lung consoli- dation suggests pneumonia. Rapid differentiation be- tween acute respiratory dis- tress syndrome (ARDS) and from HF is possible with ultrasonogra- phy. When pleural line abnor- malities are seen, ARDS is a common cause. POC ultrasonography will be key in management of ARDS, as ultrasound results will help avoid the use of ex- cessive diuretics, which can result in renal hypoperfusion and AKI.22 In trauma patients, the ultrasound examination will identify free ting and are an independent risk factor for fluid (bleeding) as the source of the prerenal poor survival in arterial hypertension and failure, along with its cause (, H F. 25-30 hepatic hemorrhage, splenic hemorrhage, ec- Other POC sonographic evaluations of topic , etc).23 Sonographic free air intrinsic AKI have been helpful in the fol- observed in the abdomen can provide the lowing clinical scenarios. The presence of an clue of a perforated viscus.24 The sonographic ultrasonographic sign of sinusitis in the con- image of an inflamed pancreas can suggest text of nephritic sediment and a rapid decline pancreatitis as the cause of the systemic hypo- of renal function suggest antineutrophil cy- tension. Ultimately, intravascular losses in the toplasmic antibody (ANCA)-related vascu- hypoechoic edematous bowel wall in obstruc- litis. Likewise, in younger adults, nephritic tion, ileus, pseudomembranous, or infectious sediment and bilateral sonographic lung in- or autoimmune enterocolitis can lead to sig- terstitial fluid in the absence of infection and nificant decreases in the EACF and cause pre- a normal POC echocardiogram without sig- renal injury. nificant edema elsewhere suggest glomerulo- nephritis in the category of pulmonary lung Intrinsic Renal Disease syndrome caused by antiglomerular base- In intrinsic AKI, acute tubular necrosis ment membrane antibodies. (ATN), glomerulonephritis, and interstitial In the elderly, a similar systemic presen- nephritis are the typical causes. Although tation suggests an ANCA vasculitis. Pleural no signs are specific to each of the poten- effusion, synovitis, proteinuria, and/or he- tial causes, a poor corticomedullary differen- maturia will suggest lupus nephritis. An- tiation, kidney size < 9 cm, and cortex size other important cause of acute renal failure < 1 cm help to distinguish CKD from AKI, in the critical care setting is intra-abdomi- especially if no previous serum creatinine nal compartment syndrome. Here, bladder values are available. The early diagnosis of pressure measurement protocols are the stan- ATN continues to be clinically relevant in dard of care. A human model evaluated the the management of acute renal failure. De- predictive value of intra-abdominal com- spite not being a practical tool for POC so- partment syndrome pressures using the IVC nography currently, the use of bedside square surface. In this study, a normal sur- Doppler repetitive renal vasculature mea- face area of the IVC of > 1 cm2/m2 excluded sures of resistive index predict occurrence the presence of intra-abdominal hypertension and severity of ATN in the critical care set- 87.5% of the time. However, the sensitivity of DECEMBER 2018 • FEDERAL PRACTITIONER • 29 Kidney Disease Management

FIGURE 3 Sonogram of a Renal Cyst FIGURE 4 Sonogram of the Lung (arrow) Demonstrating Absence of Fluid

B lines (also known as comet or rocket tails) were absent in all lung fields imaged.

detection of the intra-abdominal hyperten- Early initiation of antihypertensive med- sion was only 67.5% when the surface area of ications and/or statins has been suggested the IVC was < 1 cm2/m2.31 to lower risk in these asymptomatic pa- tients.34 The size and contour (smooth or CKD AND ASSOCIATED DISEASES irregular) of kidneys may provide clues to The diagnostic validity of ultrasonography is reflux nephropathy, dysplastic kidneys, ra- well established in adult-onset polycystic kid- diation nephritis, or chronic pyelonephri- ney disease. Bedside visualization of a para- tis. The presence of nephrotic syndrome thyroid adenoma may be an important clue and abnormal free light chains ratio with a for a patient with CKD, echogenic kidneys, bedside echocardiogram showing the typi- or nephrolithiasis with or without hypercal- cal refractile myocardial walls with a pecu- cemia to diagnose primary hyperparathyroid- liar speckled pattern is strongly suggestive ism. The sonographic diagnosis of abnormal of amyloidosis.35 Conditions associated with parathyroid gland compared with parathyroid chronic hypercalcemia, medullary sponge surgical exploration had a sensitivity, specific- kidney, milk alkali syndrome, sarcoidosis, ity, and positive predictive value of 74%, 96%, and distal renal tubular acidosis are causes and 90%, respectively.32 In the clinical pre- of nephrocalcinosis. Some degree of CKD is sentation of severe hypertension with head- a constant feature in nephrocalcinosis. The aches, ultrasonography at bedside can provide initial imaging of choice in nephrocalcinosis valuable diagnostic and risk assessment in- and specially the medullary type is ultraso- formation of endocranial hypertension from nography preferable to X-ray and perhaps to measuring the optic nerve sheath. Sensitiv- computed .36 ity and specificity of papilledema was 90% and 79%, respectively, when 3.3 mm was the End-Stage Renal Disease cutoff of the nerve sheath with a 30-degrees In a patient undergoing peritoneal dialy- sign.33 The carotid artery intima media thick- sis with exit-site infection, the presence of ness measured on sonography correlates with > 1 mm radiolucent rim around the subcu- the future development of atherogenesis, left taneous catheter after antibiotics has a bad ventricular hypertrophy, cognition deficits, prognosis and prompts catheter removal. CKD, and cardiovascular disease in asymp- This sonographic sign has a positive and neg- tomatic patients. An intima media thickness ative predictive value for a tunneled infection of > 1.1 mm has been associated with a higher of 84.6% and 94.1%, respectively.37,38 A risk cardiovascular mortality. factor for peritonitis in peritoneal dialysis is

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air in the peritoneum, which can be seen in lithiasis; however, due to FIGURE 5 Echocardiogram of one-third of patients. These individuals have and cost, the Right and Left Ventricles 2.4 times more risk of peritonitis compared ultrasonography is gaining with patients without pneumoperitoneum. popularity for initial and/or The sensitivity and specificity of sono- follow-up evaluations. The graphic detection of pneumoperitoneum is ureteral jet is a relatively un- 94% and 100%, respectively, using the scis- explored color and Doppler sor technique.39 Proper training in perform- sonographic methodology ing home peritoneal dialysis decreases the that can provide insight into incidence of pneumoperitoneum. Although pelvicalyceal peristalsis, po- not formally assessed, patient education and tentially yielding evidence of change in procedure techniques may de- functional obstruction.47-51 crease the incidence of pneumoperitoneum Postvoid bladder residual and peritonitis. The use of prelaparoscopic volumes and bladder wall ultrasonography before insertion of the peri- hypertrophy may provide toneal dialysis catheter has detected intra- important clues as to the abdominal adhesions (visceral slide sign) cause(s) of the obstructive 40 with a sensitivity of 90% to 92%. uropathy. This image was taken from the apical History and physical examination are cardiac position during cardiac arrest in a frequently helpful in the diagnosis of mal- Telenephrology patient with end-stage renal disease; the functioning arteriovenous fistulas (AVF) for In our institution, sonogra- enlarged right ventricle (thin arrow)— inflow or outflow disturbances, with sensi- phy is used in the evaluation similar in size to the left ventricle—provides tivity ranging from 70% to 100% and spec- of IVC, lungs, and kidneys a potential clue as to the etiology of the arrest, which was secondary to a pulmonary ificity ranging from 71% to 93% compared via telemedicine. The probe embolism; the thick arrow points to the left with . Frequently, POC limited is handled by trained nurses ventricular cavity. ultrasound can be helpful for a problem- at the distant site. The atic AVF, either for cannulation or diagnosis. nurses perform and obtain sonographic im- The congruence of duplex sonography with ages under direct supervision provided by a arteriogram is 85% to 96%. Various etiologies trained attending physician via real-time trans- of a dysfunctional AVF (pseudo- or true aneu- mission of the tele-encounter. Figures 2 to rysm, poor development, stenosis, thrombi, or 4 are real-time photos taken to evaluate the accessory veins) can be observed in the dialy- IVC (Figure 2), the kidneys (Figure 3), and sis unit through limited sonography.41-44 lungs (Figure 4), respectively, during a clinic After placement of a hemodialysis cath- video teleconference. The use of “tele-POC eter using real-time ultrasonography, pneu- sonography” may eliminate unnecessary mohemothorax can be diagnosed reliably traveling by patients and lower health care uti- and rapidly. Catheter misplacement outside lization costs while providing real-time assess- of the right atrium was detected by thoracic ment of a multitude of clinical issues. echocardiogram with a sensitivity of 96%, a specificity of 83%, and a positive predictive Cardiac Arrest in ESRD value of 98%.45,46 Ultimately, ultrasonogra- Patients with ESRD may have sudden cardiac phy may replace chest X-ray in most cases arrest as a result of several etiologies. During after central vein dialysis catheter placement the advance cardiac life support algorithm, in the acute care setting. there is a brief period of evaluation of the electrical rhythm in which echocardiography Postrenal Failure can be helpful with the diagnosis immediately The sensitivity of ultrasonography to detect after the 2 initial minutes of cardiopulmonary dilation to hydronephrosis of the pelvicali- resuscitation. An enlarged right ventricular ceal system is well established. Sonography is cavity (> 2/3 of the left ventricle) is a sono- the diagnostic examination of choice in preg- graphic sign of a . nancy and the initial screening test for the non- Bedside sonography has the potential to pregnant patient. Computed tomography is alter the current guidelines of advance cardiac the preferred imaging study in nephrouretero- life support management. For example, if the DECEMBER 2018 • FEDERAL PRACTITIONER • 31 Kidney Disease Management

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