#The Observer an independent student newspaper serving notre dame and st. mary's Monday, October 17, 1977 Logan funding completely reinstated by Frank Laurino the Council for the Retarded of St. The Indiana General Assembly Jack Greeley, Logan Center Logan Center, $500,000 will come Joseph County, an $18 million had originally approved the MRDD administrative assistant, announc­from the state, while the remainder The Indiana State Budget Com­ budget has been approved, includ­ budget request for $21 million. ed Sept. 22 that the proposed will be appropriated from Title XX mittee voted 5-0 last Friday to ing a $700,000 allotment to the That request was denied in cutback would force Logan to lay funds. Title XX funds are federal reinstate all funding to the state’s Logan Center. September by the Budget Com­ off 30 to 35 staff members and and state assistance of MRDD 62 Mental Retardation and De­ “ I’m glad this issue is now out of mittee, who instead proposed allo­ curtail services to 100 clients. services for lower income citizens velopmental Disabilities (MRDD) politics," said Soenneker. “ Now cating $11.3 million to the MRDD, Soenneker stated yesterday that and welfare recipients. centers. According to Aloysius we can give good quality care to the a $1.7 million decrease from the the Budget Committee’s unanim­ According to Soenneker, the new Soenneker, executive director of handicapped.” 1976 fiscal year. ous reversal of its controversial statewide budget will be sponsored decision would provide Logan by both the state and federal Center with sufficient funds to governments. He explained that retain its entire staff. He also the state will provide about $7.5 reported that no services would be discontinued. million-equal to last fiscal year— while the federal government will “ In fact, we now hope to serve increase its assistance from last clients we formerly could not year’s $6 million to $10.5 million. assist," the executive director said. “ Not only will the existing Soenneker explained that all programs be continued, but we can available state funds have been proceed with our program expan­ used in the MRDD’s supplemental sions as well.” appropriations, posing a problem According to Soenneker, those for the next fiscal year. expansions include an addition of “We’ll probably have to go 24 patients to the Residential through the same problems next Services Program, an increase of 20 year,” he said. “However, this patients in the Adult Rehabilitation issue will be brought before the Program, and the introduction of State Assembly as soon as it meets physical therapy services at Logan next January." Industries. Soenneker said he shared his Logan Industries, a workshop fellow MRDD directors’ reactions serving 190 adults, is a subsidiary to the Friday decision. I’m very of the Council for the Retarded of pleased," he said. “I hope that St. Joseph County, Inc., as is State Budget Committee has learn­ Logan Center. ed not to play politics with the Of the $700,000 allocated to handicapped. United Way Drive

Demonstrators present petition termed major success A grounds crew member led a demonstration on the Administration steps on Friday afternoon in which petitions supporting the stand of the workers were presented to Father Hesburgh. by Peggy McGuire where “ all of the halls were Approximately 200 members of the Notre Dame community listened to the remarks of the Staff Reporter collecting at different times.” groundskeeper and then marched into the Administration building. Faculty members, Two weeks ago, Russell and university employees, and students comprised the sympathetic crowd. [Photo by John Calcutt] Close to 70 percent of the Notre McTaggart addressed the Hall Dame students living on campus Presidents’ Council and advised gave approximately $4,000 to the each hall’s president and commu­ Victims of United Way in last week’s fundnity service commissioner to organ­ Morrissey fire drive. Organizers of the campaign, ize a door-to-door campaign. Bro. Joseph McTaggart, associate Barometers indicating student par­ move back in director of Volunteer Services andticipation in the individual dormi­ by Lou Severino J.P. Russell, senior, said that they tories were posted in The Observer will release the official figures throughout the week. Two Morrissey residents whose tomorrow after completing all tabu­ Russell said that the idea was room was completely destroyed in a lations. “to tap each residence halls’ sense Sept. 10 fire have returned to Both Russell and McTaggart of community spirit and see if a hall Morrissey after an absence of five termed the drive “a tremendouswas able to rally behind a very weeks. success.” McTaggart said, “ It is worthwhile cause.” The students, Bob Onda and Jeff obvious that we have achieved a “Many halls saw the campaign Phinnes, stayed at Moreau Semin­ major success in obligation to the as a matter of hall pride and image ary until workmen finished re­ city. We are residents of South and really gave it all they had to modeling their room last week. Bend, and we have respondedgive,” he commeted. Both students’ losses were covered extremely well.” McTaggart said that the new under their parents’ homeowners McTaggart and Russell organ­ framework for the drive worked insurance policies. ized this year’s United Way drive. very well. “ This year’s response According to Phinnes, he and his Early this fall, both were asked by was excellent,” he stated. “There roommate lost their entire ward­ Charles Wilber, professor of eco­ were a few wrinkles in the process, robe, a stereo, television, refrigera­ nomics, to organize the student but they can be easily corrected tor, golf clubs and some furniture, campaign. Wilber was appointed next year.” including a sofa and two lamps. Notre Dame director of United McTaggart cited the appoint­ After making estimates of their Way by the Provost last spring. ment of a full-time student coordi­ losses and having the room check­ Both McTaggart and Russell met nator as one necessary improve­ ed by an insurance investigator, seven weeks ago to form a new ment. “J.P. Russell worked both Onda and Phinnes received structure for the drive. According exceedingly hard on this drive, and settlements from their respective to Russell, the framework for the he is to be commended,” he said. insurance companies.“I was pretty campaign in previous years was “However, we both hope and will satisfied, although a lot of things I “haphazard.” recommend that a full-time student lost couldn’t be replaced,” Phinnes “Halls would set up a box by the director be appointed next year.” said. front hall.or stage some sort of “ We’ve set the basic framework After staying in a friend’s room event to collect the money,” he in this year’s drive,” McTaggart for the remainder of the weekend, explained. “The goal was always stated, adding that improvements the two students moved to Moreau the amount collected rather than for next year’s campaign will lie in where they each received single individual participation.” underlining the hall’s responsibil­ rooms. The goal of this year’s campaign ities. “ The key now is in the Onda said Moreau had its good was “to contact every student on individual halls,” he said. ajid bad points. "The good points campus in a personal, one-to-one Participation varied from 100 were the friendly, helpful people basis, and ask him or her to give at percent in Carroll to 34 percent in there, while the bad side was being least one dollar to the UnitedDillon. Peter Visceglia, a section taken out of the student scene,” he Way,” Russell said. leader in Dillon who collected explained. But both Onda and Russell stated that another money for the drive, said, “The Phinnes emphasized that the- change in this year’s format was drive in Dillon was definitely people at Moreau made them feel that the campaign went “for one well-organized. At a Hall Council R-2-D-2, droid ofStar W ars fame, made a special appearance at concentrated week with daify meeting, section leaders were comfortable during their stay at the the Beaux Arts Ball in the Architecture building Saturday night. seminary. updates in The Observer,” rather [Continued on page 2] [Photo by John Calcutt]______than the previous month-long drive [Continued on page 7] the observer _ Monday, October 17, 1977 News Briefs. Campus York, New York 10019. Elkan is professor of microbi­ Observer The American Health Founda­ ology and assistant dean for ■ — World tion is a private, non-profit research at North Carolina State deadline set research organization based in New University in Raleigh.______- York, dedicated to reduce unneces­ Thursday’s issue of The Obser­ sary death and illness through Castro not Jamacain touristver will be the last before October research, education and the promo­ Fire vict ims break. No advertisements will be tion of good health. KINGSTON*Jamalca - Cuban President fidel Castro said last night accepted for this issue after 5 p.m. he came to Jamaica not as a tourist but as a “revolutionary” and tomorrow. The next issue after return “brother” to strengthen ties between the Jamaican and Cuban Meeting for Thursday will be Nov. 1. | Continued from page 1] peoples, separated by 90 miles of Caribbean sea. Castro said he wanted “ to work for the deepening bonds of solidarity betweenthe demonstrators Work on the students’ room Nelson to read began the Monday after the fire people of Jamaica and the people of Cuba.” For those interested in organi­ and entailed “almost total re­ Poetry a tzing a demonstration against Anitapairs,” according to Fr. Raymond — National Paul Nelson, poet and visiting Bryant’s visit, scheduled for Oct. Holtz, Morrissey rector. The member of the IUSB English 27, there will be a meeting tomor­ University workmen had to rebuild faculty, will read some of his poems row at 7 p.m. For further informa­ the walls, build new door and Little escapes tonight at IUSB. Nelson is on a tion, call 289-6523 or 288-0296. window frames, put in new tiles, year’s leave from Goddard, where and repaint the room. RALEIGH, N.C. -- Joan Little, who escaped from a prison over the he has taught for the past nine Elkan to participate weekend, was under too much pressure because of publicity she Phinnes said he and his room­ years. mate were very pleased with the drew two years ago when she was acquitted in the death of a jailer He has published three books of she said had assaulted her, an attorney says. Little, serving a in American Scene finished product and praised the poetry; Cargo, Ice, and Average speed and efficiency of the Univer­ 7-to-10-year sentence on a burglary conviction, escaped from the Nights. A fourth book is now near Gerald H. Elkan will participate sity workmen. North Carolina Correction Cente for Women on Saturday. completion. He has had poems tomorrow in the American Scene Both Onda and Phinnes describ­ published in The Iowa Review, Series at Saint Mary’s College. He ed the fire and its aftermath as “a Business wants consistency Tri-Quarterly, Poetry Northwest will give a lecture on “The World learning experience.” "W e would and Esquire. Protein Shortage” at 7:30 p.m. in like to thank all those who helped The reading tonight will begin at Carroll Hall. His lecture is part of us, especially the residents of HOT SPRINGS, Va. -- Top businessmen say the best thing Presi­ 7:30 and will take place in the the National Science Foundation Lyons who took up a collection for dent Carter could do for the economy is spell out a consistent lounge opposite the cafeteria in Bicentennial Program on “ Science us, and the guys from Morrissey economic program, even if it is anti-business. At their twice-yearly IUSB’s Administration Building and Society” administered by who helped us in many ways,” meeting this weekend, corporation chairmen were not hostile to (formerly Associates). Admission is Sigma XI. added the roommates.______Carter. Instead, the 120-member Business Council expressed free. All are welcome to attend. confusion about the President’s economic plans. Weather Cash prize offered Mostly sunny and cool today, with highs in the mid to upper 50's. for best article m Fair and cool tonight, with lows in the upper 30’s. Tomorrow, partly A $500 cash prize will be / sunny with highs in the upper 50’s to low 60 s. awarded by the American Health _ Foundation’s quarterly journal to O n Campus the student author of the best original paper on the subject of mySa 3:30 pm career workshop, resume clinic with karen o'neil and preventive medicine. A runner-up mary ann daly, spon. by smc career development prize of $200 is also being awarded. LOWENBRAU PARTY! center, lemans student affairs conf. rm. Winning papers will be published in the Journal. 3:30 pm seminar, “electron probe microanalysis using The deadline for the receipt of energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy," dr. nicholas the paper is January 31, 1978, and c. barbi, princeton gamma-tech., inc., spon. by the contest is open to any student metallurgical engr. dept., rm. 5 eng. bldg. (except post doctoral students) currently enrolled in undergradu­ 4 pm civilization film series, "protest and communica­ ate course in medicine, public tion ," carroll hall, smc health, epidimology, life sciences, the social sciences, the behavioral 7:30 pm lecture, vincent bugliosi, chief prosecutor of charles sciences, economics, law or 75c a bottle manson and author of belter skelter, spon. by suae, business. wash. ball. For entry forms and information, write The Editorial Office, Ameri­ 8 pm lecture, "capital and technology in less developed can Health Foundation, 1370 countries: capital," dr. arnold harberger, univ. of Avenue of the Americas, New Tuesday Night Chicago, spon. by econ. dept.,rm. 122 hayes healy. / " " ' - NEW 7:00 3:00 Trip chairman urges seniors IN SOUTH BEND to buy travelers checks COSIMO‘S by Lou Severino chased at several South Bend Senior trip Chairman Tom banks for a nominal fee. According HAIR nair stLjiinq O’Neill strongly urged all seniors to 9 spokesman for the St. Joseph p . making the trip to obtain travelers Bank, the fee is one dollar for every checks for the Oct. 23 excursion to $100 of checks. DESIGNS San Francisco. The spokesman also added that FOR APPT. CALL: 272-7222 O’Neill called San Francisco “ a the St. Joseph Bank would accept FOR MEN 18381 EDISON RD. AT SO. BEND AVE. tourist town where many people try student’s out of town checks for to take advantage of unsuspecting & WOMEN amounts ranging up to $400, as . visitors.” He added, “By using payment for travelers checks. & travelers checks, students will However, a spokesman for the COSIMO, ROSE & eliminate the possibility of losing Notre Dame Cashiers Office , cash, thereby making the trip more recommended that students cash SUE ARE YOUR enjoyable.” their checks on campus, before Travelers checks may be pur- going to a bank for travelers HAIR DESIGNERS checks, to avoid any problems which might arise. for APPT. call f *The Observer! O’Neill also asked all students 277- 1875. ' Night Editor: SCHLOP going on the trip to attend a CLASS OF 79 Asst. Night Editor: Rosemary meeting tonight at 7 in the En­ Mon- Sat 8 to 6 Mills gineering Auditorium. Everyone Layout Staff: Kathy Mills must sign a waiver sheet at this Next to the Distillery Any off-campus juniors interested Editorial Layout: K evin meeting in order to make the trip. Sweeney in being on the Junior Advisory Sports Layout: Paul Stevenson Typists: Mark Rust, Anne mitmQU Giere, Suzy Plavac, Leigh Council, contact S»ue Flanigan Tunakan (6232) or Andy McKenna (7181) Night Controller: Mardi Nevin C:JA Day Editor: Mike Lewis N| ■ Copy Reader: Phil Cackley i t ^ Photographer: John Calcutt I latentn:, _k,K7)m Any juniors interested in the a The Observer is published Mon­ day through Friday except during Junior Academic Committee exam end vacation periods. The VMTR SUB O b seiver Is published by the should contact Don (1147) students of Notre Dame and Saint maroon i prcoaeaJtinQ Mary's College. Subscriptions may be purchased for S20 per year or Larry (3070) ($10 per semester) from The author of HELTERhlEL 5K O bserver, P.O. Box O, Notre Dame, Indiana 4*55*. Second class postage paid, Notre Dame, by Tuesday Oct. 18 Indiana, 4*55* The Observer is a member of the Associated Press. All repro­ duction rights are reserved. 8H Survey may give answers °clobCT 17' thsobservec Shuttle service future still uncertain by Anne Bachle is still being looked into, and an Since she noted that students having the shuttle,” Fuch com­ Student Government was given increase in fares, which Fuchs feels who have to wait a while for the bus mented, adding that withdrawal oftill Nov. 26 to get all students to The future of the shuttle service would defeat the purpose of the are sometimes less inclined to pay, financial support for evening and pay and to come up with some between Notre Dame and St. shuttle since fewer students would she has also distributed complete weekend shuttle service is a very ideas for making the system more Mary’s on evenings and weekendsride. shuttle schedules to all St. Mary’s real possibility. financially stable. is still uncertain, according to St. Signs have been posted on both students, and posted the schedules “We don’t want to see evening In the meantime, Fuchs urged M ary’s Co-exchange Com­ campuses reminding students to in the lobbies of all the halls at and weekend shuttle service dis­ students to call her, Notre Dame continued,” said St. Mary’s Con­ missioner Mary Ann Fuchs. She pay the fare. Fuchs also said the Notre Dame. Co-ex Commissioner Harold Jara, busdrivers have been reminded not “ If students don’t pay the fare, it troller Jason Lindower. “But we or the Ombudsman office if they hopes, however, that results of a have to eliminate these losses and ridership survey taken during the to let anyone ride who refuses to will demonstrate to both schools have any complaints at all about pay. that they really don’t care about make the system more self- shuttle service. past two weeks will help provide supporting.” some answers. The shuttle service, which is financed equally by Notre Dame and St. Mary’s, has incurred mounting losses recently because students have not been paying the 15 cent fare required on evenings after 6 p.m., and on weekends. One possible solution is curtail­ ment of service during the hours when the shuttle is little used. In an effort to determine these times, the co-ex commissioners from both schools arranged to have a student on the bus at all times during one week to record the number of passengers, where they got on and off, whether they paid, and how punctual the bus was. This was accomplished through cooperation of St. Mary's Board of Governance and the Ombudsman. Results from the study will be used to decide where to limit service and to decide whether smaller busses would help. Other alternatives being consid­ ered are a limousine service, which Junior Parents

Weekend planned Adrian Bryttan and the Notre Dame orchestra will present "Evil at 8:15 p.m. in Washington Hall. [Photo by John Calcutt] by A1 Leverone in Music" tomorrow [for children] at 7:30 p.m. and Wednesday

Notre Dame’s 26th annual Junior Parents’ Weekend will take place on the weekend of Feb. 24-26. The Student orchestra to perform organizational committee, headed by John Simari, has planned sev­ eral events highlighted by a special concert for Halloween season Mass and dinner on Saturday Gretel Overture” is taken from the evening. The Notre Dame Orchestra will English horn solo will be played by present a program entitled" Evil in opera based on the well known tale. The weekend will open with a Melissa Bohl, a graduate music Music’&t 8:15 p.m. Wednesday in cocktail party Friday night at the Sibelius’ “ Swan of Tuonela” is Major at Notre Dame who also Washington Hall. The program will ACC. On Saturday, each college of from a set of four works inspired by holds an administrative position in be played at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, the University will sponsor work­ the Kalevala, the Finnish national the Notre Dame Music Depart­ also in Washington Hall, in an shops, giving parents the chance to epic. The work evokes the image of ment. informal version for children. meet with professors and deans on the sacred bird floating serenely on an informal basis. There is no admission charge for the great river of Tuonela, the either program. After the workshops, a Mass and Underworld of the Dead. The liturgy for juniors, parents, and The Notre Dame Orchestra, ATTENTION SENIOR TRIPPERS University officials will take place directed by Adrian Bryttan, is a full sixty piece orchestra made up at Sacred Heart church. The ser­ CONGREGATION OF almost entirely of students from MANDATORY vice will be followed by a Presiden­ HOLY CROSS tial Dinner, at which Fr. Theodore Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s Hesburgh, University president, College. It includes graduate and At Notre Dame there are Holy undergraduate music majors at INFORMATION will speak. C ross priests, brothers and Notre Dame, musicians whose According to Simari, no times sisters dedicating their lives to have been set for the Mass and primary emphasis is in another MEETING dinner, due to NBC’s decision to,field, and students from the Notre you. Through administration, move the nationally televised ND- Dame Music Department’s teaching and pastoral care, TONITE 7 pm Preparatory Program. Marquette basketball game to 4:00 the gospel is made known. If that afternoon. In keeping with the Halloween you want more information The dinner itself will probably be season each piece on Wednesday’s in the Engineering Auditorium held either at Stepan Center or concert refers to a legend or evil contact: Century Center in South Bend. character. Saint-Saens’ “Danse HOLY CROSS FATHERS Ticket Packages Will Be Distributed Both locations are capable of Macabre” describes a night of Fr. Joseph Carey, CS.C. serving the nearly 2,000 expected revelry by dead souls, who disperse P.O. Box 541 Notre Dame, Ind. 46556 guests. at dawn with the cock’s crow. Telephone: (219) 2*3-6385 The events will come to a close Humperdinck’s “ Hansel and PLEASE ATTEND Sunday morning with a private breakfast for parents and students, probably at the North Dining Hall. Simari stressed that there is no need for students to make hotel FINAL reservations for their parents. The United committee will send out reservation forms by Thanksgiving. Any YA//-NI / RESULTS parents wishing to stay at the Morris Inn will be asked to add a W U y a t N.D. second choice of hotels. A lottery will be held later for rooms at the PARTICIPATION CHART Inn, as they are limjted. . 100,42.1 55.5 94.5 100 71 34.0 73.9 96.3 77.6 80 98.3 78.4 67.7 71.1 76.4 71.6 71.5 74.4 76.0 71.1 65.1 58.9 _ Simari also stated that, at the . present moment, the ACC has no tickets available for parents who - .80 might wish to attend Saturday’s basketball game against Mar­ quette. Any juniors with questions are asked to call either John Simari at 8595, or Andy McKenna at 7181. Bugliosi to speak Vincent Bugliosi, chief prosecu-' tor in the Manson trial, will speak tonight at 7:30 in Washington Hall. AL BA BP CR CV Dl FA FI FL GR HC HO KE LE LY MO PA SE SO ST WA ZA The lecture is sponsored by the Student Union Academic Commis­ RATIO IS I STUDENTS CONTRIBUTING $1.00 OR MORE DIVIDED BY TOTAL NUMBER OF STUDENTS sion and admission is free. seriously, Remedial College * Observer - art buchwald

Washington—The Timkens sent years ago when we discovered this ago, and the principal said it was their child Laura off to college with was a common problem for most the school’s responsibility to make a check for $7,000 in tuition and college students. If you agree that good citizens out of the students, thought that was the end of it. But Laura should get this special help, and the parents’ responsibility to soon after they received a letter please send a check for $250.” teach the children how to read and from the Dean of Studies. Timken was now very angry. write? Carlton, we’re the ones who “ We are happy to announce that “ How did she get in college if failed.” we have instituted a remedial she can’t write?” Timken sent in the check, and reading class for college freshman Mrs. Timken was much more was not surprised to find another and strongly advise that your sanguine about it. “ Laura can letter waiting for him a week later. daughter Laura participate in it. If write. She justcan’t write complete It read: “It has come to our she doesn’t, it is our opinion that sentences.” attention that no one in the Laura will not be able to keep up "She went to school for 12 years freshman class can add, multiply, with her studies. The cost will be and she can’t write a sentence?” subtract or divide simple sums. We feel it is urgent that this $250.” “ Don’t you remember? They It also seems that Student Activi­ LaFortune) by the University dur­ Timken read the letter. “I were much more interested in deficiency be corrected early in a ties does not trust the judgement of student’s college career. There­ ing the summer of 76. Last thought Laura could read," he said Laura’s thoughts than they were in the College of Engineering. summer the University violated its to his wife. how she put them down.The teach­ fore, we are setting up a special Approval by the College was given “ So did I. I think the problem is er’s main concern was with ex­ remedial arithmetic course. The own due process in the Hunter before and after assemblage of the fiasco. The University policy she can read, but she has no panding her consciousness.” fee will be $250. If you do not want calendar. The project was never a comprehension of what she reads.” “That’s hogwash,” Timken said. your daughter to take this course seems to be “ If you’re going to do covert operation. Had it occurred anything controversial, do it when “What did they teach her in “ They made an illiterate out of my we cannot guarantee she will to either the College or the staff public school and high school?” daughter.” graduate. there are no students around to that such a project had to have the interfere.” “ I have no idea, but if the college “ I believe that’s a bit strong. Once again Timken went through approval of Student Activities, the says she needs remedial reading Laura graduated with honors in the ceiling. “I thought Laura got Office would certainly have been The University really blew this we better see that she gets it or analytical consciousness-raising.” A s in math in high school. approached. Unfortunately the one. They probably intended to $7,000 will go down the drain.” “ But she can’t write.” Mrs. Timken said, “That was duLac handbook was never offici­ announce the layoffs over the A few days later they got another “ I’m sure the college can help conceptional math. Her courses ally consulted. This grandiose October break. But the Oct. 12 latter from the dean. her learn to write. After all, it is an had to do with the advanced oversight is no reason to impose a hearing date screwed things up. If “The English Department has institution of higher learning.” integration of numbers. She never ban, however. No attempt was they’d had enough foresight to see brought to our attention the fact “ So now we have to pay $250 for could add or subtract them. Don’t made to overlook the Office. this unionization move coming, that your daughter Laura cannot something they should have taught you recall when you complained But Mr. Reid has implied that they could have layed the grounds­ write. They have recommended her in grammar school?” once about it and Laura’s teacher such was the case by imposing keepers off during the summer. that she enroll in the remedial “ Don’t you remember when we told you, ‘She can always learn to stringent, yea, foolish restrictions The students would’ve wondered writing class which we started two went to the PTA meeting years add and subtract when she gets to on the sale of the remaining what happened to the grounds­ college.’?” calendars. No printed advertisingkeepers, but it would have been too is to be allowed nor can they be late to do anything about it. sold at home sports events (what Hesburg became fameous in the would our alumni think?). A sixties for his seldom used "10 simple phone call by Mr. Reid minute” policy for dealing with would have clarified the integrity of student protest. The University’s the project had he bothered to “Do it when the students are make it. Or Mr. Reid could have gone” policy for avoiding student told us that we should have asked protest is much less publicized. C pK his approval. Instead he is shoving But it seems to be more effective, our hands into the fire to show us and it’s used with rare exception. its power. Thus the calendar has been Peter Murphy forced into word of mouth sales as if it is in some way sinister or n unsuitable for the public eye. Certainly this is not the style of the calendar. There are no lewd poses Bryant m or “what a body!” pictures. The 0 3 girls were never treated as objects. We thought it might be nice to see opposition some familiar faces on a calendar instead of a wintry scene and at the same time make the calendar NBCTC^KlfoH something that both campuses would look forward to seeing. Mr. Dear Editor: Reid has assisted us in this venture to excite the campuses. But now On Oct. 27, 1977, Anita Bryant is people are asking “ why the ban?” scheduled to give a concert in the instead of “where can I get a Notre Dame Athletic and Convoca­ calendar?”. tion Center. This event is not sponsored by the University, and Mark Meyer the purpose of Ms. Bryant’s Business Manager appearance is entertainment, not a Tech Review oolitical rally. It would, however, P.O.BOX Q be imposssible to deny that this woman has made herself the representative of a very definite a simple business decision, the stance. If the administration is political cause and naive to think likes of which happens every day indeed using restructuring claims Layoff timing that her concert appearances do not Grounds- (i.e. converting from manual labor as a way to avoid unionization, then further the objectives of this politi­ to automation). let’s make judgements accordingly. cal movement. Some feel that in cases such as But let’s get the facts before problem Anita Bryant has led a group of keepers: econ. these, manual labor should be judgement day arrives. reactionary people who would like chosen since the workers have a to deny civil and human rights to right to work. If choosing manual Jim Geselbracht gay men and lesbians in the United decision labor over automation is anti­ Dear Editor: States. She and her supporters human rights (as recent letters to The decision of the University to base their denunciation of homo­ the editor contend) then Notre Calendar lay off 21 groundskeepers does not sexuality on religious fundamen­ Dame, along with the rest of the surprise me in the least. If the talism and they appeal to ignorance United States is grossly inhumane. not covert groundskeepers are allowed to and fear. There is no real evidence Dear Editor: The crane being used to construct unionize, the University may be for their claim that gay men and the engineering addition takes the Dear Editor: forced to pay them a decent living lesbians are determined to The recent announcement of place of an untold number of jobs wage. This could set a dangerous “convert” young people to their Notre Dame’s intent to fire 21 as does the use of the adding I am writing in regard to the precedent. The long term effect life styles. There is no legal employees has stirred up many machine, computer, and the bull­ recent ban on the Girls of ND-SMC could be decent wages for all justification for their efforts to deny emotions in the ND community. A dozer. If the ND student was truly calendar. As business manager of University employees. civil rights to homosexuals. There great number of students have concerned about human rights he the Technical Review I feel obligat­ What surprises me is the timing is nothing humane in their cam­ jumped on the bandwagon to help would not even eat the food served ed to divulge the effects of the of this decision and its announce­paign of hatred, intolerance, and those poor unfortunate workers to him since it was produced on moratorium placed on the calendar. ment. The University has made bigotry. who represent another incident offarms which have decreased man­ First of all, the magazine is numerous decisions in the past Whenever self-righteousness absurdity and hypocrisy in the, power by using machines such as supported by the College of Engi­ which were unchristian, unjust and and ignorance form the basis for administration. None have, how­combines, planters and milking neering. Any deficit of the downright unconscionable. But the political activity, innocent people ever, given our administration a Imachines. magazine is thus defrayed by the implementation of these decisions are made to suffer. While I do not chance to explain their situation Economics tells us that when University. In an effort to balance is usually much smoother. Contro­ question Anita Bryant’s right to (besides using the testimony of an these 21 are laid off here, other the budget of the magazine (for the versial decisions have always been present a concert in the ACC, and anonymous official). What ever unemployed workers will be hired first time in many years) several carried out while the students were while I do not believe the Univer­ happened to our theory of innocentelsewhere. (Cromwell Manage­ money-making ideas were origi­ away. Terry Brennan was fired sity has done anything wrong in until proven guilty? ment needs workers to build these nated. The calendar was consi­just before Christmas, back in the renting her the facilities, I would I must admit to an overabun­ machines.). We may be losing part dered to be one of the best ideas 50’s. Fred Pechek was fired, by like to voice my strongest opposi­ dance of peculiarities in the admin-!of the ND family by firing these and expected to be a main source of telegram in 1975, while at Penn tion to what this woman and her istration’s actions which should be workers but just think -we’ll get revenue. By forbidding further State with the westling team, just followers stand for. answered by a competent Univer­new members of the family! editions of the calendar, Studentbefore spring break. (After The sity official. However, trying to I This issue is not one of human Activities has stifled a source of Observer had stopped publication). Name withheld by request make the issue an example of human rights. It is one in which the . revenue for the University. Effec­ An entire issue of The Observer injustice is absurd. The decision is)employees are a victim of circum­ tively, the dog is biting its own tail. was consficated (stolen from Monday, October 17, 1977______the Observer 5 Hijacked jet, hostages land safely

ADEN, South Yemen [AP[ - A capital of Aden. A spokesman said said. INTERVIEWS SCHEDULED FOR WEEK OF NOVEMBER 1 hijacked West German jet with 87 the government agreed to refuel The Lufthansa jet had left Dubai Interviews are for seniors and graduate students. Sign-up hostages aboard landed safely at the craft as long as the hijackers 40 minutes before the 7 a.m. (EST) schedules are Id Room 213, Main Building. Interview times Aden airport yesterday after a agreed to leave “as soon as deadline set by the four hijackers must be signed for in person. The slgn-up period at the deadline for death passed with the possible.” for release of eleven anarchists Placement Bureau w ill be from 8;00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday West German government refusing In recent years, this country at imprisoned in West German jails. through Fiiday. to meet the demands of four the tip of the Arabian peninsula has West Germany took no action to Procter & Gamble Co. International Division terrorists who had threatened to granted refuge to hijackers and free them as the deadline passed. Tue (Must be a citizen of and willing to return to his/ blow up the plane. other terrorists. South Yemen was the fifth stop her country or have permanent resident status in < There was no word on the fate of The 82 passengers, including an for the hijacked plane which was one of countries listed in material available in West German industrialist Hanns American woman with a heart ordered to Rome, Nicosia, Bahrain Placement Bureau.) condition, and five crewmen were MBA. Martin Schleyer, whose kidnappers and Dubai after the hijackers Procter & Gamble Co. Sales Management had threatened to kill him unless reported safe when the plane commandered the Majorcla-to- BM In AL and BA. (Change in requirements) the Bonn government met the made a forced landing on a dirtFrankfurt flight over France on Steelcase Inc. hijackers’ demands by the strip at the airport, the spokesman Thursday. B in Mkt. U.S. Steel Corp. deadline. C a n c e lle d . South Yemen’s civil aviation agency said authorities unsuccess­ notre dame student union & sunshine promotions Nov. i/i Arthur Andersen & Co. fully tried to prevent the Lufthansa presents Tues/Wed B in Acct. MBA with Acct. bkgrd or conctrn. Boeing 737 from landing in the Nov. 2 Continental Oil Co. Wed. B in Chem. RM in ChE. Magnavox Government & Industrial Electric Co. Frosh c/ass B in Comp S c i, RE, ME. MEIO. D esign and Mfg o f Electronic Equipment. Design, Comp Sc I, Micro shows academic Processing, Mini-Computers. Location: Ft. Wayne,_ IN. Citizenship required, Navy Department-Off leer Program. Armed Services qualifications B in AL. BMD In Engr and Hard Science. <■ Procter & Gamble Co. Manufacturing Management This year’s freshman class of BM in ChE, ME, EE, CE, MEIO. MBA w ith te c h BS. 1,611 was culled from the largest Yellow Freight System. Inc. applicant’spool in the University B In Mkt, Mgt. MBA. history-and it shows academically. Monsanto Company Twenty-seven percent of the BM In ChE and ME. , Class of 1981 ranked one through AH led Van Lines, Inc. five in scholastic standing in their B In Acct. MBA with Acct bkgrd or conctrn. high school graduating classes, and Chrysler Corporatton the class includes 153 validictorians B In all Engr disciplines. and 94 salutatorians, about double Onlroyal, Inc. the number coming to Notre Dame B In Acct, Fin. B In Econ or Mkt with minimum o£ 20 hour, In Acct and Auditing. 10 years ago. POP P ro ce ss D iv is io n A total of 6,458 persons applied for admission for this year’s fresh­ man class, and the 1,219 men and 392 women selected came from 47 states and the District of Columbia. About one-fourth are sons or daughters of Notre Dame alumni. Frt Bin all disciple. ------* introducing g eneral Motors Corporation SMC to elect . B in Acct. MBA with Acct or Fin bkgrd or The Norton Buffalo Stampede c o n c trn . Frosh Council ■ : ------by Molly Woulfe FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21

St. Mary’s freshmen will elect 8:00PM representatives for the Freshman BMW Class Council today between 10 Notre Dame ACC and 6 p.m. in the LeMans lobby. Tickets: $8.00, $7.00 Thirty-two freshmen are running for the 20 positions on the Council. All Seats Reserved ND Center for Pastoral Liturgy One representative will be elected for every 25 students. on sale now at the ACC box office & sponsors preaching“They’re going to more or less the student union box office represent the class, run activities, The Center for Pastoral Liturgy and elect a person to sit on the Other speakers and topics Board of Governance,” stated of Notre Dame will sponsor a include Fr. John Gallen, S.J., Notre Dome Student Union & Sunshine Present three-day workshop on liturgical Election Commisioner Maria director of the Center for Pastoral Mignanelli. “ And some will attend preaching to be held today, tomor­ Litrugy, on the preacher and the row, and Wednesday at the the Notre Dame Freshman Class faith of the Church; Rev. John Council meetings.” Brothers Center, Holy Cross Junior Grabner on the Protestant experi­ College Candidates began campaigning ence with preaching, and Fr. last Monday. “Meet the Candi­ Dr. John Barry Ryan, coordina­ Eugene LaVerdiere, S.S.S., on tor, said the workshop is designed dates” night was held on Thursday using the lectionary to prepare in the coffee shop, but was poorly for the parish priest who wished to homilies. develop his preaching skills and get attended. more satisfaction from his procla­ An orientation session will be This is the first year St. Mary’s mation of the Word of God. held Sunday evening at Andrehas instituted class councils in The core of the workshop will be Hall, Holy Cross Brothers Center. student government. In previous conducted by Fr. Gerald Lardner,Reservations for the workshop, years, four officers were elected by S.S., professor of homiletics, com­ which will be limited to 30 partici­ each class. The reason for the munication theory, and liturgical pants, may be made through the change is “ To provide better celebration at St. Mary’s Seminary, Center for Pastoral Liturgy, (219) representation’ according to Mig­ Baltimore. 283-8801. nanelli. NEED A CHANGE OF PACE? ------• consider the NOTRE DAME APARTMENTS CLOSE TO CAMPUS! APARTMENTS STILL AVAILABLE IN CONCERT 2 bedrooms - completely furnished SATURDAY NOVEMBER 5 7:30 pm NOTRE DAME A.C.C. complete kitchen and dining room All Seats Reserved; $8.50 & $7.50 On sale now at: $280 - 300/ month up to 4 students ACC box office, Student ticket office, Robertson's-S7 Bend & Concord Mall, first Bank- Main Branch only, St. Joe Bank & all brandies. Boogie Records, Just For call Candy at 233-6363 or 234-6647 The Record, The Record Joint- Niles, The Elkhart Truth and Suspended Cord in Elkhart River City Records, S. Bend

■ 6 the observer ______Monday, October 17, 1977 After 13 years A ID Debate Creturn by Tony Pace The 92 teams at the Kentucky Maniace, who is the president of Improving a debating program is and we have improved greatly. the Debate Council, was very no easy task. By receiving ar­ He’s the first real coach we have Staff Reporter debate represented schools such as UCLA, USC, Texas, Northwestern, pleased with his team’s showing. guments and constantly staging had,” he added. Harvard and Dartmouth. Although internal debates, the members of This work is beginning to reap After a 13- year absence from “If we were to do nothing else Notre Dame had only one two-man the Council have refined thier dividends. The Maniace-Kristl national debating prominence, the this season, this performance team entered, many of the other would still make it all worthwhile. debating skills. New coach Bill tandem drew attention at Kentucky Notre Dame Debate Council staged Wians, a philosophy graduate stu­ and they have been invited to an impressive return at the Ken­ schools had several such teams But we want to continue to perform representing them. well and receive awards so that we dent, has helped the Council to participate in the “ UCLA-USC-Cal tucky Invitational Debate. improve. St. at Fullerton swing m eet.” A Notre Dame’s entry was not During the early stages of the become more recognized in de­ bating circles,” he said. “We are 16 people who form solid showing there would add among the more prestigious of the meet, Maniace and Kristi held tremendous prestige to the Coun­ their own against all competition eight different debate teams,” 92 teams involved, but the tandem Because of the long Notre Dame Maniace noted. “Of those 16, 12 cil. Maniace said, “ This is the first including several teams from the of senior Jim Maniace and fresh­ absence from national debates, the are novices and only four are at the time in a long time that we have University of Kansas. The Kansas man Ken Kristi performed well Council must continually debate varsity level. Coach Wians has been noticed by some of the top debating program is highly re­ and reached the octafinals, a well to become more easily ac­ done an awful lot of work with us debating schools.” playoff of the top eight teams. garded as they have 20 students on cepted. “ We have to work hard For their outstanding perform­ debating scholarships. It was the just to get credibility. Last year we ance the Council received an Notre _ Dame performance against were invited to a debate at Xavier SMC center to aid students award, their first for any comp­ the Kansas teams which attracted University in Cincinnati because etition in over ten years, and much attention. another school dropped out. We in making career decisions recognition which should bring Although Notre Dame was elim­ were a last minute fill-in. But we The Career Development Center A series of workshops will cover invitations to other debating inated by Harvard in the octafinals, did well so we were invited to (CDC) of the Student Affairs basic elements of decision-making events. return this year. That’s good for Department at St. Mary’s is spon- as well as technical aspects of our Council because only those sporing a complete program career search. The workshops are schools who place high are invited designed to aid students in allopen to all St. Mary’s and Notre to return,” Maniace explained. career deciscn-making. Dame students, who can sign up by ! PHOTOGRAPHERS visiting the CDC for an intake session. PREPARE FOR: 139th Q Do you shoot A schedule for the workshops is MCAT • DAT * LSAT * GMAT listed below: ^ -Today, from 3 to 5 p.m., 35 mm slides? “Resume Clinic,” in the Student At Slidecraft we specialize in processing Kodak's DUE * OCAT • VAT • SAT Affairs Conference Room. New Ektachrome (E-6) film. -Tuesday, from 3 to 5 p.m., Normal 24 hour service. NMB I. II, III * ECFMO * FLEK* VQE “Assertive Training,” in the Stu­ NATL DENTAL BOARDS • NURSING BOARDS dent Affairs Conference Room. Come in and sign up for a Student Discount Card. Fleelbte Programs S Hours -Wednesday, from 3 to 5 p.m., “Job Search,” in the Stapleton There IS • difference!!! Conference Room. For Information Please Call: Q Q ' ^ 3 fa/ltl2t t j 4 l -Thursday, from 3 to 5 p.m., “ Information,” in the Career C o llect 0 K M P i M M Development Center. W est Lafayette educational center In addition, a number of job 463-7026 A B B test prerawatkw SPECIALISTS SINCE 1930 interviews will be held at the CDC Serving Bloomington, Indianapolis, South this week: Bend Fbr Locations in other cities -Tomorrow, for all majors, with | Slidecraft laboratories hu. Outside N.Y. State OnlyCALL TOLL FREE: 800-223-1782 MONY (Mutual of New York). Center* In Me lor US Cities Toronto, Puerto Rico end Lugano, Switzerland -Wednesday, for business, 305 W. JEFFERSON BLVD. • SOUTH BEND, IN 46601 CLASSES NOW FORMING accounting, chemistry and math majors, with PPG industries. 232-3545 for LSAT, GRE, and GMAT. -Wednesday, for accounting majors, with St. Regis Paper Co.

4 f // c?/

r c P 1 * ^ < 9 / ■£ S f the £ & pall „

NOTICE Want $$$? Need So. Cal. vs ND football tickets Oct. 22. Sports Tour at 3050 W. 7th Street, L.A. Calif. 90005. Call CONTACT LENS WEARERS - Save on 213-384-1951. Could also use 4 tlx for any, brand name hard and soft lens supplies. home gam e. Send for free lllustated catalog. Contact Lens S ullies, Box 7453, Phoenix, Arizo- Wanted: 4 Tickets together to any home game. Call 289-9530 (Debbie) after 6 pm. To the Individual who stole the daypack Addressers wantedimmediately! W ork Wanted: 8 GA Navy tickets, together if So. Cal. vs ND football tickets, Oct. 22 - Happy Birthday Gary Hoiihan - and calculator out of the K of C T u b s . at home - no experience necessary - possible. W ill pay S. Call 288-0952 after Sports Tour 3050 W. 7th Street, L.A. 18 today and never been kissed. night, please consider this: The pack had excellent pay. Write American Sertvice, 6 pm. Calif., 90005. 213-384-1951. Will pay much more worth than simply a monetary 8350 Park Lane, Suite 269, Dallas Tx, $$. Also, could use four tix for any home ATTENTION- Section 3-B Farley: Leran value, and I can’t afford to replace the 75231. Brother and sister need ride to Cham­ game. to respect your RA or else! (If you can't calculator. Please return what Isn’t paign, II. area after USC game Will share do that at least keep her frig stocked.) your s. K Keess, 3414. USC student or Ga tix wanted. West expenses. Call 4-5181 tr 1811. Need ride from North-centarl New Jersey Coast client will pay premium. 272-7360 to ND after break - Oct. 30. Will share JEAN THE BEAN KYLE: PR0FFESSI0NAL TYPING- Correcting after 6 pm. Wanted: Several youtg men to help us expenses. Please call 8085. As Jean and John grow fonder and Selectric typewriter, experienced in dis­ with a promotion. Cash pay - no door to fonder, the vital questions we must sertations, reasonable. 232-5715. Wanted: 4 GA tickets for Southern Cal. dsoor selling. Contact Miss Edie at the URGENT: Need ride for 2 to Boston araea ponder: Will pay good bucks. CXall 1423 ask for Knights, 272-0312, or 2 1-8471. anytime aFTER USC game. Will share -Will Dill the pickle defile Kyle? Experienced ministrals, serenading a Mike expense;! Please, call Mary or Sue - -Or will Rick the stick do the trick? speciality. Call Ringo and Jester, 8243. Wanted: Ride to Centjrl NJ or close -Do the studies reach a peak all seven Need 4 USC GA tix. Will pay $, call Ron, before or after USC. Call Mark, 8785. nights of the week? Accurate, fast typing. Mrs. Donoho, 1423. Wanted: 2 GA USC tickets. Call a n d WHAT ABOUT CHARLIE???? 232-0746. Hours, 8 am to 6 pm. Need 2 GA USC or N a/y tickets. Call 3695....Jim. happy 20th E irthday, Jean! Love, Wanted: Desperately need 6 GA tix to Randy, 8622. Higgies, D.O. and Joyce Typing, call Carolyn. 232-9061. any home game. Call Chris at 1158. Wanyted: 2 or 4 GA Georgia Tech tix. PS: Get any pickles lately? Need ride to Omaha foi Fall Break. Call Please! Call Ann 6859. NEED QUALITY TYPING? Executary. Wanted: One student USC ticket. Call Colin, 8689. Inc., Proffessional Typing Services, IBM Chuck at 1436. Need USC tickets will pay excellent price. This ones just for you Jilly. Correcting Selecxtrics. 85 cents per Need someone to drive a car toNew Call Dan, 1598. page, minimum. Call 232-0898. “When I WILL BE FOREVER GRATEFUL TO London, Ct. anytime during October. The Lewis Lushes say “ Hello” to Chewey you want the best." YOU ifyou sell me a pair of GA tickets for Phone: 291-1561. Need 2 GA Air Force tix. Call Claire, Calaway. the USC game. My parents want to come 289-6533. Learn to play pocket billiards in the and cheer for Old Notre Dame. Will pay Wanted: USC GA tickets for parents - R2-D1, poolroom of LaFortune Student Center $$$$$. Call Mary, 1313. ______please call 4-4774. We need tix to Navy game. Please calll Casey Cason says “Droids in White under the Huddle. Just see the student 289-6255. Satin” 1s no. 1 in tne charts. manager on duty for help. Need 2 Southern Cal Tix. Beth, 272-2340. NEED ONE SOUTHERN CAL TICKET.. ANN MALERS - 5439. Need 2 tickets Clemson game. Call Pete Hey Keiffer! Wanted: 4 USC tickets. Will pay good Mellon, 287-9161 x401 days. Louisiana helps International Relations. bucks. Call Jim at 1419. Need ride back to ND after break...can leave from Philadelphia-NYC area. Call for 2 USC tickets. Call Jacob Happy 21st birthday to Ellen McLaughlin Wanted: 4 GA or student tickets to USC. Marti, 277-2483 or 1715. I %r October 15th. Call Steph at 4-5424. MB LOST AND FOUND Part time janitorial work available. Need 4 GA or student USC tickets. CALL LOST: $100 Reward! for anyone who Need 2 USC GA’s. Will pay $$$. Call Morning hours required. Call Sweeney John 1757. GAL finds a gold charm bracelet, one round Greg, 6863. ______or Toney at Corby’s 233-0438 after 2 pm. It’ s been ten months today. Hope it’s charm with inscription - Great sentimen­ Need ride to Cincinnati area after US many more. I love you. tal value. Call Monica, 272-5720. You are never going to believe this! I I need USC tix. Call Tom Basile, lame. W ill gladly share expenses. Call HS or JS (whichever you want) need FifteenGeorgia Tech tickets, GA 233-8288. fSerese Anne, 7905. FOUND: On sidewalk, 1976 Holy Cross Please call Geoff at 1083. HELEN OF TROY CLUES: class preparotory ring. Call Denise, Need one GA ticket for Georgia Tech. 2 Need rides from NYC after Oct. Break. The ACC has two and a six pack of Miller 4-5402. Wanted: 4 USC tickets. Will pay good Call Mary: 1263. Call 2722. has 12. money. 256-1487. If the sun shines on the Dome at noon, LOST: or stolen, TI-50 calculator on Oct. Will tarde Stud. SC tic and $money for 2 Honey, headed for Dixie over break? where does it shine at 27 after? 12 in Psychology Auditorium, Haggar Need 2 ‘USCtickets, GA. Call Bill at Georgia Tech GA’s. Call 233-7604. Need ride to Memphis area. Call Adella Freshman can’t have Millers but could go Hall. Please return. No questions asked. 8270. 7812. Will share expenses. here for a date. Call Mike, 1852. Looking for 2 GA tickets to USC. Call Desperately need 2 GA Georgia Tech Joe, evenings. 234-0980. Needed: 4 USC GA tickets. Call Jim Julie, LOST: in music practice room on piano: a tickets. Help! Call Mike 1687. 8376. ______I'm madly in love with you, for real. Timex watch without band - Sentimental Need ride to Massachusetts will share Bob Value. No questions asked, call 8570. W anted: 5 USC tickets. Call Paul at usual. Call Tom 1485. W anted: i GA ticket for USC. Call 3060. 1424. Lisa Lyons, LOST: football ticket with ID. This poor Parents coming from Seattle for first big A female accountant with any style can Need 2 GA tix for USC Call Jim 8708. visit to ND Need 2 GA tix to Georgia PERSONALS probably be found if you look for a while. frosh is in fits. Please - 4, 4728. Tech. Martha H, 4-4728. BUT IFYOU SEACH ANY FILE AND FOUND: Miniature poodle near campus. Need six Southern Cal Tix. Mark travel many a mile you’ll never find 287-7051. Need ride back to ND from Miami U, Girls, once in a lifetime chance! Stanford another with a prettier smile. Call 234-5120 after 10 am. Cincinnati! area after braek. John, 8981. Hall section 2-A North-South is now -Rhymin Simon FOUND: On walking cane at Grace Hall Need six GA Clemson Tix. Call Leo, taking applications for an evening of party Oct. 1 on 8th floor. Call 1747. 287-7051. Need 1-3 GA USC tickets. Big money. sheer ectasy. Dates are now being Michael, Call Kevin 8713. sought for the Nov. 5 CSN concert. Seats Voulez-vous couchez avec moi, ce soir? LOST: Brown leather wallet on Saturday, Wanted: Desperately needfour student are available on the main floor in rows H eather the 8th . If found, please call John at or GA Georgia Tech tickets. Call Wanted: 3 USC tickets. Call Rod at 1461. 2-7: Center Stage'! If interested call: Mary4-4764. Rooms 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 236, THE SNAKE'S idol, Joe Anderson, is 3074. Reward. Wanted: Ride to NYC area for October 237, 240, 241 243 and don’t forget to tell coming to town this weekend! Stay tuned LOST: SMC ID and other val Wanted: 2 Student USC tickets. Will pay break. Willi share driving and expenses. a friend!!!!! !^! this week for further details. Kublaks. Friday Oct. 7. $$. Call Suzy or Diane, 5148. Call Rob at 1436. plOease call JoAnne, 4-5778. Will tared two excellent SAteve Miller Joe, the corrupting force of Holy Cross, is Need ride to Southern tier of NY after Wanted: Ride to NYC area for October tickets fOr two good CSN tickets or one returning to slither with the snake this I USC game. Will to share expenses and braek. Will share driving and expenses. USC tickets. Call Ian, 3591. weekend. The chewing, drinking, gator- driving. Please call Jill6446. Call Jim at 1436. ing, etc. will be endlesl We hear you! FOR SALE Anyone who lives in Park Jefferson Apts, On OCt. 17th Vote for Lisa Brinkman, for Need ride to znyc or Long Island after So. please call Steve at 1478. Hey cutle! SMC Freshmen Council. Cal. also need ride back to NO before What would Joe think If he knew you ! 1974 Fiat Spider Convertible - 26, 000 Navy game. W ill share driving and CUTE AND GOOD CONVERSATION- were called that? Would he consider it | miles.,. Mint condiition $2850. Call Help Pam find Georgia Tech tickets for expenses. Rob, 8464. allSTdesperately needs ride to and from corky or klnky?Hey Snake 259-7704. family. 4032. Philadelphia area Oct. breaak, share Holy Cross will never be the same once Need ride to Bloomington to see Dead, expenses too!! Pat, 5246. youand Joe are reunited. How many AUDIO OUTLET: stereo equipment, Desperately need rideto Ft. Lauderdale Sun, Oct 31. JB, 894T pieces of furniture will bite the dust this for Oct. break. 44101. Kevin Hart- weekend? TV’s, CB's, wholesale. Call 7781. Need ride to Cincinnati or vicinity Oct. 20 Have you had a huddleburger attack ! FOR SALE: 1 Student season ticket. Call ! a or 21 - Joan, 1280. lately? I ve had three. Remember those Snake- I 8364. Georgia Tech. Call 4-4146. prom ises. Save your tackles for the football field. Need ride from central New York back to Those walls were just painted! Beware, 2 GA USC tickets. Best offer. 8846. Need ride to St. Louis for October break. Notre Dame after October braek. Will Brian Joe! I Call 4-4101. share whatever. Call Mark, 1852. It’s been real and it's been fun but it PLANNER RECORDS- An on-campus hasn’t been real fun!!! Happy 20th Pretty rowdy characters, huh.. student run record shop. W e stock W anted: 2-4 USC GA tickets. Call Need 2 USC GA Tix. Will pay $$$. birthday. Love and kisses, Your Former I all new releases and can order any album 288-0088. 4-4438. night calers, Claire, Sally, Mary Beth, Jeanne is a women now. She doesn’t still being produced. Also available, Patty and Moira. wear army boots. She wears make-up I blank tapes, componnents, accessories, generate for one Navy GA ticket. Call Need 4 G \ USC tickets and 2 student PS: Give our love to Tim, the “ Heel" for instead. Grief! Grief!! Abuse!!! Happy pre-recorded 8 tracts and cassettes - tickets. Kathy, 272-3634. what he’s done we love him still. 21st. Love, I Prices...$6.98 list LP’s only $4.50...$7.98 PSS: Ron and Jamey don’t be shy, just Deighn, Sue, Barb, Julie and Polly list LP’s only $5.29..... $7!98 list tapes, Wanted: 5 GA Navy tickets. Call Phil Wanted: 4 USC tics. Will pay big bucks. answer the phone and give us a try! only $5.45. Planner records, 322 Planner. 8762. Call 8341. Kiddo, I Pnone 2741. Hours...4-5, 6:30-8:00, Katie, Hope youi 21st is the best. M-Th. Sunday, 2-3:30. NEW ORLEANS - Looking for riders Need desperately a ride to Binhamton NY Happy 19th from a new rebel friend. Love.Igor______I Sun., after USC heading south to N O. via after USC game. Will share expenses. Hope you have a great B-Day. Call Rick, 3583. W anted: 2 females students to sublet 6 X 9 beige carpeting...cotton....good Louisville, Nashville, Birmingham Call Jay Campus View Apt. Call Kathy, 6781. 1378 - Jay 1condition; car tap luggage carrier and TYPISTS W ANTED: Fulltime, to typeset Sunday was Laureen O'Connor’s birth­ | ^32^3408' Choir. Call display advertising, Monday and Wed­ Desperate! Ride needed to New England Need ride to Champaign for braek. day. You've probably met her already, or E. New York State for Break. Will Call Mark, 8981. nesday thru Saturday afternoons and-or but if you haven't call 4-4152 and wish evenings. Hourly pay. Experience her a happy birthday and introduce share expenses, gas driving, and other I A.K.C. Doberman pups, champion blood helpful but not necessary. Apply in expenses. Call Mike, 8327. ■ lines - Reds. $75. Ph. 289-7562. Wanted: An accurate eficient secretary to yourself. Happy Birthday Little One. work with students. Must be able to type person at : The Penny Saver, 2102 S. Love, Sue, Cin, Mar 40 WPM and have good telephone voice. Michigan St., Soputh Bend, 288-1411. I Call Joe or Rick at 6413 from 2-4 MWF. Margo Lebrun, Ride needed for Oct. Break to North I’m sorry I haven’t heard from you. I Need 2 student tix fo USC for girlfriend Jersey-NYC area. Call Bruce 3587. Hope you haven’t forgotten me. Miss you!! and friend. Parent’s love in eopardy. Desperately I WANTED Need 4 tickets for Southern Cal. game. need 2 GA Navy ickets. Steve 8337. REWARD: priceless Homecoming Pack­ age for the tinder ofHELEN OF TROY. I Nedd 2 GA Georgia Tech tickets. Cflf Call Paul 1-219-745-2892 colect or Kim, I need a ride for two to DC area for break. Kathy, 4-4348. 284-5369. Leave Sun, 23rd. Tom 8329. 8 the observer Monday, October 17, 1977 Army out-maneuvered by Irish, 24-0 by P a u l Stevenson Brundidge was intercepted by native responded with a 29 yard Montana completed eight of 17 Pressure by the defensive line Sports Editor . field goal, giving him 207 career passes for 109 yards, while suffer­ and an excellent performance by Notre Dame regained possession points and giving the Irish a 10-0 ing one interception. the defensive secondary aided the East Rutherford, NJ - The site of the football, but was unable to advantage with 6:47 left in the third Notre Dame had 27 first downs in Irish throughout the clash. Inter­ was the Meadowlands, the teams advance. Then, Joe Restic’s punt, act. the battle, while Army registered ceptions by Mike Whittington, were Notre Dame and Army, and which covered 46 yards, was fum­ At the 3:51 mark of the third 15. In total offense, the Irish had Leroy Leopold and Luther Bradley the result was a 24-0 victory for the bled by Jim Merriken back to the quarter, the Irish began another 464 yards, 342 rushing. The Cadets helped stop key Cadet drives. Irish before the largest crowd ever Army one yard line. The Irish scoring drive. Following a holding managed to accumulate 227 yards Saturday’s results brings Notre to witness a collegiate game at scrambled for the ball, but Jon penalty against the Irish, Notre total offense, only 67 via the Dame’s record to 4-1, while the Giants Stadium. Dwyer recovered for the Cadets. Dame began the drive at their own Although slow at the start, The time ran out in the half as 25 yard line. leading only 7-0 at halftime, Notre Notre Dame took their mere 7-0 This time Tri-Captain Terry Dame compiled 17 points after lead to the locker room. Eurick shot up the middle for the intermission to down the underdog In the first half, the Irish had 12 six points. The highlights of the Cadets. first downs compared to nine for drive were a 20 yard pass from The Irish, running out of an I Army. The Notre Dame offense Montana to tight end Ken MacAfee backfield in addition to their usual had compiled 160 yards rushing, and a 15 yard gallop by Heavens. wing-T, used a barrage of running 121 of those by Heavens. Montana Reeve’s conversion brought the plays by Jerome Heavens, who was had connected on only three of tenscore to 17-0. operating in the halfback slot for aerial attempts. The Irish scored their final points Saturday’s clash. Opening the second half, Head midway through the final period, a For Army, it was a usual finish, Coach Homer Smith opted to drive which covered 60 yards in 16 losing their thirty-first game kickoff hoping to pin the Irish deep plays. The tally came on Eurick’s against only eight wins and four ties versus the powerful Irish. Notre Dame received the open­ ing kickoff and drove the ball from their own 20 yard line to the Army 21. Then, faced with second and seven, Irish quarterback Joe Mon­ tana handed off to Heavens who fumbled the ball upon contact with defensive back Bruce Elliott. Cadet Kirk Thomas recovered the ball for Army to halt the Irish threat Steve Orsini leads the way for Jerome Heavens. The Irish speedster and terminate Notre Dame’s gained 202 yards in 34 carries. [Photo by Bill Reifsteck momentum. running attack. Cadet’s ledger falls to 3-3. The The Cadets were unable to take Defensively, played Irish now prepare to host the advantage of the Irish turnover as another outstanding game. The University of Southern California the remainder of the quarter was Notre Dame junior accounted for 14 this Saturday in Notre Dame scoreless. tackles in the war. Stadium. Notre Dame tallied their first points in the second period on a Paul Stevenson three yard burst off right tackle by Heavens The scoring drive started at the Army 47 yard line. Using The Irish Eye four runs by Heavens, including Bob Golic and shun blocker to pressure Army one of 21 yards, and one rush by quarterback Leamon Hall. [Photo by Bill Reifsteck] Dave Mitchell, the Irish offense in their own territory and have the straight ahead run from the three. reached paydirt. The touchdown wind in Army’s favor in the fourth The point after by Reeve capped Noire Dame’s war with Army was a surprise. It was no shock that the came with 12:20 remaining in the quarter. the scoring for the Irish with Notre Irish emerged victorious, however, it was surprising to witness the Irish first half. But, Notre Dame had no desire to Dame maintaining a 24-0 edge. operating out of a new offense. Later in the second period, Army remain near their own endzone as In the contest, Heavens compiled Yes, the wing-T attack that Notre Dame has used over the past few advanced the ball to the Notre they advanced the ball to the Army 202 yards in 34 carries, a new Notre years was present Saturday, but that did not represent the only offense Dame 15 yard line. With a fourth 49 and then blockaded Army back Dame record for the single game used. The I formation, a set which utilized the potential of the Irish and six situation, the Cadet elect­ inside their own five yard line. rushing total. Heavens surpassed running backs, was a sight to see. There were also glimpses of the veer. ed to go for the first down. Army On the Irish’s next possession, the mark of 186 yards established Both formations were completely new to the rushing arsenal. signal caller Leamon Hall faded the Notre Dame offense marched to by Emil Sitko against Michigan But why reveal a new offense the week before a very crucial game, the back to pass, but due to pressure the Army 12, whereupon Irish State in 1948. The junior speedster biggest game of the year? Well, being completely new to the Irish football by , Hall’s pass mentor called for Dave now has racked up 528 yards thus team, it does take some experience to master the skills and actually which was intended for ClennieReeve. The Bloomington, Indiana far during the 1977 campaign. understand how it will operate under game situations. The use of the I formation in Saturday’s bailgame will allow the coaches to evaluate its effectiveness. However, the working of the offense were Dave O’Keefe ^Observer surely noted in this weekend’s clash against the Cadets. What will be interesting this coming Saturday will be the method the Defense Never Rests Trojans use to defense their own offense. With one game of experience Sports chalked up, hopefully, the Irish offense will be a little more polished Instant Replay Saturday when USC invades Notre Dame Stadium. Notre Dame's defense played a large part in winning the preseason Many were concerned how the Irish would fare after a week off. Notre number one spot in the polls, and although the Irish haven’t lived up to Dame looked impressive offensively and defensively against Michigan August’s expectations, the defense maintains a firm grip on its claim to Dodgers triumph State, however, their turnovers prevented them from blowing the game being one of the best in college football. wide open. First, the facts. No opponent has scored against the Irish on the ground U S ANGELES [AP] - “ Too many Would Notre Dame be looking ahead to Southern Cal? In the this year. That piece of information in and of itself conveys the key to the mistakes.” Meadowlands, the Irish were sluggish in the first half, but came on strong defense: the immovable line. While it is true that linebackers lead the That was the way losing pitcher with a 17 point rally in the final two periods. In their first three games, the team in tackles this season, it is the front four that has been setting up Don Gullett described the shelling Irish did not take command of the football contest. However, in their last runners like clay pigeons or bruising them as they stagger towards the he took Sunday as the Los Angeles two battles, the Irish have controlled the game to the extent that the linebackers for the final kill. Mike Calhoun and Ken Dike have been solid Dodgers battered the New York outcome seemed assured. Notre Dame may have been planning for the all season long, while Scott Zettek looks more and more comfortable Yankees 10-4 and sent the World future when they instituted new offensive sets, but their performance standing in the shoes of . - Series back to New York with the Saturday showed they were prepared for Army. What of Ross Browner? If he’s supposed to be a Heismann candidate,Yankees holding a 3-2 lead. The defense has looked very strong the past two games. After a shaky shouldn't we hear his name more often? Well, not really. As a matter of “I felt great physically,” said showing against Purdue, the symbol of Notre Dame excellence has fact. Browner is having another great season at end, quite possibly his Gullett, who pitched 8 1/3 innings glowed. Giving up six points against Michigan State and being only the best. He’s been fighting double-teams and triple-teams all year, and,in the Series opener but was second team to shut-out Army this year was an accomplishment. Army more importantly, he’s been winning. He’s also getting to the clobbered for seven runs and eight quarterback Leamon Hall has broken all Cadet records. Knowing the Irish quarterback in his familiar excuse-me-forearm-in-the-face style, only now, hits - including Steve Yeager’s did not relinquish a point when considering how fast this signal caller bright quarterbacks like Mark Herrmann and Leamon Hall are getting rid three-run homer - in just 4 1/3 could strike is very impressive. of the ball much more quickly. innings Sunday. Yes, the Irish have looked good in their last two games, something As for the linebackers, Leroy Leopold and Mike Whittington played “ I just pitched a terrible game. which really did not show in their opening three games, with the exception superbly for the injured Doub Becker and , respectively. It was my control - nothing more of the poise they illustrated in their comeback victory over Purdue. But Each had an interception, giving Leopold at least one interception in everyand nothing less. now the test is really approaching. game he’s played for the Irish, including his first, a touchdown return “ Yeager hit a hanging forkball. Southern Call comes to Notre Dame with a 5-1 ledger, suffering only a against Northwestern last year. Every pitch they hit today was a 21-20 loss to Alabama a week ago at the Coliseum. The clash this Bob Golic led the team (again) in tackles with 14. Colic’s performance mistake pitch. I just made too weekend is essential to both clubs. Both teams already have one loss, and this year has been practically flawless, as good as any on the entire team, many mistakes. I have no excuses any chances either team has for a National Championship fall on the and his presence in the middle makes any sizeable gains up the middle orbecause I probably felt better outcome of this game. off tackle very difficult. physically than in the opening If the sneak preview from East Rutherford was any idication of what’s to The secondary has improved in the past two weeks. They had bad game. I just made too many come, then Irish fans may have a lot to look forward to. Many have said games in Purdue and Mississippi, but they looked more together against mistakes with my fastball and my that Head Coach Dan Devine’s wing-T offense is very dull. Well, Michigan State, and turned in their best performance against the Blackforkball.” whatever opinion Notre Dame enthusiasts have about the Notre Dame Knights of the Hudson. Army’s 202 yards in passing are insignificant in The Yankees had hoped to end theoffense, those impressions may change. If the Irish attack continues to light of the fact that Hall-to-anyone-who-was-open was pretty much the World Series here and were a use this type of variation, things may be better in South Bend. name of Army’s offense Saturday. But this time, no one was open when it subdued bunch over having their This weekend will tell if all this ingenuity paid off. On Saturday, it will counted. season extended until Tuesday also be revealed if the Irish can perform against a national power. Notre Army is by no means a weak offensive team. Clennie Brundidge is anight. Dame has only been able to defeat the Trojans once in the last ten years. fine wide receiver, but he could do little against the secondary. Tailback “There'll be a sixth game, that’s Notre Dame’s edge in the series, which now stands at 26-18-4, has been Jim Merrikan tied the record for most passes caught against Notre Dame about it,” said Manager Billy diminishing every season. (11), but was held to eight yards on the ground, one-fourth of the team Martin. “But I’ve got to be happy The Irish have been improving and have displayed signs of hope for a total. Army did not even try a field goal. And so it goes. winning two out of three here. climb back to the top. Notre Dame must avoid costly turnovers and take This week, USC. If the Irish are going to beat the Trojans, the defense Maybe it’s right that we should win advantage of their opponent’s errors. is going to have to maintain the same stubborn pride that has won them a it in our home park for our fans. After Saturday, the Irish will know if their pre-season publicity was national reputation, a few tidy victories, and maybe, just maybe, a But I would’ve taken a win today.” legitimate. No one expects the contest to be easy, but, with imagination in National Championship. We’ll have a better idea about the possibilities of .. '.'If.we play W.ell, we’ll win. If we the new offensive sets and dedication to its perfection, the Irish can that next week. don’t, we won’t. It’s that simple.” continue to rise to the top.