Accidents Kill SMC Student, Injure Sophmore
Board holds budget hearing by Reed King course evaluation booklet," he Cultural Arts Commission for such explained. projects as the Collegiate Jazz The Student Government Board The remainder of the SG alloca Festival, the Sophomore Literary of Commissioners held its annual tion is to pay for telephones, Festival, and campus performances blldget hearings yesterday, and printing, advertisement, staff by various drama groups. allocated the student activities' salaries, and other office expenses, The Social Commission was funds to Student Government (SG), according to Mason. given $25,679 for such events as Student Union (SU), the Hall Student Union was allocated the Homecoming Weekend and Presidents's Council (HPC), the $66,480 for its seven commissions, Bull Moose Parties. A -major Judicial Council, and various an increase of more than $6,000 portion of this budget, according to campus clubs and organizations. over last year. The budget for SU Mason, was the $6,000 proposed The amount of money available Administration was set at $8,486. for the operation of the Nazz. for this year's budget totalled Mason explained that this money is Mason next explained the $131,750, an increase of almost for the fixed overhead expenses of monies set aside for the Hall $20,000 over last year's budget. SU, including the operation of the Presidents' Council. Three sep Beau Mason, Student Government calendar office, campus press, and arate HPC funds were allocated treasurer, explained the increase the ticket office. money. The Hall Life Fund, which as a result of $20,000 being left A $3,000 revenue was projected allows money for permanent hall over from last year's funds.
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