Fulton Cuttings to Have Splendid City Home Colony
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Fulton Cuttings to Have Splendid City Home Colony »-__Ji THE WOOL WORTH HOUSEaiS& AYE. and80V*ST. ¡SSEEN HERE. HACK OF/TARERESIDENCES^ New York's best known Home that of the on .WHICH MR WOOL WORTH PURCHASED ffftd GAVE TOH/S CHILDREN. colony, Morgans Madison ave The roosèfeuer coio//y json£4-ía¿zt&uhh¡ñg THROUGH TO S3&ST. JUST iVEST OF ¿# /??£. THE BROWN- Head of Will Plot Near Fifth cost Mr. Baker no mean amount of ÏjO.OOO, but its age and the lar.dscap. Family Improve Avenue STONE HOUSE /S TH4TOFJOHN P. SR. AND THE UGHT money.. To illustrate the value make a Large STONE TH#T OF JOHN D. JR. placed ing delightful picture of quiet, With for Himself, His Children and Grand¬ on the residential character of the peace and comfort. The ;,'. linger man, Dwellings some neighborhood, Mr. Baker, years only a few years back, completed a children . Follows Ideas of ago, purchased 8 business building homo of skyscraper height, a dwelling Morgan, Rockefeller, while under construction on the corner at the west edge of the plot, Th» Baker and Woolwortb . Fortunes in next to his home, that is the northwest house and plot are valued at $4fi0.000v Huge corner of Madison Avenue and Thirty- Just back of it, coming out on Fifty- eighth Street. There liad been a build¬ third is a City Home Street, vacant parcel as¬ on the corner for and Groups ing years perhaps sessed at $67,000. This f« rms a setting before the coming of Mr. Baker to for the rear of young Mr. Rockfeller1« Madison Avenue. Jt was Little information lias come from the Boston to this citr several months ago, first introduced family community liv- not regarded house and also for Mrs. Rrenuce's about tiie of homes to as a nuisance. An apartment house was which is at 5 » Cuttings, colony renting a house w.-nich was secured after ing in New York city, to a notable de¬ home, and West Fifty- be erected for the immediate planned for the property. After the third Street. In family' long and tedious search of the limited gree at least, is a question. The idea addition to this real of Robert on structure had been carried up two estate, Mr. r Fulton, Cutting Eighty- supply of des'.rable homes for rent. is as old as mankind and ra,ther com¬ Rockefelli ha thought it eighth and Eighty-ninth streets, just Mr. Cutting'** experience in E'.-archirig in tier3, the builders announced a change wise to buy at ¡cast seven other prop¬ monplace many sections of the old of east oi Fifth Avenue. The little in-' for a homo is said to have had the countries. mind and said that it would be a erties on Fifty-fourth Street, soira formation that h;.s been released business rather than a residential aci by effect of speeding the development of Two Oldest Colonies directly ly, ar.d the family indicates that the five tho idea of a home colony, which Mr. building. Mr. Baker stepped in and others down the bl ;. were The a dwellings which are to be built on the Cutting, senior, is credited with having Morgans have been many years asked their price. It was stiff one, bought to k «ep ... ra protect p ot bought several weeks ago from nursed in his mind for some utile time. on Murray Hill, and West Fifty-fourth but he paid it. The plans' were changed the i'utuie of the R ! er homes. Belmont will constitute one oi* is and a erected on the August It likely that other members of the Street has known Mr. Rockefeller for again, building Man;. Families Like Idea th< finest and n isl costly family dwell¬ Cutting family have been forced to site, to harmonize with tin* section. a long period. At rate, both mon A: the northea ing ci ¡es in New York. All details realize the helplessness of their posi¬ any That property is worth $425,000 as fth A-». of the plan have not been definitely tion by the current housing conditions. have curried to a marked degress the valued for tax assessment. nue and Fifty-fourth Stre« the home paternal desire which has lived in the worked out, so 'fia* approximation of Three Rockefeller Homes lof William Rockefeller, brother of ' P!a> ground for Children the co of the desire of Mr. Cutting hearts of fathers since the world was The on John I>. Rockefeller, .. N'ext to to fi:i.t hi own children for immediate The Cutting houses 'will not be car¬ created. It lias meant th«> outlay of Rockefeller colony is the amounts of The his house is the :. ¡ighbors is impossible at this time. ried back the full length of the prop¬ large money. Morgan south side of Fifty-fourth Street, just The initial plan, however, indicates a colony is valued by the city's experts back of the at the Mrs. I>. Hunter McAIpi »The Vandcr- erty, making a compact group. The at Twombly house, that will cost at least. $2,085,000. Add another $1,.,000 bilt twin house :, as I arc dwelling group welfare of the little members of the southwest corner of Fifth Avenue and ey called, ¦¦...¦ of to this and one S-'.'j'.. of the value figure may approximate Fifty-fourth Street. The mellowness are a fc w 'loi -. the K ke- the which was for .1 Cutting family has been given some the market value of the two brown site, held sale at that comes with is about feller homes, and Avenue. in excess ..:' $020,000, which, is attention, anil between tho stone on the east side ago, wrapped figure dwellings dwellings of the This is accentuated the They cover tl e block ¦. on the west ti valuation on the land by the will lie a spacious playground, which Madison between place. by placed Avenue, Thirty-sixth architecture of St. Thomas's Church, sitie of the ;.' '. et n Fifty-first 'lux Department for taxation purposes. will represent perhaps $100,000 in and Thirty-seventh streets, the Indiana which is built the ri'ar line of and Fifty-second streets The V. .- Plan now in mind call for three property value, not to speak of the limestone and the along library Salterien the residence and of John D. K. Vanderbii house >al the r.orthwe't dwellings fronting on Eighty-ninth structural features, on«.' of which will house on Thurty-sixtb Street, and the grounds THI5 IS THE sr. The residence of corner of Fifth Avenue ana Fifty- Street, ¿ach to be 25 feet wide, and two be an artistically designed fountain. greensward and flower that GEORGE FBfJICER FAMILY COLONY. THE BUILDING ON THE Rockefeller, gardens IS FAR. John D. is at the second Street. Brigadier Ceneral Cor¬ dwellings on Eighty-eighth Street, one The colony will be one of the finest separate these homes. The CORNER ONE WHICH MR. ßHKER PURCHASEP HT H HIGH TO Rockefeller, jr., Morgan.-: PRICE PROTECT west end of the and at the nelius Vanderbilt occupies the house at of whith will be the parent home of the of its size in New York. The outstand¬ would not part with the group for love HIS HOME FROM TRADE S.nS APARTMENTS. grounds, west end back from the northwest cornei of Fifth Avenue group, the dwelling of Mr. Cutting, ing features of the dwelling groups nor money, because of the sentimental rear, extending is and Fifty-first .v'r el -.¦ director of the American Beet Sugar of the Morgan family, the Bakers, value have affixed to tho Fifty-third Street, the home of Mrs. houses, they colony. a fan commu¬ and other enter Rockefellers and Vanderbilts have Just how this is Prentice, daughter of Mr. Rockefeller. though repres nting ly Company many large high may be months ago, and established himself ninth streets. There are three dwell¬ the district. He built a fine home at have but better known to New York¬ been studied and learned measured The dwellings, homes of the senior nity, none of iphere of prises, something by the vigilance which th« and his family in a dwelling ùicin^ of Baker, sr., 256 Madison Avenue. a ings, George George Then home, member of the family, and his the Morgan and R >ck< ¦¦¦ loi ies.F. ers as a citi-.'.en of the highest type, from each which will help in the as¬ Morgans have exercised over tin the family group of homes, title to Baker, and Mrs. Howard children, ft-., Bligh St. similar in design, but not of the same are taxed the on an estimated W. Wo >1 wort h, of I and i«1": cent one ft" the men who a dozen years ago sembling of the Cutting group. The Murray Hill district. Under the name which he received from the Flintlock by city George, daughter of ?>rt. Baker. The dimensions, was put up next to the valuation of store started on se t in motion a crusade which has Cutting colony will be more on the of the Flintlock $1,3S7,000. The grounds fame, lony Realty Company, tlu Realty Company. three dwellings arc worth $015,000 «re¬ parents' house for his son. Mrs. St. cleansed civic and moral New York. order of tho Morgan and Rockefeller late J. P. and also The of Mr. Rockefeller, front i.87 feet on Fifth Aver ireet. Hi« Morgan the present assessed valu» of property pur¬ cording to tho city, but like the George's house is at the corner of The homes facing on Eighty-nintji settlements, developments dominated head of the have chased to the Fifty-fourth Street.