Political Fairy Tales in Paradise

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Political Fairy Tales in Paradise Friday, 9.18.15 ON THE WEB: www.yankton.net views VIEWS PAGE: [email protected] PAGE 4A PRESS&DAKOTAN The Press Dakotan THE DAKOTAS’ OLDEST NEWSPAPER | FOUndED 1861 Yankton Media, Inc., 319 Walnut St., Yankton, SD 57078 CONTACT US We Say PHONE: (605) 665-7811 (800) 743-2968 NEWS FAX: In The Cards (605) 665-1721 THUMBS UP to the Yankton Cribbage Club for ADVERTISING FAX: hosting the 34th annual Grand National Cribbage (605) 665-0288 Tournament this weekend. After all the work of WEBSITE: organizing the next three days of competition, the www.yankton.net benefit to the community of Yankton and to the ––––– world of cribbage is appreciated. It’s a great thing SUBSCRIPTIONS/ for Yankton to be hosting yet another event of this CIRCULATION caliber. Welcome to all visiting cribbage players. Extension 104 [email protected] CLASSIFIED ADS Fresh Face Political Fairy Extension 116 THUMBS UP to the Yankton City commission and [email protected] Amy Miner. During its regular meeting this week, NEWS DEPT. the commission appointed Amy Miner to the posi- Extension 114 tion recently vacated by Brooke Blaalid. This puts [email protected] the commission back to nine members and also Tales In Paradise SPORTS DEPT. helps put a new, curious voice in city government. Eight people expressed interest in the post, which BY KATHLEEN PARKER Knowing nothing — or having no relation- Extension 106 ships with those you’re hoping to lead toward [email protected] is encouraging since there weren’t enough candidates last spring to © 2015, Washington Post Writers Group warrant an election. Let’s hope that trend continues. productive alliances — is hardly a recommenda- ADVERTISING DEPT. WASHINGTON — Once upon a time in a tion for the job. This should go without saying Extension 122 twinkling city on a hill, little boys and girls were and would be unnecessary were we not at this [email protected] taught that anyone could grow up to become silly moment when the nation seems primed to BUSINESS OFFICE Watching The Skies president. favor the rabble-rousingest purveyor of emo- Extension 119 THUMBS DOWN to the prospect of rain dampen- The children all believed it and tional potions and fantastical fixes. [email protected] ing Yankton’s Pioneer Days homecoming festivities today many, many of them are trying Billionaires have too much money, NEW MEDIA: today (Friday). At press time, the National Weather to fulfill the promise. While it has been says Democratic candidate and social- Extension 136 Service reported that there was an increasing proved true that anyone really can be- ist Sen. Bernie Sanders. Agreed. I [email protected] chance of rain showers as the day wore on, although come president, it has also been proved should be a billionaire, too. But do COMPOSING DEPT. they are expected to subside by 8 p.m. Whether or even more true that most shouldn’t. others’ billions prevent me from accru- Extension 129 not there is enough rain to impact the annual home- Including, sad to say, more than a ing my own? Only to the extent that their wisdom stops short of employing [email protected] coming parade remains to be seen. Of course, Yankton’s homecom- few on the debate stage at the Reagan ing had weather issues last year, which led to some rescheduling Library Wednesday night. One wonders my talents. How many poor people is * * * why these folks don’t wake up each day Oprah responsible for creating? matters that still irk some YHS fans. (However, all’s well that ended Donald Trump doesn’t like Ameri- MANAGERS well, as be might recall.) Lightning doesn’t figure to be part on and exclaim: Wow! I don’t have to run the country! How awesome is that?! Kathleen can cars being manufactured in other Gary L. Wood today’s agenda, so hopefully, only a little chilly rain will play a hand To each his own motivation, but countries? What would President Publisher in the action. sane people routinely ask themselves: PARKER Trump do? Slap a $35 tariff on each car Michele Schievelbein Why would anyone want this job? We’ve and part, he exclaims to applause. But Advertising Director witnessed what the office does to a there’s this little hitch called the U.S. Autumn Thunder person — the graying temples, deepening lines Constitution, which gives Congress the Jim Gevens THUMBS UP to the return of the National Football and sagging shoulders. Do the pomp, chauffeurs, power to levy taxes, and the small matter of the Circulation Director League season. It’s easy to get caught up in some chefs, private jets and post-presidency speaking North American Free Trade Agreement, which Tonya Schild of the off-field drama, but the first week of action fees really compensate for the assault on one’s forbids what Trump proposes. Business Manager has once again been a reminder that the sport will privacy, the loss of freedom and the terrible Facts don’t matter, apparently, when voters burden of the worldly woes? Probably. are determined to evict those who have made Tera Schmidt always be bigger than those who don’t give the the federal government dysfunctional. Frustra- sport the best of names. Already we’re seeing up But the question — Why do you want to be Classified Manager president? — is worth asking each candidate. tion noted. But wasn’t the last elected president and coming teams like the Buffalo Bills and the Ten- Why, indeed. We can predict most of the an- an outlier who was largely unqualified and had Kelly Hertz nessee Titans making big statements, and it should be quite the ride no talent for “politics”? But most Americans Editor swers, none of which will be remotely true. this season. • “We need to make America great again and liked the way he sounded, so, why not? James D. Cimburek I’m your man,” seems to be a favorite. The why-not vote vexes the natural-born Sports Editor • “It’s time to take our country back and frowner. Often, the best leader is the reluctant when I was governor, I blahblahblah.” Or, “It’s one, who, like George Washington, wishes he Beth Rye time for a nonpolitician.” weren’t the people’s choice. He knows from ex- Digital Media Director But for many, running for president is The perience the burdens of leadership and humbly Kathy Larson Next Thing — for them. After you’ve saved lives, recognizes his own limitations before the task. It Composing Manager built hotel empires, been secretary of state or a is duty that draws him out. ONLINE OPINION governor, what’s next? We live in a different world, obviously, and The results of the most recent Internet poll on the Press & Dakotan’s Web site are It is a fine thing to reach the summit of one’s the medium has become the message. The hum- as follows: aspirations. It is a necessary thing, I suppose, ble man times out before he can manage a quot- that some are driven to leadership and, we hope, able response. It is up to us, therefore, to listen * * * LATEST RESULTS: altruistic endeavors. But governance isn’t easy. carefully to the candidates and ask ourselves, DAILY STAFF Do you think the Minnesota Twins will make the playoffs? And effective leadership doesn’t necessarily why? The answer to this question — more than Reilly Biel I don’t care ................................................................................................................39% convey to the White House from the boardroom the how of policy — may help you sort things Cassandra Brockmoller No .............................................................................................................................36% or surgical ward — or the gilded world of luxury out. Brandi Bue Ye s ............................................................................................................................25% hotels where women are “cherished” and the Finally, as you tuck in your little darlings Rob Buckingham TOTAL VOTES CAST ...............................................................................................217 tonight, remember: Your child does not need to Caryn Chappelear The Press & Dakotan Internet poll is not a scientific survey and reflects the opinions “hair is real.” Randy Dockendorf only of those who choose to participate. The results should not be construed as an ac- This isn’t to suggest that professional politi- be president. Mine does. Jeannine Economy curate representation or scientific measurement of public opinion. cians are better qualified than others (neces- Rachel Frederick ——— sarily), though it’s likely some are. Nor is it Kathleen Parker’s email address is kathleen- [email protected]. Jeremy Hoeck CURRENT QUESTION: axiomatic that distance from the political class Nicole Myers makes someone a better choice just because he/ Robert Nielsen Do you think Kristi Noem will run for governor in 2018? she hasn’t a clue how Washington works. Diana Smallwood To cast your vote in the PRESS & DAKOTAN’S Internet poll, log on to our website David Stephenson at www.yankton.net. Cathy Sudbeck Kelly Hertz JoAnn Wiebelhaus IN HISTORY Brenda Willcuts Alissa Woockman By The Associated Press on the legitimacy of the embattled gov- Today is Friday, September 18, the ernment. During his visit to Britain, Pope 261st day of 2015. There are 104 days left Benedict XVI apologized to five people A Complex Write Of Passage * * * in the year. who’d been molested by priests as chil- Published Daily Today’s Highlight in History: On dren in his latest effort to defuse the sex BY KELLY HERTZ much as our small staff can be. Where once, the September 18, 1793, President George abuse crisis shaking the Roman Catholic [email protected] 24 hours between print editions felt like a blink of Monday-Saturday Washington laid the cornerstone of the Church. an eye, it now seems like forever, and we use new U.S.
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