£1 when sold June 2015 issue: 462 LODE STAR

14 JUNE —

28 JUNE —


NEWS AND VIEWS FROM LODE WITH LONGMEADOW LODE STAR www.lode.org.ukLODE STAR Issue No: 462 June 2015 WHAT’S WHERE WHAT’S ON WHEN EDITORIAL LC Lode Chapel, LSC Lode Social Club, BBL British Legion Club IN LODE STAR FH Fassage Hall, BVC Village College We hope the colourful cover will inspire you to something to report on next month – 3. Editorial take part in two fantastic village events coming as long as I remember to take my 4. Lode Parish Council our way in June. The Caribbean themed fete passport. 5. Lode Charity June on 14 June will be a fun filled afternoon with Next month we will also have a 6. ngs Open Gardens in Lode 7 Cycling event at Fassage Hall (p19) something for everyone. I may be able to report from Julie and Richard Peters Lode Open Gardens 8 Fassage Hall AGM (p6) resist the lumbo dancing but the Caribbean about progress on turning the Social The Gondoliers 9 Prior Gardeners (p8) food stall will be a must. If you want to be even Club building into a pub restaurant. 7. Diamond Wedding Anniversary 10 Health Walk start 10am Surgery (p24) more part of the event it is not too late to That remains their plan and we can Bottisham Library WW2 70th Anniversary event (p20) volunteer help. Call John Lince on C.812227. all see that building work is in full Fassage Hall AGM 10-13 The Gondoliers (p6) On 28 June we can admire the hard work of swing. They hope to open before 8. B’shm & District Gardening 13 Book Sale on the B’shm Triangle our neighbours and friends as we wander Christmas. Electric Organ Concert, Quy (p24) Gardeners round twelve gardens at the peak of summer On a sad note, special thanks this 9. A Defibrillator for Lode 14 Service for Carers at Ely (p24) perfection. Both events are the result of Lode Village Fete month to Doreen Webb for insisting Bottisham Ball 2015 tremendous effort over several months so do on continuing to ensure delivery of Wednesday coffee mornings 19-21 Free entry to AA for Lode residents encourage friends from outside the village to 26 Health Walk start 10am Surgery (p24) Lode Star even though it is around 14 JUNE 10. Bottisham Patients Group come and join in. the time of the funeral of her much 11. Photographic Club 27 Bottisham Ball (p9) — 28 Lode Open Gardens (p6) In our family, June will be especially busy with loved son-in-law Doug Hodgson. He 12. Lode WI our son’s wedding on 19 June. It’s a Friday in was a very special family man who 13 Village BBQ / LodeStar Festival July case you are wondering why the cones are will be sadly missed by his many 14. Plodder requests support 19 ngs Open Gardens in Lode (p6) ranged outside St James’ on a weekday. friends. 28 JUNE Saturday AM Art Club 26 Village BBQ, Station Farm (p13) Thanks in advance to the flower ladies who I Elizabeth Mitchell — 15 Ex- ECDC DCllr Notes August know will turn the church into a summer 16. Indoor cycling @ the Fassage garden whatever the weather. Lode on-line Archive 2 Lode Tennis Club Open Day (p23) I couldn’t believe my luck to have my name 17. Public Transport Matters 25 Gardening Club mtg (p8) picked out of a teapot as one of the women 18. Air Ambulance Coffee results Thursday Anglesey Abbey Health Walks 10.00am from WI attending the Centenary Garden Party 19. RE:NEW at Buckingham Palace on 2 June. Definitely 20. WW2 70th Anniversary Event Wednesday Coffee Mornings 10.30am LC 21. Chukkas Away Red2Green PopUp—last Wednesday of the The purpose of LODE STAR is to serve the WHOLE parish by circulating information free to every household in LODE and LONGMEADOW eleven times a year 22. Anglesey Abbey & Wicken Fen month, The Pavilion, SB 23. Village Freecycle R2Greenhouse, BVC—Tues & Wed 11am Lode Tennis Club Do you have a local event you would like to see Please could all items for inclusion in the 24 Service for Carers at Ely advertised here? Please contact the Editors Electronic Organ Concert JULY & AUGUST edition of Lode Star reach Walking for Health/ BEMS Elizabeth Mitchell ([email protected]) Electronic Organ Concert and Susan Swannell (address below or [email protected]) 25. Mothers Union by SUNDAY 14 JUNE 2015 (earlier if possible) Gardening Club Annual Show LODE OPEN GARDENS Neighbourhood Watch 26. The Vicar’s Notes EDITOR: ...... ELIZABETH MITCHELL, 3 WILLOW GROVE, LODE CB25 9EL 812843 27. St James’ Church page DISTRIBUTION: ...... DOREEN WEBB, 8 HIGH STREET, LODE 811341 VILLAGE FETE ON THE FASSAGE 28. Outside Information TREASURER: ...... JEFF KEMPSTER, 19 ABBEY LANE CB25 9EP 812194 ADVERTISING/PRODUCTION: .... SUSAN SWANNELL, 5 ABBEY LANE, LODE 811584 COVER DESIGN: ...... Advert PRINTERS:...... BURWELL COMMUNITY PRINT CENTRE 01638 613102 page S OPINIONS EXPRESSED IN LODE STAR ARE NOT NECESSARILY THOSE OF THE EDITORS NOR DO THE EDITORS ACCEPT ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR CLAIMS MADE IN ADVERTISEMENTS LODE 2 STAR LODE 3 STAR Street lights appearance. Lode Parish Council News As reported in last month’s publication, Website Cllrs Mitchell and Lane were to walk It is pleasing to note that the village New Councillors came forward, and seven were elected around the village after dark to gain now has a new website Cllr Rickard opened the meeting by as Councillors, with no need for the co- information which will assist the review (www.lode.org.uk) which will provide welcoming Cllrs McNeely and Rolland option process. of the new street lighting. They up-to-date information for parishioners onto the Council. He said it was Recreation ground reported that some parts of the village and anyone else who wants pleasing to see that, by the election of are darker than others after the information about Lode with Once again, concern has been removal of certain lamp posts, with two younger Councillors, the average expressed about the growth of weeds Longmeadow. Parish Council meeting age of the group had been lowered Millards Lane having the longest minutes will be posted on the website on the playing field, especially low darker area, but in no case was it significantly. That this could take place growing thistles. Plans were put into once they have been approved at the is most pleasing as during the 20th thought to be unsafe for residents. In subsequent meeting. The website is place to have them sprayed off, but the the discussion of this item it was century it was normal to have more spraying had to be delayed as it was very user-friendly and is well worth a applicants than places and it was revealed that the Balfour Beatty plans visit to see that Lode is now most feared that it would damage the grass st necessary to have an election to showed a loss of 16 lights in Lode and firmly fixed in the 21 century. which was dry following a lengthy Longmeadow, rather than 13 as stated complete membership of the Parish period without significant rain. Council. Up until 2015 in the 21st by the BB representative, but there Accounts century there have been insufficient was no guarantee associated with numbers coming forward to stand for Avid readers of the notice boards will either number. Under the election with the result that in 2003, have noted that the external audit circumstances it was agreed that no 2007 and 2011 Councillors had to be process has commenced. As is the action should be taken by the Parish co-opted after election day to complete normal practice the Parish accounts Council to get any lamp reinstated, the number required. This year, for the have become available for anyone to accepting that some residents would first time this century, seven persons see. Further information is available on not be entirely satisfied with this the notices pinned on the two notice decision. boards. Sports Arthur Tomlinson C.811280

LODE PARISH COUNCIL Cemetery Cllr Lane reported that, as the football Philip Dean ...... 812493 Due to a mower breakdown and the club can only raise one team this Longmeadow relocation of the caretaker to Burwell, season, fewer matches will be played Philip Lane ...... 811944 the grass in the cemetery has become in Lode. Mr Lamb is seeking an 68 Lode Road very badly overgrown. One cut has alternative team without a home ground which he can invite to play in Joanne McNeely ...... 813239 been carried out but it will need several Lode. In discussion of this item it was 15 Abbey Lane more before the grass is back to the required standard. Further cuts will be decided that consideration should be Elizabeth Mitchell ...... 812843 carried out when the newly appointed given to the introduction of village Lode Charity 3 Willow Grove caretaker returns from holiday. football and cricket matches to Notice is given that the trustees of Fran Platten ...... 813016 Concern has been expressed by encourage a greater community spirit. the Charity will meet during July. Fen Farm, Lode Fen residents in neighbouring villages that Damaged verge Charlie Rickard ...... 812096 Retired persons who satisfy the their available grave spaces will run It was noted that the Highways 4 Millards Lane residence qualification are eligible out. Lode is in a more fortunate Department has carried out a repair of to apply for assistance. Alex Rolland ...... 813666 position with plenty of plots still the damaged verge at the bus stop Further information is available 43 Northfields available. In fact, based on the take-up near the crossroads, and bollards have from:- CLERK of plots over the past few years, it will been installed to prevent further Arthur D Tomlinson Arthur Tomlinson ...... 811280 be well into the second half of this damage. The report led to a lively Clerk to the Charity 5 Mill Road century before we need to think about discussion about the size and 5 Mill Road, Lode Tel: C.811280 securing more plots. appearance of the bollards with opposing views being taken on their


Swaffham Bulbeck Congratulations Summer Theatre My mother and father, is proud to present Marjorie and Arthur Dunnett Open Gardens of High Street, Lode, Gilbert & celebrate their Diamond in Lode Sullivan's Wedding Anniversary on 11th June 2015. SUNDAY 19 JULY The Gondoliers The ceremony was held at Ickleton Richard Ayres and At the 'Theatre in a Barn', church on the -shire/Essex Paul Webb’s Gardens Downing Farm, Station Road, border but they have lived all their married will be open again from Swaffham Bulbeck CB25 0NW life in Lode and never wanted to be anywhere 12 noon – 5.00pm else. Combined admission: £5 Wednesday 10 June 7.30pm - £9 Dad has been in Lode all his life, working as a Children free Thursday 11 June 7.30pm - £9 gardener at Anglesey Abbey for 51 years, while mum Friday 12 June 7.30pm - £10 raised David and myself and looked after the home. Teas will be available in Saturday 13 June 2.30pm - £6 Paul and Kay’s Garden and 7.30pm - £10 Margaret Newman née Dunnett (access from Lode Road Tickets and further information are Two contrasting gardens: available via our website, BOTTISHAM COMMUNITY Fassage Hall Annual www.sbsummertheatre.com or 21 Lode Road is planted with bold LIBRARY ASSOCIATION groups of herbaceous plants creating Caille Peri via email General Meeting an element of mystery and delight. [email protected] or The Annual General Meeting of And practically adjacent, Carpenters telephone 07451 554845 We are very sorry that Julie Tootell has Fassage Hall and Recreation Ground End displays shrubs, trees, left her job at the Library to return to (Reg Charity 300406) will take place herbaceous plants and a fine lawn. On-site parking; facilities for wheelchair users; licensed bar America to be near her elderly parents. on Monday 8 June at 7pm at For further information contact She has been very enthusiastic in Fassage Hall (immediately before the Ruth Dennis on 01638 508171 or encouraging youngsters to read and Parish Council Meeting) [email protected] has made the Library a much more Agenda welcoming area. She has been 1. Apologies for absence LODE VILLAGE responsible for updating the room and 2. Previous Minutes OPEN GARDENS the ordering of new blue chairs. By the 3. Matters Arising from Previous time you read this the old pink chairs in Minutes SUNDAY 28 JUNE 11.00am - 5.00pm various dilapidated states will have 4. Chairman’s Report disappeared. 5. Treasurer’s Report Don’t forget the Triangle Book Sale 6. Election of Committee on Saturday 13 June. Stock up on 7. Any other business 12 Village Gardens to visit some holiday reading for little cost. It’s 8. Date of next meeting Music and Art Display in the Church not too late for further donations of Please note that Any Other Plant Stalls - Children’s Activities good quality books. Business must be notified to the Teddy Treasure Trail - Tea & Homemade Cakes Please see the advert we have Secretary not less than 5 days before Adults £6 accompanied children free (no dogs) elsewhere in the magazine for new the date of the meeting Free car parking available helpers for our Saturday morning Art Jackie Lince, Secretary Club. Proceeds to village church & Lode/Quy cycle path Fassage Hall Management Sylvia Overton C.811792 Committee

LODE 6 STAR LODE 7 STAR BOTTISHAM & DISTRICT GARDENING CLUB A The unit is fully automatic and so will Defibrillator only apply a shock when it was Mr David White’s talk was entitled David had brought to the for Lode needed. No specialist training is ‘A Packet of Parsley’. meeting several unusual I am pleased to say needed to operate this unit and there is no risk of doing any harm if you Not a talk about herbs with growing plants for sale. He was an that a defibrillator has attempt to use and follow the simple tips and ideas for their use but a amusing speaker with an interesting now been installed at instructions – it speaks to you and tells talk about his interest and love of tale to tell. Fassage Hall. The you what to do. gardening. We are on the road for the next few box has been fitted and the defibrillator is A basic knowledge of First Aid is He enjoyed watching both his months – on 10 June members will inside. required as you need to carry out CPR grandfather and father maintain have an evening visit to Abbotts Way as well as administering shocks. We excellent gardens and as he grew gardens in Horningsea with a tour and The defibrillator has been purchased by will be working with Joy Martin to help older was able to help. Aged 6 he was refreshments. the Fassage Hall Management deliver first aid training to those who given a small area to use as HIS We have a coach outing planned for committee out of operating profits from want it. garden, prepared the ground and set July to Castle Ashby, Northamptonshire the Hall. By the time Lode Star is his packet of parsley. He sold the crop and more details will follow. published, the box will have been Defibrillators are now found in more connected up to the electric supply and and more places but the Committee to the local butcher for his window Our next meeting in the Poppy Room advisory signs posted. was keen to ensure that this one is display, sales there improved and he will be on 25 August when Andrew available to any member of the public was invited to start as a delivery boy Harper-Scott will talk about container To gain access to the box, you will 24/7. with them once he left school. He planting for autumn and winter. need to dial 999 and clearly state that worked at weekends cutting lawns you require medical assistance and We sincerely hope that the unit never New members and visitors are always (over 30 of them) and gardening for a also ask for the access code to the box. has to be used but if it does, please do welcome. Czech Jewish refugee. (There is also a key in Fassage Hall so with confidence and just follow the Sylvia Overton C.811792 David was fortunate in 1971 to gain an that can override access to the box.) instructions. Most importantly, always apprenticeship with the Royal Parks at dial 999 and shout for help if you are £11 per week. He had many stories on your own. from his time at Buckingham Palace, Alan Lamb Clarence House and the rear gardens On behalf of the Fassage Hall of Downing Street. This led to training Management Committee at Kew Gardens, a three year intensive course to degree level – not bad for a boy from a council home whose school CALLING ALL LODE GARDENERS report noted ‘that he would succeed in Would you like to join our friendly life as long as there was some group? You would be very involvement with horticulture’. David welcome eventually worked for the Department Swaffham Prior Village of Transport with responsibility for Gardeners Wednesday roadside tree planting. He disliked the travelling involved and 9 June Evening visit to Upwater Coffee Mornings being apart from his young family and Lodge, Chaucer Road, Cambridge Each week from 10.30am to with the financial backing from his Sunday 28 June Coach outing to noon at the Lode Chapel Czech refugee employer and friend he Helmingham Hall Gardens just off the High Street was able to buy a garden centre near Membership £15 per person Chatteris. This was sold after 30 years Please join us, New members and Visitors always everyone is welcome and he now runs with his wife a travel welcome, £3 per evening Transport required? and training company and also Peter Hart 01638 741681 resources and sells plants. ‘phone Julie on C.811222


News from the Bottisham Patients’ Group Bottisham & Burwell Photographic Club

At the AGM on 23 April Chairman Sylvia services include a 24/7 helpline and Our last meeting was on 5 May when discussed along with Thomson gave her report on the year’s community emergency teams. These will The Roger Human Trophy Competition PermaJet papers and their uses. activities, this will be on the Practice respond within two hours and can (print) was held. This was followed by Tuesday 22 September website. She then presented Dr Higham provide overnight support if necessary. our social evening dinner on Friday with an Ambulatory Blood Pressure The care will be organised around 15 May, when the cups and trophies ‘Taken on the Club Outing’. A new Monitor purchased by a grateful patient Neighbourhood Teams based on for the year were presented. competition for this year - “The following the fund-raising initiative carried groupings of GP practices so the Metcalfe Trophy” donated by Gerry out by the Patients Group. Further community teams can more easily get to During the summer the annual club Metcalfe who has been Chairman for equipment will be purchased with the know the needs of the people they are outing is to The Black Country the past ten years. The competition is Red Bucket money. caring for and can co-ordinate more Museum, Dudley, West Midlands, on to consist of four projected digital Dr Rashid then gave an enthusiastic effectively with health and social care Saturday 4 July. Just to give you an images taken on the day of the annual presentation to those present on “The colleagues. You can contact UCP on idea of the timing on the day, the coach club outing. [email protected] or 01223 will depart Burwell at 8.30am and Mediterranean Diet – could it help you Our Hon. Secretary for many years: live longer”. This diet is based on the 726774. Leaflets are also available in return from Dudley at 5pm. The coach Daphne Hanson DPAGB APAGB was way Mediterranean villagers ate in the Bottisham Surgery. cost is £17.50, entry is £14.50 each 1950s and 1960s and not on modern day As Sylvia Thomson then retired from the (group rate), concessions £11.00. earlier in the year elected as president- Italian dishes. Research has proved that committee a new chairman, Steve Gilson elect of the East Anglian Federation of Anyone who may be interested in Photographic Societies (EAF) and will incidence of heart disease, stroke, was elected. She was thanked for her joining the club next year and would cancer, Parkinson's Disease and hard work over the last three years. take up her Presidency next February like to accompany us please contact to serve for two years. Daphne Alzheimer's is reduced in those following There were no other changes on the the diet. Fish, olive oil, pulses, nuts, our Secretary Daphne Hanson (see previously served as President from committee, full details of which will be on below) to see if space is available. wholegrains, using herbs and spices the Practice’s website http:// 1998 – 2000. The EAF is the umbrella instead of salt, lots of fruit and vegetables There is obviously only a short window organisation for all the photographic www.bottishammedicalpractice.nhs.uk in which to enquire. and also enjoying meals together are the as soon as possible. The members of clubs in East Anglia and was founded basis of this diet. The website “How to The club is now on Summer break and in 1910, with 127 current member the committee are your representatives rd Follow the Mediterranean Diet” and are there to help you, so please do will commence our 43 year on clubs. www.patient.co.uk/health/how-to- not hesitate to contact them if you want 8 September at 7:30pm at Lode Further details of our programme can follow-the-mediterranean-diet provides to raise an issue. Chapel. This evening, as with all our be viewed on our website, see below. useful information. meetings, new members are welcome The present committee would welcome The club welcomes guests to any Uniting Care Partnership: Andrea to attend. The current members will be new members, especially those who meeting at our venue, Lode Chapel Grosbois gave a talk on the NHS Uniting could represent the younger generation, bringing three prints/digital images that Care Partnership (UCP) (made up of they have taken during the summer for from 7:30–9:30pm. Fee £3 including however any patient of the Bottisham refreshments, refunded on joining. Addenbrooke’s Hospital and Practice is eligible. viewing. Last year’s award winning and Peterborough Annual subscriptions: Adult: £40, Joint The committee meets every two months, prints will also be displayed. Foundation Trust) which is now Membership: £67, Student: £21. responsible for providing all older normally on the last Thursday of the Our programme for the year 2015/16 is month at 6.30pm at Downing Court wide and varied which is always our Refreshments 50p. people’s healthcare and adult community For further details contact: services throughout Cambridgeshire and Swaffham Bulbeck. Contact Steve on aim. The programme will be: Peterborough. 01223 811021 or email Tuesday 8 September Hon. Secretary. [email protected] if you Mrs Daphne Hanson DPAGB APAGB This means that care in the community are interested. See above. T: 01638 741106 will be delivered by integrated teams of Tuesday 15 September www.bottburpc.org mental health, physical health and Bottisham Patients’ Group Committee. community health professionals working PermaJet Colour Management together for one organization. The aim is Presentation by Ian Windebank from to treat older people in their own homes The Imaging Warehouse. Stratford- as much as possible and avoid upon-Avon. During this evening, unnecessary hospital admissions. There monitor and printer profiling will be will be a smooth transition and new LODE 10 STAR LODE 11 STAR

LODE WOMEN’S INSTITUTE the June meeting. Final arrangements were made for the Group Meeting at Jean Coxall welcomed members to the they make an Burwell. LodeStar May meeting and signed the record of area of the The competition was won by Janet Festival April as correct. In Out and About anatomy go Feltwell and the raffle by Eve Cassidy. 2015 members reported on visit they had numb! enjoyed during the month. Wednesday 3 June - PLEASE Dear Lode and Visit to Cherryhinton WI NOTE A CHANGE OF SPEAKER: Longmeadow residents, Visit to Highclere Castle Jean Coxall reported of the visit to listen Denise Cook reported on a very to Eliza McClelland with her talk on ALISON GILES – introduction to the LodeStar Festival's 7th year will be enjoyable to Highclere and seeing stories about women from being very First World War as recommended by held Friday 4th September to Sunday where Downton Abbey is filmed. young to very old. She did not want to the Speaker’s Showcase. 6th September. Centenary Council Meeting give too much away as the speaker has I hope you feel the event is enjoyable 11 April 2015 been booked for the Group meeting and recognise the support it gives to Janet Aves reported on this meeting. next year. the community and health related Sally Kingman as Chairman of the Guided Walk from charities that attend. Federation reported how pleased she Sue Kempster reported on an enjoyable To cover admin costs and support the was to be Chair in the Centenary year walk along Devils Dyke and Stetchworth village green area there is a resident when the WI values were alive and well village finishing with an excellent only ticket price of £20 (any period, and that the WI has a massive influence afternoon tea in the Methodist Church We welcome visitors and prospective camping or not), under 15yr olds have free entry with a maximum of 2x per in local, National and International Hall. members. Try our meetings free of adult. affairs. The morning speaker was David Pampisford WI Charity folk evening. charge! Phone Angela Standley Whitely who entertained the listeners by Pauline reported on a very enjoyable on C.812994 for details or just drop into Residents can book tickets on the telling them of his past history and had evening attended by about 60 people at Lode Chapel on the first Wednesday of website using the code lode2015 for them laughing with funny stories about Sawston Village Hall with The Hobsons each month at 7.30pm adult and youth tickets. Payment by the production of TV shows and what Voice folk group. card or PayPal account. Use of the goes on behind the camera. Our speaker for the evening Ann code by non-residents will make it an Congratulations were given to Datsun was making a return visit to Village BBQ invalid booking and entry refused with ELAINE MacCaghrey who gained Lode. She gave a very interesting talk no refund. third place in the Dorothea Jude Cup on the lives of Gilbert and Sullivan, who Sunday 26 July Reminder: Volunteers have free entry competition for her embroidery of a although not really liking each other Station Farm Lode Fen and help support the ‘Lode and rose. wrote many pieces of music that are still 12.30 pm onwards Longmeadow Village Green’ area, The afternoon speaker was Prue Leith heard and appreciated today. Her talk please download the volunteer whose love of food derived from her was interspersed with snatches of their Soft drinks/tea/coffee will be application form link on the time at the Sorbonne. She was part of music and we learnt many facts about provided www.lodestarfestival.com homepage the group who lobbied the Government them that were new to us . Eve Please bring your own alcohol at the bottom. several years ago to reinstate food into Cassidy thanked Ann for giving us an Tickets: Adult £8.00 LodeStar remains an independent the school curriculum. She is now one excellent presentation. Children under 13yrs £3.00 festival for you and those around you, of the judges of the Great British Menu Following refreshments Jean Coxall and our community. Please let work Tickets and immediately after her talk was Pauline Holmes spoke about the colleagues, friends and family know of available from whisked off to London to record the Resolution to be presented at the the event. Call 813 318 if you have no Lode Village Shop finals of the programme. Annual General Meeting of the WI at means of booking online or for a or a member of the The meeting ended with two songs from the Royal Albert Hall regarding health volunteer form. church PCC the Papworth Everard and Elsworth and social care for the elderly and after Thank you, Doug Choir who were finalists in the National open discussion this was passed proceeds to Choir Competition. The event finally unanimously. st James’ church concluded with The National Anthem. The Christmas Pantomime was brought A very good day but Janet put in a up and there will be a booking form at request for cushions for the seats as LODE 12 STAR LODE 13 STAR

Support your local Plodder Those of you who have seen me plodding along at the These are my last notes after eight There will also be checks for back of a couple of Lode Half-Marathons will know that I years as a District Councillor, as I content. The scheme will run for two run (jog) and support a number of charities. I may not be decided not to stand for re-election. I years but could continue, financed fast but I do finish and, hence, this year I have decided to should like to thank everyone and give from credits for increased recycling try and do at least six races (one for each ten years that I my best wishes for their future. Kevin from the Government. We have also have been on the planet) for Guide Dogs. Ellis has moved to Suffolk so could not been given a Golden Carton Award for I have already completed one 10K race at Ickworth on 19 stand again. our much improved recycling of April (see photo) in an almost record time for me of 64 CRYSTAL STRUCTURES SITE, cartons. minutes and 27 seconds, and intend to do four more 10K BOTTISHAM COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE races plus one 10 mile one. I may also turn out for the Lode LEVY FUNDING Half-Marathon again if my knees last that long! The Council has now given full Anyway, my planned races are: planning permission for this Following consultation with Parishes, 17 May – Wimpole Hall (10K) development. the District Council has added several 25 May – BUPA 10K, London There will be nine affordable homes for projects to the list of those it would 21 June – Hatfield Forest (10K) shared ownership or for rent for those help fund from levies on new 5 July – Fen Gallop (10K) with local connections, and fifteen developments throughout the District. 4 October – Wimpole Hall (10 Miles) homes for sale on the open market. Formerly the list only covered large projects in Ely, and . If anyone wants to sponsor me, they can do so There is also outline permission for 600 via: Four projects have been added which square metres of land for non-domestic includes the Lode-Quy Cycle Path, www.justgiving.com/Glenis-Moore2/ institution or business employment use. and/or any support on the finishing lines following a submission from Lode This follows completion of a legal Parish Council. This project has been would be appreciated. Most of the races SATURDAY agreement for the provision of the agreed by the County Council, start at 10.00am and I can usually finish MORNING affordable homes and off-site open financed from Government funds, but in between 63 and 75 minutes. However, space provision and maintenance. An hopefully will stay on the District list if you are planning to come, please check ART CLUB Appeal against the refusal of a should there be a problem with funds the start times via Goggle. previous application has been from this source. The Library withdrawn. I may not ever be able to run the London Association is LODE SOCIAL CLUB BUILDING LOCAL PLAN Marathon, as my legs usually give up at looking for one or Following a visit in April, the Planning somewhere between 5 and 8 miles, but I two volunteers with experience of The Council has finally passed its Local Committee met to determine the hope to go on running for a few more working with children to run the Plan. This will be its new planning application for alterations and years yet and, you never know, I may be thriving Art Club from September. policy that will apply in East extensions to the building. Following doing seven races in about nine years Our well established Art Club has Cambridgeshire and guide planners a previous objection from County time to celebrate 70 years on Earth. been running for the last ten years and potential applicants. Highways on parking and traffic safety In the meantime, I hope to see some of every Saturday morning during RECYCLING implications of more intensive staffing you out and about when I am pounding term time from 10.15-11.15am. It The District has received Government and use, the agent for the applicant the streets of Lode and its surrounding is held in Bottisham Library for funding to encourage more recycling by had then formally stated that the villages in training and thanks to children aged 4-10 years. giving prizes to households putting blue premises would be run in a similar everyone who has sponsored me, both If you are interested bin materials out for collection. way as before. The agent and a psychologically and with money in the please contact: 54 prizes ranging from £10 to £250 will neighbour spoke, and questions were past. Valerie Leake be given each month. Parishes will be put to them and the officer. The agent Glenis Moore C.811324 or Helen surveyed at least every five collections confirmed that the building would be Cole C.812573 for and at random. Households not putting used as a social club for members. further details. recycling out will not be eligible and will The committee discussed parking and receive a leaflet through the letterbox. viability issues and I said that the club committee, its members and those LODE 14 STAR LODE 15 STAR Public Transport Matters responding to the application, had expected the premises to be used as a The Newmarket As a car owner, I have so we had further time together. pub and restaurant. Cycling & Triathlon often said that one Discussions on an upgrade of It was explained by the planning officer Club reason why we use public Newmarket railway station continue but that if it were to be so, it would require transport so often is that Kennett is to have a £500,000 range of another application. The committee invites all cyclists and non- one day we may no longer be able to improvements funded by Abellio approved the application for the drive and we want to make sure that cyclists of all ages, male or Greater Anglia – resurfacing of alterations and extensions, subject to the services are still there and haven’t platforms, replacing slabs at the conditions covering the parking and female to come and try our been discontinued due to lack of indoor cycling on rollers; platform edge, new waiting shelters on manoeuvring layout, external venting passengers. We have just had a both platforms and cycle parking (needing a further application), noise, also on our grass track on the happy example of this situation. hoops. Abellio Greater Anglia are hours, deliveries, collections and bin Fassage sports ground. A friend of mine - since we were sponsors of the ‘Eastern Angles’ drama storage, etc. Please note that, despite We have bikes to suit all 9 years old and had arrived back at group based in Ipswich – they travel a report elsewhere, there has never ages Leigh-on-Sea in 1945 after the end of the region putting on shows in local been an application for a change of the war in Europe - has sadly been community facilities and we like to visit use of the premises, or mention of a widowed. Due to her husband’s work them when they are in Haverhill. There Saturday 7 June pub or restaurant in the application. for a British company in France they is a bus link via Cambridge but of, 10am to 12.30pm at the There was, however a separate have lived in that country for 28 years course, we no longer have the late Fassage Hall, Lode application to determine its lawful use, and she now considers it her main evening return bus from Cambridge. which was established by the Council Contact David Peck on home. A problem she has just faced The problem of congestion in to be a Social Club. [email protected] was that they previously did their tours Cambridge continues to get worse and Ex Dist Cllr Robert Stevens for more details of family and friends in the UK by car we hope that the new councillors but she no longer felt able to do (results coming in as I write this) and that. We used to enjoy taking the X5 MPs (welcome Lucy!) can give this and meeting them for lunch in the Old problem some consideration – we took Bridge Hotel, Huntingdon. So this a taxi to the railway station recently at year we had a couple of phone calls 5 pm - thinking it would be quicker than from our friend as she battled with the buses but we were stuck in traffic British railway timetables and tried to fit for an hour. Perhaps if more people in us all in a sensible fashion. Finally could consider bus use and bus routes we heard that we had been allocated were better planned, things could Lode On-Line Archive at http://lode.ccan.co.uk/ one hour from 11am at King’s Cross improve. Tunnels, trams, cable cars station as she travelled across from The old Labour Club photos have now been loaded and can be found under and other forms of travel are all Paddington and then would leave for suggested. ‘Buildings – Commercial – Lode Labour Club/Social Club. another friend in Knebworth. The We received an enquiry from someone with links to the Alex Wood Hall in phrase used to be ‘meet me under the The Department of Transport has been Norfolk Street Cambridge. They are clock’ but our commuter-son suggested running an international competition led keen to display our old club photos in M&S at King’s Cross would be easily by the FutureRailway programme team their hall as this is now the last seen as she came in from the taxi to develop designs for a new remaining Labour Hall in rank. Mobile phones proved useful as generation of passenger rolling Cambridgeshire and it is used by locals at 11.10am as we discovered that, stock. 42 Technology of St. Ives is and students. being unfamiliar for so many years with named as one of three winning companies – carriages that can be As ever – if you can add any names or railway stations in London, she was actually outside M&S in St. Pancras reconfigured to carry passengers or dates to the photos please click on freight according to occupancy levels – comments and we’ll get the records station. Soon happily reunited and refreshed after coffee we then commuter trains returning to the updated. suburbs could take freight. Seats can Coral Hatley [email protected] discovered that the train for Knebworth was in fact, the slow train to Cambridge be moved and stowed. Continued on next page LODE 16 STAR LODE 17 STAR There is much competition for orders about the local gales and he then told Don’t talk about amongst train building me of his experience! The ferry had companies. Derby based Bombardier had to use tugs to be able to enter port religion or politics! has the order from the government for at Dover due to the rough seas. I am writing this just after the General Crossrail trains having lost out The fastest passenger train in the Election. The result has been a shock to previously to German company world (a Japanese maglev) has set a almost everyone. Some people are Siemens. A Scotrail tender has been new speed record - 375 mph. It floats jubilant, others are devastated. The full lost to Hitachi, Alstom of France and on a cushion of magnetism and could implications of what has happened will peaceful and quiet lives in all CAF of Spain are in the game and travel from London to Edinburgh is just take time to become clear. godliness and holiness. This is good, CAF has won the order for the over an hour. It is being considered to Mark Twain wrote: “Whenever you find and pleases God our Saviour...' [1 Timothy 2:1-3] Caledonian Sleeper rolling stock. And connect New York and Washington. yourself on the side of the majority, it is now the Chinese train builders are time to pause and reflect.” I take this to mean that as Christians taking an interest. Bombardier is A rather slower trip is the 10- Our hope must be that all our politicians we should be praying for justice, truth, exploring ways of running electric fairness, respect and integrity from our trains on un-electrified lines using the day trip on the and the parties they represent will take Trans-Siberian that time to pause and reflect. But also political leaders, not for a quiet, energy stored in the on-train undisturbed life for ourselves. We batteries – Liverpool Street to railway from that we will all take time to reflect on Moscow to what has happened, and what it is going should be disturbed whenever we Manningtree and then branching off to come across injustice, poverty, the port of Harwich. Vladivostok – to mean for our future. As many The Trans- commentators have said, the political corruption, abuse and all the other German owned bus and train operator Siberian Travel Company – 020 8816 map of the UK has dramatically things which are a blight on our society today. It is worth remembering Arriva has seen a 7.4% rise in annual 8925 – from £2,245 pp including changed. sales. Let’s hope Stagecoach can flights. that Paul wrote those words whilst afford some newer local buses! There is a passage in one of Paul’s living under the brutal military letters in the New Testament which dictatorship of the Roman Caesars, at 300,000 drivers a month are failing to reads: pay the Dartford Crossing toll due, the a time when Christians were AA says, to poor signage and lack of 'I urge, then, first of all, that requests, experiencing severe persecution, and clear warnings. prayers, intercession and thanksgiving only three or four years before he be made for everyone - for kings and all himself was beheaded in Rome during Condor Ferries has a new vessel for those in authority, that we may live the reign of the Emperor Nero. travel to Guernsey and Jersey - ‘Condor Liberation’. It is a trimaran – Continued on next page three hulls to offer greater stability and RE:NEW Services in June Happy travelling! Paddy James the ability to operate in heavier seas. We have activities for children and young people at all our morning Welcoming my elder son home from Rail info: 08457 48 49 50 services, and a crèche is available if required. All are welcome. France recently, I was telling him Traveline: 0871 200 22 33 7 June 10.30am – RE:NEW The Bigger Picture (Bottisham Primary School) with Holy Communion 14 June 10.30am – RE:NEW Café style (at the School) 14 June Come and talk to us at our stall at Lode Village Fete. Thank you to everybody who 14 June . 6.20pm – Traditional Service (Lode Chapel) came to my coffee morning on 21 June 10.30am – RE:NEW The Bigger Picture (at the School) Saturday 9 May in aid of the East 28 June 10.30am – RE:NEW The Bigger Picture (at the School) Coffee Morning Anglian Air Ambulance or sent 28 June 6.20pm – Traditional Service (Great Wilbraham Chapel) donations and donated raffle prizes. £221 was raised for this very worthy For more information about any of the activities of RE:NEW please contact cause - an excellent result! Rev. Keith Morrison on C.813055 or Peter Wells on C.812388. Janet Aves Email: [email protected] Or visit our website www.re-new.me.uk

LODE 18 STAR LODE 19 STAR Jesus himself often disturbed people. He challenged the status quo. He was World War Two angered by the hypocrisy and th Chukkas away 70 Anniversary The polo season is well underway and the horse boxes complacency he saw in the religious are making their way through the village most leaders of his day. His call to his Commemoration Event followers was to help establish a different on weekends. Ed Wright and Fabio Lavinia say that kind of society, based on righteousness, spectators from the village are very welcome - so Wednesday 10 June make your way down the fen for an interesting justice, love and compassion. He called it We have been running a number afternoon. You can catch the action between 2 and the kingdom of God, but it was meant to of WAR DETECTIVE activities be established here in the world. 5pm. There is an informative commentary on the and events over the last tannoy but you can enjoy the spectacle with zero Bishop Desmond Tutu once famously 12 months that ends with a knowledge of polo. However, Wikipedia helped me understand the fixture list stated: “When people say that the Bible Commemoration event on the with this explanation of the handicap system which was created in 1890 so teams and politics don't mix, I ask them 10 June in Swaffham Bulbeck. could be more evenly matched using players with varying abilities. which Bible they are reading”. The day will start at ‘The players are rated on a scale from minus-2 to 10. Minus-2 indicates a novice The Jesus manifesto is a manifesto for Red2Green for lunch player, while a player rated at 10 goals has the highest handicap possible. It is so change. A change of attitude, a changed and then move to difficult to attain a 10-goal handicap that there are fewer than a dozen in the way of life, a changed way of thinking, a Swaffham Bulbeck world. About two-thirds of all players handicapped are rated at two goals or less’. changed way of looking at the world. If Primary School DATES: we are going to change society, we can’t where we will be just leave it to the politicians! The joined by the High changes we need to see won’t come Sherriff of Cambridgeshire and Greenheath and Newmarket about through laws and Acts of Andy Hamilton (Red2Green 13 & 14 June -4_0 goal and 0_4 goal Liner Tournament Parliament. It is hearts, minds and lives Patron). that have to be changed. One by one, This will include showing seven Timba Cup 4 & 5 July -4_0 goal and 0_4 goal person by person. Caring for one short films of local residents another; helping those less fortunate than Fendown Dustup sharing their experiences of life 18 & 19 July 6_0 goal and 0_4 goal ourselves; loving our neighbours; giving Tournament in World War 2, and the filling of and forgiving. Christians, the church, Fen Tiger Tournament 8 & 9 August -4_0 goal and 0_4 goal need to be modelling this transformed a time capsule which we will bury next to the War Memorial. The way life, this new society. Looking Harvest Hawkie Tournament 29 & 30 August -4_0 goal and 0_4 goal time capsule will contain the outward, not inward. Sadly, if we’re honest, we don’t always succeed, but we stories and experiences of the Farewell Tournament 12 &13 September -6_2 goal and -2_2 goal War Detectives who have taken continue to try, and with God’s help we part and of the project itself. www.cambridgecountypoloclub.co.uk will one day see His kingdom come. At RE:NEW we are trying to build that We invite local people to join the ‘time capsule burying’ ceremony loving, caring community right here. If at the War Memorial in you are disillusioned with politics and Swaffham Bulbeck from 3pm society in general, why not give church a try? Come along on a Sunday morning We would appreciate it if car and find out more. We’d love to see you! drivers could take the long Together we can make a difference! way round the War Memorial Peter Wells ‘triangle’ in Swaffham Bulbeck by using the road beside The Black Horse Inn between 3pm and 3.45pm on the 10 June. Thank you. Junior members Ellie, Lydia, Ramon, Catalina and Bella prepare for chukkas

LODE 20 STAR LODE 21 STAR baskets. Tickets £60 are available from information / bookings can be made Anglesey Abbey and Wicken Fen the Visitor Centre on 01353 720274. online at www.nationaltrust.org.uk/ News and Events — June 2015 Finally, if you fancy a quick break houghton-mill or by calling 01480 without having to travel too far, why not 466716. This month we are delighted to job of raising the next generation. head over to our campsite at welcome back to the helm, General As I write we have already welcomed Houghton Mill on the banks of the Manager, Amanda Crack, after her seven Konik foals to our ever-growing River Ouse. The site caters for maternity leave. herd. The Konik pony sponsorship caravans, motorhomes and tents and

This June the nation will mark the scheme which we launched last month is open until 2 November. Further Howard Cooper 800th anniversary of the sealing of has proved very popular. For £25 per Communications Officer the Magna Carta by King John. year, sponsors receive an information At Anglesey Abbey we are holding a booklet on the Koniks, a sponsorship LiberTeas event on Sunday 14 June at certificate, three newsletters a year, Village Freecycle 1.30pm. The event will include a talk the chance to enter ‘name the foal’ If you have any offers or wants, please contact me by the 14th of each month by on the ‘Great Charter’ by our Regional competitions, and an opportunities to phone (C.813362), drop a note through the letter box at 23 Longmeadow or e-mail Director, Ben Cowell, who is a Magna meet the Koniks on guided walks led [email protected] Carta expert, followed by Q&As and a by our experienced Rangers and delicious cream tea. Tickets £8.50 are volunteers. All funds raised from the Please let me know if you would like anything repeating in subsequent issues. available from Visitor Reception or on scheme will go towards looking after Everything is free and nothing is expected in return. 01223 810086. We will also be running the herd, which currently costs around Please can you contact the offers after the 1st of the month to make it a little fairer. an activity for families, where you can £5,000 per annum, most of which is write your own ‘Magna Carta’ and have spent on vets fees. To find out more or Offered  Ikea floor lamp; your picture taken in period costume. to join the sponsorship scheme, please  3m x 6m Wonderwall (protects plants  Men's golf clubs: a Cobra 3 and 5 There is a strong link between the call into the Visitor Centre or e-mail from animals + birds), green plastic wood and putter. Ann C.811620 Fairhaven family and the Magna Carta, [email protected] for tunnel – fine netting over the top (as as the land at Runnymeade, where the a sponsorship form. Wanted opposed to polythene). Full construc- Treaty was sealed was donated by the Unfortunately, there have been  Your old light fittings, brown tion info and all parts in good working family to the National Trust in 1931. numerous incidences of anti-social Bakelite switches, iron conduit and order. Lorely C.812975 This year we are holding a new event activity on Burwell Fen in recent switches, bulb holders and holders. ‘Roses, Racing and Royalty’ from months. Starting with the rave in  Two bar and convection electric stove, Sheets and bits of Bakelite; 1 June - 19 July. At this time of year November, there has been vandalism free standing in wooden frame;  Postcard rack (carousel if Lord Fairhaven’s diary was very much to fences and gateways, reports of  10 litres of Magnolia emulsion, by possible). George 07895 064 727 motorcyclists riding over the Fen and Homebase. Bought this year, now focused on flat racing at Newmarket,  Window Roller Blind (any colour) reports of people illegally hunting with surplus. Robin C.811632 plus entertaining his racing guests, at least 48 inches (1.2 metres) dogs, with five deer carcasses including the Queen Mother.  Two 4-drawer metal filing cabinets. wide, any height/length discovered. Thankfully areas close to Throughout the festival there will be Loder Bevington C.812777 Susan/Peter C.811584 displays in the Rose Garden and Lode such as White Fen and Oily Hall House, both factual and floral to appear so far to be relatively incident free, but if you see anything suspicious celebrate these important features of his life. please report it directly to the Police LODE TENNIS CLUB using 999. Finally, a quick reminder that the next free weekend for Lode & Long If you’re feeling creative, award Book a date in your diary for the Lode Tennis Club Open Day, Meadow residents is over the winning weaver Nadine Anderson, will which will be held on Sunday 2 August 2015 at 2pm (open to weekend of 19 -21 June. be leading a Rush Weaving everyone - join us for a Pimms), and will be followed by a barbecue at Sally and Workshop on Saturday 6 June, 10am- Will’s house at 22 Abbey Lane at 5pm, bring your own favourite meat and tipple. At Wicken, the Fen is a hive of activity 4pm, where you can learn how to as nature gets on with the important For more information visit our website at www.lodetennis.net or contact make traditional rush mats and Jeff Kempster on 812194.

LODE 22 STAR LODE 23 STAR Anglesey Bottisham Early Morning Benefice Swimming Club A new club has recently been In April we were shown a beautiful video of the formed since the week-day Ely Cathedral Flower Festival, which took place closure of the `pool and we are in June 2013. As a number of members had seeking new members. been unable to go to the Flower Festival this was much appreciated. We currently open from 0645 to 0830hrs two days a week You may remember that Rita Lane and Pam 101 (new number) and plan to increase to five. Harper came to speak to us in February last year about Hearing Dogs for Deaf For more details please contact: People. They brought along two puppies they Colin Marshall - Secretary were socialising called Theo and Bailey. Rita Tel. 01223-847047 has been in touch to let us know that Theo has E-mail: [email protected] been placed with a gentleman in Leeds, who has retired in his 50s due to disability; Bailey has been placed with a client in Scotland. Our meetings take place on the third Thursday of each month in Lode Chapel at 2.30pm All are welcome. Jill Jenyns

Cambridge Electronic Organ Society BOTTISHAM & DISTRICT GARDENING CLUB Saturday 13 June 2015 There will be two PG walks in June, led by Steve Gilson our An RHS Affiliated Society accredited walk leader, on Andrew Nix ANNUAL SHOW 2015 Wednesday 10th and Friday 26th, starting from the surgery car park This year’s Annual Show will take Concerts are open to the public and place in the Royal British Legion held on the second Saturday of each at 11am. on month, with the exception of July and Anglesey Abbey walks continue August, at Quy Village Hall and Saturday, 12 September commence at 7.30pm. on Thursdays from the Visitors’ Centre starting at 10am. Categories include Fruit and Tickets £6.00 available on the door. All patients are welcome on all Vegetables; Flowers; Baking & For information C.881049 or C.880522 these walks. Preserves; Crafts; Painting and Drawing; Photography; and Children (age groups) Something for everyone give it a go! Our Once A Year Fabric Sale www.bottishamgardenngclub. Saturday 19 September 10am-1pm End of rolls, remnants, etc. from just £1.00 co.uk Make sure to put this date in your dairy See main advert on page J

LODE 24 STAR LODE 25 STAR ST. JAMES' CHURCH LODE with LONGMEADOW ST. JAMES' CHURCH LODE with LONGMEADOW Vicar: Rev'd Sue Giles, C.812726 [email protected] Cambridge is a city where there is so Part of the tension between science Churchwardens: Julie Sale, C.811222 [email protected] much going on that it is easy to miss and faith is that they seek to answer Beth Marsh C.813373 [email protected] things of interest amidst the plethora of different questions. posters. Science looks at why things happen or Wesley Methodist church hosts a behave as they do. It does this by READERS monthly series of talks called Faith researching the physical laws at work CHURCH SERVICES JUNE Meets Science. in the universe. Services at Lode in BOLD 7 Peter Swannell...... Coral Hatley Over the course of the year we have Scientists are looking for explanations 14 ...... no service at Lode ……….. heard scientists, well-known and for why things are the way they are. Sunday 7 June 21 ...... tba ………………… 9.30am MORNING PRAYER respected in their own fields, talk about Faith also looks at why things happen 28 ...... no service at Lode ……….. their area of science and how their but it does this in terms of purpose with studies inform and challenge their faith. Sunday 14 June reference to a loving creator. It is 10.00am Benefice Service at SIDESMEN There is a commonly held public possible to ask both sets of questions Swaffham Prior JUNE perception that science and faith at the same time. 7 Peter Swannell...... Dorothy York oppose each other and are mutually As some of the great certainties of Sunday 21 June 14 ...... no service at Lode ……….. exclusive. science have been called into question 9.30am Family Service 21 Graham Cox ...... Janice Cox How can a person embrace the origin scientists have to acknowledge that 28 ...... no service at Lode ……….. of the universe in the big bang and even seeming absolutes can be wrong. Sunday 28 June also embrace the story of creation as People of faith have to acknowledge 10.00am Benefice Communion at BRASSES told in Genesis? with humility that we can never fully Bottisham 5 or 12 June ...... Dora Gale Children from very early on in their know or understand our great God. 19 or 26 June ...... Ann Round schooling often think that they cannot That is perhaps where we are on be a serious scientist or mathematician CHURCH CLEANING common ground, for both scientists FLOWERS and believe in God and so they chose Saturday 20 June at 9am and people of faith recognise there is 7—14 June ...... Barbara Harper to be people of fact and proof and always more to discover. All welcome Please contact 21—28 June ...... Val Clarke empirical evidence and abandon the Julie for more info (wedding 19 June) truths and views of faith. Neither can claim to have the whole truth. Cleaning should last no longer than an hour The Faith meets Science talks demonstrate very clearly that it is Sue the Vic possible to believe in God both as Creator and Saviour whilst also researching the physical workings of the universe. Lode with Longmeadow Many of the facts and theories that are central to science have gradually been adjusted as new findings show them to website — lode.org.uk be inadequate or even wrong. Please explore the website and email The facts that we know and trust which shape the science of today may be [email protected] with items for inclusion and obsolete in years to come as new ideas of what you would like to see on the site. information comes to light and our knowledge grows.

LODE 26 STAR LODE 27 STAR Cambridge code (01223) OUTSIDE INFORMATION unless otherwise indicated BOTTISHAM MEDICAL PRACTICE : ...... 810030 WASTE & RECYCLING Monday to Friday 8.30am-6.00pm (9.00am Dispensary) Saturday CLOSED DATES IN JUNE When Surgery is closed please ring CAMDOC ...... 0330 123 9131 BROUGHTON HALL ...... In an emergency: Swannell 811584 CAMBRIDGESHIRE POLICE ...... Emergency 999 VILLAGE - THURSDAYS Non-Emergency www.cambs.police.uk ...... new number ...... 101 Border—Refuse & Blue lid PCSO Ian Hawkins ...... new number ..... 101 No border—Refuse & Green lid Email : - [email protected] Crimestoppers ...... 0800 555 111 4 11 18 25 LODE PARISH COUNCIL Chairman: Clerk: Arthur Tomlinson, 5 Mill Road, Lode ...... 811280 FEN COLLECTION -TUESDAYS ST. JAMES' CHURCH, LODE Churchwarden: Julie Sale ...... 811222 Border—Refuse & Blue lid Churchwarden: Beth Marsh ...... 813373 No border—Green lid LODE CHAPEL Peter Wells [email protected] ...... 812388 ST PHILIP HOWARD CATHOLIC CHURCH, Cherry Hinton ...... 211235 2 9 16 23 30 NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH Co-ordinators ...... See inside LODE POST OFFICE...... 811927 FASSAGE HALL Bookings - Alan Lamb ...... 813787 LODE SOCIAL CLUB [email protected] ... 811797 1st Bottisham RAINBOWS/Bottisham BROWNIES ...... 811055 MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT: Lucy Frazer ...... 020 7219 3000 Gas ...... 0800 111999 CAMBRIDGESHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL Shire Hall ...... 0345 045 5200 ...... CCC Education Transport ...... 0345 045 5208 Anglian Water 08457 145145 County Councillor Mathew Shuter ...... 01638 508729 Electricity ...... 0800 316 3105 DISTRICT COUNCIL ...... 01353 665555 (Mobile . 0333 323 2105) www.eastcambs.gov.uk/waste/collection-calendars District Councillor Vince Campbell ...... District Councillor David Chaplin ...... Ely Shopmobility ...... 01353 666655 SANCTUARY HEREWARD HOUSING ...... 0845 850 5757 BOTTISHAM SCOUT HUT for hire [email protected] 07841 930065 BOTTISHAM VILLAGE COLLEGE ...... 811250 BOTTISHAM VILLAGE COLLEGE Community Education ...... 811372 BOTTISHAM PRIMARY SCHOOL ...... 811235 MOBILE LIBRARY SERVICE SWAFFHAM BULBECK PRIMARY SCHOOL ...... 811595 Wednesday 10 June BOTTISHAM COMMUNITY LIBRARY ...... 812354 Longmeadow 2.20 - 2.45 pm NATIONWIDE RAIL TIMES ...... 08457 48 49 50 Northfields 2.50 - 3.25 pm TRAVELINE (Local transport information) ...... 0871 200 22 33 Lode Post Office 3.30 - 4.00 pm STAGECOACH CAMBUS CUSTOMER SERVICES ...... 423578 Renewals/Enq: 0345 045 5225 www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/library

www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk www.patient.co.uk

sundays and bank holidays ROUTE 10 BUS SERVICE - no service ^ = Monday to Friday only O = Saturday only + = Serves Lode Church # = leaves Lode Church 4 mins earlier than time stated From LODE x-roads to CAMBRIDGE From CAMBRIDGE to LODE x-roads Monday to Saturday Monday to Saturday 0652^,0722^,0737o,0749^,0804o, 0655^,0755,0825+,0925,1025+, 0902,1002+#,1102,1202+#,1302,1402+# 1125,1225+,1325,1425+,1525, 1502O,1512^,1602,1702,1802 1635+,1735,1845