969 bus time schedule & line map

969 - Canon Slade School View In Website Mode

The 969 bus line Bolton - Canon Slade School has one route. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Bradshaw: 7:55 AM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 969 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 969 bus arriving.

Direction: Bradshaw 969 bus Time Schedule 38 stops Bradshaw Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:55 AM Bolton Interchange, Bolton Tuesday 7:55 AM Market Hall, Bolton Wednesday 7:55 AM Garside Street, Bolton Thursday 7:55 AM White Lion Brow, Bolton Friday 7:55 AM Queens Park, Gilnow Saturday Not Operational Spa Road, Gilnow Mayor Street, Bolton

Gilnow Gardens, Gilnow Park Paiton Street, Bolton 969 bus Info Direction: Bradshaw Heaton Cemetery, Gilnow Park Stops: 38 Trip Duration: 37 min Third Avenue, Gilnow Park Line Summary: Bolton Interchange, Bolton, Market Hall, Bolton, Garside Street, Bolton, Queens Park, Chorley New Road, Gilnow Park Gilnow, Spa Road, Gilnow, Gilnow Gardens, Gilnow Park, Heaton Cemetery, Gilnow Park, Third Avenue, Tudor Avenue, Gilnow Park Gilnow Park, Chorley New Road, Gilnow Park, Tudor Avenue, Gilnow Park, Memorial School, Heaton, Lonsdale Road, Heaton, Albert Road, Heaton, New Memorial School, Heaton Hall Lane, Heaton, New Hall Lane, , Back Lightburne Avenue, Bolton Kingsbury Avenue, Markland Hill, Greenmount Lane, Lonsdale Road, Heaton Markland Hill, Albert Road West, Markland Hill, Markland Hill, Moss Bank Way, Markland Hill, Boot Lane, Delph Hill, Knott Lane, Johnson Fold Estate, Albert Road, Heaton Primary School, Johnson Fold Estate, Moss Bank 132 Lonsdale Road, Bolton Park, , Forest Road, Barrow Bridge, Halliwell Road, Halliwell, Temple Road, Halliwell, New Hall Lane, Heaton Cricket Club, Oldhams Estate, Sharples Park, Astley Bridge, The Pineapple, Astley Bridge, Sunnymead New Hall Lane, Markland Hill Avenue, Astley Bridge, Watermillock Gardens, Astley Bridge, Eagley Brook Bridge, Hall I Th Wood, Green Kingsbury Avenue, Markland Hill Way, Hall I Th Wood, Hall I'Th'Wood Station, Hall I Th Kingsbury Avenue, Bolton Wood, Tonge Moor Road, Castle Hill, Canon Slade School, Castle Hill, Canon Slade High School, Greenmount Lane, Markland Hill Bradshaw Back Markland Hill Lane, Bolton

Albert Road West, Markland Hill

Markland Hill

Moss Bank Way, Markland Hill

Boot Lane, Delph Hill

Knott Lane, Johnson Fold Estate

Primary School, Johnson Fold Estate

Moss Bank Park, Doffcocker

Forest Road, Barrow Bridge

Halliwell Road, Halliwell Temple Drive,

Temple Road, Halliwell Temple Road, England

Cricket Club, Oldhams Estate

Sharples Park, Astley Bridge

The Pineapple, Astley Bridge

Sunnymead Avenue, Astley Bridge

Watermillock Gardens, Astley Bridge

Eagley Brook Bridge, Hall I Th Wood

Green Way, Hall I Th Wood

Hall I'Th'Wood Station, Hall I Th Wood

Tonge Moor Road, Castle Hill Rowton Street, Bolton

Canon Slade School, Castle Hill Ayr Street, Bolton

Canon Slade High School, Bradshaw 969 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in North West. Check Live Arrival Times About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved