No. 27 • SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2011
[email protected] THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE GOVERNMENT OF SAINT LUCIA - FREE - PRIME MINISTER KING SAYS MY GOVERNMENT DID BETTER t. Lucia’s economy is now It is these figures, Prime Minister At a time when most countries poised for more robust King told the nation recently that around the world, including the growth and to provide bear eloquent testimony to the Caribbean, were still struggling to greater opportunities for resilience and effectiveness of his recover from the global economic Sall its people. Government’s stewardship through crisis, there was no better endorse- In the last fiscal year, according environmental disasters in an uncer- ment of his Government’s perfor- to the Eastern Caribbean Central tain global economic environment. mance, the Prime Minister said. Bank, the St Lucia economy grew As the government gets ready “It has not been an easy road for by 4.4% and the inflation rate to seek a new mandate from the the Government and people of Saint was 1.9 percent, by far the best electorate, our nation’s leader says Lucia, but through caring, visionary, performance among islands in the statistics clearly document the competent leadership, the UWP the Eastern Caribbean Currency ability of his United Workers Party Government has improved the coun- Union which registered an over- (UWP) Government to deliver, and try’s economic management perfor- all economic decline of 2.7% and points the way forward to the next mance and thereby strengthened an inflation rate of 2.9%. level of balanced human develop- the country’s position as the leading economy in the OECS”, he said.