Hub Guide 12 - Planning and Zero Carbon Development: Challenges and Solutions This guide sets out some of the problems that local planning authorities face. It aims to bring forward some solutions to drive up development standards in the absence of zero-carbon planning policies. The guide does not aim to address policy development, although there are issues and solutions included that overlap. This guide has been prepared following a webinar run by the Greater South East Energy Hub in October 2020. Thirty-nine local authority delegates drawn from across the Energy Hub region, working in the fields of local planning, housing, energy, and sustainability, participated in a problems and solutions-sharing session. The Guide reflects the discussion undertaken during the session, along with insights provided through follow-up interviews with some of the participants, and supporting information gathered by the Energy Hub team. The Greater South East Energy Hub would like to acknowledge and thank the local authorities that have participated and shared their experience, and BRE for its specific contribution to the guide. The Energy Hub has developed a series of Hub guides on other topics, which are available on our website If you have any further enquiries after reading the guides, please contact
[email protected]. NOTE: For ease of use, hyperlinks to key references are embedded within the text. 1. The Challenge The ability to secure low carbon development, when planning policies and developer building standards have yet to align with local or national net zero carbon commitments. 2. Background In 2019, the Government signed into law a 2050 net zero carbon target.