Executive Branch
Executive 6 Branch The executive branch: profile of the executive branch and descriptions of constitutional offices, departments, independent agencies, state authorities, regional agencies, and interstate agencies and compacts An Infrared View of Saturn (Erich Karkoschka (University of Arizona), and NASA) 322 WISCONSIN BLUE BOOK 2009 – 2010 ELECTIVE CONSTITUTIONAL EXECUTIVE STATE OFFICERS Annual Office Officer/Party Residence1 Term Expires Salary2 Governor Jim Doyle (Democrat) Madison January 3, 2011 $137,092 Lieutenant Governor Barbara Lawton (Democrat) Green Bay January 3, 2011 72,394 Secretary of State Douglas J. La Follette (Democrat) Kenosha January 3, 2011 65,079 State Treasurer Dawn Marie Sass (Democrat) Milwaukee January 3, 2011 65,079 Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen (Republican) Waunakee January 3, 2011 133,033 Superintendent of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster (nonpartisan office) Madison July 6, 2009 109,587 Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Evers (nonpartisan office) Madison July 1, 2013 122,516 1Residence when originally elected. 2Annual salary as established for term of office by the Wisconsin Legislature. Constitutional officers may not receive a pay raise during their term of office. Effective January 2009, the annual salaries for newly elected or reelected officers is: Governor: – $144,423; Lt. Governor – $76,261: Secretary of State – $68,556; State Treasurer – $68,556; Attorney General – $140,147; Superintendent of Public Instruction – $122,516. Sources: 2007-2008 Wisconsin Statutes; Wisconsin Legislative Reference Bureau, Wisconsin Brief 08-13, Salaries of State Elected Officials, December 2008. Summer Storm (Rick Langer) 323 EXECuTIVE BRANCH A PROFILE OF THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH Structure of the Executive Branch The structure of Wisconsin state government is based on a separation of powers among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches.
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