La Mentalité De Nos Confrères À L'égard De Ce Qui Fut Jadis Et Sera
“LA MENTALITÉ DE NOS CONFRÈRES À L’ÉGARD DE CE QUI FUT JADIS ET SERA DEMAIN”1 The Neutralities of Belgium, the Congo Free State and the Belgian Congo (1885-1914) seen through the Journal des Tribunaux2 - Frederik Dhondt - Sebastiaan Vandenbogaerde - The Great War fought between 1914 and 1918 involved each and every imperial power and devastated the entire world. In that respect, the centenary commemoration generated a disproportion- ately large attention to the heroic battles in Flanders and the North of France. The war experience in the colonies, where European powers found the required manpower and resources3, has been barely looked at. The African Theatre of War, where Germany started its East African Military Campaign to force allied govern- ments to keep their armed forces and supplies on the dark conti- nent, generated new interest4. In comparison, the case of the Bel- gian Congo during the First World War and the key question on its neutrality, remains until now largely unexplored5. 1. Adaptation of a quote by Guy Delfosse in : “Soixante-quinze ans d’histoire du Congo à travers soixante-quinze ans d’histoire du Journal des tribunaux”, in JT, 1960, p. 240-245. 2. We express our thanks to the anonymous reviewers of this article for their valuable suggestions. 3. Colonial powers increased the mining of gold, diamond and copper to keep the war machine running. Especially the copper mines in the Katanga province served for the production of shells fired at the European front. 4. BYRON FARWELL, The Great War in Africa, 1914-1918, New York, 1986 ; MELVIN PAGE, Africa and the First World War, New York, 2014 ; ANNE SAmsON, World War I in Africa : the Forgotten Conflict Among the European Powers (International library of twentieth century history, 50), London, 2012 ; HEW STRACHAN, The First World War in Africa, Oxford/New York, 2004 ; GORDON MCGREGOR and MANNFRED GOLDBECK, Keine Chance : der Erste Weltkrieg in Namibia, August 1914-July 1915, Windhoek, 2014.
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