96 bus time schedule & line map

96 - Middleton in View In Website Mode

The 96 bus line (Barnard Castle - Middleton in Teesdale) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Barnard Castle: 7:09 AM - 5:57 PM (2) Middleton In Teesdale: 7:34 AM - 5:25 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 96 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 96 bus arriving.

Direction: Barnard Castle 96 bus Time Schedule 23 stops Barnard Castle Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:09 AM - 5:57 PM Horsemarket, Middleton In Teesdale Horsemarket, Middleton In Teesdale Tuesday 7:09 AM - 5:57 PM

Bridge Street, Middleton In Teesdale Wednesday 7:09 AM - 5:57 PM Bridge Street, Middleton In Teesdale Civil Parish Thursday 7:09 AM - 5:57 PM Rock Villa Road End, Middleton In Teesdale Friday 7:09 AM - 5:57 PM

Lonton South Farm, Middleton In Teesdale Saturday 8:06 AM - 5:57 PM

West End, Mickleton

The Crown, Mickleton 96 bus Info Blacksmiths Arms, Mickleton Direction: Barnard Castle Stops: 23 Middle Green, Mickleton Trip Duration: 28 min Line Summary: Horsemarket, Middleton In Teesdale, Egglestone Lane, Bridge Street, Middleton In Teesdale, Rock Villa Road End, Middleton In Teesdale, Lonton South Farm, Middleton In Teesdale, West End, Mickleton, The Kirk Inn, Romaldkirk Crown, Mickleton, Blacksmiths Arms, Mickleton, Sennings Lane, Romaldkirk Civil Parish Middle Green, Mickleton, Egglestone Lane, Romaldkirk, Kirk Inn, Romaldkirk, Hunderthwaite Road End, Romaldkirk Road End, Romaldkirk, Hollin Crescent, Romaldkirk, Fox And Hounds, , Red Lion, Hollin Crescent, Romaldkirk Cotherstone, Marwood View, Cotherstone, The Close, Cotherstone, Clock Tower, , Old School Fox And Hounds, Cotherstone House, Lartington, Gate, Lartington, Deepdale Gardens, , The Bank, Barnard Castle, Red Lion, Cotherstone Market Place, Barnard Castle, Galgate - Commercial Hotel, Barnard Castle Marwood View, Cotherstone

The Close, Cotherstone

Clock Tower, Lartington Lartington Lane, Lartington Civil Parish

Old School House, Lartington Gate, Lartington

Deepdale Gardens, Startforth Flaxeld, Startforth

The Bank, Barnard Castle

Market Place, Barnard Castle 22 Market Place, Startforth

Galgate - Commercial Hotel, Barnard Castle 8 Galgate, Startforth Direction: Middleton In Teesdale 96 bus Time Schedule 21 stops Middleton In Teesdale Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:34 AM - 5:25 PM Galgate - Stand B, Barnard Castle Galgate, Startforth Tuesday 7:34 AM - 5:25 PM

Market Place, Barnard Castle Wednesday 7:34 AM - 5:25 PM Market Place, Startforth Thursday 7:34 AM - 5:25 PM The Bank, Barnard Castle Friday 7:34 AM - 5:25 PM Priory Yard, Startforth Saturday 7:34 AM - 5:25 PM Deepdale Gardens, Startforth

Gate, Lartington

Old School House, Lartington 96 bus Info Direction: Middleton In Teesdale Clock Tower, Lartington Stops: 21 Trip Duration: 32 min The Close, Cotherstone Line Summary: Galgate - Stand B, Barnard Castle, Market Place, Barnard Castle, The Bank, Barnard Marwood View, Cotherstone Castle, Deepdale Gardens, Startforth, Gate, Lartington, Old School House, Lartington, Clock Red Lion, Cotherstone Tower, Lartington, The Close, Cotherstone, Marwood View, Cotherstone, Red Lion, Cotherstone, Fox And Fox And Hounds, Cotherstone Hounds, Cotherstone, Hollin Crescent, Romaldkirk, Hunderthwaite Road End, Romaldkirk, Kirk Inn, Romaldkirk, Three Tuns, , Toby Hill Le, Hollin Crescent, Romaldkirk Egglesburn, Whistle Crag, Egglesburn, Stotley Hall, Middleton In Teesdale, White Gates Ho, Middleton In Hunderthwaite Road End, Romaldkirk Teesdale, California Row, Middleton In Teesdale, Horsemarket, Middleton In Teesdale Kirk Inn, Romaldkirk Sennings Lane, Romaldkirk Civil Parish

Three Tuns, Eggleston

Toby Hill Le, Egglesburn

Whistle Crag, Egglesburn

Stotley Hall, Middleton In Teesdale

White Gates Ho, Middleton In Teesdale

California Row, Middleton In Teesdale California Row, Middleton In Teesdale Civil Parish

Horsemarket, Middleton In Teesdale Horsemarket, Middleton In Teesdale Civil Parish 96 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in North East and Cumbria. Check Live Arrival Times About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved