Differential Topology Forty-Six Years Later
Differential Topology Forty-six Years Later John Milnor n the 1965 Hedrick Lectures,1 I described its uniqueness up to a PL-isomorphism that is the state of differential topology, a field that topologically isotopic to the identity. In particular, was then young but growing very rapidly. they proved the following. During the intervening years, many problems Theorem 1. If a topological manifold Mn without in differential and geometric topology that boundary satisfies Ihad seemed totally impossible have been solved, 3 n 4 n often using drastically new tools. The following is H (M ; Z/2) = H (M ; Z/2) = 0 with n ≥ 5 , a brief survey, describing some of the highlights then it possesses a PL-manifold structure that is of these many developments. unique up to PL-isomorphism. Major Developments (For manifolds with boundary one needs n > 5.) The corresponding theorem for all manifolds of The first big breakthrough, by Kirby and Sieben- dimension n ≤ 3 had been proved much earlier mann [1969, 1969a, 1977], was an obstruction by Moise [1952]. However, we will see that the theory for the problem of triangulating a given corresponding statement in dimension 4 is false. topological manifold as a PL (= piecewise-linear) An analogous obstruction theory for the prob- manifold. (This was a sharpening of earlier work lem of passing from a PL-structure to a smooth by Casson and Sullivan and by Lashof and Rothen- structure had previously been introduced by berg. See [Ranicki, 1996].) If B and B are the Top PL Munkres [1960, 1964a, 1964b] and Hirsch [1963].
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