THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA HISTORY DEPARTMENT AND SCHOOL OF THEOLGOY AND RELIGIOUS STUDIES RENAISSANCE PAPACY HIST 531A HIST 833A TRS 728L Fall, 2016 Credit Hours 3 Prerequisites/ Department consent (if any): none Classroom: Caldwell 429 Tuesdays 3:40 – 6:10 pm Instructor contact information: Full name and title: Professor Nelson H. Minnich Office location: Mullen Library 320; Caldwell Hall 417 Phone x-5079; x-5702 E-mail:
[email protected] Office Hours: Tues 2:00-3:00pm Course Description (from Cardinal Station The course will study how the Papacy during the period of the “Renaissance,” from 1400 to 1600, adapted to the various challenges it confronted. Following the Great Western Schism (1378- 1417), the papacy struggled to restore the papal monarchy in the areas of both its spiritual and temporal authority. The popes confronted the challenges of conciliarism, schism, and heresy. They labored to restore their control over general councils, the College of Cardinals, the Roman Curia, the city of Rome, and the Papal States. They sought to be the leaders of Western Christendom, working for peace among Christian princes and trying to organize crusades for the defense of Christendom against an ever more powerful and aggressive Ottoman Empire. They sought to heal the divisions between the Western and Eastern Christians, and to spread the Christian message to the lands opened by Portuguese and Spanish explorers. They struggled to remove abuses from the Church, issuing reform decrees and calling councils