Culotta and Penzes Molecular Autism (2020) 11:32

REVIEW Open Access Exploring the mechanisms underlying excitation/inhibition imbalance in human iPSC-derived models of ASD Lorenza Culotta1,3 and Peter Penzes1,2,3*

Abstract Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a range of neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by impaired social interaction and communication, and repetitive or restricted behaviors. ASD subjects exhibit complex genetic and clinical heterogeneity, thus hindering the discovery of pathophysiological mechanisms. Considering that several ASD-risk encode involved in the regulation of synaptic plasticity, neuronal excitability, and neuronal connectivity, one hypothesis that has emerged is that ASD arises from a disruption of the neuronal network activity due to perturbation of the synaptic excitation and inhibition (E/I) balance. The development of induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) technology and recent advances in neuronal differentiation techniques provide a unique opportunity to model complex neuronal connectivity and to test the E/I hypothesis of ASD in human-based models. Here, we aim to review the latest advances in studying the different cellular and molecular mechanisms contributing to E/I balance using iPSC-based in vitro models of ASD. Keywords: Autism spectrum disorder, Induced pluripotent stem cell, Excitation/inhibition balance

Background ASD can be classified into syndromic and non- Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) represents a spectrum of syndromic forms [4–7]. Syndromic ASD accounts for a early-onset neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by small percentage of total ASD cases; it typically occurs persistent deficits in social interaction and communication, with a clinical presentation in association with secondary as well as repetitive patterns of behavior and restricted inter- phenotypes and/or dysmorphic features [6]. Most of the ests or activities (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental syndromic forms of ASD have a known genetic cause, Disorders [DSM-5]). Current population prevalence of ASD often involving chromosomal abnormalities or mutations is estimated at ∼ 1.5% in developed countries around the in a single . On the other hand, non-syndromic world and, to date, there are no effective cures [1, 2]. ASD ASD accounts for the vast majority of ASD cases and patients display considerable phenotypic heterogeneity and occurs without additional symptoms. In contrast to the they often present comorbid neurological and mental condi- syndromic ASD, most of the non-syndromic forms of tions, such as epilepsy, intellectual disability (ID), obsessive- ASD have unknown genetic etiology [5]. Even though compulsive disorder (OCD), and attention-deficit hyperactiv- the genetics underlying ASD is complex, ASD is primar- ity disorder (ADHD) [3]. ily considered a genetic disorder, with family and twins studies suggesting the heritability of ASD to be higher than 80% [8–12]. Genetic studies have identified several * Correspondence: [email protected] autism-susceptibility (or risk) genes (e.g., SHANK- and 1Department of Physiology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA NRXN-family genes) and copy number variation (CNV) 2Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Northwestern University loci (e.g., 16p11.2 deletion and 15q11-q13 duplication), Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA facilitating the molecular diagnosis of ASD cases. Many Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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of the identified ASD risk genes are key regulators of 100 Hz) is considered to be a functional readout of E/I synaptic plasticity, with their gene products involved in balance within local neural circuits [38]. Studies of modulating synaptic strength or density, cell adhesion, gamma-based activity via magnetoencephalography chromatin remodeling, transcription, cytoskeleton dy- (MEG) and electroencephalography (EEG) have identi- namics and, ultimately, neuronal connectivity [13–15]. fied alterations in gamma-band activity in ASD patients, In addition to genetic risk factors, several studies suggest especially in relation to auditory-related gamma-band that environmental factors may contribute to ASD risk, activity; however, despite providing indirect evidence for supporting the hypothesis that ASD could result from E/I imbalance in ASD, gamma-based activity fundamen- the effects of diverse biological and/or psychological fac- tally remains a proxy measure [39, 40]. Magnetic reson- tors, like genetic factors, environmental factors, and the ance spectroscopy (MRS) has allowed for the direct non- interplay between genetic background and environmen- invasive, in vivo estimation of the principal excitatory tal factors [16–18]. The environmental factors could be and inhibitory neurotransmitters, glutamate, and prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal, and some examples gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), and alterations of include in utero exposure to medications, such as thal- neurotransmitter levels have been reported within differ- idomide and valproate [19, 20], parental age of birth, ent cortical structures in ASD patients [41–44]. Disrup- and gestational complications such as diabetes and tions in excitation-inhibition ratio have been suggested bleeding [11, 21]. The speculated existence of interac- to correlate with the severity of core ASD symptoms, tions between genetic factors and environmental factors thus implying that the abnormality in E/I balance is suggests that individuals with ASD may react differently clinically relevant. In particular, glutamate levels in the to the same environmental stimulus: indeed, studies of striatum have been found to negatively correlate to se- animal models have shown that environmental factor, verity of social impairment [42], while a positive correl- such as hypoxia, oxidative stress, and maternal immune ation has been reported between cortical excitation- activation, may increase autism risk by interacting with inhibition ratio and the severity of autistic phenotypes in genetic defects in synaptic function [22–24]. non-ASD psychiatric subjects [29]. However, these re- One of the proposed etiological mechanisms of ASD is ports are widely inconsistent, possibly due to the differ- the disruption of the balance between excitation and in- ent methodologies employed as well as the heterogeneity hibition (E/I balance) in key cortical and subcortical of subjects between studies, and it is still unknown neuronal circuits [25–30]. E/I balance is a crucial player whether any perturbation in neurotransmitter level re- in the normal development and function of the brain, flects a neurotransmission phenotype, rather than a and different homeostatic and developmental processes metabolic phenotype [28]. appear to be involved in maintaining E/I balance at the The advent of the induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) level of single cells and large-scale neuronal circuits [26]. technology has allowed the generation of personalized At the single neuron level, the balance between excita- human neurons, thus representing a new avenue for the tory and inhibitory synaptic inputs is critical for infor- modeling of neurological disorders [45–47]. This model mation processing, and therefore is highly regulated and has been made possible through the reprogramming of structurally organized to allow spatially precise E/I bal- patient-derived somatic cells, e.g., fibroblasts [46], per- ance across dendritic segments [31, 32]. At the network ipheral blood mononuclear cells [48], or urine cells [49], level, E/I balance is usually considered as a stable global into pluripotent stem cells via the overexpression of a level of activity within a particular circuit, being the bal- set of pluripotency-associated transcription factors, ance of excitation and inhibition important for optimal Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and cMyc, named the “Yamanaka fac- tuning of the circuits to respond to salient inputs [33, tors” [46]. iPSCs have a gene expression profile and plur- 34]. To date, several studies have described different ipotency similar to human embryonic stem cells neurobiological mechanisms contributing to the estab- (hESCs), but with the advantage of easy accessibility and lishment and rigorous regulation of the E/I balance. Spe- the avoidance of ethical and religious concerns regarding cific factors include intrinsic neuronal excitability, the use of human embryos for research purposes [50, synaptic transmission, and homeostatic synaptic plasti- 51]. Given their potential to differentiate into virtually city; at the circuit level, key contributors to E/I balance any cell type under appropriate culture conditions, iPSCs are the complex interplay between glutamatergic excita- could represent a valuable source of disease-relevant tory neurons and GABAergic inhibitory neurons and the cells that were previously inaccessible, such as cardio- development of excitatory and inhibitory synapse, as well myocytes and neurons. As iPSCs can be differentiated as the overall neuronal network excitability [15, 35–37]. into a range of neuronal lineages, iPSC-based disease A growing body of clinical neuroimaging literature modeling has greatly contributed to our understanding supports the role of E/I imbalance as an etiology of ASD of neurological diseases, serving as a precious comple- [28, 29]. Gamma-band electrophysiological activity (30– ment to animal models for analyzing neuronal Culotta and Penzes Molecular Autism (2020) 11:32 Page 3 of 11

development and the consequences of its dysfunctions many of the properties of in vivo networks, such as func- [46]. This provides an incredibly strong model of disease tional synaptic connectivity and complex patterns of neur- by recapitulating the entirety of the complex genetic fac- onal activity [82, 83]. Considering that defective neuronal tors that result in patient diagnosis. Therefore, the iPSC networks, as well as reduced functional connectivity, have approach provides an invaluable tool for investigating been widely observed in ASD patients [84], iPSC-derived the cellular and molecular mechanisms underpinning neuronal cultures provide a valuable method for modeling complex genetic diseases, such as ASD and its related neuronal activity, allowing the investigation of the intrinsic disorders, which include Rett syndrome (RTT), Timothy neuronal excitability, formation of synaptic connections, syndrome (TS), fragile X syndrome (FXS), and Phelan- and overall network activity. McDermid syndrome (PMS) [52]. The use of multi-electrode array (MEA) technology In this review, we will focus on human iPSC-derived has facilitated non-invasive, real-time, multi-point meas- in vitro models of ASD and summarize the most recent urement of the activity of cultured neurons and allowed studies in which the iPSC technology has been exploited investigating developmental modifications of synaptic to investigate the molecular bases of E/I imbalance and to connectivity and network activity [85–87]. Therefore, gain further insight into the etiological mechanisms of the MEA system is acknowledged as a suitable method ASD (Table 1). Being E/I imbalance the focus of this re- for evaluating the plasticity of iPSC-derived neuronal view and being ASD a neurodevelopmental disorder, we networks and for investigating the molecular basis of the decided to include in this review only reports on stem E/I imbalance in ASD. cell-derived neuron in which functional alterations that Deneault et al. utilized MEA recordings to evaluate could impact E/I balance have been reported (Fig. 1). the neuronal network properties in iPSC-derived neu- Moreover, given the growing number of ASD risk genes rons and to assess the impact of ASD genetic variants [81], we decided to include only risk genes belonging to on synaptic and intrinsic electrophysiological properties SFARI categories 1 and 2, thus excluding genes without [53, 55]. Multiple intriguing associations were observed strong evidence supporting the gene’s relevance to ASD between the genetic variants and the neuronal pheno- risk. types analyzed: one of the most robust findings was a marked hyperexcitability in glutamatergic neurons Main text lacking one copy of CNTN5 or EHMT2 [55], as well as a Neuronal excitability and excitatory synaptic transmission reduced synaptic activity in ATRX-, AFF2-, KCNQ2-, In vitro neuronal cultures provide insight into neuronal SCN2A-,andASTN2-null neurons [53]. Together, these transmission and network interactions since they retain data indicate that ASD-risk genes belonging to different

Table 1 iPSC-based models of ASD discussed in this review Gene Model type Phenotype observed Reference ATRX, AFF2, KCNQ2, Homozygous deletion Reduced synaptic activity [53] SCN2A, and ASTN2 CACNA1C ASD-related mutations Disrupted interneurons migration [54] CNTN5 and EHMT2+ Heterozygous deletion Hyperexcitability. [55] CNTNAP2 Heterozygous deletion Increased neuronal network activity [56] FMR1 Heterozygous deletion Impaired retinoic acid (RA)-dependent homeostatic synaptic plasticity [57] MECP2 Heterozygous deletion or Altered synaptic density, altered calcium signaling; altered neuronal firing rate [58–61] duplication and synchronization; delayed GABA switch NLGN4 Gene overexpression and ASD- Increased excitatory synapse density, altered synaptic strength [62, 63] related mutations NRXN1α Homozygous and heterozygous Impaired synaptic strength, altered synaptic calcium signaling [64–66] deletion, ASD-related mutations SHANK2 Heterozygous deletion and ASD- Hyperconnectivity, enhanced branching complexity, increased synapse density [67] related mutations SHANK3 Heterozygous deletion and ASD- Hypoconnectivity, reduced synaptogenesis, and dendritic arborization; [68–74] related mutations impaired neuronal excitability and excitatory synaptic transmission; impaired HCN channels TSC1/2 Homozygous and heterozygous Altered neuronal excitability and activity, altered synchrony (cortical neurons); [75–78] deletion hypoexcitability (cerebellar Purkinje cells) Other ASD models Aberrant neuronal maturation, altered neuronal differentiation and synaptic [79, 80] formation Culotta and Penzes Molecular Autism (2020) 11:32 Page 4 of 11

Fig. 1 Neurobiological mechanisms contributing to E/I balance. Schematic illustration of key mechanisms involved in establishing and regulating the balance between excitation and inhibition, highlighting the mechanisms and the ASD-related genes discussed in this review. In the cited reports, the iPSC technology has been exploited to develop human-based platforms in which to investigate the contribution of ASD-related genes to the different processes underlying E/I balance. a Establishment and maintenance of neuronal connectivity and E/I balance require all the salient features of neuronal morphology: the existence of branching dendrites and axons and the presence of neuronal synapses. Alterations in one or more of these features have been reported in several ASD models. b Excitatory and inhibitory neuron interplay results from the excitatory and inhibitory inputs converging on a neuron, as well as from the level of expression of postsynaptic glutamatergic (green) and GABAergic (red) receptors. c The application of technologies such as multi-electrode arrays and live calcium imaging has facilitated real-time, multi-point measurement of the activity of iPSC-derived neurons and allowed investigating developmental modifications of synaptic connectivity and network activity. d. Synaptic scaling is a form of homeostatic plasticity that operates to modify the global synaptic input (excitability) of a neuron in response to changes in circuit activity. One of the main mechanisms of synaptic scaling is the modification of the density and/or the size of synapses, and multiple electrophysiological techniques are used to analyze synaptic plasticity and neuronal excitability, including miniature excitatory/inhibitory postsynaptic currents gene ontologies can produce a similar electrophysio- dendrite branching, and basal synaptic transmission logical phenotype and reveal common functional pheno- [96–99]. In line with these findings, loss-of-function mu- types, such as altered functional connectivity, which tations in SHANK2 have been associated with altered could ultimately result in altered excitation/inhibition connectivity in neurons derived from ASD-affected indi- balance. viduals, as well as CRISPR-Cas9-edited homozygous SHANK2 knockout (KO) neurons [67]. SHANK2 mutant SHANK family neurons displayed enhanced dendrite branching com- A growing body of literature pinpoints inadequate syn- plexity alongside increased synapse number and spon- aptogenesis and perturbed excitatory synaptic plasticity taneous excitatory postsynaptic currents, thus resulting as key players in the development of dysfunctional neur- in strengthened functional neuronal connectivity. Re- onal networks and, ultimately, in the E/I imbalance [15, markably, the reversal of this phenotype in homozygous 88–90]. A valid example is represented by mutations in KO neurons via engineering correction of the mutation the SHANK family genes, which encode major scaffold- provides a robust demonstration of the causal role of ing proteins in the excitatory [91– SHANK2 mutation in determining the functional hyper- 94]. Loss-of-function mutations in the SHANK2 gene connectivity observed. have been associated with various neuropsychiatric dis- This phenotype is distinct from the lowered connectiv- orders, such as ASD, intellectual disability, and schizo- ity associated with mutations in SHANK3 [100–102]. phrenia [95]. In mouse models and primary cultures of SHANK3 gene mutations are strongly linked to ASD, neurons, Shank2 has been demonstrated to serve an im- and SHANK3 haploinsufficiency is believed to be the portant role in early neuronal development, neuronal major contributing factor to the 22q13.3 deletion Culotta and Penzes Molecular Autism (2020) 11:32 Page 5 of 11

syndrome, also known as Phelan-McDermid syndrome associated mutation of NRXN1α in synaptic transmission. (PMS) [103]. Multiple iPSC-based studies sought to assess Evidence showed that mutations of NRXN1α severely im- the functional significance of SHANK3 mutations, using paired synaptic transmission by decreasing neurotransmit- conditional SHANK3-mutant neurons and/or PMS and ter release [64]. Controversial results have been obtained ASD patient-derived neurons [68–73]. Confirming the when evaluating calcium signaling activity in NRXN1α- crucial role of SHANK3 in the regulation of syn- mutant human neurons: in fact, biallelic deletion of aptic plasticity, SHANK3 haploinsufficiency resulted in the NRXN1α has been associated to decreased calcium dy- disruption of synaptogenesis and dendritic complexity, namics, suggesting decreased intrinsic activity [65], while − which are critical to ensure proper neuronal connectivity. neurons carrying NRXN1α+/ deletions display increased Indeed, SHANK3-deficient iPSC-derived neurons exhib- calcium activity [66]. Although seemingly contradictory, ited impaired dendritic arborization, synaptic density, and these results show the profound impact of NRXN1α loss intrinsic excitability along with defective excitatory synap- of function on synaptic excitation, further supporting the tic transmission. Interestingly, Yi et al. have proposed a E/I imbalance hypothesis in ASD. new role for SHANK3, in addition to having a specifically Altered neuronal network activity has also been associated postsynaptic function [71]. In their work, the authors re- with heterozygous deletion of CNTNAP2.Contactin- ported a severe impairment in hyperpolarization-activated associated protein-like 2 (CNTNAP2) is a member of the cation currents (Ih)inSHANK3-deficient hESC-derived neurexin family, and gene mutations and common variation neurons. Considering that Ih currents are mediated by in the CNTNAP2 gene have been associated with neurodeve- hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) lopmental disorders, including ASD [108]. Consistent with channels, the authors speculated that SHANK3 might reports of disrupted cortical neuronal activity and increased scaffold HCN channels during neurodevelopment [71]. propensity for seizure-like activity in CNTNAP2-null mice Notably, HCN-channel mutations are associated with dys- [109–112], induced glutamatergic neurons derived from car- functional neuronal firing and therefore have been linked riers of heterozygous intragenic CNTNAP2 deletions dis- to neurological disorders such as epilepsy and impaired played increased neuronal network activity, reflected by the learning [104]. increase in spontaneous spiking activity recorded via MEA, Altogether, these findings highlight the relevance of consistent with previous reports [56]. SHANK genes’ dosage to neuronal intrinsic excitability and excitatory synaptic transmission, whose disruptions TSC1/2 would directly affect E/I balance. Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) provides an example of ASD-associated neuronal excitability abnormalities Adhesion molecules detected in cortical and non-cortical areas. TSC is a se- Defective synaptic transmission has been observed in vere multisystem disorder associated with neurologic human neurons carrying mutations in several ASD- symptoms including autism, epilepsy, and cognitive dis- associated genes encoding synaptic adhesion molecules. ability [113]. TSC is caused by heterozygous loss-of- NLGN4 is a member of the neuroligin family and en- function mutations in either the TSC1 or TSC2 gene, codes the postsynaptic adhesion molecule Neuroligin-4. which are key inhibitory components of the mTORC1 Deletions at Xp22.3 encompassing NLGN4 as well as de pathway, a regulator of cell development and synaptic novo mutations in the NLGN4 gene have been reported homeostasis. Given the implication of enhanced activity in several ASD patients [105]. Neuroligin-4 has been of the mTORC1 pathway with ASD, and the high preva- suggested to be an essential element in the regulation of lence of ASD in TSC patients [114], several groups have excitatory synaptic transmission. In fact, stem cell- generated iPSC-derived neurons carrying TSC1/2 muta- derived neurons overexpressing NLGN4 or carrying tions to investigate the effects of altered TSC-mTORC1 ASD-related NLGN4 mutations have been reported to pathway on neuronal development and synaptic physi- have increased excitatory synapse density and altered ology. Surprisingly, functional analyses of TSC-mutated synaptic strength, thus showing a deleterious effect of neurons led to controversial results. Costa et al. reported −/− NLGN4 dysregulation on synaptic transmission and E/I reduced excitability in TSC2 stem cell-derived neu- +/− balance [62, 63, 106]. rons and a milder phenotype in TSC2 neurons, albeit Impaired synaptic function has been also reported in significantly disrupted [75]. On the contrary, Nadadhur human neurons carrying NRXN1α mutations. NRXN1α et al. observed increased spontaneous calcium event fre- encodes the presynaptic cell-adhesion molecule Neurexin- quency as well as neuronal hyperactivity in TSC patient- 1; moreover, mutations and copy number variations of derived neuronal networks [76]. Winden et al. also con- −/− NRXN1α have been associated with ASD and schizophre- firmed increased neuronal activity in TSC2 neurons nia [107]. iPSC technology has been widely exploited to using multi-electrode arrays, and observed increased +/− −/− investigate the functional significance of disease- neuronal synchrony in both TSC2 and TSC2 Culotta and Penzes Molecular Autism (2020) 11:32 Page 6 of 11

neurons. Despite opposing effects in activity, these re- induced synaptic potentiation, blocking the normal in- sults suggest an abnormality in neuronal connectivity, crease in excitatory postsynaptic current (EPSC) ampli- which may be affected in alternate ways depending on tude following chronic synaptic silencing. These results the genetic background of patients [77]. Interestingly, demonstrate that FMRP-driven local translation is re- mTORC1 inhibition via rapamycin treatment corrected quired postsynaptically for synaptic scaling mediated by the excitability deficits both in the case of increased and RA. decreased neuronal activity [75, 77, 113]. These results confirm that deregulated mTORC1 pathway can result MECP2 in varying phenotypes that, despite seemingly opposing MECP2 is an example of a relevant protein involved in each other, in fact highlight that TSC2 loss of function synaptic plasticity, playing an important role in chroma- differentially affects neuronal excitability and, ultimately, tin remodeling. Females with loss-of-function mutations E/I regulation. in the X-linked MECP2 gene display the progressive A high prevalence of ASD in TSC individuals has been neurological disorder Rett syndrome (RTT) [121], associated with cerebellar abnormalities, and dysregula- whereas boys or girls with duplication of MECP2 de- tion of the cerebellar cortical development has been sug- velop ASD and ID [122]. It has been demonstrated that gested as a possible mechanism involved in the MeCP2 plays an essential and cell-autonomous role in development of ASD in TSC patients [115]. In this light, homeostatic synaptic plasticity, as neurons lacking cerebellar Purkinje cells (PC) were derived from TSC pa- MeCP2 failed to trigger synaptic plasticity and to scale tients with ASD, with the aim to characterize the mo- synaptic strength bidirectionally [123, 124]. Neurons lecular mechanisms of cerebellar dysfunction in ASD generated from RTT patient iPSCs have been widely and TSC: TSC2-deficient PC have been found to display exploited as a model to recapitulate the early stages of severe hypoexcitability, reflected by decreased resting this human neurodevelopmental disease. Marchetto membrane potential and lowered spontaneous activity et al. have demonstrated the utility of iPSCs to investi- [116]. gate the functional consequences of MECP2 loss of func- tion. Neurons generated from fibroblasts of RTT Homeostatic synaptic plasticity patients carrying different MECP2 mutations exhibited Homeostatic synaptic plasticity is a form of neuronal several morphological alterations, including a reduced plasticity that operates to adjust the strength of synapses number of dendritic spines and synapses, and smaller in response to changes in neural activity, thereby refin- soma size. Moreover, altered intracellular calcium signal- ing neuronal connectivity during development and con- ing and electrophysiological defects were detected in tributing to network stability [117, 118]. Multiple ASD- RTT-derived neuronal networks [58]. Li et al. observed associated genes are predicted to influence homeostatic similar synaptic deficits using an isogenic stem cell plasticity mechanisms at different levels, as they encode model of RTT: they reported a significant reduction of proteins involved in chromatin remodeling, protein syn- action potential rates when recording synchronized thesis, actin cytoskeleton dynamics, or synaptic trans- events from iPSC-derived neuronal networks [59]. The mission [15]. importance of correct MECP2 dosage for synaptic plasti- city and homeostasis was also investigated in human FMR1 neurons carrying MECP2 duplications. Increased gluta- Recent reports indicate that deficits in homeostatic syn- matergic synapse number and altered dendritic morph- aptic plasticity might be detrimental for network stability ology were observed in MECP2 duplication neurons, as and contribute to cognitive impairment associated with well as enhanced neuronal network synchronization fragile X syndrome (FXS), the most common genetic [60]. These findings confirm a pivotal role of MeCP2 form of mental retardation with autistic-like behaviors protein dosage in dendritic plasticity and synaptic [119]. FXS is caused by the absence of fragile X mental homeostasis and, ultimately, in neuronal connectivity retardation protein (FMRP), an RNA-binding protein in- and electrophysiology. volved in dendritic protein synthesis, encoded by the FMR1 gene. Using FXS patient-derived and conditional Neuron differentiation, maturation, and circuit formation FMR1 knockout (KO) human embryonic stem (hES) cell Developmental time points lines, Zhang et al. demonstrated that FMRP has an es- Many of the genes identified as ASD-risk genes are in- sential role in retinoic acid (RA)-dependent homeostatic volved at several time points and in different neural cell synaptic plasticity [57]. Synaptic RA signaling is a key types during human cortical development. A commonly component in the regulation of synaptic strength, and used strategy to address this issue is to follow iPSCs dur- RA is necessary to induce local translation and synaptic ing their early neuronal development to examine when scaling [120]. Loss of FMRP expression impaired RA- and how the earliest ASD-related phenotypes and Culotta and Penzes Molecular Autism (2020) 11:32 Page 7 of 11

molecular abnormalities arise. Schafer et al. performed generation of informative neuronal networks [128, 129]. time-series transcriptome and cellular phenotype ana- 3D neuronal cultures, also known as organoids or spher- lyses in ASD neural stem cells (NSCs) and identified the oids, have the potential to recapitulate the structural and NSC stage as a critical developmental period in which functional complexity of the human brain with greater dysregulation of specific transcriptional networks arise. complexity than 2D models. One of the major advan- The alterations reported in ASD NSCs were a causal fac- tages of the 3D technology is the diversity of cell types tor in later aberrant neuronal maturation of cortical neu- present in the organoids, including, but not restricted to, rons [79]: notably, skipping the NSC stage by direct glutamatergic neurons, GABAergic neurons, astrocytes, conversion of iPSC to neurons prevented neuronal ASD and oligodendrocytes [130, 131]. Consequently, orga- phenotypes from manifesting. A similar approach has noids represent an invaluable and versatile tool to inves- been used to explore the role of SHANK3 in neuronal tigate neuronal differentiation and neural circuit development. In a recently published work, Huang et al. formation, essential features underlying network-level E/ performed morphological and functional analyses at I balance. For instance, Mariani et al. demonstrated that different time points during neuronal development in telencephalic organoids derived from ASD patients iPSC-derived neurons following SHANK3 knockdown present altered neuronal differentiation and synaptic for- [74]. SHANK3 depletion resulted in reduced growth mation, alongside enhanced GABAergic differentiation, cone area, neuronal soma size, and neurite complexity at which together resulted in an E/I imbalance [80]. Not- different developmental time points, together with im- ably, the overproduction of GABAergic neurons was as- paired excitatory and inhibitory synaptic transmission, cribed to overexpression of the transcription factor thus confirming in a human-based model the pivotal FOXG1: taken together with the alterations linked to role of SHANK3 in early stages of neuronal develop- MeCP2, these results reinforce the importance of proper ment, in addition to its well characterized role in mature gene expression in ASD. neuronal function. iPSC-derived spheroids have allowed the assembly of the different neuronal circuits to be modeled, in a man- GABA functional switch ner similar to that which occurs in human cerebral cor- Given that the complex interplay between glutamatergic tex formation [132]. Therefore, they have provided a excitatory neurons and GABAergic inhibitory neurons is precious tool to investigate the molecular processes that vital to achieving proper cortical neural activity, a con- can lead to an imbalance of cortical excitation and inhib- siderable effort has been made in the stem cell field to ition. Timothy syndrome (TS) is a severe ASD-related generate neuronal networks with balanced excitatory- neurodevelopmental disorder caused by mutations in the inhibitory activities, facilitating studies of disease mecha- CACNA1C gene, encoding the CaV1.2 calcium channel nisms involving E/I imbalance [125, 126]. In this context, [133]. In a model of TS, neural spheroids were generated the GABA functional switch from excitation to inhib- to recapitulate the assembling of circuits involving both ition is critical for the efficacy of GABAergic function. glutamatergic neurons and GABAergic interneurons and − KCC2, a membrane K+-Cl cotransporter and one of the exploited to investigate migration of interneurons and − major players in defining the transmembrane Cl gradi- their functional integration into human-derived fore- ent, is a critical downstream gene target of MeCP2. Sig- brain spheroids [54]. TS-derived interneurons showed nificant KCC2 deficits have been reported in a mouse inefficient migration, resulting from altered L-type cal- model of Rett syndrome, alterations that were rescued cium channel (LTCC) activity, which plays a critical role by treatment with recombinant human insulin-like in interneuron migration: in fact, the TS migratory growth factor-1 [127]. Altered expression of KCC2 has phenotype was rescued by application of the LTCC been also observed in iPSC-derived neurons from pa- blocker nimodipine [54]. These results suggest the pres- tients with Rett syndrome [61]. In fact, the lack of ence of dysfunctional cortical development and E/I bal- MeCP2 in human Rett neurons led to deficient KCC2 ance in TS. expression, and therefore a delayed GABA function One of the latest advances in the modeling of early switch. As proper inhibitory input is crucial to the devel- neurodevelopment is the use of iPSC-derived cortical opment of normal neuronal circuitry, this novel pathway organoids to model neural oscillations [83]. Synchronous provides insight into the potential mechanisms of Rett oscillations are periodical and regular network activity syndrome. events that emerge early in development and are dependent on balanced glutamatergic and GABAergic Brain organoids signaling [134]. As E/I balance is crucial for the coordin- The advent of 3D cultures, the most recent stem cell- ation of neuronal oscillatory activity, and is one of the based model for investigating human brain development leading hypotheses in the etiology of ASD [25], it is not and disorders, has provided particular strength to the surprising that impairments in neuronal oscillatory Culotta and Penzes Molecular Autism (2020) 11:32 Page 8 of 11

activity and synchrony have been proposed to be corre- Acknowledgements lated with social behavior deficits in ASD [135]. Thus, We thank Dr. Euan Parnell for the discussion and help with editing the manuscript. Figure was created with ( modeling organoid neural oscillations may allow the reproduction of a central hallmark of the in vivo brain: a Authors’ contributions highly synchronous and stereotypical network activity. LC performed the literature review, wrote the manuscript, and prepared the Such an advancement would open new avenues in char- figure and the table. PP supervised the writing of the manuscript, critically reviewed, and approved the final manuscript for publication. Both authors acterizing normal and dysfunctional activity in brain net- read and approved the final manuscript. works during early neurodevelopment and within ASD. Funding This work was supported by a National Institute of Health grant. Grant ref.: Conclusions 5RO1MH097216. The complex genetic etiologies and clinical phenotypes Availability of data and materials observed in ASD patients hinder the research of the Not applicable. pathophysiological mechanisms underpinning ASD and the quest for pharmacological treatments. Although ani- Ethics approval and consent to participate mal models have deepened our understanding of disease Not applicable. mechanisms and shed light on possible therapeutic ap- Consent for publication proaches, there has been little translational benefit for Not applicable. human patients. iPSC technology allows the generation of patient-specific neuronal cells, thus representing a Competing interests The authors declare no competing interests. powerful platform for investigating disease mechanisms and developing targeted therapies. Even though much Author details 1 work remains to be done to overcome the technical limi- Department of Physiology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA. 2Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral tations of iPSC-based models (e.g., experimental variabil- Sciences, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, ity, cellular heterogeneity, or lack of some brain cell USA. 3Center for Autism and Neurodevelopment, Northwestern University, types), their study has provided invaluable insight into Chicago, IL, USA. the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying ASD. Received: 11 February 2020 Accepted: 21 April 2020 In particular, a growing body of literature has provided evidence of altered balance between excitation and in- References hibition in human-based models of ASD. These have 1. Baio J, et al. 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