


2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 Doctoral 5 6 3


Cohort Year Number of Students Number of Graduates Percentage 1999-2009 1 0 0% 2000-2010 7 3 42.86% 2001-2011 7 1 14.29%

*Rolling three-year average of the percent of first-year doctoral students who graduated within ten years

*This characteristics calculations are based solely on the doctoral students who started the program with a cohort year of 1996, 1997 or 1998 and graduated within a ten year period.


English Doctoral

1999-2009 Cohort 2000-2010 Cohort 2001-2011 Cohort

Total Number of Students 3 6 1

Average Years to complete 5 8.17 3 Degree

*Rolling three-year average of the registered time to degree of first-year doctoral students within a ten year period


Percentage of Graduates from the last five years employed in Academia, Post Doctorates, Industry/Professional, Government, and those still Seeking Employment.

Percentage Academia 100% Post Doctorates 0% Industry/Professional 0% Government 0% Other 0% Seeking Employment 0%

*Percentage of the last three years of graduates employed in academia, post-doctorates, industry/professional, government, and those still seeking employment (in Texas and outside Texas)

CHARACTERISTIC #5 ADMISSIONS CRITERIA http://web.tamu-commerce.edu/academics/graduateSchool/programs/artsHumanities/englishPhDDomestic.aspx



Full Time Students 22

Number of students with support 21


Amount of Support 310,711.50

*Any student who takes ≥ 9 SCH is considered to be full time

* In the prior year, the number of FTS (≥ 18 SCH) with support/the number of FT


Type of Support 2011-2012

Research Assistantships 30000

Teaching Assistantships 61666

Non-Teaching Assistantships 7332

Other Financial Aid 211,713.50

Total 310,711.50

Total number of Full Time 21 Students with Support

Average Amount of Support per 14,795.79 student

*Any student who takes ≤ 9 SCH is considered to be part t time and ≥ 9 SCH is considered to be full time * For those receiving financial support, the average financial support provided per full-time graduate student (including tuition rebate) for the prior year, including research assistantships, teaching assistantships, fellowships, tuition, benefits, etc. that is ―out-of-pocket‖


2009 2010 2011

Total Doctoral students 34 46 45

Core Faculty 15 9 13

Ratio 2:1 5:1 3:1

Full Time Student Equivalent 11.4 30.05 120

Core Faculty 15 9 13

Ratio 1:1 3:1 9:1

*Rolling three-year average of full-time student equivalent (FTSE) /rolling three-year average of full-time faculty equivalent (FTFE) of core faculty


Year Publications

2009 11

2010 32

2011 21

2012 59

Faculty Publications

Salvatore Attardo

Attardo, S., Corduas, M., & *Eggleston, A. (2008). The Distribution of Humour in Literary Texts is not Random: a statistical analysis. Language and Literature, 17(3), 253-270.

Canestrari, C., & Attardo, S. (2008). Humorous syntony as a metacommunicative language game. Gestalt Theory, 30, 337-347. Salvatore Attardo, Manuela Wagner and Eduardo Urios-Aparisi. Pragmatics andCognition special issue. 2011. Articles and Chapters in Books

1. Salvatore Attardo, Lucy Pickering and Amanda Baker, Prosodic and Multimodal Markers of Humor in Conversation. Pragmatics and Cognition.2011. (Forth.)

2. Smiling, Laughter, and Humor. In Paolo Santangelo (ed.). Emotions behindSmiles and Laughter: from facial expression to literary descriptions. Leiden:Brill. (Forth.)

3. Rejoinder to Atonopoulou and Nikiforidou. In: Geert Brône & JeroenVandaele (eds.), Cognitive Poetics: Goals, Gains & Gaps. To appear in the series'Applications of Cognitive Linguistics (ACL). Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

4. ―Humorous Metaphors.‖ In Geert Brône, Kurt Feyaerts & Tony Veale (eds.).Cognitive Linguistics meets Humor Research. Current trends and new developments. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter. (Forth.)

5. Attardo, Salvatore and Lucy Pickering. ―Timing in the performance of jokes.‖HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research. 2011. 24:2. 233-250.

6. Hempelmann, Christian and Salvatore Attardo ―Resolutions and theirincongruities: further thoughts on logical mechanisms.‖ HUMOR:International Journal of Humor Research. 2011. 24:2.

7. Bell, Nancy and Salvatore Attardo. Failed humor: Issues in non-nativespeakers' appreciation

Tabetha Adkins

³To Everyone Out There in Budget Land²: The Narrative of Community in the International Amish Newspaper, The Budget.²Issues in Writing 18.1. Spring/Summer 2010.

Carter, Shannon, Tabetha Adkins, and Donna Dunbar-Odom. ―The Activist Writing Center.‖ Computers and Composition Online. Spring 2011.http://www.bgsu.edu/cconline/

Adkins, Tabetha, ed. The Writing Program at Texas A&M University-Commerce. Southlake, TX: Fountainhead Press, 2011.

Adkins, Tabetha. ―‟The English Effect‟ on Amish Language and Literacy Practices.‖ Community Literacy Journal 5.2, Spring 2011. Forthcoming.

Adkins, Tabetha. ―Popular Culture as a Sponsor of Literacy: Confronting theCLASH! BOOM! POW! in the Basic Writing Classroom.‖ CLASH!: Superheroic Yet Sensible Strategies for Teaching Students the NewLiteracies Despite the Status Quo. Eds. Sharon Spencer and Sandra Vavra. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishers. Forthcoming.

Adkins, Tabetha. ―The (Un)Importance of a Preposition: How We Define andDefend Writing Center Work.‖ The Writing Lab Newsletter. Spring 2011.Forthcoming.

Robert Baumgarder Robert J. Baumgardner (2008). The Use of English in Advertising in Mexican Print Media. Journal of Creative Communications, 3(1) 23-48.

Baumgardner, R. J. (2007). English in Mexican Product Branding. Seeking Identity: Language in Society. Edited by Nancy Mae Antrim. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 66-80.

2009 Review of Makhan L. Tickoo, Harold E. Palmer: From Learner-Teacher to Legend. New Delhi: Orient Longman, 2008. World Englishes 28(2):272-75.

2009 Review of Viv Edwards, Multilingualism in the English-Speaking World. Oxford: Blackwell, 2004. Studies in the Linguistic Sciences 33(1/2):133-35.

Bhatia, T.K. and Baumgardner, R.J. (2008). Language and the Media and Advertising. Cambridge University Press, Language in South Asia, 66-80. ―Mexico‘s ‗Commission for the Defense of the Spanish Language‘ (1981-82).‖ International Journal of Linguistics 3(1). Online at Macrothink.org/ijl

Review of Thomas Hoffmann and Lucia Siebers, World Englishes—Problems, Properties and Prospects. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Co., 2009. World Englishes 30(4), December, 2011 2011 ―Mexico‗s ‗Commission for the Defense of the Spanish Language‗ (1981-82).‖ International Journal of Linguistics 3(1). Online at Macrothink.org/ijl

Bill Bolin Bolin, Bill. "Addressing Plagiarism with Stasis Theory." Currents in Teaching and Learning 2.2 (2010): 13--21.

Shannon Carter

Carter, S. (2009). “The Writing Center Paradox: Talk about Legitimacy and the Problem of Institutional Change.” College Composition and Communication (CCC), 61(1), 25.

Carter, S., & Dunbar-Odom, D. (2009). “The Converging Literacies Center (CLiC): A New Model for Writing (Programs)”. Kairos: A Journal of Technology, Rhetoric, and Pedagogy, 14(1), webtext (peer reviewed).

Cívico-Lyons, Inma (2007). "The Disintegration of Masculinity in Irene Gracia´s Fiebre para siempre.” Letras Femeninas, 33(2) 41- 56.

Carter, S. & Dunbar-Odom, D. (2009). The Converging Literacies Center: An Integrated Model for Writing Programs.”Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy. http://kairos.technorhetoric.net/14.1/praxis/Carter_Dunbar-Odom/index.html. Carter, Shannon and Donna Dunbar-Odom. "The Converging Literacies Center (CLiC): A New Model for Writing (Programs)." Kairos: A Journal of Technology, Rhetoric, and Pedagogy. 14.1 (Fall 2009).

Carter, Shannon. "The Writing Center Paradox: Talk about Legitimacy and the Problem of Institutional Change." College Composition and Communication. September 2009.

Carter, Shannon. "Writing about Writing in Basic Writing: A Teacher/Researcher/Activist Narrative." BWe: Basic Writing e-Journal 08.1/09.1 (2009/2010), 151-169.

I think that's it, unless we also count our upcoming (Fall 2010) Computers and Composition Online publication.

Carter, Shannon, Tabetha Adkins, and Donna Dunbar-Odom. "The Activist Writing Center." Computers and Composition Online. Fall 2010

Carter, Shannon and Jim Conrad. ―In Possession of Community: Towards a More Sustainable Local‖ College Composition and Communication, Special Issue on Research Methodologies (September2012).

Carter, Shannon. ―The Norris Community Club (1973-1978): Circulating Counterpublics in a Rural, University Town‖ Community Literacy Journal, Special Issue, Writing Democracy (September2012). Guest Edited by Shannon Carter and Deborah Mutnick. Forthcoming.

2011 Carter, Shannon and Bump Halbritter, Guest Editors. ―(Re)mediating the Conversation: Undergraduate Research in Writing and Rhetoric.‖ Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy (Special Issue). 16.1 (Fall 2011). Web.

Edited Journals 2012 Carter, Shannon and Deborah Mutnick, Guest Editors. ―Writing Democracy.‖ Community Literacy Journal (Special Issue). 7.1 (Fall 2012). Accepted and Forthcoming.

2011 Carter, Shannon and Bump Halbritter, Guest Editors. ―(Re)mediating the Conversation: Undergraduate Research in Writing and Rhetoric.‖ Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy (Special Issue). 16.1 (Fall 2011). Web.

2010 Carter, Shannon and Susan Bernstein. BWe: Basic Writing (2009/2010 Double Issue). Web.

Donna Dunbar-Odom

Dunbar-Odom, D. (2009). I Was Blind but Now I Read: Salvation Tropes in Literacy Narratives. Reader. Forthcoming.

Dunbar-Odom, D. & Carter, S. (2009). The Converging Literacies Center: An Integrated Model for Writing Programs.Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy. http://kairos.technorhetoric.net/14.1/praxis/Carter_Dunbar-Odom/index.html

―The Activist Writing Center.‖ Co-authored with Shannon Carter and Tabetha Adkins. Computers and Composition Online. Forthcoming.

―I Was Blind but Now I Read: Salvation Tropes in Literacy Narratives.‖ Reader. Winter (2010): 121-128.

―The Converging Literacies Center: An Integrated Model for Writing Programs.‖ Co-authored

with Shannon Carter. Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy.

http://kairos.technorhetoric.net/14.1/praxis/Carter_Dunbar-Odom/index.html (2009).

―Local and Global: The Writing Class‘s Vital Role in Composing Citizens.‖ Issues in Writing. 18.9 (2010). [The issue is dated 2010, but it did not come out until 2011.]

Gerald Duchovnay Book Science Fiction Film and Television: Adaptation Across the Screens, Co-editor (with J.P. Telotte). Routledge Press, July 2011.

Journal: General Editor, Post Script: Essays in Film and the Humanities, 3 issues, international film journal.

Article "Finding Sanctuary: Adapting Logan's Run to Television," in Science Fiction Film and Television: Adaptations Across the Screen. Eds. J. P. Telotte and Gerald Duchovnay. Routledge Press, July, 2011.

―Flashing Lights and Unending Pleasure?: The Misdirection of TV Adaptations‖ to be published inScience Fiction Film and Television: Adaptations Across the Screen, Routledge Press, 2011.

Reviews: Inside the Hollywood Fan Magazine, by Anthony Slide, Journal of American Studies Association of Texas 42 (2011): forthcoming. Dancing in the Dark: A Cultural History of the Great Depression. By Morris Dickstein. Journal of American Studies Association of Texas 41 (November 2010): 47.

María Fernández-Babineaux

Maria Fernandez-Babineaux. Carmen Boullosa. Contribution to the World Literature in Spanish. Greenwood Press, 1.

Maria Fernandez-Babineaux. Carmen Boullosa. Contribution to the World Literature in Spanish: An Encyclopedia. Greenwood Press 2010.

Maria Fernandez-Babineaux. Cristina Peri Rossi. Contribution to the World Literature in Spanish: An Encyclopedia... Greenwood Press.

Maria Fernandez-Babineaux (2009). ―Un estudio comparado de la distopía ‗femenina‘: A hora da estrela y Brave New World‖. Neophilologus, 94(1).

Maria Fernandez-Babineaux (2009). ―Androginia e inversión de roles como crítica social en Nada‖. Letras Peninsulares, 21(3).

Maria Fernandez-Babineaux (2010). ―Ni ‗escrotura‘ ni écriture féminine en Água viva: la escritura andrógina como ‗cuerpo sin órganos‘‖. Clarice Lispector: Novas Leituras.

Maria Fernandez-Babineaux (Fall 2009). ―Inversión de las imágenes bíblicas en Primera memoria‖. Romance Notes, Fernández-Lamarque, María. ―Women in Borges: Teodelina Villar in ‗El Zahir‘‖ TheWoman in Latin American and Spanish Literature edited by Eva Bueno and MaríaClaudia André. North Carolina: Mc Farland, 2012. 178-194.

Fernández-Babineaux, María.―Lo andrógino en Água viva de Clarice Lispector‖ Lapalabra según Clarice Lispector:Aproximaciones críticas/ A palavra segundo ClariceLispector: Aproximações críticas, edited by César Ferreira and Luciana Namorato. Lima:Fondo Editorial de laUniversidad Mayor de San Marcos-Ediciones del Vicerrectorado Académico, 2011. 93-109.

Fernández-Lamarque, María. ―La heterotopia en Solitario de amor‖ Pegaso 5.5 (2012): 25-32.

Fernández-Babineaux, María. José Saramago‘s Cain (2009) Hispania 94.3 (2011): 557- 58

Fernández-Babineaux, María. "La Madre Santa y la madre sexual: Subversión cultural en Elogio de la madrastra" Espéculo 45 (Jul-Oct) (Published online Oct 9th 2010)

__. "Inversión de las imágenes bíblicas en Primera memoria" Romance Notes 49.2 (2010): 133-142

__. "Un estudio comparado de la distopía 'femenina': A hora da estrela y Brave New World" Neophilologus 94.1 (2010): 81-92

__. "Androginia e inversión de papeles como crítica social en Nada" Letras Peninsulares 21.2 (2009): 331-345 Forthcoming

__. "Antoniorrobles y su versión censurada de 'La Cenicienta'" Hispania 93.4 Upcoming December 2010 ―Portuguese literature: José Saramago‘s Cain (2009)‖. Hispania 94.3 (2011): 557-58

―Lo andrógino en Água viva de Clarice Lispector‖ La palabra según Clarice Lispector:

―Aproximaciones críticas/ A palavra segundo Clarice Lispector: Aproximações críticas,‖ edited by César Ferreira and Luciana Namorato. Lima: Fondo Editorial de la

Universidad Mayor de San Marcos-Ediciones del Vicerrectorado Académico en

Lima, Perú, 2011. 93-109.

―Plato‘s Cave in El cuarto mundo‖ Proceedings of the XII Congreso Internacional de Literatura Española Contemporánea Universidad Nacional y Kapodistríaca , Athens, Greece, June 15-17, 2011.


Fernández-Babineaux, María. Rev. of "Maestro Mateo" by González-Viaña Hispania 93.3 2010: 515-16 Forthcoming

__. "José Saramago's Cain" Hispania 93.4 (2010)

Christopher Gonzalez

―A Roth for All Seasons: Historical and Cultural Contexts.‖ Critical Insights: Philip Roth. Ed. Aimee Pozorski. Ipswich, MA: Salem Press. (Forthcoming 2013)

―Zombie Nationalism: Robert Rodriguez‘s Planet Terror as Immigration Satire.‖ Undead in the West: Vampires, Zombies, Mummies and Ghosts on the Cinematic Frontier. Ed. Cynthia Miller and A. Bowdoin Van Ripper. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press. (2012)

―Depicting a Mechanized Consciousness: Cognition and Narrative Design in Alex Rivera‘s Sleep Dealer.‖ Multimedia Encounters: Film, Television, Comics and Latinos in the 21st Century. Ed. Frederick Luis Aldama. Champaign: U of Illinois P. (Forthcoming 2012).

―Turf, Tags, and Territory: Spatializing Tragedy in Jaime Hernandez‘s ‗Vida Loca: The Death of Speedy Ortiz.‘‖ ImageTexT: Interdisciplinary Comics Studies. (Forthcoming 2012)

―Spatialization and Deictical Shifting in Edward P. Jones‘s Short-Story Cycles.‖ Edward P. Jones: New Essays. Ed. Daniel James Wood. Sydney, Australia: Whetstone Press. (2011).

Reviews Rev. of The American Novel Now, by Patrick O‘Donnell. Philip Roth Studies 7.2 (Forthcoming 2011).

Rev. of Philip Roth: Novels 1993-1995 (Operation Shylock: A Confession, Sabbath‘s Theater). Ed. Ross Miller. Philip Roth Studies. 7.1 (2011): 99-103.

Rev. of Disguised as Clark Kent: Jews, Comics, and the Creation of the Superhero, by Danny Fingeroth. Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies. 29.2 (2011): 171-74.

Hunter Hayes Hayes, H. M. (2007). Understanding Will Self. University of South Carolina Press, 232 pp.

Hayes, H. M. (June, 2007). "Will Self". Post-war Literatures in English: A LExicon of Contemporary Authors, 58, 1-26, A1-A3, B1- B2. "Self, Will." Blackwell Encyclopedia of Twentieth-Century Fiction. British and Irish volume. Ed. Brian. W. Shaffer. Oxford and Boston: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.

Review of Frank: The Voice by James Kaplan. Post-Script 30.1: 103-104.

―Self, Will.‖ Blackwell Encyclopedia of Twentieth-Century Fiction, British and Irish volume. Ed. Brian W. Shaffer. London: Wiley/Blackwell, 2011.

Christian Hempelmann

Books Christian F. Hempelmann. In preparation (2012). The Linguistics of the Pun. Solicited bythe Humor Research Series. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

Articles Christian F. Hempelmann and Salvatore Attardo. 2011. "Resolutions and TheirIncongruities: Further Thoughts on Logical Mechanisms." HUMOR – InternationalJournal of Humor Research. 24-2: 125-149.

Andrea C. Samson and Christian F. Hempelmann. 2011. "Humor with BackgroundIncongruity: Does More Required Suspension of Disbelief Affect HumorPerception?" HUMOR – International Journal of Humor Research. 24-2: 167-186.

Nancy Bell, Scott C. Crossley, and Christian F. Hempelmann. 2011. "Word Play inChurch Marquees." HUMOR – International Journal of Humor Research. 24-2:187-202.

David Hervas

Cambiando Estructuras de Poder y Narratológicas en 'Pecado de omisión' de Ana Mª Matute. PeerReviewed Conference Proceedings of the XII Congreso Internacional de Literatura EspañolaContemporánea Universidad Nacional y Kapodistríaca , Athens, Greece, June 15-17, 2011. EditorialAndavira, Spain. March 2012.

Implicit or Explicit Instruction of Spanish Lexicon for Beginners, a Study on Vocabulary Acquisition in theClassroom. Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings of the 2012 edition of Hawaii University InternationalConference. January 2012.

Narratología y Sociología en el Discurso Literario: Un Ensayo Analítico de un Relato de 'Historias de laArtámila' de Ana Mª Matute. Revista Destiempos, Revista de Curiosidad Cultural. Año 6, Nº 33,Noviembre-Diciembre 2011. Online Refeered Journal.

Kathryn Jacobs In Transit (book of poetry), David Roberts Books, Sept. 2011.

Signs and Portents (poetry chapbook), Finishing Line Press, March 2011.

 Poetry

―Contours‖ Raintown Review (forthcoming summer 2011).

―The Lump Ponders‖ and ―Slapping Babies,‖ Orbis (forthcoming summer, 2011).

―Closing Ranks‖ Poetry South (forthcoming).

―Like Lepers‖ Aries Journal of Creative Expression (April, 2011).

―Custard Cow,‖ Wild Violet VII.3 March, 2011.

Book Contracts Signed in 2010

―In Transit,‖ David Roberts Books (imprint of Wordtech), ―Signs and Portents,‖ Finishing Line Press.

Poems Published (32)

―Art Appreciation,‖ ―Sleeping In,‖ and ―Botticelli My Way,‖ in Snakeskin Poetry Magazine (December 2010). Cover design of issue from ‗Botticelli My Way.‘

―Falling Through the Cracks,‖ Loch Raven Review Summer, 2010.

―Decidedly Bad Date,‖ Danse Macabre August 2010.

―Wife,‖ Whiskey Island November, 2010.

―Camping,‖ ―Sunday Morning,‖ And ―Safe,‖ in Voices On the Wind 41, 2010.

―In Memory of Stars,‖ ―Tunnel Vision,‖ in Voices On the Wind 42, 2010.

―Southwest Airlines,‖ Light Quarterly (Fall, 2010).

―Custard Cow‖ Wild Violet, Vii.3 2010.

―Last Twin,‖ ―Just Try Harder,‖ Shattercolors Literary Review July, 2010.

Five Poems: ―Following the Rules,‖ ―Tender Mercies,‖ ―Science Symposium,‖ ―Leader of the Band,‖ and ―Sea Change,‖ Eclectic Muse, December 2009.

―First Melt,‖ New Formalist Spring 2010.

―Hair Crimes,‖ ―Compacted Lives‖ and ―For All Those Listening,‖ Pulse Spring 2010.

―Cream‖ Up and Under 2010.

―Rainfall‖ Deronda Review (forthcoming).

―Smirk,‖ Dark Horse Fall, 2009.

―Road Trip,‖ Main Channel Voices, 5.4, Fall 2009.

―When You Weren‘t There‖ and ―When Talking of Divorce‖ Voices on the Wind 38 (fall) 2009.

―And They‘re Still With Us‖ and ―Screams,‖ Danse Macabre 284.8 October, 2009. ―No Manna,‖ November 2009.


In Transit, David Roberts Books. 128 pages, September 2011.

< span xstyle='font-size:12.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman","serif"'>

Creative Activity 2011

(2010 issues arrived in 2011)

―Contours‖ Raintown Review 10.1 (September) 2011.

―Little Kathryn Takes the Podium,‖ Danse Macabre 42, 2011.

― For Pete‘s Sake, Wake This Man,‖ Danse Macabre 42, 2011.

―For a Daughter, Bright and Beautiful,‖ Danse Macabre 42, 2011.

― Like Slapping Babies,‖ Orbis 157 (October) 2011.

―Like Lepers‖ Aries 24 (2010).

―Cream,‖ Up and Under 5 (2010).

― Falling Through the Cracks‖ Loch Raven Review VI.2 2010.

― Ozymandias Remade‖ Measure V.1-2010

― 17 Remain Dead‖ Heeltap 14, 2010.

Creative Activity, Omitted

(items below were never included in prior Annual Evaluations due to significant editorial delay) ―A Man I Once Knew‖ The Recusant 2009

―One Vote for Catastrophe‖ The Recusant 2009.

―Survivor‘s Guilt‖ The Recusant 2009.

Scholarship (Under Consideration)

“Two Warring Kinsman,‖ English Literary Renaissance (with D‘Andra White).

Kimbrough Kimbrough, S., Davis, J. & Wickersham, L.E. (2008). The use of video feedback and semi-structured interviews for reflection among pre-service teachers... Scientific Journals International, 2(2). Inma Lyons

Cívico-Lyons, Inma (2009). "Writing Gender in Revolutionary Times: Male Identity in Dulce Chacón´s La voz dormida". Hispania, 92(3) 465-475.

Article: ―A Peaceful Insurgent: Male Representation in Edgar Neville‘s El ultimo caballo‖ Forthcoming in Post Script: Essays in Film and the Humanities, Fall 2012.

Publications 2010

―Estudio semiótico de El embrujado de Ramón del Valle-Inclán.‖ Neophilologus. Online at: www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=article&id=doi:10.1007/s11061-009-9190-8. Forthcoming in print October, 2010.

―The Impossibility of Fleeing the Feminine: Negotiating Masculinity in Soledad Puertolas‘s La señora Berg.‖ Forthcoming in December 2010 in Letras Femeninas.

Work in progress

―Neorealism Hollywood and Masculinity in Edgar Neville´s El ultimo caballo‖, an article on the representation of masculinity in Spanish film during the time of the Franco regime.

Guest editor of a special issue of Post Script entitled ―Representing Masculinities in Spanish Cinema: Cross-Cultural and Interdisciplinary Approaches.‖

Lucy Pickering Attardo, S., Pickering, L. & Baker, A. (2011). Prosodic and Multimodal markers ofhumor in conversation. Pragmatics & Cognition, 19 (2): 224-247.

Attardo, S., & Pickering, L. (2011). Timing in the performance of Jokes.HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research. 24:2: 233-250. Pickering, L. (2009). Intonation as a pragmatic resource in ELF interaction. Intercultural Pragmatics 6 (2): 235-255

Pickering, L., Corduas, M., Eisterhold, J., Seifried, B., Eggleston, A., & Attardo, S. (2009) . Prosodic markers of saliency in humorous narratives. Discourse Processes 46: 517-540.

Kang, O., Rubin, D., & Pickering, L. (2010). Suprasegmental measures accentedness and judgments of English language learner proficiency in oral English. Modern Language Journal. Vol 94:4

Attardo, S., & Pickering, L. (2011). Timing in the performance of jokes. HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research. 24,2: 233-250.

Attardo, S, Pickering, L & Baker, A. (2011). Prosodic and multimodal markers of humor in conversation. Pragmatics & Cognition, Vol 19 (2): 224-247.


Gorsuch, G., Meyers, C., Pickering, L., & Griffee, D. (2010). English Communication for International Teaching Assistants. Waveland Press, Inc.

Encyclopedia Entries:

Pickering, L. (2010). Suprasegmentals: Discourse intonation. In Press. The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Wiley- Blackwell.

Pickering, L. (2009). Intonation. In The Linguistics Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition. (Ed.). Kirsten Malmkjaer. Pp. 283-289.Routledge.

Book Review:

Pickering, L. (2009). [Review of the book Acquiring a nonnative phonology by J. Hansen]. International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism 12 (5): 605-607.

Robin Reid \ Reid, R. A., & Ford, J. A. (July 2009). "Councils and Kings: Aragorn's Journey Towards Kingship in J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings and Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings." Tolkien Studies, VI, 71-90. "Mythology and History: A Stylistic Analysis of The Lord of the Rings." Style Volume 43, Number 4. Winter 2009. 517-538.

"Thrusts in the Dark: Slashers' Queer Practices." Extrapolation. Volume 50, Number 3. Fall 2009. 463-483.

"Councils and Kings: Aragorn's Journey Towards Kingship in J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings and Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings." Tolkien Studies Volume VI. July 2009. 71-90. Co-written with Judy Ann Ford.

"Into the West: Far Green Country or Shadow on the Waters?" with Judy Ann Ford. Picturing Tolkien: Essays on Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Ring Film Trilogy, edited by Janice Bogstad and Philip Kaveny. McFarland, August 2011. 169-182.

Karen Roggenkamp ―Reasonable Conversions: Susanna Rowson‘s Mentoria and Conversion Narratives for Young Readers.‖ Studies in American Fiction 38 (2011): 185-203.

Book essay (invited): ―Elizabeth Jordan, ‗True Stories of the News,‘ and Newspaper Fiction inLate-Nineteenth-Century American Journalism.‖ In Literature and Journalism: Inspirations,Intersections, and Inventions from Ben Franklin to Stephen Colbert, ed. Mark Canada. PalgraveMacmillan, forthcoming 2013.

―Reasonable Conversions: Susanna Rowson‘s Mentoria and Conversion Narratives for Young Readers.‖ Studies in American Fiction 38 (2011): 185-203.

―Richard Wright‘s Twelve Million Black Voices: Refiguring the American Jeremiad.‖ Langston Hughes Review 24-25 (2010- 2011): 138-149.

Derek Royal

Royal, D. P. (2009). ―Meddling with ‗hifalut‘n foolishness‘: Capturing Mark Twain in Recent Comics‖. The Mark Twain Annual, 7.

Royal, D. P. (2009). ―To Be Continued: Serialization and Its Discontent in the Recent Comics of Gilbert Hernandez‖. International Journal of Comic Art, 11(1), 262-80.

Royal, D. P. (2009). ―What to Make of Roth‘s Indignation; Or, Serious in the Fifties‖. Philip Roth Studies, 5(1).

Royal, D. P., (With David Brauner; Bernard F. Rodgers, Jr.; Mark Shechner; and Debra Shostak) (2007). ―Grave Commentary: A Roundtable Discussion on Everyman‖. Philip Roth Studies, 3(1), 3-24.

Philippe Seminet

Book review: Corporate Tribalism: White Men/White Women and Cultural Diversity at Work by Thomas Kochman and Jean Mavrelis (U. of Chicago Press, 2009), invited review with Dr. Tracy Henley, Language in Society, Volume 39, 5 (2010).

Susan Stewart

Stewart, Susan Louise. ―„Be Afraid or Fried‟: Cults and Young Adult ApocalypticNarratives.‖ Children’s Literature Association Quarterly. 36.3 (Fall 2011): 318-335.

Stewart, S. L. (2009). Essential Conversations: Ideology, Irony, and The Giver. English in Texas, 39, 23-28.

Stewart, S. L. (2009). In the Ellison Tradition: In/Visible Bodies in Adolescent and YA Literature. Children's Literature in Education, 40, 180-196. Publications:

Stewart, Susan Louise. ―David Almond‘s Skellig: ‗A New Vista of Contemplation?‘‖ Children’s Literature in Education 40 (2009): 306-319. —. ―In the Ellison Tradition: In/Visible Bodies in Adolescent and YA Literature.‖ Children’s Literature in Education 40 (2009): 180-196. (Published on-line 11 Nov., 2008).

—. ―Essential Conversations: Ideology, Irony, and The Giver,‖ English in Texas 39 (Spring/Summer 2009): 23-28.

―Steampunk Pedagogy: Neal Stephenson‘s The Diamond Age, or a Young Lady’s Illustrated Primer.‖ Paper presented at the International Children's Literature Association Conference, Ypsilanti/Ann Arbor, MI, 2010.

―The Religious Left? Revising Christian Traditions in Adolescent Literature.‖ Paper presented at the International Children's Literature Association Conference, Charlotte, NC, 2009.

―Saved by Its Exceptional Men‖ and Women: Dwayne McDuffie‘s Icon. Paper presented at the Conference on Modern Critical Approaches to Children's Literature, Nashville, April, 2009.

Stewart, Susan Louise. ―‗Be Afraid or Fried‘: Cults and Young Adult Apocalyptic Narratives.‖ Children’s Literature Association Quarterly 36.3 (Fall 2011): 318-335.


Grant Productivity (Five Year Trend)

Funding Year Grants Amount Funded 2009-2010 1 $24,646 2010-2011 5 $67,466 2011-2012 9 $339,350


Fall Semesters

2009 2010 2011 Fulltime 16 30 13 Part time 17 16 32 Total 35 46 45

Percentage of Full Time 46% 65% 28.89% Students

* Rolling three-year average of the FTS (≥ 9 SCH)/number students enrolled (headcount) for last three fall semesters


Total Headcount by Rank 2009 2010 2011 Professor 6 5 7 Associate Professor 6 4 5 Assistant Professor 3 0 1 Total 15 9 13

*Core Faculty: Full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty who teach 50 percent or more in the doctoral program or other individuals integral to the doctoral program who can direct dissertation research.


Faculty Teaching Load

2009 25.8

2010 30

2011 32.20

*Total number of semester credit hours in organized teaching courses taught per academic year by core faculty divided by the number of core faculty in the prior year

*This information has been calculated using the Semester Credit Hours for the entire department but is being revised to only use the hours taught by core faculty members.


Total Headcount by Ethnicity 2009 2010 2011 Asian or Pacific Islander 0 0 0 Black Non-Hispanic 0 0 0 Hispanic 1 0 1 International 0 0 0 White Non-Hispanic 14 9 12 Total 15 9 13

Total Headcount by Sex 2009 2010 2011 Female 9 5 8 Male 6 4 5 Total 15 9 13



2009 2010 2011 American Indian/Alaskan 0 0 0 Black Non Hispanic 1 0 1 Hispanic American 1 2 3 White Non Hispanic 25 33 30 Asian/Pacific Islander 0 0 0 Other-International 8 11 11 Total 35 46 45

2009 2010 2011 Male 14 15 18 Female 21 31 27 Total 35 46 45


April 24-25, 2006


Southern Association of Colleges and Schools


2009 35

2010 14

2011 55

2012 108

Student Publications/Presentations

Charity Adama

―In Their Own Voices: Literacy, Politics, and the Experiences of the Underrepresented‖. Writing Democracy: (T)here a Rhetoric of Here conference, Commerce, TX 9-11 March, 2011.

―Advancing Literacy: Graduate School Experiences among Local Students and Graduates from Underrepresented Groups‖. College Composition and Communication Conference, Atlanta, GA 6-9 April, 2011.

Akin Adetunji

2010 (With Babatunde, Sola, Odebunmi, Akin and Adedimeji, Mahfouz). Studies

in Slang and Slogans. Munich: Lincom Europa.

2011 A critical-stylistic study of mindstyle and characterisation in Buchi

Emecheta‘s The Joys of Motherhood. MARANG: Journal of Language and Literature 21: 37–50. (BOTSWANA)

2011a. The pragmatics of humor in Nigerian stand-up comedy. (A

Poster Presented at the Inaugural North East Texas Humor Research Conference, held at the Southern Methodist University, Dallas, USA, January 28 – 30, 2011).

2011b. (with Fofo Lomotey) Expressive pedagogy as a convergence of college

composition pedagogies: A review. (A Paper Presented at the 2011 Federation Rhetoric Symposium, ―Writing Democracy: A Rhetoric of (T)Here‖, held at Texas A&M University-Commerce, USA, March 9–11, 2011).

Jonne Akens

Akens, Jonne―Silver Threads Among the Dross: Memory as Foundation for the Future in Terry Pratchett‘s Nation.‖ FederationRhetoric Symposium, Commerce, Texas, February 2009.

Akens, Jonne―Customs and Manners Circa 1810: Connections to the Past; Instruction for the Future.‖ Southwest Texas PopularCulture Association Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 2009. ―No Longer Blinded by the Light: Unmasking the True Nature of Whiteness in Walter Mosley‘s 47.‖ Modern Critical

Akens, Jonn Approaches to Children‘s Literature, Middle Tennessee State University, Nashville, Tennessee, March 2009.

Akens, Jonne―The Three Faces of Mau: The Subject Reconfigured in Terry Pratchett‘s Nation.‖Children‘s Literature Association 36th Annual Conference: The Best of Three, University of North Caroline—Charleston, North Carolina, June 2009.

Frank Alexander

―Ways with Words and Resources: Finding Our Way out of the Literacy Crisis‖ Pathways Student Research Symposium. Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas. November 2011.

Brandon Barnes ―The Gorgias in Second Corinthians Five?: Toward a Conceptual Backing of

James Kinneavy‘s Hypothesis in Greek Rhetorical Origins of Christian Faith.

Journal of Communication and Religion. 32.1 (Spring 2009): 94-111.

Barnes, Brandon―Committed to Memory: Reverend Tendril‘s Sermons in Evelyn Waugh‘s A Handful of Dust.‖ Federation Rhetoric Symposium, Commerce, TX, February 2009.

Barnes, Brandon ―The Gorgias in Second Corinthians Five?: Toward a Conceptual Backing of James Kinneavy‘s Hypothesis in Greek Rhetorical Origins of Christian Faith.‖ Journal of Communication and Religion. 32.1 (March 2009): 94‐111.

―Christ(opher Hitchens) and Composition: One Teacher‘s Experience with a Religious Documentary and the Teaching of Argumentation.‖ SW/TX PCA/ACA, San Antonio, TX, April 2011.

―‗I Came in Here for an Argument!‘: What Every Student Should Expect from Every First-Year Writing Course.‖ Federation Rhetoric Symposium, Commerce, TX, March 2011.

―Sponsorship, Hybridity and Training Composition Assistants: Observations and Recommendations.‖ CCTE, Stephenville, TX, March 2011.

Julie Bouchard


Bouchard, Julie. ―Disagreement management during small talk in the workplace.‖ 8th Annual Pathways Student Research Symposium, West Texas A&M University. October 22nd, 2010.

Geoffrey Clegg

2011 "Irving's Ghishwallah: Reception and Ideology in Washington Irving's Mahomet and His Successors" Texas A&M University Pathways Symposium. College Station, TX.

2011 ―Toxic Discourse: The Summoner’s Tale and the Disfigured Soul‖ Midwestern Conference on Language, Literature, and Media. DeKalb, IL.

Laura Di Ferrante

Catricalà, Maria and Di Ferrante, Laura. 2010. Pregiudizi in movimento. Un'inchiesta di matched guise in Italia e i biasbusters, [Shifting Prejudices: A Matched Guise Survey in Italy and the Biasbusters]. In Agresti Giovanni and Bienkowski Frédéric (eds.) Les droits linguistiques: droit à la reconnaissance, droit à la formation. Actes des Deuxièmes Journées des Droits Linguistiques [Proceeding of the Second Days of Language Rights.] Teramo, 20-21 may 2008.

Di Ferrante, Laura. “On An American in Rome: a cross-CULTural analysis.― Paper presented at The 2010 Film and History Conference. Representations of love in film and television. University of Wisconsin OSHCOSH, Milwaukee, WI. Nov.11-14, 2010.

Di Ferrante, Laura, Sergio Pizziconi, and Roberta Vassallo. Linguistic Fields: A Cognitive Hypothesis for Language Perception.•A Poster presented at The Texas A&M University System 8TH annual Pathways Student Research Symposium West Texas A&M University. Canyon, TX. Oct. 22-23, 2010.

Di Ferrante, Laura and Catricalà , Maria. Pregiudizi in movimento e lingua italiana: un'inchiesta di matched guise nel Canton

Ticino e la questione dei diritti linguisticiâ• Dynamic prejudices and Italian language: a matched guise survey in Canton Ticino e the issue of the linguistic rights•]. Paper presented at OLSI “ Osservatorio linguistico della Svizzera Italiana. Vitality of a Minority

Language. Aspects and methodological proposals. Bellinzona, CH, EU. Oct. 15-16, 2010.

Di Ferrante, Laura. Mirrored Rivers. Comparing Ungarettiâs and Hughesâ poems.â• Paper presented at 18th Annual EGAD Conference - Poets, Practice, and Passion in the Profession: A Dare to be Different, Commerce, TX, February 26, 2010.

Di Ferrante, Laura Texas A&M International University Laredo, TX. November 13‐14, 2009. The Texas A&M University System – 7TH annual Pathways Student Research Symposium. Poster: The pragmatic side of stereotypes.

Sean Ferrier-Watson

Ferrier-Watson, Sean. ―A Bear and His Choices: Rebellion, Questioning, and Existentialism in Winnie-the-Pooh.‖The Journal of Children’s Literature Studies 8.2 (Jul. 2011)

Professional Conferences: Ferrier-Watson, Sean. ―A Bear and His Choices: Rebellion, Questioning, and Existentialism in Winnie-the-Pooh.‖ 38th Annual Children‘s Literature Association Conference. Roanoke, Virginia. 24 Jun. 2011. http://www.hollins.edu/grad/childlit/chla2011/schedule.htm

Ferrier-Watson, Sean. ―The Many Roads of Oz: An Existential Reading of Maguire‘s ‗Wicked Witch of the West.‘‖ National Popular Culture & American Culture Conference. San Antonio, Texas. 23 Apr. 2011. http://www.pcaaca.org/conference/2011program.pdf

Ferrier-Watson, Sean. Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC). ―Distorted Identities: Explicating Textbook Narratives in Segregated Communities‖ Atlanta, Georgia. 8 Apr. 2011. http://www.ncte.org/cccc/conv

Ferrier-Watson, Sean. ―Reimagining Literacy for Children: Democracy, Free Expression, and the Pressure to Defy in Children‘s Cartoons.‖ Federation Rhetoric Symposium. Commerce, Texas. 9 March 2011. http://writingdemocracy.weebly.com/resources.html

Ferrier-Watson, Sean. ―African American Community Development in East Texas.‖ East Texas Historical Association Conference. Waco, Texas. 18 Feb. 2011. http://easttexashistorical.org/v3/events/springmeeting.htm

Charles Hamilton

Paper Presentations for 2010

Hamilton, Charles R. " White Hunter, Black Heart: Emphasizing the Disintegration of Narcissism and the Change from Ideal Ego to Ego Ideal." Paper presented at the Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association Regional Conference, Albuquerque, NM, February 2010.

---. "The Unspoken Motive Behind the Invitation: Persuasion in Invitational Rhetoric." Paper presented at the EGAD Conference, Commerce, TX, February 2010.

---. "The Cult Following of Clint Eastwood." Paper presented at the Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association National Conference in St. Louis, MO, March 2010.

---. "The Dude Abides Within The Big Lebowski." Paper presented at the Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association of the South Regional Conference in Savannah, GA, October 2010.

---. "Teaching Literature Through Film: Using My Big Fat Greek Wedding as a vehicle for social understanding." Paper presented at American Studies of Texas Association Conference in Commerce, TX, November 2010.

---. "The Controversy in Adaptation: Mazursky's View of Shakespeare's The Tempest." Paper presented at the Film and History Association National Conference in Milwaukee, WI, November 2010.


Hamilton, Charles R. ""The Eastwood Agenda in the Adaptation of White Hunter, Black Heart." Conference Paper. The

International Silk Road Conference at the 6th Annual Association of Adaptation Studies Conference, Yeni Yüzyıl

University, İstanbul, Turkey, September 2011. October 2011. Web. < http://www.radiodramareviews.com/silkroadofadaptation/ >

Paper Presentations

Hamilton, Charles R. "Seeing `The Dude' Within The Big Lebowski." Paper presented at the Questions of

Identity: Artists, Audiences, and Archives Conference, Southern Methodist University, Dallas,

TX, November 18-19, 2011.

---. "The Eastwood Agenda in the Adaptation of White Hunter, Black Heart." Paper presented at the 6th Annual

Association of Adaptation Studies Conference, Yeni Yüzyıl University, İstanbul, Turkey, September 2011. ---. "Adaptation Gone Terribly Wrong: The 1959 Film The Sound and the Fury," Paper presented at the Popular Culture

Association/American Culture Association National Conference, San Antonio, TX, April 2011.

JD Isip


 Article: ―Redefining the English Major: Adding Strength to Strength.‖ Changing English: Studies in Culture and Education (Volume 19.1, 2011).  Article: ―Lose the Anthology, Lose the Chronology: Clearing the Way for Innovation in American Literature Survey Courses.‖ Teaching American Literature: A Journal of Theory and Practice (Volume 4.3, Spring 2011).  Article: ―Rethinking the Workshop.‖ PUPIL Journal of Pedagogy (Volume 1.1, Fall 2010).  Script: Wiser. Anthology In Uniform Ed. Nicole Saunders. Slash Books (2010).  Short Story: ―Shoelaces.‖ Anthology Truth or Dare Ed. Nicole Saunders. Slash Books (2011).  Short Story: ―An Evening with Cary Grant.‖ Anthology Catch Fire in the Treetops Ed. Janet Kuypers. Scars Publications (2011).  Poem: (Excerpts from) ―Christmas Morning.‖ St. Sebastian Review (Volume 1.2, Autumn 2011).  Poem: ―The Mother.‖ Mused: The BellaOnline Literary Review (Volume 5.2, June 2011).  Poem: ―On Watching My Dog Chase a Cat the Day I Put Him Down.‖ Mused: The BellaOnline Literary Review (Volume 5.2, June 2011).  Poem: ―Some Nights.‖ Mused: The BellaOnline Literary Review (Volume 5.2, June 2011).  Poem: ―In Praise of Peanut Butter & Jelly.‖ The Copperfield Review (Volume 10.2, May 2011)  Poem: ―Fragmentia.‖ The Copperfield Review (Volume 10.2, May 2011)  Poem: ―Remains.‖ The Copperfield Review (Volume 10.2, May 2011)  Poem: ―The taste of apples.‖ The Haiku Journal (March 2011)  Poem: ―Six.‖ Poetry Quarterly (Spring 2011)  Poem: ―Jingle Bells & Jazz.‖ Poetry Quarterly (Spring 2011)  Poem: ―Food Network… Late Night.‖ Poetry Quarterly (Spring 2011)  Poem: ―Wonderland.‖ Scholars & Rogues Literary Journal (March 2011)  Poem: ―The Home.‖ Loch Raven Review (Spring 2010


―Our Own Personal Jesus: Corpus Christi, Angels in America, and the Theater of Reconciliation.‖ Southwest Texas Popular Culture Association & Popular Culture Association/ American Culture Association (SW/TX PCA & PCA/ACA) Conference, Spring 2011, San Antonio, Texas.

―True Colors‖ (Fiction Panel). Writing Democracy: Federation Rhetoric Symposium, Spring 2011, Commerce, Texas.

Jennifer Jones

―Imagery and the Elements in the English Patient, Novel and Film.‖ Southwest/Texas

Pop Culture Association Conference. April 2011.PresentationsService to Unive

How Metropolis Communicates through Visual Design: The Marriage of Form and Content.‖ Midwest Modern Language Association, November 2011.

Angela Kennedy ―RENT-ing Bohemia: No Day But Today.‖ Popular & American Culture and Southwest/Texas Popular & American Culture Associations Joint Conference. San Antonio, TX. April 20-23 2011.

―Deeply Focusing into the Truth: Film Conventions in the Intercalary Chapters of Steinbeck‘s The Grapes of Wrath.‖ North Texas Rhetoric Symposium. Commerce, TX. March 9-11 2011.

Marilyn Lewis

Lewis, Marilyn. "The Master of Melodrama and Women's Films: A Shadow of A Doubt." Paper presented at the Southwest/Texas Popular and American Culture Associations Conference, in conjunction with the National Popular and American Culture Associations, at the Marriott Rivercenter in San Antonio, TX, April 22, 2011.

Amanda McCain

McCain, A. (April 2011). Playing in the Text: Meaning Making of Gender Representation in Mass Effect present at National Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association Conference, San Antonio TX.

McCain, A. (March 2011). Sharing Classroom Authority: Affinity Space, Collective Intelligence and Video Games presented at Federation Rhetoric Symposium, Commerce TX.

Kaye McCraw

McCraw, Kaye. Selected Poetry. The Mayo Review (2010)

Allie Miller

"Weight of the World: Child Heroes in British Literature." Replacing Wands with Quills: A Harry Potter Symposium for Muggle Scholars. Harrisonburg, VA. November 2011.

Luca Morazzano

Morazzano, Luca. ―Ciprì and Maresco‘s Totò who lived twice. Analysis of a Sicilian Cult.‖ Paper presented at The

2010 Film and History Conference. Representations of love in film and television. University of Wisconsin


Milwaukee, WI. Nov.11-14, 2010.

Morazzano, Luca. ―The Other Side of the Track.‖ Oral presentation of a documentary for The Texas A&M University

System – 8TH annual Pathways Student Research Symposium West Texas A&M University. Canyon, TX. Oct. 22-23,


Morazzano, Luca. ―Memento Mori. The Cult of Death in Beowulf.‖ Paper presented at 18th Annual EGAD

Conference - Poets, Practice, and Passion in the Profession: A Dare to be Different, Commerce, TX,

February 26, 2010. Melissa Nivens

Presentation. "This Ain't Your Grandmother's Book Report." Denton Area Texas Association for the Improvement of Reading. 17 Sept. 2011.

Anne Phifer

1. 2011 Writing Democracy EGAD Conference: "The Mockingjay: Democracy and the Cost of Freedom in the Hunger Games Series".

2. 2011 National Pop Culture Association Conference: "Feminist Fairies: A Discussion of Terry Pratchett's Adaptations of the Witch and the Princess".

3. 2011 Pathways Symposium: "Biotech Capital: Marxist Technology in The Hunger Games and Divergent".

Alexandra Pirkle

―Epidemic or Blown Out of Proportion?: The Television Representation of Teen Pregnancy in the United States, Canada, and Britain‖ (ChLA Conference; Hollins University, Roanoke, VA; June 2011)

“What Exactly Are You Trying to Teach Me?: The Educational Nature of Female-Oriented Video Games‖ (PCA Conference, San Antonio, TX, April 2011)

―For Narnia! For Neverland! How Liminal Worlds Simulate a War/Soldier Experience in Children‘s World War II Film Narratives‖ (ChLA Conference; Eastern Michigan University, June 2010)

Michelle Pirkle

Pirkle, Michelle Onley. ―Déjà Vu All Over Again? Cowboy Bebop‘s Transformation to the Big Screen.‖ Science Fiction Film and Television: Adaptation Across the Screens. Eds. Jay Telotte and Gerald Duchovnay. New York: Routledge, August 2011. 164- 75. Print.

Pirkle, Michelle Onley and Glen Onley. ―The Legend of Devil‘s Bend.‖ The Mayo Review (2011): 70-2.


Pirkle, Michelle Onley. ―The Crystallization of Coraline‘s Fluid Gender: Coraline’s Transformation from Book to Film.‖ Paper presented at the International Children's Literature Association Conference, Ann Arbor, MI. June 2010.

Pirkle, Michelle Onley. ―Light and Shadow: Liminality in A Perfect World.‖ Paper presented at the English Graduates for Academic Development (EGAD) Conference, Commerce, TX. February 2010.

Pirkle. Michelle Onley. ―Pick Your Poison: Malevolent Metafiction‘s Power to Spark Meta-awareness and SubvertIndoctrination.‖ Paper presented at the Modern Language Association‘s Conference, Philadelphia, PA. December 2009.

Creative Publication Pirkle, Michelle Onley. ―The (True!) Story of a Boy.‖ The Mayo Review (2010): 75-6.

Sandra Shu-Chao Liu

8th Annual Texas A&M University System Pathways Research Symposium

Canyon, Texas, 22-23 October 2010

Presenter Using English in the Linguistic landscape: A Motivating ESL Approach¨

C.J. Stephens

Stephens, CJ. ―Who Are the Walking Dead?‖ Paper presented at the American Studies Association of Texas conference, Commerce, TX. 5 November 2010.

National Conferences

―Caught between Shadow and Light: Modernist Fear of Liminality in Lewton‘s I Walked with a Zombie.‖ Paper presented at National Popular Culture & American Culture Association Conference, San Antonio, TX. April 2011.

Sergio Pizziconi

1) 2011 Popular/American Culture Associations - SWTX PCA/ACA April 20-23, Joint conference in San Antonio, Texas Paper: Being Dyslexic. How identity is spelled in a web community that ―reads‖ differently 2) 2011 University of Texas at Arlington, March 3, 2011 18th Annual UT Arlington Student Conference in Linguistics and TESOL Paper: Speech Acts or the prototypes of speech acts. An application of the Total Cognitive Response (ToCoRe) to TESOL 3) 2011 University of Texas at Arlington, March 3, 2011 18th Annual UT Arlington Student Conference in Linguistics and TESOL Paper with Laura Di Ferrante: Circumscribing Matched Guise Technique‘s potential: geographical origin as a prejudice trigger

CJ Stephens

―Death by Cool.‖ Mayo Review. Commerce, TX, 2010.

―Trophies.‖ Mayo Review. Commerce, TX, 2010.

―Metafictional Morrison.‖ Joint Conference of the National Popular Culture and American Culture Association and the Southwest/Texas Popular Culture and American Culture Association (SWTX PCA/ACA). San Antonio, TX. April 2011.

"Race Relations and Pop Culture: Comics to the Rescue." Federation Rhetoric Symposium. Commerce, TX. March 2011.

Frank Alexander

―Ways with Words and Resources: Finding Our Way out of the Literacy Crisis‖ PathwaysStudent Research Symposium. Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas. November2011.

Michael Baker

19th Annual EGAD Conference

Presented: ―Star Spangled Panties: A Feminist Perspective on Wonder Woman‖ April 13, 2012 Commerce, Texas

Julie Bouchard

Bouchard, J. (2011) Understanding international student‘s silence in the graduate classroom: problems and solutions. South West Teaching and Learning Journal, 1, 126-141.

Small talk at work: Comparison of AAC and non-AAC user corpora. (with Lucy Pickering, Laura Differente and Charlotte Fofo Lomotey) The 10th Conference for the American Assosciation for Corpus Linguistics, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia. October 7th-9th , 2011

International students‘ silence in the classroom: reasons and solutions. The 10th Annual 2011 Region 6-Texas NAME Conference, Eastfield Community College, Mesquite, TX. April 30th,2011

Understanding international students‘ silence in the graduate classroom. Southwest Teaching and Learning Conference, Texas A&M University- San Antonio, San Antonio, TX. April 2nd,2011

Tasks and Motivation in ESL. Annual Pathways Student Research Symposium, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. November 11th, 2011

Rachel Cantrell

―Blood and Dominance: Portrayals of Sexuality within Matsuri Hino‘s Vampire KnightManga Series.‖ English Graduates for Academic Development presents Agora:Marketplace of Idea. Texas A&M University-Commerce. 8 April 2012.

―Submissive Female and the Dominatrix: Gender and Power Dynamics within NatsukiTakaya‘s Fruit Baskets.‖ SW/TX PCA 2012 Conference. Popular Culture Association.Hyatt Regency Hotel & Conference Center, Albuquerque, NM. 9 February 2012.

―Decoding the Lolita: Gender roles in Natsuki Takaya‘s Fruits Basket.‖ 9th AnnualSystem Pathways Student Research Symposium. Texas A&M University-CollegeStation, College Station, TX. 11 November 2011.

―Feminist Under Glass: Power and Agency within CLAMP‘s Chobits.‖ PCA/ACA 2011Conference. Popular Culture Association and the American Culture Association. MarriottRivercenter hotel, San Antonio, TX. 22 April 2011.

Geoff Clegg


TAMU-C Conference on Globalization and the Humanities. Commerce, TX. November 2012.

South Central Modern Language Association. San Antonio, TX. November 2012.

Federation of Rhetoric Symposium. Denton, TX. April 2012.

Conference on College Composition and Communication. Research Network Forum. St. Louis, MO. April 2012.

9th Annual Texas A&M University Pathways Symposium. College Station, TX. November 2011.

Midwestern Conference on Language, Literature, and Media. DeKalb, IL. March 2011.

Mary Couzelis

―Illustrating Korean American Identity in Re-Gifters and Good as Lily.‖ Growing Up AsianAmerican in Children’s Literature. Ed. Ymitri Mathison. U of Mississippi P. (Forthcoming Summer 2013).

―‗Who We Was‘: Implications of Discrimination and Identity in Joseph Bruchac‘s HiddenRoots.‖ Journal of Cultural and Literary Disability Studies. (Forthcoming Spring 2013).

―The Future is Pale: Race in Contemporary Young Adult Dystopian Novels.‖ Brave NewTeenagers: Contemporary YA Dystopias. Ed. Carrie Hintz, Balaka Basu, and Kate Broad.Routledge. (Forthcoming December 2012).


―What Can ‗The Tell-Tale Heart‘ Tell About Gender?‖ Adapting Poe: Re-Imaginings inInternational and Popular Culture. Ed. Carl Sederholm and Dennis Perry. Palgrave MacMillan.(A―Confronting Whiteness in the Past and Present: A Wish after Midnight.‖ Paper presented at the Children‘s Literature Association Conference. Simmons College, Boston, Massachusetts. 14 June 2012.

―The Future Is Pale: Race in Contemporary Young Adult Dystopian Novels.‖ Paper presented atthe Agora: TAMUC Graduate Conference. Texas A&M University-Commerce, Commerce,Texas. 13 April 2012.

―Fearsome Nights: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and the Gothic.‖ Paper presented at theChildren‘s Literature Association Conference. Hollins University, Roanoke, Virginia. 25 June2011.

―What Can ‗The Tell-Tale Heart‘ Tell About Gender?‖ Paper presented at the Popular Culture &American Culture Association Conference. San Antonio, Texas. 20 April 2011.

―Better Vermonters‘ Rhetoric of Discrimination in Joseph Bruchac‘s Hidden Roots.‖ Paperpresented at the Writing Democracy Conference. Texas A&M University-Commerce, Commerce, Texas. 9 March 2011.ugust 2012).

Laura diFerrante 2012 “Campioni del mondo! Campioni del mondo! Campioni del mondo! Movies,literature, and culture interfaced: Teaching colloquialisms and folklore in thesecond language classroom” 19th Annual EGAD Conference. Texas A&M University– Commerce, TX. April 12-13.

2011 “Small Talk at Work: Comparison of AAC and Non-AAC User Corpora” AACL 2011 - American Association for Corpus Linguistics Conference. Georgia StateUniversity, Atlanta GA. October 7-9. (with Lucy Pickering, Julie Bouchard, andCharlotte Fofo Lomotey).

2011 “Understanding Stereotypes: A Pragmatic Model.” The North East Texas HumorResearch Conference. Texas A&M University – Commerce, September 30 – October 1

2011 “It’s a Stereotype. But it’s good.” The 2011 Joint Conference of the National Popular Culture & American Culture Association and the Southwest/Texas Popular Culture & American Culture Association. San Antonio, April 20 – 23

2011 “Understanding Stereotypes: A Pragmatic Model.” Writing Democracy: A Rhetoric of (t)here. Federation Rhetoric Symposium, Texas A&M University-Commerce, TX.Mar 9-11, 2011. (Chair and participant).

2011 “Circumscribing Matched Guise Technique’s potential: geographical origin as aprejudice trigger.” The 18th Annual UT Arlington Student Conference in Linguisticsand TESOL. Arlington, TX. March 3-4, 2011. (With Sergio Pizziconi).

Sean Ferrier-Watson

Publications 2012

Sigma Tau Delta Review Vol. 9 (2012):106-15―The Quips of a Desperate Knight: Sir John Falstaff‘s Financial Woes‖ (Article)

Conferences 2012

56th Annual American Studies Association of Texas ConferencePresenting: ―The Regionalist Writings of Jack Kerouac‖ November 17, 2012Wichita Falls, Texas

10th Annual A&M Pathways Symposium Presenting: ―Buying Their Words: Consumer Students, Corporate Colleges, and the Paper Mill Industry‖ November 9, 2012Galveston, Texas

19th Annual EGAD Conference Presented: ―Poe‘s Transcendental Gothic‖April 13, 2011 Commerce, Texas

Publications 2011

Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature: Undead Ghosts: Spectrality and the Transgression of Cultural Norms Vol. 11.2 (2011): n.pag. ―Review of That Mad Louisa‖ (Review)

The Journal of Children’s Literature Studies Vol. 8.2 (Jul. 2011): 33-44 ―A Bear and His Choices: Rebellion, Questioning, and Existentialism in Winnie-the-Pooh‖ (Article)

Conferences 2011

38th Annual Children‘s Literature Association Conference Presented: ―A Bear and His Choices: Rebellion, Questioning, and Existentialism in Winnie-the-Pooh‖ June 24, 2011 Roanoke, Virginia

National Popular Culture & American Culture Conference Presented: ―The Many Roads of Oz: An Existential Reading of Maguire‘s ‗Wicked Witch of the West‘‖ April 23, 2011 San Antonio, Texas

Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) Presented: ―Distorted Identities: Explicating Textbook Narratives in Segregated Communities‖ April 8, 2011 Atlanta, Georgia

Federation Rhetoric Symposium Presented: ―Reimagining Literacy for Children: Democracy, Free Expression, and the Pressure to Defy in Children‘s Cartoons‖ March 9, 2011 Commerce, Texas

East Texas Historical Association Conference Presented: ―African American Community Development in East Texas‖ February 18, 2011 Waco, Texas

J.D. Isip

Academic Presentations:

· ―Harris, Chesnutt, Grandison, and the Plantation Tradition.‖ American Folklore Society Conference, Fall 2012, New Orleans, Louisiana.

· ―Deep Topography: A Poetry Sequence.‖ EGAD Agora Conference, Spring 2012, Commerce, Texas.

· ―Our Own Personal Jesus: Corpus Christi, Angels in America, and the Theater of Reconciliation.‖ Southwest Texas Popular Culture Association & Popular Culture Association/ American Culture Association (SW/TX PCA & PCA/ACA) Conference, Spring 2011, San Antonio, Texas.

· ―True Colors‖ (Fiction Panel). Writing Democracy: Federation Rhetoric Symposium, Spring 2011, Commerce, Texas.

Academic Publications:

· Article: ―Preaching to the Choir: Compositionists Without Rhetoric and the Rhetoric of Compositionists.‖ The Atrium: A Journal of Academic Voices (Fall 2012).

· Article: ―Our Own Personal Jesus: Angels in America, Corpus Christi, and the Theater of Reconciliation.‖ Burning Daylight: Sonoma State University Student Journal (Annual, 2012).

· Article: ―Franklin, Emerson, Whitman, and the American Bible.‖ St. John’s University Humanities Review (Volume 10.1, 2012).

· Article: ―Redefining the English Major: Adding Strength to Strength.‖ Changing English: Studies in Culture and Education. Routledge. (Volume 19.1, 2012).

· Article: ―History and Memory in Almanac of the Dead and One Hundred Years of Solitude.‖ Revista Atenea: A Bilingual Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (Volume 31.1, 2011). · Article: ―Lose the Anthology, Lose the Chronology: Clearing the Way for Innovation in American Literature Survey Courses.‖ Teaching American Literature: A Journal of Theory and Practice (Volume 4.3, Spring 2011).


· ―Off the Coast of Carthage.‖ ninepatch: A Creative Journal for Women and Gender Studies (Volume 1.1, 2012).

· ―You Gonna Be Up All Night.‖ Kansas State University’s Touchstone Magazine (2012).

· ―This Life More Sweet.‖ Kansas State University’s Touchstone Magazine (2012).

· ―Buttercream.‖ Kansas State University’s Touchstone Magazine (2012).

· ―Loophole.‖ The Tau: Creative Journal of Lourdes University (2012).

· ―The Sticks.‖ The Citron Review (Spring 2012).

· ―The Far Reaches of What Humans Can Find.‖ Indiana University Northwest’s Spirits Magazine (Fall 2011).

· ―The Gorgon.‖ Indiana University Northwest’s Spirits Magazine (Fall 2011).

· ―I Would.‖ Indiana University Northwest’s Spirits Magazine (Fall 2011).

· ―Soup or Salad.‖ Indiana University Northwest’s Spirits Magazine (Fall 2011).

· (Excerpts from) ―Christmas Morning.‖ St. Sebastian Review (Volume 1.2, Autumn 2011).

· ―The Mother.‖ Mused: The BellaOnline Literary Review (Volume 5.2, June 2011).

· ―On Watching My Dog Chase a Cat the Day I Put Him Down.‖ Mused: The BellaOnline Literary Review (Volume 5.2, June 2011).

· ―Some Nights.‖ Mused: The BellaOnline Literary Review (Volume 5.2, June 2011).

· ―In Praise of Peanut Butter & Jelly.‖ The Copperfield Review (Volume 10.2, May 2011)

· ―Fragmentia.‖ The Copperfield Review (Volume 10.2, May 2011)

· ―Remains.‖ The Copperfield Review (Volume 10.2, May 2011)

· ―The taste of apples.‖ The Haiku Journal (March 2011)

· ―Six.‖ Poetry Quarterly (Spring 2011)

· ―Jingle Bells & Jazz.‖ Poetry Quarterly (Spring 2011)

· ―Food Network… Late Night.‖ Poetry Quarterly (Spring 2011)

· ―Wonderland.‖ Scholars & Rogues Literary Journal (March 2011)

Short Stories

· ―True Colors.‖ ninepatch: A Creative Journal for Women and Gender Studies (Volume 1.1, 2012).

· ―Shoelaces.‖ Anthology Truth or Dare Ed. Nicole Saunders. Slash Books (2011).

· ―An Evening with Cary Grant.‖ Anthology Catch Fire in the Treetops Ed. Janet Kuypers. Scars Publications (2011).

Jennifer Jones

―How Metropolis Communicates through Visual Design: The Marriage of Form and Content.‖ Midwest Modern Language Association (MMLA), November 2011.

―Imagery and the Elements in The English Patient, Novel and Film.‖ Southwest/Texas Pop Culture Association Conference (PCA). April 2011.Pjk

Angela Kennedy

―Calling All Gleeks: Technological Transactions Through Television.‖ English Graduates forAcademic Development. Commerce, TX. April 13, 2012.

―RENT-ing Bohemia: No Day But Today.‖ Popular & American Culture and Southwest/Texas Popular & American Culture Associations Joint Conference. San Antonio, TX. April 20-23 2011.

―Deeply Focusing into the Truth: Film Conventions in the Intercalary Chapters of Steinbeck‘s The Grapes of Wrath.‖ North Texas Rhetoric Symposium. Commerce, TX. March 9-11 2011.


Service to Uiversity

Amanda McCain

McCain, A. (April 2011). Playing in the Text: Meaning Making of Gender Representation in Mass Effect present at National Popular Culture Association/American CultureAssociation Conference, San Antonio TX.

McCain, A. (March 2011). Sharing Classroom Authority: Affinity Space, Collective Intelligence and Video Games presented at Federation Rhetoric Symposium, Commerce TX.

Sara Miller

Miller, Sara. ―Weight of the World: Child Heroes in British Literature.‖ Replacing Wands With Quills: A Harry Potter Symposium for Muggle Scholars. Harrisonburg, VA, November 10 – 12, 2011

Michelle Pirkle Academic Publication Published:

Pirkle, Michelle Onley. ―Déjà Vu All Over Again? Cowboy Bebop‘s Transformation to the Big Screen.‖ Science Fiction Film and Television: Adaptation Across the Screens. Eds. Jay Telotte and Gerald Duchovnay. New York: Routledge, August 2011. 164- 75. Print.

Creative Publication Published:

Pirkle, Michelle Onley and Glen Onley. ―The Legend of Devil‘s Bend.‖ The Mayo Review (2011): 70-2.

International and National Conferences :

―Caught between Shadow and Light: Modernist Fear of Liminality in Lewton‘s I Walked with a Zombie.‖ Paper presented at National Popular Culture & American Culture Association Conference, San Antonio, TX. April 2011.

Regional/Local Conferences

“Boats, Caves and Magical Islands: Analyzing Children‘s Spaces in Where the Wild Things Are.‖ 10th Annual TAMUS Pathways Research Symposium, Galveston, Texas. November 2012.

―Re-Imagining Akira Kurosawa‘s Dreams.‖ Roundtable at the English Graduates for Academic Development (EGAD) Conference, Commerce, Texas. April 2012. (Roundtable Organizer)

―Uncanny Child to (Evil) Other in Village of the Damned.‖ Paper presented at the English Graduates for Academic Development (EGAD) Conference, Commerce, Texas. April 2012

Andrew Spencer

Papers Presented:

"Too Much Lucidity: Fyodor Dostoevsky's Influence on Ralph Ellison's Theme of Perception in Invisible Man" Texas A&M University Pathways Student Research Symposium Galveston, TX, November 9, 2012.


Murder in Jefferson: The 1868 Stockade Case, 23 House Publishers, 2012. Co-author Curtis Hawthorne. Presents original research on a racially charged murder and military trial which involved almost one hundred suspects and resulted in the establishment of military law in the reconstruction-era riverport of Jefferson, TX.


" Finally Reaches the Deep South" published in Black&White, Fall, 2012.

"August" published in Chaffey Review, Volume 8, Spring, 2012.

"February" published in Chaffey Review, Volume 8, Spring, 2012.

"The Tree" published in Coe Review, Fall, 2011.

"Grabbed" published in New Plains Review, Fall, 2011.

"Retreat" published in Cartographer, Fall, 2011.

"Plunge" published in Cartographer, Fall, 2011.

C.J. Stephens

―Metafictional Morrison.‖ Joint Conference of the National Popular Culture and AmericanCulture Association and the Southwest/Texas Popular Culture and AmericanCulture Association (SWTX PCA/ACA). San Antonio, TX. April 2011.

"Race Relations and Pop Culture: Comics to the Rescue." Federation Rhetoric Symposium.Commerce, TX. March 2011.

D’Andra White

―Chaucer and El Cid: the Petrus Alfonsi Connection.‖ Paper presented at theInternational Congress of Medieval Studies. Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo,MI. May, 2011.

―Rhetoric and Resistance.‖ Paper presented at Writing Democracy. Texas A & MCommerce, TX. March, 2011.

Stephen Whitley

―Selling Dominion: Post Colonial Theory and the Rhetoric of Capitalism,‖presented at 20th Annual EGAD Conference, Texas A&M University, Commerce,TX, April 13, 2012.

―Sundown Towns: The Living Rhetoric of Jim Crow,‖ presented at 9th AnnualPathways Student Research Symposium, Texas A&M University, CollegeStation, TX, November 11, 2011.

―Marriage Marketplace: Marx‘s Theories of Use and Exchange Value in Jane Austen‘s Mansfield Park and Emma,‖ presented at the South Central Modern Language convention, in Hot Springs, AR, October 27, 2011.

―Literacy as Commodity in First Year Writing,‖ presented at Writing Democracy: A Rhetoric of (T)here, March 10, 2011