DOCKET NO. 20210097-EI FILED 5/14/2021 DOCUMENT NO. 04055-2021 FPSC - COMMISSION CLERK ('J ~~~~GY. FLORIDA Matthew R. Bernier Associate General Counsel Duke Energy Florida, LLC. May 14, 2021 VIA ELECTRONIC FILING Mr. Adam Teitzman, Commission Clerk Florida Public Service Commission 2540 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0850 Re: Petition for Limited Proceeding for Recovery ofIncremental Storm Restoration Costs Related to Hurricane Eta and Hurricane Isaias; Docket No. ------ Dear Mr. Teitzman: On behalf of Duke Energy Florida, LLC ("DEF"), please find enclosed for electronic filing, DEF's Petition for Limited Proceeding for Recovery of Incremental Storm Restoration Costs Related to Hurricane Eta and Hurricane Isaias, Appendix A and Appendix B. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Please feel free to call me at (850) 521-1428 should you have any questions concerning this filing. Respectfully, s/Matthew R. Bernier Matthew R. Bernier Matthew .Berni
[email protected] MRB/mw Enclosures BEFORE THE FLORIDA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION In re: Petition by Duke Energy Florida, LLC, Docket No. _______________ for limited proceeding for recovery of incremental storm restoration costs related to Hurricane Eta and Hurricane Isaias Filed: May 14, 2021 ____________________________________ PETITION BY DUKE ENERGY FLORIDA, LLC FOR LIMITED PROCEEDING FOR RECOVERY OF INCREMENTAL STORM RESTORATION COSTS RELATED TO HURRICANE ETA AND HURRICANE ISAIAS Duke Energy Florida, LLC ("DEF" or the "Company"), pursuant to section 366.076(1), Florida Statutes (“F.S.”), Rules 25-6.0143 and 25-6.0431, Florida Administrative Code (“F.A.C.”), and the 2017 Second Revised and Restated Settlement Agreement approved by the Florida Public Service Commission (“Commission”) in Order No.