Newgate Diary, the 1820 Westminster Election, Byron's Ballad My Boy Hobby, O, the Execution of the Cato Street Conspirat
678 December 14th 1819-December 31st 1820: Newgate, Cato Street, and the Trial of Queen Caroline 1820: Newgate Diary, the 1820 Westminster Election, Byron’s ballad My Boy Hobby, O, the execution of the Cato Street Conspirators, and the Trial of Queen Caroline December 14th 1819-December 31st 1820 Edited from B.L.Add.Mss. 56540 and 56541. In the notes, “I.G.” indicates assistance from Ian Gilmour, to whom I’m grateful. In 1819 Hobhouse contested the parliamentary seat of Westminster, which had become vacant on the suicide of Romilly. He stood as a radical, supported by his father and by Burdett, but was defeated on March 3rd by George Lamb. Riots followed, and a breach opened between him and the Holland House Whigs. Westminster was an unusual constituency. It extended from Temple Bar to Hyde Park, from Oxford Street to the Thames, and three-quarters of its voters were middle-class: shopkeepers, skilled artisans, printers, tailors, and so on. It was the only constituency in the country in which each of its 17,000 rate-paying householders had the vote, which fact made it a headache to any administration, Whig or Tory, which was based upon, and served, as all administrations were and did, the landed gentry. At Westminster, candidates had to stand on the hustings and speak deferentially to people whom they’d normally expect to speak deferentially to them . At this time Hobhouse wrote several pamphlets, and an anonymous reply to a sarcastic speech of Canning’s, written by him and some of his friends in the Rota Club, attracted attention.
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