Schoolteachers' Perceptions of News Coverage of Education Abstract
Shine, K. 2018. ‘Everything is negative’: Schoolteachers’ perceptions of news coverage of education. Journalism. ‘Everything is negative’: Schoolteachers’ perceptions of news coverage of education Abstract Although education is a staple of news coverage, the reporting of school-based education rarely receives attention within journalism and media studies. Scholars in other areas, however, have argued that news coverage of education is highly influential and should be examined. The research consensus has been that education coverage is mostly negative and further, that teachers are frequently portrayed as to blame for perceived shortcomings in school systems. Such coverage is said to concern and affect schoolteachers. However, to date, very few studies have canvassed teachers’ attitudes towards the reporting of education. This article contributes to this under-researched area by providing the results of a series of interviews with 25 Australian schoolteachers and principals about their perceptions of news coverage of education. The vast majority of the teachers interviewed considered news about schooling and teachers to be predominantly, and unfairly, critical. They described news reporting of education as frequently inaccurate and generally superficial. Many expressed a distrust of journalists and were wary about being interviewed. The implications of these findings are discussed and recommendations for journalism practice and journalism education outlined. Keywords: news influence, education, credibility, public opinion, journalism (profession) Introduction News about school-based (K-12) education appears regularly in media coverage 1 around the world. Perceived to be of interest to the high numbers of parents among media audiences, education has, in recent years, “grown in prestige and editorial importance to become one of the top three or four areas of news coverage”, according to British researchers (Hargreaves et al., 2007: 5).
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