“…that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.” — 2 CORINTHIANS 1:4 ESV — Strong Faith, Fervent Love: Resources Advancing Deaconess Service in the Church and Services The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s (LCMS) Deaconess Ministry encourages and supports deaconess formation and mercy work nationally Support for the LCMS deaconess training programs and internationally. Deaconesses are Lutheran women who are theolog- ically trained to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ through acts of mercy, Liaison to the Concordia spiritual care and teaching the Christian faith. They serve domestically Deaconess Conference and internationally — in congregations and institutions that exist to care for others — laboring in the Lord’s harvest fields and using their gifts Assistance and advice to LCMS to bless and serve others and to reach out to them with the partner churches seeking to healing balm of Christ’s saving Gospel. establish the deaconess office Coordination of deaconess DEACONESS GRACE RAO, director, training with partner churches LCMS Deaconess Ministry 888-THE LCMS •
[email protected] lcms.org/deaconess • cuc.edu, ctsfw.edu or csl.edu Mercy Care for All by Laura J. Seaman hen Sandra Rhein forfeited tions and ministries. They bear witness Following the example of Peter’s moth- her plans to pursue a master’s and mercy to the young, the aged, prison- er-in-law, who rose to serve immediately W degree in church music to enter ers, women, new mothers, families, the after Jesus had healed her (Matt. 8:15), the deaconess program, she had no idea sick and many others.