Through the Green

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Through the Green USGA JOURNAL AND TURF MANAGEMENT: AUGUST, 1952 I THROUGH THE GREEN O. B/s Portrait funds to send three qualifiers to the Thanks to the Atlanta Golf Association, Championship proper at the Yale Golf an excellent oil painting of the late 0. B. Course, in New Haven, Conn. That's the Keeler is now hanging in "Golf House," sort of cooperation that makes the game and we're proud to have it there with go- the pictures of champions whose exploits Are You a Gope? he described with such skill. 0. B. wrote of golf in the ATLANTA JOURNAL and other publications for more than three decades and, as everyone knows, followed Bob Jones stroke by stroke through the thirteen major cham­ pionships he won, as well as through those he lost. The designation "Jones' Bosweil" was really never broad enough to fit 0. B., however. 0. B. made an in­ delible impression on the game in his own right, through his typewriter, and would have done so if Jones had never won a tournament. The painting, which was done by Glas­ cock Reynolds, an Atlanta artist and friend of 0. B., was presented by W. D. P. McDowell, President of the Atlanta A gope, as everyone around Washing­ Golf Association, and by Mrs. Keeler. ton and Oregon knows, is a golf dope, a Also attending the ceremony were Mrs. person who lacks a sense of golf courtesy. Walter P. Andrews, of New York; Mrs. A prevalent predator at all golf courses, Ralph Kennedy, of New York; Mrs, Fred he brings out the beast in even the most C. Page, of Pinehurst, N. C.; Mrs. Henry retiring linksman. McLemore, of New York; Gerald P. Mur­ So say Rudy Lachenmeier and Dale phy, of New York; Mrs. Roland Reppert, Johnson, of Portland, Ore., who have of Pelham Manor, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. published a pocket-sized pamphlet on the Ernest Ackerly, of Valley Stream, N. Y.; subject, susceptible of being passed forth­ and Robert E. Harlow, John Derr, Whit­ with to any of the eight types of gopes ney Martin and Pat Robinson, of the you may encounter. press. "Gope No. 8," for instance, "carelessly walks through sand traps. He tramps the One of the Nice Things sand about gleefully, gloating in the fact W. A. Moynihan, of Milwaukee, a that his tracks may cause others addi­ member of our Junior Championship tional srokes. He loves to find muddy or Committee, got his spade out last month newly seeded areas of the fairway and and turned up an excellent entry in Wis­ ruin the grass." consin for our Junior Amateur Cham­ The authors point out: "The courteous pionship. golfer never disturbs sand traps except to Then the Public Links Association play his shot. After he has played his there did a very nice thing. It rewarded stroke, he smoothes the sand with his club the enthusiasm of the boys by raising or with a rake. Neither does he step on 2 USGA JOURNAL AND TURF MANAGEMENT: AUGUST, 1952 muddy or newly seeded areas unless instance. Everything seems to be in their necessary. " favor. The adult golfers there are behind the juniors all the way. They sponsor What the Girls Think tournaments and make them as enjoyable There was a long rainy day during the as possible. One of the most admirable Junior Girls' Championship at the On- things is that they have a wonderful at- wentsia Club, in Lake Forest, Ill., last titude when they are played and beaten year, and Mrs. Charles Dennehy, the by the youngsters. In the East, junior Chairman of the USGA Committee, sug- tournaments are few and far between. gested that the girls improve the moist The adults dislike very much being de- hours by setting down on paper their feated by juniors and make it very ob- thoughts about the game of golf. VIOUS.. " Their comments revealed many facets Generally, though, there was apprecia- of the young mind, all interesting, and tion, as exemplified by one young writer there is no reason to believe that girl who remarked: "The national organiza- golfers in the 1952 Championship at the tions are really making a wonderful ef- Monterey Peninsula Country Club, in fort, but it's too bad the local organiza- Pebble Beach, CaI., or elsewhere, think tions aren't doing more." any differently. Miss Arlene Brooks, of the Annandale Dinner Talk Golf Club, Pasadena, CaI., who was to The Kittansett Club's invitations for win the 1951 Championship, wrote: its delightful Hen & Chickens mixed four- "Good sportsmanship is always a must in some tournament at Marion, Mass., con- my mind. If nothing else, golf teaches tained the following: "A dinner will be one to be a good sport, a good loser if held at which opinions may be expressed he must and a better golfer ... I am concerning the character and playing happy that I am physically able to par- ability of the various teams." ticipate in these tournaments, and very grateful to the women who give their time Miss Suggs' 284 to give them to us." The level of women's golf in this coun- Another entrant said: "The junior try was emphasized in startling fashion events are wonderful for kids. You meet when Miss Louise Suggs played four lots of people, learn to get along with rounds over the Bala Golf Club course, everyone. Golf calls for courtesy, patience, near Philadelphia, in four under even control of the emotions and some ac- fours to win the Women's Open Cham- knowledgment of the rights of others." pionship. That is golf, even though the There was frank talk, too. course is on the short side at 5,460 yards, One contestant wrote: "One of the big- and as far as we can determine it is the gest problems is the lack of interest shown lowest 72-hole score ever turned in by a by some clubs in junior golf. With no woman in major competition. Miss Suggs' one to encourage or help her along, a rounds were 70-69-70-75 for 284, eight youngster will soon lose her interest in over par, and she won by seven strokes golf ... Junior tournaments sponsored over Miss Betty Jameson. There were by members of the club would certainly two 67s in the course of the tournament. encourage the juniors." Miss Marilynn Smith made one in the Another commented: "Some older second round, and Miss Marlene Bauer women dislike playing with girls younger, made another in the third round. especially if the junior can beat them. Consequently, the junior will drop out Golf in the Olympics and find some other sport where there The Olympic Games are scheduled for are girls her age." Australia in 1956, and Australian golfers Still another, a true Californian, said: have decided to try to include golf in "Take girls' junior golf in California, for the games program. This is not a new USGA JOURNAL AND TURF MANAGEMEMI-I . AUGUST, 1952 3 idea but previous proposals have not met SPORTSMAN'S CORNER with favor. The British publication GOLF All of us have a moral responsibility to ILLUSTRATED doubts if the Australians set a good example, but in golf the pro­ will succeed although it admits that golf fessional has it to a high degree. has as good a claim as many other sports The professional is a sort of high which are included in the Olympic pro­ priest. If he is a club pro, he is expected gram. There is the question of finance, to know all there is to know about every phase of the game. If he is essentially a of course. Several countries have had tournament player, his every mannerism the greatest difficulty in raising funds to is carefully studied and aped by thousands send even a few men to Helsinki for the of persons. 1952 games, and only a few nations will Some tournament players have set some want an extension of numbers in their rather horrible examples in recent weeks, representation in future games. as witness: One was fined for profanity during a tournament by the Professional Sound Advice Golfers' Association of America. "Don't spend too much time lining Three were reminded by USGA officials up putts," Jack Burke, Jr., advises. "A of the evils of club-throwing dur­ quick survey of the green should tell you ing the Open Championship. just what line the putt will take. The One thumbed his nose at another dur­ problem is to stroke the ball right. Con­ ing a match in the PGA Champion­ centrate on that." ship. In pleasant contrast, there was a little conversation between Ben Hogan and Ed For the President Oliver as they started off on the final "Even more humbling than my golf round of the Open. Both were in serious game." contention for the Championship, and they were playing companions. These are the words Totton P. Heffel- They drove from the first tee, and as finger, President of the USGA, used to they walked down the fairway this pri­ describe the testimonial dinner given in vate little exchange took place: his honor by his club, the Minikahda Ben Hogan: "Good luck to you, Ed." Club, of Minneapolis. Ed Oliver: "The same to you, Ben." The treatment which brought about It is not accidental that those two this descripton was applied by L. N. Per- nearly won the Championship, whereas rin, the Vice-President of the club; B. H. some others wasted some of their efforts Ridder, Jr., President of the Minnesota in beating themselves.
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