The NCAA News

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The NCAA News The NCAA News Official Publication of the National Collegiate Athletic Association June 2,1993, Volume 30, Number 22 Task force hears reactions to report gender equity Following a set of hearings, the Coho reaction next stop for the preliminary rem Among those commenting was porl of the NCAA Gender-Equity U.S. Rep. Cardiss Collins, D-Illi- Task Force is the June 29-30 meet- nois, who said the report lacks ing of the NCAA Presidents Com- clear standards and enforcement mission. provisions. After reporting to the Presidents “Now, compare these rccom- Commission, the task force will mendations to rules the NCAA has meet June 3O-July 1 to work toward on the books for recruiting,” Col- a final report rhat will be provided lins said. “Did the NCAA choose to to the NCAA Council at its August define acceptable recruiting prac- meeting. tices as recruiting practicrs that The hearings, conducted May coaches at other schools would be 5 24, 26 and 27, permitted the mem- proud to adopt as their own (a > bership and othrr interested par- reference to a portion of the task 5 tics the opponunity to comment force’s definition of gender eq- 2 on the group’s preliminary report uity)? “No. Instead, there are detailed $ Task force cochairs Phyllis I.. --- __-..._-... _.,.._:-r..-r ----:--: ^_..._ rules governing days for recruiting, trips for students LO visit campuses of the Big Ten Conference, and NCAA Gender-Equity Task Force members (from L$) J ames J. Whalen, president of Ithaca Co&ge;, and a host of other rules. More James J. Whalen, president of importantly, a school found fo be Phyllis L>. How&t, assistant commissioner of the Big Ten Conference; Carla Hay, faczLlty athletics Ithaca College, hosted the hear- re@esentative at Marquette University, and Churlotte West, associate athletics director at South ings in San Francisco; <Chicago, Illinois llniversity at Carbondale, hear reactions to the panel’s report at a hearing May 26. and Washington, DC See Hearings, page 17 b Crowley to head up 12-mkmber search committee NCAA Presidmt.Joscph N. Crow- dents, four other members of the letics, University of Tennessrr, sion II vice-presidrnt and director of the 1Jniversity of California, Los ley will chair a 12-mrmber search Executive (Zommirtee and four Knoxville: R. Elaine Dreidame, athletics at Humboldt State Uni- Anycles. committee that will select the next members of the NCAA Presidents NCAA Division I vice-president versity, and John D. Swofford, dim - The position will be advertised N(:AA exrcutivr director. Commission. and senior associate director of rector of athletics at the LJnivrrsity in Thr NCAA News (see page 23, The committrc’s first meeting of North Carolina, <:hapcl Hill. The Executive Committee is rem ;lthlrtics at the LJniversity of Day- the (%ronicle of Higher Education will br Junr 9 in San Diego. A sponsiblc for employing the exec- ton; Kennrth A. Free, rommis- and srlrcted daily newspapers. replacement is being sought for utivr director, with the approval of sionrr of the Mid-Eastern Athletic Presidents Commission: Judith Executive Director Richard D. thr NCM (:ouncil and the Presi- Conference; John H. Harvey, E. N. Albino, president of the lJni- Thr search committee has sent Schult7, who announced his resig- dents Cornmission. NCAA Division III vice-president versity of Colorado; David G. Car- mtmorandums with the announcr- nation May 11. Resides Crowley, the members and dirrctor of athletics at Carne- trr, president of Eastern ment to all chief executive officers Crowley. prcsidrnt of the Uni- of the srarch committee are: gic Mellon IJnivrrsity; Phyllis 1.. Connecticur State University; An- and commissioners at member versity of Nevada, will beJoined on Hewlett, assistant commissioner thony J. Catanese, president of institutions and conferences and to the search commitler by thr Asso- Executive Committee:Joan C. of the Big Tc-n Conference; Florida Atlantic LJniversity, and chief exrcutive offlccrs of selected ciation’s three division vicr-prrsi- <:ronan, director of women’s ath- Charles N. Lindemenn, NCAA Divi- Charles E. Young, rhanccllor of national education associations. Gmduation-rates reporting proceeds as deadline looms ‘I’he Association is preparing to ante-rate reports for Divisions II reporting of such data by higher- I)isrlosure Forms and the 1993 Education undrr the Federal Stu- provide to the Federal government and III institutions. education institutions. NCAA Divisions II and III Enroll- dent Right-to-Know and Campus I compilations of graduation-rates The rcporls will br srnt to the Ttlc rClJ(Jl tS, c Or~l~~i~i~lg dat 3 mcnt and Persistence-Rates Dis- Srcrnity Act reports for all Division I institu- IJS. Dcpanmem of Educ~ation June fro111 thr IW1, 1992 and 1 !KH closure Form, are the first 10 be (ions and enrollment and persist- 30 m meet a July 1 deadline fbr the N(:M Division I Graduation-Rates Sllbmitted 10 ~hr Dcl~artment of‘ See Reports, page 24 ) N In the News N On deck News Digest Page 2 n When it comes to answering a question about June 2-4 NCAA Regional Seminar, Boston football, there probably is no better source of Briefly 3 June 7-8 Special Degree-Completion Program information anywhere than Steve Boda: Page 3. Committee, Overland Park, Konsos Comment 4 H Nominations are being solicited for upcoming June 7-10 Division II Women’s Basketball Championships vacancies on the NCAA Council, Executive Com- Committee, San Diego results mittee, Council-appointed general committees June 8-11 Divisions II and III Men’s Ice Hockey Baseball statistics 12 and sports committees: Page 5. Committee, Hilton Head, South NCAA Record 18 n Minutes of the May 4-5 meeting of the NCAA Carolina Executive Committee in Monterey, California, are The Market 19-23 published: Pages 13-16. June 14-16 Committee on Women’s Athletics, Big Legislative assistance 24 Fork, Montana Paae 2 The NCAA News June 2, 1993 TheNCAAN ews A weekly summary of major activities within the Association Task Force. during hcaritlgs c ontlurted hem tween ~M;iy 21 aiid 27. A .runiniaiy of the hearings ;ippc;irs on page 1 of this issue. Schedule of key dates The Iiisk force next will sul)lnit irs II-- Special committee near port IO the N(:M Prcsidcnts (~ommissio~l, final recommendations for June and July1993 whit 11 will meet June 2!)LSO. At Ihe conclu- sion of the Prcsitlrrits (;ommission nicct- ing, the task force will meet June YLJuly I 1’11~ S(:AA .SI)~~~‘i;~l (:ominillcc IO in Kansm (:ity$ Missouri. Kt.vicw I;iii;lJJci;Jl (:otiditic)tls itI lnlt=rm The prc-limin;lry report was In;lilc(i to c.ollcgi;itc~ Athlclics will c01iduc.l ;i lclc- thr rncrnbcr-ship May I4 and appcarc(I in pl101Jc col~l~rct~c c’ l;il~~r this month, at the Mity I!) isme of ‘l‘hc NC:AA NCWS. which rime it is cxpcctcd to lill;tli/c its rem ‘l‘host~ who could I101 ;lltt.lltl any of rhc t c~riinieiicl;ilioris to 111~ iricr~il~~ral~i~~. hearings in;iy submit written reaction riiilil ‘1’11~ ~.oniniillc.c I cvicwc,cl ;L “working .Junr I I to Cr-sul;l K. Walsh, clil cctor 01 rc’- thl~” 01 IIS rc,c.onllllclld;Itiolls at its M;iy scitrc h, at llir national oftice. !!&!?I nic.ctiilg .tntl cxpc~ts 10 suhiiiil ;I For more detail, see the May I!), May 5 I‘illi11 sc’l IO Ill<. N(::IA Prcsidriits (~Olll- and M;lIch 31 issues of~l‘hc NCAA News. niissioti fill c ot~si&~r;~tion al Illal group’s Staff contacts: CJrsula R. W;tlsh and Stem luiir 2!)mX) iiiccliiig. JUNE JULY phen A. .M;~lloncc. For more detail, scc 111~ May Yi, May I, RECRUITING RECRUITING Next meeting: .JLI~~ SO-July I ill K;lllsils ;IIIC~ Al)ril 21 issues ol“l‘hc N(:AA News. Men’s Division I basketball Men’s Division I basketball <:ity, bfiSSOlJri. l-4 _._. .._._.._._. .._ Quiet period Staff contacts: Frank I+‘.. M:II shall ;III~ l-30 .._. ._._.._._. .._.__.._._.___._ Quiet period. 53 1 _.._... .._.. ..___._._____.___Evaluation period. Stc~pllcrl K. MO1 b’i”‘. Women’s Division I basketball* Women’s Division I basketball’ Next meeting: ‘1‘0 IK &t~n~i~wI. l-30 _____._ ._.___..__._._._._._. Quiet period. l-7 __._._.._.__._._.._................... Quiet period. Men’s Division H basketball 8-3 1 .._._..._._________.._ . Evaluation period. 1-l 4 ._._. ._._. _._ _.___._._. Quiet period. Men’s, women’s Division II barkehall’ l-3 1 ._..._.__.._____.__._.__.____Evoluation period. Scheduling subcommittee 15-30 ..__._.... .._..._..._..___ Evaluation period. Division I football plans June 20-21 meeting Women’s Division II basketball I -3 1 ___..______._..__..__._____..______._Quiet period. 1-14 ._..._.____._..._._._...... Quiet period Academic-enhancement fund Division II football 15-30 _.. ._._. ..________._.. Evaluation period. I -3 I _._._.____.__.____._._._._._.___....Quiet oeriod. next on distribution list ‘rhc scheduling subcommittee of’ the Division I football DEADUNES l- 1994 NCAA Convention proposals due (:ornmittee on Athletics (:ertilication will I -30 _._._. ._._._._._.__._._._______Quiet period. from the membership.
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    NCAA Men’s Lacrosse Championships Records 1971-2013 The history of the Men’s Lacrosse Championships for all three divisions, including Single-Game, Year, Career Records, Coaching Records and Attendance Records. THE NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 6222 Indianapolis, Indiana 46206-6222 317/917-6222 April 2014 Researched and compiled by Kristen Jacob Smith, Assistant Director of Online Properties and Media for Championships, and Jennifer Rodgers, Assistant Director of Media Coordination and Statistics. Table of Contents Notable Dates in Championship History ............................3 Division I Championship Highlights ......................................7 Division I Championship Results / Records ..................... 51 Division II Championship Highlights ................................. 71 Division II Championship Results / Records .................... 85 Division III Championship Highlights ................................ 93 Division III Championship Results / Records ................130 Championship Coaching Records .....................................145 Championship Attendance Records ................................157 Notable Dates Notable Dates in NCAA Men’s Lacrosse Championship History ................... 4-6 4 NOTABLE DATES IN MEN’S LacrOSSE ChamPIONSHIP HISTORY Notable Dates In NCAA Men’s Lacrosse Championship History 1971 1992 • The National Collegiate Lacrosse Championship was initiated with an • The Division III championship is held at the Division I site for the first eight-team field. time at Penn. The game draws a then-record crowd of 6,741. 1973 • Nazareth beats Roanoke to become the first team other than Hobart, which won the 12 previous championships, to claim the Division III • First overtime championship game: Maryland 10, Johns Hopkins 9, in crown. double overtime. • First triple overtime game: Washington & Lee 13, Navy 12 (first round). 1993 • The Division II championship is reinstated and is played for the first time 1974 since 1981.
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