What’s New for Control Center Control Center Redesign

The Control Center is being redesigned! We’re adding a fresh modern layout and multiple enhancements to improve usability and make it accessible across all browsers, tablets and other mobile devices. The redesigned Control Center will be a more responsive system with faster search speed, improved page displays and more user-friendly functionality. Try out the new design on Beta Control Center . Be sure to sign up for a webinar to learn more about it. The changes will go live on July 21 st .

The changes include:

• Updated login page • Redesigned home page • New labels and icons • New WYSIWYG editor • Enhanced search and display options • More options for managing report data • New layout for undergraduate data update • New “My Settings” page • Enhanced Help and QuickLinks Setups • Improved Variable

Updated Login Page

Starting with the Login page, you will see a cleaner design with clear instructions and links.

New Control Center Login page

What’s New: Control Center Redesign 1

Redesigned Home Page

The Control Center home page has been redesigned for optimized viewing on a desktop computer or a mobile device. The displayed text and section headings can be read more easily.

Redesigned Control Center Home page

What’s New: Control Center Redesign 2

New Menu Labels and Icons

The Control Center menus have a new look, revised names and new icons.

Menu Name Changes:

• Application Controls is now Applications . • Application Processing has been updated to Downloads.

Additionally these submenu names have changed:

From Reports:

• Application Stats Report Wizard has been updated to Application Report Wizard . • Prospect Stats Report Wizard has been updated to Prospect Report Wizard .

From Outreach:

• The title of Undergraduate Data Update has been updated to School Profile Data .

From Preferences:

• Personal Information has been updated to My Settings.

Additionally each submenu option now has an , which also will be displayed on the associated page for easy identification when viewed on a mobile device.

What’s New: Control Center Redesign 3

Downloads (formerly Application Processing) menu options with the new icons

What’s New: Control Center Redesign 4

New WYSIWYG Editor

A WYSISYG editor has been added to Control Center functionality (Reusable Messages, Notice to Applicants, Application Follow-Up Tasks) where the ability to create, style and format HTML messages is applicable. Create messages with attachments, add images and insert and more.

Reusable Messages page with the new WYSIWYG Editor

What’s New: Control Center Redesign 5

Enhanced Data Search and Display Options

Many features in the Control Center have been enhanced with the following functionality to improve data searches and/or the data display:

• All Control Center features that have a date field have been updated with a date picker, which will make it easier to select the date range when searching for records. Clicking inside the date field will display the date picker.

• A new has been added, where applicable, so you can quickly narrow down the results from a long list of records. Search by name, date, or other report criteria.

• Updated drop-down list that lets you choose the number of records to display on the page.

Terms Activity Log page with new date picker, drop-down list for records display and search box

What’s New: Control Center Redesign 6

Rules Wizard with new drop-down list for records display and search box

What’s New: Control Center Redesign 7

More Options for Managing Report Data

New functionality has been added to Reports to give you more options to view and print the report data. In addition to the enhancements to search and filter data, all reports have been updated with:

• Convenient options to print all records in the report or export all the records in a report as a .pdf or .csv file. Previously only the records displayed on the screen would be exported. • Ability to change the sort order for any column of information by clicking the column heading quickly and seamless without reloading the page.

Fee Reports with new date picker, search box and print options

What’s New: Control Center Redesign 8

New Layout for Undergraduate Data

The Undergraduate Data Update page has a new layout for improved usability.

• The data sections have been reorganized as a list on the left side of the page. Click a section label to expand or collapse for convenient viewing.

• The displayed text and section headings have been enhanced for optimized viewing on a computer or any mobile device.

Undergraduate Data page with expanded At a Glance section

What’s New: Control Center Redesign 9

New My Settings Page

We’ve enhanced the personal information page and made it more convenient to update personal information, change your password, or add a custom image–all from one page. The new My Settings page has an improved layout that is easier to view, and you can select the Change Avatar link to add an image. The custom image is displayed on all pages for your Control Center account.

New My Settings page for personal information update

What’s New: Control Center Redesign 10

Enhanced Help Access and Quicklinks Setup

The Help feature has been redesigned in the updated Control Center. (The current Help Topics function will be turned off and the menu option removed.) Helpful information will be available in the form of Quick Reference Guides that have step-by-step instructions on how to perform a function. The QRGs are available on the page with the associated functionality. Click the question mark in the top right corner on the page to access the associated QRG. The QRGs are also available in the Help menu.

New Quick Reference Guide help

We also made it easier to quickly add or edit a Quicklink . Click the bookmark icon in the top right corner on a page to bookmark the page and add it to your Quicklinks list. A new My Quicklinks menu option makes it easy to view, select and access a bookmarked page.

New My Quicklinks Menu option, bookmark icon, and Add page option

What’s New: Control Center Redesign 11

Improved Variable Workspace

The Variable Workspace feature available in Variable Workspace, Application Follow-up Tasks, and Re- Usable Messages is simpler and easier to use. It now has drag-and-drop functionality and works in all browsers. Postsecondary administrators can drag and drop any field from any preconfigured variable workspace into HTML and/or text messages.

New drag-and-drop text field functionality

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