The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448
[email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus December, 1930 THE NOTRE DAME ALUMNUS 129 ••s COMMENT IN TfilS IXXUE All-Americans .Frontispiece Glory Comes Again to Notre Dame_ 131 Men-y Christmas! Nominating Committees Appointed- 135 Contributions to Living Endowment (Clubs)- 137 Hap2)ij Neiv Year! April 20th ^ 138 —y- Editorial 139 Coaching the Irish, by John W. Hartman, '32_ 141 The ALUMNUS apologizes "Eat, Drink and Be Merry—" 145 for its late appearance, but it Athletics 148 isn't every month that the Edi "Where There's A Will—" :__ 151 _152 tor has to wait for a National "Around and About the Campus," by John Kiener, '32_ Championship, plan two na The maf^zine is published monthly during the scholastic year by the Alumni tional conventions, sell 1200 Association of 'the University of Notre Dame. Notre Dame. Indiana. The subscription price is S2.00 a year; the price of single copies is 25 cents. The banquet tickets, go to New annual alumni dues of S5.00 include a year's subscription to THE ALUAINUS. Entered as second-class matter January 1. 1923. at the post office at Notre York, and spend two big week Dame. Indiana, under the Act of ATarch 3, 1897. All correspondence' should ends in Chicago. be addressed to The Notre Dame Alumnus, Box 81. Notre Dame. Indiana. MEaiBE2t OF THE AJIERICAN ALUMNI COUNCIL MEJIBER OF THE NATIONAL CATHOLIC ALUMNI FEDERATION With the year half gone, the Association is sufficiently well along to e:ctend cordial greet THE NOTRE DAME ALUMNUS ings of the season.