
Queen Elizabeth by Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger 1592

Bess of Hardwick and her granddaughter Lady Arabella Stuart, rival heir to James

Mary Queen of Scots tomb in Westminster Abbey

Queen Elizabeth’s tomb in Westminster Abbey

Arch designed by Stephen Harrison for James and Anne's entry into in 1604

Broadsheet of James and Anne

1 19/08/2018

James’s ideas for a new union flag

Robert Cecil 1st E of Salisbury by John Critz the Sir Francis Bacon Baron Verulam & German broadsheet of the Gunpowder Plotters 1606 elder 1602 Viscount St Albans by Paul Somer

Gunpowder Plotters led to execution

Gunpowder Plotter being quartered

2 19/08/2018

Edward Oldcorne's right eye Stonyhurst

Guy Fawkes’s lantern, Ashmolean Execution of Gunpowder Plotters by Claes Jansz Visscher, British Museum Heads of Gunpowder Plotters

Authorised Bible title page 1611

Monteagle's letter to Cecil warning of the plot from Vicar's Mischeefs Mystery 1617

Sir Walter Raleigh by c. 1585

Map of Virginia from Captain John Smith's A True Relation 1608

3 19/08/2018

Akbar or Jahangir receiving gifts from other princes including James c. 1605

Captain John Smith captured by Indians rescued by Pocahontas

Inigo Jones by Sir Anthony Van Dyck

Greenwich & Inigo Jones’s Queen's House attributed to Hendrick Danckerts c. 1670,

Ben Jonson by Abraham van Blyenberch after Van Dyck

Interior of Inigo Jones’s Banqueting House, Whitehall

4 19/08/2018

Parthenia, the first music published for keyboard, by William Byrd, John Bull and Inigo Jones’s Orlando Gibbons c. 1612 costume design for royal masques

Oberon played by Prince Henry in For Thomas Campion's The Lords’ masque by Jonson 1611 Masque at Court 14 Feb 1613

Sir Thomas Overbury poisoned in the Tower, by Renold Elstrack

Robert Carr in the manner of Nicholas Hilliard 1611 Robert Carr and Frances Howard by Renold Elstrack

Frederick’s Landing at Gravesend 16 October 1612

5 19/08/2018

Heidelberg Palace and Gardens by Jacques Fouquiere Heidelberg in 1622

Emblematic representation of the tomb of Queen Anne and her funeral effigy in Westminster Abbey

Heidelberg Palace today

Thomas Sackville Charles Howard Charles Blount Henry Howard Royal Gold Cup made for the Duc de Berry in 1380, captured after Agincourt and presented to the Duke de Frias by James I

Somerset House Conference 1604 with Don Juan Fernandez de Velasco Duke of Frias (Left Front) and Robert Cecil Viscount Cranborne (Right Front) possibly by John de Critz, NPG

6 19/08/2018

George Villiers 1st Duke of Buckingham attributed to William Larkin 1616 The Infanta Maria Anna by Velázquez

Count Gondomar Spanish ambassador as Machiavelli by T Scott in Vox Populi Ceremonial entry of Charles into Madrid with Buckingham March 1623

James swearing to the Spanish marriage July 1623 James welcoming Charles home after the Spanish debacle

7 19/08/2018

Satire on the Spanish Parliament from Vox Populi

Theobalds (acquired 1607 in exchange for Hatfield) where James died in 1625, by John Thorpe

Design by Inigo Jones for James's catafalque Broadside lamenting James's death

Apotheosis of James by Rubens on the ceiling of the Banqueting House Whitehall