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DEPA~~M~'Ft!Lrol; ' -'~ljll\iff:~i~ ~~/~ UNIVERSIT¥'tf~~%·OI:·~i~r(<<~WASHINGTCN. DEPA~~M~'ft!lrol; '. ~ ~k~ ~1~~~{~W:~?:~~~:~i::~~. OCEANOGRAPH~ ..... ... .. ::: :;.. ~~ f f. t SEATTLE 5, WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF OCEANOGRAPHY Seattle 5, Washington Articles Sponsored by the Office of Naval Research Published in the Journal of Marine Research, Volume 17, 1958 ---- Technical Report No. 71 MARINE SEDIMENTS OF PRINCE OF WALES STRAIT AND AMUNDSEN GULF, WEST CANADIAN ARCTIC, by Richard G. Bader and Vernon J. Henry. (pp. 35 - 52) Technical Report No. 72 SPRING CHANGES IN PHYTOPLANKTON ABUNDANCE IN A DEEP ESTUARY, HOOD CANAL, WASHINGTON, by John P. Barlow. (pp. 53 - 67) Technical Report No. 73 SOME CONSIDERATIONS OF OXYGEN UTILIZATION RATES IN PUGET SOUND, by Clifford Ao Barnes and Eugene E. Collias. (pp. 68 - 80) . Technical Report No. 74 ,r NOTES CONCERNING THE HALOCLINE IN THE NORTHEASTERN PACIFIC OCEAN, by Richard H. Fleming. (pp. 158 - 173) Technical Report No. 75 CONTROL OF SEDIMENTATION AND BOTTOM CONFIGURATION BY CONVECTION CURRENTS, LAKE WASHINGTON, WASHINGTON, by Howard R. Gould and Thomas F. Budinger. (pp. 183 - 198) Technical Report No. 76 THE OCCURRENCE OF PIGMENTS IN MARINE SEDIMENTS, by Taivo Laevastu. (pp. 325 - 334) Technical Report No. 77 DIURNAL STUDY OF PHYTOPLANKTON PIGMENTS, AN IN SITU STUDY IN EAST SOUND, WASHINGTON, by Charles S. Yentsch and RobertF. Scagel. (pp. 567 - 583) Office of Naval Research Reference M61-43 Contracts N8onr-520/II1 November 1961 and Nonr-477 (10) , Project NR 083 012 MARINE SEDIMENTS OF PRINCE OF WALES STRAIT AND AMUNDSEN GULF, WEST CANADIAN ARCTICI By RICHARD G. BADER and VERNON J. HENRY Department 01 Oceanography and Metwrology A. &: M. OoUege 01 Te:eaa ABSTRACT Fifty-two marine sediment samples from Prince of Wales Strait and Amundsen Gulf have been analyzed for properties suoh as grain size and rook and mineral composition. It that the distribution of the various sediment types in the area investigated is markedly influenced by both stream location and sea ice. ." INTRODUCTION The marine sediments described in this paper were collected during the 1953 Beaufort Sea Expedition, sponsored by the United States Navy. This was the first expedition to systematically invest­ igate the marine deposits of Amundsen Gulf and Prince of Wales Strait (see Fig. 1). Geographic Description. Previous expeditions have provided con­ siderable information concerning the geography and geology of this general area (Carsola, 1954a; Washburn, 1947; Chipman and Cox, 1924). The mainland east of the Mackenzie River to Cape Bathurst is a fiat swampy plain, and from Dolphin and Union Strait east to Sherman Inlet on Adelaide Peninsula it is generally low and deeply indented. But in the vicinity of Tree River and Cape Barrow on Coronation Gulf the terrain is rugged. The Coppermine is the largest of several rivers in this area. Prince of Wales Strait separates Banks Island from Victoria Island. In the southern portion of Victoria Island and along Prince 1 Contribution from the Department of Oceanography and Meteorology of the A. & M. College of Texas. Oceanography and Meteorology Series No. 130. Also Contribution No. 231 from the Department of Oceanography, University of Wash­ ington. Collection ofsediment samples was supported by the Office ofNaval Research lmder Contract N8 ONR 520/llI with the Department of Oceanography, University of Washington. (35) REPRINT FROM JOURNAL OF ~IARINE RESEARCH, VOLUME 17, 1958 36 Journal of Marine Research [17 160' 140' 120' _A_R_C_[~C:A_N 75'!1,- l 1 8EAUFORT SeA 160' Figure 1. Map of the West. Canadian Arctic. Albert Sound the topography is generally under 300 feet, but inland elevations of about 2000 feet have been reported. In the Walker Bay area, steep shores rise to over 1000 feet. The near-shore area along Prince of Wales Strait is generally under 200-300 feet, these elevations increasing inland. The southern part of Banks Island from Nelson Head east to Cape Lambton and then north to Thesiger Bay is characterized by steep cliffs composed of a sedimentary sequence capped with basalt which may rise to more than 1500 feet; in the southwest comer there is a plateau over 2000 feet high. The coast region from Nelson Head to DeSalis Bay and eastward is low-lYing while inland the elevation increases gradually to a maximum of about 1000 feet. The Prince of Wales Strait shore area is generally under 200 feet. Both Banks and Victoria Island show evidence of glaciation (Washburn, 1947; Porslid, 1950). An esker has been observed on the high plateau of Nelson Head and Cape Lambton, and eskers, striated stones, and erratics have been found on southern and eastern Banks Island. In the Walker Bay region of Victoria Island, 1958] Bader and Henry: Marine Sediments in the Arctic 37 also glaciated, the high plateau to the north has in the limestone many large striations which trend northwestward. Terraces on both islands up to approximately 600 feet indicate isostatic adjustment following glaciation. Although it is known that the lower terraces are former strand lines, many of the higher terraces are of doubt­ ful origin. Oceanographic Description. The region eastward from Icy Cape, Alaska, including Amundsen Gulf, is covered by unnavigable shore­ bound sea ice for about 9 to 10 months of the year (U. S. Hydro­ graphic Office, 1946), and permanent polar ice is located approx­ imately 40 to 60 miles north of Point Barrow, Alaska. In July the heavy ice begins to dissipate in the southern Chukchi Sea, at the mouth of the Mackenzie River, and south of Victoria Island in Dolphin and Union Strait and Coronation Gulf. During August a narrow strip of navigable ice appears along the continental shore from the Chukchi Sea to Hershell Island, just east of the Mackenzie River mouth. The strip gradually widens eastward and Amundsen Gulf is usually ice-free in August. In early August 1953 it was neces­ sary to search for open leads only a few miles from shore in the region east of the Mackenzie River. By September the ice begins to move back against the shore and may become land-fast at Point Barrow, although Amundsen Gulf is usually still open. Prince of Wales Strait mayor may not be navigable. In October the sea again becomes ice-bound. The wind direction and force is an important factor in the ice distribution. In August and September of 1953, during periods of north and northwest winds, Prince of Wales Strait was generally ice-bound, but during periods of southeast winds or calm weather the ice was either absent or scattered. Wave action is usually negligible due to the relatively short fetch. The tides are mostly under one foot although Stefansson (1921) has recorded 6- to 8-foot wind tides along the western coast of Banks Island due to strong west winds. Low tides may also be associated with east winds. The currents are poorly developed and not well understood (U. S. Hydrographic Office, 1951; Carsola, 1954a). In the western Arctic most of the soundings have been obtained .s. off the Alaskan coast. Carsola (1954a, 1954b) has discussed the relief of the Continental Shelf and adjacent areas of the Beaufort and Chukchi seas. The Continental Shelf of the Beaufort Sea, ter- 38 J()urnal 01 Marine Research [17 minating at about 30 to 40 fathoms, shows the effects of local glac­ iation just west of Amundsen Gulf. Shelf glaciation is to be expected in the eastern Beaufort Sea since there is ample evidence of glac- ~ iation on the southern parts of Banks and Victoria Island. Amundsen Gulf, approximately 500 to 700 feet deep, is appar­ ently a trough-like basin oriented WNW. Prince of Wales Strait, with a maximum depth of about 240 to 450 feet, is much shallower than Amundsen Gulf or McClure Strait. Sediment lee-Rafting. Ice-rafting of one type or another in the Arctic has been discussed by Nares (1878), Bancroft (1905), Stefans­ son (1921), Kindle (1924), Chipman and Cox (1924), Nichols (1936), Deevey (1939), Washburn (1947), LaFond et ale (1949), Emery (1949), Fletcher (1950), Carsola (1954a), and others. Ice-rafting is capable of transporting sediment far from its source. In the Chukchi Sea, mud-laden ice was observed almost 200 miles from the nearest land. In early August 1953 brown sediment-laden ice was abundant in the vicinity of the Mackenzie River mouth, but in September it had disappeared; it had melted or been carried away by winds and a westerly current. Ice islands provide an excellent means for long range sediment transport. These islands are fragments of shelf ice from Ellesmere Island over 1000 miles to the east (J. O. Fletcher, personal commun­ ications). One such island, 1/4mile wide by 1/2mile long and about 100 feet thick, was observed in Prince of Wales Strait. The surface was coated with a layer of micaceous sediment. The schists and gneisses on northern Ellesmere Island may have been the source of this sediment. The sediments may become a part of sea ice by the following principal means: 1) Grounded sea ice freezes at the base and includes sediments. Repeated melting of the upper surface and refreezing at the base gradually bring sediments to the surface. 2) Land-fast ice picks up beach sediments on the bottom and landslides or slumping add material to the ice surface. Numerous instances of this were observed in Prince of Wales Strait; in some cases till-like soil completely covered the ice. 3) Since river ice breaks up earlier in the spring than sea ice, river waters flow out over the sea ice and deposit their load. Exam­ ples of this were observed at the mouth of small intermittent 1958] Bader and Henry: Marine SedimentB in the Arctic 39 streams on the east side of Banks Island.
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