


M/s GPA MINERALS MINING OF QUARTZ Lease Area: 16.512 Ha., Sy No: 322 (P) of Narrawada Village & Sy. No. 475/1, 475/2, 476,478 & 480 of Duttaluru Village, Duttaluru Mandal, S.P.S.R. District,

Production Capacity (Max): Quartz - 30119 MTPA,


1 FORM- 1

(I) Basic Information

Sl.No. Item Details 1. Name of the project/s M/s GPA Minerals Mining of Quartz

2. S. No. in the schedule 1(a) 3. Proposed capacity/area/length/tonnage to Mining of Quartz in 16.512 Ha., be handled/command area/lease Maximum Production: area/number of wells to be drilled. Quartz - 30119 MTPA, 4. New/Expansion/Modernization The proposed lease area is Government land and new for mining activity. 5. Existing Capacity/Area etc. 16.512 Ha.,

6. Category of Project i.e. ‘A’ or ‘B’ Category – B2 at par with B 1 7. Does it attract the general condition? If The project doesn’t attract general conditions yes, please specify. as per EIA notification, 2006. As the mine area is not located in whole or in part within 10 km from the boundary of: (i) Protected Areas notified under the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972, (ii) Critically Polluted areas as notified by the Central Pollution Control Board, (iii) Notified Eco-sensitive areas, (iv) Inter-state and international boundaries 8. Does it attract the specific condition? If This mining activity doesn’t attract specific yes, please specify. condition as the mining area is not located in Industrial Estate/SEZ as mentioned in specific conditions of EIA Notification, 2006 9. Location Plot/Survey/Khasra No. Sy No: 332/P of Narrawada village & Village Sy.No.475/1, 475/2, 476, 478 & 480 off Tehsil Duttaluru Village, District Duttaluru Mandal, State S.P.S.R.Nellore District,

2 Andhra Pradesh 10. Nearest railway station/airport along Railway Station : Sri Venkateswarapalem with distance in km. Railway Station at 55.66 km Airport: Kadapa Airport at 84.51 km 11. Nearest Town, city, district Headquarters Town :Duttaluru Mandal at a distance of 6.57 along with distance in km. km. City/District head quarters : Nellore at 73.11 km in South East Direction. 12. Village Panchayats, Zilla Parishad, Gram Panchayat - Narrawada Gram Panchayat Municipal Corporation, Local body Duttaluru Mandal, SPSR Nellore District, (complete postal addresses with Andhra Pradesh-524222 telephone nos. to be given) Zilla Panchayat - Podalakur Road , Dargamitta, S.P.S.R. Nellore District, Andhra Pradesh-524 003 13. Name of the lease applicant Smt.Katamreddy Prasuna, Proprietrix 14. Registered Address M/s GPA Minerals, Smt.Katamreddy Prasuna, Proprietrix D.No.27/4/242, Flat No.404, Sai Ahalya Homes, Near Children Park, Ramji Nagar, Nellore-524002 15. Address for correspondence: M/s GPA Minerals Name Smt.Katamreddy Prasuna Designation (Owner/Partner/CEO) Proprietrix D.No.27/4/242, Flat No.404, Sai Ahalya Homes, Near Children Park, Ramji Nagar, Nellore Pin code 524002 E-mail [email protected] Telephone No. 9989367070 Fax No. -- 16. Details of Alternative Sites examined, if No alternative sites were examined as the any. Location of these sites should be mineral is site specific. Due to the availability

3 shown on a topo sheet. of Quartz deposits in the lease area, this area is selected for mining. 17. Interlinked Projects No Interlinked Projects 18. Whether separate application of NA interlinked project has been submitted? 19. If yes, date of submission NA 20. If no, reason NA 21. Whether the proposal involves i. The present mine area is a Government approval/clearance under: if yes, details land, no forest area is present within the of the same and their status to be given. mine lease area. Nearest Reserve forest is i. The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980? Yerukollu Gundemadakala Reserve ii. The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972? Forest at a distance of 1.58 kms. iii. The C.R.Z. Notification, 1991? ii. The area is not located within CRZ zone. Thus, there is no need for CRZ clearance 22. Whether there is any Government The DM&G, Ibrahimpatnam has decided in Order/Policy relevant/relating to the site? principle to grant a quarry lease for Quartz over an extent of 16.512 Hectares which is located in Sy.No:322(P) Narrawada Village (Ac.11.50 cents), 475/1 (Ac.6.58 cents), 475/2 (Ac.7.64 cents), 476 (Ac.5.25 cents), 478 (Ac.3.20 Cents) and 480 (Ac.6.63 cents) of Duttaluru Village, Duttaluru Mandal, S.P.S.R.Nellore District, A.P vide Notice No: 2868/R3-1/2019, dated: 05.07.2019. Mining plan was approved vide Letter No: 546/MP/Quartz/NLR/2019, dated: 27.09.2019 23. Forest land involved (hectares) N.A 24. Whether there is any litigation pending No litigations or court cases pending against against the project and/or land in which the proposed project the project is propose to be set up? a) Name of the Court b) Case No. c) Orders/directions of the Court, if

4 any and its relevance with the proposed project.

(II) Activities 1. Construction, operation or decommissioning of the Project involving actions, which will cause physical changes in the locality (topography, land use, changes in water bodies, etc.)

S.No. Information/Checklist confirmation Details thereof (with approximate quantities /rates, wherever possible) Yes/ with source of information data No 1.1 Permanent or temporary change in land Yes The entire applied area is an almost use, land cover or topography including plain land with very gentle slope increase in intensity of land use (with towards west. The topographic plan respect to local land use plan) has been prepared with 1 m contour interval its highest elevation is 134 m RL and lowest elevation is 128 m RL. The general trend of the drainage towards south-west is by ground slope and the general drain pattern is dendritic to sub-dendritic in nature. The formed pits will be utilized for water storage and as rain water harvesting structure and plain areas will be developed with green belt at the end of mine life. 1.2 Clearance of existing land, vegetation No The applied area is plain land with and buildings? sparse vegetation. Vegetation clearance will be minimal, wherever required. However, green belt will be developed with native species in buffer zone. There are no existing buildings in the lease area and hence no proposal of clearance is made. 1.3 Creation of new land uses? Yes A pit shall be formed in the process of

5 mining for Quartz, which will be reclaimed as water harvesting structure during mine closure. 1.4 Pre-construction investigations e.g. bore Yes Site is surveyed for estimation of houses, soil testing? reserves. 1.5 Construction works? Yes No permanent structures will be constructed. Site services like temporary office, restrooms, firstaids room will be provided within in quarry lease applied area. 1.6 Demolition works? No The mine does not contain any temporary / permanent structures. Therefore there is no need for demolition works. During decommissioning, the established temporary sheds will be removed. 1.7 Temporary sites used for construction Yes Temporary structures will be works or housing of construction established in mine lease area. workers? 1.8 Above ground buildings, structures or Yes The project does not involve any earthworks including linear structures, construction activity. cut and fill or excavations Mineral will be excavated through Open cast mining method. 1.9 Underground works including mining or No Opencast method by developing tunneling? benches. Therefore, no underground mining or tunneling is envisaged. 1.10 Reclamation works? No No reclamation works are proposed during this ensuing mining plan. But after completion of mining activity the formed pits will be used as water harvesting structures and green belt will be developed on plain surfaces and buffer zone. The top benches will

6 be applied with fertile soil and plantations works along with grass species development will be carried out. 1.11 Dredging? No Not applicable

1.12 Offshore structures? No Not applicable

1.13 Production and manufacturing Yes The proposed mining project is for processes? production of Quartz with a maximum capacity of 30119 MTPA. It is proposed to operate the mine by semi mechanized method of open cast mining with systematic & scientific method of mining. Bench height will be maintained at 3m and width will be maintained more than bench height as per the statutory requirements and slope of benches will be maintained at 60 0.The applicant proposes to produce Quartz by drilling and blasting for progressing benches and for handling of ore/waste material. However, Drilling & blasting techniques will be used for hard formations only. The ore body is blasted to the end users and dump yards. 1.14 Facilities for storage of goods or Yes Temporary stocks will be maintained materials? on day to day basis. 1.15 Facilities for treatment or disposal of Yes The waste material during plan period solid waste or liquid effluents? from pegmatite vein and OB will be 144615 m 3 (278106 MT) only, dumping of the waste material is done on the south-west side in the applied area without affecting the surface water course. The proposed waste will

7 be dumped at an area 1.5 Ha it will reach at a height of 30 mts. No liquid effluent shall be generated except domestic effluent of 1.2 KLD which will be treated in septic tank followed by soak pit. 1.16 Facilities for long term housing of No Majority of manpower will be Operational workers? recruited from local people only. Therefore no housing scheme is proposed. 1.17 New road, rail or sea traffic during No Road Network to reach the Site is Construction or operation? clear from main road. So no proposal for new road is made. 1.18 New road, rail, air waterborne or other No As the project is in small scale, the transport infrastructure including new or existing transport facilities shall meet altered routes and stations, ports, airports the proposed transportation etc? requirements. 1.19 Closure or diversion of existing transport No The project will not cause any changes routes or infrastructure leading to in the existing traffic movements. changes in traffic movements? 1.20 New or diverted transmission lines or No The project does not involve diversion pipelines? of transmission /pipelines. 1.21 Impoundment, damming, culverting, Yes There is no Impoundment, damming, realignment or other changes to the culverting, realignment needed. hydrology of watercourses or aquifers? The formed mine pits will be used as water harvesting structures, thus cause positive changes in the hydrology of aquifers of that area. 1.22 Stream crossings? Yes One second order stream is passing in the mine area and one dry tank is present adjacent to the South west side of the site. Safety Boulder wall will be provided and buffer zone will be left. Garland drains with siltation ponds

8 will be provided with in the mine area to avoid siltation of the stream. 1.23 Abstraction or transfers of water form No No bore wells are proposed for this ground or surface waters? mine activity. Water requirement of 14.5 KLD will be supplied through water tankers from village for sprinkling and domestic purpose in the mine. 1.24 Changes in water bodies or the land Yes During mining activities the rain water surface affecting drainage or run-off? runoff will be collected in mine pits or garland drains. The same will be used for dust suppression or green belt development or into nearby water source after sedimentation. 1.25 Transport of personnel or materials for Yes The workers will be used their own construction, operation or conveyance for commuting to the decommissioning? quarry during operation. During operation lorries, trucks, Proclainers will be used. Transportation of personnel will be anticipated until the mine area is completely reclaimed/restored. 1.26 Long-term dismantling or No Mine closure plan will be decommissioning or restoration works? implemented. 1.27 Ongoing activity during No Decommissioning for this mine area decommissioning which could have an will be taken up to restore the impact on the environment? environment with green belt development. Decommissioning activity which has adverse impact on environment is not proposed. 1.28 Influx of people to an area in either No No influx of people into this area Temporarily or permanently? either temporarily or permanently. Most of the employees will be

9 recruited from nearby villages only. 1.29 Introduction of alien species? No Green belt will be developed with native species only. 1.30 Loss of native species or genetic Yes The area is occupied by few trees and diversity? and thorny bushes. Vegetation will be cleared for successful operation of the mine. Most of the trees are smaller in size, so the same will be relocated to the green belt area. Due care will be taken while clearing the vegetation such that native species are preserved. Green belt will be developed with native species only. 1.31 Any other actions? No No other actions which will cause changes in land use, water bodies are not identified in this mine activity.

2. Use of Natural resources for construction or operation of the Project (such as land, water, materials or energy, especially any resources which are non- renewable or in short supply):

Details thereof (with S.No. Information/Checklist confirmation Yes/No approximate quantities / rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 2.1 Land especially undeveloped or Yes The mine lease area of 16.512 agricultural land (ha) hectares is Governmnet land which is plain land not suitable for agricultural or any other use other than quarrying. 2.2 Water (expected source & competing Yes Total water requirement of the users) unit: KLD mining operations is about 14.5 KLD. Dust suppression – 6.0 KLD Green belt – 4.0 KLD Domestic – 1.5 KLD Wet Drilling-3.0 KLD 10 Source of Water: Water Tankers 2.3 Minerals (MT) No The present mining activity doesn’t require any minerals for its operation. 2.4 Construction material – stone, Yes Requirement of small quantities of aggregates, sand / soil (expected source - construction materials are sourced MT) from nearby areas for construction of office and rest shelter. Fertile soil is required for plantation works. Top soil will be removed and preserved within the mine lease area. 2.5 Forests and timber (source – MT) No Since it is open cast mining acitivity no timber usage is envisaged. 2.6 Energy including electricity and fuels Yes This is open cast semi mechanized (source, competing users) Unit: fuel mining. Diesel will be used for (MT), energy (MW) mining operations. Electricity is not required as the mining operations are carried out in day time only. 2.7 Any other natural resources (use No -- appropriate standard units)

3. Use, storage, transport, handling or production of substances or materials, which could be harmful to human health or the environment or raise concerns about actual or perceived risks to human health. Details thereof (with approximate S.No. Information/Checklist confirmation Yes/No quantities /rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 3.1 Use of substances or materials, which are No Small quantities of slurry hazardous (as per Blasting rules) to explosives will be used for blasting human health or the environment (flora, as per the norms, by adopting fauna, and water supplies) controlled blasting technique with

11 delay detonators. 3.2 Changes in occurrence of disease or No There is no change in occurrence of affect disease vectors (e.g. insect or water disease or affect disease vectors due borne diseases) to Quartz quarry activity.

3.3 Affect the welfare of people e.g., by Yes The proposed activity will provide changing living conditions? employment to the local villagers thereby improving their living conditions. 3.4 Vulnerable groups of people who could No There is no habitat in the lease area. be affected by the project e.g. hospital Nearest habitation is patients, children, the elderly etc., Bandakindapalli Village at a distance of 1.44 km. The quarry operation will be carried out in safe and systematic manner as per the approved mining plan. So no person will be affected by the project. 3.5 Any other causes? No --

4. Production of solid wastes during construction or operation or commissioning (MT/month)

S.No. Information/Checklist confirmation Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate quantities /rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 4.1 Spoil, overburden or mine wastes Yes The waste material during plan period from pegmatite vein and OB will be 144615 m 3 (278106 MT) only, dumping of the waste material is done on the south-west side in the applied area without affecting the surface water course. The proposed waste will be dumped at an area 1.5 Ha will reach at a height

12 of 30 mts. 4.2 Municipal waste (domestic and or No No municipal waste will be commercial wastes) generated during mining operations. 4.3 Hazardous wastes (as per Hazardous Yes Used oil from engines will be used Waste Management Rules) for lubricating the machinery. 4.4 Other industrial process wastes No No industrial process waste will be generated. 4.5 Surplus product No Not Applicable 4.6 Sewage sludge or other sludge from No No sludge is expected from the effluent treatment mine activity. 4.7 Construction or demolition wastes Yes Small amount of waste is expected from demolition works at decommissioning stage. The material with resalable value such as asbestos sheets will be sold and other wastes will be disposed safely. 4.8 Redundant machinery or equipment No No redundant machinery will be kept in the quarry premises. 4.9 Contaminated soils or other materials No The repair and service works of these machineries are done outside the quarry lease area. There is no possibility of oil spillage. 4.10 Agricultural wastes Yes Waste generated while clearing vegetation can be expected during this envisaged mining plan. 4.11 Other solid wastes No --

13 5. Release of pollutants or any hazardous, toxic or noxious substances to air (Kg/hr)

Details thereof (with approximate quantities /rates, wherever S.No. Information/Checklist confirmation Yes/No possible) with source of information data 5.1 Emissions from combustion of fossil Yes The only source of emissions are fuels from stationary or mobile sources from mining machinery and transport vehicles. The emissions are very minimal and insignificant to cause any adverse effect. However, periodical emission test shall be conducted once in six months for all vehicles working in the quarry. 5.2 Emissions from production processes Yes Fugitive dust will be generated from mining activities. Adequate control measures like water sprinkling, wet drilling will be followed. Regular monitoring and maintenance of equipment will be practiced. Green belt, which act as pollution sink will be developed in the buffer zone. 5.3 Emissions from materials handling Yes Emission of air borne dust is including storage or transport envisaged during transport of waste and movement of vehicles within the mine. Water sprinklers will be provided for dust suppression. Vehicle speed will be restricted to maximum of 25 KMPH. 5.4 Emissions from construction activities No There will be no major construction including mine and equipment activity within the mine area. 5.5 Dust or odours from handling of Yes Dust will generated during mining,

14 materials including construction and transportation of materials. materials, sewage and waste However, odor is not envisaged. 5.6 Emissions from incineration of waste No Incineration of waste is not anticipated during mine operation or decommissioning. 5.7 Emissions from burning of waste in open No There will be no burning of waste air (e.g. slash materials, construction in open air. debris) 5.8 Emissions from any other sources No No other sources are identified from this mine activity.

6. Generation of Noise and Vibration, and Emissions of Light and Heat: Details thereof (with approximate quantities /rates, wherever S.No. Information/Checklist confirmation Yes/No possible) with source of information data 6.1 From operation of equipment e.g. Yes Noise will be generated from engines, ventilation mine, crushers transport vehicles, machinery machinery and mining operations. The operations will not cause more than 75 dB (A). However, regular monitoring and maintenance will be performed. 6.2 From industrial or similar processes No Noise/vibrations will be within prescribed limits during mining operations. No emissions of light and heat are expected during mining acitivity. 6.3 From construction or demolition No No demolition or major construction activities are proposed for this mine operation. 6.4 From blasting or piling Yes Noise and vibration arises during drilling and blasting in the project, which will be minimized by controlled mine operations and safety measures. 15 6.5 From construction or operational traffic Yes Noise will be generated from the trucks deployed for transportation of mined material. 6.6 From lighting or cooling systems No No lighting or cooling systems will be installed in the mine area. 6.7 From any other sources No Nil

7. Risks of contamination of land or water from releases of pollutants into the ground or into sewers, surface waters, groundwater, coastal waters or the sea:

Details thereof (with approximate S.No. Information/Checklist confirmation Yes/No quantities /rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 7.1 From handling, storage, use or spillage No The repair and service works of of hazardous materials machineries are done outside. There is no possibility of oil spillage. No hazardous materials will be released into ground or water bodies. 7.2 From discharge of sewage or other No There is no effluent generated from effluents to water or the land (expected project site. The domestic effluent mode and place of discharge) generated will be disposed through septic tank followed by soak pit. 7.3 By deposition of pollutants emitted to air No There is no process waste water into the land or into water generated from the project site. The project will not release any odors since it is quarry operation of Quartz. Dust emissions are expected from drilling, excavation and transportation operations. Control measures such as water sprinkling, and green belt development in buffer zone will be practiced to attenuate dust

16 suspension within the mine area and avoid dust deposition in nearby lands/water bodies. 7.4 From any other sources? No No other sources are identified 7.5 Is there a risk of long term build up of No There is no risk of long term pollutants in the environment from these buildup of pollutants in the sources? environment, since the mine operations are opencast method.

8. Risk of accidents during construction or operation of the Project, which could affect human health or the environment

Details thereof (with approximate S.No. Information/Checklist confirmation Yes/No quantities /rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 8.1 From explosions, spillages, fires etc. Yes Drilling and Blasting will be done from storage, handling, use or production as per blasting rules. Experienced of hazardous substances Mine Manager/Supervisor shall be engaged to supervise such that mining operations are carried out in safe manner as per Metalliferous Mines regulation, 1961. 8.2 From any other causes No • Safe mining practice as per the MMR, 1961 and its amendments and circulars issued by DGMS to be adopted. • Transport and handling of materials need attention and supervision as per the provisions of Mine Management. • Use of machineries in quarry should be operated by the competent person as per the mine Regulations to avoid 17 break downs and its related accidents. Benches with safety slopes will be established to avoid slope failures. 8.3 Could the project be affected by natural No The area of project site is not prone disasters causing environmental damage to natural disasters such as (e.g. floods, earthquakes, landslides, flooding, earthquakes etc. cloudburst etc)?

9. Factors which should be considered (such as consequential development) which could lead to environmental effects or the potential for cumulative impacts with other existing or planned activities in the locality

Details thereof (with approximate S.No. Information/Checklist confirmation Yes/No quantities /rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 9.1 Lead to development of supporting Yes The project will improve local facilities, ancillary development or business opportunities in the nearby development stimulated by the project villages by way of establishment of which could have impact on the shops, garages etc. environment e.g.: Housing development within the • Supporting infrastructure (roads, power lease area may not be required as the supply, Waste or waste water treatment, workers are recruited from local etc.) villages, but livelihood of the local • Housing development area will be improved. • Extractive industries No much industrial development is • Supply industries anticipated due this mine activity. • Other 9.2 Lead to after-use of the site, which could Yes During quarry closure, exhausted pit have an impact on the environment shall be reclaimed as rain water harvesting structure. Green belt with grasses and trees will be developed on plain lands and top of the benches in the mine lease area.

18 Thus, the modification in land use may lead to positive impact on the environment. 9.3 Set a precedent for later developments No This project may not set any precedence for any later developments. 9.4 Have cumulative effects due to No There are no mines are presrnt within proximity to other existing or planned 500 meters distance from this mine projects with similar effects lease boundary.

(III) Environmental Sensitivity

Name/ Aerial distance (within 15 km.) S.No. Area Identity Proposed project location boundary 1 Areas protected under international No None within 10 km Aerial distance conventions, national or local legislation from proposed mine site. for their ecological, landscape, cultural or other related value 2 Areas which are important or sensitive for Yes Water Bodies: ecological reasons - Wetlands, Second Order Stream- with in Lease watercourses or other water bodies, area coastal zone, biospheres, mountains, Dry Tank – Adjacent to the site- SW forests Brahmeshwaram Katta Cheruvu-1.13 km-SW Kaveru River-9.30 km-SE Nerella Vagu-6.92 km-NE Pilaperu River-7.94 kms-NW Reserve Forest: Yerukollu Gundemadakala R.F-1.58 kms-SE Reserve Forest-2.48 km-North Utukuru R.F-4.48 kms-SW Gudiveripalem R.F-5.87 km-SE

19 Dattuluru R.F-8.81 km-SW New Extension R.F-8.86 km 3 Areas used by protected, important or No This area is not used by protected, sensitive species of flora or fauna for important or sensitive species of flora breeding, nesting, foraging, resting, over or fauna for breeding, nesting, wintering, migration foraging, resting, over wintering and migration. There is no Endangered Species. 4 Inland, coastal, marine or underground Yes The 15km buffer area has few inland waters water bodies and the nearest is a water body – 1.13 km due SW. No coastal, marine waters are present within 15 km buffer zone. 5 State, National boundaries No None within 15 km aerial distance from proposed mine. 6 Routes or facilities used by the public for No There are no routes or facilities used access to recreation or other tourist, by the public for access to recreation pilgrim areas or other tourist places in the proposed area. Other routes are present to reach recreation places/pilgrim areas within 15 km radius from the mine area. 7 Defense installations No None within 15 km aerial distance from proposed mine. 8 Densely populated or built-up area Yes Nearest habitation is Bandakindapalli Village situated at 1.44 km and densely populated area Duttaluru Mandal at a distance of 6.57 km. 9 Areas occupied by sensitive man-made Yes Hospitals, Schools, community land uses facilities are available at 2.00 km (Hospitals, schools, places of worship, away from the proposed mine area. community facilities) 10 Areas containing important, high quality No There is no high quality or scarce or scarce resources resources such as ground water

20 (Ground water resources, surface resources, surface resources, forestry, resources, forestry, agriculture, fisheries, agriculture, fisheries, tourism, rare tourism, minerals) minerals near the site. 11 Areas already subjected to pollution or No None within 15 km aerial distance environmental damage. from proposed mine site. (Those where existing legal environmental standards are exceeded) 12 Areas susceptible to natural hazard which No The project area falls under the could cause the project to present Sesimic Zone-III. No Earth Quake environmental problems history found. The area receives (Earthquakes, subsidence, landslides, moderate rainfall and flooding is not erosion, flooding for extreme or adverse anticipated. However, quarry climatic conditions ) operations will be suspended during rainy season.



S.No Information required Information to be furnished by the proponents 1 Name of the project or activity M/s GPA Minerals Mining of Quartz 2 Name of the organization/owner. Smt.Katamreddy Prasuna Proprietrix 3 Address for communication M/s GPA Minerals, Smt.Katamreddy Prasuna, Proprietrix D.No.27/4/242, Flat No.404, Sai Ahalya Homes, Near Children Park, Ramji Nagar, Nellore-524002 4 Telephone numbers 9989367070 5 Email ID of the organization or contact [email protected] person 6 Location of the Proposed project or activity Sy.No:322(P) Narrawada Village (Ac.11.50 cents), 475/1 (Ac.6.58 cents), 475/2 (Ac.7.64 cents), 476 (Ac.5.25 cents), 478 (Ac.3.20 Cents) and 480 (Ac.6.63 cents) of Duttaluru Village, Duttaluru Mandal, S.P.S.R.Nellore District, Andhra Pradesh – 524002

7 Appraisal Category (B2 or B1) Category ‘B’ (B2) at par with (B1) 8 Nearest habitation and distance from the Bandakindapalli Village at a distance of project or activity 1.44 km 9 Installed capacity / Production Capacities Mining of Quartz in 16.512 Ha., Maximum Production: Quartz: 30119 MTPA 10 Specify the Fuel (Coal / CNG / Diesel based machinery will be used biomass/Others) and quantity required during mining operations. 11 Details of Land use/Land Cover The quarry lease area is Government Land.

22 12 Occupancy, ownership of the land in which Government Land the activity is proposed: The DM&G, Ibrahimpatnam has decided (Government land / Private land / Forest land in principle to grant a quarry lease for /Revenue land /Temple land /leased land/ Quartz over an extent of 16.512 Hectares land belongs to other Department) which is located in Sy.No:322(P) Narrawada Village (Ac.11.50 cents), 475/1 (Ac.6.58 cents), 475/2 (Ac.7.64 cents), 476 (Ac.5.25 cents), 478 (Ac.3.20 Cents) and 480 (Ac.6.63 cents) of Duttaluru Village, Duttaluru Mandal, S.P.S.R.Nellore District, A.P vide Notice No: 2868/R3-1/2019, dated: 05.07.2019. 13 If it is a Forest land, the following details The present mine area is a Government shall be furnished: land, no forest area is present within the (Whether it is a Reserved forest / Protected mine lease area. Nearest Reserve forest is forest/Demarcated forest/ National Yerukollu Gundemadakala Reserve Forest Parks/Sanctuaries/any land in possession of at a distance of 1.58 kms. Forest Department.)

(The village map with Sy. No. indicating nearest forest boundary line from the site shall be enclosed) 14 Total investment of the project/activity. Rs. 180.0 Lakhs a. Funds allocated for EMP (capital cost and Rs. 30.0 Lakhs recurring cost per annum) 15 Brief description of the project with special The method of mining shall be opencast reference to specific pollution and its control basis. Excavation shall be carried out. measures. Bench height and width with safety slope will be maintained. During mining operations fugitive dust emissions will be generated. Control devices such as water sprinklers and green belt development will reduce the generation and spreading of dust

23 emissions. Domestic effluent will be treated in septic tank followed by soak pit. No other liquid effluent is generated due to this mine activity. Noise levels will be increased during operations and shall be maintained within the prescribed limits. PPE’s such as ears protectionwill be provided to the workforce. Equipments and vehicle will be regularly serviced to maintain them in good condition. 16 Compliance report on the following : i. Status of compliance of the conditions The project is new for Terms of and environmental safeguards stipulated Reference. in the earlier clearance letters. ii. Details of the court cases, if any, No court case/Litigation is pending pending in any Court of Law against the against the proposed project. project as well as any directions passed by the Court relating to the project directly or indirectly. iii. Details of the notices, if any, given to the Nil project under Section 5 of the Environmental (Protection) Act, 1986 and Section 18 of the Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981. 17 Whether the project attracts the provisions No. The project is fresh for ToR laid under the OM dt. 16.11.2012 issued by application the MoE&F, GOI, w.r.t. violation of EIA Notification, 2006 and its amendments thereof? (Yes/No) Present stage and status of the project: Mine work not yet started. Mine will start its operations after obtaining necessary permissions such as EC, CFE,CFO and

24 permits for production 18 Name of the Consultant: SV Enviro Labs & Consultants, Visakhapatnam



S.No. Standard Terms Of Reference TOR Compliance/Section No. 1. Year wise production details since 1994 The Mining plan was approved by the should be given, clearly stating the Department of Mines and Geology, Govt. highest production achieved in any one of Andhra Pradesh to carry the Mining of year prior to 1994. It may also be Quartz over an extent of 16.512 Hectares. categorically informed whether there The mine lease was granted vide Notice had been any increase in production No. 2868/R3-1/2019, Dated: 05.07.2019 after EIA Notification 1994 came into force, w.r.t the highest production achieved prior to 1994. 2. A copy of the document in support of Smt.Katamreddy Prasuna, Proprietrix and the fact that the Proponent is the rightful supported documents enclosed in mining lessee of the mine should be given. plan. 3. All documents including approved mine All the documents are compatible with plan, EIA and Public Hearing should be one another. compatible with one another in terms of the mine lease area, production levels, waste generation and its management, mining technology etc. and should be in the name of the lessee. 4. All corner coordinates of the mine lease Shown in PFR area, superimposed on a High Resolution Imagery/ toposheet; topographic sheet, geomorphology and geology of the area should be provided. Such an Imagery of the proposed area should clearly show the land use and other ecological features of the study area (core and buffer zone). 5. Information should be provided in Shown in PFR Survey of Toposheet in 1:50,000 scale indicating geological map of the area, geomorphology of land forms of the area, existing minerals and mining history of the area, important water bodies, streams and rivers and soil characteristics. 6. Details about the land proposed for The Mining plan was approved by the mining activities should be given with Department of Mines and Geology, Govt. information as to whether mining of Andhra Pradesh to carry the Mining of conforms to the land use policy of the Quartz over an extent of 16.512 Hectares. State; land diversion for mining should The mine lease was granted vide Notice have approval from State land use board No. 2868/R3-1/2019, Dated: 05.07.2019 or the concerned authority. 7. It should be clearly stated whether the The project proponent is committed to proponent Company has a well laid environmental safeguard and sustainable down Environment Policy approved by development. Environmental Monitoring its Board of Directors? If so, it may be Cell shall be established for reporting spelt out in the EIA Report with environmental issues. description of the prescribed operating process/procedures to bring into focus any infringement/deviation/ violation of the environmental or forest norms/ conditions? The hierarchical system or administrative order of the Company to deal with the environmental issues and for ensuring compliance with the EC conditions may also be given. The system of reporting of non compliances / violations of environmental norms to the Board of Directors of the Company and/or shareholders or stakeholders at large, may also be detailed in the EIA Report. 8. Issues relating to Mine Safety, including Not applicable as our proposed project is subsidence study in case of underground mining of Quartz. mining and slope study in case of open The method of mining is open cast semi cast mining, blasting study etc. should mechanised. be detailed. The proposed safeguard measures in each case should also be provided. 9. The study area will comprise of 10 km The life of the mine is 9 years. The zone around the mine lease from lease detailed year wise production is periphery and the data contained in the mentioned in PFR. EIA such as waste generation etc. should be for the life of the mine lease period. 10. Land use of the study area delineating Land use plan for mine lease area is forest area, agricultural land, grazing exclusively detailed in PFR. land, wildlife sanctuary, national park, migratory routes of fauna, water bodies, human settlements and other ecological features should be indicated. Land use plan of the mine lease area should be prepared to encompass preoperational, operational and post operational phases and submitted. Impact, if any, of change of land use should be given. 11. Details of the land for any Over Burden The waste material during plan period Dumps outside the mine lease, such as from pegmatite vein and OB will be extent of land area, distance from mine 144615 m3 (278106 MT) only, dumping lease, its land use, R&R issues, if any, of the waste material is done on the should be given. south-west side in the applied area without affecting the surface water course. The proposed waste will be dumped at an area 1.5 Ha it will reach at a height of 30 mts. 12. A Certificate from the Competent No forest land is existed with in mine Authority in the State Forest Department area. should be provided, confirming the involvement of forest land, if any, in the project area. In the event of any contrary claim by the Project Proponent regarding the status of forests, the site may be inspected by the State Forest Department along with the Regional Office of the Ministry to ascertain the status of forests, based on which, the Certificate in this regard as mentioned above be issued. In all such cases, it would be desirable for representative of the State Forest Department to assist the Expert Appraisal Committees. 13. Status of forestry clearance for the Not Applicable broken up area and virgin forestland involved in the Project including deposition of net present value (NPV) and compensatory Afforestation (CA) should be indicated. A copy of the forestry clearance should also be furnished. 14. Implementation status of recognition of Not Applicable. forest rights under the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 should be indicated. 15. The vegetation in the RF / PF areas in There are no RF/PF within study area. the study area, with necessary details, However, flora studies will be conducted should be given. in the core and buffer zones. 16. A study shall be got done to ascertain Impact of the project on wildlife is the impact of the Mining Project on negligible. Details will be provided in wildlife of the study area and details EIA report. furnished. Impact of the project on the wildlife in the surrounding and any other protected area and accordingly, detailed mitigative measures required, should be worked out with cost implications and submitted. 17. Location of National Parks, Sanctuaries, No National Parks, Sanctuaries, Biosphere Reserves, Wildlife Corridors, Biosphere Reserves, Wildlife Corridors, Ramsar site Tiger/Elephant Tiger/Elephant Reserves exist within 10 Reserves/(existing as well as proposed), km radius. if any, within 10 km of the mine lease should be clearly indicated, supported by a location map duly authenticated by Chief Wildlife Warden. Necessary clearance, as may be applicable to such projects due to proximity of the ecologically sensitive areas as mentioned above, should be obtained from the Standing Committee of National Board of Wildlife and copy furnished. 18. A detailed biological study of the study Will be provided in EIA report area [core zone and buffer zone (10 km radius of the periphery of the mine lease)] shall be carried out. Details of flora and fauna, endangered, endemic and RET Species duly authenticated, separately for core and buffer zone should be furnished based on such primary field survey, clearly indicating the Schedule of the fauna present. In case of any scheduled-I fauna found in the study area, the necessary plan along with budgetary provisions for their conservation should be prepared in consultation with State Forest and Wildlife Department and details furnished. Necessary allocation of funds for implementing the same should be made as part of the project cost. 19. Proximity to Areas declared as No critically polluted areas come under 'Critically Polluted' or the Project areas the core zone or buffer zone of the lease likely to come under the 'Aravali Range', area. (attracting court restrictions for mining operations), should also be indicated and where so required, clearance certifications from the prescribed Authorities, such as the SPCB or State Mining Department should be secured and furnished to the effect that the proposed mining activities could be considered. 20. Similarly, for coastal Projects, A CRZ Not Applicable as the mine is not located map duly authenticated by one of the under CRZ area. authorized agencies demarcating LTL. HTL, CRZ area, location of the mine lease w.r.t CRZ, coastal features such as mangroves, if any, should be furnished. (Note: The Mining Projects falling under CRZ would also need to obtain approval of the concerned Coastal Zone Management Authority). 21. R&R Plan/compensation details for the Not Applicable. Project Affected People (PAP) should be furnished. While preparing the R&R Plan, the relevant State/National Rehabilitation & Resettlement Policy should be kept in view. In respect of SCs /STs and other weaker sections of the society in the study area, a need based sample survey, family-wise, should be undertaken to assess their requirements, and action programmes prepared and submitted accordingly, integrating the sectoral programmes of line departments of the State Government. It may be clearly brought out whether the village(s) located in the mine lease area will be shifted or not. The issues relating to shifting of village(s) including their R&R and socio-economic aspects should be discussed in the Report. 22. One season (non-monsoon) [i.e. March- Baseline studies will be carried out. May (Summer Season); October- December (post monsoon season) ; December-February (winter season)]primary baseline data on ambient air quality as per CPCB Notification of 2009, water quality, noise level, soil and flora and fauna shall be collected and the AAQ and other data so compiled presented date-wise in the EIA and EMP Report. Site-specific meteorological data should also be collected. The location of the monitoring stations should be such as to represent whole of the study area and justified keeping in view the pre-dominant downwind direction and location of sensitive receptors. There should be at least one monitoring station within 500 m of the mine lease in the predominant downwind direction. The mineralogical composition of PM10, particularly for free silica, should be given. 23. Air quality modelling should be carried Detailed air quality for prediction of out for prediction of impact of the impacts will be provided in EIA report project on the air quality of the area. It

should also take into account the impact of movement of vehicles for transportation of mineral. The details of the model used and input parameters used for modelling should be provided. The air quality contours may be shown on a location map clearly indicating the location of the site, location of sensitive receptors, if any, and the habitation. The wind roses showing predominant wind direction may also be indicated on the map. 24 The water requirement for the Project, The total water requirement is its availability and source should be 14.5 KLD and will be met through water furnished. A detailed water balance tankers from surrounding villages should also be provided. Fresh water requirement for the project should be indicated. 25. Necessary clearance from the The source of water is from water Competent Authority for drawl of tankers. requisite quantity of water for the project should be provided. 26. Description of water conservation Water conservation measures will be measures proposed to be adopted in the provided in EIA report. project should be given. Details of rainwater harvesting proposed in the project, if any, should be provided. 27. Impact of the Project on the water Will be provided in EIA report quality, both surface and groundwater, should be assessed and necessary safeguard measures, if any required, should be provided. 28. Based on actual monitored data, it may Source of water is through water tankers clearly be shown whether working will intersect groundwater. Necessary data and documentation in this regard may be provided. In case the working will intersect groundwater table, a detailed Hydro Geological Study should be undertaken and Report furnished. The Report inter-alia, shall include details of the aquifers present and impact of mining activities on these aquifers. Necessary permission from Central Ground Water Authority for working below ground water and for pumping of ground water should also be obtained and copy furnished. 29. Details of any stream, seasonal or One second order stream is passing in the otherwise, passing through the lease area mine area and one dry tank is present and modification / diversion proposed, if adjacent to the South west side of the site. any, and the impact of the same on the Safety Boulder wall will be provided and hydrology should be brought out. buffer zone will be left. Garland drains with siltation ponds will be provided with in the mine area to avoid siltation of the stream. 30. Information on site elevation, working Will be provided in EIA report depth, groundwater table etc. Should be provided both in AMSL and bgl. A schematic diagram may also be provided for the same. 31. A time bound Progressive Greenbelt Will be provided in EIA report. Development Plan shall be prepared in a tabular form (indicating the linear and quantitative coverage, plant species and time frame) and submitted, keeping in mind, the same will have to be executed up front on commencement of the Project. Phase-wise plan of plantation and compensatory afforestation should be charted clearly indicating the area to be covered under plantation and the species to be planted. The details of plantation already done should be given. The plant species selected for green belt should have greater ecological value and should be of good utility value to the local population with emphasis on local and native species and the species which are tolerant to pollution. 32. Impact on local transport infrastructure Will be provided in EIA report. due to the Project should be indicated. Projected increase in truck traffic as a result of the Project in the present road network (including those outside the Project area) should be worked out, indicating whether it is capable of handling the incremental load. Arrangement for improving the infrastructure, if contemplated (including action to be taken by other agencies such as State Government) should be covered. Project Proponent shall conduct Impact of Transportation study as per Indian Road Congress Guidelines. 33. Details of the onsite shelter and facilities Temporary rest shelter shall be to be provided to the mine workers constructed during mining should be included in the EIA Report. operation. Details will be provided in EIA report 34. Conceptual post mining land use and Will be provided in EIA report Reclamation and Restoration of mined out areas (with plans and with adequate number of sections) should be given in the EIA report. 35. Occupational Health impacts of the Will be provided in EIA report Project should be anticipated and the proposed preventive measures spelt out in detail. Details of pre-placement medical examination and periodical medical examination schedules should be incorporated in the EMP. The project specific occupational health mitigation measures with required facilities proposed in the mining area may be detailed. 36. Public health implications of the Project Will be provided in EIA report and related activities for the population in the impact zone should be systematically evaluated and the proposed remedial measures should be detailed along with budgetary allocations. 37. Measures of socio economic Will be provided in EIA report significance and influence to the local community proposed to be provided by the Project Proponent should be indicated. As far as possible, quantitative dimensions may be given with time frames for implementation. 38. Detailed environmental management Detailed Environmental Management plan (EMP) to mitigate the Plan and cost implication for EMP will environmental impacts which, should be provided in EIA report. inter-alia include the impacts of change of land use, loss of agricultural and grazing land, if any, occupational health impacts besides other impacts specific to the proposed Project. 39. Public Hearing points raised and Public hearing will be conducted. commitment of the Project Proponent on the same along with time bound Action Plan with budgetary provisions to implement the same should be provided and also incorporated in the final EIA/EMP Report of the Project. 40. Details of litigation pending against the Nil project, if any, with direction /order passed by any Court of Law against the Project should be given. 41. The cost of the Project (capital cost and Project Cost: 180.0 Lakhs recurring cost) as well as the cost EMP Budget: Rs.30.0 Lakhs towards implementation of EMP should be clearly spelt out. 42. A Disaster management Plan shall be Will be provided in EIA report prepared and included in the EIA/EMP Report. 43. Benefits of the Project if the Project is Will be provided in EIA report implemented should be spelt out. The benefits of the Project shall clearly indicate environmental, social, economic, employment potential, etc.