Telephone No: 0361-2684404 i Vinod Seshan, lAS FAX No: 0361-2684412 Deputy Commissioner E mail:
[email protected] Kamrup, Amingaon GOVERNMENT OF ASSAM OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY COMMISSIONER KAMRUP::AMINGAON (PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BRANCH) ORDER Dated: No. KDP.237/MLAADS/Suhrid/Edn/Palasbari/2017/20: In pursuance of the san: ticti order No. PD/DCP/50/2016/4 dated : 15-11-2016 issued from the Govt in the Planning & Develop etti Department, Dispur the undersigned is hereby pleased to accord Financial sanction with rele Se of fur through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) in favour of the beneficiaries as recommended by t ' Ho 'br e MLA, Palasbari LAC for providing assistance in Health & Education purposes to the poo & eecy citizens under MLAADS- Suhrid Scheme: 2016-17 in respect of Kamrup District as shown b low: Name of scheme: MLAADS-SUHRID Year: 2016-17 LAC: Palasbari Category wise Nos of beneficiaries & Details of the Details of the Bank Acc unt Amount sanctioned ben from which amount is to be Category Nos of Amount eficiaries debited. beneficiaries enclosed at Annexure 1 2 3 4 5 Health 00 00.00 A/C No:113401000016693 Education 86 429000.00 A IFSC Code: 10BA0001134 Name of Bank Branch: IOB A/C holders: DC, Kamrup Total 86 429000.00 Total amount sanctioned n words Rupees Four— Lakh Twenty ( Sri V eshan, IAS) 4,//Sepu Commissi n. Kamrup: min aor Memo No. KDP.237/MLAADS/Suhrid/Edn/Palasbari/2017/20-A Date:c?Slo )20 `1--= Copy to 1. The Director, Planning & Development Department, Dispur, Guwahati-6 for information.