(Iowa City, Iowa), 1940-09-17
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.. I, 1940 --z::': Dasebllil Fair, Warmer Detroit Wins, Tribe Breaks Even IOWA: Fair &oda1 and tomorrow; And Yanks Lose r. warmer &oda1 and in extrem~ See Stories on Pare .. ea t tomorrow. I; .1 I 0 ~ a City', Mornin, Ne~,paper FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1940 VOLUME XL NUMBER 296 lPPointed he music PreSby. City, It lay. lie aetvelt. lergradu. Dllege In us. Fol. there, he h s chOoI~ rld May. .Workinll In mUsic *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** a. -- 16,500,000 to Register October 16 (or Military Training *** *** • *** *** F. D. R. Signs Draft Executive Looks Over Bill War Officials Between Classes at Air Sclwol o beau_ Steady Procession of Raiders r Lamps . ~S, book Act Making Order Guards gadgets Brings Heaviest Anti-Aircraft 110- Measure Law Into Service I Fire Yet Heard in London Area Chief Executive Asks 35,700 More Men British Expres Couviction That Their Own Bomb 'Ial 5f8s Governors to Provide Caned as Defense Blows on Continent Set Back Hitler' --a Registration, Places Program Expands Invasion Plan - BY RICIlARD L. TURNER WASHINGTON, Sept. 16 (AP) LONDON, Sept, 17-CTuesday)-A furious onslaught by WA S:ij1NGTON, Sept. 16 (AP) - The war department made its German bombers called forth the heaviest anti·aircraft fire _President Roosevelt signed the second call on the natia.'lal yet heard in the London area and then ceased abruptly early draIt nct today, fixing Oct. 16 as gllord tonight in its expanding defense prog.. am, ordering 35,- today, more than two hours earlier than usual. The all-elear registration day for 16,500,000 signal sounded at 2 :41 a.m. young Americans now subject to 700 men into the federal ser compulsory military b:alning, and viele an October 15. One great fire broke out in central Lond n but it was asserted that the United states Ap~ '.. oximately 60,500 guards quickly controlled. was marshaIlin, its strength to men were inducted into the The alarm, which began in the foggy dusk at 8:09 p.m. avert "the terrible fate of nations army today for a year's inten sive training. The total strength yesterday, wa marked by a steady proce sion of nazi planes whose weakness invited attack." of the guard is about 240,000. more numerou than before, but.it ended after an hour and In addition, the chief executive Rnd all ultimately will be plac 32 minute -second shortest of the 10 onsecutive night called upon the governors of the lad in training. raids on the British capital. states to provide suitable places The units ordered mobilized During the same period the German struck extensively lor the registration, urged local on Octobe.. 15 come trom New in the midlands, the northeast and elsewhere in England. election officia Is "and other pa YOrk, Ohio, Michigan, Wiscon The British, having with toOO the puni hment of day long 'triotic citizens" to man the regis ) sin and MiSSissippi. bombings and cross-channel helling from German cannon, tration boards and asked em- The guardsmen mobilized to elCpre sed conviction that their own 'heavy bomb blows on ployers to give their affected em- K . th t h' b' . b t t tive service committee, above, day included the 44th, 45th, 30th the continental coast had et back Adolf Hitler's proposed ployees "sufficient time off" to nowmg a IS Jg JO S ~T :3 Rnd 41st divisions, 18 coast ar t th I d fll t as congress passes and F.R, Signs looks over a copy of the Burke invasion plans. presen emse ves an I ou conscription measure, Lieu!. Col. Wadsworth compulsory military 'tillery regirrt'nts and four ob While it la ted, the German night raid was a hot fight. the forms. ILewis B. Hershey, executive of training bill. servation squadrons. Mr. Roosevelt, moreover, em- the joint army and navy selec- The men making up these Anti-aircraft shells burst above the low clouds which con~ phasized a section of the act and ___________. ~ ____....... ________'__ units come from New York, cealed the invading planes and dimmed the moon ver Lon a phase of the building up of the New JeTsey, North CarOlina, don. army which received much dis Tennes~ee, Sou t h Carolina, A number of house suffered hit from high explosive and cussion in congress - the volun Double Funeral Plans Made G eo r g i a, Oklahoma. Arizona, incendiary bombs in the midland, wher one German plane tary enlistment Sy,stem. All be New Mexico, Colorado, Wash fouled a balloon barrage cable and crashed. tween 18 and 35, inclusive, he said For Dr. Glenn Frank and Son ington, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, The night' battle in London began the moment the ev - in a formal tatement, will be Wyoming, New Hampshire, Del Nothing is left to chance at Ran 300 training planes are subjected ning alarm sounded. Immediately, anti-aircraft batteries offered an opportunity to volun . ----------------~--~ aware, Illinois, Missouri. Massa dolph field, Tel>as, the nrmy's to the closest scrutiny by team,; chusetts, Pennsylvania, Maine, We.. t Point of the air, in safe of expert mechanics. Here a batch roared into a full-throated, earth-jarring chorus, Bombs teer for a on~-year perioo of Leader of Frank's dropping in one a1' a proved a thudding overton to the bark service and tratning, and those Panama Canal Rhodi~ Island, Connecticut, Vil' guarding the lire and limbs of the of planes are undergoing rigid )/oungstet's who are learning to inspection. of the guns. who ott r themselv ~ pl'ovided ea mpaign Committee' ginia and Arkansas. they are suita Ie-are to be ac Zone Cleared of In each case, the men report become pilots. Between flights, the German planes also were report d ov r the midlands cepted before any others are se- Urges His Nomination ed at their armories and were and elsewhere. Illegal Residents formally inducted into the fed One raid r dropped bomb I~~~~ an influx of volunteers MAD ISO N, Wis., Sept. 16 el'al gervice in brier cl!'I'emonies. Italian Soldiers in Egypt Suffer Heavy Losses on a north a t town at du k, trom any particular area would (AP)-Plans wl!'I'e made today Some few units were able to but most were said to have I CRISTOBAL, C. Z., Sept. 16 leave immediately for training re~uce the quota of men con- for a double funeral in the state hit a golf cour e. scnpted from that area. capitol for Dr. Glerm Frank and CAP) - U. S. army authorities centers, but it was expecbed to In Desert Battle as British Fight for Empire Police in a northern town were clem'cd the Panama Canal zone require 10 days to get all the informed that two parachuU. tll The new law itself requires that his 21-year-old son, Glenn, Jr., . ------------------~------ -------~--------------- all who on Oct. 16 have attained or all known illegal resid!ents tlOOPS inlo camps. Routine me came to earth, Soldiers and home the 21st anniversary of their birth as the leader of the farmer's tonight, shipping 134 of them to dical examinations and packing Resistance Stiffells iUards began search In" equipment fcc transportation will In one mill town a dozen unex and have not passed the thirty- campaign commitll~e urged hi~ Ellis Island, New York, aboaTd As Fascist Offensive Says Willkie 'Grossly Ignorant of sixth year much register. A na- nomina tion as the republican requiJ~~ several days, in some ploded bombs were "denlt with," tional drawing by lot will deter- candidate for United States sena the army transport American in~ances. Assumes More Power The History of the Last Few Year' the British said. mine the order in which ques- tor even in death. Legion. Full reports on the number of After a long hunt, officials de tionnaires will be mailed to the Dr. Frank a~d his son, a Ma~ Those leaving included 81 who resignations had not been as- CAIRO, Egypt, Sept. 16 (AP) cided the parachutists report Was men. On the basis of the ques- dison newspaperman, lost their Hmbled at the national guard -Italian soldiers marching into WASHINGTON, Sept. 16 (AP) )I'esident had urged a settle talse, probably started by a drift several weeks ago ,al'l"oneously bureau, but officials said that in- tionnaires, local boards will place lives Sunday night when their Egypt in a swiftly-developing des -Secretary Hull asserted today ment at Munich and that th'l! Ing barrage balloon. were termed "fa,eign agents" in I dications were that thl) pe-.cent th at Wendell WilIkie's recent the men in various classifications automobl\e overturned w h i 1 e ert battle for empire are fight pact reached there "agreed to The roof of a school in the s -those available for immediate they were enroute to Green Bay an announcement in Washington. age was very low. ing British advance troops in 110 11emarks about President Roose northea t was damaged severely Jewish welfaqe society ofLicials velt and the Munich conference sell Czecho-Slovakia down the lis service, those deferred because of for a political mt\eting. Frank I to 120 degree heat and thus far by a bomb just acter clas e ended dependents, etc. had filed as one of the seven soid guarantces were posted ·fbr I F M have suffered heavy losses from showed the republican nominee river," tor the day. The teacher, n The local boards will select suf- candidates seeking the republi entry of the refugees, m.ost of rance ay the withering British fire, it W3S was "grossly ignorant of the "The president has n eve r route home, was wounded by a ficient men from among those can sen,atori~l nominat~on in to whom were stranded in Panama I officially reported tonight.