Horse of the Americas Newsletter April 2012 Volume 10 Number 2 Membership & Award Program paid members. Any ques>ons, see membership form, or please e-mail or call me -Updated Information (
[email protected]). April 1, 2012 Also, small changes were made to the Awards Howdy Members, Spring is here and I am sure all Program, please read over the divisions before of us are looking forward to working with our filling out the forms. Also the point sheets have horses and geng out there to the shows, on the been changed and the name of the rider has trail, riding, driving, and compe>ng. How been added. Please be sure to fill out completely exci>ng with all the foals being born, training the to get all points possible. Please note that you young ones, or just spending >me with your MUST be a CURRENTLY PAID member to be favorite horse and loved ones. eligible to accumulate points, example: points accrued during January-March of 2012 will not The Board of Directors held a mee>ng in March count if you are not a paid member, and if you and has voted to make several changes to the pay in April only points can count from the date Membership Form. you pay, points are not retroac>ve. Please note the due date for ALL membership Please watch the website for more current will now be January 1st. Please see the website membership forms and awards point sheets, we for forms and for payment available with Paypal. are working on making them all available to We have also added an Addi>onal Point Rider print.