Introduction Biblography of Koide Equation Quarks bonus worksheets final Koide formula: beyond charged leptons The waterfall in the quark sector Alejandro Rivero Institute for Biocomputation and Physics of Complex Systems (BIFI) Universidad de Zaragoza October 3, 2014
[email protected] Koide Formula other unexplained fine-tuning... Compare 1882:99=1882:97 = 1:00001 with mtop=174:1 = :995 Introduction Biblography of Koide Equation Quarks bonus worksheets final By \Koide formula" we refer to a formula found by Y. Koide for charged leptons, exact enough to predict tau mass within experimental limits 2 p p p (m + m + m ) = ( m + m + m )2 e µ τ 3 e µ τ exp, in MeV: 1882:99= 1882 :97 It was found in the context of composite models of quarks and leptons, but can be produced more generally. More informally, we also call "Koide formula" to its generalisations and look-alikes
[email protected] Koide Formula Introduction Biblography of Koide Equation Quarks bonus worksheets final By \Koide formula" we refer to a formula found by Y. Koide for charged leptons, exact enough to predict tau mass within experimental limits 2 p p p (m + m + m ) = ( m + m + m )2 e µ τ 3 e µ τ exp, in MeV: 1882:99= 1882 :97 It was found in the context of composite models of quarks and leptons, but can be produced more generally. More informally, we also call "Koide formula" to its generalisations and look-alikes other unexplained fine-tuning... Compare 1882:99=1882:97 = 1:00001 with mtop=174:1 = :995
[email protected] Koide Formula Introduction Biblography of Koide Equation Quarks bonus worksheets final potential model It is possible consider mi as a composite of two entities with charge Q0 and Qi such that 1 1 m / Q2 + Q Q + Q2 i 2 0 0 i 2 i P P 2 P 2 and asking the \matching conditions" Qi = 0 and Qi = Q0 .