Mean Curvature Flow
BULLETIN (New Series) OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Volume 52, Number 2, April 2015, Pages 297–333 S 0273-0979(2015)01468-0 Article electronically published on January 13, 2015 MEAN CURVATURE FLOW TOBIAS HOLCK COLDING, WILLIAM P. MINICOZZI II, AND ERIK KJÆR PEDERSEN Abstract. Mean curvature flow is the negative gradient flow of volume, so any hypersurface flows through hypersurfaces in the direction of steepest descent for volume and eventually becomes extinct in finite time. Before it becomes extinct, topological changes can occur as it goes through singularities. If the hypersurface is in general or generic position, then we explain what singulari- ties can occur under the flow, what the flow looks like near these singularities, and what this implies for the structure of the singular set. At the end, we will briefly discuss how one may be able to use the flow in low-dimensional topology. 0. Introduction Imagine that a closed surface in R3 flows in time to decrease its area as rapidly as possible. Convex points will move inward, while concave points move outward, the speed is slower where the surface is flatter. Independently of whether points move inward or outward, the total area will decrease along the flow and eventually go to zero in finite time. In particular, any closed surface becomes extinct in finite time and, thus, the flow can only be continued smoothly for some finite amount of time before singularities occur. Mean curvature flow (MCF) is the negative gradient flow for area. This is a nonlinear partial differential equation for the evolving hypersurface that is formally similar to the ordinary heat equation, with some important differences.
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