Statement About By Sid Roth, From “It’s Supernatural!”

Dear Mishpochah,

King Solomon said, “There is no new thing under the sun” (Eccl. 1:9).

In the late 1940s, hundreds of tent evangelists were raised up by God with great miracle ministries. They had true gifts, but many lacked character. Many fell into sin. Yet the miracles continued. How could this be?

Paul says, “For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance” (Rom. 11:29). In other words, once God gives a supernatural gift, He doesn’t take it away.

The devil thought in the 1940s that if he could discredit the evangelists, he could discredit the miracles.

By now many of you know that Todd Bentley, the leader of the Lakeland, revival, has stepped down from ministry due to an “unhealthy relationship” with a female staff member.

The Lakeland Revival was a genuine move of God. I believe it was meant to usher in the end- time healing revival. I attended several meetings at the revival. I saw many people report they were physically healed. I personally did an investigation and interviewed a young girl who received a great miracle in one of the meetings.

When we aired my interview with Todd on our television program, we received many reports from people who were healed as they watched. (For the sake of integrity, we have removed Todd’s TV and radio interviews from our website archives.)

I witnessed many people who repented of sin. And with the vast television audience that watched the Lakeland Revival, I believe many were saved and many backsliders became red-hot for .

Todd is a great teacher. He taught me to contend for miracles. For the first time in decades, I personally saw someone with hearing aids remove them after I prayed! My faith for the miraculous has increased dramatically. I also know of other Messianic Jews who have similar testimonies of this increase.

Because Todd was blazing an historic trail of the return of the miraculous in the United States, he was a target of the devil. If you have a weakness, the devil will attempt to expose and exploit it.

This is a warning to all of us. God says, “Judgment must begin at the house of God” (1 Peter 4:17). This is only the beginning. Sadly, many in the forefront are about to be judged!

But God is ready to send a great revival to America and the world. Lakeland was to be the beginning. The situation with Todd will not stop this great revival. This revival will be accompanied by an uncompromising spirit of holiness. The reason for the revival of signs and wonders is to evangelize the Jew. “For the Jews require a sign” (1 Cor. 1:22).

The reason for the salvation of the Jewish people is to bring “life from the dead” power to the church. As Jewish and Gentile believers in Jesus come together, their spiritual “DNA” combines to form the One New Man (Ephesians 2:14-16).

The reason to form the One New Man is to evangelize the world.

We are to pray for the repentance and restoration of Todd Bentley. I am believing he will be restored. But nothing will stop this great move of God’s Spirit.

Come quickly, Lord Jesus!

Shalom and Love,