THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2017 5:30 P.M.



1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call

Paula Addis Sharon Hildebrand Kyra Aizstrauts Felicia Jackson Obadare (Dare) Awoleke Dr. Ute Kaden Dr. Leah Berman Williams Earnest Kincade Oscar Beausoleil Allyson Nicholson Joe Dallaire Svetlana Nuss Tara DeVaughn Earl Peterson Wendy Dominique Fé Seymour Melanie Hadaway Dr. Heather Willis DDS

B. APPROVAL OF AGENDA  Recommend approval of the meeting agenda of November 2, 2017

C. APPROVAL OF MINUTES  Recommend approval of the meeting minutes of April 6, 2017


E. E-LEARNING  eLearning follow-up by Holly Cervin, Director of Alternative Learning

F. CURRICULA REVISION UPDATE  Career & Technical Education (CTE) Health Science  World Language



Upcoming Meetings Curriculum Committee Meetings December 7, 2017 (Tentative) – Board Room March 1, 2018 – Curriculum Library January 11, 2018 – Board Room April 5, 2018 – Curriculum Library February 1, 2018 – Curriculum Library April 19, 2018 (Tentative) – Board Room

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District Board of Education Curriculum Advisory Committee

Minutes of: April 6, 2017

Mrs. Dominique called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Administrative Center, Board Room, 520 Fifth Ave., Fairbanks, Alaska.

Members Present: Members Absent: Paula Addis Earnest Kincade Sharon Hildebrand Obadare Awoleke Svetlana Nuss Dr. Ute Kaden Dr. Leah Berman Williams Earl Peterson Jane Peppey Joe Dallaire Autumn Pryor Wendy Dominique Fé Seymour Felicia Jackson Dr. Heather Willis

Staff Present: Guests: Kimberly Gatto Holly Cervin Melanie Hadaway Sandy Kowalski

APPROVAL OF AGENDA Mrs. Hadaway requested to move the second bullet item of C. (BCAC Structure: April 13, 2017 tentative meeting status) to the end of the agenda. Ms. Seymour moved to accept the April 6, 2017 agenda as amended; Mr. Kincade seconded. Hearing no objections or further comments, the motion was approved.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mr. Peterson moved to accept the minutes for the March 2, 2017 meeting as submitted; Ms. Addis seconded. Hearing no objections or further comments, the motion was approved.

BCAC STRUCTURE Mrs. Hadaway said that according to Board Policy, committees are not to meet for official business unless a quorum is met. A quorum consists of half of the committee roster plus one. At this time, the Board Curriculum Advisory Committee requires eight members for a quorum.

Mrs. Dominique suggested lowering the number of members in the committee in order to easily meet the quorum requirements. Mr. Peterson wondered which members would be dissolved? The committee consists of school board representatives, a member of the regional student council, and members from the community. All members are necessary to participate on the committee in order to have a total representation of the entire community. He suggested that the committee and the School Board should consider consequences for members that are consistently absent.

Mrs. Hadaway suggested that in order to assist scheduling future meetings, Mrs. Gatto could draft the BCAC calendar and email to the committee for review and approval for the next year (2017-2018). Discussion ensued.


E-LEARNING Mrs. Cervin, Director of Alternative Learning, presented data results that were collected from schools districtwide in regards to the e-Learning courses. She said that last year, the District received quotes from a few vendors and APEX Learning was chosen to be the best fit for our students. It is a vendor that is used by several districts, has NCAA approved courses, is rigorous, and meets the Alaska State Standards. Mrs. Cervin said she would be happy to return to meet with the committee in the fall and bring updated information. Discussion ensued.

PERSONALIZED LEARNING CURRICULUM IMPLICATIONS Mrs. Hadaway presented the goals that are in the District’s Strategic Plan. She said that the expectations of the adopted curricula would be the same whether the District changed into a K-8 model, a Personalized Learning model, or continue with the traditional classroom model. The goal is to get a clear idea of proficiency and mastery, and to provide additional tools to teachers so as to differentiate. She suggested the committee review the District’s website to receive more information on the Strategic Plan and Personalized Learning. Discussion ensued.

K-8 MODEL CURRICULUM IMPLICATIONS Ms. Kowalski, Assistant Superintendent, reported that there is no new information to date on the planning of the K-8 model. She said that school buildings are not the same and have different capacities. The District sent surveys to the schools and they are providing insight, ideas, and suggestions to the Administration to be considered while developing a potential districtwide plan. She said that the information gathered will be given to the Board for review in May and the Board should take action in June.

Mrs. Hadaway reiterated that no matter which model the District uses, the curricula stays the same. There are many models and they are not a one size fits all. She said that the feedback from families indicates they are wanting more choices and flexibility. Discussion ensued.


Earl Peterson This may be his last meeting with the BCAC. He has accepted a new position as a magistrate judge and there would be conflicts for him to remain as a board representative. He is interested to moving into an At-Large position if it becomes available.

Sveltana Nuss She stated that it has been a great year. Thanks to everyone and enjoy your summer.

ADJOURNMENT: Mr. Dallaire moved to adjourn the meeting; Ms. Seymour seconded. Hearing no objections or further comment, the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m.




DATE: August 7, 2017

TO: School Board members

THROUGH: Dr. Karen Gaborik, Superintendent

FROM: Holly Cervin, Director of Alternative Programs

RE: FY17 eLearning data

Attached please find the student demographic, enrollment, and success rate data for eLearning courses during our pilot year FY17. I hope you are as pleased as I am to see the increased pass rates for each school from Semester 1 to Semester 2. Two mains reasons for this improvement are a better understanding by school counselors of the rigor and expectations of the eLearning courses, and the increased number of interventions and goal setting strategies provided by lab facilitators to eLearning students.

I’m happy to answer any questions you may have about eLearning and its benefits to our students. FY 17 eLearning Data - June 27, 2017

Enrollment Data eLearning Courses Offered: Semester One – 83 Semester Two – 102

Course Enrollment by Credit Path S1 S2 Popular Course Enrollment by Subject S1 S2 Original Credit 365 502 Algebra I 21 20 Credit Recovery 59 81 Algebra II 20 17 AP and Honors 33 31 Biology 13 30 World Languages 68 58 Economics 39 45 Total 525 672 German 38 22 Government 21 20 Student Enrollment by School S1 S2 Health 14 21 BEST 49 56 Intro to Health Sci 38 18 Eielson 52 47 PE 16 41 Golden Heart Academy 5 9 Psychology 37 36 Effie Kokrine Charter 8 4 Spanish 27 37 Hutchison 55 82 US History 33 43 Lathrop 47 57 World History 24 37 North Pole 94 82 West Valley 66 86 Star of the North 1 0 Total 377 423

Student Demographic Data

Student Enrollment by Grade Level S1 S2 5 SMART students enrolled S1 9th 6 23 4 SMART students continued classes S2 10th 57 84 11th 161 160 12th 153 158 Total 377 425

Student District Average S1 S2 2 or more 15.70% 10.10% 15.90% African American 4.50% 3.70% 3.70% AK Native 7.60% 5.00% 4.40% American Indian 0.70% 0.30% 0.70% Asian 2.20% 2.40% 2.80% Caucasian 60% 73.50% 66.70% Hispanic 8.60% 4.80% 5.50% Native Hawaiian or Pacific 1.10% 0.30% 0.50% FY 17 eLearning Data - June 27, 2017

Grade Results

S1 Grade Distribution A B C D F Rollover BEST 29 28 17 7 14 42 Eielson 16 12 15 8 7 1 Hutchison 13 20 18 5 1 1 Lathrop 7 6 9 4 15 18 North Pole 24 28 14 9 5 14 West Valley 31 13 8 12 14 14 District Wide 122 108 82 46 54 100

S2 Grade Distribution A B C D F Rollover BEST 40 30 25 24 57 48 Eielson 27 15 8 6 1 2 Hutchison 33 36 22 5 1 2 Lathrop 16 17 12 8 2 10 North Pole 25 33 23 9 6 1 West Valley 33 26 20 8 9 3 District Wide 174 157 110 60 76 66

Pass Rate S1 eLearning S1 Traditional S2 eLearning S2 Traditional Eielson 88% 95% 98% 99% Hutchison 98% 98% 99% 97% Lathrop 63% 91% 96% 90% North Pole 94% 93% 94% 91% West Valley 82% 93% 91% 93%



2017-2018 Revision, Working Draft TABLE OF CONTENTS Health Science

Introduction Acknowledgements ...... i Acronyms ...... Explanation of Terms ...... i Health Science Overview ...... iv Program of Study- Allied Health & Nursing ...... Program of Study- Allied Health & Pre-Nursing (Associate’s Degree) ...... ii Program of Study- Allied Health & Pre-Nursing (Medical Assistant Certificate Program) ...... iii Program of Study- Allied Health & Pre-Nursing (Pre-Nursing Certificate Program) ...... iv Program of Study- Biomedical...... v Program of Study- Certified Nursing Assistant ...... vi Program of Study- Emergency Medical Technician ...... vii Program of Study- Emergency Services ...... viii Program of Study- Emergency Services (Postsecondary) ...... x

Career & Technical Education Health Science Courses

Biomedical Innovations A ...... 2 Biomedical Innovations B ...... 5 Certified Nursing Assistant...... 8 Certified Nursing Assistant: Clinical Experience ...... 11 Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) 1A ...... 14 Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) 1B ...... 18 Emergency Trauma Technician ...... 23 First Aid/CPR & Health Careers Exploration...... 29 Human Behavior in Health Care ...... 36 Human Body Systems A ...... 39 Human Body Systems B ...... 42 Introduction to Exercise Science & Sports Medicine 1A ...... 45 Introduction to Exercise Science & Sports Medicine 1B ...... 51

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District Table of Contents Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Introduction to Fire Services 1A ...... 58 Introduction to Fire Services 1B ...... 63 Introductions to Healthcare Occupations ...... 68 Law & Ethics for Health Professionals ...... 73 Math in Health Care ...... 82 Medical Interventions A ...... 86 Medical Interventions B ...... 89 Medical Terminology 1A ...... 92 Medical Terminology 1B ...... 97 Nutrition in Health Care ...... 101 Pharmacy Technician ...... 107 Principles of Biomedical Sciences A ...... 112 Principles of Biomedical Sciences B ...... 115 Professionalism in Health Care ...... 118

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District Table of Contents Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Acknowledgements

Career Technical Education Health Science Curriculum Writers

Connie Browder – Ben Eielson Junior/Senior High School Suzy Coronel – Hutchison High School Dan Domke – Career & Technical Education Director Megan Eilers – Hutchison High School Andrea Galvin – CTE Community Consultant Melissa Sawchuk – West Valley High School Joni Simpson – Career & College Ready Coordinator

Department of Teaching & Learning

Melanie Hadaway – Executive Director of Teaching & Learning Dan Domke- Career & Technical Education Director Joni Simpson- Career & College Ready Coordinator April Scott – Secondary Curriculum Coordinator Jennifer Morgan – Materials Development Specialist

We would also like to recognize the Curriculum Advisory Committee and the many teachers, administrators, parents, and community members for their contributions to this document.

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District i Acknowledgements Careerr & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Acronyms

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District Acronyms Careerr & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Explanation of Terms

General Terms and Definitions Career Cluster: A career cluster is a structure for organizing and delivering quality CTE programs around occupations and broad industries.

Career Pathway: A career pathway is a strand of a career cluster that centers on a common set of academic, technical, and workplace skills and knowledge. It is a sector from the broader career cluster.

Program of Study (POS): A program of study is designed to provide successful student transitions between secondary and postsecondary education. A program of study is a comprehensive, structured approach for delivering academic and career and technical education to prepare students for postsecondary education and career success. (See CTEPS)

CTEPS: CTEPS stands for “Career and Technical Education Program of Study” which is also called Program of Study or POS. It is a coherent and aligned sequence of educational elements that begins at secondary school and continues without duplication or remediation into postsecondary education/training, and that leads to an industry recognized credential or certificate, or an associate or baccalaureate degree. (See Program of Study)

Sequence: A sequence is a group of courses that a student may take within a cluster.

CTE Specific Terms Participant: A secondary student who has earned credit in one (1) or more approved course(s) in any career and technical education (CTE) program area.

Concentrator: A secondary student who has earned two (2) credits in a single CTE pathway within those career clusters where 2 credit sequences are recognized by the State and its local eligible recipients, or where the student has documented proficiencies that are equivalent to this criteria.

Completer: A completer is a concentrator who meets the requirements for a career/technical education program in a specified area as established by the local school district’s state-approved plan for career and technical education.

Tech Prep Agreement: A tech prep agreement is a written agreement between a secondary and a postsecondary program that allows a high school course taught by a high school teacher to qualify for postsecondary credit.

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District i Explanation of Terms Careerr & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO): A CTSO is an organization for students enrolled in a CTE program that engages in CTE activities as an integral part of the instructional program. Alaska has six (6) recognized CTSOs: Business Professionals of America (BPA); Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA); Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA); DECA – an Association of Marketing Students; FFA – Agricultural Education; and SkillsUSA.

Technical Skill Assessment (TSA): A TSA is a National, state, and/or local assessment that measures student attainment of technical skill proficiencies. Generally a TSA is produced by a recognized industry organization that determines proficiency according to industry standards. TSA’s incorporate performance-based assessment items, to the greatest extent possible, where students must demonstrate the application of their knowledge and skills.

Curriculum Terms Student Performance Standards: Student performance standards are statements of the essential skills, knowledge, and tasks that FNSBSD students are expected to master in the course. These are developed at the district level.

Occupational Skills Standards: Occupational skills standards are developed by various industry, professional and educational associations. These standards describe the performance expectations for a worker in a specific occupational area. In Alaska, the list of organizations with appropriate standards is pre‐determined based on EED/CTE staff designations of Occupational Standards appropriate for each cluster & pathway.

Alaska Performance Standards / Grade Level Expectations (PSGLE’s): Performance standards and GLE’s are measureable statements of learning expectations, adopted by the State Board of Education and Early Development, indicating what students should know and be able to do as a result of their public school experience. Alaska has adopted Performance Standards in reading, writing, mathematics, and science.

Alaska Content Standards: Content standards are broad statements, adopted by the State Board of Education and Early Development, indicating what students should know and be able to do as a result of their public school experience.

Alaska Employability Standards: Alaska’s Employability standards are to be used in conjunction with Alaska’s academic content and performance standards to ensure Alaska’s student have the skills and knowledge necessary to be good citizens, effective parents, productive workers, and most of all, life-long learners. Alaska’s students are expected to learn how to learn and apply their skills and knowledge in a variety of settings to create a satisfying and productive life. These standards are designed to promote successful student transition from school to work.

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District ii Explanation of Terms Careerr & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Alaska Cultural Standards: The Alaska Cultural Standards for Students were developed by the Alaska Native Knowledge Network and adopted by the State Board of Education & Early Development in 1998. Cultural Standards are meant to enrich the Content Standards and provide guidelines for nurturing and building in students the rich and varied cultural traditions that continue to be practiced in communities throughout Alaska. The standards are broad statements of what students should know and be able to do as a result of their experience in a school that is aware of and sensitive to the surrounding physical and cultural environment.

All Aspects of Industry: All Aspects of Industry essentially provides a set of standards for all CTE courses. All Aspects of Industry defines nine aspects common to any business or enterprise: planning; management; finance; technical and production skills; principles of technology; labor issues; community issues; health, safety and environment; personal work habits.

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District iii Explanation of Terms Careerr & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Health Science Overview The Health Science Cluster includes careers in planning, managing and providing therapeutic services, diagnostic services, health informatics, support services and biotechnology research and development.

The Fairbanks North Star Borough School District Health Science courses may be sequenced into a variety of Programs of Study including, but not limited to: Therapeutic Services Health Informatics Services Diagnostic Services Biotechnology & Research Development

The following Programs of Study are suggestions to help guide the development of individual Personal Learning Career Plans. Each school will develop Programs of Study based on availability of courses. Course descriptions follow the Sample Programs of Study.

Many courses within this cluster are articulated for credit with University of Alaska Fairbanks/ Community and Technical College through a Tech Prep agreement. This agreement allows students to earn postsecondary credit while taking a course from an approved high school instructor.

District Cluster Overview Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Grade 13 Grade 14 Introductory Courses Concentrator Courses Capstone Courses Post-Secondary  Introduction to Healthcare  Nutrition in Health Care  EMT 1A/1B*  UAF/CTC Occupations  Medical Terminology  Certified Nursing Assistant  First Aid/CPR & Health 1A/1B  CNA Clinical Experience* Careers Exploration  Law & Ethics for Health  Emergency Trauma  Principles of Biomedical Professionals Technician Science  Professionalism in Health  Introduction to Exercise Care Science & Sports  Math in Health Care Medicine*  Human Body Systems A/B  Pharmacy Technician*  Medical Interventions A/B  Introduction to Fire Services 1A/1B*  Biomedical Innovations* *Denotes a completer course for that sequence.

Certification Options Course Certification Issuing Organization First Aid/CPR & Health Careers First Aid & CPR American Heart Association Exploration Introduction to Emergency Care Emergency Trauma Technician State of Alaska Certified Nursing Assistant & Certified Nursing Assistance Clinical Certified Nursing Assistant State Board of Nursing Experience EMT 1A/1B Emergency Medical Technician State of Alaska Pharmacy Technician Certification Pharmacy Technician Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) Introduction to Fire Services 1B Red Card Certification National Wildfire Coordinating Group

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District iv Health Science Overview Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Program of Study- Allied Health & Nursing Developed By: Suzy Coronel, Andrea Gelvin, & Career Cluster & Pathway Description: Health Science – Allied Health & Nursing Melissa Sawchuk Date: 2017 Middle School Exploratory Options (OPTIONAL) 7th Career Clusters Interest Inventory 8th AKCIS Jr. Portfolio + HS Course Planner 6th AKCIS Jr. Portfolio AKCIS Jr. Portfolio Career Interest Inventory Other Career Guidance/Planning/Information Other Career Guidance/Planning/Information Other Career Guidance/Planning/Information Activities Activities Activities SECONDARY PROGRAM COMPONENTS (CTE courses are designated in Boldface font; state-required assessments are show in Boldface-italic font) 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade PEAKS, Career Clusters Interest Inventory, PEAKS, Career Interest Inventory, WorkKeys, PSAT, SAT, ACT, Accuplacer/Compass, SAT, ACT, WorkKeys, Accuplacer/Compass, AKCIS Portfolio, PLCP AKCIS Portfolio, PLCP AKCIS Portfolio, PLCP AKCIS Portfolio, PLCP Courses Courses Courses Courses 1st Semester 2nd Semester 1st Semester 2nd Semester 1st Semester 2nd Semester 1st Semester 2nd Semester Modern American Early American British Literature World Literature, English 9 or English 9 or English 10 or English 10 or Literature or Literature or or UAF’s Journalism, or English 9 Honors English 9 Honors English 10 Honors English 10 Honors Advanced English 11 Honors Writing 111 Speech & Debate Composition Physics or Earth and Space Earth and Space Biology, Chem Biology, Chem Chemistry or Chemistry or Intro Physics or Microbiology/ Science or Biology Science or Biology Tech, or Chemistry Tech, or Chemistry Human Anatomy to Pathophysiology Marine Biology Botany Careers & Alaska Studies World History World History US History US History Government Economics Employability Functions & Functions & Algebra II or Algebra II or Analysis, AP Analysis, AP Algebra I Algebra I Geometry Geometry Functions & Functions & Calculus AB, or Calculus AB, or Analysis Analysis AP Calculus BC AP Calculus BC Psychology or Law & Ethics Personal Math in Health PE PE PE Human Behavior for Health Relationships Healthcare in Health Care Professional Introduction to First Aid/CPR & Certified Nutrition in Health Professionalism in Medical Medical Intro to Healthcare Health Careers Nursing Care Health Care Terminology 1A Terminology 1B Pharmacology Occupations Exploration Assistant Technical Skills Assessment(s) Technical Skill Assessment(s) Technical Skill Assessment(s) Technical Skills Assessment(s) AHA BLS (CPR), OSHA 10- Alaska Food Handler’s Exam CNA State Exam HOSA- Medical Terminology Healthcare, Blood Borne Pathogens FEMA 106.17, HIPAA Training Pharmacy Tech Exam

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District Program of Study- Allied Health & Nursing Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 OPTIONAL PROGRAM COMPONENTS Work-Based Learning Opportunities Career-Technical Student Organizations Certifications Apprenticeship Cooperative Education CPR/ First Aid, CNA, Pharmacy Tech Job Shadowing Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) Blood Borne Pathogens, HIPAA Training Paid/Unpaid Internship FEMA Trainings, AK Food Handler’s card School-Based Enterprise Service Learning GENERAL POSTSECONDARY OPTIONS On the Job Training, One or Two-Year Adult Registered Four-Year College and Occupational Certifications Skill Training Certificates, Postsecondary Programs Apprenticeships University Programs & License etc,  Dental Assistant AAS  Medical Terminology BS  OSHA  Medical Assistant AAS  Nursing BS  Dental Assistant  FEMA  Registered Nurse AAS  Health Sciences BSHS   www.jobs.state.ak.us/appren  Medical Assistant CNA  Radiologic Technologist  Human Services BHS tice  Phlebotomist  Medical Billing AAS  Social Work BSW, MSW   www.nursing.uaa.alaska.edu  Medical/dental Reception Medical Coding  www.ctc.uaf.alaska.edu  Psychology BA, BS   www.akfoodhandlers.com  Clinical Assistant Medical Office Reception  Medical Laboratory Tech  Public Health Practice MPH  Healthcare Reimbursement  Conflict Resolution AAS  Clinical Psychology MS  Community Health Worker  Human Services AAS  www.nursing.uaa.alaska.edu

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District i Program of Study- Allied Health & Nursing Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Program of Study- Allied Health & Pre-Nursing (Associate’s Degree) Developed By: Suzy Coronel, Andrea Career Cluster & Pathway Description: Health Science – Allied Health & Pre-Nursing Gelvin, & Melissa Sawchuk Date: 2017 Specific Postsecondary Details (OPTIONAL) (Classes possible to complete at high school level are designated by BOLDFACE.) Name of Postsecondary Partner: University of Alaska Fairbanks- CTC Name of Postsecondary Program: Associates of Applied Science: Medical Assistant Program Year 13 Year 14 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Professional Skills for the Workplace Administrative Procedures II Writing 111 (3 credits) Communications 131 or 141 (3) HLTH 110 (2) HLTH 234 (4) CTEK 116 Medical Terminology Math in Health Care HLTH 100 (3) HLTH 116 (3) Clinical Procedures II HLTH 244 (4) Writing 211 or 213 (3) CTEK102-103 CTEK112 Intro to Health Careers Human Behavior in Health Care Human Diseases Business Communications HLTH 105 (2) HLTH 106 (3) HLTH 208 (3) ABUS 271 (3) CTEK128 CTEK ? Computer Business Applications Administrative Procedures I Outpatient Health Care Reimbursement Medical Assisting Externship CIOS 150 (3) HLTH 132 (2) HLTH 236 (3) HLTH 268 (4) CTEJ105 Medical Law & Ethics Introduction to Pharmacology Clinical Procedures I HLTH 118 (2) HLTH 247 (2) HLTH 142 (4) CTEK119 Pharmacy Technician CTEK130 First Aid/CPR Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology HLTH 122 (0)

HLTH 114 (4) CTEK ? or current First Aid/CPR Card 17 Credits 15 credits 16 Credits 12 Credits

Outcome: AAS Medical Assistant (Student is eligible to take the National- American Associations of Medical Assistant’s Exam.) Total Credits: 60 Possible number of completed credits from high school career program: 20

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District ii Program of Study- Allied Health & Pre-Nursing Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Program of Study- Allied Health & Pre-Nursing (Medical Assistant Certificate Program) Developed By: Suzy Coronel, Andrea Career Cluster & Pathway Description: Health Science – Allied Health & Pre-Nursing Gelvin, & Melissa Sawchuk Date: 2017 Specific Postsecondary Details (OPTIONAL) (Classes possible to complete at high school level are designated by BOLDFACE.) Name of Postsecondary Partner: University of Alaska Fairbanks- CTC Name of Postsecondary Program: Medical Assistant Certificate Program Year 13 Year 14 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Math in Health Care Administrative Procedures II Writing 111 (3 credits) HLTH 116 (3) HLTH 234 (4) CTEK112 Medical Terminology Human Behavior in Health Care HLTH 100 (3) HLTH 106 (3) Clinical Procedures II HLTH 244 (4) CTEK102-103 CTEK ? First Aide/CPR HLTH 122 (0) Administrative Procedures I Medical Assisting Externship

CTEK ? HLTH 132 (2) HLTH 268 (4) or current First Aid/CPR Card Computer Business Applications CIOS 150 (3) Clinical Procedures I HLTH 142 (4) CTEJ105 Medical Law & Ethics HLTH 118 (2) CTEK119 Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology

HLTH 114 (4) 15 Credits 12 credits 12 Credits

Outcome: Medical Assistant Certificate (Student is eligible to take the National- American Associations of Medical Assistant’s Exam.) Total Credits: 39 Possible number of completed credits from high school career program: 14

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District iii Program of Study- Allied Health & Pre-Nursing Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Program of Study- Allied Health & Pre-Nursing (Pre-Nursing Certificate Program) Developed By: Suzy Coronel, Andrea Career Cluster & Pathway Description: Health Science – Allied Health & Pre-Nursing Gelvin, & Melissa Sawchuk Date: 2017 Specific Postsecondary Details (OPTIONAL) (Classes possible to complete at high school level are designated by BOLDFACE.) Name of Postsecondary Partner: University of Alaska Fairbanks Name of Postsecondary Program: Pre-Nursing Certificate Program Year 13 Year 14 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Writing 111 (3 credits) Writing 211 (3) Math in Health Care Communications 131 or 141 (3) HLTH 116 (3) CTEK112 Beginnings of Microbiology Science of Nutrition HLTH 203 (3) BIO 240 (4) Human Behavior in Health Care Lifespan Developmental Psychology HLTH 106 (3) PSY 240 (3) CTEK ? Introduction to Psychology Certified Nursing Assistant

PSY 101 (3) HLTH 107 (9) CTEK 106-107 or Human Anatomy & Physiology Emergency Medical Technician I HLTH 213 (4) EMS 170 (6) CTEK120-121 19 Credits 23 or 26 credits

Outcome: Pre-Nursing Certificate Total Credits: 42 or 45 Possible number of completed credits from high school career program: 12 or 15

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District iv Program of Study- Allied Health & Pre-Nursing Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Program of Study- Biomedical

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District v Program of Study- Biomedical Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Program of Study- Certified Nursing Assistant CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANT: Planning, managing, and providing therapeutic services, diagnostic services, health informatics, support services, and biotechnology research and development (see www.careerclusters.org). Major Career Options: CNA, Dental Assistant, Pharmacy Technician, Chiropractor, Radiologist, Pharmacist, Veterinarian, Doctor, Occupational Therapist, Paramedic, Registered Nurse, and Physical Therapist SECONDARY PROGRAM COMPONENTS (CTE courses are designated in Boldface font; state-required assessments are show in Boldface-italic font) 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade PEAKS, Career Clusters Interest Inventory, PEAKS, Career Interest Inventory, WorkKeys, PSAT, SAT, ACT, Accuplacer/Compass, SAT, ACT, WorkKeys, Accuplacer/Compass, AKCIS Portfolio, PLCP AKCIS Portfolio, PLCP AKCIS Portfolio, PLCP AKCIS Portfolio, PLCP Courses Courses Courses Courses 1st Semester 2nd Semester 1st Semester 2nd Semester 1st Semester 2nd Semester 1st Semester 2nd Semester English 9 English 9 English 10 English 10 American Lit/Eng. 11 English Elective British Lit/Eng 12 English Elective Algebra 1 Algebra 1 Geometry Geometry Algebra II Algebra II Math Elective Math Elective Introduction to Biology Biology Chemistry Chemistry Human Anatomy Science Elective Science Elective Pathophysiology Personal Math in Health Law & Ethics for Health PE PE PE Psychology Relationships Care Health Professionals Career American Alaska Studies World History World History US History US History Economics Investigations Government First Aid/CPR & Introduction to Nutrition in Professionalism in Medical Medical Introduction to Certified Nursing Health Careers Healthcare Health Care Health Care Terminology 1A Terminology 1B Pharmacology Assistant Exploration Occupations OPTIONAL PROGRAM COMPONENTS Work-Based Learning Opportunities Career-Technical Student Organizations Certifications Cooperative Education Job Shadowing First Aide & CPR, Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) Pre-Apprenticeship Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) GENERAL POSTSECONDARY OPTIONS One or Two-Year Four-Year College & Occupational Certifications & On the Job Training, Postsecondary Programs University Programs Licenses Skill Training Certificates, etc.  UAF/CTC, AVTEC  Medical/Dental Assistant  BS in Nursing, Medical  Clinical Assistant  AAS in Dental Assistant, Medical Terminology, Psychology  Nurse Aide  Health Care Reimbursement Assistant, Registered Nurse,  BSHS in Health Services  Medical Coding & Billing Assistant Radiological Technician, Nursing,  BHS in Human Services  Medical/Dental Office Reception Medical Laboratory Tech, Human  Phlebotomist  BSW in Social Work Services  Medical/Dental Receptionist

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District vi Program of Study- Certified Nursing Assistant Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Program of Study- Emergency Medical Technician EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN: Planning, managing, and providing therapeutic services, diagnostic services, health informatics, support services, and biotechnology research and development (see www.careerclusters.org). Major Career Options: Rescue Worker, Emergency Medical Technician, Emergency Planning Manager, Emergency Management & Response Team, Training Officer, Emergency Dispatcher, Ambulance Driver, and Fire Department & Emergency Service Administrator SECONDARY PROGRAM COMPONENTS (CTE courses are designated in Boldface font; state-required assessments are show in Boldface-italic font) 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade PEAKS, Career Clusters Interest Inventory, PEAKS, Career Interest Inventory, WorkKeys, PSAT, SAT, ACT, Accuplacer/Compass, SAT, ACT, WorkKeys, Accuplacer/Compass, AKCIS Portfolio, PLCP AKCIS Portfolio, PLCP AKCIS Portfolio, PLCP AKCIS Portfolio, PLCP Courses Courses Courses Courses 1st Semester 2nd Semester 1st Semester 2nd Semester 1st Semester 2nd Semester 1st Semester 2nd Semester English 9 English 9 English 10 English 10 American Lit/Eng 11 English Elective British Lit/Eng 12 English Elective Algebra 1 Algebra 1 Geometry Geometry Algebra II Algebra II Math Elective Math Elective Introduction to Biology Biology Chemistry Chemistry Human Anatomy Science Elective Science Elective Pathophysiology Personal Introduction to Introduction to Health PE PE PE Psychology Relationships Fire Services 1A Fire Services 1B Career Alaska Studies World History World History US History US History American Gov’t Economics Investigations First Aid/CPR & Introduction to Emergency Emergency Nutrition in Professionalism in Medical Medical Health Careers Healthcare Medical Medical Health Care Health Care Terminology 1A Terminology 1B Exploration Occupations Technician 1A Technician 1B OPTIONAL PROGRAM COMPONENTS Work-Based Learning Opportunities Career-Technical Student Organizations Certifications Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) EMT 1 GENERAL POSTSECONDARY OPTIONS One or Two-Year Four-Year College and Occupational Certifications & On the Job Training, Postsecondary Programs University Programs License Skill Training Certificates, etc,  EMT 1  EMT 2  UAF/CTC, AVTEC  EMT 3  AAS in Emergency Services, Fire &  BEM in Emergency Management  Paramedic Emergency Service Technology  Firefighter I  Wildland Firefighting  Firefighter II  Red Card

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District vii Program of Study- Emergency Medical Technician Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Program of Study- Emergency Services Developed By: Suzy Coronel, Andrea Gelvin, & Career Cluster & Pathway Description: Health Science – Emergency Services Melissa Sawchuk Date: 2017 Middle School Exploratory Options (OPTIONAL) 7th Career Clusters Interest Inventory 8th AKCIS Jr. Portfolio + HS Course Planner 6th AKCIS Jr. Portfolio AKCIS Jr. Portfolio Career Interest Inventory Other Career Guidance/Planning/Information Other Career Guidance/Planning/Information Other Career Guidance/Planning/Information Activities Activities Activities SECONDARY PROGRAM COMPONENTS (CTE courses are designated in Boldface font; state-required assessments are show in Boldface-italic font) 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade PEAKS, Career Clusters Interest Inventory, PEAKS, Career Interest Inventory, AKCIS Portfolio, WorkKeys, PSAT, SAT, ACT, Accuplacer/Compass, SAT, ACT, WorkKeys, Accuplacer/Compass, AKCIS Portfolio, PLCP PLCP AKCIS Portfolio, PLCP AKCIS Portfolio, PLCP Courses Courses Courses Courses 1st Semester 2nd Semester 1st Semester 2nd Semester 1st Semester 2nd Semester 1st Semester 2nd Semester Modern American English 10 or Early American British Literature World Literature, English 9 or English 9 or English 10 or Literature or Analysis of Literature or or UAF’s Journalism, or English 9 Honors English 9 Honors English 10 Honors Advanced Literature English 11 Honors Writing 111 Speech & Debate Composition Physics or Earth and Space Earth and Space Biology, Chem Biology, Chemistry, Chemistry or Chemistry or Intro Physics or Microbiology/ Science or Biology Science or Biology Tech, or Chemistry or Adv Forensics Human Anatomy to Pathophysiology Marine Biology Botany Computer Alaska Studies World History World History US History US History Government Economics Applications Algebra II, Math Algebra II, Math Functions & Functions & Elective, or in Healthcare, or Analysis, AP Analysis, AP Algebra I Algebra I Geometry Geometry Functions & Functions & Calculus AB, or Calculus AB, or Analysis Analysis AP Calculus BC AP Calculus BC Psychology or Personal Fire Science 101 Fire Science 101 Health PE PE PE Human Behavior Relationships (1A) (1B) in Health Care Introduction to First Aid/CPR & Nutrition in Health Professionalism in Medical Medical Emergency Emergency Healthcare Health Careers Care Health Care Terminology 1A Terminology 1B Technician 1A Technician 1B Occupations Exploration Technical Skills Assessment(s) Technical Skill Assessment(s) Technical Skills Assessment(s) Technical Skill Assessment(s) AHA BLS (CPR), Blood Borne Alaska Food Handler’s Exam HOSA- Medical Terminology EMT1 Pathogens, OSHA, FEMA HIPAA

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District viii Program of Study- Emergency Services Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 OPTIONAL PROGRAM COMPONENTS Work-Based Learning Opportunities Career-Technical Student Organizations Certifications Apprenticeship Cooperative Education EMT1 Job Shadowing Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) BLS-CPR Paid/Unpaid Internship Alaska Food Handler’s Card School-Based Enterprise Service Learning GENERAL POSTSECONDARY OPTIONS On the Job Training, One or Two-Year Adult Registered Four-Year College and Occupational Certifications Skill Training Certificates, Postsecondary Programs Apprenticeships University Programs & License etc,  Emergency Services AAS  www.ctc.uaf.edu/programs/ emergency  OSHA  Fire & Emergency Services  Emergency Management,   www.jobs.state.ak.us/appren FEMA Technology AAS BEM  EMT1 tice  Advancement to EMT2,   www.uaf.edu.som/programs  Firefighter Options: EMT3 o Fire Administration /bem/  Advancement to FF II o Emergency Medical Services o Wildland Firefighting

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District ix Program of Study- Emergency Services Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Program of Study- Emergency Services (Postsecondary) Developed By: Suzy Coronel, Andrea Career Cluster & Pathway Description: Health Science – Emergency Services Gelvin, & Melissa Sawchuk Date: 2017 Specific Postsecondary Details (OPTIONAL) (Classes possible to complete at high school level are designated by BOLDFACE.) Name of Postsecondary Partner: University of Alaska Fairbanks- CTC Name of Postsecondary Program: Year 13 Year 14 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Introduction to Hazardous Waste Introduction to Interpersonal Academic Writing about the Social & Writing 111 (3 credits) Operations & Emergency Response Communication COJO F121 (3) Natural Sciences WRTG 213 (3) FIRE 110 (3) Emergency Medical Technician I Fire Behavior & Combustion Hazardous Materials Chemistry I Hazardous Materials Technician EMS 170 (6) FIRE 121 (3) FIRE 203 (3) FIRE 207 (3) CTEK 120-121 Principles of Emergency Services Advanced Hazardous Materials FIRE 101 Firefighter I, Series I Building & Fire Codes FIRE 212 (3) Technician Intro to Fire Services A/B FIRE 131 (3) FIRE 215 (3) CTEK126-127 (3) Human Behavior in Health Care Methods of Instruction for Emergency Firefighter I, Series II HLTH 106 (3) Fire Administration I FIRE 210 (3) Services Training FIRE 133 (3) CTEK ? FIRE 216 (3) Math in Health Care Emergency Services, Safety, Health, Firefighter I, Series III Special Topics HLTH 116 (3) & Survival FIRE 135 (3) FIRE 293 (3) CTEK112 FIRE 220 (3) Firefighter I, Series IV

FIRE 137 (3) 18 Credits 23 or 26 credits 15 Credits 15 Credits

Outcome (Resulting in Certificate, Credential, or Degree): Total Credits: 66 Possible number of completed credits from high school career program: 12

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District x Program of Study- Emergency Services Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2

Career & Technical Education

Health Science Courses

Biomedical Innovations A

Course Information Course Name BIOMEDICAL INNOVATIONS A Course Number CTEK133 Grade(s) 11-12 Length One Semester Credit 0.5 Principles of Biomedical Science A/B, Human Body Systems A/B, Medical Interventions A/B, Prerequisites or Teacher Recommendation Sequence or CTEPS (You must first have the STEM, PLTW Sequence or CTEPS entered into the system.) Date of District Course Spring 2014 Revision Career & Technical Student Organization (CTSO) CTSO Embedded in this None Sequence Occupational Standards Source of Occupational PLTW Standards Names/Numbers of PLTW Occupational Standards Registration Information Biomedical Innovations A and B is a yearlong Project Lead the Way course designed for 11th and 12th grade students to design innovative solutions for the health challenges of the 21st Course Description century. Students will work through progressively challenging open-ended problems, (brief paragraph – as addressing topics such as clinical medicine, physiology, biomedical engineering, and public shown in your student health. In the first semester, students design and plan an independent project based upon handbook or course list) interest and career planning. They have the opportunity to work on an independent project with a mentor or advisor from a university, hospital, research institution, or the biomedical industry. Instructional Topic Headings (please Project Dependent separate each heading by a semi-colon)

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 2 Biomedical Innovations A Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Summative Assessments and Standards Technical Skills PLTW Assessment (TSA) Course Addresses N/A Alaska ELA and Math Yes Standards Alaska Cultural Yes Standards All Aspects of Industry Yes (AAI) Core Technical Yes Standards Career Ready Practices Yes Employability Standards Source of Employability Alaska Standards Tech Prep Current Tech Prep Articulation Agreement? No (Y/N) Date of Current N/A Agreement Postsecondary N/A Institution Name Postsecondary Course N/A Name Postsecondary Course N/A Number Number of N/A Postsecondary Credits Author Course Developed By Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Course Adapted From Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Date of Previous Course N/A Revision Course Delivery Model Is the course brokered through another No institution or agency? (Y/N)

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 3 Biomedical Innovations A Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2

Standards Alignment Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupational Technical All Aspects of Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Core Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards Students will learn biomedical innovation is vital to treating HL- BRD N.Q.1; PLTW disease and disability and to prolonging life in the face of illness PLTW AS.SL.1 A1 2-3 Health/Safety 2 S.IC.6 Assessments and injury. Students will produce effective presentations of scientific HL- BRD AS.W.2; N.Q.1, PLTW material relies on accurate content, effective delivery, and if PLTW E3 4-5 Health/Safety 2, 5 AS.SL.2 N.Q .2 Assessments applicable, visuals that support the key points.

Students will be able to use the Internet and print resources and AS.R.1; PLTW PLTW N.Q.2 2-3 Health/Safety evaluate for accurate terminology, content and reliability. AS.SL.2 Assessments

Students will learn scientists use various statistical analysis HL- BRD N.Q.2; PLTW methods to draw meaningful conclusions from experimental PLTW AS.W.2 A1 2-3 Health/Safety 2 S.IC.6 Assessments results. Students will demonstrate the design process in a series of steps AS.W.2; N.Q.2; A1; 2-3 PLTW PLTW Health/Safety used to design a new product or system. AS.W.10 S.IC.6 E3 4-5 Assessments Students will learn the field of environmental health focuses on PLTW the connections between human wellbeing and the conditions in PLTW AS.W.8 S.IC.6 A4-5 2-3 Health/Safety Assessments the environment. Students will explore how water can be contaminated by a wide variety of chemicals and biological agents that have health PLTW PLTW AS.SL.2 N.Q.1 Health/Safety implications for humans and animals; such contaminants can be Assessments tested for using specific assays. Students will learn the effect a chemical has on an organism is PLTW related to its dose and the resulting concentration of the PLTW AS.W.8 N.Q.1 E3 Health/Safety Assessments chemical in the body. Students will engage in experiments that are designed to find HL- BRD AS.W.8; N.Q.1 PLTW PLTW A4-5 4-5 Health/Safety answers to testable questions. 2, 5 AS.W.10 N.Q.2 Assessments

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 4 Biomedical Innovations A Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Biomedical Innovations B Course Information Course Name BIOMEDICAL INNOVATIONS B Course Number CTEK134 Grade(s) 11-12 Length One Semester Credit 0.5 Prerequisites Biomedical Innovations A or Teacher Recommendation Sequence or CTEPS (You must first have the Health Science, Biomedical Science Sequence or CTEPS entered into the system.) Date of District Course Spring 2014 Revision Career & Technical Student Organization (CTSO) CTSO Embedded in this Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) Sequence Occupational Standards Source of Occupational Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Standards Names/Numbers of National Healthcare Foundation Standards & Accountability Criteria Occupational Standards Registration Information Biomedical Innovations A and B is a yearlong Project Lead the Way course designed for 11th Course Description and 12th grade students to design innovative solutions for the health challenges of the 21st (brief paragraph – as century. Students work through progressively challenging open-ended problems, addressing shown in your student topics such as clinical medicine, physiology, biomedical engineering, and public health. handbook or course list) During the second semester, students complete their independent project. Students are expected to present their work to an audience of STEM professionals. Instructional Topic Headings (please Project Dependent separate each heading by a semi-colon)

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 5 Biomedical Innovations B Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Summative Assessments and Standards Technical Skills PLTW Assessment (TSA) Course Addresses N/A Alaska ELA and Math Yes Standards Alaska Cultural Yes Standards All Aspects of Industry Yes (AAI) Core Technical Yes Standards Career Ready Practices Yes Employability Standards Source of Employability Alaska Standards Tech Prep Current Tech Prep Articulation Agreement? No (Y/N) Date of Current N/A Agreement Postsecondary N/A Institution Name Postsecondary Course N/A Name Postsecondary Course N/A Number Number of N/A Postsecondary Credits Author Course Developed By PLTW Course Adapted From PLTW Date of Previous Course N/A Revision Course Delivery Model Is the course brokered through another No institution or agency? (Y/N)

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 6 Biomedical Innovations B Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2

Standards Alignment Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupational Technical All Aspects of Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Core Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards Students will learn the field of environmental health focuses on PLTW the connections between human wellbeing and the conditions in PLTW AS.R.1 Health/Safety Assessment the environment. Students will understand the effect a chemical has on an PLTW organism is related to its dose and the resulting concentration of PLTW AS.R.1 S.IC.6 Health/Safety Assessment the chemical in the body. Students will learn Epidemiologists or other public health investigators analyze patient symptoms, results of diagnostic AS.R.1, 10 PLTW tests, and other clues relevant to person, place, and time of the PLTW HL.2 S.IC.6 B3-4 2, 4 Health/Safety Assessment outbreak to successfully pinpoint the specific nature of the disease as well as a source and use appropriate terminology. Students will understand public health intervention plans may include education efforts, screening and diagnosis, treatment, PLTW PLTW HL.2 AS.R.1, 10 B3-4 1-2, 4 Health/Safety distribution of medication or vaccinations, research and safety Assessment precautions. Students will learn that plasmids can be used to assemble HL- PLTW PLTW AS.R.1 Health/Safety recombinant DNA and clone a gene of interest. BRD.2-3 Assessment Students will explore external and internal investigations of the PLTW body during an autopsy allow forensic pathologists to determine PLTW AS.R.1 2, 4 Health/Safety Assessment the cause of death. Students will engage in a long-term medical project or research HL- AS.W.2; PLTW that requires planning in order to have the proper materials and PLTW N.Q .1 B3-4 1-2, 4 Health/Safety BRD.2-3 AS.R.1, 10 Assessment to schedule the work to be completed in time.

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 7 Biomedical Innovations B Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Certified Nursing Assistant Course Information Course Name CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANT Course Number CTEK106 Grade(s) 11-12 Length One Semester Credit 0.5 Teacher recommendation, Intro to Healthcare Occupations highly recommended, submission Prerequisites of CNA application Sequence or CTEPS (You must first have the Certified Nursing Assistant Sequence or CTEPS entered into the system.) Date of District Course Spring 2018 Revision Career & Technical Student Organization (CTSO) CTSO Embedded in this Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) Sequence Occupational Standards 1. Alaska Board of Nursing: AAC Title 12, Chapter 044 2. National Consortium of Health Science & Technology Education (www.nchste.org) Source of Occupational 3. Federal Regulations: 42 CFR 483.25 Title 42--Public Health, Chapter IV—Centers Standards for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Department of Health and Human Services, Part 483--Requirements for States and Long Term Care Facilities 1. Section 845 and 847: (http://touchngo.com/lglcntr/akstats/AAC/Title12/Chapter044/Section847.htm) Names/Numbers of 2. Accountability Criteria for National Health Care Cluster, Therapeutic Standards 1-6: Occupational Standards (www.nchste.org/) 3. 488.152 (6) (b) 1-7 http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/cfr/waisidx_02/42cfr483_02.html Registration Information Certified Nursing Assistant meets the educational requirements for certification of a CNA in the state of Alaska. Areas covered include safety, communication skills, growth and Course Description development, patient surgery preparation, vision and hearing problems, rehabilitation, care of (brief paragraph – as the elderly, common health problems, sexuality, home health care, and basic emergency care. shown in your student Students mastering the competencies of this course should be well prepared to take and pass handbook or course list) the examination of Nursing Assistant Certification. Six 8-hour days of clinical work and weekly skills labs are required. Instructional Topic Headings (please Role of CNA, Basic Nursing Skills, Personal Care Skills, Safety for Client and CNA, separate each heading by Communication Skills, Hygiene and Restorative Care, Human Growth and Development a semi-colon)

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 8 Certified Nursing Assistant Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Summative Assessments and Standards Technical Skills State of Alaska CNA exam Assessment (TSA) Course Addresses Yes Alaska ELA and Math Yes Standards Alaska Cultural Yes Standards All Aspects of Industry Yes (AAI) Core Technical Yes Standards Employability Standards Yes Employability Standards Source of Employability Alaska Standards Tech Prep Current Tech Prep Articulation Agreement? No (Y/N) Date of Current N/A Agreement Postsecondary N/A Institution Name Postsecondary Course N/A Name Postsecondary Course N/A Number Number of N/A Postsecondary Credits Author Course Developed By State of Alaska and the Alaska Board of Nursing Course Adapted From Federal Regulations, Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) 1987 Date of Previous Course 2012 Revision Course Delivery Model Is the course brokered through another Yes institution or agency? (Y/N)

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 9 Certified Nursing Assistant Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2

Standards Alignment Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska All Aspects of Student Performance Standards Occupational Core Alaska Math ENG/LA Cultural Employability Industry/ Assessments (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Technical Standards Standards Standards Standards Systems Standards Standards Work Habits; Students will understand and explain the role of CNA in health ABN B1 B2 Labor; care system as a part of a health care team. 1C Management Students will understand and demonstrate the ethical standards Health/Safety; ABN & legal issues concerning the CNA, as well as client rights and B2 A2, 7 Labor; 1ABD responsibilities. Work Habits Students will competently demonstrate basic nursing skills: monitoring body function, vital signs, height and weight, ABN Health/Safety; collection of specimens, intake and output, near-death and C4 A2 2A-H Tech/Prod postmortem care, record keeping, and recognizing abnormal changes. Students will competently demonstrate the personal care skills ABN of bathing, oral hygiene, grooming, dressing, toileting, and E4, 6 A2 Technology 3A-H assisting with eating. Students will demonstrate infection control, emergency ABN Health/Safety; C4 A6 procedures, and safe work place practices. 4A-G Labor Students will demonstrate communication and interpersonal Tech/Prod; ABN skills to include psychosocial needs, verbal & non-verbal, E4, 6-7 A2 Technology; 5A-E medical and nursing terminology, recording and reporting. Work Habits Students will demonstrate hygiene and restorative care ABN including activities of daily living, adequate nutrition, and the C4 A2 Tech/Prod A-F excretory system. Students will demonstrate knowledge of human growth and development including basic needs, developmental needs, care ABN E3, 6 A2 Tech/Prod of the cognitively impaired, cultural factors, sexuality, and the 7A-H process of aging, death, and dying.

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 10 Certified Nursing Assistant Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Certified Nursing Assistant: Clinical Experience Course Information Course Name CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANT: CLINICAL EXPERIENCE Course Number CTEK107 Grade(s) 12 Length One Semester Credit 0.5 Pre-requisites Certified Nursing Assistant (concurrent enrollment) Sequence or CTEPS (You must first have the Certified Nursing Assistant Sequence or CTEPS entered into the system.) Date of District Course Spring 2018 Revision Career & Technical Student Organization (CTSO) CTSO Embedded in this Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) Sequence Occupational Standards 1. Alaska Board of Nursing: AAC Title 12, Chapter 044, ABN (http://touchngo.com/lglcntr/akstats/AAC/Title12/Chapter044/Section847.htm) 2. National Consortium of Health Science & Technology Education (NCHSTE) Source of Occupational (www.nchste.org) Standards 3. Federal Regulations: 42 CFR 483.25 Title 42--Public Health, Chapter IV—Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Dept. of Health and Human Services, Part 483-- Requirements for States and Long Term Care Facilities, OBRA 1987: (www.access.gpo.gov/nara/cfr/waisidx_02/42cfr483_02.html) 1. Section 845 and 847 Names/Numbers of 2. Accountability Criteria for National Health Care Cluster, Therapeutic Occupational Standards (www.nchste.org) 3. 488.152 (6) (b) 1-7 Registration Information Certified Nursing Assistant Clinical Experience reviews the nursing skills necessary to assist Course Description the nurse and be an efficient health care team member. Students will demonstrate positive (brief paragraph – as communication while providing physical and emotional care in a variety of health care shown in your student settings. Content meets the skills training requirement to take the State of Alaska exam. handbook or course list) Student must be in good physical condition, have a health care provider CPR card, and have immunizations appropriate for the clinical site. Hand Hygiene, Mouth/Denture Care, Catheter Care, Hand & Foot Care, Ostomy/Wound Care, Instructional Topic Assist with Ambulation, Measure & Record Urinary Output, Transfer from Bed to Headings (please Wheelchair, Make Occupied/Unoccupied Bed, Position Client on Side, Count/Record Vital separate each heading by Signs, Passive Range of Motion, Modified Bed Bath/Shampoo, Perianal Care for Incontinent a semi-colon) Client, Death & Post-Mortem Care, Bed Pan, Feeding, Dressing

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 11 Certified Nursing Assistant: Clinical Experience Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2

Summative Assessments and Standards Technical Skills State of Alaska CNA exam Assessment (TSA) Course Addresses Yes Alaska ELA and Math Yes Standards Alaska Cultural Yes Standards All Aspects of Industry Yes (AAI) Core Technical Yes Standards Employability Standards Yes Employability Standards Source of Employability Alaska Standards Tech Prep Current Tech Prep Articulation Agreement? No (Y/N) Date of Current N/A Agreement Postsecondary N/A Institution Name Postsecondary Course N/A Name Postsecondary Course N/A Number Number of N/A Postsecondary Credits Author Course Developed By State of Alaska and the Alaska Board of Nursing Course Adapted From Federal Regulations, Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) 1987 Date of Previous Course 2012 Revision Course Delivery Model Is the course brokered through another Yes institution or agency? (Y/N)

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 12 Certified Nursing Assistant: Clinical Experience Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Standards Alignment Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska All Aspects of Student Performance Standards Occupational Core Alaska Math ENG/LA Cultural Employability Industry/ Assessments (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Technical Standards Standards Standards Standards Systems Standards Standards Students will demonstrate an understanding of the role of a Work Habits; ABN Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) as a member of a health care B1 B2 Labor; 1C team in the health care system. Management Students will demonstrate an understanding of the ethical Health/Safety; ABN standards & legal issues concerning the CNA, as well as client B2 A2, 7 Labor; 1ABD rights and responsibilities. Work Habits Students will demonstrate competency in the application of basic nursing skills: monitoring body function, vital signs, near- ABN Health/Safety; C4 A2 death and postmortem care, record keeping, and recognizing 2A-H Tech/Prod abnormal changes. Students will demonstrate competency in the personal care skills ABN of bathing, oral hygiene, grooming, dressing, toileting, and E4, 6 A2 Technology 3A-H assisting with eating. Students will demonstrate understanding and ability to apply ABN Health/Safety; proper procedures for infection control, emergencies, and safe C4 A6 4A-G Labor work place practices. Students will demonstrate communication and interpersonal Tech/Prod; ABN skills that include psychosocial needs, medical and nursing E4, 6-7 A2 Technology; 5A-E terminology, recording and reporting. Work Habits Students will demonstrate the ability to provide hygiene and ABN C4 A2 Tech/Prod restorative care including activities of daily living. A-F Students will apply their knowledge of human growth and ABN development to address the patient basic needs, developmental E3, 6 A2 Tech/Prod 7A-H needs, caring for the cognitively impaired.

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 13 Certified Nursing Assistant: Clinical Experience Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) 1A Course Information Course Name EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN (EMT) 1A Course Number CTEK120 Grade(s) 12 Length One Semester Credit 0.5 Pre-requisites Introduction to Healthcare Occupations, Human Anatomy & Physiology Sequence or CTEPS Emergency Medical Technician Date of District Course Spring 2018 Revision Career & Technical Student Organization (CTSO) CTSO Embedded in this Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) Sequence Occupational Standards Source of Occupational National EMS Educational Standards Standards EMS Systems, Research, Workplace Safety & Wellness, Documentation, Communications, Medical Legal/Ethics, A & P, Terminology, Pathophysiology, Life Span Development, Names/Numbers of Pharmacology, Airway Management, Medical & Trauma Assessment & Treatment, Shock & Occupational Standards Bleeding Control, Obstetrics, Pediatrics, Geriatrics, Patients with Special Challenges, Operations, Vehicle Extrication, HazMat, Mass Casualty Incidents. Registration Information This course leads to eligibility for certification as an Alaska Emergency Medical Technician I and as an EMT Basic with the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians. Topics included in the course are: roles and responsibilities of the EMT, legal considerations of EMS, respiratory and cardiac emergencies, CPR, practical use of airway adjuncts, bleeding and shock, trauma management, medical emergencies and their management, environmental Course Description emergencies, emergency childbirth, pediatric emergencies, geriatric emergencies, exposure to (brief paragraph – as hazardous situations, introduction to hazardous materials, psychiatric emergencies, patient shown in your student packaging and triage, stabilization and transport of the sick and injured, and communications handbook or course list) and report writing. Also included in the course is content from the Alaska EMT Skill Sheets, the Alaska Cold Injuries Guidelines, the Alaska Trauma Guidelines, and certain Alaska Statutes and regulations specifically related to Emergency Medical Services. Certification as an EMT-I with the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services requires the successful completion of written and practical examinations for certification. Roles and responsibilities of the EMT; legal considerations of EMS; respiratory and cardiac emergencies; CPR; practical use of airway adjuncts; bleeding and shock; trauma management, Instructional Topic medical emergencies and their management, environmental emergencies; emergency Headings (please childbirth; pediatric emergencies; geriatric emergencies; exposure to hazardous situations; separate each heading by introduction to hazardous materials; psychiatric emergencies; patient packaging and triage; a semi-colon) stabilization and transport of the sick and injured and communications, including the Incident Command System and report writing. Also included in the course is content from the Alaska

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 14 Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) 1A Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 EMT Skill Sheets, the Alaska Cold Injuries Guidelines, the Alaska Trauma Guidelines, and certain Alaska Statutes and regulations specifically related to Emergency Medical Services. Summative Assessments and Standards Technical Skills State of Alaska EMT 1 exam and practical skills exam. National Registry of Emergency Assessment (TSA) Medical Technician (NREMT) Course Addresses N/A Alaska ELA and Math Yes Standards Alaska Cultural Yes Standards All Aspects of Industry Yes (AAI) Core Technical Yes Standards Career Ready Practices Yes Employability Standards Source of Employability Alaska Employability Skills, National Consortium for Health Science Education, National Standards EMS Education Standards Tech Prep Current Tech Prep Articulation Agreement? Yes (Y/N) Date of Current 2017 Agreement Postsecondary University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF)- Community & Technical College (CTC) Institution Name Postsecondary Course Emergency Medical Technician I Name Postsecondary Course EMS F170 Number Number of 0 (see EMT 1B course description) Postsecondary Credits Author Course Developed By State of Alaska CHEMS Course Adapted From US DOT Date of Previous Course 2012 Revision Course Delivery Model Is the course brokered through another No institution or agency? (Y/N)

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 15 Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) 1A Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Standards Alignment Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupational Technical All Aspects of Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Core Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards

NREMT Health Reading S-ID-9 B4; E4 A5; B1-5 Planning, Essential Systems; Science 1,2,4 MGT Labor Questions, Students will understand how specific careers addressed in this NCHSE: 3., Career Writing workbooks course fit within all aspects of the EMS system and the health 4.31, 4.32 Cluster 2abde,4,10 and written occupations industry. 1-6 Speaking/list exams ening 1.a,b,c

NREMT Health Reading E4 A1; A7 Emergency Written Systems; Science 1,2,4 B2 Response exam Understand how the EMS system works and how EMTs fit into NCHSE: Career Writing Health/Safety the EMS organization 3.11 Cluster 2abde,4,10 labor 1-6 Speaking/list ening 1.a,b,c

NREMT Health Reading E4 Work Habits Written Systems; Science 1,2,4 Job exam and Understand and demonstrate the importance of professionalism in NCHSE: 4.12, Career Writing preparation demonstrati the pre-hospital medical field 4.21, Cluster 2abde,4,10 Health/Safety on 1-6 Speaking/list ening 1.a,b,c

NREMT Health Reading B2 A 3, A 6 Labor H&S Written Safety; Science 1,2,4 E4 exam and Demonstrate knowledge of general safety standards for various NCHSE 7.0 Career Writing demonstrati clinical and industrial workplaces. Cluster 2abde,4,10 on 1-6 Speaking/list ening 1.a,b,c

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 16 Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) 1A Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Formative Student Performance Standards Occupational Technical All Aspects of ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready Assessment (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Core Industry Standards Standards Standards Practices s Standards Standards

NREMT Health Reading B2 A2 Health/Safety Skills test Safety; Science 1,2,4 E4 A3 Labor Class NCHSE 7.0 Career Writing A6 Participatio Demonstrate understanding of how safety and first aid fit within Cluster 2abde,4,10 n all aspects of industry. 1-6 Speaking/list Written ening 1.a,b,c tests Demonstrati on

NREMT HL-SUP Reading S-ID-9 B4; E4 A2 Health/ Class Safety; 1-6 1,2,4 Safety, Labor Participatio NCHSE: 7.11- Writing n, Students will maintain personal safety, evaluating the scene for 12, 7.21-22, 2abde,4,10 Skills hazards for patient and self. 7.31, 7.41-42, Speaking/list Check-off, ening 1.a,b,c Written Test

NREMT Health Reading E4 Health/Safety Essential Safety & Well Science 1,2,4 Labor questions, Explain the importance of well-being for pre-hospital medical being; Career Writing Work/habits classroom care providers NCHSE: 9.11- Cluster 2abde,4,10 discussion 13 1-6 Speaking/list ening 1.a,b,c

NREMT Health Reading C-3 Health, Written Legal/Ethics; Science 1,2,4 E4 Communicati Exam NCHSE: 5.11- Career Writing ons skills Understand the legal and ethical issues as they pertain to pre- 5.12, 5.21-5.25 Cluster 2abde,4,10 Work Habits hospital care 6.11-6.12, 1-6 Speaking/list 6.21, 6.31-6.32 HL-HI ening 1.a,b,c 1-3

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 17 Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) 1A Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) 1B Course Information Course Name EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN (EMT) 1B Course Number CTEK121 Grade(s) 12 Length One Semester Credit 0.5 Introduction to Healthcare Occupations, Human Anatomy & Physiology, and Emergency Medical Pre-requisites Technician (EMT) 1A Sequence or CTEPS (You must first have the Health Science- Emergency Services Sequence or CTEPS entered into the system.) Date of District Course Spring 2018 Revision Career & Technical Student Organization (CTSO) CTSO Embedded in this Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) Sequence Occupational Standards Source of Occupational American Heart Association BLS CPR with AED and National EMS Educational Standards Standards EMS Systems, Research, Workplace Safety & Wellness, Documentation, Communications, Medical Legal/Ethics, A & P, Terminology, Pathophysiology, Life Span Development, Names/Numbers of Pharmacology, Airway Management, Medical & Trauma Assessment & Treatment, Shock & Occupational Standards Bleeding Control, Obstetrics, Pediatrics, Geriatrics, Patients with Special Challenges, Operations: Vehicle Extrication, HazMat, Mass Casualty Incidents. Registration Information This course is a continuation of EMT 1A which leads to eligibility for certification as an Alaska Emergency Medical Technician-I and as an EMT-Basic with the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians. Topics included in the course are: roles and responsibilities of the EMT, legal considerations of EMS, respiratory and cardiac emergencies, CPR, practical use of airway Course Description (brief adjuncts, bleeding and shock, trauma management, medical emergencies and their management, paragraph – as shown in environmental emergencies, emergency childbirth, pediatric emergencies, geriatric emergencies, your student handbook or exposure to hazardous situations, introduction to hazardous materials, psychiatric emergencies, course list) patient packaging and triage, stabilization and transport of the sick and injured and communications and report writing. Also included in the course is content from the Alaska EMT Skill Sheets, the Alaska Cold Injuries Guidelines, the Alaska Trauma Guidelines, and certain Alaska Statutes and regulations specifically related to Emergency Medical Services. Roles and responsibilities of the EMT; legal considerations of EMS; respiratory and cardiac emergencies; CPR; practical use of airway adjuncts; bleeding and shock; trauma management, Instructional Topic medical emergencies and their management, environmental emergencies; emergency childbirth; Headings (please separate pediatric emergencies; geriatric emergencies; exposure to hazardous situations; introduction to each heading by a semi- hazardous materials; psychiatric emergencies; patient packaging and triage; stabilization and colon) transport of the sick and injured and communications, including the Incident Command System and report writing. Also included in the course is content from the Alaska EMT Skill Sheets, the

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 18 Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) 1B Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Alaska Cold Injuries Guidelines, the Alaska Trauma Guidelines, and certain Alaska Statutes and regulations specifically related to Emergency Medical Services. Summative Assessments and Standards Technical Skills State of Alaska EMT 1 exam and practical skills exam, and National Registry of Emergency Assessment (TSA) Medical Technician (NREMT) Course Addresses N/A Alaska ELA and Math Yes Standards Alaska Cultural Yes Standards All Aspects of Industry Yes (AAI) Core Technical Yes Standards Career Ready Practices Yes Employability Standards Source of Employability Alaska Employability Skills, National Consortium for Health Science Education, National Standards EMS Education Standards Tech Prep Current Tech Prep Articulation Agreement? Yes (Y/N) Date of Current 2017 Agreement Postsecondary University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF)- Community & Technical College (CTC) Institution Name Postsecondary Course Emergency Medical Technician I Name Postsecondary Course EMS F170 Number Number of 6 credits Postsecondary Credits Author Course Developed By State of Alaska CHEMS Course Adapted From US DOT Date of Previous Course June 5, 2012 Revision Course Delivery Model Is the course brokered through another No institution or agency? (Y/N)

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 19 Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) 1B Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2

Standards Alignment Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupational Technical All Aspects of Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Core Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards NREMT Health Reading S-ID-9 B4; E4 A5; B1-5 Planning, Essential Systems; Science 1,2,4 MGT Labor Questions, Students will understand how specific careers addressed in this NCHSE: 3, Career Writing workbook course fit within all aspects of the EMS system and the health 4.31, 4.32 Cluster 2abde,4,10 and written occupations industry. 1-6 Speaking/list exams ening 1.a,b,c

NREMT Health Reading B2 A2 Health/Safety Skills test Safety; Science 1,2,4 E4 A3 Labor Class NCHSE 7.0 Career Writing A6 Participatio Demonstrate understanding of how safety and first aid fit within Cluster 2abde,4,10 n all aspects of industry. 1-6 Speaking/list Written ening 1.a,b,c tests Demonstrati on

NREMT HL-SUP Reading S-ID-9 B4; E4 A2 Health/ Class Safety; 1-6 1,2,4 Safety, Labor Participation, Students will maintain personal safety, evaluating the scene for NCHSE: 7.11- Writing Skills Check- hazards for patient and self. 12, 7.21-22, 2abde,4,10 off, Written 7.31, 7.41-42, Speaking/list Test ening 1.a,b,c

NREMT Health Reading E4 Health/Safety Essential Safety & Science 1,2,4 Labor questions, Explain the importance of well-being for pre-hospital medical Wellbeing; Career Writing Work/habits classroom care providers NCHSE: 9.11- Cluster 2abde,4,10 discussion 13 1-6 Speaking/list ening 1.a,b,c

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 20 Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) 1B Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupational Technical All Aspects of Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Core Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards

NREMT Health Reading C-3 Health, Written Legal/Ethics; Science 1,2,4 E4 Communicati Exam NCHSE: 5.11- Career Writing ons skills Understand the legal and ethical issues as they pertain to pre- 5.12, 5.21- Cluster 2abde,4,10 Work Habits hospital care 5.25 1-6 Speaking/list 6.11-6.12, HL-HI ening 1.a,b,c 6.21, 6.31- 1-3 6.32

NREMT HL-DIA Reading F-IF-4 E4 A-6 Health/Safety Class A & P; 1-5 1,2,4 A2 participation Define the anatomical terms as they pertain to basic NCHSE: 1.11- Writing Skills topographical anatomy and the systems of the body 13 2abde,4,10 Checklist Speaking/list Written tests ening 1.a,b,c

NREMT HL-DIA Reading F-IF-4 B2-4 A6 Written Test, A & P; 1-5 1,2,4 Student Students will describe the basic anatomy and physiology of body NCHSE: Writing Presentations systems and identify topographic terms. 1.11-1.13 2abde,4,10 Class Speaking/list Participation ening 1.a,b,c

NREMT HL-THR Reading C4 A-2 Health & Skills test, Safety; 1-4 1,2,4 A-6 Safety Essential Demonstrate safety precautions and proper lifting and moving of NCHSE: Writing Questions, patients. 7.21-22 2abde,4,10 Mock Skills Speaking/list Scenarios ening 1.a,b,c

NREMT HL-THR Reading B2-4 A-6 Technical Demonstrati Demonstrate the proper methods of airway maintenance and Airway Mgt; 1-4 1,2,4 Skills on & oxygen administration, including suctioning, inserting NCHSE: Writing written oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal airways, and ventilation 10.12 2abde,4,10 exam techniques. Speaking/list Skills tests ening 1.a,b,c

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 21 Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) 1B Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupational Technical All Aspects of Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Core Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards

NREMT HL-THR Reading S-ID-9 D-6 A-5 Technical Written Trauma 1-4 1,2,4 Explain and demonstrate the assessment and treatment of acute B2-4 B-1 Knowledge Exam, Assessment & Writing trauma emergencies, including neurological, respiratory, and and Skills practical Treatment 2abde,4,10 cardiovascular emergencies. skills NCHSE: 1.32, Speaking/list 1.33 ening 1.a,b,c

NREMT HL-THR Reading B2-4 A-3 Technical Written Pediatrics, 1-4 1,2,4 D-6 B-1 Knowledge Exam, Compare and contrast the assessment and treatment of pediatric Adults, Writing and Skills practical emergencies with adult and geriatric emergencies, Geriatrics 2abde,4,10 skills Speaking/list ening 1.a,b,c

NREMT HL 3, 4 Reading S-ID-9 A4, 6 AES- A2, Principals of Written Operations 1,2,4 B3, 4 5,6 Technology Exam Operations: Vehicle Extrication, HazMat, Mass Casualty Writing D5 CRP Health, Safety Incidents. 2abde,4,10 4,5,6,8,11 and Speaking/list Environment ening 1.a,b,c

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 22 Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) 1B Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Emergency Trauma Technician Course Information Course Name EMERGENCY TRAUMA TECHNICIAN Course Number CTEK123 Grade(s) 9-12 Length One Semester Credit 0.5 Pre-requisites None Sequence or CTEPS (You must first have the Health Science- Emergency Services Sequence or CTEPS entered into the system.) Date of District Course Spring 2018 Revision Career & Technical Student Organization (CTSO) CTSO Embedded in this Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) Sequence Occupational Standards Source of Occupational SEREMS (2015), AHA, CPR, BLS, NCHSE: Foundation Standards May 2015 Standards SEREMS 1-1 1-7,1-2.1-11, 1-3.1-14, 1-4.1-2, 1-5.1-8, 2-1.1-26, 3-1.1-7, 4-1.1-15, 1-5.1-11, Names/Numbers of 5-2.1-4, 5-3.1-19, 6-1.1-4, 7-1.1-5, 8-1.1-4, 9-2.1-12, 10-1.1-10, 11-1.1-5, 12-1.1-6, Occupational Standards NCHSE Foundation Standards: 1.11-13, 1.31-1.33, 2.11-2.15, 2.21-2.22, 2.31, 3.11, 4.21, 4.32, 5.11, 5.22, 7.11-7.12, 7.21-7.22, 7.31, 7.41-7.42, 7.51-7.52, 8.11, 8.23 Registration Information This course introduces the students to emergency medical care for Alaskan first responders and prepares students for registration as an Emergency Trauma Technician (ETT) with the State of Alaska. Students will learn to provide assessment and care as a first responder to medical emergencies, illnesses or injuries. This level of training is the next step beyond initial Course Description first aid and CPR. This is the State of Alaska Health Department course wherein students may (brief paragraph – as earn a certificate after successfully completing an exit exam. This class involves lecture, shown in your student skills-based labs and case Throughout the course, personal safety and well-being are stressed. handbook or course list) Course includes content from the Alaska ETT Skill Sheets, Alaska Cold Injuries Guidelines, Alaska Trauma Guidelines, Alaska Burn Protocols, and Alaska statutes and regulations related to Emergency Medical Services. This course articulates into courses offered in Emergency Services program of study. Orientation to Industrial Safety; Wilderness and Emergency Services Professions; EMS Instructional Topic Professions; Legal and Ethical issues; Controlling Infections; basic Structure and function of Headings (please the Human Body; Airway; Oxygen Therapy and BLS; Basic Life Support Certification (BLS); separate each heading by Patient Assessment; Vital Signs, Trauma; Medical Emergencies; Pediatric Emergencies; a semi-colon) Environmental Injuries; EMS Operations.

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 23 Emergency Trauma Technician Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Summative Assessments and Standards Technical Skills BLS-CPR, ETT Assessment (TSA) Course Addresses N/A Alaska ELA and Math Yes Standards Alaska Cultural Yes Standards All Aspects of Industry Yes (AAI) Core Technical Yes Standards Career Ready Practices Yes Employability Standards Source of Employability Alaska Employability Standards, National Consortium for Health Science Education-NCHSE Standards Tech Prep Current Tech Prep Articulation Agreement? Yes (Y/N) Date of Current 2017 Agreement Postsecondary University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF)- Community & Technical College (CTC) Institution Name Postsecondary Course Emergency Trauma Technician Name Postsecondary Course EMS F152 Number Number of 3 credits Postsecondary Credits Author Course Developed By SEREMS Course Adapted From Alaska Emergency Trauma Technician Date of Previous Course Spring 2013 Revision Course Delivery Model Is the course brokered through another No institution or agency? (Y/N)

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 24 Emergency Trauma Technician Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Standards Alignment Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupational Technical All Aspects of Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Core Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards

Students will understand how specific careers addressed in this SEREMS HS-1 RST.11- S-ID.1-4 B: 4, A;5; B-1-5 Planning, Essential course fit within all aspects of the EMS system and the health 1-1.1, 10-1 12.1,2,7 E-4 MGt Labor Questions, occupations industry. NCHSE: 3.``, WHST.11- Journals, 4.31, 4.32 12.4,7, 10 Career L.11- Cards and 12.2,3,6 written exam

Students will maintain personal safety, evaluating the scene for SEREMS HS-3 RST.11- N-Q.2 B-2,4 A 2 Hlth, Sfty & Essential hazards for patient and self. 1-2.1 12.2,2,4,7, Environ Questions, NCHSE: WHST.11- Labor Journaling, 7.11-12, 7.21- 12.4,7, 10 written 22, 7.31, 7.41- L.11- tests, 42, 12.2,3,6 teacher observatio ns and skills check-off

Understand how the EMS system works and how ETTs fit into SEREMS: HS-4 RST.11- Emergency Written the EMS organization 1-1.1-7 12.1,2,4,5,9 Response exam NCHSE: ,10 3.11 WHST.11- 12.4,9, 10 L.11- 12.2,3,6

Understand and demonstrate the importance of professionalism SEREMS: HS-5 RST.11- Job Written in the pre-hospital medical field 1-1.3, 5, 6, 7 12.1,2,4,5,9 preparation exam and ,10 S demonstrat ion

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 25 Emergency Trauma Technician Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupational Technical All Aspects Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Core of Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards

Explain the importance of well-being for pre-hospital medical SEREMS HS-3 SL.11- Health Essential care providers 1-2.1-9 12.1,6 questions, NCHSE: classroom 9.11-13 discussion

Understand the legal and ethical issues as they pertain to pre- SEREMS: HS-5, 6 RST.11- C-3 Health, Written hospital care 1-3.1-14, 12.1,2,7 Communicat Exam NCHSE: WHST.11- ions skills 5.11-5.12, 12.4,9, 10 5.21-5.25 L.11- 6.11-6.12, 12.2,3,6 6.21, 6.31- 6.32

Define the anatomical terms as they pertain to basic SEREMS: HL-THR 3 RST.11- G-CO.2 A-6 Anatomy Demonstra topographical anatomy and the systems of the body 1-4.1-2 12.1,2,7 G-MG.1 tion & NCHSE: 1 SL.11- written .11-13 12.4,6 exam WHST.11- 12.4,9, 10 L.11- 12.2,3,6

Students will describe the basic anatomy and physiology of SEREMS HL-THR 3 WHST.11- Written body systems and identify topographic terms. 1-5.1-8 12.4,9, 10 Test, NCHSE: SL.11- Student 7.21-22 12.4,5,6 Presentatio L.11- ns 12.2,3,6

Demonstrate safety precautions and proper lifting and moving of SEREMS HL-DIA 3 SL.11- A-6 Health & Skills test, patients. 1-5.1-8 12.4,5,6 Safety Essential NCHSE: Questions, 7.21-22 Mock Scenarios

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 26 Emergency Trauma Technician Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupational Technical All Aspects Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Core of Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards

Demonstrate the proper methods of airway maintenance, SEREMS: HL-THR 4 WHST.11- N-Q.1-3 A-6 Technical Demonstra including suctioning, inserting oropharyngeal and 2-1.1-26 12.4,9 MP.6 Skills tion & nasopharyngeal airways, and ventilation techniques. NCHSE: SL.11- written 10.12 12.4,5 exam L.11- 12.2,3,6

Demonstrate proper CPR techniques and knowledge as per the SEREMS: HL-THR 4 WHST.11- N-Q.1-3 A-6 Health & Written current protocols per the American Heart Association. 3-1.1-7 12.4,9 F-BF.2 Technical exam and NCHSE: SL.11- MP. 1 MP. 6 Skills skills test 10.12 12.4,5 L.11- 12.2,3,6

Demonstrate the proper techniques of patient assessment on a SEREMS: SL.11- MP.6 B-1 Technical Skills test trauma patient and medical patient 4-1.1-15 12.4,5 Skills NCHSE: 2 .11-15

Demonstrate proper techniques for controlling hemorrhage and SEREMS: HL-THR 4 SL.11- MP.6 A-6 Technical Demonstra bandaging of wounds 5-1.1-11 12.4,5 Skills, tion NCHSE:7.11, Health/Safet 7.21 y

Demonstrate proper techniques for the treatment of shock and SEREMS: HL-THR 4 SL.11- MP.6 B-1 Technical Skills test understand the mechanisms of shock. 5-2.1-4 12.4,5 B-2 Skills NCHSE 7.11, B-5 7.21

Demonstrate the proper techniques for assessing and treating SEREMS: HL-THR 4 SL.11- MP.1 B-2 Technical Skills test musculoskeletal injuries including sprains, strains, dislocations, 5-3.1-19, 12.4,5 MP.6 Skills fractures and cramps. NCHSE: 7.11, 7.21

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 27 Emergency Trauma Technician Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupational Technical All Aspects Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Core of Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards

Explain and demonstrate the assessment and treatment of SEREMS: 6- HL-THR 4 WHST.11- MP. 1 MP.6 D-6 A-5 Technical Written medical emergencies, including seizures, strokes, asthma, 1.1-4 12.4,9 B-1 Knowledge Exam poisoning, overdose, and environmental emergencies. NCHSE: 1.32, L.11- and Skills 1.33 12.2,3,6

Compare and contrast the assessment and treatment of pediatric SEREMS: 7- HL-THR 3 WHST.11- MP.1 D-6 A-3 Technical Written emergencies with adult emergencies 1.1-5 12.4,9 MP. 6 B-1 Knowledge Exam L.11- and Skills 12.2,3,6

Demonstrate knowledge of general safety standards for various AK EED HS-3 WHST.11- A 1 A 3, A 6 Labor H&S AK EED clinical and industrial workplaces. Safety Manual 12.4,9 Safety L.11- Exam 12.2,3,6

Demonstrate understanding of how safety and first aid fit within NCHSE HS-3 RST.11- all aspects of industry. Foundation 7 12.1,2,7 SL.11- 12.4,6 WHST.11- 12.4,9, 10 L.11- 12.2,3,6

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 28 Emergency Trauma Technician Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 First Aid/CPR & Health Careers Exploration Course Information Course Name FIRST AID/CPR & HEALTH CAREERS EXPLORATION Course Number CTEK ? Grade(s) 9-12 Length One Semester Credit 0.5 Pre-requisites None Sequence or CTEPS (You must first have the Health Science - Allied Health and Pre-Nursing, Emergency Services Sequence or CTEPS entered into the system.) Date of District Course Spring 2018 Revision Career & Technical Student Organization (CTSO) CTSO Embedded in this Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) Sequence Occupational Standards Source of Occupational National Consortium of Health Science Education Standards Names/Numbers of ACC 8 & 10, NCHSE 1-11 Occupational Standards Registration Information Health Careers Exploration provides an overview of a wide variety of health career related jobs that are essential to the healthcare field. The course emphasizes basic first aid, CPR and AED use. Students will explore various health careers such as sports medicine, firefighting, Course Description dispatch and police, veterinary medicine, dental, psychology, optometry, chiropractic, (brief paragraph – as massage therapy, nursing, medicine and forensics. This course will stress personal and shown in your student interdisciplinary cooperation required to meet patient needs throughout all levels of handbook or course list) healthcare. Upon satisfactory completion of the course, the student will be issued first aid and CPR/AED cards.

Demonstrate knowledge and skills of CPR for adults, children, and infants, including the use Instructional Topic of an AED; Demonstrate knowledge and skills of First Aid for trauma, bleeding, shock, Headings (please stroke, burns, diabetes, poisoning, seizures, hypothermia, frostbite, overheating, and insect separate each heading by stings; Demonstrate knowledge of general safety standards for various clinical and workplace a semi-colon) areas; Develop a plan for personal emergencies and survival; Students will explore, compare and contrast various alternative and ancillary health care careers with respect to education,

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 29 First Aid/CPR & Health Careers Exploration Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 opportunities, and roles and responsibilities; Students will demonstrate understanding of the US Health Care System and the interdependence of careers and professionals; Students will demonstrate understanding of the legal and ethical responsibilities and limitations with regard to their scope of practice; Students will demonstrate employability and professionalism with respect to appearance, hygiene, skill competence, integrity, critical thinking, cooperation, and responsibility with a commitment to continuing improvement and growth. Students will properly assess and treat a medical and trauma patient. Students will successfully complete a resume, go through a job application process and end the course with a mock job interview to prepare them for employment in the workforce.

Summative Assessments and Standards Technical Skills AHA BLS-CPR and First Aid Assessment (TSA) Course Addresses N/A Alaska ELA and Math Yes Standards Alaska Cultural Yes Standards All Aspects of Industry Yes (AAI) Core Technical Yes Standards Career Ready Practices Yes Employability Standards Source of Employability Alaska Employability Standards, National Consortium for Health Science Education Standards Tech Prep Current Tech Prep Articulation Agreement? No (Y/N) Date of Current 2017 Agreement Postsecondary University of Alaska- CTC Institution Name Postsecondary Course First Aid & CPR for Healthcare Providers Name Postsecondary Course HLTH F122 Number

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 30 First Aid/CPR & Health Careers Exploration Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Number of 0 Postsecondary Credits Author Course Developed By FNSBSD, AHA Course Adapted From N/A Date of Previous Course June 5, 2012 Revision Course Delivery Model Is the course brokered through another No institution or agency? (Y/N)

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 31 First Aid/CPR & Health Careers Exploration Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2

Standards Alignment Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupational Technical All Aspects Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Core of Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards 2.1, 7.2, 7.22, 8.11, SL.11-12.1; Written test, 8.12. 8.2, HL 6 MP 4 A1 CRP 2 Technology Demonstrates knowledge and skills of CPR practical skills 10.1-10-12, HL-DIA MP6 B3 CRP 4

11.21, 11,24, L.11-12.1 11.25 1.13, 1.21, 7.1-7.22, SL.11-12.1; Written test, 10.11, 10.12, HL 6 MP 4 A1 CRP 2 Technology Demonstrate knowledge and skills of First Aid practical skills 11.21, 11,24, HL-DIA MP 6 B3 CRP 4

11.25 L.11-12.1

SL.11-12.1; 6

HL-3 Health, Demonstrate knowledge of general safety standards for self and 7.1-7.22, 7.3- L.11-12.1; A1 CRP 2 Written test, HL-SUP Safety and patients 52, 9.1 2; 4; 6; B3 CRP 4 practical skills Environment

RST.11- 12.1 - 10 SL.11-12.1; 6

L.11-12.1; A1 Personal Develop a plan for personal emergencies and survival 7.2-7.52 HL-THR CRP 1 - 9 Classroom skills 2; 4; 6; B3 Work Habits

RST.11- 12.1 - 10 SL.11-12.1; 6 Technical Projects, Explore, compare and contrast various alternative and ancillary 2.1, 2.3 L.11-12.1; and HL A5 CRP 2 personalized health care careers ACC 10 2; 4; 6; Production learning Skills RST.11- 12.1 - 10

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 32 First Aid/CPR & Health Careers Exploration Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupationa Technical All Aspects Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) l Skills Core of Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards SL.11-12.1; 6 Technical 3.1, 3.11, CRP 2 HL - 2 L.11-12.1; and Workbooks, Demonstrate understanding of the US Health Care System 3.12, 3.13, A5 CRP 4 HL-HI 2; 4; 6; Production quizzes 3.14 CRP 7 Skills RST.11- 12.1 - 10 SL.11-12.1; 6 2.1, 2.3, 4.1- Demonstration, 4.12, 4.2- L.11-12.1; CRP 2 Personal Demonstrate employability and professionalism HL A1 observation, 4.42, 9.1 2; 4; 6; CRP 10 Work Habits quizzes ACC 10 RST.11- 12.1 - 10 SL.11-12.1; 1.13, 6 1.21, 2.21, Technical Demonstration, 2.1, 2.3, HL-DIA L.11-12.1; MP 4 A1 and Properly assess and treat a medical patient, to include vital signs CRP 1 - 9 practical skills, 10.11, 11.21, HL-THR 2; 4; 6; MP 6 B3-4 Production skills check-off 11,24, 11.25 Skills RST.11- 12.1 - 10 SL.11-12.1; 1.13, 1.21, 6 2.21, 2.1, Technical Demonstration, Properly assess and treat a trauma patient, to include 2.3, 10.11, HL-DIA L.11-12.1; MP 4 A1 and CRP 1 - 9 practical skills, documentation of patient care 11.21, 11,24, HL-THR 2; 4; 6; MP 6 B3-4 Production skills check-off 11.25 Skills ACC 8 RST.11- 12.1 - 10 SL.11-12.1; 6 2.1, 2.3, 4.1- 4.12, 4.2- L.11-12.1; A1 CRP 2 Personal Complete a resume HL Demonstration 4.42 2; 4; 6; B CRP 10 Work Habits ACC 10 RST.11- 12.1 - 10

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 33 First Aid/CPR & Health Careers Exploration Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupationa Technical All Aspects Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) l Skills Core of Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards SL.11-12.1; 6 Personal 2.1, 2.3, 4.3- L.11-12.1; A1 CRP 2 Work Habits, Complete a job application 4.42 HL Demonstration 2; 4; 6; B CRP 10 Principals of ACC 10 Technology RST.11- 12.1 - 10 SL.11-12.1; 6

4.1-4.12, 4.4, L.11-12.1; A1 CRP 2 Personal Complete a mock job interview 4.41 HL Demonstration 2; 4; 6; B CRP 10 Work Habits ACC 10

RST.11- 12.1 - 10 SL.11-12.1; 6 Technical 3.1, 3.11, CRP 2 HL - 2 L.11-12.1; and Workbooks, Demonstrate understanding of the US Health Care System 3.12, 3.13, A5 CRP 4 HL-HI 2; 4; 6; Production quizzes 3.14 CRP 7 Skills RST.11- 12.1 - 10 SL.11-12.1; 6 2.1, 2.3, 4.1- Demonstration, 4.12, 4.2- L.11-12.1; CRP 2 Personal Demonstrate employability and professionalism HL A1 observation, 4.42, 9.1 2; 4; 6; CRP 10 Work Habits quizzes ACC 10 RST.11- 12.1 - 10 1.13, SL.11-12.1; 6 Technical 1.21, 2.21, L.11-12.1; 2; 4; Demonstration, HL-DIA MP 4 A1 and Properly assess and treat a medical patient, to include vital signs 2.1, 2.3, 6; CRP 1 - 9 practical skills, HL-THR MP 6 B3-4 Production 10.11, 11.21, RST.11-12.1 - skills check-off Skills 11,24, 11.25 10

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 34 First Aid/CPR & Health Careers Exploration Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupationa Technical All Aspects Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) l Skills Core of Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards SL.11-12.1; 1.13, 1.21, 6 2.21, 2.1, Technical Demonstration, Properly assess and treat a trauma patient, to include 2.3, 10.11, HL-DIA L.11-12.1; MP 4 A1 and CRP 1 - 9 practical skills, documentation of patient care 11.21, 11,24, HL-THR 2; 4; 6; MP 6 B3-4 Production skills check-off 11.25 Skills ACC 8 RST.11- 12.1 - 10 SL.11-12.1; 6 Personal 2.1, 2.3, 4.3- L.11-12.1; A1 CRP 2 Work Habits, Complete a job application 4.42 HL Demonstration 2; 4; 6; B CRP 10 Principals of ACC 10 Technology RST.11- 12.1 - 10 SL.11-12.1; 6

4.1-4.12, 4.4, L.11-12.1; A1 CRP 2 Personal Complete a mock job interview 4.41 HL Demonstration 2; 4; 6; B CRP 10 Work Habits ACC 10

RST.11- 12.1 - 10

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 35 First Aid/CPR & Health Careers Exploration Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Human Behavior in Health Care Course Information Course Name HUMAN BEHAVIOR IN HEALTH CARE Course Number Grade(s) 10-12 Length 1 semester Credit 0.5 Prerequisites Introduction to Healthcare Occupations Sequence or CTEPS Health Science - Allied Health & Pre-Nursing Date of District Spring 2018 Course Revision Career & Technical Student Organization (CTSO) CTSO Embedded in HOSA this Sequence Occupational Standards Source of National Consortium for Health Science Education - NCHSE - Health Science Occupational Education Standards Standards Names/Numbers of NCHSE - National Health Science Standards – May 2015 Occupational Standards 1.2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 11. Standards Registration Information Introduction to and discussion of general concepts in human behavior and specialized Course Description psychological issues when dealing with patients and loved ones in healthcare settings, (brief paragraph – including effects of illness on behavior, effects of traumatic events on health, as shown in your Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and trends toward holistic care. Students will perform student handbook or self-evaluations and survey other cultures to allow examination of perceptions, course list) individual biases, beliefs and their impacts on behavior Challenges and responsibilities; philosophy of individual worth; striving to understand human behavior; increased understanding of patient needs; increased coping skills Instructional Topic with respect to illness and traumatic events; cultural and attitudinal impacts upon Headings (please health and health care; cultural, heredity and environmental influences on behavior separate each and health; increased effective communications, including verbal, non-verbal, heading by a semi- listening, and written; identify characteristics and effects of depression, substance colon) abuse, and complications of patients that may have chronic or co-morbid medical and psychiatric conditions; broadened views of behavioral health care and trends toward holistic health care.

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 36 Human Behavior in Health Care Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Summative Assessments and Standards Technical Skills HIPAA Assessment (TSA) Course Addresses N/A Alaska ELA and Y Math Standards Alaska Cultural Y Standards All Aspects of Y Industry (AAI) Core Technical Y Standards Career Ready Y Practices Employability Standards Source of Alaska Employability Standards, National Consortium of Health Science Education- Employability NCHSE Standards Tech Prep Current Tech Prep Articulation Yes Agreement? (Y/N) Date of Current N/A Agreement Postsecondary UAF-CTC Institution Name Postsecondary Human Behavior in Health Care Course Name Postsecondary HLTH 106 Course Number Number of 3 Postsecondary Credits Author Course Developed By UAF - CTC Course Adapted UAF-CTC From Date of Previous N/A Course Revision Course Delivery Model Is the course brokered through N another institution or agency? (Y/N)

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 37 Human Behavior in Health Care Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2

Standards Alignment Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupational Technical All Aspects Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Core of Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards Broadened view of the careers in the healthcare system and its NCHSE HL 1, 2, 3, 4 RSI-1,2 S-IC 6 A 1 A 5, 7 Labor Discussion roles & responsibilities, satisfactions and challenges, including Standard 3, 4, RSLST-1,2 B 2 Issues Written test all aspects of industry 5, 6 & 7 WSL 1-10

Increased awareness of the philosophy of individual worth and its NCHSE HL 4 RSI-1,2 B, C, D, E A 1 Personal Discussion implications for health care providers, including respect for Standard 1.2, 6 RSLST-1,2 Work Written test patients from all cultures, economic status and medical WSL 1-10 Habits conditions

NCHSE HL 5 & 6 RSI-1,2 B, C, D, E A1 Community Discussion Increased awareness of cultural and attitudinal impacts upon Standard 1.2, RSLST-1,2 Issues Written test health and health care 3, 4 & 6 WSL 1-10

NCHSE HL 5 & 6 RSI-1,2 D A1 Personal Discussion Increased ability for developing client-practitioner rapport by Standard 1.2, 4 RSLST-1,2 Work Written test understanding patient needs & 11 WSL 1-10 Habits

Self-Assessments as found in AKCIS: personality, career NCHSE HL 1 HL- RSI-1,2 S-IC 6 C B Personal Self Assessment preferences as well as beliefs, attitudes and biases to increase Standard 1.2, 9 DIA 4 & 5 RSLST-1,2 Work & Written test coping skills for illness, traumatic events and loss & 11 WSL 1-10 Habits

NCHSE HL-DIA 4 & RSI-1,2 S-MD-7 B A Tech & Discussion Identify characteristics and effects of depression, substance Standard 1.2, 5 RSLST-1,2 Production Written test abuse, and complications of patients that may have chronic or co- 1.32, 8, 10 & HL-THR WSL 1-10 Skills morbid medical and psychiatric conditions 11

NCHSE HL-THR 1 & RSI-1,2 A 3, D A Tech & Discussion Increased effective communications, including verbal, non- Standard 2 2, HL-HI RSLST-1,2 Production Book Report verbal, listening, and written 1.32& 11 1-3 WSL 1-10 Skills Written test

NCHSE HL-THR RSI-1,2 E B2 Tech & Discussion Standard 1.2, 8 RSLST-1,2 Production Report on Broadening views of behavioral health care & trends toward & 11 WSL 1-10 Skills community holistic health care services Written test

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 38 Human Behavior in Health Care Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Human Body Systems A Course Information Course Name HUMAN BODY SYSTEMS A Course Number CTEK124 Grade(s) 9-12 Length One Semester Credit 0.5 Pre-requisites Principles of Biomedical Sciences or Biology Sequence or CTEPS (You must first have the Health Science Sequence or CTEPS entered into the system.) Date of District Course Spring 2013 Revision Career & Technical Student Organization (CTSO) CTSO Embedded in this Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) Sequence Occupational Standards Source of Occupational Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Standards Names/Numbers of N/A Occupational Standards Registration Information Human Body Systems A and B is designed for 10th, 11th or 12th grade students interested in Health Science. Students examine the interactions of human body systems as they explore Course Description identity, power, movement, protection and homeostasis. Students design experiments, (brief paragraph – as investigate the structures and functions of the human body, and use data acquisition software shown in your student to monitor body functions such as muscle movement, reflex and voluntary action and handbook or course list) respiration. Exploring science in action, students build organs and tissues on a skeletal manikin, work through interesting real world cases and often play the roles of biomedical professionals to solve medical mysteries. Instructional Topic Tissues, Human Body, Molecules and Cells, the Brain, Electrical Communication, Chemical Headings (please Communication, Communication with the Outside World, Power, Food, Oxygen, Water, separate each heading by Joints and Motion, Muscles, Blood Flow, Exercise Physiology, the Skin, Bones, Lymph and a semi-colon) Blood Cells, Health and Wellness

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 39 Human Body Systems A Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Summative Assessments and Standards Technical Skills PLTW Assessments Assessment (TSA) Course Addresses Yes New Alaska ELA and Yes Math Standards Alaska Cultural Yes Standards All Aspects of Industry Yes (AAI) Core Technical Standards Yes Employability Standards Yes Employability Standards Source of Employability Alaska Standards Tech Prep Current Tech Prep Articulation Agreement? No (Y/N) Date of Current N/A Agreement Postsecondary Institution N/A Name Postsecondary Course N/A Name Postsecondary Course N/A Number Number of Postsecondary N/A Credits Author Course Developed By PLTW Course Adapted From FNSBSD Career & Technical Education Curriculum Date of Previous Course Fall 2012 Revision Course Delivery Model Is the course brokered through another No institution or agency? (Y/N)

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 40 Human Body Systems A Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Standards Alignment Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska All Aspects Student Performance Standards Occupational Core Alaska Math ENG/LA Cultural Employability of Industry/ Assessments (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Technical Standards Standards Standards Standards Systems Standards Standards Students will describe the position of anatomical structures in HL- PLTW relation to other structures or locations in the body and specify PLTW WT.2 A2; B2 Tech/Prod BRD.1-4 Assessments specific anatomical landmarks on the body. Students will learn how structure and distribution of tissues in HL- PLTW PLTW A2; B2 Tech/Prod the body contribute to human identity. BRD.1-4 Assessments HL- PLTW Students will identify the structures and purpose of DNA. PLTW WT.2 A2; B2 Tech/Prod BRD.1-4 Assessments Students will identify types of communication that occur inside the human body and investigate the history of brain mapping HL- PLTW PLTW WT.2 E3, 4 A2; B2 Tech/Prod technology, including the mapping of the motor cortex and the BRD.1-4 Assessments language centers of the brain. Students will understand electrical communication in the body HL- PLTW through the study of the structure and function of the nervous PLTW E3, 4 A2; B2 Tech/Prod BRD.1-4 Assessments system. Students will understand chemical communication in the body HL- PLTW PLTW E3, 4 A2; B2 Tech/Prod through the study of hormones. BRD.1-4 Assessments Students will identify the structure and function of the human HL- PLTW PLTW WT.2 A2; B2 Tech/Prod eye. BRD.1-4 Assessments Students will understand the roles of food, water and HL- PLTW PLTW A2; B2 Tech/Prod environmental factors in maintaining homeostasis. BRD.1-4 Assessments Students will describe the process of digestion and analyze HL- PLTW PLTW WT.2 A2; B2 Tech/Prod diets. BRD.1-4 Assessments Students will demonstrate knowledge of the role of oxygen in HL- PLTW PLTW A2; B2 Tech/Prod the human body. BRD.1-4 Assessments

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 41 Human Body Systems A Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Human Body Systems B Course Information Course Name HUMAN BODY SYSTEMS B Course Number CTEK125 Grade(s) 9-12 Length One Semester Credit 0.5 Pre-requisites Human Body Systems A Sequence or CTEPS (You must first have the Health Science Sequence or CTEPS entered into the system.) Date of District Course Spring 2013 Revision Career & Technical Student Organization (CTSO) CTSO Embedded in this Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) Sequence Occupational Standards Source of Occupational Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Standards Names/Numbers of N/A Occupational Standards Registration Information Human Body Systems A and B is designed for 10th, 11th or 12th grade students interested in Health Science. Students examine the interactions of human body systems as they explore Course Description identity, power, movement, protection and homeostasis. Students design experiments, (brief paragraph – as investigate the structures and functions of the human body, and use data acquisition software shown in your student to monitor body functions such as muscle movement, reflex and voluntary action and handbook or course list) respiration. Exploring science in action, students build organs and tissues on a skeletal manikin, work through interesting real world cases and often play the roles of biomedical professionals to solve medical mysteries. Instructional Topic Tissues, Human Body, Molecules and Cells, the Brain, Electrical Communication, Chemical Headings (please Communication, Communication with the Outside World, Power, Food, Oxygen, Water, separate each heading by Joints and Motion, Muscles, Blood Flow, Exercise Physiology, the Skin, Bones, Lymph and a semi-colon) Blood Cells, Health and Wellness

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 42 Human Body Systems B Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Summative Assessments and Standards Technical Skills PLTW Assessments Assessment (TSA) Course Addresses Yes New Alaska ELA and Yes Math Standards Alaska Cultural Yes Standards All Aspects of Industry Yes (AAI) Core Technical Standards Yes Employability Standards Yes Employability Standards Source of Employability Alaska Standards Tech Prep Current Tech Prep Articulation Agreement? No (Y/N) Date of Current N/A Agreement Postsecondary Institution N/A Name Postsecondary Course N/A Name Postsecondary Course N/A Number Number of Postsecondary N/A Credits Author Course Developed By PLTW Course Adapted From FNSBSD Career & Technical Education Curriculum Date of Previous Course Fall 2012 Revision Course Delivery Model Is the course brokered through another No institution or agency? (Y/N)

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 43 Human Body Systems B Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Standards Alignment Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska All Aspects Student Performance Standards Occupational Core Alaska Math ENG/LA Cultural Employability of Industry/ Assessments (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Technical Standards Standards Standards Standards Systems Standards Standards Students will describe the position of anatomical structures in HL- PLTW relation to other structures or locations in the body and specify PLTW WT.2 A2; B2 Tech/Prod BRD.1-4 Assessments specific anatomical landmarks on the body. Students will learn how structure and distribution of tissues in HL- PLTW PLTW A2; B2 Tech/Prod the body contribute to human identity. BRD.1-4 Assessments HL- PLTW Students will identify the structures and purpose of DNA. PLTW WT.2 A2; B2 Tech/Prod BRD.1-4 Assessments Students will identify types of communication that occur inside the human body and investigate the history of brain mapping HL- PLTW PLTW WT.2 E3, 4 A2; B2 Tech/Prod technology, including the mapping of the motor cortex and the BRD.1-4 Assessments language centers of the brain. Students will understand electrical communication in the body HL- PLTW through the study of the structure and function of the nervous PLTW E3, 4 A2; B2 Tech/Prod BRD.1-4 Assessments system. Students will understand chemical communication in the body HL- PLTW PLTW E3, 4 A2; B2 Tech/Prod through the study of hormones. BRD.1-4 Assessments Students will identify the structure and function of the human HL- PLTW PLTW WT.2 A2; B2 Tech/Prod eye. BRD.1-4 Assessments Students will understand the roles of food, water and HL- PLTW PLTW A2; B2 Tech/Prod environmental factors in maintaining homeostasis. BRD.1-4 Assessments Students will describe the process of digestion and analyze HL- PLTW PLTW WT.2 A2; B2 Tech/Prod diets. BRD.1-4 Assessments Students will demonstrate knowledge of the role of oxygen in HL- PLTW PLTW A2; B2 Tech/Prod the human body. BRD.1-4 Assessments

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 44 Human Body Systems B Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Introduction to Exercise Science & Sports Medicine 1A Course Information Course Name INTRODUCTION TO EXERCISE SCIENCE & SPORTS MEDICINE 1A Course Number CTEK110 Grade(s) 11-12 Length One Semester Credit 0.5 Introduction to Healthcare Occupations, Human Anatomy & Physiology, or Teacher Pre-requisites Recommendation Sequence or CTEPS (You must first have the Health Science- Allied Health & Pre-Nursing Sequence or CTEPS entered into the system.) Date of District Course Spring 2018 Revision Career & Technical Student Organization (CTSO) CTSO Embedded in this Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) Sequence Occupational Standards Source of Occupational AAOS, National Athletic Trainer’s Association Standards 1. Standards 1-8 (www.bocatc.org/atc/docs/SI-MR-TAB4-354) 2. Domain 1 & 2 (http://www.fsbpt.org/download/Standards_of_Competence.pdf) Names/Numbers of 3. Standards & Objectives 1-10 Occupational Standards (www.usoe.k12.ut.us/ate/Skills/hst/ExSci/ExSciStandards.pdf) 4. Foundation Standards (www.nchste.org) Registration Information This two semester course is designed to teach students components of sports medicine Course Description including the exploration of therapeutic careers. Students will be able to understand and apply (brief paragraph – as medical terminology and abbreviations, identify the anatomy and physiology of the human shown in your student body, injury prevention, the healing process, rehabilitation techniques, therapeutic modalities, handbook or course list) nutrition and sports psychology. Instructional Topic Students will explore therapeutic careers; Students will apply medical terminology; Students Headings (please will review anatomy and physiology as it applies to the prevention and care of injuries; separate each heading by Students will apply injury prevention principles; Students will describe the injury and healing a semi-colon) processes; Students will explain and administer therapeutic modalities and rehabilitation

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 45 Introduction to Exercise Science & Sports Medicine 1A Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 techniques; Students will explore various aspects of sport nutrition; Students will describe principles of sport psychology; Students will differentiate and examine performance enhancement philosophies. Summative Assessments and Standards Technical Skills National Athletic Trainer’s Association Assessment (TSA) Course Addresses N/A New Alaska ELA and Yes Math Standards Alaska Cultural Yes Standards All Aspects of Industry Yes (AAI) Core Technical Yes Standards Career Ready Practices Yes Employability Standards Source of Employability Alaska Standards Tech Prep Current Tech Prep Articulation Agreement? No (Y/N) Date of Current N/A Agreement Postsecondary N/A Institution Name Postsecondary Course N/A Name Postsecondary Course N/A Number Number of N/A Postsecondary Credits Author Course Developed By C. Browder, J. Johnson, & L. Kaiser Course Adapted From Scott Snelson, State of Utah Curriculum Date of Previous Course June 5, 2012 Revision

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 46 Introduction to Exercise Science & Sports Medicine 1A Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Course Delivery Model Is the course brokered through another No institution or agency? (Y/N)

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 47 Introduction to Exercise Science & Sports Medicine 1A Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2

Standards Alignment Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupational Technical All Aspects of Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Core Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards RST.11-12 1; 2; 10

WHST.11- Found. Std. 12.2.a-e; Research 4 11-12.4 Proj./Class Planning Students will understand how specific careers addressed in this Employabili HL 1, 2, B4 CRP 1, 2, present. SL.11-12.4; Management course fit within all aspects of the health occupations industry. ty 3, 4, 5, 6 E4 3, 4, 8, 9 Skills USA 5 Labor 4.4-4.42 p.85 USOE 01 L.11-12.1 USOE 01.01 a-b; 11- 12.2 a-b; 11-12.4a-d; 11-12.6 RST.11-12 1; 2; 10

Found Std, 1 WHST.11- Academic 12.2.a-e; 11- Spelling Bee 1.1-1.25 Written HL-THR 12.4 Students will understand and use medical terminology. Found Std, 2 E4 Tech/Prod Exam 1, 2, 3, 4 SL.11-12.4; 5 Communic. Skills USA 2.25 -2.26 L.11-12.1 a-b; (p. 79-80) USOE 02 11-12.2 a-b; 11-12.4a-d; 11-12.6 RST.11-12 1; 2; 10

WHST.11- 12.2.a-e; 11- Found. Std, 12.4 Planning Written exam Students will demonstrate knowledge of legal, ethical and 6 Tech/Prod Class debate HL 5, 6 E4 CRP 4 confidentiality issues surrounding the medical profession. Ethics SL.11-12.4; Technology Skills USA 5 6.1-6.32 Labor (p. 85-87) L.11-12.1 a- b; 11-12.2 a- b; 11-12.4a- d; 11-12.6

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 48 Introduction to Exercise Science & Sports Medicine 1A Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupation Technical All Aspects of Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) al Skills Core Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards RST.11-12 1; 2; 10

WHST.11- 12.2.a-e; 11- Demo Students will review and apply knowledge of anatomy and HL-THR 12.4 USOE 03 Tech/Prod Written physiology as it applies to injury prevention and care. 1, 3, 4 SL.11-12.4; 5 Exams L.11-12.1 a-b; 11-12.2 a-b; 11-12.4a-d; 11-12.6 Tech/Prod Students will demonstrate first aid skills to include assessment HL-THR USOE skill USOE 04 Labor and management of injuries with documentation. 1, 3, 4 check 04.03 Health/Safety Students will demonstrate injury prevention principles through Tech/Prod USOE skill USOE 05 competent taping of commonly injured joints. Health/Safety check 05.02 RST.11-12 1; 2; 10

WHST.11- 12.2.a-e; 11- 12.4 HL-THR Written Students will describe the injury and healing process. USOE 06 Tech/Prod 1, 3, 4 Exam SL.11-12.4; 5

L.11-12.1 a-b; 11-12.2 a-b; 11-12.4a-d; 11-12.6 RST.11-12 1; 2; 10

WHST.11- 12.2.a-e; 11- USOE skill Students will explain and administer therapeutic modalities and 12.4 USOE 07 Tech/Prod check 07.01 rehabilitation techniques. SL.11-12.4; 5 Exam L.11-12.1 a-b; 11-12.2 a-b; 11-12.4a-d; 11-12.6

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 49 Introduction to Exercise Science & Sports Medicine 1A Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupation Technical All Aspects of Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) al Skills Core Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards RST.11-12 1; 2; 10

WHST.11- 12.2.a-e; 11- 12.4 Students will demonstrate knowledge of the various aspects of Written USOE 08 Tech/Prod sport nutrition. Exam SL.11-12.4; 5

L.11-12.1 a-b; 11-12.2 a-b; 11-12.4a-d; 11-12.6 RST.11-12 1; 2; 10

WHST.11- 12.2.a-e; 11- 12.4 Management Written Students will describe the principles of sport psychology. USOE 09 Tech/Prod Exam SL.11-12.4; 5

L.11-12.1 a-b; 11-12.2 a-b; 11-12.4a-d; 11-12.6 RST.11-12 1; 2; 10

WHST.11- 12.2.a-e; 11- Students will describe how to assess strength and proper 12.4 Written strength training techniques and explain performance USOE 10 Tech/Prod Exam enhancement philosophies. SL.11-12.4; 5

L.11-12.1 a-b; 11-12.2 a-b; 11-12.4a-d; 11-12.6

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 50 Introduction to Exercise Science & Sports Medicine 1A Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Introduction to Exercise Science & Sports Medicine 1B Course Information Course Name INTRODUCTION TO EXERCISE SCIENCE & SPORTS MEDICINE 1B Course Number CTEK111 Grade(s) 11-12 Length One Semester Credit 0.5 Pre-requisites Introduction to Exercise Science & Sports Medicine 1A Sequence or CTEPS (You must first have the Health Science- Allied Health & Pre-Nursing Sequence or CTEPS entered into the system.) Date of District Course Spring 2018 Revision Career & Technical Student Organization (CTSO) CTSO Embedded in this Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) Sequence Occupational Standards Source of Occupational AAOS, National Athletic Trainer’s Association Standards 1. Standards 1-8 (www.bocatc.org/atc/docs/SI-MR-TAB4-354) 2. Domain 1 & 2 (www.fsbpt.org/download/Standards_of_Competence.pdf) Names/Numbers of 3. Standards & Objectives 1-10 Occupational Standards (www.usoe.k12.ut.us/ate/Skills/hst/ExSci/ExSciStandards.pdf) 4. Foundation Standards (www.nchste.org) Registration Information

This course is a continuation of Introduction to Exercise Science and Sports Medicine and is Course Description designed to teach students components of sports medicine, including the exploration of (brief paragraph – as therapeutic careers. Students will be able to understand and apply medical terminology and shown in your student abbreviations, identify the anatomy and physiology of the human body, injury prevention, the handbook or course list) healing process, rehabilitation techniques, therapeutic modalities, nutrition, and sports psychology. Students will explore therapeutic careers; Students will apply medical terminology; Students Instructional Topic will review anatomy and physiology as it applies to the prevention and care of injuries; Headings (please Students will apply injury prevention principles; Students will describe the injury and healing

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 51 Introduction to Exercise Science & Sports Medicine 1B Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 separate each heading by processes; Students will explain and administer therapeutic modalities and rehabilitation a semi-colon) techniques; Students will explore various aspects of sport nutrition; Students will describe principles of sport psychology; Students will differentiate and examine performance enhancement philosophies. Summative Assessments and Standards Technical Skills National Athletic Trainer’s Association Assessment (TSA) Course Addresses N/A New Alaska ELA and Yes Math Standards Alaska Cultural Yes Standards All Aspects of Industry Yes (AAI) Core Technical Yes Standards Career Ready Practices Yes Employability Standards Source of Employability Alaska Standards Tech Prep Current Tech Prep Articulation Agreement? No (Y/N) Date of Current N/A Agreement Postsecondary N/A Institution Name Postsecondary Course N/A Name Postsecondary Course N/A Number Number of N/A Postsecondary Credits

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 52 Introduction to Exercise Science & Sports Medicine 1B Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Author Course Developed By C. Browder, J. Johnson, & L. Kaiser Course Adapted From Scott Snelson, State of Utah Curriculum Date of Previous Course June 5, 2012 Revision Course Delivery Model Is the course brokered through another No institution or agency? (Y/N)

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 53 Introduction to Exercise Science & Sports Medicine 1B Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2

Standards Alignment Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupational Technical Math All Aspects Formative ENG/LA Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Core Standard of Industry Assessments Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards s RST.11-12 1; 2; 10

Research Found. Std. 4 WHST.11- Proj./Class Employabilit 12.2.a-e; 11- Planning Students will understand how specific careers addressed in this HL 1, 2, 3, 12.4 B4 CRP 1, 2, present. y Management course fit within all aspects of the health occupations industry. 4, 5, 6 E4 3, 4, 8, 9 Skills USA 4.4-4.42 Labor SL.11-12.4; 5 p.85 USOE 01 USOE 01.01 L.11-12.1 a-b; 11-12.2 a-b; 11- 12.4a-d; 11-12.6 Found Std, 1 RST.11-12 1; 2; Academic 10 1.1-1.25 WHST.11- Spelling Bee Found Std, 2 HL-THR 1, 12.2.a-e; 11- Written Exam Students will understand and use medical terminology. 12.4 E4 Tech/Prod Communicati 2, 3, 4 SL.11-12.4; 5 Skills USA on. L.11-12.1 a-b; (p. 79-80) 2.25 -2.26 11-12.2 a-b; 11- USOE 02 12.4a-d; 11-12.6 RST.11-12 1; 2; 10

Planning Written exam Found. Std, 6 WHST.11- Students will demonstrate knowledge of legal, ethical and 12.2.a-e; 11- Tech/Prod Class debate Ethics HL 5, 6 E4 CRP 4 confidentiality issues surrounding the medical profession. 12.4 Technology Skills USA 6.1-6.32 SL.11-12.4; 5 Labor (p. 85-87) L.11-12.1 a-b; 11-12.2 a-b; 11- 12.4a-d; 11-12.6 RST.11-12 1; 2; 10 WHST.11- Demo Students will review and apply knowledge of anatomy and HL-THR 1, 12.2.a-e; 11- USOE 03 12.4 Tech/Prod Written physiology as it applies to injury prevention and care. 3, 4 SL.11-12.4; 5 Exams L.11-12.1 a-b; 11-12.2 a-b; 11- 12.4a-d; 11-12.

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 54 Introduction to Exercise Science & Sports Medicine 1B Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupational Technical All Aspects Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Core of Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards Tech/Prod Students will demonstrate first aid skills to include assessment HL-THR 1, USOE skill USOE 04 Labor and management of injuries with documentation. 3, 4 check 04.03 Health/Safety Students will demonstrate injury prevention principles through Tech/Prod USOE skill USOE 05 competent taping of commonly injured joints. Health/Safety check 05.02 RST.11-12 1; 2; 10

WHST.11-12.2.a- HL-THR 1, e; 11-12.4 Students will describe the injury and healing process. USOE 06 Tech/Prod Written Exam 3, 4 SL.11-12.4; 5

L.11-12.1 a-b; 11-12.2 a-b; 11- 12.4a-d; 11-12.6 RST.11-12 1; 2; 10

WHST.11-12.2.a- USOE skill Students will explain and administer therapeutic modalities and e; 11-12.4 USOE 07 Tech/Prod check 07.01 rehabilitation techniques. SL.11-12.4; 5 Exam

L.11-12.1 a-b; 11-12.2 a-b; 11- 12.4a-d; 11-12.6 RST.11-12 1; 2; 10

WHST.11-12.2.a- Students will demonstrate knowledge of the various aspects of e; 11-12.4 USOE 08 Tech/Prod Written Exam sport nutrition. SL.11-12.4; 5

L.11-12.1 a-b; 11-12.2 a-b; 11- 12.4a-d; 11-12.6

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 55 Introduction to Exercise Science & Sports Medicine 1B Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupational Technical All Aspects Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Core of Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards RST.11-12 1; 2; 10

WHST.11-12.2.a- e; 11-12.4 Management Students will describe the principles of sport psychology. USOE 09 Written Exam SL.11-12.4; 5 Tech/Prod

L.11-12.1 a-b; 11-12.2 a-b; 11- 12.4a-d; 11-12.6 RST.11-12 1; 2; 10

WHST.11-12.2.a- Students will describe how to assess strength and proper e; 11-12.4 strength training techniques and explain performance USOE 10 Tech/Prod Written Exam enhancement philosophies. SL.11-12.4; 5

L.11-12.1 a-b; 11-12.2 a-b; 11- 12.4a-d; 11-12.6 RST.11-12 1; 2; 10 Research Found. Std. 4 Proj./Class WHST.11-12.2.a- Planning Students will understand how specific careers addressed in this Employability HL 1, 2, e; 11-12.4 B4 CRP 1, 2, present. Management course fit within all aspects of the health occupations industry. 4.4-4.42 3, 4, 5, 6 SL.11-12.4; 5 E4 3, 4, 8, 9 Skills USA Labor USOE 01 L.11-12.1 a-b; p.85 11-12.2 a-b; 11- USOE 01.01 12.4a-d; 11-12.6 Found Std, 1 RST.11-12 1; 2; Academic 10 Spelling Bee 1.1-1.25 WHST.11-12.2.a- HL-THR e; 11-12.4 Written Exam Students will understand and use medical terminology. Found Std, 2 E4 Tech/Prod 1, 2, 3, 4 SL.11-12.4; 5 Skills USA (p. Communic. L.11-12.1 a-b; 79-80) 2.25 -2.26 11-12.2 a-b; 11- USOE 02 12.4a-d; 11-12.6

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 56 Introduction to Exercise Science & Sports Medicine 1B Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupational Technical All Aspects Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Core of Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards RST.11-12 1; 2; 10

WHST.11- 12.2.a-e; 11- Planning Written exam Found. Std, 6 12.4 Students will demonstrate knowledge of legal, ethical and Tech/Prod Class debate Ethics HL 5, 6 E4 CRP 4 confidentiality issues surrounding the medical profession. Technology Skills USA 6.1-6.32 SL.11-12.4; 5 Labor (p. 85-87)

L.11-12.1 a-b; 11-12.2 a-b; 11-12.4a-d; 11- 12.6 RST.11-12 1; 2; 10

WHST.11- 12.2.a-e; 11- 12.4 Students will review and apply knowledge of anatomy and HL-THR Demo USOE 03 Tech/Prod physiology as it applies to injury prevention and care. 1, 3, 4 Written Exams SL.11-12.4; 5

L.11-12.1 a-b; 11-12.2 a-b; 11-12.4a-d; 11- 12.6

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 57 Introduction to Exercise Science & Sports Medicine 1B Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Introduction to Fire Services 1A Course Information Course Name INTRODUCTION TO FIRE SERVICES 1A Course Number CTEK126 Grade(s) 11-12 Length One Semester Credit 0.5 Prerequisites One Math Credit and One Science Credit Sequence or CTEPS (You must first have the Health Science- Emergency Services Sequence or CTEPS entered into the system.) Date of District Course Spring 2018 Revision Career & Technical Student Organization (CTSO) CTSO Embedded in this Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) Sequence Occupational Standards National Consortium for Health Science Education (NCHSE), National Fire Protection Source of Occupational Association (NFPA), and Universal Building Code Standards

Names/Numbers of CHSE Foundation Standard 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 Occupational Standards Registration Information This course provides an overview of career opportunities in fire protection and related fields. Topic areas include an introduction to the philosophy and history of fire Course Description protection/services, fire departments as part of local government, laws and regulations, (brief paragraph – as affecting fire services, fire service nomenclature, specific fire protection functions, basic fire shown in your student chemistry and physics, fire protection systems, National Incident Management System handbook or course list) (NIMS), Incident Command System, rescue practices, and fire strategy and tactics.

Students will describe and understand the fire and emergency services vocabulary and terminology; Students will have an understanding of employment opportunities within Instructional Topic emergency services; Students will prepare a professional resume, cover letter, and job Headings (please application; Students will demonstrate knowledge of the 5 types of building construction; separate each heading by Students will understand the science of fire as outlined by NFPA 1001 including scientific a semi-colon) terminology, fire behavior, the physics of fire, and fire control; Students will have a basic understanding of emergency services supervision and management; Students will practice

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 58 Introduction to Fire Services 1A Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 effective communication techniques including proper use and understanding of radio equipment, transmitting messages, progress reports, and methods of communications; Students will have an understanding of the Incident Management System; Students will understand how the fire service functions within local and state government; Student will demonstrate selected IFSAC state of Alaska firefighter I skills including hose, ropes and knots, personal protective equipment, forcible entry, fire extinguishers, property conservation, and equipment maintenance.

Summative Assessments and Standards Technical Skills FEMA (ICS 100) Assessment (TSA) Course Addresses N/A Alaska ELA and Math Yes Standards Alaska Cultural Yes Standards All Aspects of Industry Yes (AAI) Core Technical Yes Standards Career Ready Practices Yes Employability Standards Source of Employability Alaska Employability Standards Standards Tech Prep Current Tech Prep Articulation Agreement? Yes (Y/N) Date of Current 2017 Agreement Postsecondary UAF Institution Name Postsecondary Course Principles of Emergency Services Name Postsecondary Course FIRE F101 Number Number of 3 credits Postsecondary Credits

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 59 Introduction to Fire Services 1A Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Author Course Developed By J. George, J. Johnson, L. Kaiser Course Adapted From UAF Community & Technical College Date of Previous Course May 2012 Revision Course Delivery Model Is the course brokered through another No institution or agency? (Y/N)

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 60 Introduction to Fire Services 1A Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Standards Alignment Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupational Technical All Aspects of Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Core Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards SL.11-12.1; 4; 5

L.11-12.2; 6 Technical Describe and understand the fire and emergency services NCHSE LW-EFM CRP 2 and Quizzes, B2 vocabulary and terminology 2.1, 2.3, 1 RST.11- CPR 4 Production Written Exam 12.1 Skills

WHST.11- 12.2; 6 SL.11-12.1; 4; 5

NCHSE L.11-12.2; 6 CRP 2 LW-EFM Guest Speaker Understand employment opportunities within emergency services 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, RST.11- B2 CRP 4 Labor Issues 8 Summary 4.4 12.1 CRP 10

WHST.11- 12.2; 6 SL.11-12.1; 4; 5 Technical Understand the science of fire as outlined by NFPA 1001 L.11-12.2; 6 NCHSE LW-EFM MP 4, 5, 6 CRP 2 and including scientific terminology, fire behavior, the physics of fire RST.11- B2 Quizzes 7.2-7.5 4 CRP 4 Production and fire control 12.1 Skills WHST.11- 12.2; 6 Health, SL.11-12.1; Safety, and 4; 5 Universal Environment L.11-12.2; 6 Building LW-EFM CRP 2 Quizzes, Demonstrate knowledge of the five types of building construction RST.11- B2 Code 1 CRP 4 Technical Written Exam 12.1 and WHST.11- Production 12.2; 6 Skills

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 61 Introduction to Fire Services 1A Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupational Technical All Aspects Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Core of Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards SL.11-12.1; 4; 5 Technical

and LW-EFM L.11-12.2; 6 CRP 2 Have a basic understanding of emergency services supervision NCHSE Production Quizzes, 2; 4; 7; 8; B2 CRP 4 and management 4.1--4.42 Skills Written Exam 11; 13; 14 RST.11-12.1 CRP 12

Management WHST.11- 12.2; 6 Principals of SL.11-12.1; 4; Technology 5 Practice effective communication techniques including proper CRP 2 NCHSE LW-EFM L.11-12.2; 6 Demonstration, use and understanding of radio equipment, transmitting B2 CRP 4 Technical 11.3 1; 3 RST.11-12.1 Practical Skills messages, progress reports and methods of communications CRP 11 and WHST.11- Production 12.2; 6 Skills SL.11-12.1; 4; Management 5 CRP 2 Technical NCHSE LW-EFM L.11-12.2; 6 FEMA ICS Have an understanding of the Incident Management System B2 CRP 4 and 8.2 9; 11 RST.11-12.1 100b CRP 12 Production WHST.11- Skills 12.2; 6 SL.11-12.1; 4; Business 5 Planning CRP 2 Understand how the fire service functions within local and state NCHSE LW-EFM L.11-12.2; 6 B2 Guest Speaker CRP 4 government 2.1 7 RST.11-12.1 Finance Summary

WHST.11- 12.2; 6 Management SL.11-12.1; 4; Demonstrate selected IFSAC state of Alaska firefighter I skills 5 Technical Demonstration, including hose, ropes and knots, personal protective equipment, NCHSE LW-EFM L.11-12.2; 6 CRP 2 and practical skills, B2 forcible entry, fire extinguishers, property conservation and 2.1, 10.1 3 RST.11-12.1 CRP 4 Production practical skills equipment maintenance WHST.11- Skills exam 12.2; 6

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 62 Introduction to Fire Services 1A Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Introduction to Fire Services 1B Course Information Course Name INTRODUCTION TO FIRE SERVICES 1B Course Number CTEK127 Grade(s) 11-12 Length One Semester Credit 0.5 Pre-requisites Introduction to Fire Services 1A Sequence or CTEPS (You must first have the Health Sciences- Emergency Services Sequence or CTEPS entered into the system.) Date of District Course Spring 2018 Revision Career & Technical Student Organization (CTSO) CTSO Embedded in this Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) Sequence Occupational Standards Source of Occupational National Consortium for Health Science Education and National Fire Protection Association Standards Names/Numbers of NCHSE Foundation Standard 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 Occupational Standards Registration Information This course is a continuation of Intro to Fire Services 1A, which provides an overview of career opportunities in fire protection and related fields. Topic areas include an introduction Course Description to the philosophy and history of fire protection/services, fire departments as part of local (brief paragraph – as government, laws and regulations, affecting fire services, fire service nomenclature, specific shown in your student fire protection functions, basic fire chemistry and physics, fire protection systems, National handbook or course list) Incident Management system (NIMS), Incident Command System, rescue practices, and fire strategy and tactics.

Students will describe and understand the fire and emergency services vocabulary and terminology; Students will have an understanding of employment opportunities within Instructional Topic emergency services; Students will demonstrate knowledge of the 5 types of building Headings (please construction; Students will understand the science of fire as outlined by NFPA 1001 including separate each heading by scientific terminology, fire behavior, the physics of fire, and fire control; Students will have a a semi-colon) basic understanding of emergency services supervision and management; Students will have an understanding of the Incident Management System; Students will participate in a variety of

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 63 Introduction to Fire Services 1B Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 hands-on activities to include but not limited to water rescue, ice rescue, combat challenges, search and rescue and understand the appropriate, associated equipment; Students will understand how the fire service functions within local and state government; Student will demonstrate selected IFSAC state of Alaska firefighter I skills including hose, ropes and knots, personal protective equipment, forcible entry, fire extinguishers, property conservation, and equipment maintenance.

Summative Assessments and Standards Technical Skills Water Wise (www.amsea.org/training) Assessment (TSA) Course Addresses N/A Alaska ELA and Math Yes Standards Alaska Cultural Yes Standards All Aspects of Industry Yes (AAI) Core Technical Yes Standards Career Ready Practices Yes Employability Standards Source of Employability Alaska Employability Standards Standards Tech Prep Current Tech Prep Articulation Agreement? No (Y/N) Date of Current N/A Agreement Postsecondary N/A Institution Name Postsecondary Course N/A Name Postsecondary Course N/A Number Number of N/A Postsecondary Credits

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 64 Introduction to Fire Services 1B Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Author Course Developed By J. George, J. Johnson, L. Kaiser Course Adapted From UAF Community & Technical College Date of Previous Course May 2012 Revision Course Delivery Model Is the course brokered through another No institution or agency? (Y/N)

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 65 Introduction to Fire Services 1B Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Standards Alignment Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupational Technical All Aspects Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Core of Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards SL.11-12.1; 4; 5 Quizzes, Describe and understand the fire and emergency services L.11-12.2; 6 CRP 2 2.1, 2.3, LW-EFM 1 B2 Written vocabulary and terminology RST.11-12.1 CPR 4 WHST.11- Exam 12.2; 6 SL.11-12.1; Principals 4; 5 CRP 2 of 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, L.11-12.2; 6 Understand employment opportunities within emergency services LW-EFM 8 B2 CRP 4 Technolog 4.4 RST.11-12.1 WHST.11- CRP 10 y, Labor 12.2; 6 Issues SL.11-12.1; Health, Understand the science of fire as outlined by NFPA 1001 4; 5 L.11-12.2; 6 CRP 2 Safety and including scientific terminology, fire behavior, the physics of fire 7.2-7.5 LW-EFM 4 MP 4, 5, 6 B2 Quizzes RST.11-12.1 CRP 4 Environme and fire control WHST.11- nt 12.2; 6 SL.11-12.1; Principals 4; 5 Quizzes, L.11-12.2; 6 CRP 2 of Demonstrate knowledge of the five types of building construction LW-EFM 1 B2 Written RST.11-12.1 CRP 4 Technolog Exam WHST.11- y 12.2; 6 SL.11-12.1; LW-EFM 4; 5 CRP 2 Personal Quizzes, Have a basic understanding of emergency services supervision L.11-12.2; 6 4.1--4.42 2; 4; 7; 8; B2 CRP 4 Work Written and management RST.11-12.1 11; 13; 14 WHST.11- CRP 12 Habits Exam 12.2; 6

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 66 Introduction to Fire Services 1B Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career All Formative Student Performance Standards Occupationa Technical ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready Aspects of Assessment (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) l Skills Core Standards Standards Standards Practices Industry s Standards Standards SL.11-12.1; 4; 5 Principals L.11-12.2; of Practice effective communication techniques including proper CRP 2 Demonstrati LW-EFM 6 Technolog use and understanding of radio equipment, transmitting 11.3 B2 CRP 4 on, Practical 1; 3 RST.11- y, Personal messages, progress reports and methods of communications CRP 11 Skills 12.1 Work WHST.11- Habits 12.2; 6 SL.11-12.1; 4; 5 L.11-12.2; Technolog CRP 2 LW-EFM 6 y FEMA ICS Have an understanding of the Incident Management System 8.2 B2 CRP 4 9; 11 RST.11- Production 200b CRP 12 12.1 Skills WHST.11- 12.2; 6 SL.11-12.1; Personal 4; 5 Work L.11-12.2; CRP 2 Habits, Understand how the fire service functions within local and state 6 B2 2.1 LW-EFM 7 CRP 4 Technolog government RST.11- y 12.1 Production WHST.11- Skills 12.2; 6 SL.11-12.1; 4; 5 Principals Demonstrati Demonstrate selected IFSAC state of Alaska firefighter I skills L.11-12.2; of on, practical including hose, ropes and knots, personal protective equipment, 6 CRP 2 Technolog 2.1, 10.1 LW-EFM 3 B2 skills, forcible entry, fire extinguishers, property conservation and RST.11- CRP 4 y, Personal practical equipment maintenance 12.1 Work skills exam WHST.11- Habits 12.2; 6

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 67 Introduction to Fire Services 1B Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Introductions to Healthcare Occupations Course Information Course Name INTRODUCTION TO HEALTHCARE OCCUPATIONS Course Number Grade(s) 9-12 Length One Semester Credit 0.5 Prerequisites None Sequence or CTEPS (You must first have the Health Science-Allied Health & Pre-Nursing, Emergency Services Sequence or CTEPS entered into the system.) Date of District Course Spring 2018 Revision Career & Technical Student Organization (CTSO) CTSO Embedded in this Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) Sequence Occupational Standards National Consortium Health Science Education - NCHSE Health Science Standards, Alaskan Source of Occupational Core Competencies-ACC Standards

Names/Numbers of NCHSE 1-11, ACC 1, 4, 8, 9 & 10 Occupational Standards Registration Information Students explore a variety of health related careers and a basic overview of the following Course Description areas: roles and responsibilities of health care workers, job and educational opportunities, (brief paragraph – as medical terminology, medical math, legal and ethical issues, confidentiality, personal safety shown in your student and infection control, problem solving, basic medical skills, and anatomy and physiology handbook or course list) related to emergency care.

Employability Skills and Career Investigations; Careers and Trends in the Health Care Instructional Topic System; Legal and Ethical Responsibilities; Body Systems, Growth, Development & Headings (please Diseases; Personal and Workplace Safety; Medical Terminology; Communication; Medical separate each heading by Math; Professionalism a semi-colon)

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 68 Introduction to Healthcare Occupations Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Summative Assessments and Standards Technical Skills Blood Borne Pathogens, Career Safe Online-Healthcare Assessment (TSA) Course Addresses N/A Alaska ELA and Math Yes Standards Alaska Cultural Yes Standards All Aspects of Industry Yes (AAI) Core Technical Yes Standards Career Ready Practices Yes Employability Standards Source of Employability Alaska Employability Standards, NCHSE, ACC Standards Tech Prep Current Tech Prep Articulation Agreement? Yes (Y/N) Date of Current 2017 Agreement Postsecondary UAF/Community & Technical College (CTC) Institution Name Postsecondary Course Introduction to Health Careers Name Postsecondary Course HEALTH 105 Number Number of 2 credits Postsecondary Credits Author Course Developed By UAF- CTC Course Adapted From UAF- CTC Date of Previous Course June 5, 2012 Revision

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 69 Introduction to Healthcare Occupations Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Course Delivery Model Is the course brokered through another No institution or agency? (Y/N)

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 70 Introduction to Healthcare Occupations Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2

Standards Alignment Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupational Technical All Aspects Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Core of Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards

NCHSE 4, 8 CRP 3 RST.11- A1, 7 E4 Planning; Demonstrate employability and professionalism with respect to 12.1,2,7 Tech and appearance, hygiene, skill competence, critical thinking, Observations ACC 1 WHST.11- Prod; Prin cooperation, and responsibility with a commitment to continuing Projects 12.4,7, 10 of Tech; improvement and growth. L.11-12.2,3,6 Labor

NCHSE HS-1; RST.11- A5, B1-5 B4, E4 Planning; Career 4.4 12.1,2,7 Mgt.; Labor Explore, compare and contrast potential health science career Report ACC 10 WHST.11- with respect to education and opportunities. classroom 12.4,7, 10 Presentation L.11-12.2,3,6

NCHSTE 3 HS-2; HS- RST.11- S-ID.1-4 A5 E3 Planning 4; 12.1,2,4,5,9,1 Classroom Demonstrate understanding of the US health care system and the 0 Discussion interdependence of careers and professionals WHST.11- Written 12.4,9, 10 Exam L.11-12.2,3,6

NCHSE 5, 6 CRP 9; HS- RST.11- A1, 7 E4 Planning; Classroom Demonstrate understanding of the legal and ethical 5; HS-6; 12.1,2,7 Tech and Discussion responsibilities and limitations with regard to their duties and ACC 9 WHST.11- Prod; Prin Written client rights. 12.4,9, 10 of Tech; Exam L.11-12.2,3,6 Labor

NCHSE 2 CRP 4; HL- RST.11- N-Q.2 A2 E4 Tech & Observations THR 1, 2; 12.1,2,7 Prod Demonstrate appropriate communication: verbal, nonverbal, Classroom ACC 1.B WHST.11- written, using medical terminology as appropriate, being Activities 12.4,9, 10 culturally sensitive. Written L.11-12.2,3,6 Exam SL.11-12.1,6

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 71 Introduction to Healthcare Occupations Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupationa Technical All Aspects Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) l Skills Core of Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards

NCHSE 1.3 HL-THR 3 N-Q.2 A2 E4 Tech & Classroom Prod Projects Use math skills to measure and perform calculations. Written Exam

NCHSE 1.1 HL-THR 4 RST.11- G-CO.2 A2 B2, E4 Tech & Classroom 12.1,2,7 G-MG.1 Prod Projects, Exhibit knowledge of basic human anatomy and physiology, SL.11-12.4,6 Activities growth, development, wellness and disease. WHST.11- Written 12.4,9, 10 Exam L.11-12.2,3,6

NCHSE 7 HS-3; RST.11- N-Q.2 A2 E4 Labor; Observations 12.2,2,4,7, Health Classroom Utilize workplace-safety and disease prevention practices in the ACC 4 WHST.11- Safety; Env Activities classroom. 12.4,7, 10 and Projects L.11-12.2,3,6 Written Exam

NCHSE 9 HL 4 C 3 CRP 1, 3 Personal Classroom Work Activities 4 K Habits, Promotes healthy behaviors and prevention of disease and Projects Health Written Safety & Exam Env

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 72 Introduction to Healthcare Occupations Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Law & Ethics for Health Professionals Course Information Course Name LAW & ETHICS FOR HEALTH PROFESSIONALS Course Number CTEK119 Grade(s) 10-12 Length One Semester Credit 0.5 Pre-requisites Introduction to Healthcare Occupations or Teacher Recommendation Sequence or CTEPS (You must first have the Health Science - Allied Health & Pre- Nursing Sequence or CTEPS entered into the system.) Date of District Course Spring 2018 Revision Career & Technical Student Organization (CTSO) CTSO Embedded in this Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) Sequence Occupational Standards Source of Occupational National Consortium for Health Science Education-NCHSE Standards Names/Numbers of NCHSE Foundation Standards 1 - 11 Occupational Standards Registration Information This course has been designed to introduce the health care student to the complex issues the Course Description health care profession deals with on a personal, organizational, and systemic level. This (brief paragraph – as course will initiate and encourage discussion of medical law, while taking into consideration shown in your student the spiritual, ethical, moral, cultural and personal beliefs of both the medical professional and handbook or course list) the clients.

Topics may include: Introduction to Ethics; Contemporary Ethical Dilemmas; End-of-Life Instructional Topic Dilemmas; Health Care Ethics Committee; Development of Law; Introduction to Law; Headings (please Government Ethics and the Law; Organizational Ethics and the Law; Health Care separate each heading by Professionals Legal-Ethical Issues; Physician Ethical and Legal Issues; Employee Rights and a semi-colon) Responsibilities; Patient Consent: Patient Abuse; Patient Rights and Responsibilities.

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 73 Law & Ethics for Health Professionals Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Summative Assessments and Standards Technical Skills HIPAA, FEMA IS 106.17 Workplace Violence Awareness Assessment (TSA) Course Addresses Yes Alaska ELA and Math Yes Standards Alaska Cultural Yes Standards All Aspects of Industry Yes (AAI) Core Technical Yes Standards Career Ready Practices Yes Employability Standards Alaska Employability Standards, National Consortium for Health Science Education Source of Employability (NCHSE) Standards

Tech Prep Current Tech Prep Articulation Agreement? No (Y/N) Date of Current 2017 Agreement Postsecondary UAF/Community & Technical College (CTC) Institution Name Postsecondary Course Medical Law & Ethics Name Postsecondary Course HEALTH 118 Number Number of 2 credits Postsecondary Credits Author Course Developed By UAF-CTC Course Adapted From UAF-CTC Date of Previous Course 2012 Revision

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 74 Law & Ethics for Health Professionals Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Course Delivery Model Is the course brokered through another No institution or agency? (Y/N)

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 75 Law & Ethics for Health Professionals Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Standards Alignment Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupational Technical All Aspects of Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Core Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards SL11-12.1; 2; 4; 5; 6 Health, L.11-12.1; 2; 4; CRP 1 Safety, and HL 5 6 CRP 2 Quizzes, Environment; Demonstrate appropriate methods of delivering and obtaining HL 6 RH.11-12.1; 4; A1 CRP4 Observations, NCHSE 2.1 Technical information, while communicating effectively. HL-DIA 1 7 E CRP 5 Classwork, and HL-HI RST.11-12.1; 2; CRP 9 Exit Tickets Production 7 CPR 12 Skills WHST.11-12.2; 2; 4; 6 SL11-12.1; 2; 4; 5; 6 Health, L.11-12.1; 2; 4; Safety, and CRP 1 6 Environment; Quizzes, Describe the responsibilities of consumers within the healthcare HL 5 A1 CRP 4 RH.11-12.1; 4; Labor Issues; Observations, system (such as: self-advocacy, patient compliance, provider NCHSE 3.12 HL 6 B CRP 5 7 Technical Classwork, and consumer obligations). HL-HI E CRP 9 RST.11-12.1; 2; and Exit Tickets CRP 12 7 Production WHST.11-12.2; Skills 2; 4; 6 SL11-12.1; 2; Health, 4; 5; 6 Safety and CRP1 L.11-12.1; 2; 4; Environment, CRP 2 Identify the impact of emerging issues on healthcare delivery 6 Principals of Quizzes, HL 5 CRP4 systems (such as: technology, epidemiology, bioethics, RH.11-12.1; 4; B Technology, Observations, NCHSE 3.13 HL 6 CRP 5 socioeconomics) and how they affect services performed and 7 E Technical Classwork, HL-BRD 6 CRP 9 quality of care. RST.11-12.1; 2; and Exit Tickets CRP 11 7 Production CRP 12 WHST.11-12.2; Skills; Labor 2; 4; 6 Issues

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 76 Law & Ethics for Health Professionals Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupational Technical All Aspects Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Core of Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards SL11-12.1; 2; 4; 5; 6 Personal L.11-12.1; 2; 4; Work Habits; 6 Quizzes, Labor Issues; Summarize professional standards as they apply to hygiene, HL 2 RH.11-12.1; 4; A1 Observations, NCHSE 4.12 CRP 3 Technical dress, language, confidentiality and behavior. HL 4 7 C3 Classwork, and RST.11-12.1; 2; Exit Tickets Production 7 Skills WHST.11-12.2; 2; 4; 6 SL11-12.1; 2; 4; 5; 6 CRP 1 L.11-12.1; 2; 4; CRP 2 6 Health, Quizzes, CRP 4 Describe the legal responsibilities, limitations, and implications HL 5 RH.11-12.1; 4; A1 Safety and Observations, NCHSE 5 CRP 5 on healthcare worker actions. HL 5 7 E Environment, Classwork, CRP 9 RST.11-12.1; 2; Labor Issues Exit Tickets CRP 11 7 CRP 12 WHST.11-12.2; 2; 4; 6 SL11-12.1; 2; Health, 4; 5; 6 Safety and CRP 1 L.11-12.1; 2; 4; Environment; CRP 2 6 Community Quizzes, HL 5 CRP 4 Describe standards for the safety, privacy and confidentiality of RH.11-12.1; 4; A1 Issues; Observations, NCHSE 5.21 HL 6 CRP 5 health information (HIPAA, privileged communication). 7 E Technical Classwork, HL-HI CRP 9 RST.11-12.1; 2; and Exit Tickets CRP 11 7 Production CRP 12 WHST.11-12.2; Skills; Labor 2; 4; 6 Issues

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 77 Law & Ethics for Health Professionals Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupational Technical All Aspects Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Core of Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards SL11-12.1; 2; 4; 5; 6 Health, L.11-12.1; 2; 4; CRP 1 Safety and HL 5 6 CRP 2 Environment; Quizzes, HL 6 RH.11-12.1; 4; B CRP 4 Technical Observations, Describe advance directives. NCHSE 5.22 HL-DIA 4 7 E CRP 5 and Classwork, HL-HI RST.11-12.1; 2; CRP 9 Production Exit Tickets 7 CRP 12 Skills; Labor WHST.11-12.2; Issues 2; 4; 6 SL11-12.1; 2; 4; 5; 6 Health, L.11-12.1; 2; 4; CRP 1 Safety and HL 5 6 CRP 2 Environment; Quizzes, A1 Summarize the essential characteristics of a patient’s basic rights HL 6 RH.11-12.1; 4; CRP 4 Technical Observations, NCHSE 5.23 B within a healthcare setting. HL-DIA 7 CRP 5 and Classwork, E HL-HI RST.11-12.1; 2; CRP 9 Production Exit Tickets 7 CRP 12 Skills; Labor WHST.11-12.2; Issues 2; 4; 6 SL11-12.1; 2; 4; 5; 6 Health, L.11-12.1; 2; 4; CRP 1 Safety and HL 5 6 CRP 2 Environment; Quizzes, HL 6 RH.11-12.1; 4; B CRP 4 Technical Observations, Define informed consent. NCHSE 5.24 HL-DIA 4 7 E CRP 5 and Classwork, HL-HI RST.11-12.1; 2; CRP 9 Production Exit Tickets 7 CRP 12 Skills; Labor WHST.11-12.2; Issues 2; 4; 6

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 78 Law & Ethics for Health Professionals Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupational Technical All Aspects Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Core of Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards SL11-12.1; 2; 4; 5; 6 Health, L.11-12.1; 2; 4; CRP 1 Safety and 6 CRP 2 Environment; Quizzes, HL 5 RH.11-12.1; 4; A1 CRP 4 Technical Observations, Explain laws governing harassment and scope of practice. NCHSE 5.25 HL 6 7 B CRP 5 and Classwork, HL-HI RST.11-12.1; 2; CRP 9 Production Exit Tickets 7 CRP 12 Skills; Labor WHST.11-12.2; Issues 2; 4; 6 SL11-12.1; 2; 4; 5; 6 Health, L.11-12.1; 2; 4; CRP 1 Safety and 6 CRP 2 Environment; Quizzes, HL 5 A1 Summarize accepted ethical practices with respect to cultural, RH.11-12.1; 4; CRP 4 Technical Observations, NCSHE 6 HL 6 B social, and ethnic differences within the healthcare environment. 7 CRP 5 and Classwork, HL-HI E RST.11-12.1; 2; CRP 9 Production Exit Tickets 7 CRP 12 Skills; Labor WHST.11-12.2; Issues 2; 4; 6 SL11-12.1; 2; 4; 5; 6 Health, CRP 1 L.11-12.1; 2; 4; Safety and CRP 2 6 Environment; Quizzes, HL 5 A1 CRP 4 Differentiate between ethical and legal issues impacting RH.11-12.1; 4; Technical Observations, NCHSE 6.11 HL 6 B CRP 5 healthcare. 7 and Classwork, HL-HI E CRP 9 RST.11-12.1; 2; Production Exit Tickets CRP 11 7 Skills; Labor CRP 12 WHST.11-12.2; Issues 2; 4; 6

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 79 Law & Ethics for Health Professionals Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupational Technical All Aspects Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Core of Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards SL11-12.1; 2; 4; 5; 6 Health, L.11-12.1; 2; 4; CRP 1 Safety and HL 5 6 CRP 2 Environment; Quizzes, Identify ethical issues and their implications related to A1 HL 6 RH.11-12.1; 4; CRP 4 Technical Observations, healthcare (such as: organ donation, in vitro fertilization, NCHSE 6.12 B HL-BRD 6 7 CRP 5 and Classwork, euthanasia, scope of practice, ethics committee). E HL-HI RST.11-12.1; 2; CRP 9 Production Exit Tickets 7 CRP 12 Skills; Labor WHST.11-12.2; Issues 2; 4; 6 SL11-12.1; 2; 4; 5; 6 Health, L.11-12.1; 2; 4; CRP 1 Safety and 6 CRP 2 Environment; Quizzes, HL 5 A1 Discuss religious and cultural values as they impact healthcare RH.11-12.1; 4; CRP 4 Technical Observations, NCHSE 6.21 HL 6 B (such as: ethnicity, race, religion, gender). 7 CRP 5 and Classwork, HL-HI E RST.11-12.1; 2; CRP 9 Production Exit Tickets 7 CRP 12 Skills; Labor WHST.11-12.2; Issues 2; 4; 6 SL11-12.1; 2; 4; 5; 6 Health, CRP 1 L.11-12.1; 2; 4; Safety and CRP 2 6 Environment; Quizzes, Identify methods of maintaining privacy and confidentiality of HL 5 CRP 4 RH.11-12.1; 4; Technical Observations, health information related to information technology NCHSE 11 HL 6 A1 CRP 5 7 and Classwork, applications. HL-HI CRP 9 RST.11-12.1; 2; Production Exit Tickets CRP 11 7 Skills; Labor CRP 12 WHST.11-12.2; Issues 2; 4; 6

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 80 Law & Ethics for Health Professionals Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupational Technical All Aspects Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Core of Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards SL11-12.1; 2; 4; 5; 6 Technical L.11-12.1; 2; 4; and 6 Identify employability skills, levels of education, credentialing Production RH.11-12.1; 4; requirements, and employment trends related to careers in the NCHSE 4 HL 1 A1 CRP 10 Skills; Classwork 7 health science pathways. Health, RST.11-12.1; 2; Safety and 7 Environment WHST.11-12.2; 2; 4; 6

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 81 Law & Ethics for Health Professionals Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Math in Health Care Course Information Course Name MATH IN HEALTH CARE Course Number CTEK112 Grade(s) 10-12 Length One Semester Credit 0.5 (Cross-credited with Mathematics) Pre-requisites Algebra I Sequence or CTEPS (You must first have the Health Science - Allied Health & Pre-Nursing Sequence or CTEPS entered into the system.) Date of District Course Spring 2018 Revision Career & Technical Student Organization (CTSO) CTSO Embedded in this Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) Sequence Occupational Standards National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Source of Occupational National Consortium for Health Science Education (NCHSE) Standards Health Science Foundation Standards

Names/Numbers of NCTM Grades 9-12; Curriculum & Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics, 1-13; Occupational Standards NCHSE 1-11 Registration Information This course provides a practical application of mathematics in health care including arithmetic Course Description review, decimals, fractions, percent, ratio, proportion, and metric measurement, and (brief paragraph – as mathematical applications in medical careers including measurement instruments, graphs, shown in your student charts, and medication dosage calculations. handbook or course list)

Whole numbers; Fractions; Decimals; Ratio & Proportion; Percents; Combined Applications; Instructional Topic Pre-Algebra Basics; Metric System; Drug Labels; Apothecary Measurement & Conversion; Headings (please Dosage Calculations; Parenteral Dosage; Intravenous Fluid Administration; Dosage by body separate each heading by weight; Mathematical Application in Medical Measurement Equipment and Careers. a semi-colon)

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 82 Math in Health Care Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Summative Assessments and Standards Technical Skills HOSA - Medical Math Test Assessment (TSA) Course Addresses N/A Alaska ELA and Math Yes Standards Alaska Cultural Yes Standards All Aspects of Industry Yes (AAI) Core Technical Yes Standards Career Ready Practices Yes Employability Standards Alaska Employability Standards, National Consortium for Health Science Education Source of Employability (NCHSE) Standards

Tech Prep Current Tech Prep Articulation Agreement? Yes (Y/N) Date of Current 2017 Agreement Postsecondary UAF/Community & Technical College (CTC) Institution Name Postsecondary Course Mathematics in Health Care Name Postsecondary Course HEALTH F116 Number Number of 3 credits Postsecondary Credits Author UAF-CTC and Victor Zinger Course Developed By

Course Adapted From UAF-CTC Date of Previous Course 2012 Revision

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 83 Math in Health Care Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Course Delivery Model Is the course brokered through another No institution or agency? (Y/N)

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 84 Math in Health Care Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2

Standards Alignment Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupational Technical All Aspects Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Core of Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards

NCHSE CRS-HL 1-2 RSI 1, 4, 7 B4, E4 A5, B1-5 Planning Written Test 4.4-4.42 WSL 1- Labor Career Report Students will understand how specific careers addressed in this course fit 10 SLS 1- within all aspects of the health occupations industry 4 LS 1- 6 WSL 6, 7 & 10

NCHSE CRS-HL-BRD RSI 1, 4, 7 N-Q 1-3 A- E4 A2 Tech/Prod Class Students will demonstrate proficiency in basic mathematical 1.1-1.25 2 RSLST 3,4,7 APR 1-6 A- Activities computations. NCTM Std. &10 CED 1 A- Written Test 1, 4, 5, 6 REI 1 & 3

NCHSE CRS-HL LS-1- N-Q 1-3 S- E4 A2 Tech/Prod Written Test, 2.2-2.26 DIA 1-5 6 RSLST ID 1 & 7 Charting Students will read and write charts and reports using health care 4.23; 3,4,7 &10 Skills terminology, symbols and abbreviations. NCTM Std. 6, 9, 10, 12, 13

NCHSE CRS-HL-BRD RSI 1, 4, N-Q 1-3 A- B4, E4 A2 Tech/Prod Class 1.1-1.25; 2 7 RSLST APR 1-6 A- Activities Students will solve practical health care problems by choosing NCTM Std. 3,4,7 &10 CED 1 A- Written Test appropriately from a variety of mathematical techniques. 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, REI 1 & 3 11, 12, 13

NCHSE CRS-HL-BRD RSI 1, 4, 7 N-Q 1-3 A- B4, E4 A2 Tech/Prod Written Test Students will demonstrate the ability to perform mathematical 1.1-1.25; 2 RSLST 3,4,7 APR 1-6 A- Equipment computations using medical equipment and terminology. NCTM Std. DIA 1-5 &10 CED 1 A- use 1, 4, 5, 6 REI 1 & 3

NCHSE CRS-HL-BRD RSI 1, 4, 7 N-Q 1-3 A- B4, E4 A2 Tech/Prod Written Test, Students will use the appropriate techniques to calculate dosages and 1.1-1.25; 2 DIA 1- RSLST 3,4,7 SSE.1 A- Equipment intravenous flow rates. NCTM Std. 5 THR-3 &10 APR 1-6 use 1, 4, 5, 6, 9

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 85 Math in Health Care Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Medical Interventions A Course Information Course Name MEDICAL INTERVENTIONS A Course Number CTEK131 Grade(s) 10-12 Length One Semester Credit 0.5 Prerequisites Principles of Biomedical Science A and B, or Teacher Recommendation Sequence or CTEPS (You must first have the Health Science Sequence or CTEPS entered into the system.) Date of District Course Spring 2014 Revision Career & Technical Student Organization (CTSO) CTSO Embedded in this Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) Sequence Occupational Standards Source of Occupational Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Standards Names/Numbers of National Healthcare Foundation Standards and Accountability Criteria Occupational Standards Registration Information Medical Interventions A and B is a year-long Project Lead the Way course designed for 11th- 12th grade students to investigate a variety of interventions involved in the prevention, Course Description diagnosis and treatment of disease as they follow the life of a fictitious family. The course is a (brief paragraph – as “How-To” manual for maintaining overall health and homeostasis in the body. Students shown in your student explore how to prevent and fight infection; screen and evaluate the code in human DNA; handbook or course list) prevent, diagnose and treat cancer; and prevail when the organs of the body begin to fail. Through these scenarios, students are exposed to a range of interventions related to immunology, surgery, genetics, pharmacology, medical devices, and diagnostics. Instructional Topic Headings (please Homeostasis; Infectious Agents; Medical Terminology; Antibiotics; DNA; Gene Therapy. separate each heading by a semi-colon)

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 86 Medical Interventions A Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Summative Assessments and Standards Technical Skills PLTW Assessment (TSA) Course Addresses N/A Alaska ELA and Math Yes Standards Alaska Cultural Yes Standards All Aspects of Industry Yes (AAI) Core Technical Yes Standards Career Ready Practices Yes Employability Standards Source of Employability Alaska Standards

Tech Prep Current Tech Prep Articulation Agreement? No (Y/N) Date of Current N/A Agreement Postsecondary N/A Institution Name Postsecondary Course N/A Name Postsecondary Course N/A Number Number of N/A Postsecondary Credits Author Course Developed By PLTW Course Adapted From FNSBSD Curriculum Date of Previous Course Spring 2013 Revision Course Delivery Model Is the course brokered through another No institution or agency? (Y/N)

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 87 Medical Interventions A Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2

Standards Alignment Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupational Technical All Aspects Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Core of Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards PLTW Students will identify medical interventions that maintain health Health/ PLTW AS.R.1 N.Q.2 1-2, 4 Assessment and homeostasis in the body. Safety s PLTW Students will use a variety of methods to detect and/or identify HL-BRD 2- Health/ PLTW AS.R.1 N.Q.3 B3-4 Assessment infectious agents. 3 Safety s PLTW Students will learn and apply appropriate terminology for the AS.R.10; Health/ PLTW S.IC.6 2, 4 Assessment medical field. AS.SL.1 Safety s PLTW Students will explore why antibiotics disrupt the pathways that Health/ PLTW AS.R.1 N.Q.1 HL 2 2, 4-5 Assessment bacteria use to survive. Safety s PLTW Students will be able to describe how bacterial cells use multiple AS.R.7; HL-BRD 2- Health/ PLTW N.Q.2 B3-4 2, 4-5 Assessment pathways to gain resistance to antibiotics. AS.SL.1 3 Safety s PLTW Students will learn why problems with one or more structures Health/ PLTW AS.R.1 2 Assessment within the ear cause various types of hearing loss. Safety s Vaccines are medical interventions that activate the immune PLTW Health/ system to recognize a disease antigen and produce antibodies PLTW AS.R.10 Assessment Safety necessary to defend the body. s Genetic testing is the use of molecular methods to determine if PLTW someone has a genetic disorder, will develop one or is a carrier Health/ PLTW AS.R.10 HL-BRD 3 Assessment of a genetic illness and involves sampling a person’s DNA and Safety s examining the chromosomes or genes for abnormalities. PLTW Gene therapy is a type of disease treatment in which faulty Health/ PLTW AS.R.10 N.Q.1 Assessment genes are replaced by functional copies. Safety s

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 88 Medical Interventions A Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Medical Interventions B Course Information Course Name MEDICAL INTERVENTIONS B Course Number CTEK132 Grade(s) 10-12 Length One Semester Credit 0.5 Prerequisites Medical Interventions A Sequence or CTEPS (You must first have the Health Science, Biomedical Science Sequence or CTEPS entered into the system.) Date of District Course Spring 2014 Revision Career & Technical Student Organization (CTSO) CTSO Embedded in this Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) Sequence Occupational Standards Source of Occupational Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Standards Names/Numbers of National Healthcare Foundation Standards and Accountability Occupational Standards Registration Information Medical Interventions A and B is a year-long Project Lead the Way course designed for 11th- 12th grade students to investigate a variety of interventions involved in the prevention, Course Description diagnosis and treatment of disease as they follow the life of a fictitious family. The course is a (brief paragraph – as “How-To” manual for maintaining overall health and homeostasis in the body. Students shown in your student explore how to prevent and fight infection; screen and evaluate the code in human DNA; handbook or course list) prevent, diagnose and treat cancer; and prevail when the organs of the body begin to fail. Through these scenarios, students are exposed to a range of interventions related to immunology, surgery, genetics, pharmacology, medical devices, and diagnostics. Instructional Topic Headings (please Lancer; X-rays; Medical Terminology; Diagnostic Tests. separate each heading by a semi-colon)

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 89 Medical Interventions B Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Summative Assessments and Standards Technical Skills PLTW Assessment (TSA) Course Addresses N/A Alaska ELA and Math Yes Standards Alaska Cultural Yes Standards All Aspects of Industry Yes (AAI) Core Technical Yes Standards Career Ready Practices Yes Employability Standards Source of Employability Alaska Standards Tech Prep Current Tech Prep Articulation Agreement? No (Y/N) Date of Current N/A Agreement Postsecondary N/A Institution Name Postsecondary Course N/A Name Postsecondary Course N/A Number Number of N/A Postsecondary Credits Author Course Developed By PLTW Course Adapted From FNSBSD Curriculum Date of Previous Course Spring 2013 Revision Course Delivery Model Is the course brokered through another No institution or agency? (Y/N)

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 90 Medical Interventions B Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Standards Alignment Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupational Technical All Aspects Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Core of Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards Students will understand cancer is a term used for more than PLTW Health/ 100 different diseases in which cell regulation genes are PLTW AS.R.1 N.Q.1 2, 5 Assessment Safety mutated causing the cells to reproduce out of control. s Students will learn how X-rays, CT cans, and MRI scans are PLTW AS.R.10; Health/ used to create pictures of the inside of the body to diagnose and PLTW B3-4 2 Assessment AS.W.8 Safety treat many disorders. s Students will understand and use medical terminology used to PLTW HL-BRD 2- Health/ identify behavioral, biological, environmental, and genetic risk PLTW AS.R.10 B3-4 2, 5 Assessment 3 Safety factors. s Students will identify behavioral, biological, environmental, and PLTW AS.R.10; Health/ genetic risk factors that increase the chance that a person will PLTW N.Q.1 B3-4 HL 2 2 Assessment AS.W.8 Safety develop cancer. s Students will review molecular diagnostic tests, such as marker PLTW analysis, and be able to detect inherited genetic mutations AS.R.10; Health/ PLTW N.Q.1 B3-4 HL 2 2 Assessment associated with certain cancers and can be used to predict risk AS.W.8 Safety s for developing those cancers. PLTW Students will explore various methods used to treat cancer and Health/ PLTW AS.R.10 2, 4 Assessment safety concerns that apply to each method. Safety s Students will understand the field of pharmacogenetics, which PLTW investigates how genetic variations correlate with responses to Health/ PLTW AS.R.1 B3-4 HL 2 2, 4 Assessment specific medication and strives to develop medical treatments Safety s tailored to the individual. Students will identify the methods used to diagnose and treat PLTW AS.R.10; Health/ diabetes, which has changed dramatically over the last 200 PLTW B3, 4 HL 2 2, 4 Assessment AS.SL.1 Safety years, including the use and production of insulin. s Students will learn how recombinant DNA technology allows PLTW AS.R.1; HL-BRD 2- Health/ scientists to custom-design bacteria that can produce a variety of PLTW 2 Assessment AS.R.10 3 Safety important protein products, including insulin. s PLTW Students will understand how amino acid interactions affect the HL-BRD 2- Health/ PLTW AS.R.10 2 Assessment structure and function of proteins. 3 Safety s

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 91 Medical Interventions B Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Medical Terminology 1A Course Information Course Name MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY 1A Course Number CTEK102 Grade(s) 10-12 Length One Semester Credit 0.5 (Cross-credited with science) Prerequisites Introduction to Healthcare Occupations Sequence or CTEPS (You must first have the Health Science-Allied Health & Pre-Nursing, Emergency Services Sequence or CTEPS entered into the system.) Date of District Course Spring 2018 Revision Career & Technical Student Organization (CTSO) CTSO Embedded in this Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) Sequence Occupational Standards Source of Occupational National Consortium of Health Science & Technology Education (NCHSTE) Standards (www.nchste.org); Alaska Core Competencies-ACC Foundation Standard 1: Academic Foundation 1.1 - 1.33; Foundation Standard Names/Numbers of 2: Communications 2.2; Foundation Standard 4: Employability Skills Career Decision- Occupational Standards Making 4.31 and 4.32 Registration Information Medical Terminology 1A introduces the building blocks of medical terminology, including word parts (combining forms, prefixes, and suffixes), how medical terms are formed, Course Description anatomical positions and planes, and correct pronunciation of medical terms and how medical (brief paragraph – as terminology applies to human anatomy, physiology, and pathology. Content will be presented shown in your student by body systems focusing on word construction, common diseases and conditions, surgical handbook or course list) procedures, therapeutic treatments, medical record practice, case studies, and careers.

Basics and the body (medical terms, pronunciation, spelling, medical word parts, combining Instructional Topic forms, prefixes, suffixes, anatomical position, anatomical planes); Medical word parts, Headings (please anatomy and physiology, diseases and conditions, diagnostic tests and procedures, surgical separate each heading by procedures and therapeutics, common medical abbreviations, careers to consider for body a semi-colon) systems.

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 92 Medical Terminology 1A Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Summative Assessments and Standards Technical Skills NCHSE Assessment (TSA) Course Addresses N/A New Alaska ELA and Yes Math Standards Alaska Cultural Yes Standards All Aspects of Industry Yes (AAI) Core Technical Yes Standards Career Ready Practices Yes Employability Standards Source of Employability Alaska Employability Standards, NCHSE Standards, Alaska Core Competencies Standards Tech Prep Current Tech Prep Articulation Agreement? Yes (Y/N) Date of Current 2017 Agreement Postsecondary UAF Community & Technical College (CTC) Institution Name Postsecondary Course Medical Terminology Name Postsecondary Course HEALTH F100 Number Number of None (Must also complete Medical Terminology 1B) Postsecondary Credits Author Course Developed By UAF-CTC Course Adapted From UAF-CTC Allied Health Date of Previous Course 2012 Revision

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 93 Medical Terminology 1A Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Course Delivery Model Is the course brokered through another No institution or agency? (Y/N)

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 94 Medical Terminology 1A Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Standards Alignment Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupational Technical All Aspects Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Core of Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards RST.11- Quizzes, Technology 12.1; 2; 10 Observations, Identify basic levels of organization of the human body. NCHSE 1.11 HL 1 B2, E4 CRP 2 Production WHST.11- Classwork, Skills 12.2a-e Exit Tickets RST.11- Quizzes, Technology 12.1; 2 Observations, Identify body planes, directional terms, cavities, and quadrants. NCHSE 1.12 HL 1 B2, E4 CRP 2 Production WHST.11- Classwork, Skills 12.2a-e Exit Tickets RST.11- Analyze basic structures and functions of human body systems Quizzes, 12.1; 2; 5; Technology (skeletal, muscular, integumentary, cardiovascular, lymphatic, Observations, NCHSE 1.13 HL 1 10 B2, E4 CRP 2 Production respiratory, nervous, special senses, endocrine, digestive, urinary, Classwork, WHST.11- Skills and reproductive). Exit Tickets 12.2a-e RST.11- Quizzes, Technology NCHSE 1.21 12.1; 2; 10 Observations, Describe common diseases and disorder of each body system. HL 1 B2, E4 CRP 2 Production ACC 1, 4, 8 WHST.11- Classwork, Skills 12.2a-e Exit Tickets Quizzes, Technology Demonstrate competency in basic math skills and mathematical Observations, NCHSE 1.31 HL 1 MP6 B2, E4 CRP 2 Production conversions as they relate to healthcare. Classwork, Skills Exit Tickets Quizzes, Technology Demonstrate the ability to analyze diagrams, charts, graphs, and MP4 Observations, NCHSE 1.32 HL 1 B2, E4 CRP 2 Production tables to interpret healthcare results. MP6 Classwork, Skills Exit Tickets Quizzes, Technology Observations, Demonstrate use of the 24-hour clock/ military time. NCHSE 1.33 HL 1 MP6 B2, E4 CRP 2 Production Classwork, Skills Exit Tickets

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 95 Medical Terminology 1A Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupational Technical All Aspects Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Core of Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards Quizzes, RL 11-12.4 Technology Use of common roots, prefixes, and suffixes to communicate CRP 2 Observations, NCHSE 2.21 HL 1 L 11- B2, E4 Production information. CRP 4 Classwork, 12.4.a-d Skills Exit Tickets Quizzes, Technology RL 11-12.1 CRP 2 Observations, Interpret medical abbreviations to communicate information. NCHSE 2.22 HL 1 B2, E4 Production RL 11-12.4 CRP 4 Classwork, Skills Exit Tickets W 11- Quizzes, 12.2a-f Technology Utilize proper elements of written and electronic communication CRP 2 Observations, NCHSE 2.31 HL 1 W 11-12.4 B2, E4 Production (spelling, grammar, and formatting). CRP 4 Classwork, SL 11-12.5 Skills Exit Tickets L 11-12.a-b RL 11-12.1 Technology Research levels of education, credentialing requirements, and NCHSE 4.31 HL 1 RI 11-12.7 B2, E4 CRP 10 Production Classwork employment trends in health professions. ACC 10 SL 11-12.4 Skills Distinguish differences among careers within health science Technology pathways (diagnostic services, therapeutic services, health NCHSE 4.32 RL 11-12.1 A2, B1, B2, HL 1 CRP10 Production Classwork informatics, support services, or biotechnology research and ACC 10 RI 11-12.7 B4 Skills development).

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 96 Medical Terminology 1A Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Medical Terminology 1B Course Information Course Name MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY 1B Course Number CTEK103 Grade(s) 10-12 Length One Semester Credit 0.5 (Cross-credited with science) Prerequisites Medical Terminology 1A Sequence or CTEPS (You must first have the Health Science-Allied Health & Pre-Nursing, Emergency Services Sequence or CTEPS entered into the system.) Date of District Course Spring 2018 Revision Career & Technical Student Organization (CTSO) CTSO Embedded in this Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) Sequence Occupational Standards National Consortium for Health Science Education (NCHSTE) http://www.nchse.org; Source of Occupational Standards Alaska Core Competencies (ACC)

Foundation Standard 1: Academic Foundation 1.1 - 1.33; Foundation Standard Names/Numbers of 2: Communications 2.2; Foundation Standard 4: Employability Skills Career Decision- Occupational Standards Making 4.31 and 4.32

Registration Information Medical Terminology 1B reviews the building blocks of medical terminology, including word parts (combining forms, prefixes, and suffixes), how medical terms are formed, anatomical Course Description positions and planes, and correct pronunciation of medical terms and how medical (brief paragraph – as terminology applies to human anatomy, physiology, and pathology. Content continues where shown in your student Medical Terminology 1A ended on body systems with focus on word construction, common handbook or course list) diseases and conditions, surgical procedures, therapeutic treatments, medical record practice, case studies, and careers.

Basics and the body (medical terms, pronunciation, spelling, medical word parts, combining Instructional Topic forms, prefixes, suffixes, anatomical position, anatomical planes); Medical word parts, Headings (please anatomy and physiology, diseases and conditions, diagnostic tests and procedures, surgical separate each heading by procedures and therapeutics, common medical abbreviations, careers to consider for body a semi-colon) systems.

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 97 Medical Terminology 1B Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Summative Assessments and Standards Technical Skills HOSA- Medical Terminology Test Assessment (TSA) Course Addresses N/A New Alaska ELA and Yes Math Standards Alaska Cultural Yes Standards All Aspects of Industry Yes (AAI) Core Technical Yes Standards Career Ready Practices Yes Employability Standards Source of Employability Alaska Employability Standards, NCHSE Standards, Alaska Core Competencies Standards Tech Prep Current Tech Prep Articulation Agreement? Yes (Y/N) Date of Current 2017 Agreement Postsecondary University of Alaska Fairbanks- CTC Institution Name Postsecondary Course Medical Terminology Name Postsecondary Course HEALTH F100 Number 3 credits (Earned after successful completion of Medical Terminology 1A and 1B with a grade of C or Number of higher.) Postsecondary Credits

Author Course Developed By UAF-CTC Course Adapted From UAF-CTC Allied Health Date of Previous Course 2012 Revision Course Delivery Model Is the course brokered through another No institution or agency? (Y/N)

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 98 Medical Terminology 1B Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2

Standards Alignment Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupational Technical All Aspects Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Core of Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards RST.11- Quizzes, Technology 12.1; 2; 10 Observations Identify basic levels of organization of the human body. NCHSE 1.11 HL 1 B2, E4 CRP 2 Production WHST.11- , Classwork, Skills 12.2a-e Exit Tickets RST.11- Quizzes, Technology 12.1; 2 Observations Identify body planes, directional terms, cavities, and quadrants. NCHSE 1.12 HL 1 B2, E4 CRP 2 Production WHST.11- , Classwork, Skills 12.2a-e Exit Tickets RST.11- Analyze basic structures and functions of human body systems Quizzes, 12.1; 2; 5; Technology (skeletal, muscular, integumentary, cardiovascular, lymphatic, Observations NCHSE 1.13 HL 1 10 B2, E4 CRP 2 Production respiratory, nervous, special senses, endocrine, digestive, urinary, , Classwork, WHST.11- Skills and reproductive). Exit Tickets 12.2a-e RST.11- Quizzes, Technology NCHSE 1.21 12.1; 2; 10 Observations Describe common diseases and disorder of each body system. HL 1 B2, E4 CRP 2 Production ACC 1, 4, 8 WHST.11- , Classwork, Skills 12.2a-e Exit Tickets Quizzes, Technology Demonstrate competency in basic math skills and mathematical Observations NCHSE 1.31 HL 1 MP6 B2, E4 CRP 2 Production conversions as they relate to healthcare. , Classwork, Skills Exit Tickets Quizzes, Technology Demonstrate the ability to analyze diagrams, charts, graphs, and MP4 Observations NCHSE 1.32 HL 1 B2, E4 CRP 2 Production tables to interpret healthcare results. MP6 , Classwork, Skills Exit Tickets

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 99 Medical Terminology 1B Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupational Technical All Aspects Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Core of Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards Quizzes, Technology Observations Demonstrate use of the 24-hour clock/ military time. NCHSE 1.33 HL 1 MP6 B2, E4 CRP 2 Production , Classwork, Skills Exit Tickets Quizzes, RL 11-12.4 Technology Use of common roots, prefixes, and suffixes to communicate CRP 2 Observations NCHSE 2.21 HL 1 L 11- B2, E4 Production information. CRP 4 , Classwork, 12.4.a-d Skills Exit Tickets Quizzes, Technology RL 11-12.1 CRP 2 Observations Interpret medical abbreviations to communicate information. NCHSE 2.22 HL 1 B2, E4 Production RL 11-12.4 CRP 4 , Classwork, Skills Exit Tickets W 11- Quizzes, 12.2a-f Technology Utilize proper elements of written and electronic communication CRP 2 Observations NCHSE 2.31 HL 1 W 11-12.4 B2, E4 Production (spelling, grammar, and formatting). CRP 4 , Classwork, SL 11-12.5 Skills Exit Tickets L 11-12.a-b RL 11-12.1 Technology Research levels of education, credentialing requirements, and NCHSE 4.31 HL 1 RI 11-12.7 B2, E4 CRP 10 Production Classwork employment trends in health professions. ACC 10 SL 11-12.4 Skills Distinguish differences among careers within health science NCHSE 4.32 Technology pathways (diagnostic services, therapeutic services, health RL 11-12.1 A2, B1, B2, ACC 10 HL 1 CRP10 Production Classwork informatics, support services, or biotechnology research and RI 11-12.7 B4 Skills development).

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 100 Medical Terminology 1B Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Nutrition in Health Care Course Information Course Name NUTRITION IN HEALTH CARE Course Number CTEK1044 Grade(s) 9-12 Length One Semester Credit 0.5 Prerequisites None Sequence or CTEPS (You must first have the Health Science-Allied Health & Pre-nursing, Emergency Services Sequence or CTEPS entered into the system.) Date of District Course Spring 2018 Revision Career & Technical Student Organization (CTSO) CTSO Embedded in this Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) Sequence Occupational Standards http://nutrition.eatsmart.org/pages/allotment; National Health Science Standards; USDA Source of Occupational Dietary Guidelines; New Food Guide Plate Standards

Foundation Standard 1: Academic Foundation Foundation Standard 2: Communications Foundation Standard 6: Ethics Names/Numbers of Foundation Standard 7: Safety Practices Occupational Standards Foundation Standard 8: Teamwork Foundation Standard 9: Health Maintenance Practices

Registration Information Nutrition in Health Care is an introduction to the scientific principles of nutrition and their relationship to the life cycle. This course will focus on the importance nutrition plays in personal health, and how to objectively evaluate nutritional intake using scientifically sound Course Description (brief resources. Students will analyze their own diets, the basic chemistry of nutrients, digestion paragraph – as shown in and assimilation of food and the relationship of diet to health and/or chronic disease. your student handbook Coursework will emphasize teamwork, appreciation of cultural diversity, food safety, healthy or course list) snack choices and meal planning in order to take control of the student’s diet and health as well as provide a foundation for a career in healthcare.

May include: Overview of Nutrition and Health; Digestion and Absorption, Carbohydrates, Instructional Topic Lipids, Protein, Energy Balance and Body Composition; Weight Management; The Vitamins; Headings (please Water and the Minerals; Nutrition through the Lifespan: Pregnancy and Lactation; Nutrition

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 101 Nutrition in Health Care Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 separate each heading by through the Lifespan: Infancy, Childhood, and Adolescence; Nutrition through the a semi-colon) Lifespan: Later Adulthood; Nutrition Care and Assessment; Nutrition Intervention and Diet- Drug Interactions; Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition Support; Nutrition in Metabolic and Respiratory Stress; Nutrition and Upper Gastrointestinal Disorders; Nutrition and Lower Gastrointestinal Disorders; Nutrition and Liver Diseases; Nutrition and Diabetes Mellitus; Nutrition and Cardiovascular Diseases, Nutrition and Renal Diseases; Nutrition, Cancer, and HIV Infection.

Summative Assessments and Standards Technical Skills N/A Assessment (TSA) Course Addresses N/A New Alaska ELA and Yes Math Standards Alaska Cultural Yes Standards All Aspects of Industry Yes (AAI) Core Technical Yes Standards Career Ready Practices Yes

Employability Standards Source of Employability N/A Standards Tech Prep Current Tech Prep Articulation Agreement? No (Y/N) Date of Current N/A Agreement Postsecondary N/A Institution Name Postsecondary Course N/A Name Postsecondary Course N/A Number Number of N/A Postsecondary Credits

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 102 Nutrition in Health Care Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Author S. Coronel, A. Gelvin, M. Sawchuk Course Developed By

FNSBSD Health Sciences Course Adapted From

Date of Previous Course 2012 Revision Course Delivery Model Is the course brokered through another No institution or agency? (Y/N)

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 103 Nutrition in Health Care Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2

Standards Alignment Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupational Technical All Aspects Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Core of Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards SL.11-12.1; 2; 4; 5 L.11-12.1; 2; 4; 6 Technical Quizzes, Explain how each of the dietary ideals can be used to plan a CRP 2 RST.11- and Observations, healthy diet, and how the Dietary Guidelines and USDA Food NCHSE 9.1 HL 1 B2 CRP 4 12.1; 2; 4; Production Classwork, Intake Patterns help make diet planning easier. CRP 7 6; 7; 9; 10 Skills Exit Tickets WHST.11- 12.2; 4; 5; 6; 8 SL.11-12.1; 2; 4; 5 L.11-12.1; 2; 4; 6 Technical Quizzes, CRP 2 Compare the information on food labels to make selections that RST.11- and Observations, NCHSE 9.1 HL 1 MP 4 B2 CRP 4 meet specific dietary and health goals. 12.1; 2; 4; Production Classwork, CRP 7 6; 7; 9; 10 Skills Exit Tickets WHST.11- 12.2; 4; 5; 6; 8 SL.11-12.1; 2; 4; 5 L.11-12.1; 2; 4; 6 Technical Quizzes, NCHSE RST.11- CRP 2 and Observations, Describe the process of human digestion. HL 1 B2 1.13j 12.1; 2; 4; CRP 4 Production Classwork, 6; 7; 9; 10 Skills Exit Tickets WHST.11- 12.2; 4; 5; 6; 8

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 104 Nutrition in Health Care Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupationa Technical All Aspects Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) l Skills Core of Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards SL.11-12.1; 2; 4; 5 L.11-12.1; 2; 4; 6 Technical Quizzes, Identify the types and roles that carbohydrates, lipids, and RST.11- CRP 2 and Observations, NCHSE 1.13 HL 1 B2 proteins play in relationship to body function. 12.1; 2; 4; CRP 4 Production Classwork, 6; 7; 9; 10 Skills Exit Tickets WHST.11- 12.2; 4; 5; 6; 8 SL.11-12.1; 2; 4; 5 L.11-12.1; 2; 4; 6 Technical Quizzes, Explain how an excess of any of the three energy-yielding MP 1 RST.11- CRP 2 and Observations, nutrients contributes to body fat and how an inadequate intake of NCHSE 1.13 HL 1 MP 4 B2 12.1; 2; 4; CRP 4 Production Classwork, any of them shifts metabolism. MP 6 6; 7; 9; 10 Skills Exit Tickets WHST.11- 12.2; 4; 5; 6; 8 SL.11-12.1; 2; 4; 5 L.11-12.1; 2; 4; 6 Technical Quizzes, NCHSE 1.2 RST.11- CRP 2 and Observations, Discuss the genetic and environmental causes of obesity. HL 1 B2 NCHSE 9.1 12.1; 2; 4; CRP 4 Production Classwork, 6; 7; 9; 10 Skills Exit Tickets WHST.11- 12.2; 4; 5; 6; 8

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 105 Nutrition in Health Care Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupationa Technical All Aspects Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) l Skills Core of Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards SL.11-12.1; 2; 4; 5 L.11-12.1; 2; 4; Technical Quizzes, List the primary characteristics, functions, and sources of 6 CRP 2 and Observations, NCHSE 1.1 HL 1 B2 vitamins, water and minerals. RST.11-12.1; 2; CRP 4 Production Classwork, 4; 6; 7; 9; 10 Skills Exit Tickets WHST.11-12.2; 4; 5; 6; 8 SL.11-12.1; 2; 4; 5 L.11-12.1; 2; 4; Technical Quizzes, Describe appropriate nutritional needs at each stage of the 6 MP 4 CRP 2 and Observations, NCHSE 1.1 HL 1 B2 lifespan. RST.11-12.1; 2; MP 6 CRP 4 Production Classwork, 4; 6; 7; 9; 10 Skills Exit Tickets WHST.11-12.2; 4; 5; 6; 8 SL.11-12.1; 2; HL-DIA 2 4; 5 Technical Quizzes, HL-THR 1 L.11-12.1; 2; 4; CRP 2 6 MP 4 and Observations, Identify nutritional needs for individuals with medical conditions. NCHSE 1.2 HL-THR 2 B2 CRP 4 RST.11-12.1; 2; MP 6 Production Classwork, HL-THR 3 CRP 7 4; 6; 7; 9; 10 Skills Exit Tickets HL-THR 4 WHST.11-12.2; 4; 5; 6; 8 SL.11-12.1; 2; 4; 5 Identify career opportunities within the field of nutrition science Technical L.11-12.1; 2; 4; CRP 2 (Registered Dietitian, Diabetes Educator, Oncology Nutrition 6 and NCHSE 4.1 HL 1 B2 CRP 4 Classwork Educator, Nutrition Therapist in Eating Disorders, Nutraceuticals RST.11-12.1; 2; Production CRP 10 and Pharmaceuticals, Public Health Researcher, and Nutritionist) 4; 6; 7; 9; 10 Skills WHST.11-12.2; 4; 5; 6; 8

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 106 Nutrition in Health Care Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Pharmacy Technician Course Information Course Name PHARMACY TECHNICIAN Course Number CTEK130 Grade(s) 12 Length One Semester Credit 0.5 Pre-requisites Introduction to Healthcare Occupations or Teacher Recommendation Sequence or CTEPS (You must first have the Health Science-Allied Health & Pre-Nursing, Emergency Services Sequence or CTEPS entered into the system.) Date of District Course Spring 2018 Revision Career & Technical Student Organization (CTSO) CTSO Embedded in this Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) Sequence Occupational Standards Source of Occupational National Consortium of Health Science Education Standards Names/Numbers of National Consortium for Health Science Education-NCHSE 1-11 Occupational Standards Registration Information Pharmacy Technician introduces pharmacy practice and the technician’s role in various pharmacy settings. The course emphasizes the history of pharmacy, pharmacy law and ethics, pharmacy technology, symbols, dosage forms and the hundred most frequently prescribed Course Description drugs. This course teaches basic pharmacology, the science of medication actions, sources, (brief paragraph – as chemical properties, classification, uses, therapeutic effect, side effects, adverse effects and shown in your student routes of administration. Students with an interest in becoming a certified nursing assistant, handbook or course list) medical assistant, psychologist, dental technician, nurse, dentist, physician, emergency medical technician, paramedic or pharmacist, especially a pharmacy technician will find this course beneficial.

Demonstrate knowledge of the basic history of the development and use of medicine and the definition of Pharmacology; Demonstrate understanding of the U.S. Health Care system of Instructional Topic modern pharmacology, current drug regulations and control, and financial processes; Headings (please Demonstrate understanding of the dynamic that exists between pharmacists and technicians separate each heading by and their patients; Demonstrate understanding of the legal and ethical responsibilities and a semi-colon) limitations, with regard to their duties, patient privacy and HIPAA regulations; Demonstrate understanding of basic medical and pharmacy terminology, abbreviations, drug classifications, and prescription processing; Students will solve practical prescription

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 107 Pharmacy Technician Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 calculation problems by choosing appropriately from a variety of mathematical techniques; Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of drug routes, techniques of drug administration, patient education, and special needs populations; Demonstrate understanding of Pharmacy environments, inventory management and financial aspects of the Pharmacy.

Summative Assessments and Standards Technical Skills Pharmacy Technician Exam Assessment (TSA) Course Addresses N/A New Alaska ELA and Yes Math Standards Alaska Cultural Yes Standards All Aspects of Industry Yes (AAI) Core Technical Yes Standards Career Ready Practices Yes Employability Standards Source of Employability Alaska Employability Standards, NCHSE Standards

Tech Prep Current Tech Prep Articulation Agreement? Yes (Y/N) Date of Current 2017 Agreement Postsecondary University of Alaska Anchorage- CTC Institution Name Postsecondary Course Introduction to Pharmacy Name Postsecondary Course PHAR A101 Number Number of 3 credits Postsecondary Credits Author Course Developed By UAA Course Adapted From UAA-CTC Date of Previous Course June 5, 2012 Revision

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 108 Pharmacy Technician Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Course Delivery Model Is the course brokered through another No institution or agency? (Y/N)

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 109 Pharmacy Technician Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2

Standards Alignment Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupational Technical All Aspects Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Core of Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards SL.11-12.1; 4; 5; 6 Quizzes, L.11-12.1; Demonstrate basic knowledge of the basic history of the Principals written 2; 3; 4; 6 A1 CRP 2 development and use of medicine and the definition of 2.2 HL of exam, State RST.11- B2 CRP 4 pharmacology Technology of Alaska 12.2; 3; 4 Exam WHST.11- 12.2; 4 SL.11-12.1; Quizzes, 4; 5; 6 written L.11-12.1; Principals Demonstrate understanding of the US Healthcare system of exam, 2; 3; 4; 6 A1 CRP 2 of modern pharmacology, current drug regulations and control, and 2.2, 3.14 HL workbook, RST.11- B2 CRP 4 Technology financial processes State of 12.2; 3; 4 , Finance Alaska WHST.11- Exam 12.2; 4 SL.11-12.1; 4; 5; 6 L.11-12.1; Technology Quizzes, Demonstrate understanding of the dynamic that exists between HL 2; 3; 4; 6 A1 CRP 2 2.1, 23 Production written pharmacists and technicians their patients HL-THR RST.11- B2 CRP 4 Skills exam 12.2; 3; 4 WHST.11- 12.2; 4 SL.11-12.1; 4; 5; 6 L.11-12.1; Health, Demonstrate understanding of the legal and ethical Quizzes, HL 2; 3; 4; 6 A1 CRP 2 Safety and responsibilities and limitations with regard to their duties, patient 2.2 written HL-HI RST.11- B2 CRP 4 Environme privacy and HIPAA regulations. exam 12.2; 3; 4 nt WHST.11- 12.2; 4

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 110 Pharmacy Technician Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupationa Technical All Aspects Formative ENG/LA Cultural Ready l Skills Core Math of Industry Assessments (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards Standards SL.11-12.1; Quizzes, 4; 5; 6 written L.11-12.1; Demonstrate understanding of basic medical and pharmacy MP4 CRP 2 Principals exam, labs, 2; 3; 4; 6 A1 technology, abbreviations, drug classifications and prescription 1.31, 2.2 HL MP5 CRP 4 of State of RST.11- B2 processing MP6 CRP 11 Technology Alaska 12.2; 3; 4 Exam WHST.11-

12.2; 4 SL.11-12.1; 4; 5; 6 Principals Written L.11-12.1; of HL MP4 exam, labs, Students will solve practical prescription calculation problems by 2; 3; 4; 6 A1 CRP 2 Technology 1.31, 2.3 HL-DIA MP5 State of choosing appropriately from a variety of mathematical techniques RST.11- B2 CRP 4 , Personal HL-THR MP6 Alaska 12.2; 3; 4 Work Exam WHST.11- Habits 12.2; 4 SL.11-12.1; 4; 5; 6 Health, Quizzes, L.11-12.1; Safety and workbook, Determine knowledge and understanding of drug routes, MP4 HL 2; 3; 4; 6 A1 CRP 2 Environme written techniques of drug administration, patient education and special 2.3 MP5 HL-THR RST.11- B2 CRP 4 nt, Personal exam, State needs populations MP6 12.2; 3; 4 Work of Alaska WHST.11- Habits Exam 12.2; 4 SL.11-12.1; 4; 5; 6 Demonstrat L.11-12.1; ion, written Demonstrate understanding of pharmacy environments, inventory 2; 3; 4; 6 A1 CRP 2 2.3, 3.14 HL Finance exam State management and financial aspects of the pharmacy RST.11- B2 CRP 4 of Alaska 12.2; 3; 4 Exam WHST.11- 12.2; 4

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 111 Pharmacy Technician Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Principles of Biomedical Sciences A Course Information Course Name PRINCIPLES OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES A Course Number CTEK114 Grade(s) 9-12 Length One Semesters Credit 0.5 Prerequisites None Sequence or CTEPS (You must first have the Health Science Sequence or CTEPS entered into the system.) Date of District Course Spring 2013 Revision Career & Technical Student Organization (CTSO) CTSO Embedded in this Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) Sequence Occupational Standards 1. National Consortium of Health Science & Technology Education (NCHSTE) Source of Occupational 2. Center for Disease Control (CDC) – National Health Education Standards Standards (NHES) 3. Project Lead the Way (PLTW) 1. NCHSTE 1.13, 1.21 – 1.23, 6.3 – 6.32 Names/Numbers of 2. CDC – NHES for Adolescent and School Health: 1.12.1–1.12.9, 2.12.2, Occupational Standards 2.12.10, 6.12.2–6.12.4, 8.12.4 3. PLTW Registration Information Principles of Biomedical Science provides an introduction to the biomedical sciences Course Description through hands-on projects and problems. The course investigates the human body (brief paragraph – as systems and various health conditions including heart disease, diabetes, sickle-cell shown in your student disease, hypercholesterolemia and infectious diseases. It is designed to provide an handbook or course list) overview of the Biomedical Sciences program and lay the scientific foundation for subsequent courses. Instructional Topic Headings (please Human Body Systems, Heart Attack, Diabetes, Sickle Cell Disease, separate each heading by Hypercholesterolemia, Infectious Diseases, Medical Interventions, Grant Proposal a semi-colon)

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 112 Principles of Biomedical Sciences A Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Summative Assessments and Standards Technical Skills PLTW assessments Assessment (TSA) Course Addresses Yes New Alaska ELA and Yes Math Standards Alaska Cultural Yes Standards All Aspects of Industry Yes (AAI) Core Technical Yes Standards Employability Standards Yes Employability Standards Source of Employability Alaska Standards Tech Prep Current Tech Prep Articulation Agreement? No (Y/N) Date of Current N/A Agreement Postsecondary N/A Institution Name Postsecondary Course N/A Name Postsecondary Course N/A Number Number of N/A Postsecondary Credits Author Course Developed By PLTW Course Adapted From FNSBSD Career & Technical Education Curriculum Date of Previous Course October 2012 Revision Course Delivery Model Is the course brokered through another No institution or agency? (Y/N)

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 113 Principles of Biomedical Sciences A Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Standards Alignment Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska All Aspects Student Performance Standards Occupational Core Alaska Math ENG/LA Cultural Employabilit of Industry/ Assessments (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Technical Standards Standards Standards y Standards Systems Standards Standards NCHSTE ST.3, HL- Management; PLTW Students will develop an understanding of HIPPA. B3 A2, 6 1.1-11.22 BRD.1 Health/Safety Assessments Students will create a drawing of a human heart to demonstrate NCHSTE PLTW HS.1 R. KI.3 B2; E4 A2 Tech/Prod their understanding of the cardiac system. 1.1-1.23 Assessments Students will demonstrate knowledge of the structure of food by PLTW HL-BRD.2 R.KI.2 A2 Tech/Prod building molecular models. Assessments NHES Students will gain the ability to create a meal plan for a diabetic 1.12.8– PLTW HL-HI.1 R.IK.8, 9 B3 A1-2 Tech/Prod person based on their understanding of the disease. 6.12.4; Assessments 8.12.4 Students will identify the genetic causes and symptoms of PLTW PLTW HL-BRD.3 R.IK.7, 9 Tech/Prod Sickle Cell Disease. Assessments NHES Students will explain the connection between cholesterol and PLTW 1.12.1– HL-HI.2 W.2 B3 Tech/Prod heart disease. Assessments 1.12.9 Students will demonstrate knowledge of bacteria and viruses by NCHSTE HL- Tech/Prod; PLTW A2, 6 creating a scaled model of a virus. 1.1-1.23 BRD.2, 3 Health/Safety Assessments Students will research, categorize and summarize medical HL- W.6-9, Tech/Prod; PLTW PLTW interventions on a disease. BRD.5, 6 R.IK.7, 9 Health/Safety Assessments Students will prepare a grant proposal requesting funds for a HL- W.6-9, Management; PLTW PLTW B5 research project. BRD.5, 6 R.IK.7, 9 Tech/Prod Assessments

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 114 Principles of Biomedical Sciences A Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Principles of Biomedical Sciences B Course Information Course Name PRINCIPLES OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES B Course Number CTEK115 Grade(s) 9-12 Length One Semesters Credit 0.5 Pre-requisites None Sequence or CTEPS (You must first have the Health Science Sequence or CTEPS entered into the system.) Date of District Course Spring 2013 Revision Career & Technical Student Organization (CTSO) CTSO Embedded in this Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) Sequence Occupational Standards 4. National Consortium of Health Science & Technology Education (NCHSTE) Source of Occupational 5. Center for Disease Control (CDC) – National Health Education Standards Standards (NHES) 6. Project Lead the Way (PLTW) 4. NCHSTE 1.13, 1.21 – 1.23, 6.3 – 6.32 Names/Numbers of 5. CDC – NHES for Adolescent and School Health: 1.12.1–1.12.9, 2.12.2, Occupational Standards 2.12.10, 6.12.2–6.12.4, 8.12.4 6. PLTW Registration Information Principles of Biomedical Science provides an introduction to the biomedical sciences Course Description through hands-on projects and problems. The course investigates the human body (brief paragraph – as systems and various health conditions including heart disease, diabetes, sickle-cell shown in your student disease, hypercholesterolemia and infectious diseases. It is designed to provide an handbook or course list) overview of the Biomedical Sciences program and lay the scientific foundation for subsequent courses. Instructional Topic Headings (please Human Body Systems, Heart Attack, Diabetes, Sickle Cell Disease, separate each heading by Hypercholesterolemia, Infectious Diseases, Medical Interventions, Grant Proposal a semi-colon)

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 115 Principles of Biomedical Sciences B Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Summative Assessments and Standards Technical Skills PLTW assessments Assessment (TSA) Course Addresses Yes New Alaska ELA and Yes Math Standards Alaska Cultural Yes Standards All Aspects of Industry Yes (AAI) Core Technical Yes Standards Employability Standards Yes Employability Standards Source of Employability Alaska Standards Tech Prep Current Tech Prep Articulation Agreement? No (Y/N) Date of Current N/A Agreement Postsecondary N/A Institution Name Postsecondary Course N/A Name Postsecondary Course N/A Number Number of N/A Postsecondary Credits Author Course Developed By PLTW Course Adapted From FNSBSD Career & Technical Education Curriculum Date of Previous Course October 2012 Revision Course Delivery Model Is the course brokered through another No institution or agency? (Y/N)

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 116 Principles of Biomedical Sciences B Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Standards Alignment Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska All Aspects Student Performance Standards Occupational Core Alaska Math ENG/LA Cultural Employabilit of Industry/ Assessments (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Technical Standards Standards Standards y Standards Systems Standards Standards NCHSTE ST.3, HL- Management; PLTW Students will develop an understanding of HIPPA. B3 A2, 6 1.1-11.22 BRD.1 Health/Safety Assessments Students will create a drawing of a human heart to demonstrate NCHSTE PLTW HS.1 R. KI.3 B2; E4 A2 Tech/Prod their understanding of the cardiac system. 1.1-1.23 Assessments Students will demonstrate knowledge of the structure of food by PLTW HL-BRD.2 R.KI.2 A2 Tech/Prod building molecular models. Assessments NHES Students will gain the ability to create a meal plan for a diabetic 1.12.8– PLTW HL-HI.1 R.IK.8, 9 B3 A1-2 Tech/Prod person based on their understanding of the disease. 6.12.4; Assessments 8.12.4 Students will identify the genetic causes and symptoms of PLTW PLTW HL-BRD.3 R.IK.7, 9 Tech/Prod Sickle Cell Disease. Assessments NHES Students will explain the connection between cholesterol and PLTW 1.12.1– HL-HI.2 W.2 B3 Tech/Prod heart disease. Assessments 1.12.9 Students will demonstrate knowledge of bacteria and viruses by NCHSTE HL- Tech/Prod; PLTW A2, 6 creating a scaled model of a virus. 1.1-1.23 BRD.2, 3 Health/Safety Assessments Students will research, categorize and summarize medical HL- W.6-9, Tech/Prod; PLTW PLTW interventions on a disease. BRD.5, 6 R.IK.7, 9 Health/Safety Assessments Students will prepare a grant proposal requesting funds for a HL- W.6-9, Management; PLTW PLTW B5 research project. BRD.5, 6 R.IK.7, 9 Tech/Prod Assessments

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 117 Principles of Biomedical Sciences B Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Professionalism in Health Care Course Information Course Name PROFESSIONALISM IN HEALTH CARE Course Number CTEK116 Grade(s) 10-12 Length One Semester Credit 0.5 Prerequisites None Sequence or CTEPS (You must first have the Health Science - Allied Health & Pre-Nursing, Emergency Services Sequence or CTEPS entered into the system.) Date of District Course Spring 2018 Revision Career & Technical Student Organization (CTSO) CTSO Embedded in this Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) Sequence Occupational Standards National Consortium for Health Science Education - NCHSE Source of Occupational Alaskan Core Competencies - ACC Standards

Names/Numbers of NCHSE 1-11, ACC 1, 9 & 10 Occupational Standards Registration Information Course Description (brief Professionalism in Health Care stresses the importance of professional employability skills in paragraph – as shown in health care, including communication skills, good character, work ethic, personal image, your student handbook cultural competence, and career development. or course list) The health care industry and your role; work ethic and performance; personal traits of the Instructional Topic health care professional; relationships, teamwork and communication skills; cultural Headings (please competence and patient care; professionalism and personal life; the practicum experience; separate each heading by employment, leadership and career development a semi-colon)

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 118 Professionalism in Health Care Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Summative Assessments and Standards Technical Skills HIPAA Assessment (TSA) Course Addresses N/A Alaska ELA and Math Yes Standards Alaska Cultural Yes Standards All Aspects of Industry Yes (AAI) Core Technical Yes Standards Career Ready Practices Yes Employability Standards National Consortium for Health Science Education (NCHSE); Alaska Core Competencies Source of Employability (ACC) Standards

Tech Prep Current Tech Prep Articulation Agreement? Yes (Y/N) Date of Current 2017 Agreement Postsecondary Institution University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF)- Community & Technical College (CTC) Name Postsecondary Course Professional Skills for the Workplace Name Postsecondary Course HLTH F110 Number Number of 2 credits Postsecondary Credits Author Course Developed By UAF-CTC Course Adapted From UAF-CTC Date of Previous Course 2012 Revision Course Delivery Model Is the course brokered through another No institution or agency? (Y/N)

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 119 Professionalism in Health Care Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2

Standards Alignment Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupational Technical All Aspects Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Core of Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards

NCHSE 4.12 HL 2 RSI-1, B 1,2,3 A 1- Plan, Mgt, Class activities, Explain why professionalism is important in health care and how 2 RSLST- 3 CRS 8 Labor written test to identify a health care professional ACC 9, 10 1,2 WSL 1- 10

NCHSE 3.1 HL 2 RSI-1, S-IC.6. B 1,2,3 A Plan, Mgt, Class activities, 2 RSLST- 5 CR Labor written test Describe the healthcare industry, and the role you play. 1,2 WSL 1- S 5 10

NCHSE 4.2 HL 6 RSI-1, B 1,2,3 A Personal Class activities, Describe the characteristics and behaviors that demonstrate a 2 RSLST- 1 CR Work written test strong work ethic and commitment to your job. 1,2 WSL 1- S 1 Habits 10

NCHSE 4.1 HL 5, 6 RSI-1, B 1,2,3 A 1- Personal Class activities, Discuss the importance of one’s reputation, character, values, 2 RSLST- 3 CRS Work written test morals, ethics, and other personal traits. ACC 9 1,2 WSL 1- 1 Habits 10

NCHSE 8.1, HL 4 RSI-1, B 1,2,3 A Tech, Prod Class activities, Outline the elements of effective interpersonal relationships, 8.2 2 RSLST- 1 C written test teamwork, and working well with others. 1,2 WSL 1- RS 12 ACC 1 10

NCHSE 6.2 HL 6 RSI-1, E. 1, 4, 6, 7 A Personal Class activities, Discuss cultural competence and customer service as related to 2 RSLST- 1 CR Work written test patient care ACC 1 1,2 WSL 1- S 1, 4 Habits 10

NCHSE 4.1 HL 4 RSI-1, B 1,2,3 B Personal Performance Explain how their personal image and personal skills affect their 2 RSLST- 1 CR Work evaluation, professional reputation. ACC 9, 10 1,2 WSL 1- S 9 Habits written test 10

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 120 Professionalism in Health Care Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2 Specific Common Alaska Alaska Alaska Career Student Performance Standards Occupational Technical All Aspects Formative ENG/LA Math Cultural Ready (Learner Outcomes or Knowledge & Skill Statements) Skills Core of Industry Assessments Standards Standards Standards Practices Standards Standards

List the factors involved in professional growth and NCHSE 2.1, HL 1 RSI-1, S-IC.6. B 3,4 A Plan, Mgt, Resume, app, advancement, and apply the career planning components of a 2.3, 11.2, 11.3 2 RSLST- 3 CR mock interview resume, application and cover letter/personal essay for a mock 1,2 WSL 1- S 4, 7, 10 interview ACC 10 10

NCHSE 4.3, HL 1 RSI-1, S-IC.6. S- B 3,4 B 1- Plan, Mgt, AKCIS Assess their own personal levels of professionalism and identify 4.4 2 RSLST- MD.7. 7 CRS Personal Portfolio & strengths, weaknesses, and plans for improvement including 1,2 WSL 1- 11 Work PLCP keeping PLCP up to date in AKCIS ACC 10 10 Habits

NCHSE 4.1-4 HL-THR 1, RSI-1, B 2 B 1- Plan, Mgt, Teacher Apply course concepts in developing and strengthening 2 2 RSLST- 7 CRS Personal Observation, professional traits and behaviors. ACC 10 1,2 WSL 1- 2-3 Work Presentation 10 Habits

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 121 Professionalism in Health Care Career & Technical Education Curriculum- Health Science 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 2

Changes Made to CTE Health Science Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision 1st Draft

INTRODUCTION Page # Section i Updated Acknowledgements Added Programs of Study: ii – vi  Allied Health & Nursing: o Middle School & High School Components o Associates of Applied Science- Medical Assistant Program o Medical Assistant Certificate Program o Pre-Nursing Certificate Program  Emergency Services o Middle School & High School Components o Postsecondary

CAREER & TECHNICAL EDUCATION HEALTH SCIENCES COURSES Page # Section Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) 1A 14 – 17 Removed:  Sequence or CTEPS- “You must first have the Sequence or CTEPS entered into the system.”  Source of Occupational Standards: o State of Alaska EMS Regulations AS 18.08.080 & 7 AAC 26.410-490 Community Health & EMS o U.S. Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Emergency Medical Technician Basic: National Standard Curriculum  Names/Numbers of Occupational Standards: o Objectives 1-1.1 through 12.1.6 (http://hss.state.ak.us/dph/emergency/EMS/downloads) o National Standard Objectives Modules 1, Lesson 1 -1 through Module 7, Lesson 7-1.12 o (http://wwww.nhtsa.gov/people/injury/ems/pub/emtbnsc.pdf) o State of Alaska Cold Weather Guidelines o State of Alaska Trauma Guidelines o 2010 American Heart Association (AHA) Guidelines for CPR  Course Addresses- removed “Yes” for summative assessment and standards

Added:  Source of Occupational Standards- National EMS Educational Standards  Names/Numbers of Occupational Standards- EMS Systems, Research, Workplace Safety & Wellness, Documentation, Communications, Medical Legal/Ethics, A & P, Terminology, Pathophysiology, Life Span

Changes to CTE Health Science Curriculum, 1st Draft 2017-2018 Revision Development, Pharmacology, Airway Management, Medical & Trauma Assessment & Treatment, Shock & Bleeding Control, Obstetrics, Pediatrics, Geriatrics, Patients with Special Challenges, Operations, Vehicle Extrication, HazMat, Mass Casualty Incidents.  Technical Skills Assessment- State of Alaska EMT 1 exam and practical skills exam.  Source of Employability Standards- Alaska Employability Skills, National Consortium for Health Science Education, National EMS Education Standards

Changed:  Course number from CTEK901 to CTEK120  Date of District Course Revision- from “Spring 2012” to “Spring 2018”  Course description  Instructional Topic Heading  “Employability Standards” to “Career Ready Practices”  Date of current agreement- from “September 2011” to “2017”  Number of Postsecondary Credits- from “6 credits (upon completion of Emergency Medical Technician 1A/1B)” to “0 (see EMT 1B course description)”  Course Developed By: from “C. Browder, J. Johnson, L. Kaiser” to “State of Alaska CHEMS”  Course Adapted from: changed from “National EMT Basic Curriculum” to “US DOT”  Date of Previous Course Revision- from “May 6, 2006” to “2012”  Standards Alignment table

Changes to CTE Health Science Curriculum, 1st Draft 2017-2018 Revision Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) 1B 18-21 Removed:  Source of Occupational Standards: o State of Alaska EMS Regulations AS 18.08.080 & 7 AAC 26.410-490 Community Health & EMS o U.S. Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Emergency Medical Technician Basic: National Standard Curriculum  Names/Numbers of Occupational Standards: o Objectives 1-1.1 through 12.1.6, (http://hss.state.ak.us/dph/emergency/EMS/downloads/) o National Standard Objectives Modules 1, Lesson 1 -1 through Module 7, Lesson 7-1.12 (www.nhtsa.gov/people/injury/ema/pub/emtbnsc.pdf) o State of Alaska Cold Weather Guidelines o State of Alaska Trauma Guidelines o 2010 American Heart Association (AHA) Guidelines for CPR  Course Addresses- removed “Yes” from summative assessments and standards  Number of Postsecondary Credits- upon completion of Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) 1A/1B

Added:  Prerequisites- Introduction to Health Occupations 1A and Human Anatomy & Physiology  Source of Occupational Standards- American Heart Association BLS CPR with AED, National EMS Educational Standards  Names/Numbers of Occupational Standards- EMS Systems, Research, Workplace Safety & Wellness, Documentation, Communications, Medical Legal/Ethics, A & P, Terminology, Pathophysiology, Life Span Development, Pharmacology, Airway Management, Medical & Trauma Assessment & Treatment, Shock & Bleeding Control, Obstetrics, Pediatrics, Geriatrics, Patients with Special Challenges, Operations: Vehicle Extrication, HazMat, Mass Casualty Incidents.  Technical Skills Assessment- State of Alaska EMT 1 exam and practical skills exam  Source of Employability Standards- Alaska Employability Skills, National Consortium for Health Science Education, National EMS Education Standards

Changed:  Course Number- from “CTEK902” to “CTEK121”  Sequence or CTEPS- from “Emergency Medical Technician” to “Health Science- Emergency Services”  Date of District Course Revision- from “Spring 2012” to “Spring 2018”  Course Description  Instructional Topic  “Employability Standards” to “Career Ready Practices”  Date of Current Agreement- from “September 2011” to “2017”

Changes to CTE Health Science Curriculum, 1st Draft 2017-2018 Revision  Course Developed By: changed from “C. Browder, J. Johnson, L. Kaiser” to “State of Alaska CHEMS”  Course Adapted From: changed from “National EMT Basic Curriculum” to “US DOT”  Date of Previous Course Revision: “May 6, 2006” to “June 5, 2012”  Standards Alignment

Changes to CTE Health Science Curriculum, 1st Draft 2017-2018 Revision Emergency Trauma Technician (ETT) 22-28 Removed:  Source of Occupational Standards: o Southeast Region Emergency Medical Services Council o U.S. Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration First Responder: National Standard Curriculum  Names/Numbers of Occupational Standards: o Objectives 1-1.1 through 12.1.6: (http://www.serems.org) o National Standard Objectives Modules 1, Lesson 1-1 through Module 7, Lesson 7-1.12 (http://www.nhtsa.dot.gov/people/injury/ems/pub/frnsc.pdf) o State of Alaska Cold Weather Guidelines o State of Alaska Trauma Guidelines o 2010 AHA Guidelines for CPR  Course Addresses- removed “Yes” from summative assessments and standards

Added:  Source of Occupational Standards- SEREMS (2015), AHA, CPR, BLS, NCHSE: Foundation Standards May 2015  Names/Numbers of Occupational Standards: o SEREMS 1-1 1-7,1-2.1-11, 1-3.1-14, 1-4.1-2, 1-5.1-8, 2-1.1-26, 3-1.1- 7, 4-1.1-15, 1-5.1-11, 5-2.1-4, 5-3.1-19, 6-1.1-4, 7-1.1-5, 8-1.1-4, 9- 2.1-12, 10-1.1-10, 11-1.1-5, 12-1.1-6, o NCHSE Foundation Standards: 1.11-13, 1.31-1.33, 2.11-2.15, 2.21- 2.22, 2.31, 3.11, 4.21, 4.32, 5.11, 5.22, 7.11-7.12, 7.21-7.22, 7.31, 7.41-7.42, 7.51-7.52, 8.11, 8.23  Source of Employability Standards- Alaska Employability Standards, National Consortium for Health Science Education-NCHSE

Changed:  Sequence or CTEPS- “Health Science, Emergency Medical Technician” to “Health Science- Emergency Services”  Date of District Course Revision- from “Spring 2013” to “Spring 2018”  Course Description  Instructional Topic  Technical Skills Assessment- from “Emergency Trauma Technician Exam, State of Alaska” to “BLS-CPR, ETT”  “Employability Standards” to “Career Ready Practices”  Date of Current Agreement- from “November 2012” to “2017”  Course Developed By: changed from “C. Browder, J. Johnson, L. Kaiser” to “SEREMS”  Course Adapted From- changed “SEREMSC and Kathy Griffin” to “Alaska Emergency Trauma Technician”  Date of Previous Course Revision- from “Spring 2012” to “Spring 2013”

Changes to CTE Health Science Curriculum, 1st Draft 2017-2018 Revision First Aid/CPR & Health Career Exploration 29-35 Removed:  Source of Occupational Standards- American Heart Association (AHA), National Consortium of Health Science & Technology Education (NCHSTE), American Red Cross  Names/Numbers of Occupational Standards: o 2010 AHA Guidelines for CPR o National Healthcare Foundation Standards and Accountability Criteria 1.1-1.23 & 2.2-2.22 o American Red Cross Guidelines for CPR and AED o NCHSTE 4.1-9.11, AHA  Technical Skills Assessment- CPR/BLS – Health Care Provider, American Heart Association

Added:  Source of Occupational Standards- National Consortium of Health Science Education  Names/Numbers of Occupational Standards- ACC 8 & 10, NCHSE 1-11  Technical Skills Assessment- AHA BLS-CPR and First Aid  Date of Current Agreement (Tech Prep)- 2017  Postsecondary Institution Name- University of Alaska- CTC  Postsecondary Course Name- First Aid & CPR for Healthcare Providers  Postsecondary Course Number- HLTH 122

Changed  Title of Course from “Introductions to Healthcare Occupations B” to “First Aid/CPR and Health Career Exploration”  Course Number from “CTEK129” to “CTEK ?”  Sequence or CTEPS- from “Certified Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (This is an introductory course for all Health Sciences Pathways.)” to “Health Science - Allied Health and Pre-Nursing, Emergency Services”  Date of District Course Revision- from “Spring 2013” to “Spring 2018”  Course Description  Instructional Topic Headings  “Employability Standards” to “Career Ready Practices”  Source of Employability Standards- from “Alaska” to “Alaska Employability Standards, National Consortium for Health Science Education”  Course Developed By- from “C. Browder, J. Johnson, L. Kaiser” to “FNSBSD, AHA” Standards Alignment

Changes to CTE Health Science Curriculum, 1st Draft 2017-2018 Revision Human Behavior in Health Care 37-39 Added course, including the following:  Course Information  Career & Technical Student Organization  Occupational Standards  Registration Information  Summative Assessments and Standards  Employability Standards  Tech Prep  Author  Course Delivery Model Introduction to Exercise Science & Sports Medicine 1A 43-48 Removed:  Source of Occupational Standards: o Board of Certification for Athletic Trainers Certified o Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy o Utah State Office of Education o National Consortium of Health Science & Technology Education (NCHSTE) (www.nchste.org)  Course Developed By- C. Browder, J. Johnson, L. Kaiser  Course Adapted From- Scott Snelson, State of Utah Curriculum

Added:  Source of Occupational Standards- AAOS, National Athletic Trainer’s Association

Changed:  Grades- from “10-12” to “11-12”  Sequence or CTEPS- from “Health Science” to “Health Science- Allied Health & Pre-Nursing”  Date of District Course Revision- from “Spring 2012” to “Spring 2018”  Course Description  Instructional Topic Headings  Technical Skills Assessment- from “N/A” to “National Athletic Trainer’s Association”  Changed “Employability Standards” to “Career Ready Practices”  Date of Previous Course Revision- from “May 6, 2006” to “June 5, 2012”  Standards Alignment Introduction to Exercise Science & Sports Medicine 1B 49-55 Removed:  Source of Occupational Standards: o Board of Certification for Athletic Trainers Certified o Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy o Utah State Office of Education o National Consortium of Health Science & Technology Education (NCHSTE) (www.nchste.org)  Course Developed By- C. Browder, J. Johnson, L. Kaiser

Changes to CTE Health Science Curriculum, 1st Draft 2017-2018 Revision  Course Adapted From- Scott Snelson, State of Utah Curriculum

Added:  Source of Occupational Standards- AAOS, National Athletic Trainer’s Association

Changed:  Grades- from “10-12” to “11-12”  Sequence or CTEPS- from “Health Science” to “Health Science- Allied Health & Pre-Nursing”  Date of District Course Revision- from “Spring 2012” to “Spring 2018”  Course Description  Instructional Topic Headings  Technical Skills Assessment- from “N/A” to “National Athletic Trainer’s Association”  “Employability Standards” to “Career Ready Practices”  Date of Previous Course Revision- from “May 6, 2006” to “June 5, 2012” Introduction to Fire Sciences 1A 56-60 Removed:  Prerequisites- Teacher Recommendation  Source of Occupational Standards- Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education Model  Names/Number of Occupational Standards o National Fire Protection Association (http://www.nfpa.org/aboutthecodes/AboutTheCodes.asp?DocNum=1) o U.S. Fire Administration (www.usfa.fema.gov/nfa/higher_ed)  Number of Postsecondary Credits- upon completion of Fire Services 1A and Fire Services 1B  Course Developed By- J. George, J. Johnson, L. Kaiser  Course Adapted From- UAF/Community & Technical College (CTC)

Added:  Source of Occupational Standards- National Consortium for Health Science Education (NCHSE) and Universal Building Code  Names/Number of Occupational Standards- CHSE Foundation Standard 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9  Technical Skills Assessment- FEMA (ICS 100)  Date of Current Agreement (Tech Prep) – 2017  Date of Previous Course Revision- 2012

Changed:  Sequence or CTEPS- from “Emergency Medical Technician” to “Health Science- Emergency Services”  Date of District Course Revision- from “Spring 2012” to “Spring 2018”  Course Descripion  Instructional Topic Headings

Changes to CTE Health Science Curriculum, 1st Draft 2017-2018 Revision  “Employability Standards” to “Career Ready Practices”  Current Tech Prep Articulation Agreement- from “Under Consideration” to “Yes”  Standards Alignment Introduction to Fire Services 1B 61-65 Removed:  Source of Occupational Standards- National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG)  Names/Numbers of Occupational Standards: o NFPA (www.nfpa.org/aboutthecodes/AboutTheCodes.asp?DocNum=1) o NWCG (http://training.nwcg.gov/sect_firef_seasonal.htm) S130, S190, L180, I100, I700  Postsecondary Institution Name- UAF/Community & Technical College (CTC)  Postsecondary Course Name- Rescue Practices  Postsecondary Course Number- FIRE F117  Number of Postsecondary Credits- 3 credits (upon completion of Introduction to Fire Services 1A and 1B)  Course Adapted From- UAF/Community & Technical College (CTC)

Added:  Source of Occupational Standards- National Consortium for Health Science Education  Names/Numbers of Occupational Standards- NCHSE Foundation Standard 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9  Technical Skills Assessment- Water Wise (www.amsea.org/training)  Date of Previous Course Revision- 2012

Changed:  Sequence or CTEPS- “Emergency Medical Technician” to “Health Science- Emergency Services”  Date of District Course Revision- “Spring 2012” to “Spring 2018”  Course Description  Instructional Topic Headings  Current Tech Prep Articulation Agreement- from “Under Consideration” to “No”  “Employability Standards” to “Career Ready Practices”  Course Developed By- from “J. George, J. Johnson, L. Kaiser” to “UAF- CTC”  Standards Alignment Introductions to Healthcare Occupations 66-70 Removed:  Sequence or CTEPS- Certified Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (This is an introductory course for all Health Sciences Pathways.)

Changes to CTE Health Science Curriculum, 1st Draft 2017-2018 Revision  Source of Occupational Standards- National Consortium of Health Science & Technology Education (NCHSTE) (www.nchste.org)  Technical Skills Assessment- First aid and CPR certification with passing scores on written and practical exams. American Heart Association (AHA)

Added:  Sequence or CTEPS- Health Science-Allied Health & Pre-Nursing, Emergency Services  Source of Occupational Standards- National Consortium Health Science Education - NCHSE Health Science Standards, Alaskan Core Competencies-ACC  Technical Skills Assessment- Blood Borne Pathogens, Career Safe Online- Healthcare

Changed:  Date of District Course Revision- from “Spring 2013” to “Spring 2018”  Names/Numbers of Occupational Standards- from “National Healthcare Foundation Standards and Accountability Criteria 1.1-11.22” to “NCHSE 1-11, ACC 1, 4, 8, 9 & 10”  Course Description  Instructional Topic Headings  “Employability Standards” to “Career Ready Practices”  Source of Employability Standards- from “Alaska” to “Alaska Employability Standards, NCHSE, ACC”  Date of Current Agreement- from “September 2011” to “2017”  Course Developed By- from “C. Browder, J. Johnson, L. Kaiser” to “UAF-CTC”  Course Adapted From - “FNSBSD Career & Technical Education Curriculum” to “UAF-CTC”  Standards Alignment Law & Ethics for Health Professionals 71-79 Removed:  Name/Numbers of Occupational Standards- National Healthcare Foundation Standards and Accountability Criteria 1.23, 2.3`, 3.14-3.15, 4.11-4.12, 4.21, 4.31-4.32, 5.1, 5.11-5.12, 5.21-5.25, 6.1, 6.11-6.12, 6.21, 6.31-6.32, 11.11-11.22

Added:  Name/Numbers of Occupational Standards- NCHSE Foundation Standards 1 – 11  Technical Skills Assessment- HIPAA, FEMA IS 106.17 Workplace Violence Awareness

Changed  Course Name from “Medical Law & Ethics” to “Law & Ethics for Health Professionals”

Changes to CTE Health Science Curriculum, 1st Draft 2017-2018 Revision  Prerequisites from “Introduction to Health Careers” to “Introduction to Healthcare Occupations”  Sequence or CTEPS- from “Certified Nursing Assistant” to “Health Science - Allied Health &Pre- Nursing”  Date of District Course Revision- from “Spring 2012” to “Spring 2018”  Source of Occupational Standards- from “National Consortium of Health Science & Technology Education (NCHSTE) (www.nchste.org)” to “National Consortium for Health Science Education-NCHSE”  Course Description  Instructional Topic Headings  “Employability Standards” to “Career Ready Practices”  Source of Employability Standards- from “Alaska” to “Alaska Employability Standards, National Consortium for Health Science Education (NCHSE)”  Current Tech Prep Articulation Agreement- from “Yes” to “No”  Date of Current Agreement (Tech Prep)- from “September 2011” to “2017”  Number of Postsecondary Credits- from “1 credit” to “2 credits”  Course Developed By- from “C. Browder, J. Johnson, L. Kaiser” to “UAF-CTC”  Course Adapted From- “UAF Medical Law & Ethics Curriculum” to “UAF-CTC”  Date of Previous Course Revision- from “May 6, 2006” to “2012”  Standards Alignment

Math in Health Care 80-83 Removed:  Source of Occupational Standards: o National Health Care Skill Standards Project (NHCSSP) o National Consortium of Health Science & Technology Education (NCHSTE) (www.nchste.org) o Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills o National Occupational Competency Testing Institute  Names/Numbers of Occupational Standards: o NHCSSP Content Standards: Academic Foundation, Communication, Systems, Employability, Legal, Ethics, Safety and Teamwork (www.wested.org/nhcssp/document.html) o Accountability Criteria for National Health Care Cluster Foundation Standards: 1-11 (www.nchste.org) o Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (www.scans.jhu.edu) o Clinical Procedures, Patient instruction, Foundations for Healthcare (www.nocti.org) o Grades 9-12 (p. 137-186) Curriculum & Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics (www.nctm.org)


Changes to CTE Health Science Curriculum, 1st Draft 2017-2018 Revision  Source of Occupational Standards- National Consortium for Health Science Education (NCHSE) and Health Science Foundation Standards

 Names/Numbers of Occupational Standards- NCTM Grades 9- 12; Curriculum & Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics, 1-13; NCHSE 1-11  Technical Skills Assessment- HOSA - Medical Math Test

Changed:  Grades- from “9-12” to “10-12”  Sequence or CTEPS- from “Certified Nursing Assistant” to “Health Science - Allied Health & Pre-Nursing”  Date of District Course Revision- from “Spring 2012” to “Spring 2018”  Course Description  Instructional Topic Headings  “Employability Standards” to “Career Ready Practices”  Source of Employability Standards- from “Alaska” to “Alaska Employability Standards, National Consortium for Health Science Education (NCHSE)”  Date of Current Agreement (Tech Prep)- “September 2011” to “2017”  Course Developed By- from “C. Browder, J. Johnson, L. Kaiser” to “UAF-CTC and Victor Zinger”  Course Adapted From- “FNSBSD Health Science Curriculum” to “UAF- CTC”  Date of Previous Course Revision- “May 6, 2006” to “2012”  Standards Alignment

Medical Terminology 1A 90-94 Removed:  Names/Numbers of Occupational Standards- National Healthcare Foundations Standards and Accountability Criteria: (1.1 - 1.23) and (2.2 - 2.22)

Added:  Credit (Course Information)- Cross-credited with science  Source of Occupational Standards- Alaska Core Competencies-ACC  Names/Numbers of Occupational Standards- Foundation Standard 1: Academic Foundation 1.1 - 1.33; Foundation Standard 2: Communications 2.2; Foundation Standard 4: Employability Skills Career Decision-Making 4.31 and 4.32

Changed:  Sequence or CTEPS- “Certified Nursing Assistant” to “Health Science- Allied Health & Pre-Nursing, Emergency Services”  Date of District Course Revision- “Spring 2012” to “Spring 2018”

Changes to CTE Health Science Curriculum, 1st Draft 2017-2018 Revision  Course Description  Instructional Topic Headings  Changed “Employability Standards” to “Career Ready Practices”

 Source of Employability Standards- from “Alaska” to “Alaska Employability Standards, NCHSE Standards, Alaska Core Competencies”  Date of Current Agreement (Tech Prep)- “September 2011” to “2017”  Number of Postsecondary Credits- from “3 credits (upon completion of Medical Terminology 1A/1B)” to “None (Must also complete Medical Terminology 1B)”  Course Developed By- “C. Browder, J. Johnson, L. Kaiser” to “UAF- CTC”  Course Adapted From- “FNSBSD Career & Technical Education Curriculum” to “UAF-CTC Allied Health”  Date of Previous Course Revision- “May 6, 2006” to “2012”  Standards Alignment

Medical Terminology 1B 95-98 Removed:  Source of Occupational Standards- National Consortium of Health Science & Technology Education (NCHSTE) (www.nchste.org)  Names/Numbers of Occupational Standards- National Healthcare Foundation Standards & Accountability Criteria: (1.1 – 1.23) and (2.2 – 2.22)

Added:  Grade (Course Information)- Cross-credited with science

 Source of Occupational Standards- National Consortium for Health Science Education (NCHSTE) http://www.nchse.org; Alaska Core Competencies (ACC)  Names/Numbers of Occupational Standards- Foundation Standard 1: Academic Foundation 1.1 - 1.33; Foundation Standard 2: Communications 2.2; Foundation Standard 4: Employability Skills Career Decision-Making 4.31 and 4.32  Technical Skills Assessment- HOSA- Medical Terminology Test

Changed:  Sequence or CTEPS- from “Certified Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician” to “Health Science-Allied Health & Pre-Nursing, Emergency Services”  Date of District Course Revision- “Spring 2012” to “Spring 2018”  Course Description  Instruction Topic Headings  “Employability Standards” to “Career Ready Practices”

Changes to CTE Health Science Curriculum, 1st Draft 2017-2018 Revision  Source of Employability Standards- “Alaska” to “Alaska Employability Standards, NCHSE Standards, Alaska Core Competencies”  Date of Current Agreement (Tech Prep)- “September 2011” to “2017”  Postsecondary Institution Name- “UAR Community & Technical College (CTC)” to “University of Alaska Fairbanks- CTC”  Number of Postsecondary Credits- “upon completion of Medical Terminology 1A/1B” to “Earned after successful completion of Medical Terminology 1A and 1B with a grade of C or higher.”  Course Developed By- “C. Browder, J. Johnson, L. Kaiser” to “UAF- CTC”  Course Adapted From- “FNSBSD Career & Technical Education Curriculum” to “UAF-CTC Allied Health”  Date of Previous Course Revision- “May 6, 2006” to “2012”

Nutrition in Health Care 99-105 Removed:  Prerequisite- Introduction to Healthcare Occupations A  Source of Occupational Standards: o National Consortium of Health Science & Technology Education (www.nchste.org) o Center for Disease Control (CDC) – National Health Education Standards (NHES) for Adolescent and School Health (www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/sher/standards/index/htm) o Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics (AND) (www.eatright.org)  Names/Numbers of Occupational Standards: o NCHSTE: 1.13, 1.21 – 1.23, 6.3 – 6.32 o CDC – NHES for Adolescent and School Health: 1.12.1 – 1.12.9, 2.12.2, 2.12.10, 6.12.2 – 6.12.4, 8.12.4 o AND - Requirements for Registered Dieticians and Dietetic Technician, Registered  Source of Employability Standards- Alaska

Added:  Source of Occupational Standards- http://nutrition.eatsmart.org/pages/allotment; National Health Science Standards; USDA Dietary Guidelines; New Food Guide Plate  Names/Numbers of Occupational Standards: o Foundation Standard 1: Academic Foundation o Foundation Standard 2: Communications o Foundation Standard 6: Ethics o Foundation Standard 7: Safety Practices o Foundation Standard 8: Teamwork o Foundation Standard 9: Health Maintenance Practices


Changes to CTE Health Science Curriculum, 1st Draft 2017-2018 Revision  Sequence or CTEPS- from “Certified Nursing Assistant” to “Health Science-Allied Health & Pre-nursing, Emergency Services”  Date of District Course Revision- “Spring 2012” to “Spring 2018”  Course Description  Instructional Topic Headings  “Employability Standards” to “Career Ready Practices”  Course Developed By- from “C. Browder, J. Johnson, L. Kaiser” to “S. Coronel, A. Gelvin, M. Sawchuk”  Course Adapted From- “FNSBSD Career & Technical Education Curriculum” to “FNSBSD Health Sciences”  Date of Previous Course Revision- “May 6, 2006” to “2012”  Standards Alignment

Pharmacy Technician 106-110 Removed:  Source of Occupational Standards- American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) (www.ashp.org) 2010  Names/Numbers of Occupational Standards- ASHP Standards, Part VII 1-6, 8, 11-17, 21, 24-25, 27-30, 34-35  Technical Skills Assessment- Certified Pharmacy Technician (CPhTs), Pharmacy Technician Certification Board

Added:  Source of Occupational Standards- National Consortium of Health Science Education  Names/Numbers of Occupational Standards- National Consortium for Health Science Education-NCHSE 1-11  Technical Skills Assessment- Pharmacy Technician Exam  Date of Current Agreement (Tech Prep)- 2017  Postsecondary Institution Name- University of Alaska Anchorage- CTC  Postsecondary Course Name- Introduction to Pharmacy  Postsecondary Course Number- PHAR A101  Number of Postsecondary Credits- 3

Changed:  Grades (Course Information)- from “10-12” to “12”  Sequence or CTEPS- from “Certified Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician (This is an introductory course for all Health Sciences Pathways.)” to “Health Science-Allied Health & Pre-Nursing, Emergency Services”  Date of District Course Revision- “Spring 2013” to “Spring 2018”  Course Description  Instructional Topic Headings  “Employability Standards” to “Career Ready Practices”

Changes to CTE Health Science Curriculum, 1st Draft 2017-2018 Revision  Source of Employability Standards- from “Alaska” to “Alaska Employability Standards, NCHSE”  Current Tech Prep Articulation Agreement- from “No” to “Yes”  Course Developed By- “C. Browder, J. Johnson, L. Kaiser” to “UAA”  Course Adapted From- “FNSBSD Career & Technical Education Curriculum” to “UAA-CTC”  Standards Alignment

Professionalism in Health Care 114-117 Removed:  Prerequisites- Introduction to Healthcare Occupations A  Source of Occupational Standards- National Consortium of Health Science & Technology Education (NCHSTE) (www.nchste.org)  Names/Numbers of Occupational Standards- National Healthcare Foundation Standards and Accountability Criteria 2.1 - 2.15, 2.3 - 2.31, 4.1 - 4.42, 8.1 - 8.23

Added:  Source of Occupational Standards: o National Consortium for Health Science Education - NCHSE o Alaskan Core Competencies – ACC  Names/Numbers of Occupational Standards- NCHSE 1-11, ACC 1, 9 & 10  Technical Skills Assessment- HIPAA

Changed:  Sequence or CTEPS- from “Certified Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician” to “Health Science - Allied Health & Pre-Nursing, Emergency Services  Date of District Course Revision- “Spring 2012” to “Spring 2018”  Course Description  Instructional Topic Headings  “Employability Standards” to “Career Ready Practices”  Source of Employability Standards- “Alaska” to “National Consortium for Health Science Education (NCHSE); Alaska Core Competencies (ACC)”  Date of Current Agreement (Tech Prep)- from “September 2011” to “2017”  Postsecondary Course Name- “Introduction to Health Careers” to “Professional Skills for the Workplace”  Postsecondary Course Number0 “HEALTH F105” to “HLTH 110”  Course Developed By- from “C. Browder, J. Johnson, L. Kaiser” to “UAF-CTC”  Date of Previous Course Revision- “May 6, 2006” to “2012”  Standards Alignment

Changes to CTE Health Science Curriculum, 1st Draft 2017-2018 Revision Courses not revised:  Biomedical Innovations A/B  Human Body Systems A/B  Medical Interventions A/B  Principles of Biomedical Sciences A/B

Changes to CTE Health Science Curriculum, 1st Draft 2017-2018 Revision Changes Made to CTE Health Science Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision 2nd Draft

Introduction Page # Section i Acknowledgements Changed: Board Curriculum Advisory Committee to Curriculum Advisory Committee

Added: Curriculum draft 2 writers ii Added list of acronyms vi Health Science Overview District Cluster Overview Changed:  Introduction to Healthcare Occupations to First Aid/CPR & Health Careers Exploration  Medical Law & Ethics to Law & Ethics for Health Professionals Certification Options Changed:  Introduction to Healthcare Careers 1A/1B to First Aid/CPR & Health Careers Exploration vii - viii Program of Study- Allied Health & Nursing Removed:  Keytain/Career Ready 101 Changed:  9th grade- SBA to PEAKS  10th grade- SBA/HSGQE to PEAKS  WorkKeys to regular font (it had boldface & italics, which incorrectly indicated that it was a state required test.)  Updated course titles to active courses: o College Prep to English 10 Honors o UAF English III to UAF Writing 111 o Geometry/Trigonometry to Geometry o Precalculus to Functions & Analysis o Legal & Ethical Issues to Law & Ethics for Health Professionals o Introduction to Health Occupations A to Introduction to Healthcare Occupations o Introductions to Health Occupations B to First Aid/CPR & Health Careers Exploration o Nutrition to Nutrition in Health Care ix Program of Study- Allied Health & Pre-Nursing (Associate’s Degree) Updated course titles to active courses:  English 111 to Writing 111  English 211 or 213 to Writing 211 or 213

Changes to CTE Health Science Curriculum, 2nd Draft 2017-2018 Revision x Program of Study- Allied Health & Pre-Nursing (Medical Assistant Certificate Program) Updated course titles to active courses:  English 111 to Writing 111 xi Program of Study- Allied Health & Pre-Nursing (Pre-Nursing Certificate Program) Updated course titles to active courses:  English 111 to Writing 111  English 211 to Writing 211 xii Added Program of Study- Biomedical xiii Program of Study- Certified Nursing Assistant Added:  List of assessments, for example PEAKS, WorkKeys, & PSAT Changed:  Geometry/Trig to Geometry  Medical Law & Ethics to Law & Ethics for Health Professionals  Exploring Health Careers to First Aid/CPR & Health Careers Exploration  Introduction to Health Careers to Introduction to Healthcare Occupations vii Program of Study- Emergency Medical Technician Added:  List of assessments, for example PEAKS, WorkKeys, & PSAT Changed:  Geometry/Trig to Geometry  Exploring Health Careers to First Aid/CPR & Health Careers Exploration  Introduction to Health Careers to Introduction to Healthcare Occupations viii Program of Study- Emergency Services Removed:  Keytain/Career Ready 101 Changed:  9th grade- SBA to PEAKS  10th grade- SBA/HSGQE to PEAKS  WorkKeys to regular font (it had boldface & italics, which incorrectly indicated that it was a state required test.)  College Prep to English 10 Honors  UAF English 111 to UAF Writing 111  Careers & Employability to Computer Applications  Geometry w/Trig to Geometry  Precalculus to Functions & Analysis  Introduction to Health Occupations B to First Aid/CPR & Health Careers Exploration  Nutrition to Nutrition in Health Care x Program of Study- Emergency Services (Postsecondary) Added:  Postsecondary Partner- UAF CTC  Postsecondary program

Changes to CTE Health Science Curriculum, 2nd Draft 2017-2018 Revision Changed:  English 111 to Writing 111  English 213 to Writing 213

Career & Technical Education Health Science Course 2 Biomedical Innovations A  Added- Course number CTEK133 5-6 Biomedical Innovations B Added:  Course number CTEK134  Course adapted from PLTW 8-10 Certified Nursing Assistant Added:  Technical skills assessment- State of Alaska CNA exam  Changed:  Prerequisites- from “Intro to Health Careers & Human Anatomy & Physiology” to “Teacher recommendation, Intro to Healthcare Occupations highly recommended, submission of CNA application”  Date of district course revision to spring 2018  Date of previous revision from 2006 to 2012  Course brokered through another institute- from “no” to “Yes” 11-13 Certified Nursing Assistant: Clinical Experience  Added: Technical skills assessment- State of Alaska CNA exam Changed:  Date of district course revision to Spring 2018  Date of previous revision from 2006 to 2012  Course brokered through another institute- from “no” to “Yes” 36 Human Behavior in Health Care- Course Information Added:  Date of District Course Revision- Spring 2018 Changed:  Prerequisites from Intro to Health Occupations 1A to Introduction to Healthcare Occupations 39-44 Human Body Systems A/B  Separated into two course descriptions. 93 Medical Terminology 1A  Added: Technical Skills Assessment- NCHSE

112-117 Principles of Biomedical Sciences A/B  Separated into two course descriptions.

Changes to CTE Health Science Curriculum, 2nd Draft 2017-2018 Revision

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District

World Languages 2017-2018 Revision, Draft One

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District Table of Contents World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1 Table of Contents


K-12 World Language Courses SUGGESTED GUIDELINES FOR ELEMENTARY PROGRAMS ...... 1 WORLD LANGUAGES EXPLORATORY: GRADES 6-8 ...... 10 AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE...... 12 CHINESE ...... 20 FRENCH ...... 33 GERMAN...... 48 JAPANESE ...... 56 SPANISH ...... 83 GWICH’IN ...... 98 KOYUKO ...... 101 LATIN ...... 104 RUSSIAN ...... 110


Fairbanks North Star Borough School District Table of Contents World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1 Acknowledgements

World Language Writers

Leanna Barron – West Valley High School Ivonete Kinson-Blackwelder – North Pole High School Shu Huang – West Valley High School Kanji Nagaoka – Lathrop High School

Department of Teaching and Learning

Melanie Hadaway – Executive Director of Teaching & Learning April Scott – Secondary Curriculum Coordinator Jennifer Morgan – Materials Development Specialist

We would also like to recognize the Board Curriculum Advisory Committee and the many teachers, administrators, parents, and community members for their contributions to this document.

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District i Acknowledgements World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1 Philosophy and Mission Statement


A successful world language program incorporates varied instructional strategies, technologies, assessments for communicative proficiency, and opportunities to participate in culturally authentic immersion experiences. The study of languages and cultures develops appreciation, understanding, and acceptance among the world’s peoples, broadens university and career choices, and enhances student performance in other content areas. The study of a world language allows students to recognize their own distinct culture and language and enriches the students’ personal lives. Therefore, studying languages and cultures is an integral part of the essential curriculum for students of all ages and abilities.


Our mission is to encourage students to become global citizens by instilling cultural understanding, developing language skills, and promoting life-long learning. Acquiring a new language is an on-going process developed over time; therefore the Fairbanks North Star Borough School District commits to:

 encouraging students to engage in multiple years of world language education as a life- long learning process (career or college).

 creating a classroom environment which supports language acquisition.

 providing instructors who are proficient in the target language and knowledgeable in the latest methodology.

 integrating various methods, materials, technology, and immersion experiences to help students learn to respond, perform, and create in the target language.

 utilizing community resources to help students make connections locally and world-wide.

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District ii Philosophy and Mission World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1 Explanation of Terms

Alaska Content Standards Standards adopted by the State Board of Education for what students should be learning in ten core subject areas. These standards are general statements of what Alaskans want students to know and be able to do as a result of their public schooling.

Alaska Performance Standards Standards adopted by the State Board of Education as specific statements of what students should know and be able to do. They were adopted in reading, writing, and mathematics at four benchmark levels.

Benchmark A point of reference against which individuals are compared and evaluated. In relation to the Alaska Performance Standards, a benchmark identifies a level of expected achievement and is measured at the end of the third, sixth, and eighth grades (benchmark exam). The high school benchmark equivalent is also required of students before they can receive a high school diploma. It is called the High School Graduation Qualifying Exam (HSGQE).

Cultural Standards for Alaska Students Standards endorsed by the State Board of Education that serve to encourage enrichment of the content standards. They are used as a guide to ensure that schools are aware and sensitive to their surrounding physical and cultural environments.

Mastery Core Objectives Statements that document specific, essential tasks students are expected to accomplish in a given grade level or course.

Ongoing Learner Goals Objectives that are fostered and reinforced on every suitable occasion. Mastery is not assigned to a specific grade level or course.

Suggested Activities Strategies and activities that enable teachers to help all students achieve Mastery Core Objectives.

Readiness Standards Expected indicators of student readiness for entering each grade level.

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District iii Explanation of Terms World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1 Standards Alignment Coding

The World Languages Curriculum has been aligned with the Alaska Content and Performance Standards. A complete text of the standards may be found in the appendix. The following coding is used throughout this document to correlate the core objectives with the Alaska Content and Performance Standards.

Content and Cultural Standards:

Content Standard A.A.7a Standard and Subdivision (if necessary) This example is Arts. Key Element of the Content Standard E/LA = English/Language Arts

M = Mathematics S = Science GY = Geography G/C = Government and Citizenship H = History HL = Skills for a Healthy Life A = Arts WL = World Languages T = Technology EM = Employability L/IL = Library/Information Literacy CS = Cultural Standards

English/Language Arts Performance Standards:

Standard Category R1.1a Performance Standard and Subdivision (if necessary) Key: R = Reading Performance Standard W = Writing Performance Standard Benchmark Level. This example is Level 1, ages 5-7.

Mathematics Performance Standards: A1.2.1 Performance Standard Key Element of the Content Standard: A1 = Numeration A2 = Measurement A3 = Estimation and Computation A4 = Functions and Relationships Benchmark Level. This example is Level 2, ages 8-10. A5 = Geometry A6 = Statistics/Probability B1 = Problem Solving C1 = Communications D1 = Reasoning E1 = Connections

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District iv Standards Alignment Coding World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1 Readiness Standards

The following are expected indicators of student readiness for entering each grade level. Students will:

Pre-Level I and Level I . Understand some of the social and academic benefits to studying another language and culture

Level II Communicative Knowledge and Functions: . Approximate correct pronunciation of sounds and vocabulary introduced in Level I . Engage in brief communication exchanges in the target language (concrete ideas) . Use simple verbs in present tense . Use complete sentences including subjects and objects using simple syntax . Recall the core vocabulary and meta language learned in Level I . Recognize and follow routine classroom directions Grammatical Knowledge: . Apply reading skills from Level I to new context . Recognize high frequency/common words or phrases . Use correct structures introduced in Level I Cultural Knowledge: . Locate and identify regions and countries where the target language is used as a primary or secondary language . Generally describe some of the historical reasons for the use of the target language in particular parts of the world . Know some important aspects of daily life in the target language-speaking world . Identify important or common foods prepared in the target language culture(s)

Level III Communicative Knowledge and Functions: . Approximate correct pronunciation of sounds and vocabulary introduced in Levels I & II . Engage in more complex (e.g. abstract ideas; multiple turn-taking) communication exchanges in the target language . Use common verbs in present and past tenses . Use complete sentences including subjects and objects using more descriptive language . Listen to comprehend and gain knowledge on new topics . Recall the core vocabulary and meta language learned in Levels I & II Grammatical Knowledge: . Understand written materials with familiar vocabulary and structures . Use context to derive meaning of new vocabulary . Compose short compositions on a familiar topic applying correct grammar and usage . Use some descriptive language in writing Cultural Knowledge: . Analyze important aspects of customs and daily life in the target language culture . Display an understanding and appreciation of some cultural differences and similarities within the target language speaking world . Display an understanding and appreciation of some cultural differences and similarities between the United States and the target language speaking world

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District v Readiness Standards World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Level IV Communicative Knowledge & Functions:  Retain and use an expanded vocabulary  Listen to comprehend and gain knowledge on new topics  Express personal opinions and ideas orally and in writing  Engage in more complex verbal exchanges including narration of personal experiences Grammatical Knowledge:  Read selections containing most verb tenses  Use correct structures: verbs in compound tenses (and subjunctive) and all forms of nouns and modifiers Cultural Knowledge:  Compare and contrast the target language culture to the student’s personal culture

AP Communicative Knowledge & Functions:  Retain and use an expanded vocabulary  Listen to comprehend and gain knowledge on new topics  Express personal opinions and ideas, as well as those of others, orally and in writing  Engage in more complex verbal exchanges including narration of personal experiences  Compare, contrast, and discuss the facts and ideas in the target language orally and in writing Grammatical Knowledge:  Read selections containing most verb tenses  Use correct structures: verbs in compound tenses (and subjunctive) and all forms of nouns and modifiers Cultural Knowledge:  Compare and contrast the target language’s culture and history and the student’s personal culture and history

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District vi Readiness Standards World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1 Ongoing Learner Goals

Students will: Alaska Content Standards:

 understand and participate in verbal exchanges of WL.A; WL.C increasing complexity  use correct structures in communication WL.A; E/LA.A.1,2 WL.B; WL.C; E/LA.E.1; A.B.2,  understand personal language and culture by examining A.D.5; G/C.A.4; H.B.1; CS.A.5,7; another language and culture CS.B.1,2; CS.E.1,2,5,8 WL.A; WL.C; E/LA.A.6; E/LA.E;  interact appropriately in multilingual environments CS.C.4  apply language skills and cultural knowledge to enhance WL.B; WL.C; A.B.2,7,8; H.C; HL.C.6 personal, intellectual, and social growth  increase proficiency in writing ideas and opinions using a WL.A; E/LA.A.1,2,4,5,7,8; H.D.3,6; variety of technologies L/IL.B.1,5  read and listen to comprehend increasingly complex WL.A; E/LA.B; E/LA.D.1; E/LA.E selections  work to improve pronunciation skills WL.A; E/LA.A.3  utilize available resources to experience authentic cultural WL.B; WL.C; A.A.1; A.B.2; CS.C.4; and language exposure and to participate in multicultural CS.D.4, CS.E.1,3 events  utilize target language to discuss issues of local and WL.A; WL.B; WL.C; E/LA.D; global importance G.A.1,5; G.B.1; G.F.6; G/C.D.5, H.A WL.B; WL.C; A.A.1; A.B.2; G.B.6;  seek opportunities for immersion in the target language CS.C.4  develop an understanding of how language and history WL.B; WL.C; G.B.1,3,4,7,8; have shaped the target language culture G.D.1,4,5; G.F.5,6; H.B; H.C  investigate career opportunities that require knowledge of WL.C; EM.A.2; EM.B.4 the target language as a necessary skill

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District vii Ongoing Learner Goals World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1 Suggested Guidelines for Elementary Programs Offer several levels of language, taught in the target language as much as possible with a highly qualified teacher on a regular on-going basis. Ideal meeting time is one hour per day, but curriculum can be adapted based on time available and teacher expertise. Below is an example of what a world language program might look like in a K-6 elementary. As of 2009-2010, an elementary world language program is being taught at Barnette Magnet School.

Grades K-1: World Language In this class students will be immersed in the target language for music, dance, art, books, food and games. Prerequisite: None

Themes Objectives Suggested Activities Students will:  Music  know that some people speak other languages  Present a concert to families and community of  Dance  know that other languages have unique cultural songs and dance that children can perform  Arts components  Display artwork with a description of the cultural  Literacy  know that other languages are written differently connection   Food than English Display bulletin boards of books children have  recognize and sing along to authentic children's chosen and heard read to them . Traditional dishes songs  Students make a pictorial recipe, help prepare, and . Holiday foods  participate in authentic dance from the culture eat foods  Games  create artwork inspired by authentic culture and  Students play games such as Simon Says, Head,  Classroom Routines know how the art and culture are connected Shoulders, Knees, and Toes, or Bingo  listen to and view children's books read to them in  Students respond to basic classroom commands in the target language the target language  know some foods and ingredients from the culture  recognize enough spoken vocabulary to participate in classroom routines and language games

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 1 Elementary Programs-Grades K-1 World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1 Grades 2-3: World Language Students will be immersed in target language instruction for music, dance, art, books, projects, food, and games. Basic themes can all be introduced as time allows without the expectation of mastery. The focus is keeping the students engaged and successful in activities. Prerequisite: None

Themes Objectives Suggested Activities Students will:  Personal Information  recognize and sing along to children's songs  Display bulletin board of books children have Ask / Tell  participate in dance from the culture chosen and heard read to them . greetings, introductions, leave-taking  create artwork inspired by culture and know how the  Use cooperative structures to practice vocabulary . age art and culture are connected strands . where they are from  listen to and view children's books read to them in  Students write holiday cards in target language to . discuss cultural differences the target language classmates or family  Basics  know some foods and ingredients from the culture  Students participate in a fashion show displaying . numbers 0-30  recognize enough spoken vocabulary to participate clothing that a partner narrates . colors in language games  Students create a map of their town appropriately . alphabet, accent marks, pronunciation  sing an alphabet song and begin to sound out words labeled . classroom commands and phrases  respond appropriately to greetings such as “hello”,  Students play games that require knowledge of . question words “goodbye”, “how are you?” vocabulary such as letters, colors, and numbers  School  count up to thirty in the target language  Students create a book or poster with personal . ask / tell time  recognize names for some classroom objects information, family, and pictures . numbers 30-1000  Students create bar graphs of various student . ask / tell about classes and school pastime activities . ask / tell about teachers  Students practice TPR activities such as following . ask / tell about classroom objects directions which require knowledge of vocabulary . use prepositions of location with objects strand (point to the window, please give me the . compare target country's public school routines marker, color the tree purple, draw a mean dog, and systems Simon Says, etc.)  Weather/Seasons/Calendar  Students participate in many guided and modeled . date and month conversations based on vocabulary strands . seasons  Students perform short skits in class of varying . holidays/birthday length to practice vocabulary strands   Sports/Hobbies Students physically act out a simple book or play . seasonal sports and activities that the teacher reads aloud (Goldilocks and the . likes/dislikes Three Bears or any culturally appropriate story)  . hobbies Students orally present personal information about . ask / tell about daily activities themselves to peers  Sing songs to families and community

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 2 Elementary Programs-Grades 2-3 World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1 Family  Present dance to families and community . relationships  Display artwork with description of the cultural . physical description connection . personality description  Students write and illustrate recipe ingredients, help . household pets prepare and eat foods  Home . rooms in house . basic furniture . basic chores  Communities . places in the city (bank, library, restaurant, etc.) . modes of transportation  Food . fruits, vegetables . meat and dairy . drinks . traditional dishes . holiday foods  Culture . music . dance . art . holidays . famous people . national pastimes and interests

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 3 Elementary Programs-Grades 2-3 World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1 Grades 4-6: Beginning World Language Literacy Students review and learn basic vocabulary that was likely introduced in the younger grades. Students continue to learn with music, dance, art, books, projects, drama, food, and games. Literacy skills to be introduced include pronunciation, oral presentation, spelling, and writing, as appropriate for the language. Beginning grammar and geography skills are introduced (Examples in Spanish would be the concept of subject pronouns, verb conjugation and noun/adjective agreement.) Prerequisite: None

Themes Objectives Suggested Activities Students will:  Personal Information Culture:  Continue presenting concerts or displays of songs, Ask / tell  continue learning with songs, dance, art, food, and dance, art, and food days with families and younger . greetings, introductions, leave-taking games as in younger grades students . age  know how to show respect and interact in everyday  Engage in structured conversational practice on a . where they are from situations according to target culture regular basis with the vocabulary strand that is . discuss cultural differences  know how to respond appropriately to many currently being taught  Basics everyday greetings  Re-create, decorate, and label maps of the language . numbers 0-30 Geography: area . colors  be familiar with basic physical and political  Start a writing notebook with grammar notes, . alphabet, accent marks, pronunciation geography of areas where language is spoken dictations, verb practice, and writing exercises . classroom commands and phrases Literacy and Grammar:  Present a personal information show and tell with . question words  understand many phonetic skills necessary to structured phrases and visual aids (age, grade, home  School decode writing town, interests, family members) . ask / tell time  begin to sound out and write words, not based on  Write and share their daily schedule practicing time . numbers 30-1,000 rote memorization vocabulary with illustrations . ask / tell about classes and school  begin to decode a dictation  Describe which seasons they prefer and the kinds of . ask / tell about teachers  use comprehension skills such as cognates to assist activities that they do in each season or weather. . ask / tell about classroom objects in understanding  Play student-created games to practice numbers up . use prepositions of location with objects  begin to understand writing conventions to 100 . compare target country's public school routines  become familiar with varying accents of native  Celebrate common holidays from the culture and systems speakers  Using props and structured language perform a  Weather/Seasons/Calendar  begin to understand the concept of verb conjugation marketplace skit to buy and sell food items . date and month in the present tense  Create and share a diorama of an invented town . seasons  begin to understand the concept of subject and with important landmarks . holidays/birthday adjective use  Use pre-written scripts or common stories to  Sports/Hobbies  participate appropriately in a class taught entirely in perform short skits to practice target vocabulary, . seasonal sports and activities the target language reading, and pronunciation . likes/dislikes  sound out and pronounce well enough to be  Write and perform short skit which incorporates . hobbies understood by teacher basic information exchange with a new student . ask / tell about daily activities

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 4 Elementary Programs-Grades 4-6 Beginning World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1  Family Vocabulary:  Create a country or region with PowerPoint . relationships  recognize and spell many vocabulary words from including accurate pictures and very basic . physical description strands with few enough errors to be vocabulary to share with classmates . personality description comprehensible  Invite guest speakers to class to practice speaking, . household pets  use knowledge of vocabulary for receptive listen to new accents, learn dance, or learn about  Home understanding other places . rooms in house  use vocabulary to play games and complete projects . basic furniture . basic chores  Communities . places in the city (bank, library, restaurant, etc.) . modes of transportation  Food . fruits, vegetables . meat and dairy . drinks . traditional dishes . holiday foods  Geography . location of target countries . capitals . major geographic features of target countries . physical divisions of countries (regions, states, etc.) . monetary units  Culture . music . dance . art . holidays, celebrations . famous people . national pastimes and interests

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 5 Elementary Programs-Grades 4-6 Beginning World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1 Grades 4-6: Intermediate World Language Literacy Students practice basic vocabulary via projects which allow for differing levels of mastery. Students continue to learn with music, dance, art, books, projects, drama, food, and games. Literacy skills include pronunciation, spelling, writing, grammar, and speaking. Many themes may be introduced by the end of this class, but students are not expected to master all themes, as students will still be beginning- intermediate speakers at the end of this class. Prerequisite: One or more years of Beginning World Language Literacy or teacher permission

Themes Objectives Suggested Activities Students will: Review and reinforcement of Beginning World Culture:  Continue presenting concerts or displays of songs, Language Literacy themes and also an  continue learning with songs, dance, art, food, and dance, art, and food days with families introduction of the following: games as in younger grades  Engage in structured conversational practice on a  show respect and interact in everyday situations regular basis, with increasing levels of student input  Health according to target culture and time allowed for speaking . body parts   Re-create, decorate, and label maps of the language . respond appropriately to many everyday greetings daily routines for self-care area to include major landforms . symptoms of common illnesses Geography:  be familiar with physical and political geography of  Continue a writing notebook with grammar notes,  Travel areas where language is spoken dictations, and writing exercises . making reservations  be familiar with basic history of areas where  Use pre-written and student-made scripts to perform . transportation short skits to practice target vocabulary . language is spoken exchange currency  Re-do projects from earlier grades incorporating  Food Literacy and Grammar:  read and orally present short poems and book less structure, allowing for more student interest, . restaurant – order/comment on food passages and age maturity. For example, rather than have . market  speak clearly enough for a sympathetic listener to students perform actions to a teacher-read skit of Cultural aspect: understand them Goldilocks, have students read, adapt, and memorize . recipes/traditional foods from the target  decode well enough to write the main points of a another well-known story or play country dictation  Create and present a diorama of their ‘ house’ . legends pertaining to food (Spanish)  listen and read well enough to understand main after viewing real estate listings from the target . bargaining points from a sympathetic speaker or illustrated text language country  Family  begin to use writing conventions without direct  Students research and present a geographically . extended family teacher assistance accurate weather report from the target country or  Animals  begin to recognize differences in varying accents of region . basic animals native speakers  Present show-and-tell of favorite activities or . description  use verb conjugation in the present tense in writing pastimes to peers . general habitat (farm, jungle, desert, etc.)  begin to understand and recognize other verb tenses  Label and present a silly monster body using Cultural aspect: as needed such as preterite, imperfect, past magazine collage and descriptive adjectives . symbolism of certain animals in the target participle  Country report as in beginning level, but with a country  use subject and adjective agreement in writing different region or country and expanded descriptions

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 6 Elementary Programs-Grades 4-6 Intermediate World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1  House  begin to correct self while speaking in order to  Wax museum of a famous person, presented to . rooms practice grammatical topics that have been learned school or families in target language with visual . furniture Vocabulary: aids and/or interpreters to help those that don't speak . building materials  recognize and spell many vocabulary words from language . chores strands  Write essay of what happened over the holidays to Cultural aspect:  begin to use knowledge of vocabulary strands for practice past tenses . family responsibilities at home structured and unstructured speaking and writing  Write and decorate holiday letters or cards for . architecture of target countries projects family, other students, or school staff  Media and Technology  use vocabulary to play games and complete projects  Write to pen pals from an international pen pal . newspapers  use receptive language to begin to understand other program or a local high school language class . Internet academic content as it relates to target culture such  Interview classmates and present in a class . TV and films as math, history, geography, and literature newsletter for hobbies, interests, or vacation . books happenings  Culture  Act out a doctor visit, and medication . art recommendation . dance  Research project from target culture such as . music animals, art, or history . poetry  Invite guest speakers to class to practice speaking, . holidays listen to new accents, learn dance, or learn about . nationalities of target countries other places . famous speakers from target countries  Professions . basic professions in masculine and feminine forms

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 7 Elementary Programs-Grades 4-6 Intermediate World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1 Grades 4-6: Advanced World Language Literacy Students will apply vocabulary to accomplish projects which focus on areas of academic interest. Grammar topics include will include areas that are taught to secondary students. Projects allow for differing levels of mastery. Class themes focus on reinforcement of lower level vocabulary as needed, geography, travel, music, history, art, culture, food, literature, current events, other academic areas, and special topics as approved by teacher. Prerequisite: One or more years of Intermediate World Language Literacy or teacher permission

Themes Objectives Suggested Activities Students will: Reinforcement of vocabulary themes from  extensively label maps from the target language  Continue presenting concerts or displays of songs, previous years with ample opportunity for practice areas dance, art, and food days with families and improvement. Additional themes to explore  use real websites in the target language to obtain  Engage in structured and unstructured are as follows: information conversational practice on a regular basis, with high  recognize, identify, and perform various music and levels of student input  Enhancement of Personal Information dance styles  Re-create, decorate, and label maps of the language . family, childhood (may introduce the  describe basic historical events and some area to include major landforms and other points of imperfect) implications for modern life in target areas interest such as habitat, populations, animals, dates, . friendship  know some famous artists and recognize their key points of interest, transportation, etc. . school work  Continue a writing notebook with grammar notes, . hobbies  interact appropriately with native speakers or in dictations, and writing exercises based on skills in . opinions mock everyday situations the high school curriculum Lifestyles  identify foods and order food from a menu  Use student-made scripts to perform skits to practice . life in target countries  read and summarize main points from a variety of target vocabulary . compare traditional and contemporary genres with and without peer or teacher support  Perform for school and family a literary play in lifestyles  describe some current events and their significance target language . taking care of oneself (daily routine and health)  complete projects with teacher support on areas of  If available, eat in a local restaurant that can allow Literature academic interest or for dual credit with cooperating students to order in target language . legends or short stories, fairy tales, or articles co-teacher  Invite native speakers to class to share food in a Music and Art  perform grammar functions from the high school culturally appropriate way . contemporary and traditional music and art curriculum with increasing complexity  Write, edit, and revise projects such as a structured from target countries booklet, poster, or presentation using the vocabulary . express basic opinions of music and art strands (diorama, current events reports, debate, Cultural Heritage weather report, student pastimes, country report, . social issues of the target countries famous person report, what happened over the (e.g., immigration, poverty, gender, politics, holidays, holiday letters or cards, pen pals, class religion, etc.) interviews, research project on item from country . stereotypes such as animal, art, or history)

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 8 Elementary Programs-Grades 4-6 Advanced World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1 . architecture, building materials in target  Use target language to complete projects in other countries academic areas such as artist study, writing a Storytelling children's book, poetry recital, science experiment, landform diorama, chemistry experiment, and math applications  Visit high schools to connect students with teachers and with older students studying the same target language  Engage in a service project  Teach lower level students a lesson based on the target language vocabulary strands  Invite guest speakers to class to practice speaking, listen to new accents, learn dance, or learn about other places

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 9 Elementary Programs-Grades 4-6 Advanced World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

World Languages Exploratory: Grades 6-8

Grade: 6-8 Overview: The World Language Exploratory course introduces a minimum of two foreign Length: 1 quarter, or 1 semester languages. Students are introduced to language learning through basic vocabulary and phrases with a Prerequisites: None minimum of exposure to grammatical concepts. It includes an introduction to the geography and cultures of the languages being studied.

Themes Mastery Core Objectives Grammar/

Usage/Structure Students will be introduced to the Students will: following concepts: The Country:  identify the location of country or countries where the language is spoken  some (Latin American) countries use a Geography & History  understand a brief historical background of the country definite article (el, la) as part of its name (el AK. Content Standards: WL.B.1-5  identify cognates Peru, la Argentina)  learn languages which are in the same language family

Cultural aspect:  explain how this country has influenced and/or been influenced by the United States  find some cities or names that come from the language being studied Introductions and Greetings  introduce themselves  difference between familiar and formal AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  ask another person’s name address 3; B.2-3  express greetings and farewells for various times of day  alphabetical differences  practice expressions of courtesy  verbs often change to agree with the subject  give age and ask another’s age  recognize the alphabet and writing system  learn differences in the alphabet and pronunciations  say how they feel and ask another how they feel

Cultural aspect:  understand that gestures can mean other things in other cultures  be introduced to differences in personal space  understand different forms of greeting (kiss, handshake, etc.)  identify some famous people from the country being studied

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 10 World Languages Exploratory World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Numbers and Colors  learn to correctly count from 1-100  noun and adjective agreement AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1  learn seven to ten colors  gender of nouns in different languages  recognize that nouns have genders in other languages  recognize formation of some plurals Weather, Dates, and Seasons  learn the names of the days of the week and seasons  some languages do not capitalize names of AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1;  identify simple weather descriptions days of weeks, months, etc. B.2-3 Cultural aspect:  explain differences in calendar week (Monday-Sunday)  describe holidays  explain that countries in southern hemisphere have opposite seasons For Exploratory classes of more  name seven to ten body parts  different constructions to express ideas in than 40 hours (or one quarter) the  play games or sing songs (Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes) about parts of other languages, (e.g., gustar, mir, etc.) following themes may be used: the body Parts of the Body  learn descriptive adjectives such as: small, short, tall, pretty, ugly, athletic, Likes and Dislikes lazy, etc.  say how they feel Leisure and Recreation  say what they like Time  ask another person what they like Clothing Cultural aspect: Shopping  explain bartering in the marketplace Home  explain why fresh foods are bought each day Food  describe specialty shops Art/music  explain differences in family living arrangements  explain how leisure time is spent Health  explain the practice of giving flowers when visiting Family  explain the importance of the extended family School AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1- 3; WL.B.3

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 11 World Languages Exploratory World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1


Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 12 American Sign Language World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

American Sign Language I Grade: 8-12 Overview: ASL I is an introductory course designed for students to communicate in ASL in Length: 2 semesters everyday life. Students will use basic ASL grammar, engage in conversations on a variety of topics, Prerequisites: work on comprehension skills, and explore the Deaf and hard of hearing culture.

Themes Mastery Core Objectives Grammar/

Usage/Structure Students will be introduced to the Students will: following concepts: Introduction to ASL  learn an overview of the history of ASL  position of hands while signing AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-3  facial expressions as grammar Cultural aspect:  parameters of a sign, i.e. hand shape,  the development and influence of language movement, location, palm orientation, non-  discuss aspects of the local deaf community manual signals Personal Information  greet, introduce themselves, and say good bye  yes/no questions (eye brows up) AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-3  ask / tell:  ‘wh’ question: What (eye brows down) o if Deaf or hearing  placement of questions o where they learned ASL  personal pronouns o who their teacher is  non manual markers: eye gaze o what they like and dislike  spatial referencing  numbers 1-15 Cultural aspect:  colors  demonstrate appropriate attention-getting behaviors and levels of formality of  oh-I-see greeting and leave-taking  manual alphabet Home  ask / tell:  attention getting AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-3 o where they live  ‘wh’-questions: Where and How o about rooms in house  real-world orientation o about basic furniture  noun-verb pairs o about basic chores  referencing  numbers 16-20 Cultural aspect:  adjective placement  clarity in locating and referencing  "cs" "mm" "ah"

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 13 American Sign Language I World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

School  ask / tell:  time first AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-3 o time o about classes and school o about teachers o about classroom objects Family  ask / tell:  possessive pronouns AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-3 o about family relationships  yes/ no questions o physical description  negative responses: #no, not, none o personality description  contrastive structure o about household pets  ranking  numbers 21-25 Cultural aspect:  ‘wh’-question: Who  Establishing who is Deaf and who is hearing  descriptive classifiers and order  Family roles and communication  agent markers  CODA (Children of Deaf Adults) Activities and Weather  ask / tell:  time signs AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-3 o about weather and seasons  time, topic, comment o about activities and hobbies that relate to the different seasons  ‘wh’ questions: (2h)#DO++ o likes and dislikes  dual pronouns: US-TWO o about daily activities  phrasing: listing activities o about sports  numbers: 26-30, multiples of 5 (to 100)  past and future tense and indicators Cultural aspect:  demonstrate time concepts  keep each other informed Giving Directions  ask or tell where to find a place  ordinal numbers AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-4  repeat and confirm the information  topic and comment structure  ask / tell modes of transportation  object, subject, and verb sentence pattern  eye contact and eye indexing Cultural aspect:  spatial referencing  learn about cross cultural communication  classifiers Food  order and critique food and drinks  imperative verbs AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-3  discuss different methods of payment  spatial referencing  ask for basic fruits and vegetables  role shifting  discuss holiday foods  money numbers  numbers 31-66 Cultural aspect:  practice signing and eating at the same time

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 14 American Sign Language I World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

People and Occupations  use a variety of adjectives and descriptive classifiers to discuss people’s  possessive pronouns AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1- physical appearance  ‘wh’ questions: How-old, How + long 3; C.2  explain relationships  listing principle  ask / tell about occupations  ranking family members  dual personal pronouns Cultural aspect:  age number  explore the uses of ASL in various careers  numbers 67-98  demonstrate the ability to communicate simple messages, which can be understood by a native speaker  explore famous Deaf people and their accomplishments Routines  ask / tell about their daily a.m./p.m. routine  temporal sequencing AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-3  time signs: frequency (every…) Cultural aspect:  clock numbers  discuss different ways Deaf people wake up (Sonic Boom Alarm Clock)  ‘wh’ question: When Story Telling  understand short stories, poems, and simple jokes in ASL  role shifting AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1  identify principal characters and explore songs, poetry, jokes, and stories  characterization known in the Deaf community  classifiers  acting and signing Cultural aspect:  body language  The Fishy Story  pausing  The Candy Bar  Which Room Was It?  ABC Gum  Safe Keeping Suggested Movies  Children of a Lesser God  Love is Never Silent

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 15 American Sign Language I World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

American Sign Language II Grade: 9-12 Overview: This course continues to expand communication skills, with more grammar, and a Length: 2 semesters stronger emphasis on communication capabilities. It includes an increased study of cultural, issues Prerequisites: ASL I affecting the Deaf community.

Themes Mastery Core Objectives Grammar/

Usage/Structure Students will be introduced to or will Students will: review the following concepts: Home  ask/describe their houses (inside and outside)  topic-comment structure AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-3  ask / tell about the furniture and placement of furniture in the different rooms  weak hand as reference  locative classifiers Cultural aspect:  yes and no questions  visiting a friend you haven’t seen for awhile  ordinal numbers  discuss and describe the layout of a Deaf-friendly home  numbers 101-109  multiples of 100 to 1,000  commands Life Events  describe important events and experiences that occur in life  time sequence of events AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-3  compare a hearing childhood from that of a Deaf one  life events transitions  tell the life events of someone older or who has passed away  phrasing for sequencing events  ask / tell dates  when clauses  years, finish, what happened  plural classifiers  referencing Health  demonstrate and understanding of various communication strategies used by  how and when to use the different services AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-3 Deaf and hard of hearing in their daily lives provided to the Deaf and hard of hearing  describe symptoms of common illnesses  ask questions to health care professionals  investigate the controversial topic of cochlear implants (pros and cons)

Cultural aspect:  ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act)  Sweet Nothing in My Ear (movie suggestion)

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 16 American Sign Language II World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Food  learn how to shop in a market  “I prefer” AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-3  identify types of shops  compare and contrast  discuss foods from different countries  past, present, and future tenses  order and critique food  express doubts  getting someone’s attention from across the Cultural aspect: table  students will practice interpreting for someone who is Deaf in a store or restaurant setting  explore and practice common customs and activities that might occur at a Deaf banquet Travel  make all of the basic reservations involved in taking a vacation  proper past, present, future tense AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-3  money and cost Cultural aspect:  interpreters and services available for the  ADA accommodations for the Deaf Deaf  what to do when services are not provided  investigate places of importance to Deaf people in the community Famous Deaf People  discuss different Deaf individuals who have in the past, and today, impacted  sequencing of life events AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-3 the Deaf culture  transitional phrases  explore Deaf artists  when clauses  ask / tell:  contrastive structure o about nationalities  possessive forms: POSS, 'S o about professions  descriptive and locative classifiers  numbers 110-119  dates and addresses Holidays  discuss and describe various holidays and how they are celebrated  demonstrate greater knowledge of AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-3 pronouns, nouns, and modifiers in correct Cultural aspect: word order  Deaf for a day  the use of classifiers  Deaf month (March 13-April 15)  facial expression  Investigate activities during Deaf Awareness week Storytelling  continue to develop their storytelling skills Students will continue to develop the AK. Content Standards:WL.A.1-3  practice telling traditional ASL stories following concepts in greater depth:  watch and analyze ASL stories and poetry  classifiers  building vocabulary  greater details and advanced sentence structure

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 17 American Sign Language II World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

American Sign Language III Grade: 10-12 Overview: In this ASL III class, the course will emphasize and expand vocabulary from ASL I and Length: 2 semesters ASL II Themes, Grammar, and expressions, and integrate a deeper knowledge of the Deaf culture. There Prerequisites: ASL II will be increased fluency in ASL as well as the study of Deaf history, literature, and art.

Themes Mastery Core Objectives Grammar/

Usage/Structure Students will be introduced to or will Students will: review the following concepts: Hobbies and Activities  ask / tell about hobbies  referencing AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  express their opinions on a variety of current events  facial expressions 3; B.2  placement of pronouns Cultural aspect:  eye contact  discuss and share Deaf current events relating to the current theme Travel  discuss and share their past, present, and future plans concerning travel  money AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-3 including in the US and foreign travel  transportation  plan and discuss detailed aspects of taking a vacation  domestic and overseas travel  describe transportation to get them there

Cultural aspect:  research information for popular vacation spots and Deaf accommodations Technology  compare and analyze past with present technology that the Deaf use to AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-3 communicate  discuss responsibilities of employers in accordance with ADA

Cultural aspect:  compare and analyze past with present technology that the Deaf use to communicate: TTY (Teletypewriter), video phone, Relay Alaska, texting, Blue Tooth

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 18 American Sign Language III World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Education  discuss and analyze: AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-3 o the average education of the Deaf o the Deaf in the community and their occupations o a variety of schools that offer classes and degrees for the Deaf, hard-of- hearing, and hearing

Cultural aspect:  Gallaudet University: degrees, cost, available services for the deaf Geography and Nationalities  be able to discuss Alaska's geography  possessive forms AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-3  ask / tell:  dates, numbers, addresses o main mountains, lakes, streams, rivers, valleys  when clauses o about different countries and their main geographical features  country sign names o about different nationalities from around the world  descriptive and locative classifiers o about their own cultural heritage  geography vocabulary ASL Literature & Poetry  discuss Deaf culture  temporal sequencing AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-3  discuss oral literature  classifiers  explore historical literature  time signs with durative aspect  ask / tell Deaf jokes  learn about ASL folk tales and legends Describing and Identifying  describe shapes  descriptive classifiers for shapes, patterns, Things  ask / tell: textures AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-3 o about textures of objects  instrumental classifiers o about patterns of objects  week hand as reference o about different materials that things are made of  topic-comment structure  ask what a word means and give a definition by how it looks and how it  non-manual markers: "oo" "cha" "mm" works  money numbers

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 19 American Sign Language III World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1


Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 20 Chinese World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Chinese I Grades: 9-12 Overview: Chinese 1 is a year-long introduction to modern Mandarin Chinese and Chinese Length: 2 semesters culture. This course covers basic skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing, as well as Prerequisites: None knowledge of Chinese culture and philosophy. Approximately 140 Chinese characters are introduced.


Themes Mastery Core Objectives Usage/ Structure Students will be introduced to the Students will: following concepts: Basics  Understand the differences between Mandarin and Chinese  Pinyin spelling rules Introduction of Chinese  Understand Chinese syllabic structure  Tone change rules language basics: syllabic  Pronounce initials, finals and initials, finals combinations  Chinese character stroke order structure, pronunciation and  Pronounce four tones and neutral tone  Punctuation rules writing system  Comprehend Pinyin spelling rules AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1—  Learn the six categories of Chinese characters formation 3; B.1,5  Know the meanings and origins of 30 basic Chinese radicals National Standards: 1.2;2.1-2 Personal Information  How to greet and leave a conversation with others appropriately  Verb 姓 AK. Content Standards: WLA.1-3;  Ask a person’s last name and full name and provide one’s own name  Questions ending with ne and 吗 B3  Ask about someone’s nationality and which city he/she came from  Verb 叫 National Standards: 1.1-3;2.1-2;5.1  Write one’s own name in Chinese  Negative adverb 不

 Verb 是 Culture aspect:  Understand Chinese name order  Practice how to ask someone’s full name respectfully  Understand how to address someone: surname + title

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 21 Chinese I World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Family  Introduce family members  Particle 的 AK. Content Standards:  Ask about someone’s profession  Verb 有 WL.A.1-3; B.1, 2  Know the terms for some common professions  The usage of 二 and 两 National Standards: 1.1-3;2.1-2;5.1  Learn to count from 1 to 10  Adverb 都  Understand measure words  Use some common pronouns

Culture aspect:  Use basic kinship terms  Learn and discuss Chinese education system Dates and Time  Tell and speak about time and dates  Use 还是 to form an alternative question. AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-3;  Able to count from 1 to 100  Affirmative +negative to form questions B.1,2; C.1  Use days of the week and months  Adverb 还 National Standards: 1.1-3;2.1-2;5.1  Understand Chinese time order  Talk about one’s age and birthday  Invite someone to and for a meal  Arrange a dinner date

Culture aspect:  Know the traditional Chinese manner of counting age (xushui)  Discuss traditional Chinese birthday food  Sing Chinese Happy Birthday song Hobbies  Know the terms for some common hobbies  Conjunction 那么 AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-3;  Ask about someone’s hobbies  去 + action B.1,2; C.2  Plan weekend activities  Question with 好吗 National Standards:  Understand word order in Chinese  以为 所以 1.1-3;2.1-2;5.1 … structure  Verb + Object as a detachable compound Culture aspect:  Know how to play a few common Chinese recreation games: xiangqi and weiqi

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 22 Chinese I World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Visiting friends  Able to welcome guests graciously  Particle 吧 AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  Introduce one person to another  Preposition 在 3; B.2  Offer beverages to a visitor  Particle 了 National Standards: 1.1-3;2.1-2;5.1  Say when he/she is hungry, thirsty, or full  Adverb 才  Ask for beverages as a guest  Use 点儿 to soften the tone of voice

Cultural aspect:  Understand Chinese guest manners and how to choose proper gifts  Know how to be a gracious guest in Chinese speaking world  Discuss Chinese tea culture  Demonstrate how to make Taiwan bubble tea Making appointments  Conduct a phone call conversation  Preposition 给 AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  Set up an appointment on the phone  Adverb 别 3; B.2-4  Ask someone to return his/her phone call  Modal verb 要 National Standards:1.1-3;2.1;5.1  Provide alternatives for appointment time  Modal verb 得

Cultural aspect:  Discuss Chinese phone etiquette  Practice how to make long distance calls in China

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 23 Chinese I World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Chinese II Grades: 10-12 Overview: Chinese II is a continuation of Chinese I to improve communication skills with Length: 2 semesters the emphasis on expanding vocabulary, grammar structures, reading comprehension, and Prerequisites: Chinese I sentence writing ability. Approximately 170 Chinese characters are introduced.


Themes Mastery Core Objectives Usage/ Structure Students will be introduced to the Students will: following concepts: Health  Name body parts  Preposition 对 AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-3;  Describe symptoms of common illnesses  死 to emphasize the severity of the B.2-3; C.1  Describe common symptoms of allergies degree National Standards: 1.1-3;2.1-2;5.1  Understand instructions on taking medications  Times of actions  把 structure Cultural aspect:  被 structure  Understand basic information about Chinese medicine  Describe basic information about Qi and demonstrate a few simple Qigong moves   Travel and Transportation Comment about several means of transportation Topic-Comment sentences  Practicing make hotel reservations  或者 and 还是 AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  Practicing exchanging currency  每 都 3; B.2-3; C.1 …

National Standard: 1.1-3;2.1-2;5.1 Cultural aspect:  Describe and discuss transportation systems in China and Taiwan

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 24 Chinese II World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Weather  Use basic terms for weather  比 structure for comparison AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  Describe simple weather changes  Modal verb 会 3; B.2  Compare the weather of two places  Adverb 又 National Standard: 1.1-3;2.1-2  Present a simple weather forecast

Cultural aspect:  Discuss a few Chinese cities’ climatic conditions  Understand and discuss Chinese units of measurements School  Describe classes they are taking and when  Adverb 就 AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  Describe which classes they enjoy and why  一边 … 一边 structure 3; B.2  Describe school routine  Adverb 正在 National Standard: 1.1-3;2.1-2;5.1  Write a simple diary entry  除了 …以外 structure

Cultural aspect:  Discuss the differences between Chinese schools and American schools Shopping  Speak about color, size and price of a purchase  Measure words AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  Recognize Chinese currency  Modal verb 要 3; B.2,3  Exchange merchandise  Chinese monetary units National Standard: 1.1-3;2.1-2;5.1  Pay in cash or with a credit card  A 和/跟 B yiyang/bu yiyang structure  虽然 … 可是/但是 structure Cultural aspect:  Compare and contrast traditional and modern apparel styles of Chinese speaking countries and the United States

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 25 Chinese II World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Food  Practice the following:  Adverb 多/少 AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1- o ask for a menu  Resultative complements 3; B.2 o pay for your meal  Reduplication of adjectives National Standard: 1.1-3;2.1-2;5.1 o order Chinese dishes  Verb 来 o comment on food o get the correct change after the payment  Learn how to prepare some traditional Chinese dishes

Cultural aspect:  Learn some regional cuisines of China  Learn and discuss Chinese table manners and dining etiquette Holidays  Describe date and significance of a variety of holidays, festivals, and  Verb 过 AK. Content Standards: celebrations  Verb phrase 庆祝 WL.B.2,3; C4  怎么 + V structure National Standard: 2.1-2;4.2;5.1 Cultural aspect:  Reflect an understanding of the customs and traditions of specific Chinese holidays  Compare Chinese holidays and American holidays

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 26 Chinese II World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Chinese III Grades: 11-12 Overview: Chinese III emphasizes the continuing development of communication in Length: 2 semesters Chinese through building the skills of listening and speaking, and expanding the ability of Prerequisites: Chinese II reading and writing through learning a variety of topics and genres. Approximately 200 Chinese characters are introduced.


Themes Mastery Core Objectives Usage/ Structure Students will be introduced to the Students will: following concepts: Enhancement of Personal  Express interest, indifference, and displeasure about hobbies, food,  Review all grammar concepts learned in Information clothing and school Chinese I and II AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  Describe themselves, their family and others  Time duration 3; B.2, C.2  Describe simple personal health concerns  Sentences with 是 … 的 to acquire National Standard: 1.1-3;2.1-2 more information Cultural aspect:  Compare and contrast personal hobbies and pastimes with those of Chinese speaking countries Animal  Name and describe basic animals  Comparative sentences with 比 AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  Name and describe general habitats  到 + place +去 + action 4; B.1-4  Describe one’s favorite animals and explain why  Comparative sentences with 没有 National Standard: 1.1-3;2.1-2;  Talk about one’s pets and activities one does with his/her pets  那么 3.1; 4.2 Use to indicate degree

Cultural aspect:  Knowing the symbolic meanings of some animals in Chinese culture  Compare and contrast the symbolic meanings of some animals between Chinese culture and American culture

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 27 Chinese III World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Birthday Party  Ask a friend to go to a party with you  呢 to indicate an action in progress AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  Suggest things to bring to a party  Adverb 还 4; B.1-4  Talk about one’s birth year and one’s Chinese zodiac sign  又 … 又 … structure National Standard: 1.1-3;2.1-2; 3.1  Know how to offer someone a ride and arrange a time to meet

Cultural aspect:  Learn and discuss the twelve animal signs in the Chinese zodiac  Learn, discuss and compare traditional Chinese birthday celebration and American birthday celebration Sports Name some popular sports  好/难 + V AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  Talk about one’s favorite exercise and explain why  Duration of non-action 4; B.1-4  Discuss how one feels about various exercise/sports activities  Duration of actions National Standard: 1.1-3;2.1-2;  Share and request information about daily activities  Particle 着 3.1; 5.1

Cultural aspect:  Learn basic Tai Chi information and practice a few Tai Chi moves.  Compare and contrast students’ week day and weekend activities with those in Chinese-speaking countries TV Shows and Movies  Talk about one’s favorite TV show and explain why  Descriptive complements AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  Talk about one’s favorite movie genres and explain why  Potential complements 4; B.1-4  Arrange a date/time to go watch a movie with a friend  Preposition 对 National Standard: 1.1-3;2.1-2;  越来越 structure 3.1; 5.1 Cultural aspect:  Learn and discuss basic information about Chinese opera  Compare and contrast Chinese and American and European opera Summer Vacation  Talk about the plan for summer vacation  Comparative sentences with 比 AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  Describe the itinerary  Question pronoun 哪儿 4; B.1-4  Describe the city  Compare 的,得,地 National Standard:  Book airplane tickets 1.1-3;2.1-2; 3.1; 5.1

Cultural aspect:  Learn and discuss a few of China’s top attractions

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 28 Chinese III World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Arts and Music  Learn vocabulary about the arts and music  除了…以外 structure AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  Give opinions about Chinese art and music  Adverb真 4; B.1-4  Interview classmates about their likes and dislikes in arts and music  Use比较 to make explicit comparison National Standard: 1.1-3;2.1-2;  非常 3.1; 5.1 Adverb Cultural aspect:  Learn about the arts and music in the Chinese speaking world  Explore the influence of art and music in Chinese-speaking countries

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 29 Chinese III World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Chinese IV Grades: 12 Overview: Chinese IV is a year-long course that will review, expand, and refine students’ Length: 2 semesters Chinese aural/oral capabilities, reading comprehension and fluency, grammar structure Prerequisites: Chinese III understanding and paragraph/essay formation abilities. Approximately 240 Chinese characters are introduced.


Themes Mastery Core Objectives Usage/ Structure Students will be introduced to the Students will: following concepts: Technology  Describe their activities on the internet All Themes: AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  Discuss how they use the internet Besides Chinese I, II and III grammar in 4; B.1-4; C.2-4  Describe the advantages and disadvantage of technology greater depth, the following grammar National Standard: 1.1-3;2.1-2;  Describe the impact of technology on their daily life usages may be included, but are not 3.1-2; 5.1 limited to: Cultural aspect:  Dynamic particle 了  Learn, compare, and discuss technology uses in China and the United  是…的 structure States  除了…以外 structure Education  Ask/tell their class schedule, preferences in subjects  Topic – Comment sentence structure AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  Ask/tell their school routine  The emphatic 是 4; B.1-4; C.2-3  Describe their strength and weakness in certain subjects  Adverb 难道 National Standard: 1.1-3;2.1-2;  Describe future education plan and explain the reasons behind the plan  3.1-2; 5.1 Resultative complements  Preposition 至于 Cultural aspect:  V来V去/V来V去  Learn and compare education system of China and the United States  Existential sentences  Compare and discuss school life of China and the United States  Adj/V+是+Adj/V, 可是/但是  Adverbials and 地

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 30 Chinese IV World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Culture and History Objectives and cultural aspect:  原来 as adverb and adjective AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  Describe major Chinese dynasties and explain their accomplishments  好 as a resultative complement 4; B.1-4; C. 2-3 in history  Adverb并 National Standard: 1.1-3;2.1-2;  Learn and discuss basic Chinese philosophy and traditions  起来 for indicating the beginning of an 3.1; 4.1-2; 5.1  Describe the influences of Chinese culture in Asia and the world action  Location and Direction Ask and give directions  Conjunction而 AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  Identify locations by using landmarks as references  过indicating experiences 4; B.1-4  Describe the distance between two places  最Adj不过了 National Standard: 1.1-3;2.1-2;  Describe what type of transportation they can take to get to their 3.1;5.1  Directional complements destination  Potential complement

 Cultural aspect: Rhetorical questions   Learn, describe, compare and discuss Chinese etiquette tips for tourists Descriptive complements  and American etiquette tips for tourists Existential sentences  Geography  Locate a few major cities in China and Taiwan Conjunctions  一 AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  Describe basic geographic features of China and Taiwan +V 4; B.1-4; C.2-3  Compare basic geographic aspects of China and the United States National Standard: 1.1-3;2.1-2;  Make a travel plan to China or Taiwan 3.2; 5.1

Cultural aspect:  Learn and discuss the history and culture of Yangtze River  Learn and discuss the history and culture of Mount Tai Shopping  Name basic clothing, bedding, kitchen, and bath items AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  Describe your shopping preferences and criteria 4; B.1-4  Present arguments with rhetorical questions National Standard: 1.1-3;2.1-2;  Disagree with others tactfully 3.1; 5.1

Cultural aspect:  Learn and discuss Chinese negotiation tips: the art of bargaining – strategies, tips and pitfalls

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 31 Chinese IV World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Healthy Lifestyles  Talk about taking care of themselves AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  Ask for and give advice 4; B.1-4; C.2-3  Read and discuss articles about life in Chinese-speaking world National Standard: 1.1-3;2.1-2;  Contrast their habits as children/youngsters to their habits today 3.1-2; 5.1  Make a plan with steps to improve their lifestyle

Cultural aspect:  Learn, describe and discuss the way of Chinese lifestyle in modern China  Learn, describe, explain and compare traditional Chinese lifestyles to their own lifestyles

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 32 Chinese IV World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1


Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 33 French World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

French I Grade: 7-12 Overview: This course is an introduction to communicating with French speakers around the world Length: 2 semesters through both speaking and writing. It includes an introduction to the geography and cultures of French Prerequisites: None speaking countries.

Themes Mastery Core Objectives Grammar/

Usage/Structure Students will practice the Students will: following concepts: Basics  communicate their basic classroom needs All Themes: AK. Content Standards: (WL.A.1-  respond to basic classroom commands  difference between tu and vous forms 3; B.2,4)  identify colors  punctuation and capitalization rules National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3,  learn numbers 0-1,000  agreement in gender and number between 2.2, 4.1., 4.2  pronounce known words correctly when reading aloud the determiner, noun and adjectives  write vocabulary and sentences with French orthographic marks  regular, feminine, and plural forms of nouns  understand simple conversations and stories related at a slower pace than that of and adjectives a native speaker  de + noun to indicate possession  express time using a 12 and 24 hour clock  numbers zero to millions  present tense of -er, ir, and re verbs Cultural aspect:  present tense of être, avoir, aller, and faire  recognize and appreciate differences between one’s own culture and those of  je/il/elle forms in the present tense of different French speaking countries pouvoir, vouloir, devoir  explore the linguistic connections between French and English  forms of the imperative: tu, vous, and nous  compare Saint's Day celebrations to birthday celebrations  interrogative sentences using qu’est-ce que, Personal Information  greet and take leave of others appropriately qu’est-ce qui, qui, quel and subject-verb AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  ask others how they are and answer inversion. 3; B.3  introduce themselves and others; respond to introductions  negation with ne…pas National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3,  ask / tell what they like/don’t like, and what they like/don’t like to do  contractions with à, de 2.1  ask / tell others their name, age, nationality, and where they are from  the expression: il y a  possessive adjectives Cultural aspect:  futur proche: aller +infinitive  understand and explore different non-verbal greetings  demonstrate physical greeting and taking leave: handshake, la bise

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 34 French I World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Clothes  ask the price of an item in Euros AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  identify basic clothing items 3; B.2,3,5  describe what you wear for certain occasions National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 4.1 Cultural aspect:  compare and contrast traditional and modern apparel styles of French speaking countries and the United States Family  describe self, family, and friends AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  describe physical appearance and personality 3; WL.B.4  identify relatives and pets National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3,  explain family relationships 4.1, 4.2 Cultural aspect:  basic discussion of family structures in French-speaking countries Food  practice the following: AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1- o ask for a menu 3; WL.B.2 o order food National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, o comment on food 2.2 o ask for the bill  identify food: fruit, vegetables, meat, breads, dairy, beverages etc.  express hunger, thirst, satisfaction, etc.  identify types of shops

Cultural aspect:  basic discussion of French meals, manners, and habits School  describe classes they are taking and when AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-3  describe which classes they enjoy and why National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3  identify school supplies and classroom objects  tell the time when activities occur

Cultural aspect:  compare target country’s public school routines and systems Sports/Hobbies  describe your hobbies AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  describe the sports and activities in which you participate throughout the year 3; WL.B.2  tell which sports and activities you don’t like to do National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.2 Cultural aspect:  basic discussion of popular sports and hobbies in French-speaking countries  compare club vs. school sports in French-speaking countries

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 35 French I World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Holidays and Celebrations  discuss activities related to their plans for holidays and vacations AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  read and write stories using holiday vocabulary 3; B.3 National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, Cultural aspect: 2.1  Learn about holidays such as: La Toussaint, le Noël, l’Epiphanie, Pâques, le Carnaval, la Bastille, le Jour de l’An, Poisson d’Avril, la Chandaleur  learn about food associated with different holidays  learn music associated with different holidays  basic discussion of the role of religion in French holidays  learn about some French festivals Weather/Seasons and  demonstrate knowledge of local weather and seasonal activities Calendar  describe the days, months, and seasons AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  express dates in the correct format 3; B.2 National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, Cultural aspect: 2.2  describe seasonal weather in different countries  understand temperature conversions between Fahrenheit and Celsius  recognize that calendars begin with Monday Communities  describe the home (rooms, common furniture, and appliances) AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  identify public buildings 3; B.2  comprehend prepositions of place National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3,  comprehend and give simple directions 2.2  describe their own communities

Cultural aspect:  compare common city layouts  compare community activities  recognize famous landmarks, specifically the Eiffel Tour, Arc de Triomphe, and Notre Dame  compare shopping customs in the US and French-speaking communities Geography  locate French-speaking countries on a map AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  locate and identify the major geographical features of France 3; B.2 National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, Cultural aspect: 2.2  explore different monetary units of French-speaking countries  explore the major sites of a French country or city, such as Paris

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 36 French I World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Arts and Music  be exposed to authentic French music AK. Content Standards: WL.B.2,3  be exposed to famous French artists National Standards: 2.1, 2.2 Cultural aspect:  demonstrate knowledge of basic historical, political, social, and artistic contributions

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 37 French I World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

French II Grade: 9-12 Overview: This course continues to expand communication skills, with more grammar and a Length: 2 semesters stronger emphasis on reading and writing. It includes an expanded study of the cultural elements of Prerequisites: French I French speaking countries, as well as French literature.

Themes Mastery Core Objectives Grammar/

Usage/Structure Students will be introduced to or will Students will: review the following concepts: Health  name body parts All Themes: AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-3,  describe symptoms of common illnesses  review major grammar concepts from level I B.3  describe daily routines for self-care  indirect object pronouns National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3,  direct object pronouns 2.1 Cultural aspect:  reflexive pronouns with conjugated verbs  understand basic health care in French-speaking countries  passé composé of regular verbs Travel and Transportation  practice the following skills:  passé composé of irregular verbs AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1- o make hotel reservations  present tense irregular verbs 3; B.2-3; C.1 o purchase plane and train tickets including scheduling, seating, and price  contrast savoir & connaitre National Standards; 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, o exchanging currency  venir de to express immediate past 2.1, 2.2, 5.1  discuss past activities, accomplishments, and travels  reflexive verb construction in present and passé compose Cultural aspect:  comparison with plus, moins, aussi, que  interpret transportation schedules  verb + infinitive constructions  describe transportation systems in French-speaking countries  imperfect tense of regular and selected Family  describe and compare their own childhood activities with those of French irregular verbs AK. Content Standards:WL.A.1-3; speakers  uses of imperfect tense as opposed to passé B.3  utilize animal words composé National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3,  use both the passé composé and imperfect to 2.1 Cultural aspect: describe their past  compare games common in French-speaking countries

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 38 French II World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

History  understand some major historical events in French-speaking countries AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1,  discuss major current events in French-speaking countries, as they arise A.2, A.4, B.2, B.3, B.6  identify some French national heroes and important historical figures, and National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, their accomplishments 2.2, 3.1 Cultural aspect:  demonstrate a greater knowledge of historical, political, social, and artistic contributions  discuss current events as they pertain to French speaking countries Food  recognize foods from French-speaking countries AK. Content Standards:WL.A.1-3;  develop a larger vocabulary related to foods B.2  describe and identify a greater variety of foods National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3,  identify traditional French foods 2.2, 5.2 Cultural aspect:  explore recipes from the target country Holidays  describe location, date, and significance of a variety of holidays, festivals, and AK. Content Standards: WL.B.2; celebrations C4 National Standards: 2.2, 5.1, 5.2 Cultural aspect:  demonstrate an understanding of the customs and traditions of specific holidays House  identify and describe rooms, common furniture, fixtures, and appliances AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-3  describe typical chores in the United States and a French-speaking country National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3,  increase vocabulary related to daily life 2.1, 2.2, 4.2 Cultural aspect:  describe the responsibilities of people in your family and contrast that to a typical French family Professions and Nationalities  identify the nationalities of French-speaking countries AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  identify the professions of French-speaking countries 3; B.2-3, C.2  use professional titles in introducing or addressing people National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1 Cultural aspect:  discuss the job responsibilities of particular professions

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 39 French II World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Art and Music  identify French popular music from different eras AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  explore French film 4; B.3,6; C.4  recognize famous French artists and their works National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3,  recite poetry 2.1, 2.2 3.1, 5.1, 5.2 Cultural aspect:  translate lyrics from a popular French song or poem

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 40 French II World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

French III

Grade: 10-12 Overview: This course continues to expand communication skills, with more grammar and a Length: 2 semesters stronger emphasis on reading and writing. It includes an expanded study of French literature, art, and Prerequisites: French II history.

Themes Mastery Core Objectives Grammar/

Usage/Structure Students will be introduced to or will Students will: review the following concepts: Personal Information  express interest, indifference, and displeasure about free time activities: All Themes: AK. Content Standards:WL.A.1-3; hobbies, and sports  major grammar concepts from French II B.2  describe yourself and others  sentences with two or more pronouns National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3,  describe familiar places (i.e., home and school)  forms and positions of object pronouns with 2.2 affirmative and negative imperatives Cultural aspect:  demonstrative pronouns  compare and contrast personal hobbies and pastimes with those of French-  pronouns y and en speaking countries  relative pronouns Lifestyles  ask for and give advice  imperfect tense of regular and irregular AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-3  talk about taking care of yourself verbs National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3,  increase vocabulary related to lifestyles (i.e. fashion, foods, pop culture)  future tense of regular and selected irregular 2.2  write longer and more complex compositions on familiar topics verbs  conditional tense of regular and selected Cultural aspect: irregular verbs  understand how food and culture are interrelated in France  si clauses to express real and hypothetical Vacations  use the vocabulary of interest, indifference, and displeasure to discuss future situations AK. Content Standards:WL.A.1-3 and past vacations  present participle and compound participle   National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 ask for information for vacation arrangements demonstrate expanded use of verb tenses, grammar, and syntax

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 41 French III World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Literature  read French literature from around the world to expand understanding of AK. Content Standards:WL.A.1-3, different cultures B.3, B.5, B.6  understand information in current events and historical readings National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3,  increase vocabulary related to literature 2.1, 4.1, 4.2  recognize basic literature elements (plot, setting, character)  ask a variety of questions and answer with an extended response

Cultural aspect:  discuss stories from French-speaking countries Music and Art  increase vocabulary related to the arts and music AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  give opinions about art and music from French-speaking countries 3; B.2, B.4, B.6  express their likes and dislikes in the arts and music National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2, 5.2 Cultural aspect:  learn about the arts and music from French-speaking countries Interpersonal Relationships  express and unhappiness in the present tense, and past tense AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-3  comfort someone National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3  express an apology  discuss situations and solutions Media (influence in the local  understand longer and more complex sentences and stories, using a wider community, USA and French range of vocabulary and sentence structure speaking world) AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1- Cultural aspect: 3; B.2, B.6  learn about media in target countries National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3,  learn more about the history of target countries 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2  be exposed to newspapers and other media from French-speaking countries Cultural Heritage (in the local  talk about emotional reactions community and influence of French  express disagreement speakers)  express assumptions AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  use hypothetical statements 3; B.2,4  understand stereotyping National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, 4.1, 4.2 Cultural aspect:  apply language skills and understanding of other cultures to one’s own to enhance personal, intellectual, and social growth

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 42 French III World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Environmental, Social and  express cause and effect  Global Issues  recognize longer and more complex sentences, narrations, and conversations AK. Content Standards:WL.A.1-3;  demonstrate increasing oral proficiency B.3-4 National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, Cultural aspect: 2.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2  explore attitudes, and efforts to improve issues such as pollution, homelessness, unemployment, racism, natural disasters, in French-speaking countries

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 43 French III World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

French IV Grade: 11-12 Overview: This course will review and expand grammar and vocabulary use. More complex Length: 2-4 semesters reading material will be covered, including short novels, plays, and poetry. More complex writing Prerequisites: French III material will be covered including AP level.

Themes Mastery Core Objectives Grammar/

Usage/Structure Students will be introduced to or will Students will: review the following concepts: Themes may include, but are not  understand longer and more abstract verbal exchanges, similar to those on the  French I, II, and III grammar in greater limited to: AP exam depth Geography  improve comprehension of audio communication such as music, film, and radio  possessive pronouns History or television programs  indicative and subjunctive verb tenses  demonstrate increasing oral proficiency communicating with native speakers  pluperfect, compound future and compound Government/Politics  discuss: conditional verb tenses Social Order and Education o familiar topics with increasing fluency and grammatical accuracy  sequence of tenses in complex sentences The Environment o more abstract and complex topics with increasing fluency and accuracy  infinitive verb tenses o current events and social issues from French newspapers or magazines  Architecture adjectival versus verbal use of the present  apply knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, syntax, and other contextual clues participle Literature (stories, novels, poetry, for effective comprehension of edited and authentic materials plays)  write compositions, which develop fairly complex topics comparable to those The Arts (music, art, theater, on the AP exams dance)  respond to audio and visual cues similar to those on the AP exam Cuisine/Food  evaluate authentic readings of increasing complexity  compose original written works Special projects or studies  apply knowledge of grammar, syntax, vocabulary, and other contextual clues (as approved by instructor) for effective comprehension of edited and authentic materials AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1- 3; B.2-3; C.2 Cultural aspect:  participate in multicultural events in the community or school  if possible, participate in an immersion experience such as travel in a French- speaking country  develop a deeper understanding of one’s own language and culture through the study of French

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 44 French IV World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

 learn about career opportunities in which knowledge of French is a supportive skill  experience authentic French music, food, art, dance as available within the community or through travel  read French literature from around the world to develop a deeper understanding of different cultures  expand knowledge of customs, daily life, social order, history, education, and economy  expand knowledge of current events and fine arts through reading French language materials  demonstrate a greater knowledge of French political, social, and artistic contributions  apply language skills and understanding of other cultures to one’s own to enhance personal, intellectual and social growth

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 45 French IV World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Advanced Placement (AP) French* Grade: 11-12 Overview: This course will review and expand grammar and vocabulary use. More complex Length: 2-4 semesters reading material will be covered including short novels, plays and poetry. More complex writing Prerequisites: French III materials will be covered, including AP level.

Themes Mastery Core Objectives Grammar/

Usage/Structure Students will be introduced to or will Students will: review the following concepts: Themes may include, but are not  understand longer and more abstract verbal exchanges, similar to those on the All Themes: limited to: AP exam  French I, II, III, and IV grammar in greater Geography  improve comprehension of audio communication such as music, film, and depth History radio or television programs  possessive pronouns Government/Politics  demonstrate increasing oral proficiency communicating with native speakers  indicative and subjunctive verb tenses Economics  discuss:  pluperfect, compound future and compound Social Order and Education o familiar topics with increasing fluency and grammatical accuracy conditional verb tenses The Environment o more abstract and complex topics with increasing fluency and accuracy  sequence of tenses in complex sentences o Architecture current events and social issues from French newspapers or magazines  infinitive verb tenses  apply knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, syntax, and other contextual clues  Literature (stories, novels, poetry, adjectival versus verbal use of the present plays) for effective comprehension of edited and authentic materials participle  write compositions, which develop fairly complex topics comparable to those The Arts (music, art, theater, dance) on the AP exams Cuisine/Food  respond to audio and visual cues similar to those on the AP exam Special projects or studies  evaluate authentic readings of increasing complexity (as approved by instructor)  compose original written works  AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1- apply knowledge of grammar, syntax, vocabulary, and other contextual clues 3; B.2-3; C.2 for effective comprehension of edited and authentic materials

Cultural aspect:  participate in multicultural events in the community or school  if possible, participate in an immersion experience such as travel in a French- speaking country  develop a deeper understanding of one’s own language and culture through the study of French

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 46 AP French World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

 learn about career opportunities in which knowledge of French is a supportive skill  experience authentic French music, food, art, dance as available within the community or through travel  read French literature from around the world to develop a deeper understanding of different cultures  expand knowledge of customs, daily life, social order, history, education, and economy  expand knowledge of current events and fine arts through reading French language materials  demonstrate a greater knowledge of French political, social, and artistic contributions  apply language skills and understanding of other cultures to one’s own to enhance personal, intellectual and social growth Students will:  conduct a debate in target language using political, social, or economic current events  produce extended oral presentations using visual and technological support as appropriate  understand subtleties of meaning, such as intent, humor, and tone in culturally authentic works

* AP Course syllabi must be College Board approved

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 47 AP French World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1


Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 48 German World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

German I Grade: 8-12 Overview: German I is a year-long introduction to the German language and culture. This course Length: 2 semesters emphasizes vocabulary development and communication in German to exchange information in simple Prerequisites: An interest in terms about everyday experiences. Basic grammar principles are introduced as they apply to the themes learning German studied.

Themes Mastery Core Objectives Grammar/

Usage/Structure Students will be introduced to the Students will: following concepts: Basics  ask / tell: All Themes: AK. Content Standards: o learn to correctly count from 0-100  verbs haben and sein o ask and respond to questions about colors  definite and indefinite articles o learn differences in the alphabet, umlaute, and pronunciation  negation with nicht and kein o understand classroom commands and phrases  word order in statements and questions o ask using questions words  subject pronouns Personal Information  learn to say and understand:  formal versus informal address AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1- o greetings, introductions, leave-taking  formation of the plural 3; B.3  answering yes/no question Cultural aspect:  answering questions that begin with a  discuss cultural differences question word Family  express relationships  verbs in present tense AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  give physical description  possessive pronouns 3; B.3,5; C.2  give personality description  stem-changing verbs  list household pets  modal verbs Home  list rooms in house  separable verbs AK. Content Standards:  name basic furniture  list basic chores

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 49 German I World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

School  tell time AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  list classes and schools 3; B.3  describe teachers  name classroom objects  use prepositions of location with objects

Cultural aspect:  compare target country’s public school routines and systems Weather, Seasons, Calendar  name: AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1- o date and month 3; B.2 o seasons o holidays o birthday Food  name AK. Content Standards: o fruits and vegetables o meat and dairy o drinks o traditional dishes o holiday foods Sports and Hobbies  describe seasonal sports and activities AK. Content Standards:  describe likes/dislikes  list hobbies  list daily activities Communities  identify: AK. Content Standards: o places in a city (bank, library, restaurant, etc.) o modes of transportation Geography  identify: AK. Content Standards: o location of target countries o capitals o major geographic features of German-speaking countries o physical divisions of countries (regions, states, etc) o monetary units Culture As per teacher’s own experience and available resources AK. Content Standards:  learn about and explore: o holidays and celebrations o arts, music, dance o politics o religion o famous German people o national pastimes and interests

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 50 German I World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

German II Grade: 9-12 Overview: German II is a year-long course which continues vocabulary development and leads to Length: 2 semesters increasingly advanced communication in German. More emphasis will be placed on self-expression in Prerequisites: German I or German and reading and writing in the language. Students will continue to learn about the history and permission of instructor culture of the German-speaking world. Grammar will be introduced and reviewed as it applies to themes studied.

Themes Mastery Core Objectives Grammar/

Usage/Structure Students will be introduced to or will Students will: review the following concepts: Health  identify and label body parts All Themes: AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  list daily routines for self-care  review all grammar concepts learned in 3; B.3  describe symptoms of common illnesses German I  compare basic healthcare system in Germany and the United States  adjective endings after der and ein words in  explain difference between “Apotheke” and “Drogerie” nominative House  describe:  comparative and superlative forms  AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1- o rooms present perfect tense 3; B.4 o furniture  simple past of sein and haben o building materials  subordinate clauses o chores  ordinal numbers  werden + infinitive for future tense Cultural aspect:  separable verbs  family responsibilities at home  correct use of wissen/kennen  learn about architecture of target country  subject/object differentiation and its Travel  demonstrate how to make reservations grammatical consequences AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  understand transportation systems in Germany 3; B.3; C.1  exchange currency  describe a “Jugendherberge” Food  order/comment on food in a restaurant AK. Content Standards:  “shop” in a market

Cultural aspect:  learn about and prepare recipes/traditional foods from different regions

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 51 German II World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Family  list extended family AK. Content Standards:  describe childhood Animals  name and describe basic animals AK. Content Standards:  name and describe general habitat (farm, jungle, desert, etc)

Cultural aspect:  learn about symbolism of certain animals in German culture Professions  list basic professions in the masculine and feminine forms AK. Content Standards:  comprehend post-secondary education in target countries  learn about after-school jobs Media and Technology  use Internet AK. Content Standards:  watch and discuss TV and films  read and discuss books  read and discuss newspapers Culture  learn about AK. Content Standards: o art o dance o music o holidays o German-speaking countries  listen to famous speakers from German-speaking countries

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 52 German II World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

German III Grade: 10-12 Overview: An emphasis on the continuing development of communicating in German through the Length: 2 semesters skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students will read short stories, build vocabulary, and Prerequisites: German II or develop fluency in conversation. Basic grammar elements are reviewed on a more advanced level and permission of instructor incorporated into conversation and composition. Continued study of German culture and history are included in this course.

Themes Mastery Core Objectives Grammar/

Usage/Structure Students will be introduced to or will Students will:: review the following concepts: Enhancement of Personal  further describe: All Themes: Information o family  review all grammar concepts learned in o AK. Content Standards: friendship German I and II o school  verbs to introduce an opinion: sagen, o hobbies denken, meinen, glauben, finden o opinions  reflexive verbs to speak about themselves Literature  read and discuss legends or short stories, fairy tales, or articles or others AK. Content Standards:  reflexive pronouns Music & Art  listen to and discuss contemporary and traditional music and art from target  continue/deepen subject/object differentiation and its grammatical AK. Content Standards: countries  express basic opinions of music and art consequences Environment  express cause and effect  passive voice  conditions: real, unreal, contrary-to-fact AK. Content Standards:  use vocabulary for ecology and sustainable economy  research environmental issues in target region Cultural Heritage  research social issues of the target countries (e.g., immigration, poverty, AK. Content Standards: gender, politics, religion, etc.)  identify and analyze stereotypes Lifestyles  compare traditional and contemporary lifestyles AK. Content Standards:  discuss one’s own habits as a child compared to today’s habits  understand relation of food and culture in German-speaking countries  express taking care of oneself (daily routine and health)  analyze influence of the media in German-speaking countries

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 53 German III World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

German IV Grade: 11-12 Overview: A one to two-year course with a more advanced level of communicating in German. Length: 2-4 semesters Grammar and vocabulary will be reviewed and expanded through the reading of more complex Prerequisites: German III or literature including short novels, poetry, and plays. Emphasis is placed on improvement of writing and permission of instructor speaking skills. Continued study of German culture and history are included in this course.

Themes Mastery Core Objectives Grammar/

Usage/Structure Students will be introduced to or will Students will: review the following concepts: Geography  improve comprehend native speakers All Themes: History  improve comprehension of audio communication such as music, film, and  review all grammar concepts learned in Government radio or television programs German I, II and III Politics  communicate with native speakers on familiar topics  adjective endings Social Order  discuss:  adjectives used as nouns Education o familiar topics with increasing fluency and grammatical accuracy  verbs tenses, moods and uses as learned in o Environment and evaluate abstract and complex topics from authentic selections German I-III o current events and social issues  Architecture differentiation of narrative vs.  write compositions which develop complex topics conversational past tenses Literature  compose original works such as poetry, plays, short stories, etc.  grammar, vocabulary, syntax, and other The Arts: music, art,  participate in multicultural events in the community or school contextual clues for effective theater, film, dance  further explore the culture in target countries comprehension of edited and authentic Cuisine  explore exchange programs materials Special Projects or Studies  develop a deeper understanding of one’s own language and culture through the  dependent infinitives with or without zu (as approved by instructor) study of the target language  genitive case and prepositions  explore professions and career opportunities in which using the target language  comparatives and superlatives is advantageous  systematic review of word order  continue/deepen subject/object differentiation and its grammatical consequences

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 54 German IV World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Advanced Placement (AP) German Grade: 11-12 Overview: A one to two-year course with a more advanced level of communicating in German. Length: 2-4 semesters Grammar and vocabulary will be reviewed and expanded through the reading of more complex Prerequisites: German III or literature including short novels, poetry, and plays. Emphasis is placed on improvement of writing and permission of instructor speaking skills. Continued study of German culture and history are included in this course.

Themes Mastery Core Objectives Grammar/

Usage/Structure Students will be introduced to or will Students will: review the following concepts: Geography  improve comprehend native speakers All Themes: History  improve comprehension of audio communication such as music, film, and  review all grammar concepts learned in Government radio or television programs German I, II and III Politics  communicate with native speakers on familiar topics  adjective endings Social Order  discuss:  adjectives used as nouns Education o familiar topics with increasing fluency and grammatical accuracy  verbs tenses, moods and uses as learned in o Environment and evaluate abstract and complex topics from authentic selections German I-III o current events and social issues  Architecture differentiation of narrative vs.  write compositions which develop complex topics conversational past tenses Literature  compose original works such as poetry, plays, short stories, etc.  grammar, vocabulary, syntax, and other The Arts: music, art,  participate in multicultural events in the community or school contextual clues for effective theater, film, dance  further explore the culture in target countries comprehension of edited and authentic Cuisine  explore exchange programs materials Special Projects or Studies  develop a deeper understanding of one’s own language and culture through  dependent infinitives with or without zu (as approved by instructor) the study of the target language  genitive case and prepositions  explore professions and career opportunities in which using the target  comparatives and superlatives language is advantageous  systematic review of word order  continue/deepen subject/object differentiation and its grammatical consequences Students will:  interview with a native speaker  analyze historic and cultural events and their influence on the United States  debate on political, social, or economic current events  produce extended oral presentations and research papers using visual and technological support * AP Course syllabi must be College Board approved Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 55 AP German World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1


Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 56 Japanese World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1




I = Introduced (The content will be introduced for the first time.) E = Expanded (The content will be expanded in limited contexts.) A = Applied (The content will be applied in less limited contexts.) R = Reinforced (The content will be reinforced in more cultural contexts.)

Themes / Contents Level: I II III IV AP


Identify greetings I A A R R Greet people at any time of the day I A A R R Use formulaic expressions I E A R R


Personal Information

Identify personal information I E A R R Introduce self to others I E A R R Ask and answer questions on personal topics I E A R R Describe self and others I E A R R Express self I E A R R



Identify things in classroom. I E A R R Identify directions used in classroom. I E A R R Describe things in classroom. I E A R R Express wants and needs in classroom. I E A R R Express self in relation with classroom. I E A R


School Life

Identify school related vocabulary I E A R R Describe preferences of school life I E A R R Describe characteristics of school life I E A R Describe school rules I E A Give a school tour for Japanese visitors I E A Express self in relation with school life I E A R


Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 57 Japanese Scope & Sequence World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Themes/Contents Level: I II III IV AP


Identify time and date I E A R R Ask and answer questions on time and date I E A R R Describe activities in present tense I E A R R Describe activities in future tense I E A R R Describe activities in past tense I E A R R Describe activities in progressive tense I E A R Express self in different tenses I E A R


Seasons & Weather

Identify vocabulary related to weather and climate I E A R R Ask and answer questions about weather and climate I E A R R Describe weather and climate I E A R R Express self in relation with weather and climate I E A R


Families & Friends

Identify family members I E A R R Ask and answer questions about families and friends I E A R R Describe characteristics of family members and friends I E A R R Describe occupations of family members and friends I E A R R Express self in relation with families and friends I E A R


Homes & Daily Activities

Identify homes I E A R R Identify daily activities I E A R R Ask and answer questions about homes and daily activities I E A R R Describe characteristics of homes and daily activities I E A R R Express self in relation with homes and daily activities I E A R



Identify health related vocabulary I E A R R Ask and answer questions about health I E A R Describe health I E A R Express self in relation with health I E A R


Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 58 Japanese Scope & Sequence World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Themes / Contents Level: I II III IV AP

Foods & Drinks

Identify foods and drinks I E A R R Ask and answer questions about foods and drinks I E A R Describe preferences of foods and drinks I E A R Describe characteristics of foods and drinks I E A R Request foods and drinks wanted I E A R Express self in relation of foods and drinks I E A R



Identify pastime activities I E A R R Ask and answer questions about pastimes I E A R Describe preferences of pastimes I E A R Describe characteristics of pastimes I E A R Express self in relation with pastimes I E A R



Identify town related vocabulary I E A R Ask and answer locations of places I E A R Ask and answer directions to places I E A R Describe locations I E A R Describe directions I E A R Describe Fairbanks and hometown I E A R Express self in relation with town I E A R



Identify shopping related vocabulary I E A R Ask and answer questions about items and prices I E A R Describe preferences of items wanted I E A R Describe characteristics of items wanted I E A R Request items wanted I E A R Express self in relation with shopping I E A R



Identify clothes in different styles & patterns I E A R Ask answer questions about clothes I E A R Describe preferences of clothes I E A R Describe characteristics of clothes I E A R Express self in relation with clothes I E A R


Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 59 Japanese Scope & Sequence World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Themes / Contents Level: I II III IV AP

Travel & Vacations

Identify vocabulary related to travel and vacations I E A R Ask and answer questions about travel and vacations I E A R Describe preferences of travel and vacations I E A R Describe characteristics of travel and vacations I E A R Describe past travel and vacation experience I E A R Describe future travel and vacation plan I E A R Express self in relation with travel and vacation I E A R


Holidays & Festivities

Identify vocabulary related to holidays and festivities I E A R Ask and answer questions about holidays and festivities I E A R Describe specific holidays and festivities I E A R Express self in relation with specific holidays and festivities I E A R


Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 60 Japanese Scope & Sequence World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Japanese I Grade: 9-12 Overview: This course is an introduction to the pronunciations, speech patterns, writing systems, Length: 2 semesters (Hiragana and Katakana) and culture of the Japanese people through various activities. Also included Prerequisites: None are introductions to the pop culture, geography, and history.

Themes Mastery Core Objectives

Language Culture Greetings Students will: Students will identify and illustrate their ways AK. Content Standards: WL.A.3;  greet people at any time of the day of greeting people at different times of a day. B.1-2; C.1  express gratitude They will compare and contrast their own National Standards: 1.3; 2.1-2; 5.1  express apology greetings with the Japanese ones in order to  get attention deepen the understanding of culturally appropriate greetings.

Suggested Cultural Topics:  formal greetings, bowing, colloquial expressions, body languages, seniority system, honorific expressions Personal Information Students will: Students will list commonly asked personal AK. Content Standards: WL.A.3;  ask how others are doing questions when meeting people for the first B.1-2; C.1  tell how you are doing time. They will share, compare and contrast National Standards: 1.3; 2.1-2; 5.1  introduce oneself or others their lists with the Japanese ones. They will  ask and tell name organize their findings and apply them to make  ask and tell age authentic skits.  ask and tell preferences  ask and tell grade Suggested Cultural Topics:  addressing “I”, personal information, birth  ask tell nationality date, age, blood type, Zodiac signs  ask and tell where someone lives  use the interrogative “nani”  understand and use the particles “wa”, “ka”, “no”, “ga”, “to” and “mo”

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 61 Japanese I World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Classroom Students will: Students will study the social and cultural AK. Content Standards: WL.A.3;  ask for what aspects of classrooms in school. They will B.1-2; C.1  describe objects with “kore, sore and are” identify patterns of classroom functions in National Standards: 1.3; 2.1-2; 5.1  understand classroom phrases and simple directions Japan and compare with their own school  give simple directions experiences. They will summarize and share  ask for items the findings in the class.  understand and use “dore” Suggested Cultural Topics:  meta language, homeroom teacher, class organization, group activities, collective activities Family and Friends Students will: Students will explore the traditional and AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  address family members properly modern roles of families in Japan. They will 3; B.1-2; C.1  describe others’ heights identify the differences and similarities National Standards: 1.1-3; 2.1-2; 5.1  describe job between their families and Japanese family  count people examples. They will compare and share the  describe others’ characteristics findings with their classmates.  tell number of people in your family  tell what your family members like to do Suggested Cultural Topics:  addressing family members, roles,  ask what others’ family members like to do relationships, concept of “in-group & out-  use interrogatives “nan nin” and “dare” group”, addressing people, close friends, characteristics, pet names, naming a baby, family names, popular first names, pets Time Students will: Students will learn social and cultural AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  ask and tell numbers significance of time concept in Japan. They 3; B.1-2; C.1  ask and tell day of the week will compare and contrast their time concepts National Standards: 1.1-3; 2.1-2;  ask and tell time with the Japanese ones through the uses of 5.1  tell what you do/do not do today three different tenses: past, present and future.  ask what others do today They will share and discuss the findings in the  tell what you will do/will not do tomorrow class.

 ask what others will do tomorrow Suggested Cultural Topics:  tell what time you will do/will not do something  24 hour time, punctuality, class schedule  ask what time and what others will do  tell what you did/did not do yesterday  ask what others did yesterday  make suggestions to do something  use interrogatives “nanji”, “nan yoobi” and “itsu”  understand and use the particle “ni”

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 62 Japanese I World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Weather and Seasons Students will: Students will list and illustrate their annual AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  ask and tell about the weather events and activities, and explore how they 3; B.1-2; C.1  describe the weather with proper adjectives relate to the seasons and weather. They will National Standards: 1.1-3; 2.1-2;  ask others for agreement compare them with the Japanese ones in 5.1  ask and tell the weather in the future respect of cultural and societal uniqueness.  ask and tell why  use the interrogative “naze/dooshite” Suggested Cultural Topics:  seasons, seasonal greetings, summer gift  discuss or explore geography exchanges, winter gift exchanges, summer vacation, typhoons, viewing, cherry blossoms, autumn field trips, athletic meets, Japanese homecoming, graduation, entrance ceremony Pastimes Students will: Students will study the differences and AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  describe activities similarities of pastimes between their own life 3; B.1-2; C.1  express preferences of activities and ones of Japanese teenagers. They will National Standards: 1.1-3; 2.1-2;  tell what you can and can not do share their pastimes with their classmates and 5.1  ask what others can and can not do compare them with the Japanese examples.  tell what you have already done and what you haven’t done yet  ask for permission Suggested Cultural Topics:   ask and tell possession popular sports, hobbies, entertainments, leisure, music, animations, manga,  make and answer a phone call “costume play”, cell phone, Karaoke, part- time job, TV, shopping

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 63 Japanese I World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Japanese II Grade: 10-12 Overview: Japanese II is a continuation of Japanese I with more emphasis on speaking, writing, Length: 2 semesters and understanding of basic grammar. Japanese traditional and pop cultures are explored through Prerequisites: Japanese I projects and films. Approximately fifty kanji characters are introduced.

Mastery Core Objectives Themes Language Culture Travel and Vacation Students will: Students share their ways to spend time on AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  ask and tell about trips and vacations in the past and future vacations or favorite locations to travel. They 4; B.1,2,4,5; C.1  tell and ask about trips and vacations in the past will also compare to the ways the Japanese National Standards: 1.1-3; 2.1-2;  describe destinations and activities there travel and spent time on vacations. 3.1; 4.1-2; 5.1  describe transportation to get there  describe what you like to do on a vacation Suggested Cultural Topics:  use the particle “de”  transportations, tourist attractions, travel budget, ‘Golden Week’, summer vacation, ‘Obon’, New Year’s Days, school trips, domestic travel, oversea travel, beaches, mountains School Life Students will: Students describe their school experiences, and AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  ask and tell class schedule compare and contrast with the school life in 4; B.1,2,4,5; C.1  ask and tell preferences in subjects Japan. National Standards: 1.1-3; 2.1-2;  ask and tell strength and weakness in ability 3.1; 4.1-2; 5.1  describe daily routine Suggested Cultural Topics:  describe reasons  elementary, middle and high schools, extra  understand and use combined time words curricular activities, clubs, classes, home  use superlative rooms, class organizations, subjects, school rules, commuting, vacations, class schedule, future careers, “juku”: cram school, field trip, athletic meet, Japanese homecoming, entrance ceremony, graduation, senpai & koohai system

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 64 Japanese II World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Shopping Students will: Students explore the customer-oriented AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  ask for things Japanese business and they compare to the 4; B.1,2,4, 5; C.1  ask for prices business practices in the US. National Standards: 1.1-3; 2.1-2;  give responses to the price or items 3.1; 4.1-2; 5.1  tell what you want Suggested Cultural Topics:  ask what others want  yen, counting changes, Japanese market,  use formulaic expressions shopping mall, specialized stores, chain stores, discount stores, discount book stores, souvenir stores, personal checks, credit cards, on-line shopping, convenient stores Home and Daily Activities Students will: Students compare the house layouts between the AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  ask and tell where things/pets/people are two cultures, and discuss the reasons behind the 4; B.1,2,4,5; C.1  understand and use “imasu” and “arimasu” differences and similarities. They also compare National Standards: 1.1-3; 2.1-2;  tell what is happening them to their own houses and share the findings.

3.1; 4.1-2; 5.1  use the interrogative “doko” Suggested Cultural Topics:  Japanese houses, Japanese rooms, Western- style rooms, lifestyle, entertainments, daily routine, apartment, “mansion”: apartment complex, toilet, bathroom, front door, tatami mats, Shinto shrine, Buddhist alter, alcove Town Students will: Students describe their hometown and compare AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  ask and tell locations of buildings to the Japanese towns. They summarize the 4; B.1,2,4,5; C.1  ask and tell directions to places findings and share. National Standards: 1.1-3; 2.1-2;  use particles “ni” and “de” 3.1; 4.1-2; 5.1 Suggested Cultural Topics:  big cities, country side, convenience, transportations, land, “a house with garden”, train stations, bus stops, historical castle town, geography Health Students will: Students explore the ways the Japanese express AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  ask and tell what part of the body hurts their feelings, emotions and physical 4; B.1,2,4,5; C.1  give common responses to those who are not feeling well wellbeing. They compare and contrast with National Standards: 1.1-3; 2.1-2;  ask and tell other’s health their own expressions. 3.1; 4.1-2; 5.1 Suggested Cultural Topics:  traditional healing, sayings, interpretation of sneezing, causes of death, life expectancy, longevity, diet, masks, flu

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 65 Japanese II World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Clothing Students will: Students explore the new and traditional AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  describe characteristics and clothing in Japan and compare with the 4; B.1,2,4,5; C.1  describe preferences of clothes American culture in clothing. They share their National Standards: 1.1-3; 2.1-2;  use various i-adjectives and na-adjectives preference in clothing styles and trend. 3.1; 4.1-2; 5.1 Suggested Cultural Topics:  Kimono, western clothing, trends, Roppongi (fashion town in Tokyo), “costume play”, casual clothes, UNICLO (popular cloth company) Holidays and Festivities Students will: Students share their own culture based AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  identify vocabulary related to holidays and festivities holidays and festivities, explore the Japanese 4; B.1,2,4,5; C.1  ask and answer questions on holidays and festivities ones, and summarize their findings to share. National Standards: 1.1-3; 2.1-2;  describe holidays and festivities 3.1; 4.1-2; 5.1 Suggested Cultural Topics:  national holidays, celebrations, New Year’s Days, spring celebration, Girl’s Day, Children’s Day, ‘Golden Week’, Grand Parents’ Day, athletic meet, Culture Day, Emperor’s Birthday, famous festivals, Christmas, ‘Obon’ Food and Drink Students will: Students describe their preference in food AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  count objects culture, explore Japanese cuisine, and compare 4; B.1,2,4,5; C.1  order foods or drinks the historical and cultural aspects. National Standards: 1.1-3; 2.1-2;  offer foods or drinks 3.1; 4.1-2; 5.1  ask what others want Suggested Cultural Topics:  accept or decline foods or drinks  traditional diet, table manners, using  describe meals at home or at restaurants chopsticks, rice, fast food, rice balls, boxed lunches, one-pot meal, green tea  describe foods or drinks  express preferences of foods or drinks  describe what you want to eat or drink  understand and use comparative and superlative

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 66 Japanese II World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Japanese III Grade: 11-12 Overview: Japanese III is designed for the students of the 3rd year of Japanese. In this year-long Length: 2 semesters course, students are expected to integrate the knowledge of both Japanese language and culture into Prerequisites: Japanese II the functional communication. The geography of Japan will be extensively discussed using a variety of activities. Approximately 100 kanji characters are introduced. The themes/contents of Japanese I & II will be continually expanded, applied, and reinforced in limited cultural contexts.

Mastery Core Objectives Themes

Language Culture Cities, Towns, and Villages Students will: Students explore the regional differences in AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  listen and read to understand the uniqueness and differences of Japanese Japan, compare and contrast with their 4; B.1-5; C.1-4 cities, towns, and villages hometowns, and share the findings in the class. National Standards: 1-5  speak and write to express one’s own observations, thoughts, and ideas on the topic Suggested Cultural Topics:  compare and contrast the topic between Japan and the US  geography, lifestyle, regional characteristics, famous products, famous places, land value, population, climates, history Folktale Students will: Students learn a variety of folktales in Japan, AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  watch, listen, and read to understand some of the popular Japanese folktales compare and contrast the cultural values and/or 4; B.1-5; C.1-4  converse to exchange the facts, thoughts, and ideas on the topic mottos with their folktales, and share the National Standards: 1-5 enrich the understanding of the oral tradition by creating their own stories to findings. share in the class (play, puppet show, movie, “kami-shibai”, multimedia presentation, etc.) Suggested Cultural Topics:  traditional storytelling, story development, traditional clothes, food and animals associated with folktales, cultural products, moral, perspectives, ways of thinking in the past, historical significances

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 67 Japanese III World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Nature and the Environment Students will: Students learn about the environmental issues AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  listen and read to understand the ways the Japanese manage environmental and management in Japan, compare with the 4; B.1-5; C.1-4 issues local environmental issues, and share the National Standards: 1-5  speak and write to express one’s own observations, thoughts, and ideas on the findings. topic  compare and contrast the topic between Japan and the US Suggested Cultural Topics:  climate changes, recycling, “mottai- nai” concept, itemized collections, cleaning mountain trails, pollutions, taboos, scarce natural resources, wild animals, national parks, preservations Communication and Media Students will: Students explore the trends of mass media in AK. Content Standards: ASW A.1-  listen and read to understand the variety of Japanese mass media Japan, compare and contrast with the 4, B.1-5, C.1-4  speak and write to express one’s own observations, thoughts, and ideas on the American trends, and share their findings. National Standards: 1-5 topic  compare and contrast the topic between Japan and the US Suggested Cultural Topics:  TV, newspapers, popular TV programs, animations, manga, magazines, smart phones, Internet Technology Students will: Students explore the technological trends in AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  listen and read to understand the technological trends in Japan Japan, compare and contrast with the 4; B.1-5; C.1-4  speak and write to express one’s own observations, thoughts, and ideas on the American trends, and share their findings. National Standards: 1-5 topic  compare and contrast the topic between Japan and the US Suggested Cultural Topics:  home appliances, inventions, gadgets, “Wash-let” (high-tech toilet), eco-car, new products, Quality Control Circle Work and Career Students will: Students explore a variety of work & career AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  listen and read to understand some popular occupations/careers in Japan choices in Japan, compare and contrast with 4; B.1-5; C.1-4  speak and write to express one’s own observations, thoughts, and ideas on the the American work & career choices, and share National Standards: 1-5 topic their findings.  compare and contrast the topic between Japan and the US Suggested Cultural Topics:  popular professions, future careers, entrance examinations, certifications, future dreams, career goals, craftsmanship, national treasures

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 68 Japanese III World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Japan and the World Students will: Students explore the relationships between AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  listen and read to understand some of the Japanese perspectives of the world Japan and the other countries, examine the 4; B.1-5; C.1-4  speak and write to express one’s own observations, thoughts, and ideas on the relationship with the US, and share their National Standards: 1-5 topic thoughts and findings.  compare and contrast the topic between Japan and the US Suggested Cultural Topics:  Japan’s impression to the world, Japan’s contribution to the world, food problems, aging society, land disputes, and allies

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 69 Japanese III World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Japanese IV Grade: 12 Overview: Japanese IV is designed for the students of the 4th year of Japanese. In this year-long Length: 2 semesters course, students are expected to review the knowledge of both Japanese language and culture, as well Prerequisites: Japanese III as expand vocabulary and expressions to enhance more communicative skills. The history of Japan will be extensively discussed using a variety of activities. Approximately 150 kanji characters are introduced. The themes/contents of Japanese I, II, and III will be continually expanded, applied, and reinforced in more cultural contexts.

Mastery Core Objectives Themes

Language Culture

Summer Vacation Students will: Students deepen the understanding of functions AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  watch, listen, and read to understand various summer activities and events in of society and school affecting summer 4; B.1-6; C.1-4 Japan activities, identify unique aspects in summer National Standards: 1-5  converse to exchange the facts, thoughts, and ideas on the topic activities/events in Japan. They enrich  speak and write to express one’s own observations, thoughts, and ideas on the understanding and discuss different topic perspective, such as summer festivities, family reunion, and summer, gift exchange customs.

Suggested Practices:  summer festivals, Obon, “bon dance”, summer school, radio physical exercise, summer gift exchange, summer sports

Suggested Products:  fireworks, taiko, vendors, summer foods, "happi coats," and "yukata"

Suggested ,Perspectives:  family reunion, cram school, packaged tours

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 70 Japanese IV World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Folktale Students will: Students understand different sets of the AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  watch, listen, and read to understand some of the popular Japanese folktales cultural values in the folktale and identify 4; B.1-6; C.1-4  converse to exchange the facts, thoughts, and ideas on the topic unique cultural products described in folk National Standards: 1-5  enrich the understanding of the oral tradition by creating their own stories to tales, such as kimono, hachimaki, katana, share in the class (play, puppet show, movie, “kami-shibai”, multimedia peach, etc… presentation, etc.) Suggested Practices:  traditional storytelling, story development

Suggested Products:  traditional clothes, food and animals associated with folktales, cultural products

Suggested Perspectives:  moral, perspectives, ways of thinking in the past My Hometown Students will: Students explore the cultural, social, historical AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  watch, listen, and read to understand examples of the Japanese describing influences given by the places, and identify 4; B.1-6; C.1-4 their hometowns definitions of hometown via practices and National Standards: 1-5  converse to exchange the facts, thoughts, and ideas on the topic products, such as socialization with neighbors,  speak and write to express one’s own observations, thoughts, and ideas on the local products, and famous places and topic activities.

Suggest Practices:  regional festivities, festivals, moving, career change, neighbors

Suggested Products:  housing, apartment, tourism, famous products, wild animals, nature, environment, transportations, and "Furusato" (song)

Suggested Perspectives:  city & country, distance between families, regional culture, history, industry

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 71 Japanese IV World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Recycling Students will: Students deepen the understanding of societal AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  watch, listen, and read to understand the various recycling systems and efforts needs, scientific applications, and cultural 4; B.1-6; C.1-4 in Japan values, and discuss the unique perspectives of National Standards: 1-5  converse to exchange the facts, thoughts, and ideas on the topic “mottainai” (closest equivalent in English,  speak and write to express one’s own observations, thoughts, and ideas on the “wasteful”). topic Suggested Practices:  three R’s, garbage disposal, recycling education at schools

Suggested Products:  recycling efforts at school and in community, items for recycling

Suggested Perspectives:  concept of “mottainai”, lack of natural resources, land problem Winter Holiday Season Students will: Students deepen the understanding of the AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  watch, listen and read to understand various winter holiday activities and culture and society in relation to the holiday 4; B.1-6; C.1-4 events in Japan season, and identify uniqueness in Japanese National Standards: 1-5  converse to exchange the facts, thoughts and ideas on the topic winter holidays, such as “hatsumoode”, end of  speak and write to express one’s own observations, thoughts and ideas on the year cleanup, “hatsuyume”, etc. topic Suggested Practices:  winter vacation, Christmas, New Year’s days, family reunion, family vacation, new year’s cards, new year’s monetary gifts, first visits to temples and shrines, first calligraphy, and New Year's resolution

Suggested Products:  Christmas cake, new year’s meals, new year’s decorations, new year’s cards, fortune telling, calligraphy, “karuta,” and “daruma”

Suggested Perspectives:  concept of “kejime”, auspicious items, bells on New Year’s Eve, Christmas in Japan

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 72 Japanese IV World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

My Treasure Students will: Students explore the social, cultural, historical, AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  watch, listen, and read to understand about treasured tangible items of various and individual values of treasures, and identify 4; B.1-6; C.1-4 people in Japan treasured tangible items and wishing practices, National Standards: 1-5  converse to exchange the facts, thoughts, and ideas on the topic such as “omamori,” souvenirs, and mementos.  speak and write to express one’s own observations, thoughts, and ideas on the topic Suggested Practices:  custom of taking care of goods, prayer, beliefs, value judgment

Suggested Products:  mementos, charms, souvenirs, friendship bracelet

Suggested Perspectives:  luck, memory, wish, important items and thoughts, value system Traveling in Japan Students will: Students deepen the understanding of AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  watch, listen, and read to understand popular tourist destinations in Japan geography, history, and lifestyles of the 4; B.1-6; C.1-4  converse to exchange the facts, thoughts, and ideas on the topic Japanese, and identify popular travel National Standards: 1-5  speak and write to express one’s own observations, thoughts, and ideas on the destinations and various advertisements. topic  enrich the understanding of tourism and popular destinations through Suggested Practices: creating a travel brochure  travel plan, introduction, tour information, community events, transportations

Suggested Products:  maps, travel web sites, brochures, books, magazines, photos

Suggested Perspectives:  PR, media influence, fashion, regional culture

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 73 Japanese IV World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Ten Years from Now Students will: Students deepen the understanding of societal AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  watch, listen, and read to understand about popular careers in Japan change, media influences, and career 4; B.1-6; C.1-4  converse to exchange the facts, thoughts, and ideas on the topic education, and identify ways to utilize National Standards: 1-5  speak and write to express one’s own observations, thoughts, and ideas on the Japanese language skills in future careers and topic their means, such as colleges and work places.

Suggested Practices:  career guidance, college entrance exam, applying jobs, interview

Suggested Products:  job recruitment, trade schools, resume

Suggested Perspectives:  popular careers, media influence, dreams Other Requirements Students will:  approximately 150 kanji characters  writing journal

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 74 Japanese IV World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Advanced Placement (AP) Japanese* Grade: 12 Overview: AP Japanese is designed for the students of the 4th year of Japanese with a plan to Length: 2 semesters take the AP Japanese Exam. In this year long course, students are expected to review the knowledge Prerequisites: Japanese III and of both Japanese language and culture, to expand vocabulary and expressions to enhance more teacher’s recommendation communicative skills, and to be prepared for the AP Japanese Exam, which requires in-depth study of kanji characters (approximately 250) and sentence structures, as well as computing skills in Japanese.

Mastery Core Objectives Themes

Language Culture

Summer Vacation Students will: Students deepen the understanding of functions AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  watch, listen, and read to understand various summer activities and events in of society and school affecting summer 4; B.1-6; C.1-4 Japan activities, and identify unique aspects in National Standards: 1-5  converse to exchange the facts, thoughts, and ideas on the topic summer activities/events in Japan. They enrich  speak and write to express one’s own observations, thoughts, and ideas on the understanding and discuss different topic perspectives such as summer festivities, family  compare and contrast the topic between Japan and the US (in Japanese) reunion, and summer gift exchange customs.

Suggested Practices:  summer festivals, Obon, “bon dance”, summer school, radio physical exercise, summer gift exchange, summer sports,

Suggested Products:  fireworks, taiko, vendors, summer foods, "happi coats", "yukata"

Suggested Perspectives:  family reunion, cram school, packaged tours

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 75 AP Japanese World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Folktale Students will: Students explore different sets of the cultural AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  watch, listen, and read to understand some of the popular Japanese folktales values in the folktale, and identify unique 4; B.1-6; C.1-4  converse to exchange the facts, thoughts, and ideas on the topic cultural products described in folk tales, such National Standards: 1-5  enrich the understanding of the oral tradition by creating their own stories to as kimono, hachimaki, katana, peach, etc… share in the class (play, puppet show, movie, “kami-shibai”, multimedia presentation, etc.) Suggested Practices:  compare and contrast the cultural values and/or mottos  traditional storytelling, story development  discuss perspectives on hidden cultural values taught through oral tradition in the past such as loyalty and perseverance Suggested Products:  traditional clothes, food and animals associated with folktales, cultural products

Suggested Perspectives:  moral, perspectives, ways of thinking in the past My Hometown Students will: Students explore the cultural, social, and AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  watch, listen, and read to understand examples of the Japanese describing historical influences given by the places, and 4; B.1-6; C.1-4 their hometowns identify definitions of hometown via practices National Standards: 1-5  converse to exchange the facts, thoughts, and ideas on the topic and products, such as socialization with  speak and write to express one’s own observations, thoughts, and ideas on the neighbors, local products, and famous places topic and activities.  compare and contrast the topic between Japan and the US  discuss perspectives of emotional attachments to hometown Suggested Practices:  regional festivities, festivals, moving, career change, neighbors,

Suggested Products:  housing, apartment, tourism, famous products, wild animals, nature, environment, transportations, and "Furusato" (song)

Suggested Perspectives:  city & country, distance between families, regional culture, history, industry

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 76 AP Japanese World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Recycling Students will: Students deepen the understanding of societal AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  watch, listen, and read to understand the various recycling systems and efforts needs, scientific applications, and cultural 4; B.1-6; C.1-4 in Japan values, and discuss the unique perspectives of National Standards: 1-5  converse to exchange the facts, thoughts, and ideas on the topic “mottainai” (closest equivalent in English,  speak and write to express one’s own observations, thoughts, and ideas on the “wasteful”). topic  compare and contrast the topic between Japan and the US Suggested Practices:  compare Japanese and local recycling practices by products  three R’s, garbage disposal, recycling education at schools

Suggested Products:  recycling efforts at school and in community, items for recycling

Suggested Perspectives:  concept of “mottainai”, lack of natural resources, land problem Winter Holiday Season Students will: Students deepen the understanding of the AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  watch, listen, and read to understand various winter holiday activities and culture and society in relation to the holiday 4; B.1-6; C.1-4 events in Japan season, and identify uniqueness in Japanese National Standards: 1-5  converse to exchange the facts, thoughts, and ideas on the topic winter holidays, such as “hatsumoode”, end of  speak and write to express one’s own observations, thoughts, and ideas on the year cleanup, “hatsuyume”, etc. topic  compare and contrast the topic between Japan and the US Suggested Practices:  discuss and enrich the understanding of the Japanese perspectives of  winter vacation, Christmas, New “kejime” Year’s days, family reunion, family vacation, new year’s cards, new year’s monetary gifts, first visits to temples and shrines, first calligraphy, and New Year's resolution

Suggested Products:  Christmas cake, new year’s meals, new year’s decorations, new year’s cards, fortune telling, calligraphy, “karuta,” and "daruma"

Suggested Perspectives:  concept of “kejime”, auspicious items, bells on New Year’s Eve, Christmas in Japan

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 77 AP Japanese World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

My Treasure Students will: Students explore the social, cultural, historical, AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  watch, listen, and read to understand about treasured tangible items of various and individual values of treasures, and identify 4; B.1-6; C.1-4 people in Japan treasured tangible items and wishing practices, National Standards: 1-5  converse to exchange the facts, thoughts, and ideas on the topic such as “omamori”, souvenirs, and mementos.  speak and write to express one’s own observations, thoughts, and ideas on the topic Suggested Practices:  compare and contrast the topic between Japan and the US  concept of “kejime”, auspicious items, bells  discuss beliefs and cultural values in treasuring items on New Year’s Eve, Christmas in Japan

Suggested Products:  mementos, charms, souvenirs, friendship bracelet

Suggested Perspectives:  luck, memory, wish, important items and thoughts, value system Traveling in Japan Students will: Students deepen the understanding of AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  watch, listen, and read to understand popular tourist destinations in Japan geography, history, and lifestyles of the 4; B.1-6; C.1-4  converse to exchange the facts, thoughts, and ideas on the topic Japanese, and identify popular travel National Standards: 1-5  speak and write to express one’s own observations, thoughts, and ideas on the destinations and various advertisements. topic  compare and contrast geographical and historical aspects, and lifestyles of Suggested Practices Alaskans and Japanese  travel plan, introduction, tour information,  enrich the understanding of tourism and popular destinations by creating a community events, transportations travel brochure  discuss perspectives of media influences to travel destinations Suggested Products  maps, travel web sites, brochures, books, magazines, photos

Suggested Perspectives  PR, media influence, fashion, regional culture

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 78 AP Japanese World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Ten Years from Now Students will: Students deepen the understanding of societal AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  watch, listen, and read to understand about popular careers in Japan change, media influences, and career 4; B.1-6; C.1-4  converse to exchange the facts, thoughts, and ideas on the topic education, and identify ways to utilize National Standards: 1-5  speak and write to express one’s own observations, thoughts, and ideas on the Japanese language skills in future careers and topic their means, such as colleges and workplaces.  compare and contrast the topic between Japan and the US  discuss popular occupations in Japan and analyze the changes from the past to Suggested Practices: the present  career guidance, college entrance exam, applying jobs, interview

Suggested Products:  job recruitment, trade schools, resume

Suggested Perspectives:  popular careers, media influence, dreams Other Requirements  approximately 250 kanji characters  listening, reading, speaking, and writing exercises in preparation for the AP Japanese exam  writing and typing journal

*AP Course syllabi must be College Board approved

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 79 AP Japanese World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

J-Pop Culture

Grade: 9-12 Overview: This course is an introduction to the pop and traditional cultures of Japan. It provides various cultural Length: 1 semester themes to explore and learn through hands-on activities and projects. Prerequisites: None

Themes Mastery Core Objectives Suggested Topics

Anime Students will: Hayao Miyazaki AK. Content Standards:  Explore and learn different genres of Anime Osamu Tezuka WL.B.1-4  Learn characteristics of Anime Yoshiyuki Tomino WL.C.2 & 4  Learn historical development of Anime Studio Ghibli National Standards:  Compare and contrast within Anime Gainax 2. 1 & 2 Toei Animation 3. 1 & 2  Compare and contrast with the American animations Walt Disney 4. 1 & 2  Share their findings and understanding of the theme in projects of their choice 5. 1 & 2 (collage, slideshow or paper) Akihabara Graphic Novels Students will: Osamu Tezuka AK. Content Standards:  Explore different genres of Japanese graphic novels Machiko Hasegawa WL.B.1-4  Learn historical development of the Japanese graphic novels Comic Shops WL.C.2 & 4  Compare and contrast within the Japanese graphic novels Weekly Manga National Standards:  Cho-Ju-Gi-Ga 鳥獣戯画 2. 1 & 2 Compare and contrast with the American graphic novels Hokusai 3. 1 & 2  Share their findings and understanding of the theme in projects of their choice 4. 1 & 2 (collage, slideshow, drawing, or paper) Ukiyoe 5. 1 & 2 Music Students will: Taiko AK. Content Standards:  Explore different genres of Japanese music Kodo WL.B.1-4  Learn basic elements of Taiko music J-Pop & J-Rock WL.C.2 & 4  Compare and contrast within the Japanese music: melody, rhythm & lyrics of Visual Kei National Standards: selected pop and folk music Enka 2. 1 & 2 Folk Songs 3. 1 & 2  Compare and contrast with the American music Idol Groups 4. 1 & 2  Share their findings and understanding of the theme in projects of their choice 5. 1 & 2 (singing, collage, slideshow or paper) Anime Vocaloid Chart

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 80 Japanese J-Pop Culture World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Gaming Students will: Karuta AK. Content Standards:  Explore different genres of Japanese games Video Games WL.B.1-4  Learn historical development of the Japanese games: from card games to Arcade-style Games WL.C.2 & 4 video games Game designer / developer National Standards:  Compare and contrast within the Japanese games Game console 2. 1 & 2 Technology 3. 1 & 2  Compare and contrast with the American games Nintendo 4. 1 & 2  Share their findings and understanding of the theme in projects of their choice 5. 1 & 2 (demonstration, collage, slideshow or paper) Sonny Bandai Crafts Students will: Origami AK. Content Standards:  Explore different genres of Japanese crafts Pottery WL.B.1-4  Learn historical development of the selected Japanese crafts Paper making WL.C.2 & 4  Compare and contrast within the Japanese crafts Daruma National Standards:  Compare and contrast with the American crafts Book making 2. 1 & 2 Living National Treasure 3. 1 & 2  Share their findings and understanding of the theme in projects of their choice Folk Art Movement 4. 1 & 2 (craftwork, collage, slideshow or paper) 5. 1 & 2 Arts Students will: Calligraphy AK. Content Standards:  Explore different genres of Japanese arts Taro Okamoto WL.B.1-4  Learn historical development of the selected Japanese arts Painting WL.C.2 & 4  Compare and contrast within the Japanese arts Sculpture National Standards:  Compare and contrast with the American arts Architecture 2. 1 & 2 Performing Arts 3. 1 & 2  Share their findings and understanding of the theme in projects of their choice 4. 1 & 2 (artwork, collage, slideshow or paper) 5. 1 & 2 Clothing Students will: Kimono AK. Content Standards:  Explore different genres of Japanese clothing Yukata WL.B.1-4  Learn traditional Japanese clothing Happi Coat WL.C.2 & 4  Compare and contrast within the Japanese clothing Geta National Standards:  Compare and contrast with the American clothing Materials 2. 1 & 2 Handmade vs. machine-made 3. 1 & 2  Share their findings and understanding of the theme in projects of their choice Western influences 4. 1 & 2 (demonstration, product, collage, slideshow or paper) 5. 1 & 2

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 81 Japanese J-Pop Culture World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Cuisine Students will: “Washoku” & “Yoshoku” AK. Content Standards:  Explore different genres of Japanese cuisine Traditional dishes WL.B.1-4  Learn historical development of the Japanese cuisine Vegetarian dishes WL.C.2 & 4  Compare and contrast within the Japanese cuisine Instant noodles National Standards:  Compare and contrast with the American cuisine Foreign influences 2. 1 & 2 Traditional ingredients 3. 1 & 2  Share their findings and understanding of the theme in the cooking projects Preparations of dishes 4. 1 & 2 5. 1 & 2 Presentation of dishes Dining etiquettes Meta Language Students will: AK. Content Standards:  Learn basic classroom phrases and expressions (meta language) in Japanese WL.A.1-3  Understand and use the meta language in the classroom National Standards: 1. 1-3

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 82 Japanese J-Pop Culture World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1


Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 83 Spanish World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Spanish I Grade: 7-12 Overview: Spanish I is an introductory course designed to lay the foundation for students to Length: 2 semesters comprehend and communicate Spanish in everyday life. Students will acquire basic grammar, Prerequisites: None pronunciation, and comprehension skills while exploring a variety of Spanish cultural topics.

Mastery Core Objectives Grammar/ Themes Usage/Structure Students will be introduced to the Students will: following concepts: Basics  communicate their basic classroom needs  traditional format for writing names and AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  respond to basic classroom commands dates 3; B.2  identify colors and numbers 0-1,000  difference between usted and tú forms National Standards: 1.3; 2.1-2; 5.1  use appropriate question words to communicate  punctuation and capitalization rules  pronounce words correctly when reading aloud  masculine/feminine  begin writing vocabulary  practice pronunciation  sentences with Spanish orthographic Cultural aspect: marks  explore different regional pronunciations  adjectives/noun placement and agreement Personal Information  greet and take leave of others appropriately (verbal and physical) given their  determiner/noun agreement (el, un, AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1- relationship and time of day nuestro, este, ese) 3; B.3  ask / tell others their name, age, and where they are from  present indicative forms of: tener, estar National Standards: 1.3; 2.1-2; 5.1  ask others how they are and answer (conditions) and ser  introduce themselves and others; respond to introductions  use estar and ser  ask / tell what they like and what they like to do  definite/indefinite articles  write simple dialogues  subject pronouns  gustar(le) ; interesar(le) ; aburrir(le) Cultural aspect:  caer(le)  understand and explore different non-verbal greetings  verbs: salir, traer, venir Family  ask / tell others what they are like and what their family and friends are like  possessive adjectives AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-3  describe people’s physical appearance and their personality  verb conjugations for regular –ar, -er, -ir National Standards: 1.1-3; 2.1-2;  identify relatives and their pets verbs (vosotros optional) 5.1  explain how family members are related to one another  irregular verbs: hacer (to do) , pedir (to ask for), servir (to serve) , traer (to bring) Cultural aspect:  possessive with ‘de’  basic structures of American family and the Hispanic family  contraction del, de la, de los, de las

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 84 Spanish I World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Food  identify food  verb ir (to go) AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  identify shops  gustar(le); interesar(le); aburrir(le) 3; B.2  ask for a menu  ordinal numbers: primero, segundo… National Standards: 1.1-3; 2.1-2;  order and comment on food use numbers 0-1,000 3.1; 4.1-2; 5.1  ask for the bill  positive and negative words  comparative structures: más que, menos Cultural aspect: que  basic discussion of comparing/contrasting of American meals, manner, and  superlative structures: mejor que, peor que habits to meals in Spanish-speaking countries  saber vs. conocer School  list/describe classes they are taking and what time  present progressive of the indicative with AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-3  list school supplies they need/use in different classes the verb estar National Standards: 1.3; 2.1-2; 5.1  say which classes they enjoy and why  expressions used for location with estar  say which classes they do not enjoy and why (to be)  ask for and tell time  contraction al, a la, a los, a las  verb ir(to go) Cultural aspect:  ir + a + infinitive  compare target country’s public school routines and systems  directions  describe the different viewpoints of time in target countries and how  hacer with expression of weather misunderstandings might occur  present indicative of stem changing verbs: Sports/ Hobbies  describe your hobbies (querer, preferir ,etc.) AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  describe sports you participate throughout the year  me falta(n)… 3; B.2  describe activities/sports you participate in or enjoy  use of formal language with strangers National Standards: 1.1-3; 2.1-2;  describe sports/activities you do not like to do  names of shops in the Spanish speaking 5.1 world, the ending ería Cultural aspects:  expression used with to be in style: me  compare club vs. school sports in Spanish-speaking countries queda bien/mal Holidays and Celebrations  discuss activities related to the holidays you celebrate and vacations AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  read and write stories using the holiday vocabulary 3; B.2-3 National Standards: 1.1-3; 2.1-2; Cultural aspect: 3.1; 4.1-2; 5.1  learn about the holidays and festivals such as Día de los Muertos, , La Navidad , Año Nuevo , Tres Reyes Magos, Carnaval , Cuaresma, Semana Santa, Pascua, Cinco de Mayo, running of the bulls , feria de la primavera , la quema de?  basic discussion about how religion influences cultural celebrations  understand the importance of the quinceañera.  identify music types and basic dances from a variety of holidays.  learn about the food associate with different holidays

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 85 Spanish I World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Geography  locate ten of the 21 Spanish speaking countries on a map AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  identify capitals of ten Spanish speaking countries on a map 3; B.2 National Standards: 1- 5 Cultural aspects:  Research basic information about a Spanish Speaking country.  Hispanic Heritage Month Communities  identify common city landmarks, buildings, and modes of transportation AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  describe what people are doing where they live/are 3; B.2  comprehend prepositions of place National Standards: 1.1-3; 2.1-2;  comprehend and give simple directions 3.1; 4.1-2; 5.1  describe their own communities

Cultural aspects:  compare shopping between Spanish-speaking and American communities Weather/Seasons/Calendar  demonstrate knowledge of local weather and seasonal activities AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  describe the days, months and seasons 3; B.2  express dates correctly National Standards: 1.1-3; 2.1-2; 5.1 Cultural aspects:  describe seasonal weather in different countries  calculate temperature conversions between Fahrenheit and Celsius  recognize that calendars begin with Monday Clothes and Shopping  identify basic clothing items AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  ask the price of an item 3; B.2,3,5  describe their own clothing and that of others National Standards: 1.1-3; 2.1-2; 3.1; 4.1-2; 5.1 Cultural Aspects:  describe different shopping situations, e.g. mall vs. outdoor market

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 86 Spanish I World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Spanish II Grade: 9-12 Overview: Spanish II will more fully develop students' knowledge of grammar rules and Length: 2 semesters pronunciation skills while exploring Spanish culture and history. Students will communicate in the Prerequisites: Spanish IA and IB target language on a daily basis as they enhance their understanding of additional Spanish speaking countries.

Mastery Core Objectives Grammar/ Themes Usage/Structure Students will be introduced to the Students will: following concepts: Health  name body parts • review grammar concepts from level AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  describe symptoms of common illnesses • present tense of the indicative of –go 3; B.3  describe their daily routines for self-care family verbs National Standards: 1.1-3; 2.1- • verb + infinitive constructions 2;3.1; 4.1-2; 5.1 Cultural aspect: • present tense irregular verbs  describe symptoms of common illnesses • reflexive verb construction in the present  describe their daily routines for self-care and past tense  comprehend simple diagnoses and prescription treatment • reflexive pronouns with conjugated verbs • verbs such as doler (to hurt)  understand the concept of la farmacía y el, la farmacéutico, a • preterit tense of the indicative of the regular  make hotel reservations Travel and Transportation verbs  AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1- purchase plane, train, bus tickets, and rental cars including scheduling, • preterit tense of the indicative of the 3; B.2,3; C.1 seating, and price-exchange currency irregular verbs National Standards: 1.1-3; 2.1-2;  describe transportation in target countries • imperfect tense of the indicative of the 3.1; 4.1-2; 5.1  list their past activities, accomplishments, and travels using the preterite regular verbs • imperfect tense of the indicative of the Cultural aspect: irregular verbs  interpret transportation schedules • uses of imperfect tense as opposed to the  describe transportation systems in Spanish-speaking countries preterit tense Childhood  describe own childhood activities • present perfect tense of the indicative AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  compare own childhood activities with activities of children in Spanish • future tense 3; B.3 speaking countries • conditional tense • informal commands Cultural aspect: • indirect object pronouns  learn and play childhood games common to target countries • direct object pronouns

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 87 Spanish II World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

History, Legends, and  summarize history/legends of the major civilizations from Spanish speaking • comparison Narratives countries • adverbs AK. Content Standards: WL.B.2,  describe ancient civilizations • diminutives 3, 6  discuss the affects of Europe on the New World • adjectives National Standards: 1-5 • indefinite articles Cultural aspect:  demonstrate a greater knowledge of historical, political, social, and artistic contributions from Spanish speaking countries  Hispanic Heritage Month: research a Hispanic American and its positive influence in the USA Food  recognize foods from Spanish-speaking countries (fruits and vegetables, meats,  develop a larger vocabulary related to foods bargaining, shopping)  describe and identify a greater variety of foods AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  identify traditional Hispanic food 3; B.2 National Standards: 1.1-3; 2.1- Cultural aspect: 2;3.1; 4.1-2; 5.1  research and prepare recipes from the target country Animals and Ecosystems  name the animals from Spanish-speaking countries AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  tell stories using both past tenses featuring Latin American animals 4; B.2-3 National Standards: 1-5 Cultural aspect:  explain symbolic significance of certain Latin American animals (coyote, jaguar, quetzal, etc.) Holidays and Festivities  describe location, date, and significance of a variety of holidays, festivals, AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1- and celebrations 3; C.1  identify different music styles for each holiday National Standards: 1.1-3; 2.1-  identify basic dance steps of merengue, bachata, salsa/mambo/cumbia, tango 2;3.1; 4.1-2; 5.1 Cultural aspect:  create an art project which reflects understanding of the customs and traditions of specific holidays  create a dance or song from lyrics from a popular Spanish song or poem

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 88 Spanish II World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

House and Chores  identify and describe rooms, common furniture, fixtures, and appliances in AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1- the home 3; C.1  describe what chores are done in the own home National Standards: 1.1-3; 2.1-  complain, make excuses, and refuse to do chores 2;3.1; 4.1-2; 5.1  command/request others to do chores

Cultural aspect:  describe the responsibilities of people in your family and contrast that to a typical Hispanic family Professions and Nationalities  identify the nationalities of all 21 Spanish-speaking countries AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  identify the professions and nationalities of a variety of famous Spanish 4; B.2-3 speakers National Standards: 1-5  describe your future profession  describe what you would like to do in your life in the future

Cultural aspect:  research a famous personality and present the information from a variety of choices: poem, report, PowerPoint, song, etc.

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 89 Spanish II World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Spanish III Grade: 10-12 Overview: Spanish III emphasizes more extensive communication in the Spanish language. Length: 2 semesters Speaking Spanish is a basic requirement in class. Emphasis on reading short stories, building Prerequisites: Spanish IIA and vocabulary, and developing fluency in conversation is included. This course will increase study of the IIB Hispanic culture, history, literature, and art.

Mastery Core Objectives Grammar/ Themes Usage/Structure Students will be introduced to the Students will: following concepts: Personal Information,  express interest, indifference, and displeasure about hobbies, vacations, and  Review grammar and structures from Opinions, Hobbies, and sports Spanish II Vacations  describe yourself and others  present tense of –ar; -er and –ir the verbs AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  describe familiar places in the indicative mood 3; B.2  use the vocabulary of interest, indifference, and displeasure to discuss future  the present progressive National Standards: 1.3; 2.1-2; 5.1 and past vacations  review ir + a  ask for information for vacation arrangements  reflexive verbs  preterit tense of all the verbs and a list of Cultural aspect: words (anoche, etc)  compare contrast personal hobbies and pastimes with those of target countries  imperfect tense verbs and a list of words Healthy Lifestyle/ Lifestyles  ask for and give advice (mientras, etc) of Today and Yesterday  talk about taking care of yourself  verbs in the preterit vs. imperfect AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-3  read and discuss articles about lifestyle in Spanish-speaking countries  present perfect and list of words (ya, etc) National Standards: 1.1-3; 2.1-  contrast the health habits of Spanish speakers to your habits today  present perfect tense 2;3.1; 4.1-2; 5.1  pluperfect tense Cultural aspect:  lo que  compare and contrast lifestyles/roles in Spanish speaking countries and the  future tense local community  conditional tense 

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 90 Spanish III World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Past, Present, and Future;  talk about what has happened  informal commands Technology and its Influence  discuss the advantages and disadvantages of modern life  interrogative words AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  debate a topic  por and para 4; B.6; C.1  discuss responsibilities  Review grammar and structures from National Standards: 1-5  talk about future events Spanish II  write about inventions that have affected your life  present tense of –ar; -er and –ir the verbs in the indicative mood Cultural aspect:  the present progressive  create a presentation of a notable Spanish scientist or inventor  review ir + a Around the Table  talk about how food tastes  reflexive verbs AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-3  talk about unintentional events  preterit tense of all the verbs and a list of National Standards: 1.1-3; 2.1-  ask for help and request favors words (anoche, etc) 2;3.1; 4.1-2; 5.1  listen to Spanish speakers talk about accidents or mistakes  imperfect tense verbs and a list of words  interview a classmate about his/her favorite dish (mientras, etc)  verbs in the preterit vs. imperfect Cultural aspect:  present perfect and list of words (ya, etc)  compare and contrast foods in the target country and the local community  present perfect tense Legends  read, understand, and discuss legends  pluperfect tense (Local community and  talk about hopes and wishes  lo que Spanish-speaking Countries)  listen to Spanish speakers talk about hopes and wishes  future tense AK. Content Standards: AL.A.1-3;  tell your own legend  conditional tense B.3  informal commands National Standards: 1-5 Cultural aspect:  interrogative words  compare and contrast the legends from Spanish-speaking countries and the  por and para legends from your home community Music and Art  learn vocabulary about the arts and music (Spanish-speaking countries,  give opinions about art and music from target countries influence of Spanish music and  interview classmates about their likes and dislikes in the arts and music art) AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1- Cultural aspect: 3; B.2  explore the influence of art and music in Spanish speaking countries

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 91 Spanish III World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Friendship and  express happiness and unhappiness in the present and past tense Interpersonal Relationships  comfort someone AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-3  express an apology National Standards: 1.3; 2.1-2; 5.1  discuss situations and solutions  write about high school situations and resolutions

Cultural aspect:  listen to Spanish speakers talk about high school and compare how each culture deals with stress Media  express doubt and disbelief (influence in the local  express certainty/talk about what the student knows community, USA, and Spanish-  express possibility and impossibility or express surprise speaking world)  interview a classmate about dealing with the positive/negative media AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1- influence in his/her life 3; B.2  explore the impact of the media in your life National Standards: 1-5 Cultural aspect:  explore the newspaper stands in Spanish speaking countries  explore the influence of the media in Spanish speaking countries Cultural Heritage  talk about emotional reactions (stereotypes in the local  express disagreement community and influence of  express assumptions Spanish speakers)  use hypothetical statements AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  explore stereotyping 3; B.2,4  talk about accomplishments/success National Standards: 1-5  talk about ancestral roots

Cultural aspect:  study the influence of the Hispanic culture in our community Environmental, Social, and  express cause and effect Global Issues  talk about hypothetical statements and situations AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1- 3; B.3-4 Cultural aspect: National Standards: 1-5  compare and contrast the social and environmental issues in Spanish countries and your community

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 92 Spanish III World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Spanish IV Grade: 11-12 Overview: This is a one year course with a more advanced level of communicating in Spanish. Length: 2-4 semesters Grammar and vocabulary will be reviewed and expanded through the reading of more complex Prerequisites: Spanish IIIA & literature including short novels, poetry, and plays. Emphasis is placed on improvement of reading and IIIB writing skills. Included is a more complex study of Spanish culture and history.

Themes Mastery Core Objectives Grammar/

Usage/Structure Students will be introduced to or will Students will: review the following concepts: Themes may include, but are  more easily comprehend native speakers  grammar/usage/structure from Spanish I-III not limited to:  improve comprehension of audio communication such as music, film, and radio or  gustar and similar verbs television programs  ser vs. estar Geography  communicate with native speakers on familiar topics  expressions of tener History  discuss:  descriptive adjectives Government/Politics o familiar topics with increasing fluency and grammatical accuracy  comparatives and superlatives Social Order and Education o more abstract and complex topics from literary selections  stem-changing verbs The Environment o current events and social issues from Spanish newspapers or magazines  verbs with spelling changes and irregular Architecture  apply knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, syntax, and other contextual clues for verbs Literature (Stories, Novels, effective comprehension of edited and authentic materials  preterite: regular/irregular verbs Poetry, Plays)  write compositions which develop fairly complex topics  preterite: stem-changing irregular verbs The Arts (Music, Art, Theater,  evaluate authentic readings of increasing complexity  direct/indirect object pronouns Dance)  compose original works in Spanish  personal a Cuisine/Food  imperfect/irregular imperfect verbs Special Projects or Studies Cultural aspect:  the infinitive  (as approved by instructor) participate in multicultural events in the community or school  preterite vs. imperfect  sample Spanish customs and cuisine  formal and informal commands  if possible, participate in an immersion experience such as an exchange or  possessive adjectives, pronouns AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1- travel in a Spanish-speaking country 4; B.1-6; C.2  indefinite articles  develop a deeper understanding of one’s own language and culture through the  e/negative expressions study of Spanish  por and para  learn about career opportunities in which knowledge of Spanish is a supportive  past participle skill  passive constructions  experience authentic Spanish music, food, art, dance as available within the  future tense: regular and irregular forms community or through travel

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 93 Spanish IV World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

 conditional  present subjunctive  subjunctive noun clauses  relative pronouns  present subjunctive: adjective clauses adverbial clauses  imperfect of the subjunctive, and si clauses  imperfect subjunctive: noun and adjective clauses; subjunctive: adverbial clauses  present perfect: the indicative vs. the subjunctive  sequences of tenses: indicative and subjunctive  imperfect of subjunctive in main clauses  review of present and future perfect tenses  review of pluperfect tense

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 94 Spanish IV World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Advanced Placement (AP) Spanish*

Grade: 11-12 Overview: This is a one year course with a more advanced level of communicating in Spanish Length: 2-4 semesters based on College Board approval and outlined material. Precise grammar and vocabulary will be Prerequisites: Spanish IV reviewed and expanded through the reading of more complex literature including short novels, poetry, and plays. Emphasis is placed on higher oral proficiency and adeptness in reading and writing skills. Included is a more complex study of Spanish culture and history. This course is designed for students who plan to take the AP Spanish exam.

Units Mastery Core Objectives Grammar/

Usage/Structure Students will be introduced to or will Students will: review the following concepts: Themes may include, but are  more easily comprehend native speakers  grammar/usage/structure from Spanish I- not limited to:  understand longer and more abstract verbal exchanges, similar to those on the AP IV exam  gustar and similar verbs Geography  improve comprehension of audio communication such as music, film, and radio or  ser vs. estar History television programs  expressions of tener Government/Politics  communicate with native speakers on familiar topics with increasing oral  descriptive adjectives Economics proficiency  comparatives and superlatives Social Order and Education  discuss:  stem-changing verbs The Environment o familiar topics with increasing fluency and grammatical accuracy  verbs with spelling changes and irregular Architecture o more abstract and complex topics from literary selections with increasing verbs fluency and accuracy Literature (Stories, Novels,  preterite: regular/irregular verbs o current events and social issues from Spanish newspapers or magazines Poetry, Plays)  preterite: stem-changing irregular verbs  apply knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, syntax, and other contextual clues for The Arts (Music, Art, Theater,  direct/indirect object pronouns effective comprehension of edited and authentic materials Dance)  personal a  write compositions which develop fairly complex topics comparable to those on the  imperfect/irregular imperfect verbs Cuisine/Food AP exams  the infinitive Special Projects or Studies  respond to audio and visual cues similar to those on the AP exam (as approved by instructor)  preterite vs. imperfect  evaluate authentic readings of increasing complexity  formal and informal commands  compose original works in Spanish  possessive adjectives, pronouns AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  indefinitive/negative expressions 4; B.1-6; C.2; WL.B.2,3 Cultural aspect:  por and para National Standards: 1-5  participate in multicultural events in the community or school  past participle  sample Spanish customs and cuisine

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 95 AP Spanish World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

 if possible, participate in an immersion experience such as an exchange or  passive constructions travel in a Spanish-speaking country  future tense: regular and irregular forms  develop a deeper understanding of one’s own language and culture through the  conditional study of Spanish  present subjunctive  learn about career opportunities in which knowledge of Spanish is a supportive  subjunctive noun clauses skill  relative pronouns  experience authentic Spanish music, food, art, dance as available within the  present subjunctive: adjective clauses community or through travel  adverbial clauses  there will be additional requirements for students planning to take the Spanish  imperfect of the subjunctive, and si clauses AP exam. Experience authentic Spanish music, food, art, and dance as  imperfect subjunctive: noun and adjective available within the community or through travel clauses; subjunctive: adverbial clauses  present perfect: the indicative vs. the subjunctive  sequences of tenses: indicative and subjunctive  imperfect of subjunctive in main clauses  review of present and future perfect tenses  review of pluperfect tense Students will:  understand subtleties of meaning in a variety of authentic works  participate in a debate over a current social, political, or environmental issue  summarize and communicate main ideas and supporting details from a variety of authentic work  produce extended oral presentations and research papers using visual and technological support  interview a native speaker

* AP Course syllabi must be College Board approved

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 96 AP Spanish World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

The following courses are part of the adoption, but are not currently being taught in the FNSBSD. They may be taught if resources at individual schools are available.

Gwich’in I Koyukon I Latin I-IV/AP Russian I-III


Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 98 Gwich’in World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Gwich’in I Grade: 9-12 Overview: This course provides an introduction to the speech patterns, reading, writing, and culture Length: 2 semesters of Gwich’in speaking peoples. Students will participate in hands-on activities that reflect the culture and Prerequisites: None the values of Gwich’in speaking people.

Themes Mastery Core Objectives Grammar/

Usage/Structure Students will be introduced to the Students will: following concepts: Listening  understand the basic patterns of sound production and intonations as the differ from  use appropriate verb forms in present tense AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1; English  use appropriate nouns, adjectives, and B.3  understand words, expressions, and simple sentences: statements, questions, and articles to agree with nouns commands  differentiate between subjects and objects  understand simple stories when read at a pace slower than that of a native speaker form  comprehend basic courtesies and cultural formalities  use correct word order in simple sentences  understand simple questions, brief conversations, and basic requests  use correct structure in communication Speaking  produce sounds, individual words, simple sentences in Gwich’in, using adequate AK. Content Standards: WL.A.2-3 pronunciation and intonation  communicate simple messages which can be understood by the listener  communicate basic needs and engage in simple transactions in familiar situations  produce simple questions and participate in brief conversations Reading  understand simple messages and stories in Gwich’in AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1  read short passages limited to familiar vocabulary and structure Writing  know how to write simple sentences using correct spelling and acceptable word AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1 order  write about self, family, activities and interests

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 99 Gwich’in I World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Culture  increase the understanding of one’s own language and culture AK. Content Standards: WL.B.2-  explore the role of Gwich’in language and culture within Alaska and how it relates 4,6; C.1,4 to other Athabascan languages  recognize some important aspects of daily life and traditions in the Athabascan culture  understand some aspects of non-verbal communication in the Athabascan culture  know basic geographic data concerning villages where Gwich’in is spoken  review selected current events taking place in Athabascan country (e.g. subsistence debates, etc.)  understand the relationship between language and culture  interact appropriately in multilingual environments  apply language skills and cultural knowledge to enhance personal, intellectual, and social growth

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 100 Gwich’in I World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1


Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 101 Koyukon World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Koyukon I Grade: 9-12 Overview: This course provides an introduction to the speech patterns, reading, writing, and culture Length: 2 semesters of Koyukon speaking peoples. Students will participate in hands-on activities that reflect the culture and Prerequisites: None the values of Koyukon speaking people.

Themes Mastery Core Objectives Grammar/

Usage/Structure Students will be introduced to or will Students will: review the following concepts: Listening  understand the basic patterns of sound production and intonations as the differ from  use appropriate verb forms in present tense AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1; English  use appropriate nouns, adjectives, and B.3  understand words, expressions, and simple sentences: statements, questions, and articles to agree with nouns commands (e.g. simple directions)  differentiate between subjects and objects  understand simple stories when read at a pace slower than that of a native speaker form  comprehend basic courtesies and cultural formalities  use correct word order in simple sentences  understand simple questions, brief conversations, and basic requests Speaking  produce sounds, individual words, and simple sentences in Koyukon, using  use correct structure in communication AK. Content Standards: WL.A.2-3 adequate pronunciation and intonation  communicate simple messages, which can be understood by the listener (e.g. basic phrases and greetings)  communicate basic needs and engage in simple transactions in familiar situations (e.g. common commands and expressions, numbers 1 to 10, kinship terms)  produce simple questions and participate in brief conversations Reading  understand simple messages and stories in Koyukon AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1  read short passages limited to familiar vocabulary and structure Writing  know how to write simple sentences using correct spelling and acceptable word AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1 order  write about self, family, activities and interests

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 102 Koyukon I World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Culture  increase the understanding of one’s own language and culture AK. Content Standards: WL.B.1-  explore the role of Koyukon language and culture within Alaska and how it relates 4,6; C.1, 4 to other Athabascan languages  recognize some important aspects of daily life and traditions in the Athabascan culture  understand some aspects of non-verbal communication in the Athabascan culture  know basic geographic data concerning villages where Koyukon is spoken  review selected current events taking place in Athabascan country (e.g. subsistence debates, etc.)  understand the relationship between language and culture  interact appropriately in multilingual environments  apply language skills and cultural knowledge to enhance personal, intellectual, and social growth  identify local place names  identify and understand the traditional uses of natural resources (e.g. birch bark and roots for baskets, sleds, and snowshoes)  learn about storytelling, genealogy, and creation stories  read Koyukon biographies  learn about traditional songs, dances, and music  identify varieties and uses of furs  learn about history/origin and art of beading  learn about the types of fish and their preparation/preservation and the history/descriptions of various types of fishing equipment  identify the various types of water transportation  learn about potlatches  understand how elders are honored  learn about traditional and modern storage of foods  examine political subsistence issues and how they affect the Koyukon way of life  learn traditional beliefs concerning animals and the land  learn about traditional medicines and medicinal plants  learn about traditional cold weather survival techniques and clothing

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 103 Koyukon I World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1


Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 104 Latin World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Latin I Grade: 9-12 Overview: Latin I is an introduction to the language, culture, and thought of the Roman civilization Length: 2 semesters and its continuing influence on the vocabulary and grammar sufficient to read and understand simplified Prerequisites: None texts of classical authors. The student will also investigate basic tools of linguistics, especially irregularities of English, through Latin composition and etymological studies. Although the emphasis is on the language, the course explores Roman contributions to our culture through corollary studies in government, economics, art, architecture, philosophy, and military history.

Themes Mastery Core Objectives Grammar/

Usage/Structure Students will be introduced to the Students will: following concepts: Cultural, Scientific,  Roman law continues its influence as the foundation of English civil law, American Nouns Linguistic, and Political law, and the law of Roman, British, and American colonial states.  nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, Contributions  The Romans appropriated and consolidated the scientific accomplishments of all ablative, and vocative cases  AK. Content Standards: their subject states, from the astronomical work of the Chaldeans and Egyptians to masculine, feminine, and neuter genders WL.A.1,2; B.2-4 the hydraulic inventions of the Greeks. Romans also originated pioneer work in  all five declensions and selected irregular cement, arched buildings, and lightweight sailing ships. nouns  Romans invented large-tract governance and management, including trade Pronouns regulations, complex intercultural negotiations, and the full development of  relative, personal intensive, reflexive, and citizenship. interrogative  Latin language, when the imperial territories drifted under weaker political  pronouns as links to previous sentences organization than the Empire had provided, developed into modern Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Romanian, and French (and by extension English). Words of Latin Adjectives  origin from descendant languages have been assimilated into the languages of many agreement and declension nations, including Asian and Slavic.  adjectives as nouns  comparison Adverbs  placement  comparison Verbs  principle parts  distinction of conjugations  person, number, tense  imperative, indicative, and infinitive moods

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 105 Latin I World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

 irregular verbs Reading comprehension  word order  idiomatic conventions  strategies for translation Composition  word order and word choice  idiomatic peculiarities Etymology  investigation of derivatives  recognition of prefixes, suffixes, and roots in English vocabulary

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 106 Latin I World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Latin II Grade: 10-12 Overview: Latin II is a continued investigation of the language, culture, and thought of the Roman Length: 2 semesters civilization and its continuing influence on the modern West. The student will learn the subtler concepts Prerequisites: Latin I of Latin vocabulary and grammar sufficient to read and understand Livy, Cæsar, and annotated lyric and epic poets. The student will continue to investigate tools of linguistics through Latin composition and etymological studies. Although the emphasis is again on language, this course explores our Roman inheritance through the study of Roman education, historiography, military history and legend.

Themes Mastery Core Objectives Grammar/

Usage/Structure Students will be introduced to or will Students will: review the following concepts: AK. Content Standards:  manipulate the Latin language through reading comprehension, composition, and WL.A.1,2; B.2-4 etymological studies, including all concepts of grammar, syntax, usage, and vocabulary commonly met in Titus Livius and Julius Cæsar  demonstrate an understanding of the contributions to historiography made by such Greek writers as Thucydides and Herodotus and Latin historians Livy and Seneca and of Cæsar as historian and autobiographer  demonstrate an understanding of the principles and practices of Roman education and its differences from American public and private instruction  demonstrate an understanding of the implications of Rome’s conquest of western Europe, starting with the campaigns against Gaul and Germany and the later appropriation of Britain

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 107 Latin II World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Latin III Grade: 11-12 Overview: In Latin III students will use advanced language expertise to read, translate, understand, Length: 2 semesters analyze and interpret the required poems of Catullus. Prerequisites: Latin II

Themes Mastery Core Objectives Grammar/

Usage/Structure Students will be introduced to or will Students will: review the following concepts: AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  write a literal English translation of a Latin passage on the course syllabus 2; B.2  explicate specific words or phrases in context  identify the context and significance of short excerpts from Catullus’s poetry  identify and analyze characteristics or noteworthy features of the author’s modes of expression, including use of imagery, figures of speech, sound, and metrical effects (in poetry only) as seen in specific passages  discuss particular motifs or general themes that are not only suggested by passages but also those that are relevant to other selections  analyze and discuss structure and demonstrate an awareness of the features used in the construction of a poem or an argument  scan the meters specified in the course syllabus

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 108 Latin III World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Latin IV/AP Grade: 12 Overview: Latin IV/AP students will use advanced language expertise to read, translate, Length: 2 semesters understand, analyze and interpret the required selections from a second author studies–Cicero, Prerequisites: Latin III ProCaelio, Horace, Odes, or Ovid, Amores and Metamorphoses.

Themes Mastery Core Objectives Grammar/

Usage/Structure Students will be introduced to or will Students will: review the following concepts: AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  write a literal English translation of a Latin passage on the course syllabus 2; B.2  explicate specific words or phrases in context  identify the context and significance of short excerpts from (Cicero, Horace, or Ovid) poetry  identify and analyze characteristics or noteworthy features of the author’s modes of expression, including use of imagery, figures of speech, sound, and metrical effects (in poetry only) as seen in specific passages  discuss particular motifs or general themes that are not only suggested by passages but also those that are relevant to other selections  analyze and discuss structure and demonstrate an awareness of the features used in the construction of a poem or an argument  scan the meters specified in the course syllabus

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 109 Latin IV/AP World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1


Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 110 Russian World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Russian I Grade: 9-12 Overview: An introduction to the speech patterns, writing systems, and culture of the Russian Length: 2 semesters people, largely through hands-on activities. An introduction to the geography and history will also be Prerequisites: None undertaken.

Themes Mastery Core Objectives Grammar/

Usage/Structure Students will be introduced to the Students will: following concepts: Greeting People  understand and use Russian first names and patronymics AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-3  ask someone’s name  identify individuals by asking questions that are answered with yes or no

Personal Information 1) find out about people and animals AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-3 2) find out about personal items 3) find out where someone or something is 4) talk about family 5) ask / tell about locations 6) ask whether someone knows something 7) ask about locations 8) express plurality through names of streets and squares in cities 9) ask where someone lives 10) talk about activities 11) say that they understand or do not understand

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 111 Russian I World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Classroom  talk about studying AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-3  express opinions about actions  express likes and dislikes  talk about possessions/ask for permission  talk about colors; name colors  express an opinion  utilize with numbers  express surprise  talk about past actions  discuss sports

School Life  talk about possessions and relationships AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-3  express an alternate view  point out objects and describe them  specify/be specific about something

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 112 Russian I World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Time  talk about time AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-3  use expressions of time  explain with whom or with what  discuss a sequence of events

Travel/Directions  talk about destinations AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-3  tell about means of transportation

Families and Friends;  limited vocabulary related to these themes will be introduced Homes and Daily Activities; Health; Town; Shopping; Clothes; Foods and Drinks; Pastimes

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 113 Russian I World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Russian II Grade: 10-12 Overview: A continuation of Russian I, this course includes a skills review with expanded Length: 2 semesters introduction to speech patterns, writing systems, and culture of the Russian people, largely through Prerequisites: Russian I hands-on activities. Study of Russian geography and history are expanded.

Themes Mastery Core Objectives Grammar/

Usage/Structure Students will be introduced to or will Students will: review the following concepts: Personal Information  express the completion or result of an action AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  name the recipient of an action 3  tell what needs to be done

Classroom  talk about choosing professions AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  discuss outcomes and talk about what or whom 3  talk about decisions and intentions

School Life  talk about activities AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  talk about age 3  give reasons

Weather  talk about weather (past, present, and future) AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  talk about temperatures in Celsius and Fahrenheit 3  describe weather conditions  talk about the seasons

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 114 Russian II World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Families and Friends; Homes  limited vocabulary related to these themes will be introduced and Daily Activities; Health; Town; Shopping; Clothes; Foods and Drinks; Pastimes

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 115 Russian II World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Russian III Grade: 11-12 Overview: Russian III emphasizes expansion of knowledge about speech patterns, writing systems, Length: 2 semesters literature and culture of the Russian people, largely through hands-on activities. Poetry declamation and Prerequisites: Russian II Olympiada National Program competition are an integral part of this course.

Themes Mastery Core Objectives Grammar/

Usage/Structure Students will be introduced to or will Students will: review the following concepts: Home and Daily Activities  name people’s homes as destinations AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  say someone has arrived 3  make and react to a suggestion  offer food  express a preference  accept, decline, or compliment food  discuss forthcoming events  correct a mistaken assumption

Family and Friends  convey another person’s promise AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  express uncertainty 3  reassure somebody  congratulate people on special occasions  express thanks  express concern or worry  talk about someone’s recommendations  stress a point  relate activities  express refusal and confirmation  express ability or permission  call for silence and attention  discuss time available

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 116 Russian III World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Travel/Directions  give directions or instructions AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  say that they don’t understand something 3  ask for repetition  check and confirm information  read signs and maps

Time  discuss the duration of an action AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-  discuss the frequency of actions 3  discuss an activity of short duration; simultaneous actions  talk about dates  tell when an event occurs  ask about time  use the informal way of telling time  ask / tell when something begins or ends  tell the time officially and conversationally

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 117 Russian III World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1

Families and Friends;  expanded vocabulary related to these themes will be introduced Home and Daily Activities; Health; Town; Shopping; Clothes; Foods and Drinks; Pastimes

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 118 Russian III World Languages Curriculum 2017-2018 Revision, Draft 1


2017-2018 Revision: Draft One


Suggested Supplementary Materials List

Chinese (All Levels)

Reference Books: Pocket Oxford Chinese Dictionary (Oxford Dictionaries), Martin H Manser, et al., ISBN 0198005946 Mandarin Chinese English Bilingual Visual Dictionary (DK Visual Dictionaries), ISBN 1465436332 Chinese Calligraphy Made Easy: A Structured Course in Creating Beautiful Brush Lettering, Rebecca Yue, ISBN 0823005569 Chinese Calligraphy (The Culture & Civilization of China), Zhongshi Ouyan, ISBN 0300121075 Three Thousand Years of Chinese Painting, Richard Barnhart, ISBN 0300094477 Chineasy Everyday: Learning Chinese Through Its Culture, Shaolan Hsueh, ISBN 0062439715 Chineasy: The Easy Way to Learn Chinese, Shaolan Hsueh, ISBN-10:0062332112 The Way of Chinese Characters: The Origins of 450 Essential Words, Jianhsin Wu, ISBN 0887277608

Chinese I

Readers: The Secret Garden (Mandarin Companion Graded Reader Series), Renjun Yang, ISBN 1941875009 Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Curly Haired Company (Mandarin Companion Graded Reader Series), Renjun Yang, ISBN 1941875017 The Country of the Blind (Mandarin Companion Graded Reader Series), Renjun Yang, ISBN 1941875033 The Sixty Year Dream (Mandarin Companion Graded Reader Series), Renjun Yang, ISBN 1941875041 The Monkey's Paw (Mandarin Companion Graded Reader Series), Renjun Yang, ISBN 1941875025 I Really Want to Find Her (Chinese Breeze Graded Reader Series), Yuehua Liu, ISBN 7301079052 Whom Do You Like More? (Chinese Breeze Graded Reader Series), Yuehua Liu, ISBN 7301141556 Can I Dance with You? (Chinese Breeze Graded Reader Series), Yuehua Liu, ISBN 7301137141

A-1 Fairbanks North Star Borough School District A - 2 Suggested Supplemental Materials List World Languages Curriculum Draft 1

Two Children Seeking the Joy Bridge (Chinese Breeze Graded Reader Series), Yuehua Liu, ISBN 7301079214 Wrong, Wrong, Wrong! (Chinese Breeze Graded Reader Series), Yuehua Liu, ISBN 7301079044 The Sky is Bright with Stars (Readings in Chinese Culture Series volume 1-Intermediate Low), Weijia Huang, ISBN 0887278183 Chinese and English Nursery Rhymes: Share and Sing in Two Languages, Faye-Lynn Wu, ISBN 0804840946 A Nest in Springtime: A Mandarin Chinese-English bilingual book of numbers, Belle Yang, ISBN 0763652792 Susan You Mafan: The Easy Chinese Reader, Terry Waltz ISBN 0692442901 Josh Duyiwuer: Simplified Characters with Pinyin, Terry Waltz, ISBN 0615972519 The Three Pandas (PandaRiffic™ Readers), Terry Waltz, ISBN 061583454X

Chinese II

Readers: Great Expectations: Part 1 (Mandarin Companion Graded Reader Series), Renjun Yang, ISBN 194187505X Great Expectations: Part 2 (Mandarin Companion Graded Reader Series), Renjun Yang, ISBN 1941875068 Secrets of a Computer Company (Chinese Breeze Graded Reader Series), Yuehua Liu, ISBN 7301145918 Green Phoenix (Chinese Breeze Graded Reader Series), Yuehua Liu, ISBN 7301149794 After the Accident (Chinese Breeze Graded Reader Series), Yuehua Liu, ISBN 7301167555 Mother and Son (Chinese Breeze Graded Reader Series), Yuehua Liu, ISBN 7301156731 An Old Painting (Chinese Breeze Graded Reader Series), Shaolin Zhao, ISBN 7301174659 The Moon Is Always Beautiful (Readings in Chinese Culture: Intermediate High), Qun Ao, ISBN 0887276377 How Far Away Is the Sun and other Essays (Readings in Chinese Culture Series, Intermediate 1), Qun Ao, ISBN 0887275354

Chinese III

Readers: Friends (Chinese Breeze Graded Reader Series), Yuehua Liu, ISBN 7301226381 The Moon Sculpture Left Behind (Chinese Breeze Graded Reader Series), Yuehua Liu, ISBN 7301217749 The Moon Sculpture Left Behind (Chinese Breeze Graded Reader Series), Yuehua Liu, ISBN 7301217749 Graded Chinese Reader 500 Words: Selected Abridged Chinese Contemporary Mini- stories, Shi Ji, ISBN 7513803455

A-1 Fairbanks North Star Borough School District A - 3 Suggested Supplemental Materials List World Languages Curriculum Draft 1

The Lady in the Painting: A Basic Chinese Reader, Expanded Edition, Simplified Characters (Far Eastern Publications Series), Claudia Ross, ISBN 030012516X All Things Considered: Advanced Reader of Modern Chinese, Chih-ping Chou, ISBN 0691090483 Anna Mei Banfa!: A Short Novel In Simple Chinese, Terry Waltz, ISBN 1440406448

Chinese IV

Readers: Graded Chinese Reader 1, Shi Ji, ISBN 7802003741 Graded Chinese Reader 2, Shi Ji, ISBN 780200375X Graded Chinese Reader 3, Shi Ji, ISBN 7802004152 Graded Chinese Reader 1500 Words: Selected Abridged Chinese Contemporary Short Stories, Shi Ji, ISBN 7513805555 Graded Chinese Reader 2000 Words: Selected Abridged Chinese Contemporary Short Stories, Shi Ji, ISBN 7513807302 Graded Chinese Reader--2500 Words, Shi Ji, ISBN 7513806772 Tales and Traditions: Readings in Chinese Literature Series (Volume 1) (Reading in Chinese Literature), Yun Xiao, ISBN 0887275346 Tales and Traditions: Readings in Chinese Literature Series (Volume 2), Yun Xiao, ISBN 0887276466 Tales & Traditions: Readings in Chinese Literature Series (Volume 3), Yun Xiao, ISBN 0887276822 Capturing Chinese: Lu Xun's The Real Story of Ah Q, Lu Xun, ISBN 0984276211 Capturing Chinese: Lu Xun's The New Year's Sacrifice, Lu Xun, ISBN 098427622X

A-1 Fairbanks North Star Borough School District A - 4 Suggested Supplemental Materials List World Languages Curriculum Draft 1

French Supplemental Instructional Materials

Look I can Talk, Blaine Ray, ISBN 1-56018-474-4 Mini-stories for Look, I Can Talk! Blaine Ray Mini-Stories for Look I Can Talk! Teacher’s Guide, Blaine Ray Look, I Can Talk More, Blaine Ray, ISBN 1-56018-91-4 Mini-Stories for Look I Can Talk More Teacher’s Guide, Blaine Ray Look, I Can Talk More! Student Text, Blaine Ray Look, I’m Really Talking, Blaine Ray Look, I’m Really Talking Extended Readings, Blaine Ray Look, I’m Really Talking Teacher’s Guide, Blaine Ray Look, I’m Really Talking Vocabulary Lists, Blaine Ray The NEW Raconte-moi encore! Student Text, Carol Gaab, ISBN: 978-0-9777911-8-7 The NEW Raconte-moi encore! Teacher’s Manual, Carol Gaab, ISBN: 978-0-9777911-9- 4 The NEW Raconte-moi encore! Student Reader, Carol Gaab, ISBN: 978-1-934958-63-6 The NEW Raconte-moi encore! Reproducible Blackline Master on CD, Carol Gaab, ISBN: 978-1-934958-65-0 The NEW Raconte-moi encore! Tests with Answer Keys on CD, Carol Gaab, ISBN: 978-1-934958-66-7 The NEW Raconte-moi encore! Illustrations on CD, Carol Gaab, ISBN 978-1-934958- 64-3 Conte-inuons! Student Text, Carol Gaab, ISBN: 978-1-935575-33-7 Conte-inuons! Teacher Manual, Carol Gaab, ISBN: 978-1-935575-34-4 Conte-inuons! Illustrations on CD, Carol Gaab, ISBN: 978-1-935575-55-9 Conte-inuons! Reproducible Student Reader on CD, Carol Gaab, ISBN: 978-1-935575- 54-2 Conte-inuons! Tests and Answer key on CD, Carol Gaab, ISBN: 978-1-935575-53-5 Story Scripts Volume 1, Anne Matava, available on www.benslavic.com Story Scripts Volume 2, Anne Matava, available on www.benslavic.com Story Scripts Volume 3, Anne Matava, available on www.benslavic.com Story Scripts for Houdini, Anne Matava, available on www.benslavic.com

French I

Readers: Pauvre Anne, Blaine Ray, ISBN:0-929724-54-2 Fama va en Californie, Blaine Ray, ISBN 0-929724-63-1 Les Aventures d’Isabelle, Karen Rowan, ISBN 978-098246874-6 Brandon Brown Dit la Vérité, Carol Gaab, ISBN 978-1-940408-90-3 Brandon Brown à la Conquête de Québec, Carol Gaab, ISBN 978-1-940408-13-2 Jean-Paul et Ses Bonnes Idées, Magaly Rodríguez, ISBN 978-1603721-44-8 Brandon Brown veut un chien, Carol Gaab, ISBN 978-1-935575-99-3 Isabelle Capture un singe hurleur, Karen Rowan, ISBN 978-0-982468-73-9 Le Nouvel Houdini, Carol Gaab, ISBN 978-1-935575-30-6 Pirates Français des Caraïbes, Mira Canion and Carol Gaab, ISBN 978-1-934958-59-9

A-1 Fairbanks North Star Borough School District A - 5 Suggested Supplemental Materials List World Languages Curriculum Draft 1

French II

Readers: Problèmes au Paradis, Carol Gaab, ISBN 978-1-935575-84-9 Presque Mort, Blaine Ray, Lisa Ray Turner and Blaine Ray, ISBN 0-929724-70-4 Le Voyage de sa vie, Lisa Ray Turner and Blaine Ray, ISBN 0-929724-58-5 Ma Voiture à Moi, Lisa Ray Turner and Blaine Ray, ISBN 0-929724-90-9 Où est passé Martin, Lisa Ray Turner and Blaine Ray, ISBN 0929-724-91-7 Le Défi, Deb Navarro, ISBN 978-0-7560-4085-7 La Copine, Deb Navarro, ISBN 978-0-7560-4084-0 Le Voyage, Deb Navarro 1B4215 978-0-7560-4083-3 La Vraie Patricia, Tiffany Haney, ISBN 978-0-7560-0602-0 Le Rêve de Lise, Tiffany Haney, ISBN 978-0-7560-0603-7 Damien devient un homme, Laura Stade, ISBN 978-0-7560-1014-0 La France en danger et les secrets de Picasso, Mira Canion, ISBN 978-0-9836958-7-5 Nuits Mystérieuses à Lyons, Kristy Placido, ISBN 978-1-935575-62-7 Felipe Alou: L’Histoire d’un grand champion, ISBN 978-1-940408-40-8 Le Voyage Perdu, Lisa Ray Turner and Blaine Ray, ISBN 0-929724-68-2 Vive le Taureau, Lisa Ray Turner and Blaine Ray, ISBN 0-929724-60-7

French III

Readers: Vol des Oiseaux, Kristy Placido, ISBN 978-1-935575-15-3 Les Yeux de Carmen, Veronica Moscóso, ISBN 978-0-929724-44-7 Pirate de la Mer du Nord, Robert Harrell, ISBN: 978-1-938088-04-9

La Spiga Readers: Napoleon Bonaparte, Dominique Cabline, ISBN 9788846819901 Paris Brûle, Vincent Dix, ISBN 9788846827180 Les Trois Mousquetaires, Alexandre Dumas, ISBN: 9788846816191 Dracula, Bram Stoker, ISBN: 9788871008523 Anaconda le serpent qui tue, Sylvie Leroy, ISBN: 9788846810717 20,000 Lieues sous les mers, Jules Verne, ISBN: 9788871003092 Pearl Harbor, Berenice Capatti, ISBN: 9788846816276 L’Histoire d’Anne Frank, Martine Giraud, ISBN: 9788846816269 Les Mystères de la Bastille, A Fraiche, ISBN: 9788846818072 Nuit de Noel, Martine Decrouet, ISBN: 9788871007038 Vercingetorix, D Cabline, ISBN: 9788846818010 La Maison des horreurs, N Hutin, ISBN: 9788846816207

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Spanish (All Levels)

Activity Books: Expresión Oral Dual: Pretextos para hablar M. Ángeles Palomino, ISBN 84-711-238-X

Oral Communication Activities: 50 Spanish Oral Communication Activities with Mini-Rubrics Wade Petersen, ISBN 1-884473-01-6

Reference Materials for Students: English Grammar for Students of Spanish Emily Spinelli, ISBN 0-934034-3

TPRS: ¡Cuéntame más! TPRS Curriculum for Middle School Spanish. Teacher’s Manual. Valerie Marsh & Christine Anderson, 2002 TPRS Publishing, Inc., ISBN: 978-0-9777911-3-2 ¡Cuéntame más! TPRS Curriculum for Middle School Spanish. Student Textbook. Valerie Marsh & Christine Anderson, 3rd Ed., 2002 TPRS Publishing, Inc., ISBN: 0-97779112-2 Mini-Stories for Look, I Can Talk, Blaine Ray, ISBN 978-1-933814-02-5

Spanish I

Readers: La canción del sol: Mito Azteca Melinda Lilly, ISBN 1-58952-079-3 La maldición de la cabeza reducida, ISBN: 978-1-934958-97-1 Robo en la noche, ISBN: 978-1-934958-57-5 Piratas del Caribe Package, ISBN: 978-1-934958-34-6 Pobre Ana Lisa Ray Turner and Blaine Ray, ISBN 092972447-X Pobre Ana bailo tango Lisa Ray Turner and Blaine Ray, ISBN 0-929724-45-3 Patricia va a California Lisa Ray Turner and Blaine Ray, ISBN: 092972450-X Casi se Muere Lisa Ray Turner and Blaine Ray, ISBN 0-929724-43-7 Spanish Mini-Stories for Look, I Can Talk Blaine Ray, ISBN: 978-1-933814-02-5

Plaza Mayor 1 El Vecino del Quinto, ISBN 8487099068 Los Reyes Magos, ISBN 848709970X Reunión de Vecinos, ISBN 8487099726

Serie el Mediterraneo La chica del tren, ISBN 8489344728 ¿Dónde está Sonia?, ISBN 8489344744 El secreto de las flores, ISBN 8489344736

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Serie Hotel Veramar Pero se casan con las morenas, ISBN 8487099831

Serie Primera Plana Vuelo 505 con destino a Caracas, ISBN 8487099106

Activity Books: Chico Chile series: Soy de México, ISBN 075600548-5 Vamos a México, ISBN 075600436-5 Vamos a España, ISBN 075600435-7 Vamos a Suramérica, ISBN 075600320-2 Famous Spanish Artists, ISBN 075600505-1 Skinny Skits Patti Lozano, ISBN 097088617-9

TPRS: Mini-Lecturas para ¡Cuéntame más! Carol Gaab & Kristy Placido, 2005 TPRS Publishing, Inc. ¡Cuéntame más! TPRS Curriculum. Student textbook. Carol Gaab & Kristy Placido, 2005 TPRS Publishing, Inc., ISBN 978-0-9777911-0-1 The New ¡Cuéntame más! TPRS Curriculum. Teacher’s Manual. Carol Gaab, 2005 TPRS Publishing, Inc., ISBN 978-0-9777911-1-8 Cuéntame Mucho Teacher Introductory Package, ISBN 978-1-934958-84-1 Cuéntame Mucho Student Text, ISBN 978-1-934958-27-8

Spanish II

Readers: El viaje de su vida Lisa Ray Turner and Blaine Ray, ISBN 0929724496 La gran aventura de Alejandro Abby Kanter, ISBN 87720-135-8 Viviana y su gran aventura mexicana Abby Kanter, ISBN 87720-475-4 Cuentos con sazón Lulu Delacre, ISBN 0-439-22649-X Mi propio auto Lisa Ray Turner and Blaine Ray, ISBN 0-929724-74-7 ¿Dónde está Eduardo? Lisa Ray Turner and Blaine Ray, ISBN 0929724690 El Viaje Perdido Lisa Ray Turner and Blaine Ray, ISBN 0929724593 Viva el Toro! Lisa Ray Turner and Blaine Ray, ISBN 0-929724-48-8 Momentos Hispanos, ISBN 0-87720-520-5

Plaza Mayor 1 El cartero no siempre llama dos veces, ISBN 8487099122

Serie el Mediterraneo Trapos sucios, ISBN 8489344752

Serie Hotel Veramar

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Más se perdió en Cuba, ISBN 8487099823 Moros y cristianos, ISBN 848709984X

Serie Lola Lago, Detective Vacaciones al sol, ISBN 8484431010 Una nota falsa, ISBN 8484431029 Poderoso caballero, ISBN 8484431037 Por amor al arte, ISBN 8484431045 La llamada de la Habana, ISBN 8484431053 Lejos de Casa, ISBN 8484431061

Spanish III

Readers: Aires de Fiesta De fiesta en invierno, ISBN 8487099955 De fiesta en otoño, ISBN 8489344051 De fiesta en primavera, ISBN 8487099971 De fiesta en verano, ISBN 8487099963 Don Quixote de la Mancha Miguel de Cervantes (comic book), ISBN 1-884473-00-8 Leyendas de España, ISBN 0-8442-7243-4 Leyendas Mexicanas, ISBN 0-8442-7387-2 Los ojos de Carmen, ISBN 0-929724-92-5 Vida o muerte en el Cusco, ISBN 1-60372-048-0

Spanish IV/AP Readers: Ladrón de guante negro, ISBN 8487099017 Doce rosas para Rosa, ISBN 848709905X El Hidalgo de la Mancha, ISBN 0-395-13390-4 Macario, ISBN 0-395-12427-1 Spanish for Oral and Written Review, ISBN 0-15-501093 El Gesticulador, ISBN 0-13-273771-X El coronel no tiene quien le escribe, ISBN 950-07-0089-1 Contextos, ISBN 0-03-063844-5

Magazines: Motor Trend en Españo National Geographic en Español Travel Leisure en Español Discover en Español People en Español. Readers Digest en Español

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Professional Organizations

The American Association of Teachers of French (AATF) http://www.frenchteachers.org

The American Association of Teachers of German (AATG) http://www.aatg.org/

American Association of Teachers of Japanese (AATJ) https://www.aatj.org/

The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and Eastern European Languages (AATSEEL) http://www.aatseel.org/

The American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP) http://www.aatsp.org/

The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language (ACTFL) http://www.actfl.org Created the National Standards for Foreign Languages in 1996

Alaskans for Language Acquisition (AFLA) http://www.afla-alaska.org/ The statewide professional association for world language educators

Asia Society http://www.asiasociety.org/ A useful site for creating a Mandarin Chinese curriculum

The American Sign Language Teachers Association (ASLTA) http://www.aslta.org/

Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) http://www.carla.umn.edu/

The Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA (CLTA) http://clta-us.org/

Chinese Language Association Secondary Elementary-Schools (CLASS) http://www.classk12.org/

The National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages (NCOLCTL) http://www.councilnet.org/

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An organization which includes Japanese, Chinese, and Russian

National Network for Early Language Learning (NNELL) http://www.nnell.org/

Pacific Northwest Council of Teachers of Foreign Language (PNCFL) http://www.pncfl.org/ Membership is free with AFLA dues

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Annual Local Language Events

International Friendship Day This is a free annual event taking place the third week of October and held at Pioneer Park. There are informational booths, dance exhibitions, entertainment, food, and cultural items for sale. It is a longstanding community event which celebrates the diversity of cultures in Fairbanks and encourages global understanding.

Regional Declamation Contest In January, local students participate in poetry recitation, impromptu dialogues, improvisational speech, and cultural trivia events by language and level. Students may register and participate in multiple events. The event venue rotates among the various high schools and includes a potluck, entertainment, and an awards ceremony which celebrate world languages. The contest draws on members of the community and UAF to organize, judge, facilitate, and advertise the events. Students at all grade levels are encouraged to participate and the event is open to the public.

State Declamation Contest The state contest is typically held in Anchorage in early February. The top two finishing students for each language event are then invited to participate in that event at the state level. One alternate in each category may be eligible for travel depending on the score achieved at the local declamation contest. Bus travel to the event is supported by the Fairbanks School District.

UAF Chinese New Year Celebration The UAF Chinese Student Association annually celebrates the Chinese New Year. The event features a Chinese buffet and performances by members of the Chinese Student Association and members of the community.

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Internet Resources

NOTE: Due to the dynamic nature of the Internet, websites are subject to change and should always be reviewed before student use. This is not an inclusive list, but developed for support.

BBC Languages http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/ BBC Languages offers comprehensive lessons in seven languages: French, German, Spanish, Italian, Greek, Portuguese, and Chinese. For new learners, the site conducts assessment tests to identify your level as beginner, intermediate, or advanced, and accordingly provides resources like PDF vocabulary lists and crossword puzzles. Video lessons are the most valuable component on the site.

Digital Dialects http://www.digitaldialects.com Provides a wide range of interactive games in a large variety of languages. The site includes geography games and is constantly being updated. Macromedia Flash Player is required.

Duolingo https://pt.duolingo.com/ Aprenda inglês, espanhol e outros idiomas gratuitamente. (Learn English, Spanish, and other languages for free.

FL Teach (Foreign Language Teaching Forum) http://www.cortland.edu/flteach/flteach-res.html Contains links to collections of live television and radio programs. It includes a wide variety of specific links to all languages taught in Fairbanks, including ASL.

FreeRice http://www.freerice.com Allows students to match a definition to a given vocabulary word. For correct choices, students earn grains of rice that are then donated to the United Nations World Food Program to feed people in poverty. A legitimate program, it can be utilized in multiple languages.


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https://kahoot.com/ Kahoot! is a free game-based learning platform that makes it fun to learn any language.

Librarian Resource http://www.ipl.org/div/hello Home website created by librarians with many resources for 32 languages including dictionaries, cultural activities, and lessons. (ASL, German, French, Japanese, Spanish, Russian, and Chinese)

Mango Languages http://www.mangolanguages.com A free website which provides interactive lessons and courses including Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, and Russian. The lessons contain both color-coded text and audio which facilitates hearing and seeing at the same time.

Memrise https://www.memrise.com/ Memrise features countless categories of so-called “mems,” user-generated mnemonic flashcards that rely on graphics, and imagination to implant new vocabulary in your memory. The site hosts thousands of free courses in many languages. Because the content is entirely user-generated, the quality may vary.

Official Rosetta Stone® www.rosettastone.com/ Learn to speak a language with this online software.

The Paperboy http://www.thepaperboy.com A resource to find newspaper articles in multiple languages. A useful resource for current information and/or coverage of a cultural event.

Teacher's Discovery http://www.teachersdiscovery.com Products are numerous and are constantly being updated to reflect trends, fads, and the latest research. (Spanish, French, German, and Chinese)

Web Crawler

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http://www.webcrawler.com This website compiles search engines together. When you type in your inquiry (e.g. Spanish games, poems, or recipes) it gives you a specific list which you can easily browse for free online resources. It provides specific games for particular holiday celebrations which can be a useful tool for teaching culture.

World Language Resources http://www.suelebeau.com/languages.htm Has a large Hispanic resource element which links to WebQuest, PowerPoint presentations, and information on holidays, travel, and culture. Includes miscellaneous resources, practice exercises, and links to rubric sites. Links to French resources are located at the bottom of the webpage.

Word Reference www.wordreference.com A bilingual online translation dictionary for Spanish, French, Italian, German, and Russian.

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Language Specific Internet Resources

World Language Exploratory

Omniglot http://omniglot.com/index.htm This site contains language-related articles and multilingual texts. It also has idioms, alphabet, reasons, and tips to language learning.

Word Reference http://www.wordreference.com/ A bilingual online translation dictionary for Spanish, French, Italian, German, Russian, and English.


Growing up with Chinese Series http://english.cntv.cn/program/learnchinese/growingwithchinese/ This series contains one hundred episodes, each fifteen minutes in length. The series’ aim is to use dramatic skits to teach three hundred of the most commonly spoken Chinese phrases to teen learners.

Dictionary (Chinese-English) https://www.mdbg.net The online dictionary is reliable and accurate most of the times.

Radio http://www.rti.org.tw/ http://www.voh.com.tw/amfm.php Two great sites for streaming Mandarin Radio programs.


French Songs http://people.southwestern.edu/~prevots/songs/ This site has traditional and contemporary songs with lyrics and recordings for the purpose of learning French. They are listed by theme and order of difficulty.

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German German Online Dictionary http://dict.tu-chemnitz.de/ An online dictionary for the German classroom.

Japanese American Association of Teachers of Japanese (AATJ) https://www.aatj.org/

Japan Foundation, Los Angeles http://www.jflalc.org/

Spanish Don Quijote http://www.donquijote.org/Spanishlanguage/games/# Don Quijote provides multiple Spanish language resources, a teacher's page, course information, and easily accessible links to Latin culture. The word search and hangman games are student friendly and are organized by topic.

About.com: Spanish Language http://spanish.about.com This site provides helpful information on Spanish grammar and articles pertaining to it. The site allows you to sign up for a free Spanish language newsletter. Note: Contains pop-up ads.

Spanish Lessons http://www.123teachme.com A comprehensive website with verb conjugator, translator, games and lessons for beginner and intermediate.

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Suggested Teacher Tools

Enchanted Learning www.enchantedlearning.com Great website for elementary world language teachers.

Language Games www.languagegames.org/ This website provides free online computer games in French, German, Italian, and Spanish. It has basic crossword puzzles, word searches, and hangman games.

Puzzlemaker www.puzzlemaker.com A free teacher created resource for use in the class. Easy to use and creates an answer key for you.

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Rubric Internet Resources

CAPS Rubrics (Consortium for Assessing Performance Standards Rubrics) http://flenj.org/CAPS/?page=147 Focusing on the performance standards for world language, this website addresses the interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational modes at varying levels (novice, intermediate, advanced). Teachers can use the generic rubrics to create their own task-specific rubrics.

Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators http://school.discoveryeducation.com/schrockguide/assess.html A subject specific website containing rubric builders and generators, as well as a wide variety of multimedia rubrics for any level.

LinguaFolio – National Council of Staff Supervisors for Languages (NCSSL) http://ncssfl.org/links/index.php?linguafolio This website contains detailed self-assessment checklists for all oral proficiency levels.

PALS: Rubrics (Performance Assessments for Language Students) http://fcps.edu/DIS/OHSICS/forlang/PALS/rubrics This website provides holistic reading and writing assessments by levels. It includes assessments at the interpretive and presentational levels for Level III, as well as analytic rubrics for fluent speakers.

Rubistar http://rubistar.4teachers.org/ Allows teachers to create rubrics for project-based assignments.

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Suggested General Activities (Aligned to Communication, Cultures, and Communities of the National Standards)


Interpretive Mode Internet, movies, audio samples, PPP, guest speakers, TV shows, songs, poetry, Total Physical Response (TPR/TPRS), books, magazines, animations, manga/graphic novels, articles, newspapers, blog spots.

Interpersonal Mode Interviews, role plays, dialogues, TPR, emails, Q&A, guest speakers, group discussions, plays, puppet show, pen pals, blogs, wikis.

Presentational Mode Plays, puppet shows, songs, speeches, oral presentations/interpretations, dialogues, letters, reports, displays, posters, movies, PowerPoint presentations, recording audio presentation, TPR, storytelling, iMovies.

Cultures  cooking  music  arts  songs  crafts  poetry  plays  dances

Communities Sharing final products through SKYPE with community groups, partner or sister school, i.e., reports, oral presentations, dialogues, movies, songs, plays, puppet shows, displays, PowerPoint presentations, slide shows, letters, or research.

The National Standards also include Connections and Comparisons which allow students to make unique connections with other disciplines, to make independent observations on the nature of language, to better understand viewpoints of other cultures, and to demonstrate that knowledge. These two standards are conveyed through the Communication, Cultures, and Communities activities. Through rich cultural comparisons of their own culture and that of others, students develop keen insights attributable to studying world languages.

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Suggested Level I Instructional Framework

PERSONAL INFORMATION Ask/Tell:  greetings, introductions, leave-taking  age  where they are from  Cultural aspect o discuss cultural differences

BASICS  numbers 0-100  colors  alphabet, accent marks, pronunciation  classroom commands and phrases  question words

SCHOOL  ask/tell time  numbers 100-1000  ask/tell about classes and school  ask/tell about teachers  ask/tell about classroom objects  use prepositions of location with objects  Cultural aspect o compare target country’s public school routines and systems

WEATHER/SEASONS/CALENDAR  date and month  seasons  holidays  birthday

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GEOGRAPHY  location of target countries  capitals  major geographic features of target countries  physical divisions of countries (regions, states, etc)  monetary units

SPORTS/HOBBIES  seasonal sports and activities  likes/dislikes  hobbies  ask/tell about daily activities

FAMILY  relationships  physical description  personality description  household pets

HOME  rooms in house  basic furniture  basic chores

COMMUNITIES  places in the city (bank, library, restaurant, etc)  modes of transportation

FOOD  fruits, vegetables  meat and dairy  drinks  traditional dishes  holiday foods

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CULTURE As per teacher’s own experience and available resources  holidays, celebrations  arts  music  dance  politics  religion  famous people  national pastimes and interests

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Suggested Level II Instructional Framework

HEALTH  body parts  daily routines for self-care  symptoms of common illnesses  basic healthcare in target country

TRAVEL  making reservations  transportation  exchange currency

FOOD  restaurant-order/comment on food  market  Cultural aspect o recopies/traditional foods from the target country o legends pertaining to food (Spanish) o bargaining

FAMILY  extended family  childhood (may introduce imperfect)

ANIMALS  basic animals  description  general habitat (farm, jungle, desert, etc.)  Cultural aspect o symbolism of certain animals in the target country

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SPORTS/HOBBIES  seasonal sports and activities  likes/dislikes  hobbies  ask/tell about daily activities

HOUSE  rooms  furniture  building materials  chores  Cultural aspect o family responsibilities at home o architecture of target country

MEDIA AND TECHNOLOGY  newspapers  Internet  TV and films  books  poetry

CULTURE  art  dance  music  holidays  nationalities of target countries  famous speakers from target countries

PROFESSIONS  basic professions in the masculine and feminine forms  post-secondary education in target countries  after-school jobs

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Suggested Level III Instructional Framework

ENHANCEMENT OF PERSONAL INFORMATION  family  friendship  school  hobbies  opinions

LIFESTYLES  compare traditional and contemporary lifestyles  discuss one’s own habits as a child compared to today’s habits  relation of food and culture in target countries  taking care of oneself (daily routine and health)  influence of the media in target countries

LITERATURE  legends or short stories, fairy tales, or articles

MUSIC AND ART  contemporary and traditional music and art from target countries  express basic opinions of music and art

ENVIRONMENT  express cause and effect  vocabulary for ecology and sustainable economy  research environmental issues in target countries

CULTURAL HERITAGE  social issues of the target countries (e.g. immigration, poverty, gender, politics, religion, etc.)  stereotypes

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Suggested Level IV Instructional Framework


MASTERY CORE OBJECTIVES  improve comprehension of native speakers  improve comprehension of audio communication such as music, film, and radio or television programs  communicate with native speakers on familiar topics  discuss familiar topics with increasing fluency and grammatical accuracy  discuss and evaluate abstract and complex topics from authentic selections  discuss current events and social issues  write compositions which develop complex topics  compose original works (such as poetry, plays, short stories, etc.)  participate in multicultural events in the community or school  further explore the culture of target countries  explore exchange programs  develop a deeper understanding of one’s own language and culture through the study of the target language  explore professions and career opportunities in which using the target language is advantageous

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Suggested AP Instructional Framework


MASTERY CORE OBJECTIVES  improve comprehension of native speakers  improve comprehension of audio communication such as music, film, and radio or television programs  communicate with native speakers on familiar topics  discuss familiar topics with increasing fluency and grammatical accuracy  discuss and evaluate abstract and complex topics from authentic selections  discuss current events and social issues  write compositions which develop complex topics  compose original works (such as poetry, plays, short stories, etc.)  participate in multicultural events in the community or school  further explore the culture of target countries  explore exchange programs  develop a deeper understanding of one’s own language and culture through the study of the target language  explore professions and career opportunities in which using the target language is advantageous

ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES  interview with a native speaker  debate on political, social, or economic current events  analyze historic and cultural events and their influence on the United States  produce extended oral presentations and research papers using visual and technological support

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A student should be able to communicate in two or more languages, one of which is A English.

A student who meets the content standard should: 1. understand written and oral communication in two or more languages; 2. write and speak understandably in two or more languages; 3. use two or more languages effectively in real life situations; and 4. use two or more languages to learn new information in academic subjects.

A student should expand the student’s knowledge of peoples and cultures through B language study.

A student who meets the content standard should: 1. understand the relationship between language and culture; 2. learn about and experience surface characteristics of the culture, including art, cuisine, dance, dress, geography, history, music, and literature; 3. learn about and experience deep characteristics of the culture, including folkways, mores, laws, traditions, customs, and patterns of behavior; 4. improve the student’s understanding of the student’s language and culture through experiences with other languages and cultures; 5. apply knowledge of the functions and structure of one language to the study of another language; and 6. recognize through language study that all cultures contribute to the global society.

A student should possess the language skills and cultural knowledge necessary to C participate successfully in multilingual communities and the international marketplace.

A student who meets the content standard should: 1. interact appropriately in multilingual communities through various means, including printed and electronic media, audio and visual sources, face-to-face conversations, pen pals, and travel; 2. use experiences with language and culture to explore the student’s personal interests and career options; 3. learn how language skills and cultural knowledge enhance a person’s competitiveness in the international marketplace; and 4. apply language skills and cultural knowledge to enhance the student’s intellectual and social growth and to promote life-long learning.

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A student should be able to create and perform in the arts. A

A student who meets the content standard should: 1. participate in dance, drama, music, visual arts, and create writing; 2. refine artistic skills and develop self-discipline through rehearsal, practice, and revision; 3. appropriately use new and traditional materials, tools, techniques, and processes in the arts; 4. demonstrate the creatively and imagination necessary for innovative thinking and problem solving; 5. collaborate with others to create and perform works of art; 6. integrate two or more art forms to create a work of art; and 7. investigate careers in arts production.

A student should be able to understand the historical and contemporary role of the arts B in Alaska, the nation, and the world.

A student who meets the content standard should: 1. recognize Alaska Native cultures and their arts; 2. recognize United States and world cultures and their arts; 3. recognize the role of tradition and ritual in the arts; 4. investigate the relationships among the arts and the individual, the society, and the environment; 5. recognize universal themes in the arts such as love, war, childhood, and community; 6. recognize specific works of art created by artists from diverse backgrounds; 7. explore similarities and differences in the arts of world cultures; 8. respect differences in personal and cultural perspectives; and 9. investigate careers relating to arts history and culture.

A student should be able to critique the student's arts and the art of others. C

A student who meets the content standard should: 1. know the criteria used to evaluate the arts; these may include craftsmanship, function, organization, originality, technique, and theme; 2. examine historical and contemporary works of art, the works of peers, and the student's own works as follows: a. identify the piece; b. describe the use of basic elements; c. analyze the use of basic principles; d. interpret meaning and artist's intent; e. express and defend an informed opinion;

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3. accept and offer constructive criticism; 4. recognize and consider an individual's artistic expression; 5. exhibit appropriate audience skills; and 6. investigate careers relating to arts criticism.

A student should be able to recognize beauty and meaning through the arts in the D student's life.

A student who meets the content standard should: 1. make statements about the significance of the arts and beauty in the student's life; 2. discuss what makes an object or performance a work of art; 3. recognize that people tend to devalue what they do not understand; 4. listen to another individual's beliefs about a work of art and consider the individuals' reason for holding those beliefs; 5. consider other culture's beliefs about works or art; 6. recognize that people connect many aspects of life through the arts; 7. make artistic choices in everyday living; and 8. investigate careers related to the search for beauty and meaning, which is aesthetics.

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District A - 31 Alaska Content Standards: Technology World Languages Curriculum Draft 1


A student should be able to operate technology-based tools. A

A student who meets the content standard should: 1. use a computer to enter and retrieve information; 2. use technological tools for learning, communications, and productivity; 3. use local and world-wide networks; 4. manage and maintain technology tools; and 5. diagnose and solve common technology problems.

A student should be able to use technology to locate, select, and manage information. B A student who meets the content standard should: 1. identify and locate information sources using technology; 2. choose sources of information from a variety of media; and 3. select relevant information by applying accepted research methods.

A student should be able to use technology to explore ideas, solve problems, and derive C meaning.

A student who meets the content standard should: 1. use technology to observe, analyze, interpret, and draw conclusions; 2. solve problems both individually and with others; and 3. create new knowledge by evaluating, combining, or extending information using multiple technologies.

A student should be able to use technology to express ideas and exchange information. D A student who meets the content standard should: 1. convey ideas to a variety of audiences using publishing, multi-media, and communications tools; 2. use communications technology to exchange ideas and information; and 3. use technology to explore new and innovative methods for interaction with others.

A student should be able to use technology responsibly and understand its impact on E individuals and society.

A student who meets the content standard should: 1. evaluate the potentials and limitations of existing technologies; 2. discriminate between responsible and irresponsible uses of technology; 3. respect others’ rights of privacy in electronic environments;

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District A - 32 Alaska Content Standards: Technology World Languages Curriculum Draft 1

4. demonstrate ethical and legal behavior regarding intellectual property, which is the manifestation of an original idea, such as computer software, music, or literature; 5. examine the role of technology in the workplace and explore careers that require the use of technology; 6. evaluate ways that technology impacts culture and the environment; 7. integrate the use of technology into daily living; and 8. recognize the implications of emerging technologies.

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Culturally-knowledgeable students are well grounded in the cultural heritage and A traditions of their community.

Students who meet this content standard are able to: 1. assume responsibilities for their role in relation to the well being of the cultural community and their life-long obligations as a community member; 2. recount their own genealogy and family history; 3. acquire and pass on the traditions of their community through oral and written history; 4. practice their traditional responsibilities to the surrounding environment; 5. reflect through their own actions the critical role that the local heritage language plays in fostering a sense of who they are and how they understand the world around them; 6. live a life in accordance with the cultural values and traditions of the local community and integrate them into their everyday behavior, and; 7. determine the place of their cultural community in the regional, state, national, and international political and economic systems.

Culturally-knowledgeable students are able to build on the knowledge and skills of the B local cultural community as a foundation from which to achieve personal and academic success throughout life.

Students who meet this cultural standard are able to: 1. acquire insights from other cultures without diminishing the integrity of their own; 2. make effective use of the knowledge, skills, and ways of knowing from their own cultural traditions to learn about the larger world in which they live; 3. make appropriate choices regarding the long-term consequences of their actions, and; 4. identify appropriate forms of technology and anticipate the consequences of their use for improving the quality of life in the community.

Culturally-knowledgeable students are able to actively participate in various cultural C environments.

Students who meet this cultural standard are able to: 1. perform subsistence activities in ways that are appropriate to local cultural traditions; 2. make constructive contributions to the governance of their community and the well-being of their family; 3. attain a healthy lifestyle through which they are able to maintain their social, emotional, physical, intellectual, and spiritual well-being, and; 4. enter into and function effectively in a variety of cultural settings.

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District A - 34 Alaska Content Standards: Cultural Standards World Languages Curriculum Draft 1

Culturally-knowledgeable students are able to engage effectively in learning activities D that are based on traditional ways of knowing and learning.

Students who meet this cultural standard are able to: 1. acquire in-depth cultural knowledge through active participation and meaningful interaction with Elders; 2. participate in and make constructive contributions to the learning activities associated with a traditional camp environment; 3. interact with Elders in a loving and respectful way that demonstrates an appreciation of their role as culture-bearers and educators in the community; 4. gather oral and written history information from the local community and provide an appropriate interpretation of its cultural meaning and significance; 5. identify and utilize appropriate sources of cultural knowledge to find solutions to everyday problems, and; 6. engage in a realistic self-assessment to identify strengths and needs and make appropriate decisions to enhance life skills.

Culturally-knowledgeable students demonstrate an awareness and appreciation of the E relationships and processes of interaction of all elements in the world around them.

Students who meet this cultural standard are able to: 1. recognize and build upon the inter-relationships that exist among the spiritual, natural and human realms in the world around them, as reflected in their own cultural traditions and beliefs as well as those of others; 2. understand the ecology and geography of the bioregion they inhabit; 3. demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between world view and the way knowledge is formed and used; 4. determine how ideas and concepts from one knowledge system relate to those derived from other knowledge systems; 5. recognize how and why cultures change over time; 6. anticipate the changes that occur when different cultural systems come in contact with one another; 7. determine how cultural values and beliefs influence the interactions of people from different cultural backgrounds, and; 8. identify and appreciate who they are and their place in the world.

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District A - 35 Alaska Content Standards: Cultural Standards World Languages Curriculum Draft 1



Communicate in Languages Other Than English  Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions  Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics  Standard 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.


Gain Knowledge and Understanding of Other Cultures  Standard 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied  Standard 2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied


Connect with Other Disciplines and Acquire Information  Standard 3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language  Standard 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures


Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture  Standard 4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own  Standard 4.2: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.

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Participate in Multilingual Communities at Home & Around the World  Standard 5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting  Standard 5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.

From Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the 21st Century, 3rd ed. A collaborative project of ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) AATF, AATG, AATI, AATSP, ACL, ACTR, CLASS and NCJLT-ATJ. The National Standards for Foreign Language Education. Reprinted with permission.

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World Language - Adopted Textbooks

American Sign Language Sign Media Inc., 2006 Master ASL

French McDougal Littell, 2007 Discovering French

German Langenscheidt KG, 2003-2004 Geni@l

Japanese Pearson Heinemann, 1999-2006 Mirai Cheng & Tsui, 2009 Further Adventures in Japanese (AP)

Spanish McMillan McGraw Hill, 2009 Asi se Dice Prentice Hall, 2007 Abriendo Paso (AP)

StnadFairbanks North Star Borough School District A - 38 World Language- Adopted Textbooks World Languages Curriculum Draft 1

Public Notice of Nondiscrimination

StnadFairbanks North Star Borough School District A - 39 Public Notice of Nondiscrimination World Languages Curriculum Draft 1 2017-2018 Curriculum Revision Changes to World Language

Introduction Acknowledgements Updated: Page i  The names of the World Language writers  Dept. of Teaching & Learning staff Philosophy Added the underline section: Page ii  The study of languages and cultures develops appreciation, understanding, and acceptance among the world’s peoples, broadens university and career choices, and enhances student performance in other content areas. Mission Statement Added the underlined section:  Acquiring a new language is an on-going process developed over time; Page ii therefore the Fairbanks North Star Borough School District commits to: o encouraging students to engage in multiple years of world language education as a life-long learning process (career or college).

K-12 World Language Courses

Chinese Chinese I Added objectives and grammar/usage/structure for the following categories:  Basics- introduction to Chinese language basics  Personal information Pages 21-23  Family  Dates and times  Hobbies  Visiting friends  Making appointments Chinese II Added objectives and grammar/usage/structure for the following categories:  Health  Travel and transportation Pages 24-26  Weather  School  Shopping  Food  Holidays

July 24, 2017 Chinese III Added objectives and grammar/usage/structure for the following categories:  Enhancement of personal information  Animal Pages 27-29  Birthday party  Sports  TV shows and movies  Summer vacation  Arts and music Chinese IV Added objectives and grammar/usage/structure for the following categories:  Technology  Education Pages 30-32  Culture and history  Location and direction  Geography  Shopping  Healthy lifestyles

July 24, 2017 French French I - Basics Removed from the:  Objectives section- explore different regional pronunciations

Page 34 Added to the:  Theme section- National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, 4.1., 4.2  Grammar/usage/structure section- je/il/elle forms in the present tense of pouvoir, vouloir, devoir French I- Personal Information Page 34 Added to the:  Theme section- National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1 French I - Clothes Removed from the:  Objectives sections- identify clothing (colors, size) in complete sentences

Page 35 Added to the:  Theme section- National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 4.1  Objectives section: o identify basic clothing items o describe what you wear for certain occasions French I – Family Remove from the:  Objectives sections- compare living arrangements between French-speaking and American families Page 35

Added to the:  Objectives section- basic discussion of family structures in French-speaking countries French I – Food Removed from the:  Objectives section: o calculate an appropriate tip o compare/contrast American meals to meals in French-speaking Page 35 countries

Added to the:  Theme section- National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.2  Objectives section- basic discussion of French meals, manners, and habits French I – School Added to the:  Theme section- National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 Page 35 Changed in the:  Objectives section- “communicate when activities occur” to “tell the time when activities occur”

July 24, 2017 French I – Sports/Hobbies Removed from the:  Objectives section: o share and request information about daily activities o compare and contrast their week day and weekend activities with those in a French-speaking country

Added to the:  Theme section- National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.2 Page 35  Objectives section: o describe your hobbies o describe the sports and activities in which you participate throughout the year o tell which sports and activities you don’t like to do o basic discussion of popular sports and hobbies in French-speaking countries o basic discussion of popular sports and hobbies in French-speaking countries French I – Holidays and Celebrations Removed from the:  Objectives section- compare/contrast holidays of target countries

Added to the:  Theme section- National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1  Objectives section: o read and write stories using holiday vocabulary o Page 36 Learn about holidays such as: La Toussaint, le Noël, l’Epiphanie, Pâques, le Carnaval, la Bastille, le Jour de l’An, Poisson d’Avril, la Chandaleur o learn music associated with different holidays o basic discussion of the role of religion in French holidays o learn about some French festivals

Changed in the:  Objectives section- “describe food associated with different holidays” to “learn about food associated with different holidays” French I – Weather/Seasons and Calendar Page 36 Added to the:  Theme section- National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.2 French I – Communities Removed from the:  Objectives section- describe basic modes of transportation (à pied, en bus, Page 36 en train, etc.)

Added to the:  Theme section- National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.2

July 24, 2017  Objectives section- compare shopping customs in the US and French- speaking communities

French I – Communities Removed: Page 36  Duplicate information (this section was listed twice in the previously adopted material) French I – Geography Removed from the:  Objectives section: o identify capitals, major regions, and physical divisions of French- speaking countries o understand measurement conversions

Added to the: Page 36  Theme section- National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.2  Objectives section- explore the major sites of a French country or city, such as Paris

Changed in the:  Objectives section- “locate the major geographical features of French- speaking countries” to “locate and identify the major geographical features of France” French I – Arts and Music Removed from the:  Objectives section- compare a typical party in the US with one in a French- speaking country Page 37

Added to the:  Theme section- National Standards: 2.1, 2.2  Objectives section- be exposed to famous French artists French II – Health Added to the:  Theme section: o AK. Content Standard WL.B.3 o National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1

Page 38 Changed in the:  Grammar/usage/structure section: o “uses of imperfect tense as opposed to passé compose” to “uses of imperfect tense as opposed to passé composé” o “use both the preterite and imperfect to describe their past” to “use both the passé composé and imperfect to describe their past”

July 24, 2017 French II – Travel and Transportation Added to the:  Theme section- National Standards; 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 5.1

Page 38 Changed in the:  Objectives section- “purchase plane, train, bus tickets, and rental cars including scheduling, seating, price” to “purchase plane and train tickets including scheduling, seating, and price” French II – Family Page 38 Added in the :  Theme section- National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1 French II – History Removed from the:  Objectives section: o discuss the effects of Europe on the New World o

Added to the:  Theme section: o AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1, A.2, A.4, B.2, B.3, B.6 o National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1 Page 39  Objectives section: o discuss major current events in French-speaking countries, as they arise o identify some French national heroes and important historical figures, and their accomplishments

Changed in the:  Objectives section- “understand major historical events in French-speaking countries” to “understand some major historical events in French-speaking countries” French II – Food Page 39 Added to the:  Theme section- National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, 5.2 French II – Holidays Added to the:  Theme section- National Standards: 2.2, 5.1, 5.2

Page 39 Change in the:  Objectives section- “reflect an understanding of the customs and traditions of specific holidays” to “demonstrate an understanding of the customs and traditions of specific holidays” French II – House Removed from the: Page 39  Theme section- AK. Content Standard WL.C.1

July 24, 2017 Added to the:  Theme section- National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 4.2 French II – Professions and Nationalities Added to the: Page 39  Theme section: o AK. Content Standard WL.C.2 o National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1 French II – Art and Music Added to the:  Theme section: o AK Content Standard WL.A.4 Page 40 o National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2 3.1, 5.1, 5.2 Changed in the:  Objectives section- “identify different music styles” to “identify French popular music from different eras” French III – Personal Information Removed from the:  Grammar/usage/structure section- passé simple of regular and selected Page 41 irregular verbs

Added to the:  Theme section- National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.2 French III – Lifestyles Added to the:  Theme section- National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.2 Page 41 Changed in the:  Objectives section- “talk about taking care of themselves” to “talk about taking care of yourself”

French III – Vacations Removed from the:  Theme section- AK. Content Standard WL.B.2 Page 41

Added to the:  Theme section- National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 French III – Literature Added to the: Page 42  Theme Section: o AK. Content Standards WL.B.5, B.6 o National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 4.1, 4.2 French III – Music and Art Added to the: Page 42  Theme section: o AK. Content Standards WL.B.4, B.6 o National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2, 5.2

July 24, 2017 French III – Interpersonal Relationships Page 42 Added to the:  Theme section- National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 French III – Media Added to the: Page 42  Theme section: o AK Content Standard WL.B.6 o National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2 French III – Cultural Heritage Page 42 Added to the:  Theme section- National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, 4.1, 4.2 French III – Environmental, Social, and Global Issues Added to the:  Theme section- National Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2 Page 43  Objectives section- Cultural aspect: explore attitudes, and efforts to improve issues such as pollution, homelessness, unemployment, racism, natural disasters, in French-speaking countries

July 24, 2017 Japanese Japanese I – IV and AP Changed format from Pages 61-82

to Japanese I – Greetings Added in the:  Culture section- Students will identify and illustrate their ways of greeting Page 61 people at different times of a day. They will compare and contrast their own greetings with the Japanese ones in order to deepen the understanding of culturally appropriate greetings. Japanese I – Personal Information Added in the:  Culture section- Students will list commonly asked personal questions when Page 61 meeting people for the first time. They will share, compare and contrast their lists with the Japanese ones. They will organize their findings and apply them to make authentic skits. Japanese I – Classroom Added in the:  Culture section - Students will study the social and cultural aspects of Page 62 classrooms in school. They will identify patterns of classroom functions in Japan and compare with their own school experiences. They will summarize and share the findings in the class. Japanese I – Family and Friends Added in the:  Culture section- Students will explore the traditional and modern roles of Page 62 families in Japan. They will identify the differences and similarities between their families and Japanese family examples. They will compare and share the findings with their classmates. Japanese I – Time Added in the:  Culture section- Students will learn social and cultural significance of time Page 62 concept in Japan. They will compare and contrast their time concepts with the Japanese ones through the uses of three different tenses: past, present and future. They will share and discuss the findings in the class. Japanese I – Weather and Seasons Added in the:  Language section- discuss or explore geography Page 63  Culture section- Students will list and illustrate their annual events and activities, and explore how they relate to the seasons and weather. They will compare them with the Japanese ones in respect of cultural and societal uniqueness.

July 24, 2017 Japanese I – Pastimes Added in the:  Culture section- Students will study the differences and similarities of Page 63 pastimes between their own life and ones of Japanese teenagers. They will share their pastimes with their classmates and compare them with the Japanese examples. Japanese II – Travel and Vacation Added in the:  Language section- tell and ask about trips and vacations in the past Page 64  Culture section- Students share their ways to spend time on vacations or favorite locations to travel. They will also compare to the ways the Japanese travel and spent time on vacations. Japanese II – School Life Added in the: Page 64  Culture section- Students describe their school experiences, and compare and contrast with the school life in Japan. Japanese II – Shopping Removed from the:  Language section- ask / tell what you and others want

Added in the:  Language section: Page 65 o tell what you want o ask what others want  Culture section- Students explore the customer-oriented Japanese business and they compare to the business practices in the US.

Change in the:  Language section- “ask for items” to “ask for things” Japanese II – Home and Daily Activities Added to the: Page 65  Culture section- Students compare the house layouts between the two cultures, and discuss the reasons behind the differences and similarities. They also compare them to their own houses and share the findings. Japanese II – Town Added to the: Page 65  Culture section- Students describe their hometown and compare to the Japanese towns. They summarize the findings and share. Japanese II – Health Added to the: Page 65  Culture section- Students explore the ways the Japanese express their feelings, emotions and physical wellbeing. They compare and contrast with their own expressions.

July 24, 2017 Japanese II – Clothing Removed from the:  Language section- give opinions on clothes

Page 66 Added to the:  Culture section- Students explore the new and traditional clothing in Japan and compare with the American culture in clothing. They share their preference in clothing styles and trend. Japanese II – Holidays and Festivities Added to the: Page 66  Culture section- Students share their own culture based holidays and festivities, explore the Japanese ones, and summarize their findings to share. Japanese II – Food and Drink Added to the: Page 66  Culture section- Students describe their preference in food culture, explore Japanese cuisine, and compare the historical and cultural aspects. Japanese III – Cities, Towns, and Villages Added to the: Page 67  Culture section- Students explore the regional differences in Japan, compare and contrast with their hometowns, and share the findings in the class. Japanese III – Folktale Removed from the:  Language section: o make a movie o compare and contrast the cultural values and/or mottos in the folktale o understand different sets of the cultural values in the folktale

Added to the:  Culture section: Page 67 o Students learn a variety of folktales in Japan, compare and contrast the cultural values and/or mottos with their folktales, and share the findings. o “historical significances” to suggested cultural topics

Changed in the:  Language section- “enrich the understanding of the oral tradition by putting on a play or a puppet show” to “enrich the understanding of the oral tradition by creating their own stories to share in the class (play, puppet show, movie, “kami-shibai”, multimedia presentation, etc.)” Japanese III – Nature and the Environment Added to the:  Culture section Page 68 o Students learn about the environmental issues and management in Japan, compare with the local environmental issues, and share the findings. o “climate changes” to suggested cultural topics o “mottai-nai concept” to suggested cultural topics

July 24, 2017 Japanese III – Communication and Media Added to the:  Culture section- Students explore the trends of mass media in Japan, compare and contrast with the American trends, and share their findings. Page 68

Changed in the:  Culture section under suggested cultural topics- “cell phones” to “smart phones” Japanese III – Technology Added to the:  Culture section- Students explore the technological trends in Japan, Page 68 compare and contrast with the American trends, and share their findings

Changed in the: Culture section- “Quality Control” to “Quality Control Circle” Japanese III – Work and Career Added to the: Page 68  Culture section- Students explore a variety of work & career choices in Japan, compare and contrast with the American work & career choices, and share their findings. Japanese III – Japan and the World Added to the:  Culture section: Page 69 o Students explore the relationships between Japan and the other countries, examine the relationship with the US, and share their thoughts and findings o “land disputes and allies” under suggested cultural topics Japanese IV – Summer Vacation Removed from the:  Language section: o compare and contrast the topic between Japan and the US (mainly in English) o deepen the understanding of functions of society and school affecting summer activities o identify unique aspects in summer activities/events in Japan o make happi coats and learn bon-odori as a class Page 70 o enrich understanding and discuss different perspectives, such as summer festivals, family reunion, and summer gifts

Added to the:  Culture section: o Students deepen the understanding of functions of society and school affecting summer activities, identify unique aspects in summer activities/events in Japan. They enrich understanding and discuss different perspective, such as summer festivities, family reunion, and summer, gift exchange customs. o "happi coats" and "yukata" to suggested products

July 24, 2017 Japanese IV – Folktale Removed from the:  Language section: o put on a play or puppet show o make a movie o compare and contrast the cultural values and/or mottos (mainly in English) o understand different sets of the cultural values in the folktale o identify unique cultural products described in folk tales, such as Page 71 kimono, hachimaki, katana, peach, etc. o enrich understanding of the oral tradition by putting on a play

Added to the:  Language section- enrich the understanding of the oral tradition by creating their own stories to share in the class (play, puppet show, movie, “kami- shibai”, multimedia presentation, etc.)  Culture Section- Students understand different sets of the cultural values in the folktale and identify unique cultural products described in folk tales, such as kimono, hachimaki, katana, peach, etc… Japanese IV – My Hometown Removed from the:  Language section: o compare and contrast the topic between Japan and the US (mainly in English) o understand the cultural, social, and historical influences given by the places o identify definitions of hometown via practices and products, such as socialization with neighbors, local products, and famous places and activities Page 71 o sing Furusato for understanding mental, traditional representations of hometown

Added to the:  Culture section o Students explore the cultural, social, historical influences given by the places, and identify definitions of hometown via practices and products, such as socialization with neighbors, local products, and famous places and activities. o "Furusato" (song) under suggested products Japanese IV – Recycling Removed from the:  Language section: Page 72 o compare and contrast the topic between Japan and the US (mainly in English) o deepen the understanding of societal needs, scientific applications, and cultural values

July 24, 2017 o compare Japanese and local recycling practices by products o discuss the unique perspectives of “mottainai” (closest equivalent in English, “wasteful”)

Added to the:  Culture section- Students deepen the understanding of societal needs, scientific applications, and cultural values, and discuss the unique perspectives of “mottainai” (closest equivalent in English, “wasteful”). Japanese IV – Winter Holiday Season Removed from the:  Language section: o compare and contrast the topic between Japan and the US (mainly in English) o deepen the understanding of the culture and society in relation to the holiday season o identify uniqueness in Japanese winter holidays, such as “hatsumoode”, end of year cleanup, “hatsuyume”, etc. o make “daruma” and setting a new year’s resolution Page 72 o discuss and enrich the understanding of the Japanese perspectives of “kejime”

Added to the:  Culture section o Students deepen the understanding of the culture and society in relation to the holiday season, and identify uniqueness in Japanese winter holidays, such as “hatsumoode”, end of year cleanup, “hatsuyume”, etc. o “New Year's resolution” under suggested practices o “daruma” under suggested products Japanese IV – My Treasure Removed from the:  Language section: o compare and contrast the topic between Japan and the US (mainly in English) o explore the social, cultural, historical, and individual values of treasures Page 73 o identify treasured tangible items and wishing practices, such as “omamori”, souvenirs, and mementos

Added to the:  Culture section- Students explore the social, cultural, historical, and individual values of treasures, and identify treasured tangible items and wishing practices, such as “omamori,” souvenirs, and mementos.

July 24, 2017 Japanese IV – Traveling in Japan Removed from the:  Language section: o compare and contrast geographical and historical aspects, and lifestyles of Alaskans and Japanese (mainly in English) o deepen the understanding of geography, history, and lifestyles of the Page 73 Japanese o identify popular travel destinations and various advertisements

Added to the:  Culture section- Students deepen the understanding of geography, history, and lifestyles of the Japanese, and identify popular travel destinations and various advertisements. Japanese IV – Ten Years from Now Removed from the:  Language section: o compare and contrast the topic between Japan and the US (mainly in English) o deepen the understanding of societal change, media influences, and career education Page 74 o identify ways to utilize Japanese language skills in future careers and their means, such as colleges and work places

Added to the:  Culture section- Students deepen the understanding of societal change, media influences, and career education, and identify ways to utilize Japanese language skills in future careers and their means, such as colleges and work places. Japanese AP- Summer Vacation Removed from the:  Language section: o deepen the understanding of functions of society and school affecting summer activities o identify unique aspects in summer activities/events in Japan o make happi coats and learn bon-odori as a class o enrich understanding and discuss different perspectives, such as summer festivals, family reunion, and summer gifts Page 75

Added to the:  Culture section: o Students deepen the understanding of functions of society and school affecting summer activities, and identify unique aspects in summer activities/events in Japan. They enrich understanding and discuss different perspectives such as summer festivities, family reunion, and summer gift exchange customs. o happi coats and yukata, under suggested products

July 24, 2017 Japanese AP- Folktale Removed from the:  Language section: o put on a play or puppet show o make a movie o understand different sets of the cultural values in the folktale o identify unique cultural products described in folk tales, such as kimono, hachimaki, katana, peach, etc.

Page 76 Added to the:  Culture section- Students explore different sets of the cultural values in the folktale, and identify unique cultural products described in folk tales, such as kimono, hachimaki, katana, peach, etc…

Changed in the:  Language Section- “enrich understanding of the oral tradition by putting a play” to “enrich the understanding of the oral tradition by creating their own stories to share in the class (play, puppet show, movie, “kami-shibai”, multimedia presentation, etc.)” Japanese AP- My Hometown Removed from the:  Language section: o understand the cultural, social, and historical influences given by the places o identify definitions of hometown via practices and products, such as socialization with neighbors, local products, and famous places and activities o sing Furusato for understanding mental, traditional representations of Page 76 hometown

Added to the:  Culture section: o Students explore the cultural, social, and historical influences given by the places, and identify definitions of hometown via practices and products, such as socialization with neighbors, local products, and famous places and activities. o "Furusato" (song) under suggested products Japanese AP- Recycling Removed from the:  Language section: o deepen the understanding of societal needs, scientific applications, and Page 77 cultural values o discuss the unique perspectives of “mottainai” (closest equivalent in English, “wasteful”)

Added to the:

July 24, 2017  Culture section- Students deepen the understanding of societal needs, scientific applications, and cultural values, and discuss the unique perspectives of “mottainai” (closest equivalent in English, “wasteful”). Japanese AP- Winter Holiday Season Removed from the:  Language section: o deepen the understanding of the culture and society in relation to the holiday season o identify uniqueness in Japanese winter holidays, such as “hatsumoode”, end of year cleanup, “hatsuyume”, etc. o make “daruma” and setting a new year’s resolution Page 77 Added to the:  Culture section: o Students deepen the understanding of the culture and society in relation to the holiday season, and identify uniqueness in Japanese winter holidays, such as “hatsumoode”, end of year cleanup, “hatsuyume”, etc. o “New Year's resolution” to suggested practices o "daruma" to suggested products Japanese AP- My Treasure Removed from the:  Language section: o explore the social, cultural, historical, and individual values of treasures o identify treasured tangible items and wishing practices, such as Page 78 “omamori”, souvenirs, and mementos

Added to the:  Culture section- Students explore the social, cultural, historical, and individual values of treasures, and identify treasured tangible items and wishing practices, such as “omamori”, souvenirs, and mementos. Japanese AP- Traveling to Japan Removed from the:  Language section: o deepen the understanding of geography, history, and lifestyles of the Japanese Page 78 o identify popular travel destinations and various advertisements

Added to the:  Culture section- Students deepen the understanding of geography, history, and lifestyles of the Japanese, and identify popular travel destinations and various advertisements.

July 24, 2017 Japanese AP- Ten Years from Now Removed from the:  Language section: o deepen the understanding of societal change, media influences, and career education o identify ways to utilize Japanese language skills in future careers and Page 79 their means, such as colleges and work places

Added to the:  Culture section- Students deepen the understanding of societal change, media influences, and career education, and identify ways to utilize Japanese language skills in future careers and their means, such as colleges and workplaces. Added New Course- Japanese J-Pop Culture With objectives & suggested topics for the following themes:  Anime  Graphic Novels  Music Pages 80-82  Gaming  Crafts  Arts  Clothing  Cuisine  Meta Language

July 24, 2017 Spanish Spanish I Removed from Grammar/Usage/Structure:  me gusta(n), le gusta(n) +things  me cae bien with people (nonromantic)  salgo  traigo  vengo  hago, haces, hace, hacemos, hacen  pido, pides, pide, pedimos, piden  sirvo, sirves, sirve, servimos, sirven  voy, vas, va, vamos, van  frequency words, e.g. nunca, siempre, aveces  limited reflexives: me pongo, me visto  lejos de/cerca de  estar + location  estar + nevando  estar + lloviendo  tener expressions  estar de moda (to be in style)  me pongo  me visto Pages 84-85  listening to authentic music (e.g. Putumayo music series)

Added to Grammar/Usage/Structure:  gustar(le) ; interesar(le) ; aburrir(le)  caer(le)  verbs: salir, traer, venir  irregular verbs: hacer (to do) , pedir (to ask for), servir (to serve) , traer (to bring)  verb ir (to go)  gustar(le); interesar(le); aburrir(le)  use numbers 0-1,000  positive and negative words  expressions used for location with estar (to be)

Changed in Grammar/Usage/Structure”  “work to pronounce rr” to “practice pronunciation”  “different uses for estar and ser” to “use estar and ser”  “show possession using -de-“ to “possessive with de”  “saber” to “saber vs. conocer”  “present progressive—what people do in different locations” to “present progressive of the indicative with the verb estar”  “verb ir : voy, vas, va, vamos, van” to “verb ir(to go)”

July 24, 2017  “hacer with weather” to “hacer with expression of weather”  “present indicative of : querer, preferir” to “present indicative of stem changing verbs : (querer, preferir ,etc.)”  “me queda bien/mal” to “expression used with to be in style: me queda bien/mal” Spanish I- Basics Added to the:  Theme section- National Standards: 1.3; 2.1-2; 5.1 Page 84 Changed in the:  Objectives section- “identify colors and numbers 0-30” to “… numbers 0- 1,000” Spanish I- Personal Information Page 84 Added to the:  Theme section- National Standards: 1.3; 2.1-2; 5.1 Spanish I- Family Removed from the:  Objectives section: o compare family relationships, composition, and living arrangements between a Spanish-speaking family and their own o compare/contrast how American/Spanish speakers describe Page 84 themselves

Added to the:  Theme section- National Standards: 1.1-3; 2.1-2; 5.1  Objectives section- basic structures of American family and the Hispanic family Spanish I- Food Removed from the:  Objectives section: o say that they are hungry, thirsty, full o tell waiters what cutlery they are missing o calculate an appropriate tip o explore different currencies of target countries o compare/contrast American meals to meals in Spanish-speaking Page 85 countries

Added to the:  Theme section- National Standards: 1.1-3; 2.1-2; 3.1; 4.1-2; 5.1  Objectives section: o identify food o identify shops o basic discussion of comparing/contrasting of American meals, manner, and habits to meals in Spanish-speaking countries

July 24, 2017 Spanish I- School Removed from the:  Objectives section: o say when activities happen Page 85 o use numbers 30-1,000

Added to the:  Theme section- National Standards: 1.3; 2.1-2; 5.1  Objectives section- say which classes they do not enjoy and why Spanish I- Sports/Hobbies Removed from the:  Objectives section : o describe daily activities and ask others about theirs o write sentences describing activities that they like/dislike o read about this theme using a variety of media o ask / tell about daily activities o compare/contrast their week day and weekend activities with those in Page 85 a Spanish-speaking country

Added to the:  Theme section- National Standards: 1.1-3; 2.1-2; 5.1  Objectives section: o describe your hobbies o describe sports you participate throughout the year o describe activities/sports you participate in or enjoy o describe sports/activities you do not like to do Spanish I- Holidays and Celebrations Removed from the:  Objectives section: o describe and ask each other about their plans for holidays and vacations, specifically Día de los Muertos, Semana Santa, Pascua, Cinco de Mayo o understand the importance of the quinceañera o compare/contrast holidays of target countries

Added to the: Page 85  Theme section: o AK. Content Standard WL.B.2 o National Standards: 1.1-3; 2.1-2; 3.1; 4.1-2; 5.1  Objectives section: o Discuss activities related to the holidays you celebrate and vacations o Read and write stories using the holiday vocabulary o learn about the holidays and festivals such as Día de los Muertos, , La Navidad , Año Nuevo , Tres Reyes Magos, Carnaval , Cuaresma, Semana Santa, Pascua, Cinco de Mayo, running of the bulls , feria de la primavera , la quema de?

July 24, 2017 o basic discussion about how religion influences cultural celebrations o understand the importance of the quinceañera. o Identify music types and basic dances from a variety of holidays. o Learn about the food associate with different holidays Spanish I- Geography Removed from the:  Objectives section: o point out the major geographical features of target countries o describe seasonal weather in different countries o compare different monetary units

Added to the:  Theme section- National Standards: 1- 5  Page 86 Objectives section o Research basic information about a Spanish Speaking country. o Hispanic Heritage Month

Change:  Objectives section o “locate and identify 21 Spanish speaking countries on a map” to “locate ten of the 21 Spanish speaking countries on a map” o “identify capitals, major regions, and physical division of target countries” to “identify capitals of ten Spanish speaking countries on a map” Spanish I- Communities Removed from the:  Objectives section: o compare common city layouts o compare community activities Page 86

Added to the:  Theme section- National Standards: 1.1-3; 2.1-2; 3.1; 4.1-2; 5.1  Objectives section- compare shopping between Spanish-speaking and American communities Spanish I- Weather/Seasons/Calendar Removed from the:  Objectives section: o create a calendar with days, months, and seasons o identify important dates, holidays, and birthdays o describe their local weather and seasonal activities Page 86 o write about the weather and geography

Added to the:  Theme section- National Standards: 1.1-3; 2.1-2; 5.1  Objectives section: o demonstrate knowledge of local weather and seasonal activities

July 24, 2017 o describe the days, months and seasons o express dates correctly o recognize that calendars begin with Monday Spanish I- Clothes and Shopping Removed from the:  Objectives section: o make basic purchases in a fixed-price context o say how much change you need o understand prices up to $100 and give change in dollars o write phrases demonstrating agreement between a noun, adjective, and determiner o compare/contrast traditional and modern apparel styles of Spanish Page 86 speaking countries and the United States

Added to the:  Theme section- National Standards: 1.1-3; 2.1-2; 3.1; 4.1-2; 5.1

Changed:  Objectives section- “describe different shopping situations, e.g. grocery store vs. outdoor market” to “describe different shopping situations, e.g. mall vs. outdoor market”

Spanish I- Dancing Parties, and Music Deleted this entire category, including:  Theme- AK. Content Standards: WL.B.2-3  Objectives: o compare a typical party in the US with one in a Spanish-speaking

country o identify music types and basic dances from a variety of Spanish- speaking countries o identify musical instruments found in Spain, Mexico and Latin America Spanish II Removed from Grammar/Usage/Structure:  reflexive verbs  me duele  tengo mal de….  regular –ar –er –ir preterite  preterite of regular verbs and irregular verbs Pages 87-88  correct pronunciation of preterit  imperfect, especially tenía, había, estaba, veía  all preterite  imperfect including irregular  imperfect vs. preterite  direct objects, e.g. fruits/vegetables las tengo  indirect objects

July 24, 2017  past progressive (estaba caminando) as similar to the imperfect  adverbs  diminutives  debo, tengo, que, tener, ganas de  commands, quiero que….  continued use of present, present progressive, preterite, imperfect, past progressive  le invito  te gustaria  le present

Added to Grammar/Usage/Structure:  review grammar concepts from level  present tense of the indicative of –go family verbs  verb + infinitive constructions  present tense irregular verbs  reflexive verb construction in the present and past tense  reflexive pronouns with conjugated verbs  verbs such as doler (to hurt)  preterit tense of the indicative of the regular verbs  preterit tense of the indicative of the irregular verbs  imperfect tense of the indicative of the regular verbs  imperfect tense of the indicative of the irregular verbs  uses of imperfect tense as opposed to the preterit tense  present perfect tense of the indicative  future tense  conditional tense  informal commands  indirect object pronouns  direct object pronouns  comparison  adverbs  diminutives  adjectives  indefinite articles Spanish II- Health Removed from the:  Objectives section: o comprehend simple diagnoses Page 87 o ask questions about the form of a prescription or treatment

Added in the:  Theme section- National Standards: 1.1-3; 2.1-2;3.1; 4.1-2; 5.1  Objectives section:

July 24, 2017 o describe symptoms of common illnesses o describe their daily routines for self-care o comprehend simple diagnoses and prescription treatment Changed:  “understand the concept of la farmacía” to “understand the concept of la farmacía y el, la farmacéutico, a” Spanish II- Travel and Transportation Removed from the:  Objectives section: o list their past activities, accomplishments, and travels using the preterite o compare/contrast common modes of transportation in target countries Page 87 o read/interpret schedules in the target language

Added to the:  Theme section- National Standards: 1.1-3; 2.1-2; 3.1; 4.1-2; 5.1  Objectives section: o interpret transportation schedules o describe transportation systems in Spanish -speaking countries Spanish II- Childhood Removed from:  Objectives: o describe and compare their own childhood activities with those of Spanish speakers o use both the preterite and imperfect to describe their pasts Page 87

Added to:  Objectives: o describe own childhood activities o compare own childhood activities with activities of children in Spanish speaking countries Spanish II- History, Legends, and Narratives Removed from:  Objectives: o identify major figures in the history of Aztecs, Mayas, Incas, and Spanish o explain significance of Día de la Raza o compare history/legends of target country to Alaskan Native legends Page 88 and history

Added to:  Theme: o AK Content Standard WL.B.3 o National Standards: 1-5  Objectives:

July 24, 2017 o demonstrate a greater knowledge of historical, political, social, and artistic contributions from Spanish speaking countries o Hispanic Heritage Month: research a Hispanic American and its positive influence in the USA

Changed:  Section Title from “Ancient Civilizations and their History (stories, legends, and narratives)” to “History, Legends, and Narratives”  Objectives- “summarize history/legends of the major civilizations using both past tenses” to “summarize history/legends of the major civilizations from Spanish speaking countries” Spanish II- Food and Shopping Removed from:  Objectives: o make food purchases in the units used in Latin America o identify types of shops o identify foods that originated in the New World

Added to: Page 88  Theme- National Standards: 1.1-3; 2.1-2;3.1; 4.1-2; 5.1  Objectives: o recognize foods from Spanish-speaking countries o develop a larger vocabulary related to foods o identify traditional Hispanic food

Changed:  Objectives- “describe and identify foods” to “describe and identify a greater variety of foods” Spanish II- Animals and Ecosystems Removed from:  Objectives: o locate, describe, and compare/contrast ecosystems in Latin America with the local community Page 88 o students will research an animal indigenous to a target country and create a mini-presentation for the class Added to:  Theme- National Standards: 1-5  Objectives- name the animals from Spanish-speaking countries Spanish II- Holidays and Festivities Added to:  Theme: Page 88 o WL.A.1-3; B.3,6 o National Standards: 1.1-3; 2.1-2;3.1; 4.1-2; 5.1  Objectives: o identify different music styles for each holiday

July 24, 2017 o identify basic dance steps of merengue, bachata, salsa/mambo/cumbia, tango o create a dance or song from lyrics from a popular Spanish song or poem

Changed:  Category title from “Holidays” to “Holidays and Festivities” Spanish II- House and Chores Removed from:  Theme- AK Content Standards B.3,2,6; C.4  Objectives: o discuss the job responsibilities of particular professions o use of maids in Spain and Latin America

Added to:  Theme: o AK Content Standard C.1 o National Standards: 1.1-3; 2.1-2;3.1; 4.1-2; 5.1 Page 89  Objectives- describe the responsibilities of people in your family and contrast that to a typical Hispanic family

Changed:  Objectives- o “identify and describe rooms, common furniture, fixtures, and appliances in their homes and in a home of a Spanish-speaking country” to “identify and describe rooms, common furniture, fixtures, and appliances in the home” o “describe what chores are done in their own homes and in a home in a Spanish-speaking country “ to “describe what chores are done in the own home” Spanish II- Professions and Nationalities Removed from:  Objectives- use professional titles in introducing or addressing people

Added to:  Theme- National Standards: 1-5  Objectives: Page 89 o describe your future profession o describe what you would like to do in your life in the future

Changed:  Objectives- “research a famous personality and present the information from a variety of choices: poem, report, PowerPoint, etc.” to “…PowerPoint, song, etc.”

July 24, 2017 Spanish II- Dance and Music Deleted everything in this category, including:  Theme- AK. Content Standards: WL.A.1-3; B.3,6; C.4  Objectives: o identify different music styles

o identify basic dance steps of merengue, bachata, salsa/mambo/cumbia, tango o ask another person to dance o work in small groups to translate lyrics from a popular Spanish song or poem Spanish III- Grammar/Usage/Structure Removed:  present tense of all the verbs in the indicative mood  ser, saber, conocer  the verb ir + a  por qúe vs. porque  cómo, cuándo, cuánto (a), (os), (as), dónde, por qúe, qúe, quíen (es)  preterite tense of all the verbs  informal commands  reflexive verbs  the present progressive  verbs in the present tense  vocabulary from the suggested list  verbs in the preterite/imperfect  verbs in the present  review ir + a Pages 90-91  present perfect tense  pluperfect tense  lo que  ir + a  future tense  reintroduce por and para  review todavia and ya  introduce todavia and ya with the present perfect  review affirmative commands, direct and indirect object pronoun  introduce double object pronouns  introduce the personal se  introduce the subjunctive mood, the present tense of ar verbs in the subjunctive, and three irregular verbs in the subjunctive ser, ir and dar  introduce subjunctive of hacer, sacar, llegar, empezar  infinitives after impersonal expressions  review present subjunctive of ar verbs, ser, ir, and dar  introduce nosotros command  introduce expressions of feelings with the subjunctive

July 24, 2017  distinguish the usage of the present of the indicative, infinitive, or the usage of subjunctive  introduce reciprocal actions = each other  introduce the present perfect of the subjunctive  introduce the subjunctive with the unknown or nonexistent  differentiate between the usage of the indicative and the subjunctive  review present of subjunctive  introduce subjunctive with expressions of doubt: dudar, no creer  differentiate in usage of the subjunctive and the indicative mood with the expressions of doubts  review the use of se  introduce indicative with impersonal expressions of truth, affirmation, surprise, denial, and impossibility  verbs in the subjunctive mood about impossibility  introduce imperfect subjunctive  introduce subjunctive with conjunctions, disagreements, and denial  introduce the conditional  expressions of truth or affirmations  subjunctives with para que  review present of subjunctive  introduce subjunctive in contrary to fact, si clauses  review the conditional  review subjunctive in the conditional  review impersonal se

Added:  Review grammar and structures from Spanish II  present tense of –ar; -er and –ir the verbs in the indicative mood  the present progressive  review ir + a  reflexive verbs  preterit tense of all the verbs and a list of words (anoche, etc)  imperfect tense verbs and a list of words (mientras, etc)  verbs in the preterit vs. imperfect  present perfect and list of words (ya, etc)  present perfect tense  pluperfect tense  lo que  future tense  conditional tense  informal commands  interrogative words  por and para  Review grammar and structures from Spanish II  present tense of –ar; -er and –ir the verbs in the indicative mood

July 24, 2017  the present progressive  review ir + a  reflexive verbs  preterit tense of all the verbs and a list of words (anoche, etc)  imperfect tense verbs and a list of words (mientras, etc)  verbs in the preterit vs. imperfect  present perfect and list of words (ya, etc)  present perfect tense  pluperfect tense  lo que  future tense  conditional tense  informal commands  interrogative words  por and para Spanish III- Personal Information, Opinions, Hobbies, and Vacations Added to:  Theme- National Standards: 1.3; 2.1-2; 5.1 Page 90 Changed:  Objectives- “describe themselves and others” to “describe yourself and others” Spanish III- Healthy Lifestyle/ Lifestyles of Today & Yesterday Removed:  Objectives- understand how food and culture are interrelated in Spain

Added to:  Theme- National Standards: 1.1-3; 2.1-2;3.1; 4.1-2; 5.1

Changed:  Objectives Page 90 o “talk about taking care of themselves” to “talk about taking care of yourself” o “read and discuss articles about life in Spanish-speaking countries” to “read and discuss articles about lifestyle in Spanish-speaking countries” o “contrast their habits as children/youngsters to their habits today” to “contrast the health habits of Spanish speakers to your habits today” o “compare and contrast lifestyles/roles in the target country and the local community” to “compare and contrast lifestyles/roles in Spanish speaking countries and the local community”

Spanish III- Past, Present, and Future; Technology and its Influence Added to: Page 91  Theme- National Standards: 1-5

July 24, 2017 Changed:  Objectives- “write about inventions that have affected their lives” to “write about inventions that have affected your life”

Spanish III- Around the Table Page 91 Added to:  Theme- National Standards: 1.1-3; 2.1-2;3.1; 4.1-2; 5.1 Spanish III- Legends Added to:  Theme- National Standards: 1-5

Changed: Page 91  Objectives o “recite their own legends” to “tell your own legend” o “discuss the legends from Spanish-speaking countries and contrast with the legends from their home community” to “compare and contrast the legends from Spanish-speaking countries and the legends from your home community” Spanish III- Music and Art Removed from:  Objectives- learn about the arts and music from target countries

Added to: Page 91  Theme- National Standards: 1.1-3; 2.1-2;3.1; 4.1-2; 5.1

Changed”  Objectives- “explore the influence of art and music in target countries” to “explore the influence of art and music in Spanish speaking countries”  Spanish III- Friendship and Interpersonal Relationships Page 92 Removed from:  Theme- National Standards 1.1-2; 3.1; 4.1-2; Spanish III- Media Removed from:  Objectives: o learn more about the history of target countries o learn about the Pampas – el gaucho lifestyle and food Added to:  Theme- National Standards: 1-5 Page92  Objectives- explore the influence of the media in Spanish speaking countries

Changed  Objectives o “explore the impact of the media in their life” to “explore the impact of the media in your life”

July 24, 2017 o “learn about newspaper stands in target countries” to “explore the newspaper stands in Spanish speaking countries”

Spanish III- Cultural Heritage Page 92 Added to:  Theme- National Standards: 1-5 Spanish III- Environmental, Social, and Global Issues Added to:  Theme- National Standards: 1-5

Page 92 Changed:  Objectives- “compare and contrast the social and environmental issues in Spanish countries and the home community” to “compare and contrast the social and environmental issues in Spanish countries and your community” Spanish IV Page 93 Removed from:  Prerequisites- teacher recommendation Spanish IV- Grammar/Usage/Structure Changed: Page 93  “grammar/usage/structure from Spanish I-IV” to “...Spanish I-III”  “indefinitive/negative expressions” into two bullet points: “indefinite articles” and “e/negative expressions” Advanced Placement (AP) Spanish Changed:  Prerequisites from “Spanish III or teacher recommendation” to “Spanish IV” Page 95  Overview- “This is a one year course with a more advanced level of communicating in Spanish.” to “…advanced level of communicating in Spanish based on College Board approval and outlined material”  Heading/column title from “Themes” to “Units”

Advanced Placement (AP) Spanish Added:  Theme- National Standards: 1-5 Page 95 Changed:  Grammar/Usage/Structure- “grammar/usage/structure from Spanish I, II, and III” to “grammar/usage/structure from Spanish I-IV”

July 24, 2017 Appendix Suggested Supplementary Materials List- All Languages Reference Removed the following titles:  Material World: A Global Family Portrait by Peter Menzel, ISBN 0- 87156-430-0

 If the World Were a Village by David J. Smith 2002, ISBN 1-55074-779- 7  Louder Than Words by Sergio Aragones (comics)  The Macmillan Visual Dictionary, ISBN 0-02-578115-4 Suggested Supplementary Materials List- All Languages Classroom Items Removed the following titles:  Student White Boards  Guess Who Board Game  El Juego de los Oficios, Español  Eggspert Game Show System, Carlex  Bingo Suggested Supplementary Materials List- All Languages Oral Activity Books Removed the following titles:  Pair Work I by Peter Watcyn-Jones and Diedre Howard-Williams 2002, ISBN 0582514630  Pair Work 2 by Peter Watcyn-Jones and Diedre Howard-Williams 2002,

ISBN 9780582514621  Pair Work 3 by Peter Watcyn-Jones and Diedre Howard-Williams 2002, ISBN 9780582514614  Group Work – Intermediate by Peter Watcyn-Jones 2007, ISBN 9780582461581  Talk-a-tivities by Richard Yorkey, ISBN 9780201099119 Suggested Supplemental Materials List- Chinese (All Levels) Reference Books Added the following titles:  Pocket Oxford Chinese Dictionary (Oxford Dictionaries), Martin H Manser, et al., ISBN 0198005946  Mandarin Chinese English Bilingual Visual Dictionary (DK Visual Dictionaries), ISBN 1465436332  Chinese Calligraphy Made Easy: A Structured Course in Creating Page A-2 Beautiful Brush Lettering, Rebecca Yue, ISBN 0823005569  Chinese Calligraphy (The Culture & Civilization of China), Zhongshi Ouyan, ISBN 0300121075  Three Thousand Years of Chinese Painting, Richard Barnhart, ISBN 0300094477  Chineasy Everyday: Learning Chinese Through Its Culture, Shaolan Hsueh, ISBN 0062439715  Chineasy: The Easy Way to Learn Chinese, Shaolan Hsueh, ISBN- 10:0062332112

July 24, 2017  The Way of Chinese Characters: The Origins of 450 Essential Words, Jianhsin Wu, ISBN 0887277608 Suggested Supplemental Materials List- Chinese Level I Readers Added the following titles:  The Secret Garden (Mandarin Companion Graded Reader Series), Renjun Yang, ISBN 1941875009  Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Curly Haired Company (Mandarin Companion Graded Reader Series), Renjun Yang, ISBN 1941875017  The Country of the Blind (Mandarin Companion Graded Reader Series), Renjun Yang, ISBN 1941875033  The Sixty Year Dream (Mandarin Companion Graded Reader Series), Renjun Yang, ISBN 1941875041  The Monkey's Paw (Mandarin Companion Graded Reader Series), Renjun Yang, ISBN 1941875025  I Really Want to Find Her (Chinese Breeze Graded Reader Series), Yuehua Liu, ISBN 7301079052  Whom Do You Like More? (Chinese Breeze Graded Reader Series), Yuehua Liu, ISBN 7301141556 Pages A-2 &  Can I Dance with You? (Chinese Breeze Graded Reader Series), Yuehua A-3 Liu, ISBN 7301137141  Two Children Seeking the Joy Bridge (Chinese Breeze Graded Reader Series), Yuehua Liu, ISBN 7301079214  Wrong, Wrong, Wrong! (Chinese Breeze Graded Reader Series), Yuehua Liu, ISBN 7301079044  The Sky is Bright with Stars (Readings in Chinese Culture Series volume 1-Intermediate Low), Weijia Huang, ISBN 0887278183  Chinese and English Nursery Rhymes: Share and Sing in Two Languages, Faye-Lynn Wu, ISBN 0804840946  A Nest in Springtime: A Mandarin Chinese-English bilingual book of numbers, Belle Yang, ISBN 0763652792  Susan You Mafan: The Easy Chinese Reader, Terry Waltz ISBN 0692442901  Josh Duyiwuer: Simplified Characters with Pinyin, Terry Waltz, ISBN 0615972519  The Three Pandas (PandaRiffic™ Readers), Terry Waltz, ISBN 061583454X Suggested Supplemental Materials List- Chinese Level II Readers Added the following titles:  Great Expectations: Part 1 (Mandarin Companion Graded Reader Series), Renjun Yang, ISBN 194187505X Page A-3  Great Expectations: Part 2 (Mandarin Companion Graded Reader Series), Renjun Yang, ISBN 1941875068  Secrets of a Computer Company (Chinese Breeze Graded Reader Series), Yuehua Liu, ISBN 7301145918

July 24, 2017  Green Phoenix (Chinese Breeze Graded Reader Series), Yuehua Liu, ISBN 7301149794  After the Accident (Chinese Breeze Graded Reader Series), Yuehua Liu, ISBN 7301167555  Mother and Son (Chinese Breeze Graded Reader Series), Yuehua Liu, ISBN 7301156731  An Old Painting (Chinese Breeze Graded Reader Series), Shaolin Zhao, ISBN 7301174659  The Moon Is Always Beautiful (Readings in Chinese Culture: Intermediate High), Qun Ao, ISBN 0887276377  How Far Away Is the Sun and other Essays (Readings in Chinese Culture Series, Intermediate 1), Qun Ao, ISBN 0887275354 Suggested Supplemental Materials List- Chinese Level III Readers Added the following titles:  Friends (Chinese Breeze Graded Reader Series), Yuehua Liu, ISBN 7301226381  The Moon Sculpture Left Behind (Chinese Breeze Graded Reader Series), Yuehua Liu, ISBN 7301217749  The Moon Sculpture Left Behind (Chinese Breeze Graded Reader Series), Yuehua Liu, ISBN 7301217749 Pages A-3  Graded Chinese Reader 500 Words: Selected Abridged Chinese & A-4 Contemporary Mini-stories, Shi Ji, ISBN 7513803455  The Lady in the Painting: A Basic Chinese Reader, Expanded Edition, Simplified Characters (Far Eastern Publications Series), Claudia Ross, ISBN 030012516X  All Things Considered: Advanced Reader of Modern Chinese, Chih-ping Chou, ISBN 0691090483  Anna Mei Banfa!: A Short Novel In Simple Chinese, Terry Waltz, ISBN 1440406448 Suggested Supplemental Materials List- Chinese Level IV Readers Added the following titles:  Graded Chinese Reader 1, Shi Ji, ISBN 7802003741  Graded Chinese Reader 2, Shi Ji, ISBN 780200375X  Graded Chinese Reader 3, Shi Ji, ISBN 7802004152  Graded Chinese Reader 1500 Words: Selected Abridged Chinese Contemporary Short Stories, Shi Ji, ISBN 7513805555  Graded Chinese Reader 2000 Words: Selected Abridged Chinese Page A-4 Contemporary Short Stories, Shi Ji, ISBN 7513807302  Graded Chinese Reader--2500 Words, Shi Ji, ISBN 7513806772  Tales and Traditions: Readings in Chinese Literature Series (Volume 1) (Reading in Chinese Literature), Yun Xiao, ISBN 0887275346  Tales and Traditions: Readings in Chinese Literature Series (Volume 2), Yun Xiao, ISBN 0887276466  Tales & Traditions: Readings in Chinese Literature Series (Volume 3), Yun Xiao, ISBN 0887276822

July 24, 2017  Capturing Chinese: Lu Xun's The Real Story of Ah Q, Lu Xun, ISBN 0984276211  Capturing Chinese: Lu Xun's The New Year's Sacrifice, Lu Xun, ISBN 098427622X Suggested Supplementary Materials List- French Supplemental Instructional Materials Added the following items:  Look I can Talk, Blaine Ray, ISBN 1-56018-474-4  Mini-stories for Look, I Can Talk! Blaine Ray  Mini-Stories for Look I Can Talk! Teacher’s Guide, Blaine Ray  Look, I Can Talk More, Blaine Ray, ISBN 1-56018-91-4  Mini-Stories for Look I Can Talk More Teacher’s Guide, Blaine Ray  Look, I Can Talk More! Student Text, Blaine Ray  Look, I’m Really Talking, Blaine Ray  Look, I’m Really Talking Extended Readings, Blaine Ray  Look, I’m Really Talking Teacher’s Guide, Blaine Ray  Look, I’m Really Talking Vocabulary Lists, Blaine Ray  The NEW Raconte-moi encore! Student Text, Carol Gaab, ISBN: 978-0- 9777911-8-7  The NEW Raconte-moi encore! Teacher’s Manual, Carol Gaab, ISBN: 978-0-9777911-9-4  The NEW Raconte-moi encore! Student Reader, Carol Gaab, ISBN: 978- 1-934958-63-6  The NEW Raconte-moi encore! Reproducible Blackline Master on CD, Page A-5 Carol Gaab,  ISBN: 978-1-934958-65-0  The NEW Raconte-moi encore! Tests with Answer Keys on CD, Carol Gaab, ISBN: 978-1-934958-66-7  The NEW Raconte-moi encore! Illustrations on CD, Carol Gaab, ISBN: 978-1-934958-65-0  The NEW Raconte-moi encore! Tests with Answer Keys on CD, Carol Gaab, ISBN: 978-1-934958-66-7  The NEW Raconte-moi encore! Illustrations on CD, Carol Gaab, ISBN 978-1-934958-64-3  Conte-inuons! Student Text, Carol Gaab, ISBN: 978-1-935575-33-7  Conte-inuons! Teacher Manual, Carol Gaab, ISBN: 978-1-935575-34-4  Conte-inuons! Illustrations on CD, Carol Gaab, ISBN: 978-1-935575-55-9  Conte-inuons! Reproducible Student Reader on CD, Carol Gaab, ISBN: 978-1-935575-54-2  Conte-inuons! Tests and Answer key on CD, Carol Gaab, ISBN: 978-1- 935575-53-5  Story Scripts Volume 1, Anne Matava, available on www.benslavic.com  Story Scripts Volume 2, Anne Matava, available on www.benslavic.com  Story Scripts Volume 3, Anne Matava, available on www.benslavic.com

July 24, 2017  Story Scripts for Houdini, Anne Matava, available on www.benslavic.com Suggested Supplementary Materials List- French I Readers Removed the following items:  Les Amours de Lulu Papineau et Lepage, ISBN 2-89512-245-8  Trop...C’est trop! Danielle Vaillancourt, ISBN 2-89512-241-5  Papa est un dinosaur Bruno St-Aubin, ISBN 2-89512-113-3 Page A-5  Drôle de cauchemar Bruno St-Aubin, ISBN 2-89512-133-8  Papa est un castor bricoleur Bruno St-Aubin, ISBN 2-89512-186-9  Bambou à l’école des singes Dominique Jolin, ISBN 2-89512-045-5  Bambou à la plage Dominique Jolin, ISBN 2-89512-130-3  Bambou au pays des Bambous Dominique Jolin, ISBN 2-89512-181-8  Un été pas comme les autres Huguette Zahler, ISBN 0-87720-479-9 Suggested Supplementary Materials List- French I Readers Added the following items:  Pauvre Anne, Blaine Ray, ISBN:0-929724-54-2  Fama va en Californie, Blaine Ray, ISBN 0-929724-63-1  Les Aventures d’Isabelle, Karen Rowan, ISBN 978-098246874-6  Brandon Brown Dit la Vérité, Carol Gaab, ISBN 978-1-940408-90-3  Brandon Brown à la Conquête de Québec, Carol Gaab, ISBN 978-1- 940408-13-2 Page A-5  Jean-Paul et Ses Bonnes Idées, Magaly Rodríguez, ISBN 978-1603721- 44-8  Brandon Brown veut un chien, Carol Gaab, ISBN 978-1-935575-99-3  Isabelle Capture un singe hurleur, Karen Rowan, ISBN 978-0-982468- 73-9  Le Nouvel Houdini, Carol Gaab, ISBN 978-1-935575-30-6  Pirates Français des Caraïbes, Mira Canion and Carol Gaab, ISBN 978- 1-934958-59-9 Suggested Supplementary Materials List- French II Readers Removed the following items: J’apprends à lire  Qu’on me chatouille les orteils! Bruno St-Aubin, ISBN 2-89512-247-4  Les bêtises des parent LouiseTondreau-Levert, ISBN 2-89512-187-7  Felicio et le clown amoureux Mireille Villeneuve, ISBN 2-89512-239-3  L’incroyable invention de Félicio Mireille Villeneuve, ISBN 2-89512- Page A-6 131-1  Les mystères de Félicio Mireille Villeneuve, ISBN 2-89512-182-6  Pépé, Flox, et les chaussettes Marisol Sarrazin, ISBN 2-89512-047-1  Pépé, Flox et le facteur Marisol Sarrazin, ISBN 2-89512-075-7  Pépé, Flox et le bain Marisol Sarrazin, ISBN 2-89512-134-6

Les Amis de Gilda (Level 2/3 Readers)  Papaye le panda Lucie Papineau, ISBN 2-89512-262-8

July 24, 2017  Pas de taches pour une girafe Lucie Papineau, ISBN 2-89512-261-x  Pas de bananes pour une girafe Lucie Papineau, ISBN 2-89512-010-2  Léonardo le lionceau Lucie Papineau, ISBN 2-89512-136-2  Oscar le drôle de ouistiti Lucie Papineau, ISBN 2-89512-193-1  Pépin le pingouin Lucie Papineau, ISBN 2-89512-252-0

Illustrated Tales (Level 2/3 Readers)  Annabel et la Bête Dominique Demers, ISBN 2-89512-195-8  Vieux Thomas et la petite fée Dominique Demers, ISBN 2-89512-138-9  Un gnome à la mer Marie-Danielle Croteau, ISBN 2-89512-197-4  Mon rayon de soleil Marie-Francine Hébert, ISBN 2-89512-276-8  Décroche-moi la lune Marie-Francine Hébert, ISBN 2-89512-190-7  Le grand voyage de Monsieur Gilles Tibo, ISBN 2-89512-189-3  La grande aventure d’un petit mouton noir M. D. Croteau, ISBN 2- 89512-053-6  Gontrand et le croissant des caverns Marie-Danielle Croteau, ISBN 2- 89512-054-4  Le jour des monstres Christiane Duchesne, ISBN 2-89512-044-8  Stella, fée des forêts Marie-Louise Gay, ISBN 2-89512-243-1  Stella, étoile de la mer Marie-Louise Gay, ISBN 2-89512-074-9  Edmond le prince des ratons Christiane Duchesne, ISBN 2-89512-140-0  Edmond et Amandine Christiane Duchesne, ISBN 2-89512-050-1  Edmond l’affreux raton Christiane Duchesne, ISBN 2-89512-002-1  Petit Gilles Lucie Papineau, ISBN 2-89512-212-1  La véridique histoire de Destructotor Carole Tremblay, ISBN 2-89512- 142-7  Roméo, le rat romantique Carole Tremblay, ISBN 2-7625-8705-0  Marie-Baba et les 40 rameurs Carole Tremblay, ISBN 2-89512-008-0 Suggested Supplementary Materials List- French II Readers Added the following items:  Problèmes au Paradis, Carol Gaab, ISBN 978-1-935575-84-9  Presque Mort, Blaine Ray, Lisa Ray Turner and Blaine Ray, ISBN 0- 929724-70-4  Le Voyage de sa vie, Lisa Ray Turner and Blaine Ray, ISBN 0-929724- 58-5  Ma Voiture à Moi, Lisa Ray Turner and Blaine Ray, ISBN 0-929724-90-9 Page A-6  Où est passé Martin, Lisa Ray Turner and Blaine Ray, ISBN 0929-724- 91-7  Le Défi, Deb Navarro, ISBN 978-0-7560-4085-7  La Copine, Deb Navarro, ISBN 978-0-7560-4084-0  Le Voyage, Deb Navarro 1B4215 978-0-7560-4083-3  La Vraie Patricia, Tiffany Haney, ISBN 978-0-7560-0602-0  Le Rêve de Lise, Tiffany Haney, ISBN 978-0-7560-0603-7  Damien devient un homme, Laura Stade, ISBN 978-0-7560-1014-0

July 24, 2017  La France en danger et les secrets de Picasso, Mira Canion, ISBN 978-0- 9836958-7-5  Nuits Mystérieuses à Lyons, Kristy Placido, ISBN 978-1-935575-62-7  Felipe Alou: L’Histoire d’un grand champion, ISBN 978-1-940408-40-8  Le Voyage Perdu, Lisa Ray Turner and Blaine Ray, ISBN 0-929724-68-2  Vive le Taureau, Lisa Ray Turner and Blaine Ray, ISBN 0-929724-60-7 Suggested Supplemental Materials List- French III Readers Removed the following items: J’apprends à lire  La pire journée de Papi Dominique Demers, ISBN 2-89512-267-9  Momo sur Mars Carole Tremblay, ISBN 2-89512-242-3  Alex, le petit joueur de hockey Gilles Tibo, ISBN 2-89512-044-7  Alex numéro 2 Gilles Tibo, ISBN 2-89512-077-3  Alex et son chien Touli Gilles Tibo, ISBN 2-89512-135-4  Alex et la belle Sarah Gilles Tibo, ISBN 2-89512-188-5  Perline Pompette Dominique Demers, ISBN 2-89512-046-3  Un baiser pour Julos Christiane Duchesne, ISBN 2-89512-132-x  Théodore le mille-pattes Carole Tremblay, ISBN 2-89512-183-4

Aux couleurs de l’enfance Page A-6  J’ai un beau château Marie-Francine Hébert, ISBN 2-89512-275-x  Isidor Suzor Anique Poitras, ISBN 2-89512-273-3  Lancelot, le dragon Anique Poitras, ISBN 2-89512-164-8  Le grand magician Gilles Tibo, ISBN 2-89512-271-7  Le petit musician Gilles Tibo, ISBN 2-89512-167-2  Choupette et son petit papa Gilles Tibo, ISBN 2-89512-244-x  David et la maison de la sorcière François Gravel, ISBN 2-89512-233-4  David et le Fantôme François Gravel, ISBN 2-89512-165-6  David et les monstres de la forêt François Gravel, ISBN 2-89512-166-4  David et le precipice François Gravel, ISBN 2-89512-222-9  Sauvez Henri! Yvon Brochu, ISBN 2-89512-223-7  Somerset – Le sixième arrêt Hélène Vachon, ISBN 2-89512-227-x  Léonie, le petit avion jaune Mireille Villeneuve, ISBN 2-89512-234-2  Le chien secret de Poucet Dominique Demers, ISBN 2-89512-272-5 Suggested Supplemental Materials List- French III Readers Added the following items:  Vol des Oiseaux, Kristy Placido, ISBN 978-1-935575-15-3  Les Yeux de Carmen, Veronica Moscóso, ISBN 978-0-929724-44-7  Pirate de la Mer du Nord, Robert Harrell, ISBN: 978-1-938088-04-9 Page A-6

La Spiga Readers:  Napoleon Bonaparte, Dominique Cabline, ISBN 9788846819901  Paris Brûle, Vincent Dix, ISBN 9788846827180  Les Trois Mousquetaires, Alexandre Dumas, ISBN: 9788846816191

July 24, 2017  Dracula, Bram Stoker, ISBN: 9788871008523  Anaconda le serpent qui tue, Sylvie Leroy, ISBN: 9788846810717  20,000 Lieues sous les mers, Jules Verne, ISBN: 9788871003092  Pearl Harbor, Berenice Capatti, ISBN: 9788846816276  L’Histoire d’Anne Frank, Martine Giraud, ISBN: 9788846816269  Les Mystères de la Bastille, A Fraiche, ISBN: 9788846818072  Nuit de Noel, Martine Decrouet, ISBN: 9788871007038  Vercingetorix, D Cabline, ISBN: 9788846818010  La Maison des horreurs, N Hutin, ISBN: 9788846816207 Suggested Supplemental Materials List- French IV/AP Removed the following items:  La belle histoire de Zigzag Yvon Brochu, ISBN 2-89512-274-1  Jomusch et le troll des cuisines C. Duchesne, ISBN 2-89512-205-9  Jomusch et la demoiselle d’en haut C. Duchesne, ISBN 2-89512-237-7  Marion et le Nouveau Monde Michèle Marineau, ISBN 2-89512-240-7  Christophe au grand Coeur Nathalie Loignon, ISBN 2-89512-120-6  Du bout des doigts le bout du monde Nathalie Loignon, ISBN 2-89512- 220-2 Page A-6  La mémoire de mademoiselle Morgane Martine Latulippe, ISBN 2- 89512-224-5  Un été aux couleurs d’Afrique Dominique Payette, ISBN 2-89512-225-3  Les jeux sont faits Jean-Paul Sartre, ISBN 0-13-530675-2  Contes de la vieille Bretagne Souvestre/Luzel, ISBN 2-85882-688-9  Les pinceaux de Lascaux Girardet/Salas, ISBN 2-7118-4638-5  Charlemagne Duchet-Suchaux, ISBN 2-01-005615-9  Les chevaliers de la Table Ronde Ovazza, ISBN 2-7373-00004-5  Histoire des Français Miquel, ISBN 2-01-006970-6 Suggested Supplementary Materials List- Spanish (All Levels) Readers Removed the following items: Page A-7  Chumba la cachumba, ISBN 980-257-114-8  The Bracelet by Elizbeth Baffard, ISBN 1-58685-050-4 Suggested Supplementary Materials List- Spanish (All Levels) Reference Materials Removed the following items:  Atlas: mis primeros conocimientos by Andrew Solway, ISBN 1-58728- 656-4  Usborne: Los Pueblos del Mundo by Gillian Doherty & Anna Page A-7 Claybourne, ISBN 0-439-41834-8  The People’s Guide to Mexico by Carl Franz, 2002. ISBN 1-56691-434-5  Breaking Out of Beginner’s Spanish by Joseph J. Keenan, ISBN 0-292- 74322-X  501 Spanish Verbs by Christopher Kendris, ISBN 0-8120-9282-1  The American Heritage Dictionary, Spanish  Langensheit Pocket Dictionary Spanish/English, ISBN 1-585730-55-6

July 24, 2017  Larousse Dictionary, ISBN 782034202018  Larousse Pocket Dictionary, ISBN 2-03-420801-3  A New Reference Grammar of Modern Spanish by John Butt and Carmen Benjamin, ISBN 0-7131-6612-6 Suggested Supplemental Materials List- Spanish (All Levels) TPRS Page A-7 Added the following item:  Mini-Stories for Look, I Can Talk, Blaine Ray, ISBN 978-1-933814-02-5 Suggested Supplemental Materials List- Spanish I Readers Removed the following items:  Colección Cuatro Estaciones Josep M. Parramón o Primavera, ISBN 84-342-2303-1 Page A-7 o Invierno, ISBN 84-342-2306-6 o Otoño, ISBN 84-342-2305-8 o Verano, ISBN 84-342-2304-X  Corre, perro, corre PD Eastman, ISBN 1-880507-20-X Suggested Supplemental Materials List- Spanish I Readers Page A-7 Corrected the following title:  La maldición de la cabeza reducida, ISBN: 978-1-934958-97-1 Suggested Supplementary Materials List- Spanish Moved from level 1 to level 2: Pages A-6  El viaje de su vida by Lisa Ray Turner and Blaine Ray, ISBN 0929724496 Suggested Supplemental Materials List- Spanish Page A-8 Moved from level 3 to level 2:  Momentos Hispanos, ISBN 0-87720-520-5 Suggested Supplemental Materials- Spanish IV/AP Added the following magazines:  Motor Trend en Españo  National Geographic en Español Pages A-9  Travel Leisure en Español  Discover en Español  People en Español.  Readers Digest en Español Professional Organizations Removed the following information:  The Association of Teachers of Japanese (ATJ) http://www.aatj.org/atj/index.html Page A-10  The Alliance of Associations of Teachers of Japanese (AATJ) http://www.aatj.org/  National Council of Japanese Language Teachers (NCJLT) http://www.ncjlt.org/ Professional Organizations Added the following: Page A-10  American Association of Teachers of Japanese (AATJ)  https://www.aatj.org/

July 24, 2017  The Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA (CLTA) http://clta-us.org/  Chinese Language Association Secondary Elementary-Schools (CLASS) http://www.classk12.org/ Annual Local Language Events Added the following event:  UAF Chinese New Year Celebration Page A-12 The UAF Chinese Student Association annually celebrates the Chinese New Year. The event features a Chinese buffet and performances by members of the Chinese Student Association and members of the community. Internet Resources Added the following information:  BBC Languages http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/ BBC Languages offers comprehensive lessons in seven languages: French, German, Spanish, Italian, Greek, Portuguese, and Chinese. For new learners, the site conducts assessment tests to identify your level as beginner, intermediate, or advanced, and accordingly provides resources like PDF vocabulary lists and crossword puzzles. Video lessons are the most valuable component on the site.  Duolingo https://pt.duolingo.com/ Aprenda inglês, espanhol e outros idiomas gratuitamente. (Learn English, Pages A-13 Spanish, and other languages for free. & A-14  Kahoot! https://kahoot.com/ Kahoot! is a free game-based learning platform that makes it fun to learn any language.  Memrise https://www.memrise.com/ Memrise features countless categories of so-called “mems,” user- generated mnemonic flashcards that rely on graphics, and imagination to implant new vocabulary in your memory. The site hosts thousands of free courses in many languages. Because the content is entirely user- generated, the quality may vary.  Official Rosetta Stone® www.rosettastone.com/ Learn to speak a language with this online software. Language Specific Internet Resources- Chinese Added the following information:  Growing up with Chinese Series Page A-16 http://english.cntv.cn/program/learnchinese/growingwithchinese/ This series contains one hundred episodes, each fifteen minutes in length. The series’ aim is to use dramatic skits to teach three hundred of the most commonly spoken Chinese phrases to teen learners.

July 24, 2017  Dictionary (Chinese-English) https://www.mdbg.net The online dictionary is reliable and accurate most of the times.  Radio http://www.rti.org.tw/ http://www.voh.com.tw/amfm.php Two great sites for streaming Mandarin Radio programs. Language Specific Internet Resources Added the following information: Page A-17  American Association of Teachers of Japanese (AATJ) https://www.aatj.org/ Suggested Vocabulary/Activities Spanish I Removed chart, which included a list of:  Names, places, classroom, needs, and birthdays  Greetings, personal descriptions, family, and pets  Restaurants phrases  School  Sports, activities, and hobbies Page A-21  Holidays and celebrations  Weather and geography  Clothes  Basic shopping  Communities  Projects  Dancing and music Public Notice of Nondiscrimination Page A-39 Updated with document dated February 2017

July 24, 2017