January 30, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E115 Members, Officers and employees of the legends in the Hall of Fame. Waddell Wilson THE RETIREMENT OF U.S. BORDER House are required to complete a program of is especially deserving of this honor and will PATROL CHIEF CARLA PROVOST training in workplace rights and responsibilities now be enshrined forever for his remarkable applicable to offices and employees of the contributions to racing. HON. ANDY BIGGS Madam Speaker, please join me today in House. The Chief Administrative Officer has OF ARIZONA informed the Committee that all current Mem- congratulating Waddell Wilson on his induction IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES bers, Officers and employees of the House into the NASCAR Hall of Fame. have completed the required training for 2019. f Thursday, January 30, 2020 f TRIBUTE TO BRIAN WHEELER Mr. BIGGS. Madam Speaker, I rise today in honor of U.S. Border Patrol Chief Carla Pro- PERSONAL EXPLANATION FROM THE TRANSPORTATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION vost. After serving our nation for 25 years, she is retiring this Friday. HON. JOHN LEWIS A native of rural Kansas, Chief Provost first OF GEORGIA HON. LUCILLE ROYBAL-ALLARD joined the U.S. Border Patrol on January 8, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF CALIFORNIA 1995, and was assigned to Douglas, Arizona. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, January 30, 2020 Despite the significant culture shock, Chief Thursday, January 30, 2020 Provost remained in southeast Arizona an- Mr. LEWIS. Madam Speaker, earlier this other ten years. In 2006, she was transferred Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. Madam Speaker, month, I was unable to cast roll call votes from to Yuma, where she served for an additional the Transportation Security Administration January 10th–16th and on January 27th and five years. As an Arizona resident, I am grate- (TSA) will soon bid farewell to its Senior Advi- 29th. Had I been present, I would have cast ful for the 15 years she spent keeping our bor- sor for Congressional Appropriations, Mr. the following votes: on roll call 9, I would have der secure and our communities safe. Brian Wheeler. Mr. Wheeler has been the voted No; on roll call 10, I would have voted Chief Provost went on to hold several lead- TSA’s liaison to the House Homeland Security No; on roll call 11, I would have voted Aye; on ership roles throughout her career, serving the Appropriations Subcommittee for the past 17 roll call 12, I would have voted No; on roll call El Paso and El Centro Sectors, the Office of years, and will be retiring from the federal gov- 13, I would have voted Aye; on roll call 14, I Professional Responsibility, and was ap- ernment after nearly 30 years of dedicated would have voted Aye; on roll call 15, I would pointed Chief of U.S. Border Patrol in April service. He will be greatly missed by his TSA have voted Aye; on roll call 16, I would have 2017. colleagues, as well as by the members and voted Aye; on roll call 17, I would have voted Every American should be grateful for the professional staff of the Homeland Security Aye; on roll call 18, I would have voted Aye; men and women who serve in the U.S. Border Appropriations Subcommittee. on roll call 19, I would have voted Nay; on roll Patrol. Safeguarding our nation’s border can As chairwoman of this subcommittee, and call 20, I would have voted Nay; on roll call be dangerous and grueling work. But I hear as a member of the subcommittee since its 21, I would have voted Aye; on roll call 22, I time and again from border-region residents creation, I am grateful to Mr. Wheeler for his would have voted Aye; on roll call 23, I would that their work is vital. Chief Provost describes diligent and reliable work to relay key financial have voted Aye; on roll call 24, I would have her background as ‘‘pride-in-country and serv- and security matters to our subcommittee. He voted Aye; on roll call 28, I would have voted ice-to-country.’’ She is a great example of and has accurately addressed our requests, and Aye; on roll call 29, I would have voted Aye; for the men and women of the U.S. Border consistently met tight timelines. The informa- on roll call 30, I would have voted Nay; on roll Patrol. tion he has provided to us has been invalu- call 31, I would have voted Aye; on roll call I thank Chief Provost for her many years of able in our subcommittee’s efforts to mitigate 32, I would have voted Nay. service and leadership of the agency, and I future threats to our nation’s transportation f wish her well in her retirement. systems, including our work to fund such TSA HONORING 2020 NASCAR HALL OF needs as more advanced detection equipment f FAME INDUCTEE WADDELL WIL- and crucial increases in personnel at airport SON checkpoints across the nation. HONORING WELDON DAVIS Our Homeland Security Appropriations Sub- HON. RICHARD HUDSON committee has greatly benefited from Mr. HON. J. FRENCH HILL OF Wheeler’s commitment, dependability, and ex- OF ARKANSAS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES perience. He has provided invaluable insights IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES into the operations of a complex transportation Thursday, January 30, 2020 security system managed by a large domestic Thursday, January 30, 2020 Mr. HUDSON. Madam Speaker, I rise today agency sourced with both appropriated funds Mr. HILL of Arkansas. Madam Speaker, I to honor and congratulate racing legend and mandatory fee revenue. He also has a rise today to honor the life of Arkansan Waddell Wilson upon his induction into the keen awareness of the kinds of information Weldon Davis, who passed away on Decem- eleventh class of the NASCAR Hall of Fame. appropriators need as we make informed judg- ber 17, 2019. As an engine builder and crew chief, ments and decisions about the TSA. Weldon, a native of Mount Vernon, Arkan- Waddell Wilson helped power some of Mr. Wheeler’s superb analytical skills, in- sas, graduated from Mount Vernon high racing’s greatest drivers, including fellow cluding his graphic and chartmaking talents, school in 1944, and attended college at Arkan- NASCAR Hall of Famers David Pearson, have been essential to our subcommittee’s re- sas State Teachers College in Conway. Glenn Roberts, , Cale Yar- view of the TSA’s annual budget requests, He later attended the University of Arkansas borough, and . Combined, his which now exceed $8 billion worth of budget Law School, taking classes at night after a full engines boast a total of 109 wins and 123 authority. He translates several hundred pages day’s work, from which he received his law poles. of budget submissions into concise sum- degree in 1964. Waddell Wilson’s engine is responsible for a maries. He has built detailed spreadsheets He began his career at Arkansas Farm Bu- victory and as crew chief, he that have synthesized funding issues into eas- reau Insurance Company in 1954, where he guided three drivers to titles. He ily understood programmatic rationales, which helped guide it to its success today. won ‘‘The Great American Race’’ with Buddy has put the subcommittee in a position to opti- The Arkansas Farm Bureau even presents Baker and and in 1980, was mize our use of taxpayer dollars by ensuring an outstanding adjuster award presented in responsible for assembling the engine that that only critical requirements are funded. his honor at the Farm Bureau’s claims con- snapped the track’s record with an average Mr. Wheeler has given outstanding service ference. race of 177.602 MPH. to our subcommittee, the House, the TSA, and During his career with the Farm Bureau he This year’s class was selected by a com- the nation. His professionalism, perception, continued to maintain his 640-acre cattle farm prehensive voting panel that included track superb analytic focus, and technical skills in Mount Vernon. owners, competitors, members of the media, have been invaluable to us. On behalf of all of According to his family, he will be remem- industry leaders, a nationwide fan vote, and us at the Homeland Security Appropriations bered as a man of character, honesty, direct- the reigning Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Subcommittee, I wish him all the best as he ness, integrity, and fairness. Series champion. In total, a group of five was moves into retirement and the next phase of Weldon’s life is a testament to the hard chosen to join the ranks of other NASCAR his life’s journey. work embraced by Central Arkansans.

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