JNF Colonising Palestine since 1901 JNF eBook (Volume II, May 2010) Preparing for Legal Action Focus: Canada Park Dedicated to the memory of Walter Lehn (1926-2009) Foreword by Salman Abu Sitta Editor: Uri Davis (
[email protected]) Walter Lehn Ismail Zayid Uri Davis Trish Wood With the Palestine Land Society Plus the Campaign to Stop the JNF Assistant to the Editors: Mortaza Sahibzada (
[email protected]) Each of the Contributors © All Rights Reserved Editor’s Moral Rights © All Rights Reserved Human Rights Legal Aid Fund ISSN 2042-9045 (Online) JNF eBook (Vol. 2) Dedication to Walter Lehn: The Power of Memories WALTER LEHN (1926-2009) “We are not made of atoms, we are made of stories,” the Lebanese teenager reflected after the Israeli invasion to southern Lebanon in 2006. My vivid memories of Walter (as a free thinker) were about two major domains: i.e., freedom and justice. The first was about the Intifada in 1987. He wrote a detailed letter explaining that the history is in transition in Palestine and he wants to be a witness. He was vividly explaining what a rubber bullet means and how the aggressor is trying to suppress the free and voiceless. He decided to be a voice for the powerless and the conscience for those who strive for freedom. This cultural fusion between two families from East and West was inspiring for me to see beyond borders and not only to accept and live with diversity but rather to celebrate diversity. The second was about value creation and leaving legacy by documenting in his book The Jewish National Fund about how institutional hegemony bought Palestinian lands in the early 20th century to facilitate the de-construction of Palestinian identity, hope and future.