SALTO'temm ISRAEL Final Report
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SALTO’ TEMM – Israel (10th -14th July, 2005) Topic: Training of Euro – Med Multipliers Location: Peki’in, Israel Prepared by: Dan Wollner 1 Special Thanks To the Pe’ekin Youth Hostel that provided the facilities and hospitality that ensured the success of the seminar To Yiota Kamaratos, of Jordan whose report on SALTO’ TEMM held in Jordan (11th to 18th October, 2003) was used as a guide to prepare this report. 2 CONTENTS Front Cover Special Thanks Pre-amble …………………………………………………………5-6 Letter from the National Coordinator:…………………..7 The Trainers ………………………………………………………8-11 The participants………………………………………………….12-16 Daily Program………………………………………………………17 Methology ……………………………………………………………18- 25 a) Energizers b) Ice breakers c) Tips (presentation training) d) Group Formation e) Role Playing and definition of tasks d) Gibush Presentations………………………………………………………… 26 - 60 The Groups Group 1 a) The topic b) Method of presentation c) Evaluation – observers - audience - reporters - trainers Group 2 a) The topic b) Method of presentation c) Evaluation – observers - audience - reporters - trainers Group 3 a) The topic b) Method of presentation c) Evaluation – observers - audience - reporters - trainers Certificate………………………………………………………….. 61 3 Group 4 a) The topic b) Method of presentation c) Evaluation – observers - audience - reporters - Trainers Group 5 a) The topic b) Method of presentation c) Evaluation – observers - audience - reporters - trainers Free Time Final Evaluation/Conclusion 4 Pre-Amble Background National Coordinators in the evaluations of 2001-2002 requested to receive greater support to implement the overall aims and goals of the Euro Med framework and specifically to receive greater human resource support in their geographic area of responsibility (their country). In 2003 and 2004 the SALTO YOUTH EURO-MED Resources Center developed a concept of a training course specifically aimed at meeting this specific request of National Coordinators and to build widening network of human resources. During this same period this concept was implemented and continually improved through evaluations in Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco In July, 2005 the Euro-Med Multiplier training course now known as SALTO’ TEMM arrived in Israel. The Aim o To increase the overall knowledge of participants in the aims, goals and direction of the Euro-Med Youth Program. o To build a human resource base for National Coordinators and future National Agencies. o To increase the presentation skills of future Multipliers and their knowledge of existing tools and capabilities to ‘create new tools’. o An intercultural learning experience due to the many different ethnic and religious background of participants. o The building of a ‘pool’ of individuals who although in the past have been working with the same general purpose and aims have been working as isolated individuals and not as a team. o To select Multipliers from the participants and to set up a ‘study plan’ for those not selected to become Multipliers in the future. o Motivation The Method Ø An intensive 5 day seminar held in the Druze village of Peki’in in the North of Israel. Ø The use of 4 trainers, lead by ‘the man’ of SALTO – Bernard Abrignani Ø Pre preparation by the participants, including the bringing and presentation of available tools used by each organization. Ø Presentation of available tools of SALTO and those of the National Coordinator. 5 Ø Tip sessions to train the participants on how to improve their presentation skills (this will be expanded upon in the report). Ø Role playing and presentations. Ø Group discussions to increase personal knowledge of the Euro-Med framework and goals. Ø The use and learning of ice breakers and energizers including the understanding of their purpose. Ø Evaluations to learn from each others strengths and weakness – included constructive criticism. Ø Social evenings to develop friendships, understanding and ties between the participants Special Note Of special interest in the SALTO’ TEMM Israel was the emphasis of the intercultural theme through the attendance of representatives of the majority of all Israeli cultures and religions (Druze, Bedouins, Palestinians, Moslems, Christians and Jews). 6 Letter from the National Coordinator of Israel The Euro Med Youth Programme in Israel has been implemented since 2000 by the National coordinator within the framework of the Israel youth Exchange Council. Activities on national and international level included: Local trainings and information meetings, Dissemination of information, publications, presentations, support for organizations and promotion of different activities. On the international level activities included organizing international seminars and study visits, sending participants to training courses, seminars and meetings and collaboration with the NAs and NCs in the European and Mediterranean countries the EC and the different actors in the programme. The NC has been working closely with the SALTO RC in INJEP, France and the highlight of the joint work is the training course for multipliers of the youth programme in Israel. The importance of training actors to become multipliers and assist the NC in further developing the youth programme in Israel became a necessity and so I am pleased that it was realized and the positive results can be seen in this report. Finally, I would like to thank Bernard Abrignani, head of the Euro Med center for his personal involvement in organizing and implementing the course and his training, Claudio Kogon and Essie Arbiv who were part of the training team and Dan wollner, one of the most prominent actors within the Euro Med Youth Programme for preparing and editing this report. David Krausz Israeli National coordinator Euro Med Youth Programme Israel Youth Exchange Council 7 Trainers Bernard Abrignani Coordinator of the SALTO – Youth Resource Center Works as educational adviser at the French Ministry of Youth and Sports and as Coordinator of the SALTO-YOUTH Euro Med resource cent re at the National Institute for Youth and Community Education (INJEP). He is specialized in youth participation,community development, education, prevention of delinquency, intercultural learning and international youth work. Fonctionnaire du Ministère de la Jeunesse, de l’Education et de la Recherche en poste à l’INJEP. Après avoir été chargé de mission à l’Agence Nationale pour le programme européen JEUNESSE, en tant que responsable de la coopération inter agences et de la stratégie nationale de formation, il est depuis août 2000 coordonnateur d’un des quatre centres de ressources «SALTO» créé par la Commission européenne. Plus spécialement chargé du développement de la coopération entre les deux rives de la Méditerranéedans le cadre du programme Euromed JEUNESSE; il a également pour charge la compilation et la diffusion des bonnes pratiques pédagogiques en formation. Par ailleurs il fait parti du groupe d’experts qui a été réuni sous l’égide du Conseil de l’Europe et de la Commission Européenne, afin de faire de réfléchir sur les standards de qualité en formation ainsi que sur la reconnaissance des acquis. Il a également écrit des articles et des publications pour un public international, comme par exemple le T’Kit sur la Gestion de Projet. 8 David Krausz National Coordinator of Israel David is 38 years old and was born in London, in the U.K. He immigrated to Israel in 1973 and is married with three children. David has a rich background in volunteer work and executive positions in NGO’s, this includes: 1995-1999:Academic Coordinator, Regional Colleges, Bar- Ilan University 1999- Executive Director, Israel Youth Exchange Council 2000- National Coordinator , Euro Med Youth Programme Public Activities 1994-1995:Vice Chairman, National Union Israel Students (NUIS) Head of International Affairs & Student Exchange – NUIS 1993-1994:Chairperson, Students Union, Bar- Ilan University 1992-1993:Vice Chairperson, Students Union, Bar- Ilan University Education 1999: MA, Political Science, Bar-Ilan University 1998: Graduate Diploma, Communication & Journalism, Bar-Ilan University 1994: BA, Political Science, Criminology, Bar-Ilan University 9 Claudio Kogan SALTO Trainer Claudio was born in Argentina and moved to Israel in 1987. He has been a teacher and trainer since 1983 and has been working within the framework of the EURO MEDD YOUTH program since 2001. Claudio also works as a freelance arts/dance education/community work consultant. As a SALTO Trainer his fields of interest are cultures, peace education and conflict management, GLBT, networking and projects development, Action 5. Since 2001 he has been a trainer for the NC Israel and since 2003 he has also been a SALTO-Trainer, including Three Cultures, Salto- TEMM, CMS, Volunteering, etc. Nowadays he is a TATEM participant. A graduated of The Jerusalem Rubin Academy of Music and Dance - Dance Faculty, he divides his time between arts administration and advising, and movement and dance teaching, concentrating in movement in informal education. In 2003 Claudio completed his MA in Peace and Development Studies, which focused on youth arts programs as a tool for conflict resolution. In 2002 he was awarded the Lones Matoub Prize for Conflict Resolution Initiatives. Nowadays he is developing an internet portal for youth on peace issues, in collaboration with a Palestinian colleague. 10 Essie Arbiv SALTO Trainer Essie started with Training as a volunteer at the age of 14 in a Youth Movement. Shehas a Batchelor of Education degree in Arts and