Package ‘binomen’ August 29, 2016 Title 'Taxonomic' Specification and Parsing Methods Description Includes functions for working with taxonomic data, including functions for combining, separating, and filtering taxonomic groups by any rank or name. Allows standard (SE) and non-standard evaluation (NSE). Version 0.1.0 License MIT + file LICENSE URL BugReports LazyLoad yes LazyData yes VignetteBuilder knitr Imports methods, stats, jsonlite, lazyeval, dplyr Suggests testthat, knitr, taxize RoxygenNote 5.0.1 NeedsCompilation no Author Scott Chamberlain [aut, cre] Maintainer Scott Chamberlain <
[email protected]> Repository CRAN Date/Publication 2015-12-07 22:17:54 R topics documented: binomen-package . .2 binomial . .3 gethier . .3 grouping . .4 make_taxon . .6 make_taxon_fromclass . .7 parts . .7 1 2 binomen-package pick .............................................9 pop ............................................. 10 rank_table . 11 scatter . 11 span............................................. 12 strain . 13 taxa ............................................. 14 taxon . 14 taxonref . 15 taxonrefs . 16 taxon_classes . 16 taxon_df . 17 Index 18 binomen-package Taxonomic class specification and parsing methods Description Taxonomic class specification and parsing methods Author(s) Scott Chamberlain <
[email protected]> Examples library("binomen") # operating on `taxon` objects out <- make_taxon(genus="Poa", epithet="annua", authority="L.", family='Poaceae',