The Forrester Wave™: In-Memory Database Platforms, Q3 2015 by Noel Yuhanna August 3, 2015
FOR ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE PROFESSIONALS The Forrester Wave™: In-Memory Database Platforms, Q3 2015 by Noel Yuhanna August 3, 2015 Why Read This Report Key Takeaways The in-memory database platform represents a SAP, Oracle, IBM, Microsoft, And Teradata new space within the broader data management Lead The Pack market. Enterprise architecture (EA) professionals Forrester’s research uncovered a market in which invest in in-memory database platforms to SAP, Oracle, IBM, Microsoft, and Teradata lead support real-time analytics and extreme the pack. MemSQL, Kognitio, VoltDB, DataStax, transactions in the face of unpredictable mobile, Aerospike, and Starcounter offer competitive Internet of Things (IoT), and web workloads. options. Application developers use them to build new The In-Memory Database Platform Market Is applications that deliver performance and New But Growing Rapidly responsiveness at the fastest possible speed. The in-memory database market is new but Forrester identified the 11 most significant growing fast as more enterprise architecture software providers — Aerospike, DataStax, professionals see in-memory as a way to address IBM, Kognitio, MemSQL, Microsoft, Oracle, their top data management challenges, especially SAP, Starcounter, Teradata, and VoltDB — in the to support low-latency access to critical data for category and researched, analyzed, and scored transactional or analytical workloads. them against 19 criteria. This report details how well each vendor fulfills Forrester’s criteria and Scale, Performance, And Innovation where the vendors stand in relation to each Distinguish The In-Memory Database Leaders other to meet next-generation real-time data The Leaders we identified offer high-performance, requirements. scalable, secure, and flexible in-memory database solutions.
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