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5468 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE April 4, 2001 1950s, including five of the first eight he earned a master’s degree from Syra- ON BEHALF OF THE 24 CREW MEM- titles in the history of the NBA. On cuse University and later on went to BERS HELD BY THE CHINESE five separate occasions, George Mikan Iowa State University in 1955 where he GOVERNMENT led the NBA in scoring. George Mikan completed the course work for a doc- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a is a charter member of the Naismith torate’s degree. Lu never wrote his dis- previous order of the House, the gen- Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame and sertation so he ended up with what tleman from Washington (Mr. LARSEN) the Professional Basketball Hall of people called an ABCD, that is, all but is recognized for 5 minutes. Fame. He was chosen one of the NBA’s the dissertation degree. Mr. LARSEN of Washington. Mr. 50 greatest players. Speaker, today I rise on behalf of the 24 But, Mr. Speaker, George Mikan’s ac- Lu Palmer then went on to have an outstanding career at the Chicago crew members held by the Chinese gov- complishments outside basketball are ernment. These brave men and women Daily Defender newspaper, the Chicago just as impressive and reflect perhaps are based at the Naval Air Station Courier, the Chicago American, the even greater determination. A success- Whidbey on Whidbey Island in Oak Chicago Daily News, and then estab- ful attorney, business owner and civic Harbor in my district in Washington lished his own paper, the Black X Ex- leader, George Mikan was the first State. commissioner of the American Basket- press, which he ran for several years. I first want to call on Beijing to re- ball Association. In that position, he He also taught for 20 years, from 1970 turn our honorable service men and once again helped revolutionize the to 1990 for the Association of American women home. Four days is long game of basketball by implementing Colleges and Universities of the Mid- enough. No, 4 days is too long. Our the three-point shot and other exciting west where he trained a large number service members need to be released changes. George Mikan has also over- of students to really understand urban immediately. come a great deal of difficulty in his life. Of course, Lu also worked at Second, I want to honor the families lifetime. Today, George is taking on a WBEE Radio and WVON Radio, was the of these crew members, both around very imposing opponent, the disease of editorial director for Congressman the country and in the Whidbey Island diabetes. Again, George Mikan is show- Ralph Metcalfe’s communication vehi- community of Oak Harbor where the ing great courage and determination cles and served as a public relations Naval Air Station is based. Their con- and is a true inspiration to us all. person for Michael Reese Hospital. He cern over the crew members is matched The original Mr. Basketball con- established the Black Business Net- only by their strength and their brav- tinues to make us proud. Today we sa- work, Chicago Black United Commu- ery. lute him for his public service, leader- nities, CBUC, which he operated for So not for my sake and not for the ship, inspiration and courage. Mr. several years, and BIPO, the Black sake of anyone in this Chamber, Mr. Speaker, George Mikan is a great Independent Political Organization. He Speaker, but for the sake of the moth- American and a legendary basketball established Menhelco, a mental health ers and the fathers, the sisters and the player. Please join me in honoring this program for boys who were suffering brothers, the sons and the daughters outstanding Minnesotan for his many from mental retardation which con- and the wives, it is time for the Chi- contributions to the game of basket- tinues to operate. nese government to return the crew ball and his many accomplishments off members to their families. It is time As much of a journalist as Lu was, he the court as well. George Mikan is for the Chinese government to return was really noted more for his commu- truly deserving of this special congres- the plane to the United States. sional recognition. nity action, community involvement, and was called upon to speak in col- f f leges and universities and banquets all CONGRATULATING UNIVERSITY OF TRIBUTE TO LU PALMER, CELE- over the country, as a matter of fact. ARIZONA WILDCATS ON THEIR BRATED RADIO AND PRINT He generally could not keep up. Plus he OUTSTANDING BASKETBALL JOURNALIST was very selective and did not just ac- SEASON The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a cept any speaking engagement. It had The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a previous order of the House, the gen- to be something that he called relevant previous order of the House, the gen- tleman from Illinois (Mr. DAVIS) is rec- and meaningful if he was to go. Lu was tleman from Arizona (Mr. SHADEGG) is ognized for 5 minutes. very actively involved in generating recognized for 5 minutes. Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I outrage when Mark Clark and Fred Mr. SHADEGG. Mr. Speaker, I rise to would just add my voice to the acco- Hampton were killed by the Chicago commend and pay tribute to the Uni- lades being given to George Mikan. He police, and later on was probably the versity of Arizona Wildcats on their did his college basketball playing and single most effective voice in the elec- outstanding basketball season. This is attended DePaul University, which is tion of Harold Washington for mayor of truly a special team which should be in my congressional district. I can tell the city of Chicago because Lu had a lauded for their courage and for their my friends from Minnesota that all of slogan and the slogan sort of said, ‘‘We effort in the face of very, very difficult Chicago and Illinois are indeed proud shall see in ’83,’’ meaning that that is circumstances, both on and off the of the accomplishments of George when the election was going to take court. Mikan and the people at DePaul Uni- place. Lu was called the drumbeat of As a U of A alum, I closely followed versity salivate every time they hear the African American community. Ev- their amazing story. The Wildcats’ vic- his name. I join your comments. erybody listened to his radio and ev- tory in entering the Final Four per- Mr. Speaker, I come to the floor this erybody pretty much waited for WVON fectly captured their great season. In a evening to pay tribute to one of our to come on in the evenings from 10 to rough and tumble fight, in a contest country’s most celebrated and most ef- 12 so that they could listen to ‘‘On Tar- that the Wall Street Journal described fective print and radio journalists, Mr. get’’ and Lu Palmer. as ‘‘equal parts rugby and hoops, with Latrell ‘‘Lu’’ Palmer who is retiring a little WWF thrown in,’’ the Wildcats and will be featured at a retirement Lu finally decided that it was time to triumphed over a physically gifted Uni- celebration on April 14 at the Reverend hang them up. He is about 80 years old versity of Illinois squad. After the Johnnie Coleman Complex, 119th and with diabetes and all the other things game, Illinois point guard Frank Wil- Loomis in Chicago. that would afflict one. But we would liams said, ‘‘We gave them our best Lu Palmer was born in 1922 in New- hope that he would put his memoirs to- punch and they survived it.’’ port News, Virginia, and attended its gether and that he would spend the rest Indeed, the University of Arizona schools there. He then went on to Vir- of his life writing and putting in voice Wildcat basketball team this year suf- ginia University and earned a bach- some renditions of that ‘‘We shall see fered a lot of punches, many thrown in elor’s degree in 1942. Later on, in 1947, in ’83.’’ their direction. Toughest of all, head VerDate Aug 04 2004 11:14 Feb 16, 2005 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00057 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR01\H04AP1.002 H04AP1 April 4, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 5469 coach Lute Olson suffered a blow on Unfortunately on Monday night, the Leader, reappoints William F. Winter, New Year’s Day, losing his beloved wife Wildcats came up short in their quest of Mississippi, to the Board of Trustees Bobbi to ovarian cancer. Known affec- for a second national championship. of the John C. Stennis Center for Pub- tionately by players and coaches and But even in defeat, they displayed the lic Service Training and Development, students at the U of A alike as Mrs. O, talent and grace of a championship effective October 11, 2000. Bobbi Olson was a special person. In team. The message also announced that fact, many considered her to be the pursuant to section 194(a) of title 14, b 1715 Wildcats’ sixth player. Famous for her United States Code, as amended by efforts on behalf of the team and the I want to congratulate Lute Olson. I Public Law 101–595, and upon the rec- university, her efforts in recruiting and want to congratulate all of the assist- ommendation of the Chairman of the her famous apple pancakes, Bobbi ant coaches. I want to congratulate the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Olson provided encouragement to the team for its great season, for its unself- Transportation, the Chair, on behalf of players and perspective to her husband.