◎ ABOUT THIS PROJECT ◎ This video is the culminating result of one of Shining Light’s most expansive programs, the Collaborative Arts Project. Incarcerated participants are invited to encourage and inspire thousands of their peers in prisons across the country through original artwork, created from prompts like “What I Wish You Knew” and “Hope In Hardship.” Pieces are then selected to be produced by professional artists/filmmakers and curated in a 60-minute video with supportive messages from public figures and former participants of the SL community who have since been released. These videos are then sent back into prisons for an uplifting facility-wide experience.

The final production “Creations of a Caged Bird, volume 2” will be distributed to partnering prisons to be played on TVs and individual electronic tablets in:

○ Pennsylvania ○ North Dakota ○ Ohio ○ Cook County Jail system () ○ South Carolina ○ Rikers Island Jails (NYC)


● “Man Up” p. 4 ● “Caught in the Silence” p. 9 ● “Reaching Out” p. 5 ● “Speaking to Society & p. 10 ● “What I Wish You Knew” p. 6 the Powers that Be” ● “Our Journey” p. 7 ● “Jump into your Destiny” p. 11 ● “My Life” p. 8 ● “Hope in Hardship” p. 12 ● “Caught in the Silence” p. 9 ● “Time in Heaven” p. 14

◦ Artist Bios: p. 15 - 21


It reminded me that there are many forms of incarceration- physical/mental. Also- pain is pain. It isn't about your ethnicity, or the language you speak, or rich or poor...pain is universal. We may mourn/grieve differently, but the pain remains the same. Our tears pour from the same ducts in our eyes because we have one Maker and Creator who hears the groans of His creation and bottles up our tears and quashes our fears. So I say, come one and all, gather around to hear the beautiful sound of why the caged bird sings- the caged bird sings because of the joy it brings to those nearby. Although inside he wants to cry, yet he chooses to be the reason why all within earshot smile and pop their fingers in cadence. If no one’s near to give an ear herein lies the fears and tears of the loneliness of being behind the tiny bars which reveal the mental soars. The bars and walls begin to close in. You no longer can feel a breeze or the wind in your plumage. The air is thin and stale. Lift the mask. Open your eyes. No longer are there blue skies. Joy and pain are all the same when there’s no relief from the grief of concealment. All is left as his tiny body grows cold in the memory of the warm embrace from his Father’s grace and HER! Caged so close yet so far. With prisons bound as the pendulum swings, no matter what you’ll always hear the caged bird sing.

I hope and pray this is a suitable adaptation of the sustained words of the tenacious singing bird.

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SYNOPSIS Luis (“Cheo”) reflected on what led him to incarceration and what motivates him now - supporting his family from the inside and working every day to get home to them. With audio clips from their video conference where Luis tapped out the beat for his song, recording artist Cellus created the foundation for the musical production of the final track, mixed with sound bites of their inspiring conversation.

FROM THE AUTHOR “It was like two, three o’clock in the morning when I wrote this. I couldn’t sleep...All this damage that I’ve caused, I used to beat myself up in my head like, ‘How can I change and make it better? How can I make it better?’ All I can do is make myself better and not make the same mistakes… It doesn’t matter if you’re doing ‘life’ or if you’re just doing a little time - just do something with your time.”


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SYNOPSIS: Puddy is a leader in his facility and a member of the Lifers Board, constantly finding ways to encourage younger men to find their purpose and leave prison for good. But he wasn’t always as grounded as he is today. In this piece, brought to life through creative animation, Puddy’s voice is heard reflecting on the difficulty of confronting a life sentence as a younger man, exploring how to survive day to day as a Lifer.

FROM THE AUTHOR: “Ladies and gentlemen- people on the outside, on the inside- I love each and every one of you… The title of my poem, and the experience I’ve gone through in 45 years in prison is called, ‘Reaching Out.’ I want this poem and my experience to reach all the people out there in society- all the people in prison. Religion? I don't care what your religion is, your faith, your hope, your families- we’re all in this together.”


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SYNOPSIS: David has never identified as a writer in the past, but it’s clear through his poem that he is exceptionally gifted in the art of finding truth and expressing it in beautiful and complex ways. He explores the power of light- when it’s present, when it’s not, and how it can allow a person to change course when shining in the right direction. Choreographer and dancer Quilan Arnold has his own movement language that adapts English to be interpreted through the whole body which he offers as an interpretation and an expression of David’s work.

FROM THE AUTHOR: “I’m fascinated by words. When I read, I read to see how a person will use their words in a way that they want to express themselves- and I really hold on to those moments when you can see somebody and their words can be so powerful that you see exactly what the person is saying. I’m really big on vivid imagery and I used to shy away from doing that and that kept me in the darkness. My identity wasn’t where it needed to be; I didn’t know who I was… When you are mistaken to be somebody that you know you’re not, you get the feeling you always have to prove yourself... It was very dark. I was in darkness, and God brought me to the light.”


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SYNOPSIS: and producer Stephanie Yu first worked with Rachel in 2016 on a Shining Light Impact Workshop. Since then, Rachel has been even more empowered to use her creativity to express pain and bring hope to others. This piece, written as a desperate yet powerful appeal to the teenage son of a friend who passed away, asks both him and all of us to persevere through our pain-- hope and renewal wait for us on the other side.

FROM THE AUTHOR: “There’s always a way up if you have the courage to take it - hour by hour, minute by minute. The future is unfathomable, there’s all those unknowns to reach for, tomorrow is a brand new clean slate. Your past makes you who you are. There’s nothing to be ashamed of - embrace it. Learn from it and leave it there… Not all hope is lost - there’s a brighter tomorrow.”

FEATURING: Stephanie Yu & Rosa Procaccino DIRECTORS: Stephanie Yu & Rosa Procaccino PRODUCED BY: Stephanie Yu ORIGINAL SCORE: Stephanie Yu VIDEOGRAPHY: Ted Buerkle

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SYNOPSIS: Michael wrote this piece knowing his release was upcoming, and he met with director Madeline Johnson in the weeks leading up to his out-date. For him, like many who are approaching release, the feeling is a mix of anticipation, tension, and hope. His piece explores what it means to be the individual living through each of these realities and choosing courage in the face of the unknown. *Michael was released in early May and is committed to finding stable connections, housing, and employment so he can add value to his community.

FROM THE AUTHOR: “I was in the thick of the hurricane, my life was just upside down. And at one point I would look back to what happened in my life and would kinda blame situations and things that happened, but then I realized that’s all part of life and the things that happened don’t make me. As a young youth, I didn’t have enough capacity to see that it was part of life… And now, I can rely on God and on other people to help whenever I’m going through something. I can’t do it on my own.”

FEATURING: Brandon Contreras DIRECTOR: Madeline Johnson CINEMATOGRAPHY: Zanza Steinberg EDITING: Madeline Johnson

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SYNOPSIS: Of all our writers, “M” was the only one we were unable to speak to directly. However, she and former team leader Joy Attmore did have meaningful correspondence through letters in which she expanded her creative vision, shared the personal resonance of her lyrics, and offered inspiration to the team that produced her work. Her song directs listeners away from their darker angels to stronger voices of resilience, hope, and triumph.

FROM THE AUTHOR: “My inspiration for ‘Caught in Silence’ came from everyday people I’ve met in my life, some who were good, some who were not. I came to realize that not only does God work through people, but so does the enemy...and sometimes telling the difference between the two can be tricky.”

ARRANGEMENT/VOCALS: Jennie Harney-Fleming DIRECTOR: Joy Attmore DANCER: Afra Hines VIDEOGRAPHY: Zanza Steinberg EDITING: Phillip Attmore

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SYNOPSIS: Carlos is introspective, sensitive, and ever supportive of those around him, but he wonders: Can strangers, or even those from his past see him as the man he is today? Through the voice of actor Richard Kingston, he speaks directly to you - the society he will someday rejoin - and asks you to do just that. Carlos is also a talented visual artist, and this piece features his original sketch, which was sent to the creative team to incorporate into the production.

FROM THE AUTHOR: “This was birthed in what I feel and how I view things. Sometimes I feel like even though I’m an inmate and I have a past, I feel like the world itself can be a little closed minded. Because how come (they) could move on with (their) life but when somebody looks at you because you have a past they only see you as that? I could say ‘Good morning!’ or ‘How are you?’ and sometimes their reaction is different from mine. I try to look at how the world reacts and try to put it together into a piece or whatever I’m trying to create.”

FEATURING: Richard Kingston DIRECTOR: Nina Law CINEMATOGRAPHY: Neville Braithewaite EDITING: Nina Law ORIGINAL SCORE: Ian Miller

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SYNOPSIS: Even in an environment filled with pain, where too many are sent to live out their time on earth, Calvin offers a vision of generational blessing from his own spiritual journey. Filmed in the region bordering Sing Sing State Correctional Facility in NY, Frank and his family demonstrate what flourishing looks like when it’s done together.

FROM THE AUTHOR: “I was in prayer and the Lord said ‘Jump!’ He said it was like a kangaroo. He’s telling me to jump into my density. And my time is now, I can feel it in my spirit. And may the Lord touch your heart so that you can look deeper.”

DIRECTOR: Madeline Johnson FEATURING: Frank Sr., Frank Jr., Dwight, and Emmanuel CINEMATOGRAPHY: Ralston Smith EDITING: Madeline Johnson

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SYNOPSIS: Leonard’s short film is a powerful allegory that reminds us all that no matter the battle raging within you, Hope can prevail even against the steepest odds. The scale of his script inspired the involvement of Attack Theatre in Pittsburgh, known for their inventive storytelling through movement. With screen actor Denver Taylor, Leonard’s team leader on a Shining Light Impact Workshop in 2018, all collaborators worked extensively together in their effort to show what overcoming can mean both within and without.

FROM THE AUTHOR: “You don’t have to be in jail to experience something. Pain can grind our emotions- you can feel sad, depressed, angry, not confident in yourself. You can't give into your feelings and your emotions, you have to persevere and the things you’re taught that you know are right… you can’t give up. You gotta fight.”

DIRECTOR/PRODUCTION DESIGN: Peter Kope WRITER: Leonard T. PRODUCERS: Attack Theatre, Shining Light SCREENPLAY ADAPTATION: Attack Theatre PERFORMERS: Simon Phillips, Denver Taylor CINEMATOGRAPHER: Joshua Sweeny MUSIC DIRECTOR: EDITOR/PROJECTION DESIGN: Dane Toney SOUND: Ben Peters, HearCorp 12 COLLABORATORS: Michele de la Reza, Peter Kope, Simon Phillips, Leonard T., Denver Taylor, Dane Toney, Sarah Zielinski MUSIC: Dave Eggar, Phil Faconti, Tanner Perry ADDITIONAL MUSIC: Will Cassell, James Bowman, Tom Pirozzi VOCALS: Tanner Perry GUITAR: Phil Faconti STRINGS/KEYS: Dave Eggar GUITAR/BASS/PROGRAMMING: Will Cassell BASS: Tom Pirozzi KEYS: James Bowman DRUMS: Mike Stephenson

"FALLING INTO BRAVERY" Written by Tanner Perry and Dave Eggar Performed by Tanner Perry

"WILL SONG" Written and Performed by Will Cassell and Dave Eggar Recorded by Mike Stephenson, Classic Recording, Bristol TN Original Score © 2021 Dave Eggar

MAKE-UP ARTIST: Elveeta Nelson FIGHT CARD DESIGN: Daniel Fleegle

SPECIAL THANKS: Len Ayers, Wesley Black, Jeff Bohn, Kelly Enck, Rebecca Himberger, Lindsey Kaine, Xander Kope, Allison Popieski, Angelica Richie, Anna Shabalov, Joshua Sweeny

This project was supported in part by the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, a state agency funded by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.

Filmed on location at Attack Theatre Studios - Pittsburgh, PA 13 “ ”


SYNOPSIS: Kenny wrote this song in 1994 after a personal tragedy, looking for hope and turning to God to find meaning and comfort. When he chose to share it with the Shining Light team for this project, it was clear that Jay and Michael’s musical deftness and ability to connect to joy through hardship were the right fit for this project. This expansive team made time to produce this work across the country and through professional milestones- all committed to bringing Kenny’s music to life.

FROM THE AUTHOR: “Those words, ‘Just passing through on my way to somewhere, I came upon this place.’ I was at that place and without the strength of God I would not have gotten through it… You go through life truly with one destiny, with one destination- we live to die, and it’s that second life, like - what we’re going to encounter when we cross to the other side.”

ARRANGEMENT: Michael Fisher, Jay Poff VOCALS: Michael Fisher, Joshua William Green, Jay Poff, Reji Woods RAP VOCAL/PERCUSSION: DeJuan Rosado aka Spoken Musik KEYS / ELECTRIC GUITAR: Douglas Thomas Smith BASS: Emmanuel Nsingani AUDIO ENGINEER: Anthony S. Guyer VIDEOGRAPHY: Keith Webb

Recorded at Forgotten Genre Productions


“MAN UP” CELLUS HAMILTON - Cellus is a hip-hop artist based in NYC. Since the age of 8 years old, he has shifted the culture. Raised in , the young artist was influenced by his mother, who was a buzzing hip-hop artist. In 2019, Hamilton released "Washing Her Feet" on his wedding day and the album peaked top 50 on the R&B charts. Cellus Hamilton currently resides in NYC with his wife.

“REACHING OUT” AIMEE SMYKE - Originally from Columbus, Ohio, Aimee Smyke moved to NYC in 2015 to pursue a BFA in Commercial Dance from Pace University. It is through dance and her time in undergrad that she discovered her love for animation and time-based art. After graduating Aimee moved to where she currently works as a professional dancer, animator, choreographer, and digital designer. She loves discovering new ways of integrating dance and animation.

MARIALENA DIFABBIO - Marialena is an NYC composer/sound designer, lyricist and writer. More of her work can be found at marialenadifabbio.com. Always an honor to work with the incredible artists and producers of Shining Light!

RACHEL TRACIE - Rachel serves on the board of Shining Light and is honored to be involved in this project. She has also been a theatre team leader for Shining Light Workshops and instructor for the Creative Lab Playwriting series. She currently works as Writing Coordinator and Instructor (Shakespeare & Playwriting) for the Prison Education Project in Southern and volunteers as a writing mentor for PEN America’s Prison & Justice Writing program.

ANGELICA RICHIE - Angelica is the Production Director for Shining Light and previous teaching artist in the disciplines of theater and dance. She studied musical theater at UCLA’s School of Theater, Film, and Television and has performed across the country in multiple national tours. She worked with the author of this piece in her first teaching placement with Shining Light in 2018 and was honored to collaborate with him again. 15 “WHAT I WISH YOU KNEW” QUILAN “CUE” ARNOLD - Quilan “Cue” Arnold (MFA) is a dance professional (dancer, choreographer, podcaster, producer, teacher) based out of Brooklyn, New York. He has been a member of companies such as Camille A. Brown and Dancers (NY), Rennie Harris Puremovement (PA), Abby Z and the New Utility (NY), and Enzo Celli Vivo Ballet (NY). As an educator Quilan currently serves as a faculty member at Hunter College, Peridance Capezio Center, Gibney Dance Center in . Quilan also hosts an online hip-hop class, “Get Groovy.” More at cue4christ.com

KYRSTEN ARNOLD - Kyrsten Arnold is a storyteller with a heart for underrepresented voices. She has been a champion for diversity and inclusion in media throughout her experiences in studio, agency, university, and corporate settings. Now a graduate from Bentley University with dual Bachelor's degrees in Film & Television and Business, Kyrsten is currently a freelance virtual assistant and videographer. However, she aspires to work in Film & TV Development to not only create content that impacts and inspires others but to also discover and nurture up-and-coming diverse storytellers.

PHILLIP ATTMORE - Phillip Attmore is an artist, catalyst and visionary who has been dancing, singing, and acting since the age of three. Broadway: Hello, Dolly!; Shuffle Along...; On The 20th Century; After Midnight; ’s White Christmas; Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. NYCC Encores!: I Married An Angel; Me and My Girl; Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. Tours/Regional: Phillip Attmore: Moments Musicaux; Fosse; Stormy Weather; . Film/TV: “So You Think You Can Dance”; “The Bold and the Beautiful”; “Judging Amy”; “Sisters”; “Silent Tongue”; “The Ellen DeGeneres Show”. Awards: Three-time Astaire Award Winner; ACCA Award Winner; ’s Breakout Performance Award Winner; NAACP Theatre Award Nominee.

16 “OUR JOURNEY” ROSA PROCACCINO - Rosa Procaccino is a bi-costal actor working in theatre, film, and television. She recently graduated from Northeastern University with a BA in Theatre and has taken various classes at Stella Adler Studio of Acting and HB Studios. She is a classically trained pianist and figure skater.

STEPHANIE YU - Violinist Stephanie Yu is a performer, collaborator, and educator based in Los Angeles. She holds a Bachelor and Master of Music from the . She has performed in venues across the and the world with iconic artists including: Royal Albert Hall, Kennedy Center, House, at Lincoln Center, , and Walt Disney Hall, Beyoncé, Chloe x Halle, Deadmau5, Jónsi, , , Spiritualized, The Who and more. As a DJ, she is a monthly resident for NTS Radio, a global radio platform with studios in , Los Angeles, Shanghai and Manchester. She is releasing a project called "Labor of Doves" in the summer of 2021.

“MY LIFE” MADELINE JOHNSON - Madeline Johnson is an award winning writer, director, producer, and editor with over eight years of experience crafting visual storytelling, managing projects, and leading teams. As a Sundance New Voices finalist, she developed an interactive narrative series that questions: "What could racial reconciliation look like in the United States?” A graduate of Yale University and FAMU, Madeline makes art to empower untold stories. madelinemjohnson.com (Director also for “Jump into your Destiny”)

BRANDON CONTRERAS - Brandon is a graduate of Pace University with a BFA in and a Minor in Dance. He is a proud member of Actors’ Equity Association. Television: Mr. Robot (USA), Awkwafina is Nora from Queens (Comedy Central). NEW YORK: Almost Famous (Pre-Broadway), Road Show (City Center Encores!), Jerry Springer: The Opera (The New Group), The Connector (NYTW), Our Lady of 121st Street (Off-Broadway), The Secret Garden (Developmental Lab), & The Hamilton (). He was also seen in the 1st National Tour of & has worked at multiple regional theaters around the country. He is also the co-creater, writer & executive producer of the sketch comedy platform, The Homo Sapien Experience (@TheHomoSapienExperience on all platforms).

17 “CAUGHT IN THE SILENCE” JOY ATTMORE - Joy Attmore is a writer, activist and the author of Broken By Beauty. She is currently the Global Care Director for Liberty Church, Director of Treasures NYC, and regular contributor for Iridescent Women. Joy has worked in the anti-human trafficking sector for over 14 years and began working with Shining Light in 2019 as a teaching artist. She is passionate about justice, creativity and anywhere with a good cup of tea!

JENNIE-HARNEY FLEMING - Broadway: Schuyler Sisters Standby (Hamilton), Nettie (The Color Purple). Off-Broadway: Pearl (Pearl Bailey) AUDELCO Nominee - Best Actress. National: Motown, the Musical. FILM: The Oz Project. Silent Night in the City. www.jenharney.com

AFRA HINES - Most recently seen performing in the Broadway musical Hadestown, Afra is a veteran performer with 8 Broadway credits to her name. She also spent a year on the First National Tour of HAMILTON (Angelica Tour) playing San Francisco and Los Angeles. Additionally, Afra was a Radio City Rockette for 7 years. You can see Afra in the miniseries Fosse/Verdon with Sam Rockwell and Michelle Williams, on FX. She lives in the Bronx with her husband, daughter, and two . @afrahines www.afrahines.com

“SPEAKING TO SOCIETY AND THE POWERS THAT BE” NINA LAW - Nina Law is an educator in both university and prison settings. As a graduate of Montclair State and UCLA, she is passionate about teaching performance while she stays involved with multiple disciplines, including acting, design and visual editing. Nina believes exploration of theatre arts not only provides a platform to express social issues, but also has the rehabilitative power to transform one’s self-narrative. While working with students, she encourages them to apply the skills learned from this practice – discipline, active listening, and clear communication of thoughts and feelings – towards personal development and navigation of daily life.

RICHARD KINGSTON - As far back as Richard Kingston remembers, he always wanted to be an actor. From an FBI agent, to Oberon the faerie king, and recently as The Creature/Adam in Frankenstein, Richard’s acting versatility is vast and admired. His experience also goes behind the camera, be it in videography, directing, fight choreography, scriptwriting, and composing for numerous projects. While his pursuits in doing voice-over full-time is paramount, Richard is promised success wherever he goes. 18 “JUMP INTO YOUR DESTINY” RALSTON SMITH - Ralston Smith is a multi disciplined content creator specializing in documenting stories around music, culture, social justice and entrepreneurship. He has worked with such as , Little Dragon, , and more. His work has been distributed or appeared in films/sites/networks such as the Oscar-winning documentary about , “Amy”, Magazine, Vice Records, NatGeo, PBS, and beyond. In 2015, Ralston was selected by Prince to be the only photographer to shoot his historic “Rally for Peace '' concert, as well as to direct and edit his lyric about police brutality, “Baltimore”.

“HOPE IN HARDSHIP” ATTACK THEATRE - Pittsburgh based and founded in 1994 as a collaboration between two dancers and a city, Attack Theatre fuses modern dance, original live music, and interdisciplinary art forms to create engaging dance performances. They create work at the intersection of art and community, resulting in productions that are personal, authentic, welcoming, and fearless.Attack Theatre builds community with artists and audiences through the process and production of personal, accessible dance-based performance. Blending varied art forms with dynamic contemporary dance, Attack Theatre creates passionate portrayals of everyday life.Through inherently collaborative and deliberately inter-dependent artistic and educational programs, Attack Theatre will continue to demonstrate its uniquely integrated approach to art and living to connect communities, artists and audiences in Pittsburgh and around the world.

SIMON PHILLIPS - Simon is originally from Macon, , where he began dance training primarily for recreation. He attended Kennesaw State University where he graduated with Bachelor degrees in Psychology and Dance, receiving the Who’s Who Among American Colleges & Universities award in 2017. He has worked nationally with notable dance companies, including Daniel Gwirtzman Dance Company, Staibdance, GloATL, Brazzdance Miami, Slowdanger, Staycee Pearl Dance Project, and has performed works of Bill T. Jones, Arnie Zane, and William Forsythe. Simon’s career brought him to Pittsburgh, where he has been dancing and teaching with Attack Theatre since 2017.

19 DENVER TAYLOR - Denver is excited to collaborate with Shining Light once again. From four workshops ago, to the recent virtual productions it has been an honor to connect, and create with those on the inside. Recent credits include: Herb Solow in The Creator, Martin Lawrence in SaltNPepa, and Frank in the NYC Summerfest’s Unentitled. In the incredibly insightful words of Bryan Stevenson, “I believe that each person is more than the worst thing they’ve ever done”.

PETER KOPE - Peter Kope is Co-Founder and Artistic Director of Attack Theatre. Peter began his dance career working with Dayton Contemporary Dance Company. He also toured internationally with Jacob Pillow’s “Men Dancers: The Ted Shawn Legacy.” Prior to founding Attack Theatre with his partner, Michele de la Reza, Peter danced with Pittsburgh-based Dance Alloy (Mark Taylor, Artistic Director) and NYC-based Perks DanceMusicTheatre (Rebecca Stenn, Artistic Director), creating and touring new works throughout the US with both companies for seven years. Together with Michele de la Reza, Peter is the recipient of three Pennsylvania Council on the Arts fellowships and the Hardie Educator of the Year award.

“TIME IN HEAVEN” JAY POFF - “My professional spiel would tell you I have performed internationally and domestically as a vocal and musical theatre artist...I’ve been in TV, Film, and Broadway, but I’m really just a down to earth native of AL (that lives in PA Amish country). I’m a husband to a singer and incredible researcher and music educator. One of my proudest efforts is being a father of two awesome boys. They are surrounded by music. As a son, I grew up learning a love of music dancing around my childhood home in AL with my mom. Music, and many genres of it, have always been a part of my life. It seemed natural for it to become my professional path and my venue for marketplace evangelism.” www.JayPoff.com

MICHAEL RAY FISHER - This is Michael Ray Fisher’s first time working with Shining Light and hopes that it definitely won’t be the last. He counts himself extremely blessed to have been a part of something so special. Living in New York he has performed everywhere from Broadway, National Tours and the High Seas. Special thanks to Jay Poff for bringing me along on this adventure.Be blessed!

20 EMMANUEL NSINGANI - A guitarist, bassist, and native of the Republic of the Congo, Emmanuel is from a musical family. Both of his parents were pastors with the Salvation Army, which hosted music camps that Emmanuel attended. He now lives in Harrisburg. Since he moved to the United States in 2014, he has used music as a tool for navigating a new country. Since then, he has been featured on WITF and named Best Jazz Artist of Central PA in 2020.

DOUGLAS SMITH - Douglas Smith (AKA Douglas Thomas) is a Lancaster-based keyboardist, , and genre-crossing multi-instrumentalist. He has two EPs (Trimmings and Gone to Seed) and is preparing an LP with his band The Interruption. Douglas draws on a wide range of influences from RnB, jazz, rock, folk, and pop. He has shared the stage with Rhett Miller, Justin Nozuka, and Justin Trawick among others, and has performed at World Cafe Live. www.douglasthomasmusic.bandcamp.com

DEJUAN ROSADO (AKA SPOKEN MUSIK) - A drummer, spoken word poet, hip hop artist, and multi-instrumentalist, DeJuan has been playing in churches and bands all his life. He recently released his first single, "Super Flyy," in anticipation of his album later this year, which drew positive reviews. It features a breezy flow and positive energy that serve both as a mission statement and something for the listener to aspire to.

THE INTERRUPTION - A project interrupted by circumstance, romance, and a pandemic, but nonetheless it perseveres. The debut album is expected in 2021 and explores themes of addiction, romance, and personal struggle. Songwriter Douglas Thomas assembled an all-star cast of musicians: Michael Fisher (vocals/arranging), Ben Weiss (vocals/rap/percussion), DeJuan Rosado (drums) and Emmanuel Nsingani (bass/guitar). Their music draws on classic RnB, hiphop, soul, and pop.


PENNSYLVANIA DEPT OF CORRECTIONS Rev. Ulli Klemm | Admin of Religion & Volunteer Services Maria Bivens | Press Secretary Administrators from our Five Partnering Prisons Chaplains & Social Services Staff

GUEST VOICES FROM THE COMMUNITY Marvin Lewis | Former Head Coach of the Cincinnati Bengals John Fetterman | Pennsylvania’s Lt. Governor JeRico Groves | Recently Released SL Participant Kurt Danysh | Recently Released SL Participant Dennis & Lee Horton | Recently Released SL Friends

OUR GENEROUS SUPPORTERS National Endowment for the Arts Pennsylvania Council on the Arts The Safrit Family Fund ◎ THANK YOU FOR WATCHING ◎

○ Co-hosts Kelly Enck & Naomi Blount-Wilson ○ Executive Director Jeff Bohn ○ Program Director Kelly Enck ○ Producer Angelica Richie ○ Editing & Design Jenny England ○ Communications Hannah Newman-Pan

Your support is essential to help us deliver programs like these that provide constructive activities and healthy human connection to men and women in prison, battling isolation and the oppression of negativity every day. To learn more about this and other programs, please visit our website!
