Republic of the Philippines REQUEST FOR QUOTATION Department of Agriculture Mode of Procurement BUREAU OF FISHERIES AND AQUATIC RESOURCES 0336-2020 BIDS AND AWARDS COMMITTEE (BAC) OFFICE SHOPPING (b) Km. 4, Brgy. Luna, Surigao City, Surigao Del Norte NP( Small Value Procurement) Tel No. (086) 826-1832 Email :
[email protected] NP(Lease of Real Property or Venue) Please check whichever is applicable Company Name PR No.: 2020-09-189 PHILGEPS Ref. No.: ____________________ Complete Company Address To whom it may concern: September 10, 2020 CANVASSER'S CERTIFICATION Please quote your lowest price/s on the lot or item/s listed below, subject to the General Conditions indicated herein, stating the shortest time of delivery and submit your This is to certify that I have full knowledge, authority and qutation duly signed by your official representative not later than September 18, 2020 to responsibility in distributing and/or guidelines in securing prices for the the address listed above. Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. Very truly yours, 2nd MATT T. ALCANTARA ANNA MELISSA M. TALAVERA AUTHORIZED CANVASSER BAC Chairman PLEASE QUOTE : PER ITEM/PER LOT SUPPLIER/CONTRACTOR/CONSULTANT DISPOSAL BOX APPROVED FINANCIAL PROPOSAL TECHNICAL PROPOSAL ITEM DESCRIPTION BUDGET OF (Indicate Price Offer) (Indicate Brand/Model Offer) . QTY UNIT . CONTRACT UNIT TOTAL YES NO (ABC) PRICE Item Description SURIGAO DEL NORTE LOT 1 Conduct training on Fishery Law Enforcement System for Selected 1 C/MFARMC of Caraga Region at San Francisco, Anao-aon,