Mrs. Ryland Dies for the First Time in Several Years Through and "Hamlet," According to Festival Although No Selection Has Been Made, September 5Th
WCWM Changing Frequency, William and Mary Station Moves to Campus Center The student-run radio station, WCWM, According to Smit h, WHRO initiated will change its frequency to avoid inter¬ dialogue with the College when comp¬ ference in the Williamsburg area with laints were received of interference in the WHRO-FM, a National Public Radio Sta¬ Williamsburg area and has borne the tion in Norfolk. expense of the change of WCWM from The College had hoped to complete the 89.1 to 90.7 on the FM dial. WHRO-FM is change this summer, said Kenneth E. located at 89.5 WHRO, said Smith, will NEWS Smith, Jr., associate dean of students for also underwrite advertising and public activities and organizations, but the pro¬ Tuesday, August 30,1983 Permit No. 26 announcements necessary to inform area cedure has taken longer than expected. Volume XII, Number 1 Non- Profit Organization residents when the move is completed. U.S. Postage PAID at Williamsburg, Va. The process of filing for permission with It is anticipated that the changeover for the Federal Communications Commission WCWM will be made during the Christmas is in progress. When completed, equip¬ ment at WCWM will have to be returned Continued on p. 4 Kresge Challenge Grant to manufacturers for retuning. To Aid Art Museum Project The Trustees of The Kresge Foundation October 21 of this year, marking the com¬ of Troy, Michigan, have announced the pletion of the first phase of the building's approval of a $200,000 challenge grant to development. Plans are already well the College to aid in construction of Phase underway for Phase II construction of an II facilities for the Joseph and Margaret 11,000-square-foot addition, which will Muscarelle Museum of Art.
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