book s book ‘Writing is just like being pursued by a shark. You move forward or you die.’ Passion, envy, jealousy and obsession. Best-selling novelist Val McDermids first collection of short stories draws on loves darkest consequences. She discusses her delicately-crafted tales of death with Tamzin Lewis. amous for her crime fiction, prose in the short story. So I was left the one-liner as opposed to a Val McDermid’s currency is in thinking, ‘all these bloody years I stand-up comic routine.” corpses. Poisoned, have crafted these sentences and Short stories provide ways for electrocuted, bludgeoned, no bugger has noticed’.” Val to exercise different voices. The and stabbed; Val’s bodies Like many crime novelists, Val Writing on the Wall is told through Fstack up like bullion in the bank. Short feels that her prose style is often conversations scrawled on a toilet story collection Stranded rewards overlooked, as her books are wall. Keeping on the Right Side of Biography readers with murder in bite-sized chunks. classed by the literary the Law is written in the vernacular But these killings are in no sense establishment as “genre fiction”. of a Manchester criminal. Val , left, describes herself as a gratuitous. Stranded’s stories are deeply She jokes that rather than dividing “Some narrators couldn’t sustain ‘working class kid come emotional. books into sci-fi, horror, romance a novel. Others, you wouldn’t want good’. She grew up in Fife Val says: “Death and murder are part of and crime, novels should be in your head for the length of time it and, like Gordon Brown, was our lives.
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