Phylogeography of a Holarctic Rodent (Myodes Rutilus): Testing High

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Phylogeography of a Holarctic Rodent (Myodes Rutilus): Testing High Journal of Biogeography (J. Biogeogr.) (2014) ORIGINAL Phylogeography of a Holarctic rodent ARTICLE (Myodes rutilus): testing high-latitude biogeographical hypotheses and the dynamics of range shifts Brooks A. Kohli1,2*, Vadim B. Fedorov3, Eric Waltari4 and Joseph A. Cook1 1Department of Biology and Museum of ABSTRACT Southwestern Biology, University of New Aim We used the Holarctic northern red-backed vole (Myodes rutilus)asa Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131-1051, USA, 2 model organism to improve our understanding of how dynamic, northern Department of Natural Resources and the Environment, University of New Hampshire, high-latitude environments have affected the genetic diversity, demography and Durham, NH 03824-3534, USA, 3Institute of distribution of boreal organisms. We tested spatial and temporal hypotheses Arctic Biology, University of Alaska Fairbanks, derived from previous mitochondrial studies, comparative phylogeography, pal- Fairbanks, AK 99775-7000, USA, 4Department aeoecology and the fossil record regarding diversification of M. rutilus in the of Biology, City College of New York, Palaearctic and Beringia. New York, NY 10031, USA Location High-latitude biomes across the Holarctic. Methods We used a multilocus phylogeographical approach combined with species distribution models to characterize the biogeographical and demo- graphic history of M. rutilus. Our molecular assessment included widespread sampling (more than 100 localities), species tree reconstruction and population genetic analyses. Results Three well-differentiated mitochondrial lineages correspond to geo- graphical regions, but nuclear genes were less structured. Multilocus divergence estimates indicated that diversification of M. rutilus was driven by events occurring before c. 100 ka. Population expansion in all three clades occurred prior to the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and presumably led to secondary contact. Species distribution modelling predicted a broad LGM distribution consistent with population and range expansion during this period. Main conclusions The biogeographical history of M. rutilus differs from other boreal forest-associated species. Well-differentiated clades and the exis- tence of secondary contact zones indicate prolonged isolation and persistence in Eurasian and Beringian refugia. Dynamic demographic and distributional changes emphasize the impact of pre-LGM glacial–interglacial cycles on con- temporary geographical structure. The Bering Strait was not a significant factor in the diversification of northern red-backed voles. *Correspondence: Brooks A. Kohli, Department of Natural Resources and the Keywords Environment, University of New Hampshire, Beringia, boreal mammals, contact zone, Eurasian Pleistocene refugia, historical 56 College Road, Durham, NH 03824-3534, USA. demography, Holarctic, range-wide phylogeography, species distribution modelling, E-mail: [email protected] species tree. cycles having increased in intensity and frequency in the late INTRODUCTION Pleistocene (Hofreiter & Stewart, 2009; Miller et al., 2010). In northern high latitudes, recent environmental changes During cold periods, much of North America and Europe have greatly influenced species’ distributions and genetic were ice-covered, low sea levels exposed more land, and diversity (Webb & Bartlein, 1992). During the Quaternary, regional climate patterns changed (Hopkins, 1967), altering climatic oscillations led to shifting landscapes, with glacial species distributions and community structure (Hofreiter & ª 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1 doi:10.1111/jbi.12433 B. A. Kohli et al. Stewart, 2009). Some regions were ice-covered for extended forest species, M. rutilus is also more commonly found in shrub periods (e.g. Canada and Scandinavia), whereas others expe- tundra than most taiga mammals (Gromov & Polyakov, 1977). rienced more localized montane glaciations or remained ice- Fossil and genetic studies support an Asian origin of free (e.g. northern Asia; Glushkova, 2001; Ehlers & Gibbard, M. rutilus during the Pleistocene (Gromov & Polyakov, 2007). 1977; Cook et al., 2004). In North America, the absence of For many boreal species, isolation in multiple glacial refu- fossils until the Holocene and an extensive contact zone with gia facilitated divergence and contributed to increased the southerly M. gapperi suggests late-Pleistocene coloniza- genetic diversity on a continental scale (Hewitt, 2004a; tion eastwards through Beringia (Rausch, 1963). Populations Stewart et al., 2010). Refugial populations were important spanning the Bering Strait exhibit close genetic relationships, sources for the recolonization of large geographical areas although Asian populations are more structured (Frisman after the glaciers receded. Large unglaciated regions (e.g. et al., 2002; Iwasa et al., 2002; Cook et al., 2004). Previous Beringia) were characterized by habitat heterogeneity, which studies were limited, however, in their geographical scope, led to isolation and in situ diversification and/or provided a number of genetic loci and sample size. conduit for dispersal (Hopkins et al., 1982; Waltari et al., Northern red-backed voles are of interest for numerous evo- 2007; Galbreath et al., 2011). Compared with the relative lutionary and epidemiological reasons. Near the edges of its wealth of knowledge about mammalian biogeographical range, introgression has been documented between M. history in Europe and North America, the intervening Asian rutilus and two mostly parapatric congeners: M. gapperi in region is under-studied; considering its immense span and North America (Runck et al., 2009) and M. glareolus in Eurasia largely ice-free status during Quaternary glacial cycles, (Tegelstrom,€ 1987; Deffontaine et al., 2005). Temporal esti- however, north-central Asia must have played a critical role mates of these events generally coincide with post-glacial in structuring high-latitude biodiversity (Tarasov et al., 2000; expansion after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), supporting Ehlers & Gibbard, 2007; Binney et al., 2009). the role of environmental change in hybridization. A dynamic Two alternative historical biogeographical models have history of exchange among species of Myodes also has implica- emerged from the relatively few phylogeographical studies of tions for the evolution and persistence of zoonotic pathogens Asian boreal and Arctic mammals. The first consists of recent (Dekonenko et al., 2003; Dragoo et al., 2006; Haukisalmi et al., widespread expansion from a single refugium, with limited 2007) and host–parasite coevolution (Hoberg et al., 2012). contemporary genetic differentiation across Asia or the Hol- We used range-wide, multilocus molecular analyses and arctic; this history is observed in many northern taiga (for- species distribution models (SDMs) to explore how the envi- est) species (Fedorov et al., 2008; Korsten et al., 2009). A ronmental history of the northern high latitudes shaped the contrasting model entails genetic structure partitioned genetic diversity, demographics and distributions of boreal among geographical subregions and often delineated by con- organisms. Previous phylogeographical assessments of boreal temporary contact zones, a signal indicative of deep histori- species, the fossil record and palaeoecological reconstructions cal subdivision (Brunhoff et al., 2003; Fedorov et al., 2003; provide a basis for spatial and temporal hypotheses set in the Galbreath & Cook, 2004). This second hypothesis postulates Palaearctic and Nearctic/Beringia. multiple refugia, such as those identified in Europe or Berin- Hypothesis 1 (H1): Palaearctic biogeographical history gia, contributing to the recolonization of Eurasia. This model H1a – The current Palaearctic distribution of M. rutilus is has primarily been described for tundra and grassland species due to geographical expansion from a single LGM refugium (Fedorov et al., 1999a; Brunhoff et al., 2003; Hope et al., in western Asia or Europe, as hypothesized for widespread 2011). A few putative Asian refugia also have been inferred Eurasian mammals (Korsten et al., 2009). Populations across based on fossils, palaeoecological reconstructions, and com- Eurasia are predicted to display little to no phylogenetic parative molecular studies, most notably in the Ural Moun- structure, low genetic diversity, signals of population expan- tains and northern Mongolia (Markova et al., 1995; Tarasov sion after the LGM, and greatly restricted LGM distribution et al., 2000; Todisco et al., 2012), and south-east Siberia and compared to their current range. the Amga River basin (Fedorov et al., 2008; Hope et al., H1b – Populations of M. rutilus were isolated in multiple 2011). Spatially extensive phylogeographical studies of Hol- Eurasian refugia and subsequently expanded to their present arctic species are, however, needed to validate the hypothe- continuous Palaearctic distribution. Initial divergence may sized refugia and to clarify temporal aspects of diversification correspond to the LGM or an earlier glacial period, as seen and expansion. in other northern mammals (Fedorov et al., 1999a; Brunhoff et al., 2003; Hope et al., 2011). Predictions associated with this multiple Eurasian refugia (MER) hypothesis and isola- Study species and hypotheses tion over long periods include the presence of two or more Holarctic species provide unparalleled insight into biogeo- lineages in Eurasia that may have diverged and expanded graphical processes and we present range-wide analyses of the
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    Lemmings One true lemming, as well as several closely related species commonly called lemmings, lives in Alaska. Distinguishing one from the other, or even lemmings from voles, is difficult. Many of the small rodents in the north have a similar appearance, especially during the summer months. The information below will help to identify lemming species in the field, but positive identification can be made only with the help of a mammalogy expert, text or field guide which gives detailed information on tooth structure and skull conformation. The brown lemming, Lemmus trimucronatus, is the only true lemming in Alaska. Brown lemmings inhabit open tundra areas throughout Siberia and North America. They live in northern treeless regions, usually in low-lying, flat meadow habitats dominated by sedges, grasses and mosses. Their principal summer foods are tender shoots of grasses and sedges. During the winter they eat frozen, but still green, plant material, moss shoots, and the bark and twigs of willow and dwarf birch. There is some evidence that brown lemmings are cannibalistic when food is scarce. True lemmings, the largest of the various lemming species, range from 4 to 5½ inches (100 to 135 mm) in length, including a 1 inch (12 to 26mm) tail. Adults weigh from just over an ounce to 4 ounces (40 to 112 g) but average 2¾ ounces (78 g). These lemmings are heavily furred, grayish or brownish above and buffy beneath, and are stockily built. They are well-adapted for their rigorous climate with short tails and ears so small they are almost hidden by fur.
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