Scottish ~Aw Commission Mobbing~Nd Rioting
If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at ~ , '- I' I '.'(;;':' I, ' ClI,. St--tJ /J,:;y.,Yf , ., ,~ c . \1"' " Scottish_~aw Commission ,The Commission would be grate:ful if comments on t.his =,.*= Consultative Memorandum ~ere submitted by 1: November 1984. All correspondence should be add.ressed to - CONSULTATIVE. MEMORANDUM NO. 60 Mrs A Cowan .,Sco,ttish Law Commission 140 causew~yside' Edinburgh Mobbing~nd Rioting ERg 1PR ".'. (Telephone: " r 95045 JUNE 1984 , '0. IJ~S. Departmentof Justice National Institute of Justice This' document has been reproduced exactly as received from the pe~~?n ~r organization originating it. Points of view Or Opinions stated 10 Is ocumen~ ~re tho,s,e of the authors and do not necessaril ~:i~~~nt the official posItion or pOlicies of the National Institute J Permission to reproduce this c';,pyrighted material has b'e' e granted by , " ' . n I Scottish Law CommiSSion ,to the National Criminal Justice Referenc~ Serylce (NCJRS). ~ , . I Consultative Memorandum is published for ~~~~~rth~~~~~~~~r ~~~s~~e of the NCJRS system requires perm is- " ,\ment and 'criticism and does not represent 1inal views of the Scottish Law Commission 1 ~ . p ;;~.,. rJ. _: IIJP !.;.II,I."m~~~,;!U~~_· ._-.=:=.:. -.~~=== .~~ , ::: :.-~ .;±,b~_ ~ ______.'~_~ __.....--. ____________ .-.~~ ........... ~.......3r....L---..... ........................... ...;;....;.;;;. ......................................... """"":"' ________-"",-~_-""",:-"",,:,-,--_~~ ___~ __~_~_~ _____~ __ ~ __,, __" ' I -.. ---.~'--.-- -.~~---~~-,..------,------~ (, r o 1.1:' CONTENTS PART ?ara. Page .1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 1 CONSULTATIVE. MEMORANDUM NO .. 60 II THE PRESENT LAW 2'.1 3 MOBBING AND;RI OTING Numbers 2.7 7 ,Purpose 2~9 8 I) PART I INTRODtJ'CT,ION The degree of violence /#.
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