School of Computing Blekinge Institute of Technology Three Tales of Dominant Technological Artifacts Tracing the Paths from Success to Domination of Software Applications with the Help of Latour's Actor-Network-Theory and Bourdieu's Capital Theory Peter Harengel Thesis submitted for completion of Master of Science (60 credits) Main field of study: Computer Science Specialization: Informatics May 2011 School of Computing Blekinge Institute of Technology SE-371 79 Karlskrona Sweden This thesis is submitted to the School of Computing at Blekinge Institute of Technology in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science (60 credits) in Computer Science with specialization in Informatics. The thesis is equivalent to 10 weeks of full time studies. Contact Information: Author(s): Peter Harengel Address: Thalkirchner Str. 88, 80337 München, Germany E-mail:
[email protected] University advisor(s): Prof. Per Flensburg, PhD University West School of Computing Internet : Blekinge Institute of Technology Phone : +46 455 38 50 00 SE-371 41 Karlskrona Fax : + 46 455 38 50 57 Sweden ii ABSTRACT [Domination in the software application industry has been an issue since its early years. But how do these situations of market domination come into existence? This thesis discusses conventional approaches towards understanding market domination and their inherent weaknesses. As a result a new understanding, based on Actor- Network-Theory and Capital Theory unfolds, which achieves the uncovering of a much deeper complexity on how market domination comes into existence:] Context. How to deal with domination in software application markets has been a looming question over the IT industry.