Pricing *, Pool and Payment ** Due Dates - 2020 Mideast Marketing Area Federal Order No. 33

Class & Market Administrator Payment Dates for Producer Milk Component Final Pool Producer Advance Prices Payment Dates Final Payment Due Partial Payment Due Pool Prices * Release Date Payrolls Due & Pricing Factors * PSF, Admin., MS Cooperative Nonmember Cooperative Nonmember January 5 , 2019 ** February 18 ** February 18 ** ** January 27 ** February 4 ** March 16 March 1 April 13 ** May 18 ** ** April 27 ** May 3 April 22 ** May 26 June 1 July 5 June 17 ** August 17 ** August 17 ** July 27 ** August 2 July 22 September 13 ** ** October 4 ** November 16 ** October 26 November ** December , 2021 , 2021 , 2021 , 2021 ** January 19, 2021 ** ** December 28 **

* If the release date does not fall on the 5th (Class & Component Prices) or 23rd (Advance Prices & Pricing Factors), the most current release preceding will be used in the price calculation. ** If a date required for a payment contained in the Federal Milk Order falls on a Saturday, Sunday or National Holiday, such payment will be due on the next day that the Market Administrator's office is open for public business.