Bigbig Sursur
CalCal PolyPoly -- PomonaPomona GeologyGeology ClubClub SpringSpring 20032003 FFieldield TTriprip BigBig SurSur David R. Jessey Randal E. Burns Leianna L. Michalka Danielle M. Wall ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors of this field guide would like to express their appreciation and sincere thanks to the Peninsula Geologic Society, the California Geological Survey and Caltrans. Without their excellent publications this guide would not have been possible. We apologize for any errors made through exclusion or addition of trip field stops. For more detailed descriptions please see the following: Zatkin, Robert (ed.), 2000, Salinia/Nacimiento Amalgamated Terrane Big Sur Coast, Central California, Peninsula Geological Society Spring Field Trip 2000 Guidebook, 214 p. Wills, C.J., Manson, M.W., Brown, K.D., Davenport, C.W. and Domrose, C.J., 2001, LANDSLIDES IN THE HIGHWAY 1 CORRIDOR: GEOLOGY AND SLOPE STABILITY ALONG THE BIG SUR COAST, California Department of Conservation Division of Mines & Geology, 43 p. 0 122 0 00' 122 0 45' 121 30 Qal Peninsula Geological Society Qal G a b i Qt la Field Trip to Salina/Nacimento 1 n R S a A n L Big Sur Coast, Central California I g N qd A e S R Qt IV E Salinas R S a lin a s Qs V Qal 101 a Qs Monterey Qc lle Qt Qp y pgm Tm Qm Seaside pgm EXPLANATION Qt Chualar Qp Qt UNCONSOLIDATED Tm pgm SEDIMENTS Qp Carmel Qal sur Qs Qal Alluvium qd CARMEL RIVER Tm Qal Point sur Qs Dune Sand Tm Lobos pgm 0 S 0 36 30 ie ' r 36 30' pgm ra Qt Quaternary non-marine d CARMEL e S terrace deposits VALLEY a Qal lin a Qt Pleistocene non-marine Tm pgm s Qc 1 Tm Tula qd rcit Qp Plio-Pleistocene non-marine qd os F ault Qm Pleistocene marine Terrace sur sur deposits qd Tm COVER ROCKS pgm qd Tm Monterey Formation, mostly qm pgm qm pgm marine biogenic and sur pgm clastic sediments middle to qdp sur qd late Miocene in age.
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