Te Deum Laudamus from the Morning, Evening and Communion Service in B Flat, Charles Villiers Stanford Op
Te Deum Laudamus From the Morning, Evening and Communion Service in B flat, Charles Villiers Stanford Op. 10, 1878 Trumpet and timpani parts added by David Cameron, 2002 Trumpet 1 Trumpet 2 Timpani in B flat, F, & E flat SOPRANO We praise thee, O ALTO We praise thee, O TENOR We praise thee, O BASS We praise thee, O ORGAN 10 Tpt 1 Tpt 2 Timps cres. S God, we ac - know - ledge thee to be the Lord, all the earth doth wor- ship thee, the cres. A God, we ac - know - ledge thee to be the Lord, all the earth doth wor- ship thee, the cres. T God, we ac - know - ledge thee to be the Lord, all the earth doth wor- ship thee, the cres. B God, we ac - know- ledge thee to be the Lord, all the earth doth wor- ship thee, the cres. Gt. Arrangement copyright © 2016 CPDL 2 Stanford: Te Deum Laudamus 18 Tpt 1 Tpt 2 Timps S Fa- ther ev-- er last- ing. the heav'ns and A Fa- ther ev-- er last - ing. the heav'ns and T Fa- ther ev-- er last- ing. To thee all an gels cry a- loud. the heav'ns and B Fa- ther ev-- er last- ing. To thee all an gels cry a- loud. the heav'ns and dim. 27 Tpt 1 Tpt 2 cres. cres. S all the powers there - in, to thee che-- ru bin and Se ra phin con --- tin-- ual ly do cres. A all the powers there - in, to thee che-- ru bin and Se-- ra phin con - tin-- ual T all the powers there- in, con - B all the powers there - in, Sw.
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